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The us government


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This book has some great ideas. Such as make all car batteries a standard size, shape, etc. This way you could drive more than 60 miles by using a service station as a battery swap station instead of for fuel. You would drive in, for a small fee they would remove your battery and replace it with a fully charged battery and you would continue on.

That is a brilliant idea, if you could make the batteries rechargable (sort of like a normal car battery then) then no waste is produced. You would have to create more power stations though in order to supply the new energy demand, but if these idiots would just sort out their act with the renewable energy resources then it wouldn't be a problem. The Thame Barrier could be used as a tidal energy producer when not in use for protecting London from flooding. America could use all the dustbowl areas for energy production as well.

Is it not sad, Horatio, that some of these ideas are here, ready to be used, but people are not taking them and taking responsibilty for the future of the human race? (sounds dramatic, but true)

We are already too late. We should have been developing these alternate form of energies long ago. It will take young people to influence adults and shame them into protecting the environment for their children.

But the arrogance and ignorance of youth prevents this from happening. Too many people are in the "here and now," when we need the "here in the future." Most of the population thinks that they have no control over what is going on, but if we just "join hands and sing," we CAN make a differance. The future isn't set, we make it as we go. It seems we have no plans though, and you can't make something without a plan.

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This book has some great ideas. Such as make all car batteries a standard size, shape, etc. This way you could drive more than 60 miles by using a service station as a battery swap station instead of for fuel. You would drive in, for a small fee they would remove your battery and replace it with a fully charged battery and you would continue on.

That is a brilliant idea, if you could make the batteries rechargable (sort of like a normal car battery then) then no waste is produced. You would have to create more power stations though in order to supply the new energy demand, but if these idiots would just sort out their act with the renewable energy resources then it wouldn't be a problem. The Thame Barrier could be used as a tidal energy producer when not in use for protecting London from flooding. America could use all the dustbowl areas for energy production as well.

Is it not sad, Horatio, that some of these ideas are here, ready to be used, but people are not taking them and taking responsibilty for the future of the human race? (sounds dramatic, but true)

We are already too late. We should have been developing these alternate form of energies long ago. It will take young people to influence adults and shame them into protecting the environment for their children.

But the arrogance and ignorance of youth prevents this from happening. Too many people are in the "here and now," when we need the "here in the future." Most of the population thinks that they have no control over what is going on, but if we just "join hands and sing," we CAN make a differance. The future isn't set, we make it as we go. It seems we have no plans though, and you can't make something without a plan.

You need to read this book, Over a Barrel A Simple Guide to the Oil Shortage by Tom Mast. When you see how limited oil is, how fast we are using the world's supply, how changed our lives will be without oil if we have not found an alternative source and how we are already too late, but we can do something if we act now, then you will understand why some people are looking beyond the here and now. Unfortunately not enough people care and as you say can't see past today. This is the same as saving for retirement. You are never too young to start saving for retirement. *goes off to rant in another topic*

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  • 4 months later...

*maximum bumpage*

WHHEEEEEE! Anyway, a new issue is in hand. The US Government has finally made a major mess (major when compared to the other messes it makes on a daily basis). Lebanon. And Israel. You can guess what is coming. I'll take you through the details.


I wake up.

*random awake stuff*

Get in the car and travel to York. Put the Radio on to BBC Radio 4 (Intelligent Speech and Debate). The news is on. Headlines;

Lebanon crisis

GlaxoSmithKline produces [possible] cure for Avian Bird Flu

UK specific stuff

John Humphrys (news reader and all round broadcaster and presenter) announces recent developments in Lebanon including the Israelis refusing to ceasefire on the UN convoy taking medical goods and such to Lebanon. he then announces that they are going to Rome to broadcast the live speeches made by Italian Prime Minister Prodi (he is a good man, better than the fascist Berlusconi), Kofi Annan and Condi Rice. Prodi preaches for peace and goodwill across the whole of the Middle East and makes a slight stab at Syria and Iran for backing Hezbollah. Kofi comes on in all his power, glory, blah, blah blah and goes and makes the office of Secretary General proud by going for the Philantropist options. Condi takes the stage. Waffles a bit. But the message is clear to everyone paying attention; "Israel can set fire to Lebanon for all we care."

*random stuff up to this point*

So, Condi preaching goodwill and hope to all people who are American, but you can all go die Lebanese. Which is what they are saying, no calls for ceasefire only "We will give the Israeli's enough time to complete their necessary operations." Which could be 10,000 years for all you know Bush. So until the US Government sorts things out, Lebanon is going to remain on fire until Iran decides that maybe now is the time to test those shiny new missiles (possibly nuclear) on a test target like Iran.


Anyone want to take sides here and express their opinion?


Personally, I have gone for the Philanthropy route. Which is best to be honest.

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*maximum bumpage*

WHHEEEEEE! Anyway, a new issue is in hand. The US Government has finally made a major mess (major when compared to the other messes it makes on a daily basis). Lebanon. And Israel. You can guess what is coming. I'll take you through the details.


I wake up.

*random awake stuff*

Get in the car and travel to York. Put the Radio on to BBC Radio 4 (Intelligent Speech and Debate). The news is on. Headlines;

Lebanon crisis

GlaxoSmithKline produces [possible] cure for Avian Bird Flu

UK specific stuff

John Humphrys (news reader and all round broadcaster and presenter) announces recent developments in Lebanon including the Israelis refusing to ceasefire on the UN convoy taking medical goods and such to Lebanon. he then announces that they are going to Rome to broadcast the live speeches made by Italian Prime Minister Prodi (he is a good man, better than the fascist Berlusconi), Kofi Annan and Condi Rice. Prodi preaches for peace and goodwill across the whole of the Middle East and makes a slight stab at Syria and Iran for backing Hezbollah. Kofi comes on in all his power, glory, blah, blah blah and goes and makes the office of Secretary General proud by going for the Philantropist options. Condi takes the stage. Waffles a bit. But the message is clear to everyone paying attention; "Israel can set fire to Lebanon for all we care."

*random stuff up to this point*

So, Condi preaching goodwill and hope to all people who are American, but you can all go die Lebanese. Which is what they are saying, no calls for ceasefire only "We will give the Israeli's enough time to complete their necessary operations." Which could be 10,000 years for all you know Bush. So until the US Government sorts things out, Lebanon is going to remain on fire until Iran decides that maybe now is the time to test those shiny new missiles (possibly nuclear) on a test target like Iran.


Anyone want to take sides here and express their opinion?


Personally, I have gone for the Philanthropy route. Which is best to be honest.

When I listen to news on the Middle East, I am so sad at the mess.

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It is very saddening. I'm not condoning what Hezbollah or Palestine's actions (Hamas = Terrorists. You get the opprtunity of a government and you elect the group most likely to make you into a dictatorship. How sensible), but Israel's actions have been completely disproprtionate to the crimes. And the problem is Israel will not cease hostilities unless the USA says so. We've condemned (something good for a change has been done by the Foreign Office) it, France has condemned it, Germany has condemned it. That is the "Big Three" of European and indeed world politics right there. And yet Israel says it would accept a European peace force in Southern Lebanon. No mentioning of when it might stop shelling Southern Lebanon.


Not that Iran has the moral high ground over the USA. The president is a Nazi who wants to wipe Israel off teh face of the earth and denies the holocaust ever took place and it has gotten to the stage where a teenage girl is hung for "crimes against chastity." Syria is a terrorist's dreamland and Iraq is on fire all of the time. The only places doing remotely well are on the fringes of the Middle East. Turkey, Dubai, Kuwait and such.

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It is very saddening. I'm not condoning what Hezbollah or Palestine's actions (Hamas = Terrorists. You get the opprtunity of a government and you elect the group most likely to make you into a dictatorship. How sensible), but Israel's actions have been completely disproprtionate to the crimes. And the problem is Israel will not cease hostilities unless the USA says so. We've condemned (something good for a change has been done by the Foreign Office) it, France has condemned it, Germany has condemned it. That is the "Big Three" of European and indeed world politics right there. And yet Israel says it would accept a European peace force in Southern Lebanon. No mentioning of when it might stop shelling Southern Lebanon.


Not that Iran has the moral high ground over the USA. The president is a Nazi who wants to wipe Israel off teh face of the earth and denies the holocaust ever took place and it has gotten to the stage where a teenage girl is hung for "crimes against chastity." Syria is a terrorist's dreamland and Iraq is on fire all of the time. The only places doing remotely well are on the fringes of the Middle East. Turkey, Dubai, Kuwait and such.

The fighting needs to stop. Terrorism must be stopped. My fear is that the situation in the Middle East is going to get worse before it gets better. No one wants to be the first side to stop the fighting.

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How unfortunate that we cannot all just get along...



I am so upset with the condition of the world today, but I have to admit, it makes for a heated conversation.

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What makes things worse, many people do terrorist acts, killing innocent people, in the name of religion. :(

i see no point in that...

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What makes things worse, many people do terrorist acts, killing innocent people, in the name of religion. :(

i see no point in that...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


I agree. >_O


*~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*

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As much as I... disliked the invasion of Iraq or rather the reasons given for it, I would not be strongly opposed to an invasion of Iran. Provided we went sensibly about it. Iran is out of control, ever since... well actually, all they have done is exchange a pro-Western dictator for a religously driven despot. Nothing in the Middle East can be done until the people who posion the hearts and minds of innocents are stopped. Nationalism has never done anything for anyone, and nor has been religously driven. (before we get all angry, I mean religously driven as in... religous patriotism)


No one is paying any attention to Iran I notice while they procede with the nuclear program...

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As much as I... disliked the invasion of Iraq or rather the reasons given for it, I would not be strongly opposed to an invasion of Iran. Provided we went sensibly about it. Iran is out of control, ever since... well actually, all they have done is exchange a pro-Western dictator for a religously driven despot. Nothing in the Middle East can be done until the people who posion the hearts and minds of innocents are stopped. Nationalism has never done anything for anyone, and nor has been religously driven. (before we get all angry, I mean religously driven as in... religous patriotism)


No one is paying any attention to Iran I notice while they procede with the nuclear program...

I think people are watching, but afraid to do anything. The nuclear program has caught the attention of many people, but I think no one is quite sure what to do. Don't forget North Korea.

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As much as I... disliked the invasion of Iraq or rather the reasons given for it, I would not be strongly opposed to an invasion of Iran. Provided we went sensibly about it. Iran is out of control, ever since... well actually, all they have done is exchange a pro-Western dictator for a religously driven despot. Nothing in the Middle East can be done until the people who posion the hearts and minds of innocents are stopped. Nationalism has never done anything for anyone, and nor has been religously driven. (before we get all angry, I mean religously driven as in... religous patriotism)


No one is paying any attention to Iran I notice while they procede with the nuclear program...


I agree. Completely. :)

I think people are watching, but afraid to do anything. The nuclear program has caught the attention of many people, but I think no one is quite sure what to do. Don't forget North Korea.

That's true. Fear can be paralyzing.

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And Tony Blair shows how amazing his ability to change his opinion in the shortest amount of time is. Well, for a change he seems to have made the right decision. After the bombing of the town, he has changed his "allow operations to be carried out" tune to "ceasefire. Now." Well, whether it was the air raid which killed 50 people, 34 of which were children or whether it was having Angela Merkel whacking his head against his desk until he submitted, it is a change for the best. Hopefully it can finish soon and what Israel calls a "European" peace keeping force can be dispatched. Viva la UN/EU.

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And Tony Blair shows how amazing his ability to change his opinion in the shortest amount of time is. Well, for a change he seems to have made the right decision. After the bombing of the town, he has changed his "allow operations to be carried out" tune to "ceasefire. Now." Well, whether it was the air raid which killed 50 people, 34 of which were children or whether it was having Angela Merkel whacking his head against his desk until he submitted, it is a change for the best. Hopefully it can finish soon and what Israel calls a "European" peace keeping force can be dispatched. Viva la UN/EU.

I hope Ms. Rice puts her foot down and backs "Ceasefire, Now!"

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And Tony Blair shows how amazing his ability to change his opinion in the shortest amount of time is. Well, for a change he seems to have made the right decision. After the bombing of the town, he has changed his "allow operations to be carried out" tune to "ceasefire. Now." Well, whether it was the air raid which killed 50 people, 34 of which were children or whether it was having Angela Merkel whacking his head against his desk until he submitted, it is a change for the best. Hopefully it can finish soon and what Israel calls a "European" peace keeping force can be dispatched. Viva la UN/EU.

I hope Ms. Rice puts her foot down and backs "Ceasefire, Now!"

Unfortunately, things will not just stop and go all pretty even if she does.

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And Tony Blair shows how amazing his ability to change his opinion in the shortest amount of time is. Well, for a change he seems to have made the right decision. After the bombing of the town, he has changed his "allow operations to be carried out" tune to "ceasefire. Now." Well, whether it was the air raid which killed 50 people, 34 of which were children or whether it was having Angela Merkel whacking his head against his desk until he submitted, it is a change for the best. Hopefully it can finish soon and what Israel calls a "European" peace keeping force can be dispatched. Viva la UN/EU.

I hope Ms. Rice puts her foot down and backs "Ceasefire, Now!"

That may be pushing it a bit as we have to remember that this is probably going to become part of the whole "war on terror" campaign and thus Condi will probably say that they will allow the Israelis to spend another 10-11 days committing crimes against humanity.

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i came to visit..


i used to be more into politics.

its so depressing tho and never goes anywhere.

i hate to be queen of doom but this world has never had peace, and it probably will never happen.

theres too many people for everyone to agree on things.

the state of the world makes me cry from time to time.

i hate the day and age i live it.

im not very found of humanity.

we're all killers.


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You're right, politics isn't getting anywhere <_< It seems little more than a popularity game to try and get picked, with the added bonus that you get to push your personal views on everyone else if you win. :angry:


That's exactly what George Bush did and he used Christian values to get in office. That is disgusting. I wish he would be impeached, I can't stand another 2.5 years with him. :(

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You're right, politics isn't getting anywhere <_ it seems little more than a popularity game to try and get picked with the added bonus that you push your personal views on everyone else if win. src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_mad.gif" alt=":angry:">


That's exactly what George Bush did and he used Christian values to get in office. That is disgusting. I wish he would be impeached, I can't stand another 2.5 years with him. :(

Unfortunately he has a very big Christian following.

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You're right, politics isn't getting anywhere <_< It seems little more than a popularity game to try and get picked, with the added bonus that you get to push your personal views on everyone else if you win. :angry:


That's exactly what George Bush did and he used Christian values to get in office. That is disgusting. I wish he would be impeached, I can't stand another 2.5 years with him. :(

he's an evil man.

i think we should just have all out anarchy. survival of the fittest.

plus i wanna die in pure maddness, not in some hospital or somthing.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, a month on and peace prevails. How odd. Doesn't make up for the fact that much of Lebanon is still on fire or in ruins.


Tony Blair appears to be dead, for those of you not aware of British politics. He is leaving within a year, and how joyous we all are that he is. Home policies were good, he just shot himself in the foot with foreign policy. Next Prime Minister is Gordon Brown, responsible for our booming economy at the minute. He is liberal or centre ground (for those of you who associate the word "liberal" with the word "scum") and appears to have good home policies which should sort out some of our problems. However, very little is known about Brown and his policies outside of the Treasury and Exchequer or his foreign policy. Mostly because he has tried to distance himself from Blair in recent years.



And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;



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And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;



*shoots a laser guided missile at TGHL and explodes him into bits*

I figured I would help Toto out because I got to this topic before she did! :lol:

Nothing wrong with having Clinton as a president, she's been good for NY and appears to have good policies. Of course appears is a rubbish word in politics. Better than the apparent Republican candidate anyway, which isn't hard....

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And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;



*shoots a laser guided missile at TGHL and explodes him into bits*

I figured I would help Toto out because I got to this topic before she did! :lol:

Nothing wrong with having Clinton as a president, she's been good for NY and appears to have good policies. Of course appears is a rubbish word in politics. Better than the apparent Republican candidate anyway, which isn't hard....

I would rather vote in Homer Simpson than Hilary Dilary Duck.

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And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;



*shoots a laser guided missile at TGHL and explodes him into bits*

I figured I would help Toto out because I got to this topic before she did! :lol:

Nothing wrong with having Clinton as a president, she's been good for NY and appears to have good policies. Of course appears is a rubbish word in politics. Better than the apparent Republican candidate anyway, which isn't hard....

I would rather vote in Homer Simpson than Hilary Dilary Duck.


I thought you lot already did that with Gerald Ford....


Anyway, you haven't exactly got much choice. Facist or a duck. You decide.

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And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;



*shoots a laser guided missile at TGHL and explodes him into bits*

I figured I would help Toto out because I got to this topic before she did! :lol:

Nothing wrong with having Clinton as a president, she's been good for NY and appears to have good policies. Of course appears is a rubbish word in politics. Better than the apparent Republican candidate anyway, which isn't hard....

I would rather vote in Homer Simpson than Hilary Dilary Duck.


I thought you lot already did that with Gerald Ford....


Anyway, you haven't exactly got much choice. Facist or a duck. You decide.

There are two new books out, 'State of Denial', by Bob Woodward, and 'In The Line of Fire: MyMemoirs' by General Pervez Musharraf, the Pakistani President. I am not sure when they will be available in your library, but you should enjoy reading them if you can find any time. I know you are swamped with homework, but these should be two good books.

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And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;



*shoots a laser guided missile at TGHL and explodes him into bits*

I figured I would help Toto out because I got to this topic before she did! :lol:

Nothing wrong with having Clinton as a president, she's been good for NY and appears to have good policies. Of course appears is a rubbish word in politics. Better than the apparent Republican candidate anyway, which isn't hard....

I would rather vote in Homer Simpson than Hilary Dilary Duck.


I thought you lot already did that with Gerald Ford....


Anyway, you haven't exactly got much choice. Facist or a duck. You decide.

There are two new books out, 'State of Denial', by Bob Woodward, and 'In The Line of Fire: MyMemoirs' by General Pervez Musharraf, the Pakistani President. I am not sure when they will be available in your library, but you should enjoy reading them if you can find any time. I know you are swamped with homework, but these should be two good books.

I shall endevour to find them, as they sound interesting.

Incidentally, I have a thing against Bush. Why is he treating California like it is some sort of satan relam? I mean, just because unlike him, it accepts that the world is going to end if they don't do something and adopt a Kyoto Protocol style cap on emissions, does not make it evil.

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And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;



*shoots a laser guided missile at TGHL and explodes him into bits*

I figured I would help Toto out because I got to this topic before she did! :lol:

Nothing wrong with having Clinton as a president, she's been good for NY and appears to have good policies. Of course appears is a rubbish word in politics. Better than the apparent Republican candidate anyway, which isn't hard....

I would rather vote in Homer Simpson than Hilary Dilary Duck.


I thought you lot already did that with Gerald Ford....


Anyway, you haven't exactly got much choice. Facist or a duck. You decide.

There are two new books out, 'State of Denial', by Bob Woodward, and 'In The Line of Fire: MyMemoirs' by General Pervez Musharraf, the Pakistani President. I am not sure when they will be available in your library, but you should enjoy reading them if you can find any time. I know you are swamped with homework, but these should be two good books.

I shall endevour to find them, as they sound interesting.

Incidentally, I have a thing against Bush. Why is he treating California like it is some sort of satan relam? I mean, just because unlike him, it accepts that the world is going to end if they don't do something and adopt a Kyoto Protocol style cap on emissions, does not make it evil.

I think at the moment, the world has one bigger fish to fry... North Korea.

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North Korea is apparently testing nuclear missles. Just what we need, another country that doesn't like us with the potential to nuke us.

Boo to nuclear tests. Underground or not, still very boo. In fact, when you think about it, even though direct human death is not a factor, if they tested it in the wrong area the water supply could be contaminated.


Wonder what punishment North Korea is going to receive for doing that?

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North Korea is apparently testing nuclear missles. Just what we need, another country that doesn't like us with the potential to nuke us.

Boo to nuclear tests. Underground or not, still very boo. In fact, when you think about it, even though direct human death is not a factor, if they tested it in the wrong area the water supply could be contaminated.


Wonder what punishment North Korea is going to receive for doing that?

looks like economic sanctions for now.

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North Korea is apparently testing nuclear missles. Just what we need, another country that doesn't like us with the potential to nuke us.

Boo to nuclear tests. Underground or not, still very boo. In fact, when you think about it, even though direct human death is not a factor, if they tested it in the wrong area the water supply could be contaminated.


Wonder what punishment North Korea is going to receive for doing that?

looks like economic sanctions for now.

And when they set off the next test? :huh:

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North Korea is apparently testing nuclear missles. Just what we need, another country that doesn't like us with the potential to nuke us.

Boo to nuclear tests. Underground or not, still very boo. In fact, when you think about it, even though direct human death is not a factor, if they tested it in the wrong area the water supply could be contaminated.


Wonder what punishment North Korea is going to receive for doing that?

looks like economic sanctions for now.

And when they set off the next test? :huh:

apparently tests of the air show no radiation or anything.

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It wasn't exactly the most powerful Nuclear bomb thought was it? Even though, we know North Korea has Middle Distance Missiles and the ability to hit Japan. Add a nuclear attachment on that, and Japan is in huge trouble, particuarly with the Korean hatred of the Japanese for the war (stupid world war.). Long range missiles, less so. North Korea's last test failed, and even still they can only hit Alaska. No, the main concern is for the protection of Japan and the surrounding countries as far as I am concerned as they are the ones at greatest risk...


Invasion anyone?

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North Korea is apparently testing nuclear missles. Just what we need, another country that doesn't like us with the potential to nuke us.

Boo to nuclear tests. Underground or not, still very boo. In fact, when you think about it, even though direct human death is not a factor, if they tested it in the wrong area the water supply could be contaminated.


Wonder what punishment North Korea is going to receive for doing that?

looks like economic sanctions for now.

And when they set off the next test? :huh:

Well, I for one hope that they realise they've gotten the attention they wanted and don't set off a second. Not to mention a greater punishment is probably due if they go through.


Man. Using 'punishment' and 'attention' and similar words, even thought they are appropriate, makes it seem to me like the UN is the mother of the world, and every country is a child. And that leads to other, more evil thoughts, along the lines of, "I wouldn't want to be her when she's in labour."

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It wasn't exactly the most powerful Nuclear bomb thought was it? Even though, we know North Korea has Middle Distance Missiles and the ability to hit Japan. Add a nuclear attachment on that, and Japan is in huge trouble, particuarly with the Korean hatred of the Japanese for the war (stupid world war.). Long range missiles, less so. North Korea's last test failed, and even still they can only hit Alaska. No, the main concern is for the protection of Japan and the surrounding countries as far as I am concerned as they are the ones at greatest risk...


Invasion anyone?

Invasion is totally out of the question. It will depend on who feels the most threatened. Lee and Glowurm are a bit too close for comfort and they could probably hit your home in England. Monetary actions seem to be the best way to get some reaction, but it may not be the one the world wants.

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It wasn't exactly the most powerful Nuclear bomb thought was it? Even though, we know North Korea has Middle Distance Missiles and the ability to hit Japan. Add a nuclear attachment on that, and Japan is in huge trouble, particuarly with the Korean hatred of the Japanese for the war (stupid world war.). Long range missiles, less so. North Korea's last test failed, and even still they can only hit Alaska. No, the main concern is for the protection of Japan and the surrounding countries as far as I am concerned as they are the ones at greatest risk...


Invasion anyone?

Invasion is totally out of the question. It will depend on who feels the most threatened. Lee and Glowurm are a bit too close for comfort and they could probably hit your home in England. Monetary actions seem to be the best way to get some reaction, but it may not be the one the world wants.

Oh no, I'm not saying to invade North Korea that is pointless and ridiculous. North Korea would destroy Seoul and probably Tokyo as well with the normal SCUD missiles they have and the middle distance missiles. The easiest way to destroy the regime in the North is more pressing economic sanctions which will cause the country to collapse within weeks, but regrettably they say this will be an act of war and so that is rather irritating.


North Korea's long range missiles are enough to hit Alaska I believe, but I think that they are not able to hit any target West of the country than the Middile East which would be stupid. No, Britain is safe as is in fact most of the USA. The big issue is that if they were to hit Tokyo then the world economy would disappear into one of those black holes I have heard so much about. The USA and Russia are the only ones with the ability to hit the entire world, and Britain can only because our nuclear deterrant is entirely based on the Trident submarine system.


No, for now we have to accept that the North is part of the nuclear club and unless some bright spark can find a way of preventing launch of such weapons, we will have to accept it until we can finally topple the country's regime.


The current UN "sanctions" will have to do, and perhaps we could increase pressure over time.

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Well, a month on and peace prevails. How odd. Doesn't make up for the fact that much of Lebanon is still on fire or in ruins.


Tony Blair appears to be dead, for those of you not aware of British politics. He is leaving within a year, and how joyous we all are that he is. Home policies were good, he just shot himself in the foot with foreign policy. Next Prime Minister is Gordon Brown, responsible for our booming economy at the minute. He is liberal or centre ground (for those of you who associate the word "liberal" with the word "scum") and appears to have good home policies which should sort out some of our problems. However, very little is known about Brown and his policies outside of the Treasury and Exchequer or his foreign policy. Mostly because he has tried to distance himself from Blair in recent years.



And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;




It only takes me 17 days to find this ...


Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years?


If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need.

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I wish there weren't regimes interested in the destruction of everyone else. But it seems that they will always be there. We should, like, hire ninja's to go and take over these countries. o.O

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Well, a month on and peace prevails. How odd. Doesn't make up for the fact that much of Lebanon is still on fire or in ruins.


Tony Blair appears to be dead, for those of you not aware of British politics. He is leaving within a year, and how joyous we all are that he is. Home policies were good, he just shot himself in the foot with foreign policy. Next Prime Minister is Gordon Brown, responsible for our booming economy at the minute. He is liberal or centre ground (for those of you who associate the word "liberal" with the word "scum") and appears to have good home policies which should sort out some of our problems. However, very little is known about Brown and his policies outside of the Treasury and Exchequer or his foreign policy. Mostly because he has tried to distance himself from Blair in recent years.



And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;




It only takes me 17 days to find this ...


Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years?


If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need.

I would much prefer to wait for you to become the first woman president. I would vote for anything that moves over Hillary. :o

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Well, a month on and peace prevails. How odd. Doesn't make up for the fact that much of Lebanon is still on fire or in ruins.


Tony Blair appears to be dead, for those of you not aware of British politics. He is leaving within a year, and how joyous we all are that he is. Home policies were good, he just shot himself in the foot with foreign policy. Next Prime Minister is Gordon Brown, responsible for our booming economy at the minute. He is liberal or centre ground (for those of you who associate the word "liberal" with the word "scum") and appears to have good home policies which should sort out some of our problems. However, very little is known about Brown and his policies outside of the Treasury and Exchequer or his foreign policy. Mostly because he has tried to distance himself from Blair in recent years.



And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;




It only takes me 17 days to find this ...


Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years?


If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need.

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


What if we didn't wanna be Vegan? ~.~


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Well, a month on and peace prevails. How odd. Doesn't make up for the fact that much of Lebanon is still on fire or in ruins.


Tony Blair appears to be dead, for those of you not aware of British politics. He is leaving within a year, and how joyous we all are that he is. Home policies were good, he just shot himself in the foot with foreign policy. Next Prime Minister is Gordon Brown, responsible for our booming economy at the minute. He is liberal or centre ground (for those of you who associate the word "liberal" with the word "scum") and appears to have good home policies which should sort out some of our problems. However, very little is known about Brown and his policies outside of the Treasury and Exchequer or his foreign policy. Mostly because he has tried to distance himself from Blair in recent years.



And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;




It only takes me 17 days to find this ...


Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years?


If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need.

I would much prefer to wait for you to become the first woman president. I would vote for anything that moves over Hillary. :o


Well, I'm sure if and when Hillary Clinton becomes president, she will rename herself high chancellor Clinton. So, really any vote would be better than voting for her.

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Well, a month on and peace prevails. How odd. Doesn't make up for the fact that much of Lebanon is still on fire or in ruins.


Tony Blair appears to be dead, for those of you not aware of British politics. He is leaving within a year, and how joyous we all are that he is. Home policies were good, he just shot himself in the foot with foreign policy. Next Prime Minister is Gordon Brown, responsible for our booming economy at the minute. He is liberal or centre ground (for those of you who associate the word "liberal" with the word "scum") and appears to have good home policies which should sort out some of our problems. However, very little is known about Brown and his policies outside of the Treasury and Exchequer or his foreign policy. Mostly because he has tried to distance himself from Blair in recent years.



And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;




It only takes me 17 days to find this ...


Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years?


If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need.

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


What if we didn't wanna be Vegan? ~.~


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


That's where the term "dictatorship" comes into place.

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Well, a month on and peace prevails. How odd. Doesn't make up for the fact that much of Lebanon is still on fire or in ruins.


Tony Blair appears to be dead, for those of you not aware of British politics. He is leaving within a year, and how joyous we all are that he is. Home policies were good, he just shot himself in the foot with foreign policy. Next Prime Minister is Gordon Brown, responsible for our booming economy at the minute. He is liberal or centre ground (for those of you who associate the word "liberal" with the word "scum") and appears to have good home policies which should sort out some of our problems. However, very little is known about Brown and his policies outside of the Treasury and Exchequer or his foreign policy. Mostly because he has tried to distance himself from Blair in recent years.



And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;




It only takes me 17 days to find this ...


Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years?


If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need.

I would much prefer to wait for you to become the first woman president. I would vote for anything that moves over Hillary. :o


Well, I'm sure if and when Hillary Clinton becomes president, she will rename herself high chancellor Clinton. So, really any vote would be better than voting for her.

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Well, a month on and peace prevails. How odd. Doesn't make up for the fact that much of Lebanon is still on fire or in ruins.


Tony Blair appears to be dead, for those of you not aware of British politics. He is leaving within a year, and how joyous we all are that he is. Home policies were good, he just shot himself in the foot with foreign policy. Next Prime Minister is Gordon Brown, responsible for our booming economy at the minute. He is liberal or centre ground (for those of you who associate the word "liberal" with the word "scum") and appears to have good home policies which should sort out some of our problems. However, very little is known about Brown and his policies outside of the Treasury and Exchequer or his foreign policy. Mostly because he has tried to distance himself from Blair in recent years.



And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;




It only takes me 17 days to find this ...


Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years?


If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need.

I would much prefer to wait for you to become the first woman president. I would vote for anything that moves over Hillary. :o


Well, I'm sure if and when Hillary Clinton becomes president, she will rename herself high chancellor Clinton. So, really any vote would be better than voting for her.

So true!!!


*votes Homer Simpson for president* LOL

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Well, a month on and peace prevails. How odd. Doesn't make up for the fact that much of Lebanon is still on fire or in ruins.


Tony Blair appears to be dead, for those of you not aware of British politics. He is leaving within a year, and how joyous we all are that he is. Home policies were good, he just shot himself in the foot with foreign policy. Next Prime Minister is Gordon Brown, responsible for our booming economy at the minute. He is liberal or centre ground (for those of you who associate the word "liberal" with the word "scum") and appears to have good home policies which should sort out some of our problems. However, very little is known about Brown and his policies outside of the Treasury and Exchequer or his foreign policy. Mostly because he has tried to distance himself from Blair in recent years.



And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;




It only takes me 17 days to find this ...


Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years?


If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need.

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


What if we didn't wanna be Vegan? ~.~


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


That's where the term "dictatorship" comes into place.

Come pick up your award!!!

That is a statement worth The Triple Gold Star Award!!! :lol:

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Well, a month on and peace prevails. How odd. Doesn't make up for the fact that much of Lebanon is still on fire or in ruins.


Tony Blair appears to be dead, for those of you not aware of British politics. He is leaving within a year, and how joyous we all are that he is. Home policies were good, he just shot himself in the foot with foreign policy. Next Prime Minister is Gordon Brown, responsible for our booming economy at the minute. He is liberal or centre ground (for those of you who associate the word "liberal" with the word "scum") and appears to have good home policies which should sort out some of our problems. However, very little is known about Brown and his policies outside of the Treasury and Exchequer or his foreign policy. Mostly because he has tried to distance himself from Blair in recent years.



And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;




It only takes me 17 days to find this ...


Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years?


If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need.

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


What if we didn't wanna be Vegan? ~.~


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


That's where the term "dictatorship" comes into place.

Come pick up your award!!!

That is a statement worth The Triple Gold Star Award!!! :lol:


Yay! ^-^ Now, if only I had some sort of a cabinet to put these awards in ...

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Well, a month on and peace prevails. How odd. Doesn't make up for the fact that much of Lebanon is still on fire or in ruins.


Tony Blair appears to be dead, for those of you not aware of British politics. He is leaving within a year, and how joyous we all are that he is. Home policies were good, he just shot himself in the foot with foreign policy. Next Prime Minister is Gordon Brown, responsible for our booming economy at the minute. He is liberal or centre ground (for those of you who associate the word "liberal" with the word "scum") and appears to have good home policies which should sort out some of our problems. However, very little is known about Brown and his policies outside of the Treasury and Exchequer or his foreign policy. Mostly because he has tried to distance himself from Blair in recent years.



And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;




It only takes me 17 days to find this ...


Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years?


If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need.

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


What if we didn't wanna be Vegan? ~.~


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


That's where the term "dictatorship" comes into place.

Come pick up your award!!!

That is a statement worth The Triple Gold Star Award!!! :lol:


Yay! ^-^ Now, if only I had some sort of a cabinet to put these awards in ...


You really must have lost all your marbles!!!!!!!!!

Gore and his father own the biggest polluting company in the state of Tennessee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, a month on and peace prevails. How odd. Doesn't make up for the fact that much of Lebanon is still on fire or in ruins.


Tony Blair appears to be dead, for those of you not aware of British politics. He is leaving within a year, and how joyous we all are that he is. Home policies were good, he just shot himself in the foot with foreign policy. Next Prime Minister is Gordon Brown, responsible for our booming economy at the minute. He is liberal or centre ground (for those of you who associate the word "liberal" with the word "scum") and appears to have good home policies which should sort out some of our problems. However, very little is known about Brown and his policies outside of the Treasury and Exchequer or his foreign policy. Mostly because he has tried to distance himself from Blair in recent years.



And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;




It only takes me 17 days to find this ...


Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years?


If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need.

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


What if we didn't wanna be Vegan? ~.~


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


That's where the term "dictatorship" comes into place.

Come pick up your award!!!

That is a statement worth The Triple Gold Star Award!!! :lol:


Yay! ^-^ Now, if only I had some sort of a cabinet to put these awards in ...

Here are a few cabinets to choose from... let me know which design you prefer and your wish is my command.

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Well, a month on and peace prevails. How odd. Doesn't make up for the fact that much of Lebanon is still on fire or in ruins.


Tony Blair appears to be dead, for those of you not aware of British politics. He is leaving within a year, and how joyous we all are that he is. Home policies were good, he just shot himself in the foot with foreign policy. Next Prime Minister is Gordon Brown, responsible for our booming economy at the minute. He is liberal or centre ground (for those of you who associate the word "liberal" with the word "scum") and appears to have good home policies which should sort out some of our problems. However, very little is known about Brown and his policies outside of the Treasury and Exchequer or his foreign policy. Mostly because he has tried to distance himself from Blair in recent years.



And just to send Toto into fits of rage when she sees this;




It only takes me 17 days to find this ...


Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years?


If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need.

*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


What if we didn't wanna be Vegan? ~.~


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


That's where the term "dictatorship" comes into place.

Come pick up your award!!!

That is a statement worth The Triple Gold Star Award!!! :lol:


Yay! ^-^ Now, if only I had some sort of a cabinet to put these awards in ...


You really must have lost all your marbles!!!!!!!!!

Gore and his father own the biggest polluting company in the state of Tennessee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No my marbles are in this nice little bag I had made for them.

And Horatio, note what I said; out of the viable candidates. I mean he may be bad, but he is the best out of the bad.


PS, All your Iraqi base are belong to the Republicans. Anything is better than them.

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  • 2 weeks later...



*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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The polls are showing pretty even results so far. I hope that the Democrats can take control of congress, or at least be able to shake things up. Our government really needs the two branches keeping each other in check, especially with a guy like the bushinator on the loose...


I might get slammed for this, but I just don't see how anyone could like the Republicans. What do they stand for, anyway? Tradition I guess (being the "grand old party and all), but that's nothing on its own, really. How is tradition supposed to help a country get anything done? Rather I'd imagine that a platform of tradition would transform a party's members into a bunch of churchladies that sit on their butts (that are all knotted up of course) and say "we don't do that here".


In the abridged history of america DVD, the reduced shakespeare company had one of the guys dress up as George Bush, and one of the things he said was "what our party doesn't stand for, is terrorism." I think that sums up a lot about the Repooplicans. It's like...they have an ANTI-platform. And it's taking away all the other issues that they need to think about, like how much they kiss the butts of big business and make the citizens suffer for it. :angry:


Really, I'd much rather have the green party be a major party instead of the Republicans. It's not like the Democrats are THAT much better - for example, they need to be more assertive - but still, at least they have their priorities in a more sensible matter as far as I know. And the Green Pary has *GASP* down-to-earth policies! That's more than I can say for the Democraps or the Repooplicans.


That makes me ask, why do us American citizens insist on supporting parties that hardly know what they're going to do with a given issue? Why do we support parties that cator to guys with lots of ego and money and make them the candidate for the election? Why doesn't anyone care about the sense of the individual anymore? What ever happened to "government by the people"? Why is it "government by the guys with more money than you"?

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


That's waht my family does.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy omine*~*

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I vote for the candidate who is against drilling for oil in Anwar, for protection of the environment, etc. Whichever candidate endorses my views is the one I cast my vote for. Party has nothing to do with who I vote for. There is only one exception, Hilary Clinton. I will vote for ANYTHING who runs against her as I would NEVER want to see her as our President.

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I vote for the candidate who is against drilling for oil in Anwar, for protection of the environment, etc. Whichever candidate endorses my views is the one I cast my vote for. Party has nothing to do with who I vote for. There is only one exception, Hilary Clinton. I will vote for ANYTHING who runs against her as I would NEVER want to see her as our President.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*




*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*Thre Astronomt Domine*~*

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I vote for the candidate who is against drilling for oil in Anwar, for protection of the environment, etc. Whichever candidate endorses my views is the one I cast my vote for. Party has nothing to do with who I vote for. There is only one exception, Hilary Clinton. I will vote for ANYTHING who runs against her as I would NEVER want to see her as our President.

i like the use of anyTHING as supposed to anyONE. But yeah, that is what i do. Just, it seems that only one party actually endorses my views. Or, comes close, at least.

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I vote for the candidate who is against drilling for oil in Anwar, for protection of the environment, etc. Whichever candidate endorses my views is the one I cast my vote for. Party has nothing to do with who I vote for. There is only one exception, Hilary Clinton. I will vote for ANYTHING who runs against her as I would NEVER want to see her as our President.

i like the use of anyTHING as supposed to anyONE. But yeah, that is what i do. Just, it seems that only one party actually endorses my views. Or, comes close, at least.

You caught that I see. :lol:

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I feel that there is some deep unresolved conflicts between you and Mrs.Clinton, Horatio. Perhaps in the tradition of the American high school councillor, the councillor would advise you to do nothing, cumulating in a psychotic hatred of H.Clinton until you snap and go Harvey Lee Oswald on her.


Incidentally Horatio, your voting strategy is an excellent choice, regrettably it appears that most states are stuck in the mode of seeing only the two parties, and in that event, how close are you to a one-party state? Well, one party is the most obvious answer...





BTW, there is an excellent BBC mini-drama on at the minute called "The State Within" which centres around conspiracy, a British Muslim blowing himself up on a US-UK airline and a whole host of wonderfully challenging and interesting ideas. And incidentally, hasn't Series 2 of Doctor Who started on the SCI FI Channel?

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I feel that there is some deep unresolved conflicts between you and Mrs.Clinton, Horatio. Perhaps in the tradition of the American high school councillor, the councillor would advise you to do nothing, cumulating in a psychotic hatred of H.Clinton until you snap and go Harvey Lee Oswald on her.


Incidentally Horatio, your voting strategy is an excellent choice, regrettably it appears that most states are stuck in the mode of seeing only the two parties, and in that event, how close are you to a one-party state? Well, one party is the most obvious answer...





BTW, there is an excellent BBC mini-drama on at the minute called "The State Within" which centres around conspiracy, a British Muslim blowing himself up on a US-UK airline and a whole host of wonderfully challenging and interesting ideas. And incidentally, hasn't Series 2 of Doctor Who started on the SCI FI Channel?

Yeah!!! I have been waiting for you. So nice to see you again. :D


No need to worry, no snapping here. Just voting for anything that runs against her. :lol:


Voting for the person who I believe will do the best job supporting my views is the only way I can get myself into the voting booth. It amazes me that some people will go down the list and vote just one party and have no idea what the person stands for. :rolleyes:


As for the new Dr. Who... :( I really do not care for this series. The last Dr. Who was stellar, this one is sort of like pudding. I wish we had the BBC total programming. Then I could skip all the propaganda that is clogging the airwaves. Hopefully you are putting "The State Within" on VHS tapes getting the box addressed to my cage. Let me know how it is.

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i remember when this one was a wee tot, anyway, *cough*los republicanos deben ser tiro, tan si los demócratas...*cough* (republicans aren't cool(or something like that)but neither are democrats) (i'm taking spanish) hmm does that mean i'm GREEN? AAAAAA PREPARE FOR NATOR!

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i remember when this one was a wee tot, anyway, *cough*los republicanos deben ser tiro, tan si los demócratas...*cough* (republicans aren't cool(or something like that)but neither are democrats) (i'm taking spanish) hmm does that mean i'm GREEN? AAAAAA PREPARE FOR NATOR!



You could be green,

With a hint of blue,

You should be quick,

Cause Schimmislick is you!


Okay... so I have not had my afternoon cup of coffee. :P

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i remember when this one was a wee tot, anyway, *cough*los republicanos deben ser tiro, tan si los demócratas...*cough* (republicans aren't cool(or something like that)but neither are democrats) (i'm taking spanish) hmm does that mean i'm GREEN? AAAAAA PREPARE FOR NATOR!



You could be green,

With a hint of blue,

You should be quick,

Cause Schimmislick is you!


Okay... so I have not had my afternoon cup of coffee. :P



Poem by Horatio!!!



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i remember when this one was a wee tot, anyway, *cough*los republicanos deben ser tiro, tan si los demócratas...*cough* (republicans aren't cool(or something like that)but neither are democrats) (i'm taking spanish) hmm does that mean i'm GREEN? AAAAAA PREPARE FOR NATOR!



You could be green,

With a hint of blue,

You should be quick,

Cause Schimmislick is you!


Okay... so I have not had my afternoon cup of coffee. :P



Poem by Horatio!!!



Not too good compared to the poetry on this site, but for a hamster, not too bad. LOL!

You could always write a book called: Bad Hamster Poems. LOL

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Massive sweeping change in power! democrats now have the majority in the house, and if they win the last senate race, they will have majority there as well! Cause for celebration!

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Coming through! Funeral parade for Mr.George.W.Bush. *triumphant music is heard*


Rumsfeld is dead, Cheny should be shot and Mr.Bush has gone from Darth Vader to a lame duck, as seen below;

Sorry TGHL... no link pics permitted. Horatio




(spot the reference to Field Marshal Manstein, head Wehrmacht honcho for the Ostfront during WWII)

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Coming through! Funeral parade for Mr.George.W.Bush. *triumphant music is heard*


Rumsfeld is dead, Cheny should be shot and Mr.Bush has gone from Darth Vader to a lame duck, as seen below;

Sorry TGHL... no link pics permitted. Horatio




(spot the reference to Field Marshal Manstein, head Wehrmacht honcho for the Ostfront during WWII)

Horrors!!!!!!!!! Hopefully she will never become the USA president. I will move to England if that ever happens. Do you have room in your house? :huh:

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Coming through! Funeral parade for Mr.George.W.Bush. *triumphant music is heard*


Rumsfeld is dead, Cheny should be shot and Mr.Bush has gone from Darth Vader to a lame duck, as seen below;

Sorry TGHL... no link pics permitted. Horatio




(spot the reference to Field Marshal Manstein, head Wehrmacht honcho for the Ostfront during WWII)

Horrors!!!!!!!!! Hopefully she will never become the USA president. I will move to England if that ever happens. Do you have room in your house? :huh:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


You can live with muh cousins! I just hope you can deal with a baby, a guy who looks like Jean Wilder, a spongebob-obsessed 10-year-old, three boys who love roleplaying, a girl who is emo, and a punk. :P


*~The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Coming through! Funeral parade for Mr.George.W.Bush. *triumphant music is heard*


Rumsfeld is dead, Cheny should be shot and Mr.Bush has gone from Darth Vader to a lame duck, as seen below;

Sorry TGHL... no link pics permitted. Horatio




(spot the reference to Field Marshal Manstein, head Wehrmacht honcho for the Ostfront during WWII)

Horrors!!!!!!!!! Hopefully she will never become the USA president. I will move to England if that ever happens. Do you have room in your house? :huh:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


You can live with muh cousins! I just hope you can deal with a baby, a guy who looks like Jean Wilder, a spongebob-obsessed 10-year-old, three boys who love roleplaying, a girl who is emo, and a punk. :P


*~The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Do they live in the USA? If so, no thank you. If Hillary becomes president, I am leaving the country! :o

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Coming through! Funeral parade for Mr.George.W.Bush. *triumphant music is heard*


Rumsfeld is dead, Cheny should be shot and Mr.Bush has gone from Darth Vader to a lame duck, as seen below;

Sorry TGHL... no link pics permitted. Horatio




(spot the reference to Field Marshal Manstein, head Wehrmacht honcho for the Ostfront during WWII)

Horrors!!!!!!!!! Hopefully she will never become the USA president. I will move to England if that ever happens. Do you have room in your house? :huh:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


You can live with muh cousins! I just hope you can deal with a baby, a guy who looks like Jean Wilder, a spongebob-obsessed 10-year-old, three boys who love roleplaying, a girl who is emo, and a punk. :P


*~The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Do they live in the USA? If so, no thank you. If Hillary becomes president, I am leaving the country! :o

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Ct*~*


:rolleyes: Way to go, Captan Obvious. :rolleyes: I responed to you sayoing you would move to England by talking about my British cousins.


*~The Psyhcedelc Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Coming through! Funeral parade for Mr.George.W.Bush. *triumphant music is heard*


Rumsfeld is dead, Cheny should be shot and Mr.Bush has gone from Darth Vader to a lame duck, as seen below;

Sorry TGHL... no link pics permitted. Horatio




(spot the reference to Field Marshal Manstein, head Wehrmacht honcho for the Ostfront during WWII)

Horrors!!!!!!!!! Hopefully she will never become the USA president. I will move to England if that ever happens. Do you have room in your house? :huh:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


You can live with muh cousins! I just hope you can deal with a baby, a guy who looks like Jean Wilder, a spongebob-obsessed 10-year-old, three boys who love roleplaying, a girl who is emo, and a punk. :P


*~The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Do they live in the USA? If so, no thank you. If Hillary becomes president, I am leaving the country! :o

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Ct*~*


:rolleyes: Way to go, Captan Obvious. :rolleyes: I responed to you sayoing you would move to England by talking about my British cousins.


*~The Psyhcedelc Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Duh......... my blonde hair is showing again!!! LOL

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Still no pictures allowed Horatio? I saw Emily E's baby and thought that we had. Nevermind.


And please Horatio, Hillary Clinton is no worse than George.W.Bush (Sr. or Jr.) and you didn't leave the country then.


On a completely unrelated note, I hear apartments in Paris and London are quite cheap at the minute. ;)

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Still no pictures allowed Horatio? I saw Emily E's baby and thought that we had. Nevermind.


And please Horatio, Hillary Clinton is no worse than George.W.Bush (Sr. or Jr.) and you didn't leave the country then.


On a completely unrelated note, I hear apartments in Paris and London are quite cheap at the minute. ;)

Pictures are permitted of her baby, just not links to the pictures, I am working on that. At the moment, Max is not home and the library computer will not permit me to put the photos on their computer.


Hillary would be so much worse.

*heads off to Paris to purchase an apartment*

Just in case you are wondering... much better food in Paris than London. LOL

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Still no pictures allowed Horatio? I saw Emily E's baby and thought that we had. Nevermind.


And please Horatio, Hillary Clinton is no worse than George.W.Bush (Sr. or Jr.) and you didn't leave the country then.


On a completely unrelated note, I hear apartments in Paris and London are quite cheap at the minute. ;)

Pictures are permitted of her baby, just not links to the pictures, I am working on that. At the moment, Max is not home and the library computer will not permit me to put the photos on their computer.


Hillary would be so much worse.

*heads off to Paris to purchase an apartment*

Just in case you are wondering... much better food in Paris than London. LOL

i soo want that food right now. lol

so.. societty..


me and my friend were talking a walk the other day, sober, just talking, and we came aross a water bottle in the street and she was like "this is soictey" kinda nodding the the bottle and she gave it this big kick

it was sort of funny to me and i was like 'yeah' and i gave it another big kick


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Still no pictures allowed Horatio? I saw Emily E's baby and thought that we had. Nevermind.


And please Horatio, Hillary Clinton is no worse than George.W.Bush (Sr. or Jr.) and you didn't leave the country then.


On a completely unrelated note, I hear apartments in Paris and London are quite cheap at the minute. ;)

Pictures are permitted of her baby, just not links to the pictures, I am working on that. At the moment, Max is not home and the library computer will not permit me to put the photos on their computer.


Hillary would be so much worse.

*heads off to Paris to purchase an apartment*

Just in case you are wondering... much better food in Paris than London. LOL

i soo want that food right now. lol

so.. societty..


me and my friend were talking a walk the other day, sober, just talking, and we came aross a water bottle in the street and she was like "this is soictey" kinda nodding the the bottle and she gave it this big kick

it was sort of funny to me and i was like 'yeah' and i gave it another big kick


The question is... where is our society going? :unsure:

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Still no pictures allowed Horatio? I saw Emily E's baby and thought that we had. Nevermind.


And please Horatio, Hillary Clinton is no worse than George.W.Bush (Sr. or Jr.) and you didn't leave the country then.


On a completely unrelated note, I hear apartments in Paris and London are quite cheap at the minute. ;)

Pictures are permitted of her baby, just not links to the pictures, I am working on that. At the moment, Max is not home and the library computer will not permit me to put the photos on their computer.


Hillary would be so much worse.

*heads off to Paris to purchase an apartment*

Just in case you are wondering... much better food in Paris than London. LOL

i soo want that food right now. lol

so.. societty..


me and my friend were talking a walk the other day, sober, just talking, and we came aross a water bottle in the street and she was like "this is soictey" kinda nodding the the bottle and she gave it this big kick

it was sort of funny to me and i was like 'yeah' and i gave it another big kick


The question is... where is our society going? :unsure:


Who knows?

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Still no pictures allowed Horatio? I saw Emily E's baby and thought that we had. Nevermind.


And please Horatio, Hillary Clinton is no worse than George.W.Bush (Sr. or Jr.) and you didn't leave the country then.


On a completely unrelated note, I hear apartments in Paris and London are quite cheap at the minute. ;)

Pictures are permitted of her baby, just not links to the pictures, I am working on that. At the moment, Max is not home and the library computer will not permit me to put the photos on their computer.


Hillary would be so much worse.

*heads off to Paris to purchase an apartment*

Just in case you are wondering... much better food in Paris than London. LOL

i soo want that food right now. lol

so.. societty..


me and my friend were talking a walk the other day, sober, just talking, and we came aross a water bottle in the street and she was like "this is soictey" kinda nodding the the bottle and she gave it this big kick

it was sort of funny to me and i was like 'yeah' and i gave it another big kick


The question is... where is our society going? :unsure:


im really not sure, in my eyes, its getting worse and worse and despit everyone's best efforts to stop everything thats going on, it doesnt seem to be helping all to much. but at least were semi-trying.

im just not sure wut needs to go down to fix it all.. i wish their was some magical answer but we just gotta work thru it i guess.

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Still no pictures allowed Horatio? I saw Emily E's baby and thought that we had. Nevermind.


And please Horatio, Hillary Clinton is no worse than George.W.Bush (Sr. or Jr.) and you didn't leave the country then.


On a completely unrelated note, I hear apartments in Paris and London are quite cheap at the minute. ;)

Pictures are permitted of her baby, just not links to the pictures, I am working on that. At the moment, Max is not home and the library computer will not permit me to put the photos on their computer.


Hillary would be so much worse.

*heads off to Paris to purchase an apartment*

Just in case you are wondering... much better food in Paris than London. LOL

i soo want that food right now. lol

so.. societty..


me and my friend were talking a walk the other day, sober, just talking, and we came aross a water bottle in the street and she was like "this is soictey" kinda nodding the the bottle and she gave it this big kick

it was sort of funny to me and i was like 'yeah' and i gave it another big kick


The question is... where is our society going? :unsure:


im really not sure, in my eyes, its getting worse and worse and despit everyone's best efforts to stop everything thats going on, it doesnt seem to be helping all to much. but at least were semi-trying.

im just not sure wut needs to go down to fix it all.. i wish their was some magical answer but we just gotta work thru it i guess.

The problem is that as long as there is greed, then the greedy will exploit the planet for their own personal gain and not care about what the outcome is. There are so few people trying to save the environment and the animals. When the bugs and animals are gone, so are the humans. :unsure:

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I have an answer to what to do to solve society's problems! Everybody (except for those required to run this) will live in a sort of stasis tank, full of amniotic fluid. Something will be hooked up to our brains, so we are in a sort of MMORPG, but we don't know it. And of course, there will be unlimited resources and such, so no problem.

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I have an answer to what to do to solve society's problems! Everybody (except for those required to run this) will live in a sort of stasis tank, full of amniotic fluid. Something will be hooked up to our brains, so we are in a sort of MMORPG, but we don't know it. And of course, there will be unlimited resources and such, so no problem.

Does this include hamsters? Or do we just watch from the outside! LOL

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I have an answer to what to do to solve society's problems! Everybody (except for those required to run this) will live in a sort of stasis tank, full of amniotic fluid. Something will be hooked up to our brains, so we are in a sort of MMORPG, but we don't know it. And of course, there will be unlimited resources and such, so no problem.

Does this include hamsters? Or do we just watch from the outside! LOL

sure, you con join too. xD

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I have an answer to what to do to solve society's problems! Everybody (except for those required to run this) will live in a sort of stasis tank, full of amniotic fluid. Something will be hooked up to our brains, so we are in a sort of MMORPG, but we don't know it. And of course, there will be unlimited resources and such, so no problem.

Does this include hamsters? Or do we just watch from the outside! LOL

sure, you con join too. xD


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have worked out where society is going. It is to a motorway service station just outside of LA. Also known as "That place which we cannot give a name to due to censorship."

All of society? Will you be there? :lol:

I would think so, because, well, society includes everyone, so I would think that he would be there.

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I have worked out where society is going. It is to a motorway service station just outside of LA. Also known as "That place which we cannot give a name to due to censorship."

All of society? Will you be there? :lol:

I would think so, because, well, society includes everyone, so I would think that he would be there.

TGHL could always drop-out of society and become a mountain man. :lol:

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I should rephrase that;

"Human society." Us Phoenixes and Hamsters can always rule the world after.


I was watching a TV programme on the BBC the other day, centred around Mi5, it is called Spooks (unaware of any American broadcast) and the last episode of the series was fabulous. All focused around an eco-terrorist plot to flood London if the Government didn't release a document called Aftermath.

What really interested me was the Aftermath document itself (when it was discovered to exist after much conspiracy). It detailed a US-UK agreement to stop all efforts to counter global warming, start an active nuclear weapons program and prepare to take control of the world's resources after the disasters of global warming have hit, and between 30-35% of the world's population have been killed in the ecological disaster. Scary. Very scary. And disturbingly, it is too close to what our governments would actually do. Ours out of fear of becoming a "dinosaur" economy if we try to combat global warming, or failing to take the upper hand and the US Government representitive gave his as "To retain our position and further US interests abroad."


30-35% of the world's population, dead due to the West's incompotence.

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I should rephrase that;

"Human society." Us Phoenixes and Hamsters can always rule the world after.


I was watching a TV programme on the BBC the other day, centred around Mi5, it is called Spooks (unaware of any American broadcast) and the last episode of the series was fabulous. All focused around an eco-terrorist plot to flood London if the Government didn't release a document called Aftermath.

What really interested me was the Aftermath document itself (when it was discovered to exist after much conspiracy). It detailed a US-UK agreement to stop all efforts to counter global warming, start an active nuclear weapons program and prepare to take control of the world's resources after the disasters of global warming have hit, and between 30-35% of the world's population have been killed in the ecological disaster. Scary. Very scary. And disturbingly, it is too close to what our governments would actually do. Ours out of fear of becoming a "dinosaur" economy if we try to combat global warming, or failing to take the upper hand and the US Government representitive gave his as "To retain our position and further US interests abroad."


30-35% of the world's population, dead due to the West's incompotence.

Before I comment... where did you find the article? I would very much like to read it. Was there any write-up in the Economist about this? I couldn't find any reference and I am a subscriber so it would allow me to do research.

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I should rephrase that;

"Human society." Us Phoenixes and Hamsters can always rule the world after.


I was watching a TV programme on the BBC the other day, centred around Mi5, it is called Spooks (unaware of any American broadcast) and the last episode of the series was fabulous. All focused around an eco-terrorist plot to flood London if the Government didn't release a document called Aftermath.

What really interested me was the Aftermath document itself (when it was discovered to exist after much conspiracy). It detailed a US-UK agreement to stop all efforts to counter global warming, start an active nuclear weapons program and prepare to take control of the world's resources after the disasters of global warming have hit, and between 30-35% of the world's population have been killed in the ecological disaster. Scary. Very scary. And disturbingly, it is too close to what our governments would actually do. Ours out of fear of becoming a "dinosaur" economy if we try to combat global warming, or failing to take the upper hand and the US Government representitive gave his as "To retain our position and further US interests abroad."


30-35% of the world's population, dead due to the West's incompotence.

Before I comment... where did you find the article? I would very much like to read it. Was there any write-up in the Economist about this? I couldn't find any reference and I am a subscriber so it would allow me to do research.

Sorry, I should have made it clearer. This was a BBC drama, not actually fact.

Although, I have the sneaking suspicion it may happen and turn out that way.


As to Bushisms and Iraq. Well, we're getting out in the Spring of 2007 according to our defence minister, so on the troops side of thing, Iraq is on the way to the aforementioned service station. And the Prime Minister of Iraq and Bush? He says he will stay until "the job is done." What he means is; "We're gonna wait for another Vietnam moment."

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I should rephrase that;

"Human society." Us Phoenixes and Hamsters can always rule the world after.


I was watching a TV programme on the BBC the other day, centred around Mi5, it is called Spooks (unaware of any American broadcast) and the last episode of the series was fabulous. All focused around an eco-terrorist plot to flood London if the Government didn't release a document called Aftermath.

What really interested me was the Aftermath document itself (when it was discovered to exist after much conspiracy). It detailed a US-UK agreement to stop all efforts to counter global warming, start an active nuclear weapons program and prepare to take control of the world's resources after the disasters of global warming have hit, and between 30-35% of the world's population have been killed in the ecological disaster. Scary. Very scary. And disturbingly, it is too close to what our governments would actually do. Ours out of fear of becoming a "dinosaur" economy if we try to combat global warming, or failing to take the upper hand and the US Government representitive gave his as "To retain our position and further US interests abroad."


30-35% of the world's population, dead due to the West's incompotence.

Before I comment... where did you find the article? I would very much like to read it. Was there any write-up in the Economist about this? I couldn't find any reference and I am a subscriber so it would allow me to do research.

Sorry, I should have made it clearer. This was a BBC drama, not actually fact.

Although, I have the sneaking suspicion it may happen and turn out that way.


As to Bushisms and Iraq. Well, we're getting out in the Spring of 2007 according to our defence minister, so on the troops side of thing, Iraq is on the way to the aforementioned service station. And the Prime Minister of Iraq and Bush? He says he will stay until "the job is done." What he means is; "We're gonna wait for another Vietnam moment."

The scary thing is that sometimes these dramas have a way of coming true. :unsure:


TGHL... if you were able, what would you do, who would you meet with, to stop the sectarian violence in Iraq and the Middle East?

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I should rephrase that;

"Human society." Us Phoenixes and Hamsters can always rule the world after.


I was watching a TV programme on the BBC the other day, centred around Mi5, it is called Spooks (unaware of any American broadcast) and the last episode of the series was fabulous. All focused around an eco-terrorist plot to flood London if the Government didn't release a document called Aftermath.

What really interested me was the Aftermath document itself (when it was discovered to exist after much conspiracy). It detailed a US-UK agreement to stop all efforts to counter global warming, start an active nuclear weapons program and prepare to take control of the world's resources after the disasters of global warming have hit, and between 30-35% of the world's population have been killed in the ecological disaster. Scary. Very scary. And disturbingly, it is too close to what our governments would actually do. Ours out of fear of becoming a "dinosaur" economy if we try to combat global warming, or failing to take the upper hand and the US Government representitive gave his as "To retain our position and further US interests abroad."


30-35% of the world's population, dead due to the West's incompotence.

Before I comment... where did you find the article? I would very much like to read it. Was there any write-up in the Economist about this? I couldn't find any reference and I am a subscriber so it would allow me to do research.

Sorry, I should have made it clearer. This was a BBC drama, not actually fact.

Although, I have the sneaking suspicion it may happen and turn out that way.


As to Bushisms and Iraq. Well, we're getting out in the Spring of 2007 according to our defence minister, so on the troops side of thing, Iraq is on the way to the aforementioned service station. And the Prime Minister of Iraq and Bush? He says he will stay until "the job is done." What he means is; "We're gonna wait for another Vietnam moment."

The scary thing is that sometimes these dramas have a way of coming true. :unsure:


TGHL... if you were able, what would you do, who would you meet with, to stop the sectarian violence in Iraq and the Middle East?

How much I fear, that given half a chance, both our countries would join in on the Aftermath program.


You ask a difficult question. In a theoretical situation, I would have to be PM for Britain and adjusted British foreign policy considerably.

For a start, I would keep Iran and Syria away from the talks. Give them representation at any roundtable, conference or discussion and they will influence the various groups into a position in which they hold all the cards. On the other hand, they have links to the organisations anyway and would most likely be talking to the various leaders even if they weren't at the conference. Iran and Syria's inclusion at any form of talks is a difficult decision to make.

Get the leaders, or at least delegates, from the main, organised groups behind some of the violence. Invite the groups like Hezbollah in and get them talking, try and get them to state what they want and what it will take to cease hostilities and talking. Quite whether anything will be achieved by this or not, I cannot say, and I am sceptical as to whether Sunni and Shi'ite extremists would cease trying to kill each other, no matter how much you try and get them to talk.

Israel would be beaten with a stick. Metaphorically. No place in the talks, and no interferrance. They would be antagonistic, inflame the situation and metaphorically burn the talks to the ground. They would be dealt seperately, and I'd use Britain as a broker between Palestine and Israel, which we should do anyway given the fact that we created Israel and messed the whole thing up in the first place anyway.

What I'd really need is a change in foreign policy from the US Administration, you couldn't quell any small border wars between Israel and its neighbours is Israel has the backing of the US.

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I wish nukes were never discovered. :( We'd have far less-dangerous warfare... Less death...


I miss peace. I know we had a close mark to it before 9/11... or was I simply naiive?

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I wish nukes were never discovered. :( We'd have far less-dangerous warfare... Less death...


I miss peace. I know we had a close mark to it before 9/11... or was I simply naiive?

And no nuclear energy.

Why no nuclear energy?

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I wish nukes were never discovered. :( We'd have far less-dangerous warfare... Less death...


I miss peace. I know we had a close mark to it before 9/11... or was I simply naiive?

And no nuclear energy.

Why no nuclear energy?

If nukes were never discovered, then nuclear energy would not have been discovered.

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I wish nukes were never discovered. :( We'd have far less-dangerous warfare... Less death...


I miss peace. I know we had a close mark to it before 9/11... or was I simply naiive?

And no nuclear energy.

Why no nuclear energy?

If nukes were never discovered, then nuclear energy would not have been discovered.

I wish we had nuclear energy but no nuclear weapons.

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I wish nukes were never discovered. :( We'd have far less-dangerous warfare... Less death...


I miss peace. I know we had a close mark to it before 9/11... or was I simply naiive?

And no nuclear energy.

Why no nuclear energy?

If nukes were never discovered, then nuclear energy would not have been discovered.

I wish we had nuclear energy but no nuclear weapons.

Wouldn't that be wonderful. I wish the same.

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I should rephrase that;

"Human society." Us Phoenixes and Hamsters can always rule the world after.


I was watching a TV programme on the BBC the other day, centred around Mi5, it is called Spooks (unaware of any American broadcast) and the last episode of the series was fabulous. All focused around an eco-terrorist plot to flood London if the Government didn't release a document called Aftermath.

What really interested me was the Aftermath document itself (when it was discovered to exist after much conspiracy). It detailed a US-UK agreement to stop all efforts to counter global warming, start an active nuclear weapons program and prepare to take control of the world's resources after the disasters of global warming have hit, and between 30-35% of the world's population have been killed in the ecological disaster. Scary. Very scary. And disturbingly, it is too close to what our governments would actually do. Ours out of fear of becoming a "dinosaur" economy if we try to combat global warming, or failing to take the upper hand and the US Government representitive gave his as "To retain our position and further US interests abroad."


30-35% of the world's population, dead due to the West's incompotence.

Before I comment... where did you find the article? I would very much like to read it. Was there any write-up in the Economist about this? I couldn't find any reference and I am a subscriber so it would allow me to do research.

Sorry, I should have made it clearer. This was a BBC drama, not actually fact.

Although, I have the sneaking suspicion it may happen and turn out that way.


As to Bushisms and Iraq. Well, we're getting out in the Spring of 2007 according to our defence minister, so on the troops side of thing, Iraq is on the way to the aforementioned service station. And the Prime Minister of Iraq and Bush? He says he will stay until "the job is done." What he means is; "We're gonna wait for another Vietnam moment."

The scary thing is that sometimes these dramas have a way of coming true. :unsure:


TGHL... if you were able, what would you do, who would you meet with, to stop the sectarian violence in Iraq and the Middle East?

How much I fear, that given half a chance, both our countries would join in on the Aftermath program.


You ask a difficult question. In a theoretical situation, I would have to be PM for Britain and adjusted British foreign policy considerably.

For a start, I would keep Iran and Syria away from the talks. Give them representation at any roundtable, conference or discussion and they will influence the various groups into a position in which they hold all the cards. On the other hand, they have links to the organisations anyway and would most likely be talking to the various leaders even if they weren't at the conference. Iran and Syria's inclusion at any form of talks is a difficult decision to make.

Get the leaders, or at least delegates, from the main, organised groups behind some of the violence. Invite the groups like Hezbollah in and get them talking, try and get them to state what they want and what it will take to cease hostilities and talking. Quite whether anything will be achieved by this or not, I cannot say, and I am sceptical as to whether Sunni and Shi'ite extremists would cease trying to kill each other, no matter how much you try and get them to talk.

Israel would be beaten with a stick. Metaphorically. No place in the talks, and no interferrance. They would be antagonistic, inflame the situation and metaphorically burn the talks to the ground. They would be dealt seperately, and I'd use Britain as a broker between Palestine and Israel, which we should do anyway given the fact that we created Israel and messed the whole thing up in the first place anyway.

What I'd really need is a change in foreign policy from the US Administration, you couldn't quell any small border wars between Israel and its neighbours is Israel has the backing of the US.

Interesting thoughts. Perhaps you should run for office. As you say, it is important to include all the religious leaders. Although I agree with you and feel the violence probably won't stop, maybe we can try and hope for the best. Getting them to meet and have a say in what is happening just might be a start.


What are your views on Pres. Bush's replacement for Rumsfeld?


Look for that book I told you about... State of Denial by Bob Woodward.

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TGHL... what is your thinking on Chavez and his latest comment about the US?

You mean the one which could be summarised in four words;

Socialism good. Capitalism bad.
? (No Animal Farm reference there).

I don't quite know what to make of Chavez at times. Sometimes, he seems quite logical. Other times, he seems like a complete nutter who should be taken away and gently talked to.

I mean, his comments regarding the US' attitude towards South and Central American countries is spot on, I agree with him to some extent, but then when you analyse what he has been doing to his own country, it is quite atrocious. The working classes may have hugely benefited from his rule, but at the huge disadvantage of the middle classes (upper class shall not be mentioned as they are fools), with no discerning between what is good for Venezula's economy and what isn't, so long as it is socialist, makes fun of those Capatalist pig dogs over in the US and benefits the working class.


TGHL's current pet hate is the WTO. World Bank almost, but for now it can be left alone. Why the WTO? The insistance on applying the Free Trade principle to EVERY country in the world, regardless of what economic effects it might have. Free trade does not help anyone except the rich Western countries which already have 80% of the wealth despite having 20% of the population. Fair Trade is a much more interesting initative I am interested in, but what must come first is a huge overhaul of CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) in the EU and the cancelling of subsidies to Western farmers. That means;

Beating France over the head with a stick until it gives way

Upsetting a lot of farmers


But, the huge benefits for 3rd world farmers would much outweigh the downsides for the 1st world. For those not up to date with the current subsidy situation, allow me to elaborate.

Western governments give subsidies to farmers to help them grow their crops, stay in business etc. Now, because of the heavily subisidised food crops that these farmers grow, it means that they can afford to sell them at a much reduced price. The upshot of this is that a 3rd world farmer who sells his crop with little profit margin, will be passed over by his own people in favour of the much cheaper 1st world farmer's goods, who, thanks to the subsidies, will be making much more of a profit than Mr.3rd-world-Farmer. Now consider how much of the population of your average 3rd world country is made up by farmers. Easily over 70%. This means that while the 1st world economy is good, farmers are fat and happy, etc etc. The 3rd world economy is dead because nobody is earning anything and people are starving.


Policy of subsidies = Rubbish.


What other world gripes do I have? The lack of any green initative here in Britain, the European Comission being incompotent and corrupt at the same time, the fact that the US administration just ignored everything said by the Iraq study group, the wonderful if unable to sway the US Kofi Annan is stepping down, Bush can't think of an XMas (note that he can't be bothered to put Christmas) message, so his dog Barney is doing it instead, Fiji has gone from being a likable Commonwealth state to a fascist supressing place (see latest story on Fiji coup on BBC. Bad news for anti-coup peeps) and Thatcher isn't dead yet.

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TGHL... what is your thinking on Chavez and his latest comment about the US?

You mean the one which could be summarised in four words;

Socialism good. Capitalism bad.
? (No Animal Farm reference there).

I don't quite know what to make of Chavez at times. Sometimes, he seems quite logical. Other times, he seems like a complete nutter who should be taken away and gently talked to.

I mean, his comments regarding the US' attitude towards South and Central American countries is spot on, I agree with him to some extent, but then when you analyse what he has been doing to his own country, it is quite atrocious. The working classes may have hugely benefited from his rule, but at the huge disadvantage of the middle classes (upper class shall not be mentioned as they are fools), with no discerning between what is good for Venezula's economy and what isn't, so long as it is socialist, makes fun of those Capatalist pig dogs over in the US and benefits the working class.


TGHL's current pet hate is the WTO. World Bank almost, but for now it can be left alone. Why the WTO? The insistance on applying the Free Trade principle to EVERY country in the world, regardless of what economic effects it might have. Free trade does not help anyone except the rich Western countries which already have 80% of the wealth despite having 20% of the population. Fair Trade is a much more interesting initative I am interested in, but what must come first is a huge overhaul of CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) in the EU and the cancelling of subsidies to Western farmers. That means;

Beating France over the head with a stick until it gives way

Upsetting a lot of farmers


But, the huge benefits for 3rd world farmers would much outweigh the downsides for the 1st world. For those not up to date with the current subsidy situation, allow me to elaborate.

Western governments give subsidies to farmers to help them grow their crops, stay in business etc. Now, because of the heavily subisidised food crops that these farmers grow, it means that they can afford to sell them at a much reduced price. The upshot of this is that a 3rd world farmer who sells his crop with little profit margin, will be passed over by his own people in favour of the much cheaper 1st world farmer's goods, who, thanks to the subsidies, will be making much more of a profit than Mr.3rd-world-Farmer. Now consider how much of the population of your average 3rd world country is made up by farmers. Easily over 70%. This means that while the 1st world economy is good, farmers are fat and happy, etc etc. The 3rd world economy is dead because nobody is earning anything and people are starving.


Policy of subsidies = Rubbish.


What other world gripes do I have? The lack of any green initative here in Britain, the European Comission being incompotent and corrupt at the same time, the fact that the US administration just ignored everything said by the Iraq study group, the wonderful if unable to sway the US Kofi Annan is stepping down, Bush can't think of an XMas (note that he can't be bothered to put Christmas) message, so his dog Barney is doing it instead, Fiji has gone from being a likable Commonwealth state to a fascist supressing place (see latest story on Fiji coup on BBC. Bad news for anti-coup peeps) and Thatcher isn't dead yet.

I always love reading your posts. Your views are quite informed and very interesting.


The Iraq study group did not go far enough, in my opinion, I believe it is far worse than anyone can imagine and the American people need to be aware of what is going on. Remember, there are those people who believe if you ignore it, it will go away.


Interesting view on farming in the USA. Sadly, small farms are being turned into housing developments. Small farms cannot make it and the subsidies do not help. Farmers work seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day and they definitely are not rich. The subsidies are not as terrific as you think.


Fiji... most people don't know anything about it. There are some people in the USA who think that New Mexico requires a visa to travel there. Seriously!!! I watch the BBC news and read the Economist, great sources of information. As for Fiji, I don't know what to think. This is not good.


Pinochet... you have been very quiet on his death. Any thoughts?

How about Cuba and old Fidel and his brother?

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I have read some articles about reinstating the draft (which replied to a bill that called for both men and women to serve) and I wish to state my own opinion on it.


First off, it is said that lawmakers will think twice if their children have been in the army. I think this is the ABSOLUTE WRONG reason for a draft. The only way I can think about this is that children would be held hostage against their parents. "If you want your child to live, say no to war!" That's what it comes down to, isn't it?



I agree with Vito or whoever his name is, who said that it wouldn't do much good to send in 2 million untrained militia over to an operation that chances are, they don't support. It would be like another Vietnam war. HELLOOO, learn from history, people!


Not to mention all the protests that would arise. And the Canadian border would be...overwhelmed. I mean, at least Canada doesn't force its citizens to serve in these stupid wars.


So no, I do not think a draft is a good idea.

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Draft = bad. I know that I, personally, would just be a burden if I were to go over there, due to my lack of any training. The last thing we need is thousands of incompetant people half-trying to win a war they don't want.

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Draft = bad. I know that I, personally, would just be a burden if I were to go over there, due to my lack of any training. The last thing we need is thousands of incompetant people half-trying to win a war they don't want.

You are not sent over without any training whatsoever. You get the basics.

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Draft = bad. I know that I, personally, would just be a burden if I were to go over there, due to my lack of any training. The last thing we need is thousands of incompetant people half-trying to win a war they don't want.

You are not sent over without any training whatsoever. You get the basics.

Okay. Same difference. So, i get basic training, handed a gun, and get told "good luck." Then, I'm over in Iraq, first military encounter, I panic, and then bamf, I'm dead. Not a great idea. :P

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I have read some articles about reinstating the draft (which replied to a bill that called for both men and women to serve) and I wish to state my own opinion on it.


First off, it is said that lawmakers will think twice if their children have been in the army. I think this is the ABSOLUTE WRONG reason for a draft. The only way I can think about this is that children would be held hostage against their parents. "If you want your child to live, say no to war!" That's what it comes down to, isn't it?



I agree with Vito or whoever his name is, who said that it wouldn't do much good to send in 2 million untrained militia over to an operation that chances are, they don't support. It would be like another Vietnam war. HELLOOO, learn from history, people!


Not to mention all the protests that would arise. And the Canadian border would be...overwhelmed. I mean, at least Canada doesn't force its citizens to serve in these stupid wars.


So no, I do not think a draft is a good idea.

Some statistics you would find interesting... look back at the Vietnam war and see the total number of politician's sons were eligible for the draft and the exact number of these young men who actually served and even more interesting, just how many went to Vietnam.

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I have read some articles about reinstating the draft (which replied to a bill that called for both men and women to serve) and I wish to state my own opinion on it.


First off, it is said that lawmakers will think twice if their children have been in the army. I think this is the ABSOLUTE WRONG reason for a draft. The only way I can think about this is that children would be held hostage against their parents. "If you want your child to live, say no to war!" That's what it comes down to, isn't it?



I agree with Vito or whoever his name is, who said that it wouldn't do much good to send in 2 million untrained militia over to an operation that chances are, they don't support. It would be like another Vietnam war. HELLOOO, learn from history, people!


Not to mention all the protests that would arise. And the Canadian border would be...overwhelmed. I mean, at least Canada doesn't force its citizens to serve in these stupid wars.


So no, I do not think a draft is a good idea.

*~8The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*nodeth in agreement*


*~*The Psychedelic Lauu*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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TGHL... what is your thinking on Chavez and his latest comment about the US?

You mean the one which could be summarised in four words;

Socialism good. Capitalism bad.
? (No Animal Farm reference there).

I don't quite know what to make of Chavez at times. Sometimes, he seems quite logical. Other times, he seems like a complete nutter who should be taken away and gently talked to.

I mean, his comments regarding the US' attitude towards South and Central American countries is spot on, I agree with him to some extent, but then when you analyse what he has been doing to his own country, it is quite atrocious. The working classes may have hugely benefited from his rule, but at the huge disadvantage of the middle classes (upper class shall not be mentioned as they are fools), with no discerning between what is good for Venezula's economy and what isn't, so long as it is socialist, makes fun of those Capatalist pig dogs over in the US and benefits the working class.


TGHL's current pet hate is the WTO. World Bank almost, but for now it can be left alone. Why the WTO? The insistance on applying the Free Trade principle to EVERY country in the world, regardless of what economic effects it might have. Free trade does not help anyone except the rich Western countries which already have 80% of the wealth despite having 20% of the population. Fair Trade is a much more interesting initative I am interested in, but what must come first is a huge overhaul of CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) in the EU and the cancelling of subsidies to Western farmers. That means;

Beating France over the head with a stick until it gives way

Upsetting a lot of farmers


But, the huge benefits for 3rd world farmers would much outweigh the downsides for the 1st world. For those not up to date with the current subsidy situation, allow me to elaborate.

Western governments give subsidies to farmers to help them grow their crops, stay in business etc. Now, because of the heavily subisidised food crops that these farmers grow, it means that they can afford to sell them at a much reduced price. The upshot of this is that a 3rd world farmer who sells his crop with little profit margin, will be passed over by his own people in favour of the much cheaper 1st world farmer's goods, who, thanks to the subsidies, will be making much more of a profit than Mr.3rd-world-Farmer. Now consider how much of the population of your average 3rd world country is made up by farmers. Easily over 70%. This means that while the 1st world economy is good, farmers are fat and happy, etc etc. The 3rd world economy is dead because nobody is earning anything and people are starving.


Policy of subsidies = Rubbish.


What other world gripes do I have? The lack of any green initative here in Britain, the European Comission being incompotent and corrupt at the same time, the fact that the US administration just ignored everything said by the Iraq study group, the wonderful if unable to sway the US Kofi Annan is stepping down, Bush can't think of an XMas (note that he can't be bothered to put Christmas) message, so his dog Barney is doing it instead, Fiji has gone from being a likable Commonwealth state to a fascist supressing place (see latest story on Fiji coup on BBC. Bad news for anti-coup peeps) and Thatcher isn't dead yet.

I always love reading your posts. Your views are quite informed and very interesting.


The Iraq study group did not go far enough, in my opinion, I believe it is far worse than anyone can imagine and the American people need to be aware of what is going on. Remember, there are those people who believe if you ignore it, it will go away.


Interesting view on farming in the USA. Sadly, small farms are being turned into housing developments. Small farms cannot make it and the subsidies do not help. Farmers work seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day and they definitely are not rich. The subsidies are not as terrific as you think.


Fiji... most people don't know anything about it. There are some people in the USA who think that New Mexico requires a visa to travel there. Seriously!!! I watch the BBC news and read the Economist, great sources of information. As for Fiji, I don't know what to think. This is not good.


Pinochet... you have been very quiet on his death. Any thoughts?

How about Cuba and old Fidel and his brother?

You flatter me Horatio, but what I love is reading your superb responses. ;)


The Iraq study group was viewed by the media and public over here as being a step forward, but still far too conservative. I do think I am getting to the root of the problem though. It is...

The British Empire.

The actions of the 1920's government in the division of post-war Ottoman Empire were ridiculous. The Kurds were given no homeland and split up between 4 countries, but while some of the other countries seem to have worked out quite well, they was a huge failing by the government in the creation of Iraq. Iraq forced together 3 different sectarian groups and it was never going to work without an iron fist to suppress the sectarian violence. Here is an idea;

Divide Iraq so that each sect can have their own little country and hopefully that will mean we can finally having the beginnings of the reformation of Kurdistan, which is what I want eventually.


The subsidy issue is mostly a European problem in terms of food, although one of the reports I read about the impact of subisdies said that it was the US who were responsible for the failure of cotton industries in the 3rd world and when you consider how versatile a plant cotton is and how lucrative the cotton trade is, it appears that all 1st world countries are responsible for suffocating Africa's (excluding South Africa) growth.


Well, the Fiji coup is an issue, but not a clear cut one. The military coup was uncalled for, especially when you consider that there had been no suppressive government and that the economy was growing after the previous coup in 2000. The issue behind it seems to have been the ousted PM offering amnesty to the thwarted coup of 2000 which might have inflamed the growing racial rift in Fiji. What makes the coup worse in my eyes is the statement that "the new government will not tolerate critics of the regime." Totalitarian state = BAD. Thailand ironically after its coup has gotten better by all accounts, something which I didn't expect given the military coup, but actually the general in charge of the coup seems democratically inclined and promises elections in October 2007. He is also regaled as being incorruptible. Certainly given the corruption and ineptitude of the previous Prime Minister it may well be a good event for Thailand.




I believe the above cartoon sums up my opinion of Pinochet and Thatcher's support of him.

Just in case you missed the theme about Pinochet; I detest the man.


As to Mr.Castro;

He appears to be on his last legs, death seems to be approaching quick sharp. As to his nice little reign, it is a two sided coin. On one side, you have the complete and utter lack of democracy and the oppressive regime. On the other you have the excellent medical care facilities and 98% literacy rate. And end to the US blockade would be nice... I really am in two minds about Castro.

Whatever you do, don't mention to Toto that I have a couple of Che Guevera t-shirts...

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TGHL... what is your thinking on Chavez and his latest comment about the US?

You mean the one which could be summarised in four words;

Socialism good. Capitalism bad.
? (No Animal Farm reference there).

I don't quite know what to make of Chavez at times. Sometimes, he seems quite logical. Other times, he seems like a complete nutter who should be taken away and gently talked to.

I mean, his comments regarding the US' attitude towards South and Central American countries is spot on, I agree with him to some extent, but then when you analyse what he has been doing to his own country, it is quite atrocious. The working classes may have hugely benefited from his rule, but at the huge disadvantage of the middle classes (upper class shall not be mentioned as they are fools), with no discerning between what is good for Venezula's economy and what isn't, so long as it is socialist, makes fun of those Capatalist pig dogs over in the US and benefits the working class.


TGHL's current pet hate is the WTO. World Bank almost, but for now it can be left alone. Why the WTO? The insistance on applying the Free Trade principle to EVERY country in the world, regardless of what economic effects it might have. Free trade does not help anyone except the rich Western countries which already have 80% of the wealth despite having 20% of the population. Fair Trade is a much more interesting initative I am interested in, but what must come first is a huge overhaul of CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) in the EU and the cancelling of subsidies to Western farmers. That means;

Beating France over the head with a stick until it gives way

Upsetting a lot of farmers


But, the huge benefits for 3rd world farmers would much outweigh the downsides for the 1st world. For those not up to date with the current subsidy situation, allow me to elaborate.

Western governments give subsidies to farmers to help them grow their crops, stay in business etc. Now, because of the heavily subisidised food crops that these farmers grow, it means that they can afford to sell them at a much reduced price. The upshot of this is that a 3rd world farmer who sells his crop with little profit margin, will be passed over by his own people in favour of the much cheaper 1st world farmer's goods, who, thanks to the subsidies, will be making much more of a profit than Mr.3rd-world-Farmer. Now consider how much of the population of your average 3rd world country is made up by farmers. Easily over 70%. This means that while the 1st world economy is good, farmers are fat and happy, etc etc. The 3rd world economy is dead because nobody is earning anything and people are starving.


Policy of subsidies = Rubbish.


What other world gripes do I have? The lack of any green initative here in Britain, the European Comission being incompotent and corrupt at the same time, the fact that the US administration just ignored everything said by the Iraq study group, the wonderful if unable to sway the US Kofi Annan is stepping down, Bush can't think of an XMas (note that he can't be bothered to put Christmas) message, so his dog Barney is doing it instead, Fiji has gone from being a likable Commonwealth state to a fascist supressing place (see latest story on Fiji coup on BBC. Bad news for anti-coup peeps) and Thatcher isn't dead yet.

I always love reading your posts. Your views are quite informed and very interesting.


The Iraq study group did not go far enough, in my opinion, I believe it is far worse than anyone can imagine and the American people need to be aware of what is going on. Remember, there are those people who believe if you ignore it, it will go away.


Interesting view on farming in the USA. Sadly, small farms are being turned into housing developments. Small farms cannot make it and the subsidies do not help. Farmers work seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day and they definitely are not rich. The subsidies are not as terrific as you think.


Fiji... most people don't know anything about it. There are some people in the USA who think that New Mexico requires a visa to travel there. Seriously!!! I watch the BBC news and read the Economist, great sources of information. As for Fiji, I don't know what to think. This is not good.


Pinochet... you have been very quiet on his death. Any thoughts?

How about Cuba and old Fidel and his brother?

You flatter me Horatio, but what I love is reading your superb responses. ;)


The Iraq study group was viewed by the media and public over here as being a step forward, but still far too conservative. I do think I am getting to the root of the problem though. It is...

The British Empire.

The actions of the 1920's government in the division of post-war Ottoman Empire were ridiculous. The Kurds were given no homeland and split up between 4 countries, but while some of the other countries seem to have worked out quite well, they was a huge failing by the government in the creation of Iraq. Iraq forced together 3 different sectarian groups and it was never going to work without an iron fist to suppress the sectarian violence. Here is an idea;

Divide Iraq so that each sect can have their own little country and hopefully that will mean we can finally having the beginnings of the reformation of Kurdistan, which is what I want eventually.


The subsidy issue is mostly a European problem in terms of food, although one of the reports I read about the impact of subisdies said that it was the US who were responsible for the failure of cotton industries in the 3rd world and when you consider how versatile a plant cotton is and how lucrative the cotton trade is, it appears that all 1st world countries are responsible for suffocating Africa's (excluding South Africa) growth.


Well, the Fiji coup is an issue, but not a clear cut one. The military coup was uncalled for, especially when you consider that there had been no suppressive government and that the economy was growing after the previous coup in 2000. The issue behind it seems to have been the ousted PM offering amnesty to the thwarted coup of 2000 which might have inflamed the growing racial rift in Fiji. What makes the coup worse in my eyes is the statement that "the new government will not tolerate critics of the regime." Totalitarian state = BAD. Thailand ironically after its coup has gotten better by all accounts, something which I didn't expect given the military coup, but actually the general in charge of the coup seems democratically inclined and promises elections in October 2007. He is also regaled as being incorruptible. Certainly given the corruption and ineptitude of the previous Prime Minister it may well be a good event for Thailand.



I believe the above cartoon sums up my opinion of Pinochet and Thatcher's support of him.

Just in case you missed the theme about Pinochet; I detest the man.


As to Mr.Castro;

He appears to be on his last legs, death seems to be approaching quick sharp. As to his nice little reign, it is a two sided coin. On one side, you have the complete and utter lack of democracy and the oppressive regime. On the other you have the excellent medical care facilities and 98% literacy rate. And end to the US blockade would be nice... I really am in two minds about Castro.

Whatever you do, don't mention to Toto that I have a couple of Che Guevera t-shirts...

What you failed to mention with your idea of spliting up Iraq is that Turkey has no desire to see the Kurds with their own country. So, I don't think Turkey would appreciate your plans.


As for cotton... this crop is extremely hard on the soil taking out all the nutrients. You cannot rotate crops with say, corn or beans, and expect to have a great crop. The cotton is strips the soil of everything. Then you have to consider companies such as Patagonia, who make clothes out of recycled plastic bottles.

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Incidentally, you should go lynch those who want to put in place conscription (or the "draft"). It does nothing for the armed forces at all, it is better to have a smaller, professional army than a colossal militia with little training hindering the trained troops and causing general chaos.


Also, here is a controversial point of view for you;

Saddam should not have been hung.

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Incidentally, you should go lynch those who want to put in place conscription (or the "draft"). It does nothing for the armed forces at all, it is better to have a smaller, professional army than a colossal militia with little training hindering the trained troops and causing general chaos.


Also, here is a controversial point of view for you;

Saddam should not have been hung.

The draft... and the reasons for your thinking?


Saddam should not have been hung... why? Martyrdom?

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Incidentally, you should go lynch those who want to put in place conscription (or the "draft"). It does nothing for the armed forces at all, it is better to have a smaller, professional army than a colossal militia with little training hindering the trained troops and causing general chaos.


Also, here is a controversial point of view for you;

Saddam should not have been hung.

The draft... and the reasons for your thinking?


Saddam should not have been hung... why? Martyrdom?

There is no point to it and it brings danger and risk to those who participate. Also, it breaches the Convention of Human Rights as you are forced to do it, it effectively strips you of your free will. What if you don't want to do it? In France and Germany, then you have to do the alternative of community service, but why should you do that? If you want to join the army, or that the US Army needs more troops then there are more effective ways of enticing them to join than forcing in excess of 2 million high school children to spend time in the army. Why don't they call it "Operation Vietnam?" It would be rather fitting.


He was tried for crimes against humanity. Is it not a crime against human life to forcibly take it away? There are also better ways to punish someone. A life time in the same cell, with the same grey, concrete walls can be much worse than a short drop and a sudden stop. Also, as you mentioned, it has instigated a huge amount of protests from the Sunni majority who are doing precisely the opposite to what the Shia dominated government wanted them to do. Rather than uniting Sunni and Shia Muslims, it has only served to drive them further apart.


PS The programme I talked about called Spooks, if you remember, is being shown in the USA under the name MI-5 on A&E... whatever that is. I highly recommend you watch it if you have opportunity.

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Incidentally, you should go lynch those who want to put in place conscription (or the "draft"). It does nothing for the armed forces at all, it is better to have a smaller, professional army than a colossal militia with little training hindering the trained troops and causing general chaos.


Also, here is a controversial point of view for you;

Saddam should not have been hung.

The draft... and the reasons for your thinking?


Saddam should not have been hung... why? Martyrdom?

There is no point to it and it brings danger and risk to those who participate. Also, it breaches the Convention of Human Rights as you are forced to do it, it effectively strips you of your free will. What if you don't want to do it? In France and Germany, then you have to do the alternative of community service, but why should you do that? If you want to join the army, or that the US Army needs more troops then there are more effective ways of enticing them to join than forcing in excess of 2 million high school children to spend time in the army. Why don't they call it "Operation Vietnam?" It would be rather fitting.


He was tried for crimes against humanity. Is it not a crime against human life to forcibly take it away? There are also better ways to punish someone. A life time in the same cell, with the same grey, concrete walls can be much worse than a short drop and a sudden stop. Also, as you mentioned, it has instigated a huge amount of protests from the Sunni majority who are doing precisely the opposite to what the Shia dominated government wanted them to do. Rather than uniting Sunni and Shia Muslims, it has only served to drive them further apart.


PS The programme I talked about called Spooks, if you remember, is being shown in the USA under the name MI-5 on A&E... whatever that is. I highly recommend you watch it if you have opportunity.

Do your feelings about the draft just apply to the USA or would you like to include countries such as Israel, as well. LOL


Are you against the death penalty in all cases, or just this one? Personally, solitary confinement would be rather brutal punishment, but then again, they might be afraid that the wrong group in power might pardon Saddam and let him free. No chance of that now. The television stations cut the broadcast short just prior to the actual act of hanging, so I cannot imagine why anyone would want to get on the internet to watch the whole thing.


I believe I saw an episode of MI-5. LOL I will have to look for it again. But now... it is time for a cup of coffee. :)

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Incidentally, you should go lynch those who want to put in place conscription (or the "draft"). It does nothing for the armed forces at all, it is better to have a smaller, professional army than a colossal militia with little training hindering the trained troops and causing general chaos.


Also, here is a controversial point of view for you;

Saddam should not have been hung.

The draft... and the reasons for your thinking?


Saddam should not have been hung... why? Martyrdom?

There is no point to it and it brings danger and risk to those who participate. Also, it breaches the Convention of Human Rights as you are forced to do it, it effectively strips you of your free will. What if you don't want to do it? In France and Germany, then you have to do the alternative of community service, but why should you do that? If you want to join the army, or that the US Army needs more troops then there are more effective ways of enticing them to join than forcing in excess of 2 million high school children to spend time in the army. Why don't they call it "Operation Vietnam?" It would be rather fitting.


He was tried for crimes against humanity. Is it not a crime against human life to forcibly take it away? There are also better ways to punish someone. A life time in the same cell, with the same grey, concrete walls can be much worse than a short drop and a sudden stop. Also, as you mentioned, it has instigated a huge amount of protests from the Sunni majority who are doing precisely the opposite to what the Shia dominated government wanted them to do. Rather than uniting Sunni and Shia Muslims, it has only served to drive them further apart.


PS The programme I talked about called Spooks, if you remember, is being shown in the USA under the name MI-5 on A&E... whatever that is. I highly recommend you watch it if you have opportunity.

Do your feelings about the draft just apply to the USA or would you like to include countries such as Israel, as well. LOL


Are you against the death penalty in all cases, or just this one? Personally, solitary confinement would be rather brutal punishment, but then again, they might be afraid that the wrong group in power might pardon Saddam and let him free. No chance of that now. The television stations cut the broadcast short just prior to the actual act of hanging, so I cannot imagine why anyone would want to get on the internet to watch the whole thing.


I believe I saw an episode of MI-5. LOL I will have to look for it again. But now... it is time for a cup of coffee. :)

All countries who force their citizens to spend 1 day or 1 year or however long in the army or doing community service against their will.


I am against the death penalty in all circumstance, from Genocidal maniacs to a murderer. You may not know about her, by the woman we like to call Myra Hindley or the Moors murderess, went partially insane. She is dead now, serving over half her life in gaol. Surely that is a fate worse than death?


A&E appear to have stopped showing it, according to my information, but you can still buy the DVDs from them. Series 5 is the one with the eco-terrorists and the Aftermath document, but that isn't out here yet, so I doubt it will be out over there.

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Incidentally, you should go lynch those who want to put in place conscription (or the "draft"). It does nothing for the armed forces at all, it is better to have a smaller, professional army than a colossal militia with little training hindering the trained troops and causing general chaos.


Also, here is a controversial point of view for you;

Saddam should not have been hung.

The draft... and the reasons for your thinking?


Saddam should not have been hung... why? Martyrdom?

There is no point to it and it brings danger and risk to those who participate. Also, it breaches the Convention of Human Rights as you are forced to do it, it effectively strips you of your free will. What if you don't want to do it? In France and Germany, then you have to do the alternative of community service, but why should you do that? If you want to join the army, or that the US Army needs more troops then there are more effective ways of enticing them to join than forcing in excess of 2 million high school children to spend time in the army. Why don't they call it "Operation Vietnam?" It would be rather fitting.


He was tried for crimes against humanity. Is it not a crime against human life to forcibly take it away? There are also better ways to punish someone. A life time in the same cell, with the same grey, concrete walls can be much worse than a short drop and a sudden stop. Also, as you mentioned, it has instigated a huge amount of protests from the Sunni majority who are doing precisely the opposite to what the Shia dominated government wanted them to do. Rather than uniting Sunni and Shia Muslims, it has only served to drive them further apart.


PS The programme I talked about called Spooks, if you remember, is being shown in the USA under the name MI-5 on A&E... whatever that is. I highly recommend you watch it if you have opportunity.

Do your feelings about the draft just apply to the USA or would you like to include countries such as Israel, as well. LOL


Are you against the death penalty in all cases, or just this one? Personally, solitary confinement would be rather brutal punishment, but then again, they might be afraid that the wrong group in power might pardon Saddam and let him free. No chance of that now. The television stations cut the broadcast short just prior to the actual act of hanging, so I cannot imagine why anyone would want to get on the internet to watch the whole thing.


I believe I saw an episode of MI-5. LOL I will have to look for it again. But now... it is time for a cup of coffee. :)

All countries who force their citizens to spend 1 day or 1 year or however long in the army or doing community service against their will.


I am against the death penalty in all circumstance, from Genocidal maniacs to a murderer. You may not know about her, by the woman we like to call Myra Hindley or the Moors murderess, went partially insane. She is dead now, serving over half her life in gaol. Surely that is a fate worse than death?


A&E appear to have stopped showing it, according to my information, but you can still buy the DVDs from them. Series 5 is the one with the eco-terrorists and the Aftermath document, but that isn't out here yet, so I doubt it will be out over there.

It seems that when your posts appear, it is always time for a cup of coffee. I must have known you were coming as I started brewing the coffee and came here. LOL


*tapes mouth shut*


Community service I do believe is a very good thing. What better way to learn about people less fortunate than yourself but to help them. This extends from being a hospital volunteer, special olympics, etc. to helping clean up wildlife refuges. Community service is a valuable tool to help someone grow hopefully with more compassion for other human beings.

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Incidentally, you should go lynch those who want to put in place conscription (or the "draft"). It does nothing for the armed forces at all, it is better to have a smaller, professional army than a colossal militia with little training hindering the trained troops and causing general chaos.


Also, here is a controversial point of view for you;

Saddam should not have been hung.

The draft... and the reasons for your thinking?


Saddam should not have been hung... why? Martyrdom?

There is no point to it and it brings danger and risk to those who participate. Also, it breaches the Convention of Human Rights as you are forced to do it, it effectively strips you of your free will. What if you don't want to do it? In France and Germany, then you have to do the alternative of community service, but why should you do that? If you want to join the army, or that the US Army needs more troops then there are more effective ways of enticing them to join than forcing in excess of 2 million high school children to spend time in the army. Why don't they call it "Operation Vietnam?" It would be rather fitting.


He was tried for crimes against humanity. Is it not a crime against human life to forcibly take it away? There are also better ways to punish someone. A life time in the same cell, with the same grey, concrete walls can be much worse than a short drop and a sudden stop. Also, as you mentioned, it has instigated a huge amount of protests from the Sunni majority who are doing precisely the opposite to what the Shia dominated government wanted them to do. Rather than uniting Sunni and Shia Muslims, it has only served to drive them further apart.


PS The programme I talked about called Spooks, if you remember, is being shown in the USA under the name MI-5 on A&E... whatever that is. I highly recommend you watch it if you have opportunity.

Do your feelings about the draft just apply to the USA or would you like to include countries such as Israel, as well. LOL


Are you against the death penalty in all cases, or just this one? Personally, solitary confinement would be rather brutal punishment, but then again, they might be afraid that the wrong group in power might pardon Saddam and let him free. No chance of that now. The television stations cut the broadcast short just prior to the actual act of hanging, so I cannot imagine why anyone would want to get on the internet to watch the whole thing.


I believe I saw an episode of MI-5. LOL I will have to look for it again. But now... it is time for a cup of coffee. :)

All countries who force their citizens to spend 1 day or 1 year or however long in the army or doing community service against their will.


I am against the death penalty in all circumstance, from Genocidal maniacs to a murderer. You may not know about her, by the woman we like to call Myra Hindley or the Moors murderess, went partially insane. She is dead now, serving over half her life in gaol. Surely that is a fate worse than death?


A&E appear to have stopped showing it, according to my information, but you can still buy the DVDs from them. Series 5 is the one with the eco-terrorists and the Aftermath document, but that isn't out here yet, so I doubt it will be out over there.

It seems that when your posts appear, it is always time for a cup of coffee. I must have known you were coming as I started brewing the coffee and came here. LOL


*tapes mouth shut*


Community service I do believe is a very good thing. What better way to learn about people less fortunate than yourself but to help them. This extends from being a hospital volunteer, special olympics, etc. to helping clean up wildlife refuges. Community service is a valuable tool to help someone grow hopefully with more compassion for other human beings.

I think it is coffee time again. You'd be better off with some Earl Grey though. Free Radicals in the tea help put off dementia and senility you know. ;)


Something is unsaid about the death penalty here. I shall not press as to what it is.


I believe that community service is an excellent thing, but it should be done on a voluntary basis or in association with school, not as a result of being forced to decide between that or time in the armed forces.

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PS; Manga avatar today Horatio?

PPS; That reminds me, the American market is about to see the touch down of the new Smart car, also known as the Smart ForTwo. Comment?

PPPS; First woman speaker in the house. Congrats, you broke "the marble ceiling." Comment on the Democrats dedication to lifting the ban on stem cell research, abortions and the issues which got Bush the Christian vote?

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Incidentally, you should go lynch those who want to put in place conscription (or the "draft"). It does nothing for the armed forces at all, it is better to have a smaller, professional army than a colossal militia with little training hindering the trained troops and causing general chaos.


Also, here is a controversial point of view for you;

Saddam should not have been hung.

The draft... and the reasons for your thinking?


Saddam should not have been hung... why? Martyrdom?

There is no point to it and it brings danger and risk to those who participate. Also, it breaches the Convention of Human Rights as you are forced to do it, it effectively strips you of your free will. What if you don't want to do it? In France and Germany, then you have to do the alternative of community service, but why should you do that? If you want to join the army, or that the US Army needs more troops then there are more effective ways of enticing them to join than forcing in excess of 2 million high school children to spend time in the army. Why don't they call it "Operation Vietnam?" It would be rather fitting.


He was tried for crimes against humanity. Is it not a crime against human life to forcibly take it away? There are also better ways to punish someone. A life time in the same cell, with the same grey, concrete walls can be much worse than a short drop and a sudden stop. Also, as you mentioned, it has instigated a huge amount of protests from the Sunni majority who are doing precisely the opposite to what the Shia dominated government wanted them to do. Rather than uniting Sunni and Shia Muslims, it has only served to drive them further apart.


PS The programme I talked about called Spooks, if you remember, is being shown in the USA under the name MI-5 on A&E... whatever that is. I highly recommend you watch it if you have opportunity.

Do your feelings about the draft just apply to the USA or would you like to include countries such as Israel, as well. LOL


Are you against the death penalty in all cases, or just this one? Personally, solitary confinement would be rather brutal punishment, but then again, they might be afraid that the wrong group in power might pardon Saddam and let him free. No chance of that now. The television stations cut the broadcast short just prior to the actual act of hanging, so I cannot imagine why anyone would want to get on the internet to watch the whole thing.


I believe I saw an episode of MI-5. LOL I will have to look for it again. But now... it is time for a cup of coffee. :)

All countries who force their citizens to spend 1 day or 1 year or however long in the army or doing community service against their will.


I am against the death penalty in all circumstance, from Genocidal maniacs to a murderer. You may not know about her, by the woman we like to call Myra Hindley or the Moors murderess, went partially insane. She is dead now, serving over half her life in gaol. Surely that is a fate worse than death?


A&E appear to have stopped showing it, according to my information, but you can still buy the DVDs from them. Series 5 is the one with the eco-terrorists and the Aftermath document, but that isn't out here yet, so I doubt it will be out over there.

It seems that when your posts appear, it is always time for a cup of coffee. I must have known you were coming as I started brewing the coffee and came here. LOL


*tapes mouth shut*


Community service I do believe is a very good thing. What better way to learn about people less fortunate than yourself but to help them. This extends from being a hospital volunteer, special olympics, etc. to helping clean up wildlife refuges. Community service is a valuable tool to help someone grow hopefully with more compassion for other human beings.

I think it is coffee time again. You'd be better off with some Earl Grey though. Free Radicals in the tea help put off dementia and senility you know. ;)


Something is unsaid about the death penalty here. I shall not press as to what it is.


I believe that community service is an excellent thing, but it should be done on a voluntary basis or in association with school, not as a result of being forced to decide between that or time in the armed forces.

Missed the death penalty. Was focusing on the smell of freshly brewed coffee.


As for the death penalty, I have mixed emotions. I don't believe I could actually flip the switch and end someone's life, but if that person has committed a crime so heinous and the proof is iron-clad, I would want to make sure the person could not walk out of jail at a later date. One of the problems I have with the justice system is that some people are able to commit murder and then walk free after a set amount years behind bars, when the victim's life was cut short. So, the old saying "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, is a tough one for me.


As for community service, many people would never be bothered to help others unless they are forced to. So, I have no problem with having everyone do some community service. Besides, universities weigh very heavily whether or not someone has done community service.

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PS; Manga avatar today Horatio?

PPS; That reminds me, the American market is about to see the touch down of the new Smart car, also known as the Smart ForTwo. Comment?

PPPS; First woman speaker in the house. Congrats, you broke "the marble ceiling." Comment on the Democrats dedication to lifting the ban on stem cell research, abortions and the issues which got Bush the Christian vote?

The avatar belongs to Cheesemaster, but he has not seen it yet. After he sees it, I have another one I am switching to.

I love the Smart Car. They tried to bring it over years ago and people balked... not it is a different matter. I would buy one in a nanosecond.

They are just the right size for my cagarage. LOL

Let's see what Pelosi can actually accomplish. What I don't like about her is that she cannot let go of a grudge. That, in my book, is a lot of baggage that can get in the way.

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Incidentally, you should go lynch those who want to put in place conscription (or the "draft"). It does nothing for the armed forces at all, it is better to have a smaller, professional army than a colossal militia with little training hindering the trained troops and causing general chaos.


Also, here is a controversial point of view for you;

Saddam should not have been hung.

The draft... and the reasons for your thinking?


Saddam should not have been hung... why? Martyrdom?

Saddam indeed should not have been hung. I do NOT agree with ANY KILLING (even killing of the person's spirit, should, freedom, etc). It really fustrates me that they did that. LOOK AT WHAT WE DO TO PEOPLE! The cold, hard, true and only fact about HUMANS are that we will always be hypocrits. As unfortunate as that is, we should try our best to set a true and perfect example of the way a society is. The closest thing to the "utopia" of a society is anarchy. Why? Freedom, no discrimination (excluding man vs man) and etc. One of the biggest things that get me is we kill people who killed people who may have killed people. And odds are our people who killed the ones before will be knocked off and the endless cycle goes on. We allow our soldiers and many, many other people in our country to kill and get away with it. They seem to be above the law, just as is the senators and etc who can rise above the law with their senatorial rights. Anyways, we alott these people to kill and then condemn "civilians" from killing eachother! WHAT ARE WE TEACHING OUR CHILDREN AND OTHER FORGEINERS!?!!?!!? How can we expect people to learn these rules when we allow others to break them! Man these things fustrate me.


I am completely against our government. Let me elaborate before some get crazy ideas... I am against the current DICTATORS who rule the United States Government. Why? They have ruined what the U.S.A.C. stands for. Especially with all the money they are getting. ANd thats another thing that gets me! Lol YES a lot of things get me...SHHH I didn't ask for your input...okay okay I did but shhh not yet!! lol.....Back to the subject at hand... The senators almost every year vote in a $10000 raise to their salary which I believe to be somewhere (ballpark figures) $370000. DO NOT correct me on this...its not that I don't want to be correct but rather making a statement with the figures. Anyways, and our soliders in the army who are getting KILLED can barely make enough to live off. I should know, everyone around me that I know has been in the military. Our government officials barely do anything for a whole year and get paid enormous amounts. Where is the justice in that? Politics. Do you know what that means?

It simply is another word for money. Our past president took office for the office of creating something better. Presidential Office today? "MONEY MONEY MONEY! TITLE TITLE TITLE!" You do not need an education to become president. Most presidents were not very smart as a matter of fact. However, a lot if not most/all presidents went to college. But what our past presidents had was the idea to a hero to the country. BTW this was not a shot at Bush and his speech. I do not agree with Bush on everything but as of late he has made me take a second glance at him.


As a whole, the US is indeed a dictatorship. Dictatorship is a one person thing? Huh? This is a new form of dictatorship. The people were supposed to rule but we don't even get to vote for our president. There is the popular vote and and the electorial(al?). Our votes are not the latter... Sure we can also give our opinions to our senators, reps, and etc but they have their own agendas. Again, as a whole, the states have become a new form of dictatorship. Why not call it something else? Well, you come up with a name, get everyone to say it in the world, make it popular and published and etc, and then I will use it instead of dictatorship...


Anyways...I am tired of typing and my fingers hurt from my crushing of the keys. Anyways, much love bye bye.

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Ah, Tayino has won my respect once more. Not that he ever got rid of it.


There is a wonderful little phrase for Bush Administration that I like to use as much as I can. I also use it to talk about Conservatives, UKIP, the BNP (British National Party, but it may as well be the British Nazi Party the policies they have) and all things right wing. Toto country, if I wanted to be vindictive, which I don't, so I shall not call it that.


No, velvet fascism is a wonderful phrase, aptly describing the Bush administration, and a variety of other right-of-centre governments in the Western World. A government which slowly destroys freedoms, rights and privileges based on ghosts, on phantoms which don't exist and are stirred up these groups and a media which pursues only the most extreme cases. Immigration for example. People whinge, and they moan and they work themselves up into an incandescent right wing fury about "all these illegal immigrants coming into our country and taking our jobs!" Well, it probably would disappoint all these red necks and white trash to find out that the reason they lost their job was due to their own incompetence and immigration is nowhere near as bad as they would have you believe. This is perhaps more relevant to my country, where certain groups claim that this "country will sink under the weight of all these immigrants." Of course, you have the entirely stupid furore over Mexican immigrants, to such an extent that those fascist morons; The Minutemen, or whatever they call themselves, are building a wall across the Mexico-US border and being vigilantes. Our problem is different, but similar. The fascist morons over here would have you believe that "Dirty immigrants" are taking deserving British homes, jobs and such. On all cases, it is a lie, as unemployment is under 1 million, most of which are people who chose to drop out of school, housing is in plentiful supply (just rather too high in terms of price for first time buyers) and those propagating the ideas are often just racists, using "British" to mean "white" and "immigrants" to mean "asian." How I hate the right wing, conservatives or republicans. Whatever you want to call them.

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Ah, Tayino has won my respect once more. Not that he ever got rid of it.


There is a wonderful little phrase for Bush Administration that I like to use as much as I can. I also use it to talk about Conservatives, UKIP, the BNP (British National Party, but it may as well be the British Nazi Party the policies they have) and all things right wing. Toto country, if I wanted to be vindictive, which I don't, so I shall not call it that.


No, velvet fascism is a wonderful phrase, aptly describing the Bush administration, and a variety of other right-of-centre governments in the Western World. A government which slowly destroys freedoms, rights and privileges based on ghosts, on phantoms which don't exist and are stirred up these groups and a media which pursues only the most extreme cases. Immigration for example. People whinge, and they moan and they work themselves up into an incandescent right wing fury about "all these illegal immigrants coming into our country and taking our jobs!" Well, it probably would disappoint all these red necks and white trash to find out that the reason they lost their job was due to their own incompetence and immigration is nowhere near as bad as they would have you believe. This is perhaps more relevant to my country, where certain groups claim that this "country will sink under the weight of all these immigrants." Of course, you have the entirely stupid furore over Mexican immigrants, to such an extent that those fascist morons; The Minutemen, or whatever they call themselves, are building a wall across the Mexico-US border and being vigilantes. Our problem is different, but similar. The fascist morons over here would have you believe that "Dirty immigrants" are taking deserving British homes, jobs and such. On all cases, it is a lie, as unemployment is under 1 million, most of which are people who chose to drop out of school, housing is in plentiful supply (just rather too high in terms of price for first time buyers) and those propagating the ideas are often just racists, using "British" to mean "white" and "immigrants" to mean "asian." How I hate the right wing, conservatives or republicans. Whatever you want to call them.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Amen! <_<


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*THe Astronomy Domine*~*

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Ah, Tayino has won my respect once more. Not that he ever got rid of it.


There is a wonderful little phrase for Bush Administration that I like to use as much as I can. I also use it to talk about Conservatives, UKIP, the BNP (British National Party, but it may as well be the British Nazi Party the policies they have) and all things right wing. Toto country, if I wanted to be vindictive, which I don't, so I shall not call it that.


No, velvet fascism is a wonderful phrase, aptly describing the Bush administration, and a variety of other right-of-centre governments in the Western World. A government which slowly destroys freedoms, rights and privileges based on ghosts, on phantoms which don't exist and are stirred up these groups and a media which pursues only the most extreme cases. Immigration for example. People whinge, and they moan and they work themselves up into an incandescent right wing fury about "all these illegal immigrants coming into our country and taking our jobs!" Well, it probably would disappoint all these red necks and white trash to find out that the reason they lost their job was due to their own incompetence and immigration is nowhere near as bad as they would have you believe. This is perhaps more relevant to my country, where certain groups claim that this "country will sink under the weight of all these immigrants." Of course, you have the entirely stupid furore over Mexican immigrants, to such an extent that those fascist morons; The Minutemen, or whatever they call themselves, are building a wall across the Mexico-US border and being vigilantes. Our problem is different, but similar. The fascist morons over here would have you believe that "Dirty immigrants" are taking deserving British homes, jobs and such. On all cases, it is a lie, as unemployment is under 1 million, most of which are people who chose to drop out of school, housing is in plentiful supply (just rather too high in terms of price for first time buyers) and those propagating the ideas are often just racists, using "British" to mean "white" and "immigrants" to mean "asian." How I hate the right wing, conservatives or republicans. Whatever you want to call them.


As always, I am at wits end trying to express how I love reading your comments lol. Splendid. And true.


Another cold, hard fact is that the US is at war with "terror" or what have you. We CANNOT pull out. Not only would it affect our reputation with the UN and other world share countries, the goal of trying to salvage whatever is left of the Middle East would be kapot. We need to send whatever we need whether it be 1 man or a billion men. I am not for the war. However, in a neutral stance I have learned many things from observing the situation. In order to pull our troops out, we need to take care of business. What many people are failing to realize is that if we do indeed pull out now, we have left the place of hades and traded it for the wrath of a god. What I mean by this is that we are taking a place of destruction, chaos and trading it for the end of existence. What we also need in order to pull out is for the Iraqi government to take charge of their own country. Now I am not mad at Iraq for this problem, no. I am just hoping that they realize the quicker they do this, the quicker we get out.


Many people are calling this War on Terror "Nam". Yes, it is Nam. But there is a big difference. We have learned from our mistakes from Korea and Vietnam. Keep in mind this is not the end of the conflict. We are trying to keep what happened in the end of Korea and Vietnam from happening! How else do we try to not let this happen than to pursue the desired outcome! Wake up nations of the world! This is more complex and bigger than we have realized. And even if we do fail here in the Middle East like we did at Korea and Nam, all it is is another mistake we need to learn from for the next time we try this thing.


When YOU have FAILED at something, what do people tell you? Practice makes perfect, try try try again, etc...



I could keep going on and on and on....I could sit here tping for years without hitting add reply....but I have to deal with my own problems. Later. Much love. Bye bye. Adios. Danke.

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Ah, Tayino has won my respect once more. Not that he ever got rid of it.


There is a wonderful little phrase for Bush Administration that I like to use as much as I can. I also use it to talk about Conservatives, UKIP, the BNP (British National Party, but it may as well be the British Nazi Party the policies they have) and all things right wing. Toto country, if I wanted to be vindictive, which I don't, so I shall not call it that.


No, velvet fascism is a wonderful phrase, aptly describing the Bush administration, and a variety of other right-of-centre governments in the Western World. A government which slowly destroys freedoms, rights and privileges based on ghosts, on phantoms which don't exist and are stirred up these groups and a media which pursues only the most extreme cases. Immigration for example. People whinge, and they moan and they work themselves up into an incandescent right wing fury about "all these illegal immigrants coming into our country and taking our jobs!" Well, it probably would disappoint all these red necks and white trash to find out that the reason they lost their job was due to their own incompetence and immigration is nowhere near as bad as they would have you believe. This is perhaps more relevant to my country, where certain groups claim that this "country will sink under the weight of all these immigrants." Of course, you have the entirely stupid furore over Mexican immigrants, to such an extent that those fascist morons; The Minutemen, or whatever they call themselves, are building a wall across the Mexico-US border and being vigilantes. Our problem is different, but similar. The fascist morons over here would have you believe that "Dirty immigrants" are taking deserving British homes, jobs and such. On all cases, it is a lie, as unemployment is under 1 million, most of which are people who chose to drop out of school, housing is in plentiful supply (just rather too high in terms of price for first time buyers) and those propagating the ideas are often just racists, using "British" to mean "white" and "immigrants" to mean "asian." How I hate the right wing, conservatives or republicans. Whatever you want to call them.


As always, I am at wits end trying to express how I love reading your comments lol. Splendid. And true.


Another cold, hard fact is that the US is at war with "terror" or what have you. We CANNOT pull out. Not only would it affect our reputation with the UN and other world share countries, the goal of trying to salvage whatever is left of the Middle East would be kapot. We need to send whatever we need whether it be 1 man or a billion men. I am not for the war. However, in a neutral stance I have learned many things from observing the situation. In order to pull our troops out, we need to take care of business. What many people are failing to realize is that if we do indeed pull out now, we have left the place of hades and traded it for the wrath of a god. What I mean by this is that we are taking a place of destruction, chaos and trading it for the end of existence. What we also need in order to pull out is for the Iraqi government to take charge of their own country. Now I am not mad at Iraq for this problem, no. I am just hoping that they realize the quicker they do this, the quicker we get out.


Many people are calling this War on Terror "Nam". Yes, it is Nam. But there is a big difference. We have learned from our mistakes from Korea and Vietnam. Keep in mind this is not the end of the conflict. We are trying to keep what happened in the end of Korea and Vietnam from happening! How else do we try to not let this happen than to pursue the desired outcome! Wake up nations of the world! This is more complex and bigger than we have realized. And even if we do fail here in the Middle East like we did at Korea and Nam, all it is is another mistake we need to learn from for the next time we try this thing.


When YOU have FAILED at something, what do people tell you? Practice makes perfect, try try try again, etc...



I could keep going on and on and on....I could sit here tping for years without hitting add reply....but I have to deal with my own problems. Later. Much love. Bye bye. Adios. Danke.

No comments?

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No comments?


Mmm, yes, I do have a comment or two. Although you are probably more informed about this than me...but there is one or two parts of your post that perhaps I should respond to.


We are trying to keep what happened in the end of Korea and Vietnam from happening! How else do we try to not let this happen than to pursue the desired outcome!
I find those above two sentences to be contradictory. Pursuing our (the U.S.) desired outcome was what led to a poor finish in Korea and a disaster in Vietnam. The problem is: the citizens can't cooperate with each other. The US thought it could serve as a mediator...but we couldn't be the world police. And we still can't...first off there's no way a significant number of Iraqi citizens want a western, mostly non-Arab world throwing its weight around when Iraq doesn't even know what it is at the moment, and second no one asked us to go there, not even...well, us. We the citizens were fine with the Afghanistan campaign and stuff, especially with 9/11 and all, but why...are we trying to essentially make a territory out of Iraq?


Let me put it this way: Who helped in OUR civil war? No one. Why? No one knows for sure, but the long and short of it was that it was none of their dag-nabbed business! How was anyone "outside" supposed to help us when the thing that tore us apart was our economy? It wasn't even really about slavery at first, just differences in the way we handled ourselves, until Lincoln made it about slavery. Even if slavery was the main thing all along though, no one could've helped much with that.


Now, Iraq. It's the Shiites and the Sunnis that are fighting each other, yes? So what is their issue? The Shiites want Imams to lead the community, kind of like how Catholics have a Pope. And the Sunnis believe that followers of Islam have a DIRECT link to Allah, without any semi-devine leaders. Same logic as Christians.


So...how are we supposed to help them with their religion?


If you don't believe that's the issue, that is the reason why America exists as it is today...because pilgrims were not tolerated in England and started their own, soon-to-be independent colonies. In a place like Iraq where religion and politics are the same thing, you bet that different sectors can tear it apart.


As the Bible says, and Abraham Lincoln to follow, "a house divided against itself cannot stand." It's nice that George Bush is so insistent on MAKING a divided house stand, but it cannot happen. One of the divisions must overtake the other, or the house must become multiple houses.


Now look at this: we are spending HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars trying to glue a broken house together. What about all of the OTHER issues? Like, I don't know, CANCER! Why do you think Neil Armstrong is so angry at his own government? What about EDUCATION? Why is our literacy so much poorer than most countries? What about POVERTY? No one CARES about this stuff! It's all IRAQ, IRAQ, IRAQ! It drives our elections...it's driving everything. And I'm just...sick of it.


So...I think we need to pull out, let the house fall or stand itself up...it ain't our house, and we can't make it our house unless we want it to be a nice, juicy bloodbath...oh, wait, it already is.


When YOU have FAILED at something, what do people tell you? Practice makes perfect, try try try again, etc...THE SAME PRINCIPLE APPLIES HERE!


Practice? With people's lives on the line, and hundreds of billions of dollars that cannot be put to good elsewhere? And with a region that just doesn't want us? And what exactly IS our goal, making democratic territories, or being the world police - and how is either one worth the horrendous "practicing"?

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So, one year left of Moronism. Who are we picking out of the candidates for the Republican and Democrats' Presidential line up?


Line up (although anyone who didn't already know this should be ashamed);



Joe Biden

Hillary Clinton

John Edwards

Al Gore

Barack Obama

Bill Richardson



Sam Brownback

Newt Gingrich

Rudolph Giuliani

Mike Huckabee

John McCain

Mitt Romney

My personal choices would be Al Gore, Obama or Clinton for the Democrats and for the Republican Party to be disbanded, taken to an airport runway, lined up and then run over by a Hummer.


PS Will Horatio ever tell me what irritates him so about Hillary Clinton?

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So, one year left of Moronism. Who are we picking out of the candidates for the Republican and Democrats' Presidential line up?


Line up (although anyone who didn't already know this should be ashamed);



Joe Biden

Hillary Clinton

John Edwards

Al Gore

Barack Obama

Bill Richardson



Sam Brownback

Newt Gingrich

Rudolph Giuliani

Mike Huckabee

John McCain

Mitt Romney

My personal choices would be Al Gore, Obama or Clinton for the Democrats and for the Republican Party to be disbanded, taken to an airport runway, lined up and then run over by a Hummer.


PS Will Horatio ever tell me what irritates him so about Hillary Clinton?


*is ashamed* I only know about 5 of those people. And this will be my first time to vote...


I share the same choices as you, although Al Gore is a bit...paranoid about global warming. And I don't believe that should be a top priority since the amount of control we have over it is minimal at best, if what I've looked into is correct. At least he talks about something other than Iraq, although I fear that the next president will have a lot on his or her hands after Bush is through...

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So, one year left of Moronism. Who are we picking out of the candidates for the Republican and Democrats' Presidential line up?


Line up (although anyone who didn't already know this should be ashamed);



Joe Biden

Hillary Clinton

John Edwards

Al Gore

Barack Obama

Bill Richardson



Sam Brownback

Newt Gingrich

Rudolph Giuliani

Mike Huckabee

John McCain

Mitt Romney

My personal choices would be Al Gore, Obama or Clinton for the Democrats and for the Republican Party to be disbanded, taken to an airport runway, lined up and then run over by a Hummer.


PS Will Horatio ever tell me what irritates him so about Hillary Clinton?


*is ashamed* I only know about 5 of those people. And this will be my first time to vote...


I share the same choices as you, although Al Gore is a bit...paranoid about global warming. And I don't believe that should be a top priority since the amount of control we have over it is minimal at best, if what I've looked into is correct. At least he talks about something other than Iraq, although I fear that the next president will have a lot on his or her hands after Bush is through...

Hillary Clinton has no desire to run the country, she only wants to be the first female president. She would be worse for the country than if Bush was permitted a third term.

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I'm rooting for Barack, cause my parents support him, and they have a good knowledge of political stuffs. xD

And their views on world thingies often coincide with mine, so :P.

And TGHL, I completely agree with your choice for the republicans. But the hummer has to be the original kind, none of this H2 or H3 crud.

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I'm rooting for Barack, cause my parents support him, and they have a good knowledge of political stuffs. xD

And their views on world thingies often coincide with mine, so :P.

And TGHL, I completely agree with your choice for the republicans. But the hummer has to be the original kind, none of this H2 or H3 crud.

As an environmentalist, I must point out that the H2 and H3 are more environmentally friendly than the original. Not that that is saying much. The H2 only gets 3 miles per gallon if you drive it economically. PLUS, they (all hummers) can't go off road properly. No point in having an off road car if it can't go off road. My recommendation is a Land Rover Discovery (you know it as the LR3) or Range Rover. Much more economical and better for climbing mountains. TRUFAX.


Horatio. Why would Hillary Clinton as President be worse than George Bush? Please. You won't influence my view or anything, or whatever rule it is that prevents you from posting your thoughts. :P


As to Jesse's point about Gore being paranoid about Global Warming; I can assure you, he isn't. If anything he is somewhat lax on the matter by some European standards. Plus, ignore what certain bosses at Chrysler say about Global Warming. They are wrong.


If I had to choose for who to be the next President... it would be... Gore or Clinton. Both choice will make Horatio feel a bit like this;


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I'm rooting for Barack, cause my parents support him, and they have a good knowledge of political stuffs. xD

And their views on world thingies often coincide with mine, so :P.

And TGHL, I completely agree with your choice for the republicans. But the hummer has to be the original kind, none of this H2 or H3 crud.

As an environmentalist, I must point out that the H2 and H3 are more environmentally friendly than the original. Not that that is saying much. The H2 only gets 3 miles per gallon if you drive it economically. PLUS, they (all hummers) can't go off road properly. No point in having an off road car if it can't go off road. My recommendation is a Land Rover Discovery (you know it as the LR3) or Range Rover. Much more economical and better for climbing mountains. TRUFAX.


Horatio. Why would Hillary Clinton as President be worse than George Bush? Please. You won't influence my view or anything, or whatever rule it is that prevents you from posting your thoughts. :P


As to Jesse's point about Gore being paranoid about Global Warming; I can assure you, he isn't. If anything he is somewhat lax on the matter by some European standards. Plus, ignore what certain bosses at Chrysler say about Global Warming. They are wrong.


If I had to choose for who to be the next President... it would be... Gore or Clinton. Both choice will make Horatio feel a bit like this;


I specified before that Hillary has no desire to run the country for Americans, she only wants to be the first woman. It has nothing to do with being a good president. She is not taking a stand on anything, just hanging back to see where the people's feelings will be.

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I find those above two sentences to be contradictory. Pursuing our (the U.S.) desired outcome was what led to a poor finish in Korea and a disaster in Vietnam. The problem is: the citizens can't cooperate with each other. The US thought it could serve as a mediator...but we couldn't be the world police. And we still can't...first off there's no way a significant number of Iraqi citizens want a western, mostly non-Arab world throwing its weight around when Iraq doesn't even know what it is at the moment, and second no one asked us to go there, not even...well, us. We the citizens were fine with the Afghanistan campaign and stuff, especially with 9/11 and all, but why...are we trying to essentially make a territory out of Iraq?
Well you see, the key word is try. It may be hard to comprehend the situation from our standpoint because we are not educated in such things. The citizens are not cooperating, indeed. We didn't cooperate in our own civil war, but look where we are now. Now of course I mean by now how much better we are and etc. I am not referring to a person's own political views and etc.

We are not a mediator and never will be a mediator because as a country, as a group of personal goals and views, it is impossible. As for Vietnam, it may have been a bad outcome back then, but now it doesn't really matter. Nothing is really wrong with Nam anymore. Change takes time. It is a slow and tedious thing indeed.


I agree with on Iraq not knowing what it is. But see, everyone is looking towards the end of the conflict to be the middle of the conflict. We are thinking what is going on right now is indeed what is going to happen in the end. And you might be correct. But given no one can predict the future, well we can predict but we do not know it. Jesse do you believe in God? If so, then think about this. Nothing in the world or existence happens without God's permission because it is all according to His will. And as the bible says "Worry yourself not with worldy things" but rather think about God, you, and God's will for you today. Those are the things you need to concentrate on.


You know why we were fine with Afg? Because we were just attacked. That is the reason. We were sad and angry.


Territory out of Iraq? Hm. Well, would it hurt? I mean, Iraq has been in a state of turmoil for so long and still is. So would doing anything, bad or good, really hurt Iraq?


Let me put it this way: Who helped in OUR civil war? No one. Why? No one knows for sure, but the long and short of it was that it was none of their dag-nabbed business! How was anyone "outside" supposed to help us when the thing that tore us apart was our economy? It wasn't even really about slavery at first, just differences in the way we handled ourselves, until Lincoln made it about slavery. Even if slavery was the main thing all along though, no one could've helped much with that


No one helped in our civil war because of 1) Technology wasn't advanced like it is today. Therefore helping a country that is sooooo many miles away is really hard. We were lucky France helped us in the Revolution. Also, no one knew who to help. Help the south or the North? Who is right? Who is wrong? What will the outcome of the country be if the south or the north win? Well luckily we know what the North has accomplished since then. I dare not venture to wonder what the South would have. But then again, perhaps over time the South would have banished slavery too. Who knows?


Now, Iraq. It's the Shiites and the Sunnis that are fighting each other, yes? So what is their issue? The Shiites want Imams to lead the community, kind of like how Catholics have a Pope. And the Sunnis believe that followers of Islam have a DIRECT link to Allah, without any semi-devine leaders. Same logic as Christians. So...how are we supposed to help them with their religion?
I am not completely sure as to what all is in thi statement. The reason being there seems to be so many things and also so very few things. But I will try my best.

Okay, we as Americans have the option for our state government to say no to federal goverment laws and etc. Now of course there are rules and etc as to what we can say no to and stuff.

-Religion-: I have no idea of what Iraq could be in that situation. I will try to think of something and post it back on here.


If you don't believe that's the issue, that is the reason why America exists as it is today...because pilgrims were not tolerated in England and started their own, soon-to-be independent colonies. In a place like Iraq where religion and politics are the same thing, you bet that different sectors can tear it apart.


This is a problem people do too many times and I grow tired of it. They focus on one part of something. You mus think of the whole thing aka Big picture. Even in America we had religion and social problems back then! But over time the bashing of people started to shrink and we started to get along and have a better tolerance for things. We can nitpick everything to pieces but it doesnt mean a thing because we havent reached an outcome yet.


As the Bible says, and Abraham Lincoln to follow, "a house divided against itself cannot stand." It's nice that George Bush is so insistent on MAKING a divided house stand, but it cannot happen. One of the divisions must overtake the other, or the house must become multiple houses.
Or...the two houses can join and become one. Okay, take this into perspective. What do you think political parties are? Nothing but religions. What? Religions? Yes. What is a religion? A religion is views of morality, life, and etc. Politics is just another word for religion. That and its forced upon other people at a heavier rate than churches can do.


Now look at this: we are spending HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars trying to glue a broken house together. What about all of the OTHER issues? Like, I don't know, CANCER! Why do you think Neil Armstrong is so angry at his own government? What about EDUCATION? Why is our literacy so much poorer than most countries? What about POVERTY? No one CARES about this stuff! It's all IRAQ, IRAQ, IRAQ! It drives our elections...it's driving everything. And I'm just...sick of it.
We spent billions of dollars try to glue together a broken house in the Civil War. And then we became recieved world power, of course after USSR fell.


Now those are issues I am angry at, considering I am studying premed. There ARE cures for cancer, aids, and etc. Not treatments or "helpers" but CURES! But this isn't the governments fault entirely. You can put the blame on yourself also. Why? Pharmaceutical companies. You buy the medicine they make and sell. It's all about money, not saving someone's life. That's why you cannot blame the government which allows us to have free enterprise.

Literacy? Because its so easy to do other stuff without an education. We have billionares and etc who dropped out of school. That and teachers are not paid enoug, and we do not put an emphasis on education life we should.


So...I think we need to pull out, let the house fall or stand itself up...it ain't our house, and we can't make it our house unless we want it to be a nice, juicy bloodbath...oh, wait, it already is.


Jesse... We are talking about people you know. You complain about send our troops over but give th go ahead for them to kill themselves. The world is OUR house. We are all inhabitants of it. Do not be a hypocrit, please. Think of the other human beings with life who you are saying can die!!!! Do not play with a humans life. It may be hard to understand but think about it. Once you die, you cease to exist. That is one of the reasons people cry when someone dies! Yes, I do believe in heaven and I am not saying once you die that is it. I am talking about in this plane.


Practice? With people's lives on the line, and hundreds of billions of dollars that cannot be put to good elsewhere? And with a region that just doesn't want us? And what exactly IS our goal, making democratic territories, or being the world police - and how is either one worth the horrendous "practicing"?


My above statements goes for this one too. Also, you as an american citizen can put your money to good use since the government obivously "won't". You go to the people who sell you treatments for curable diseases and deman the cure. Do your part as an American citizen.

Our goal is to give people a chance at life. Not to make something out of Iraq. And if you really want something to do, join the Armed Forces, go over there and then come back. I want to know what you think then. Get this. Most, if not all, of our Armed Forces agree with being over there and if they had the choice to do it over again, they would not make a difference in choice. Put yourself in your shoes, in the line of danger, fighting for another Human being's life and you can certainly hold greater power and wisdom.


I am sorry I kind of got...out of control with anger in there and personal attacks. But I will not change my remarks. They are well thought out and true.

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Now, there are some benefits that can be associated with being paranoid about global warming.

The methods that would be used to help fight it would have benefits of thier own

-cleaner cars- would use different fuels. The cars would probably run on hydrogen or other non-fossil-fuels, which would be cleaner for the environment, and they would help to alleviate our demand on fossil fuels.

-factory emmision regulations- Making factories limit their chemical output would keep many nasty chemicals out of the air. These chemicals have many other nasty effects on wildlife.


Those are the primary ones that I know of, but I think I have made my point.

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