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The us government


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Just out of curiosity, Is Horation a new matter of photons? Is it bioelectric ions, or better known to be a Electric Hamster or a power generator that generates power through Hamster wheels... Or just the power coming FROM the generator, from Horatio the hamster, Would be called Horation? Maybe thats more accurately how it died, In experiments with making Horation Power!


The alternative option is it was just a typo. Thats just boring though.

IT??????? HE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



BTW, that was a great post. I could not think of an appropriate reply and now I am glad.

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Just out of curiosity, Is Horation a new matter of photons? Is it bioelectric ions, or better known to be a Electric Hamster or a power generator that generates power through Hamster wheels... Or just the power coming FROM the generator, from Horatio the hamster, Would be called Horation? Maybe thats more accurately how it died, In experiments with making Horation Power!


The alternative option is it was just a typo. Thats just boring though.

lol :lol:

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Just out of curiosity, Is Horation a new matter of photons? Is it bioelectric ions, or better known to be a Electric Hamster or a power generator that generates power through Hamster wheels... Or just the power coming FROM the generator, from Horatio the hamster, Would be called Horation? Maybe thats more accurately how it died, In experiments with making Horation Power!


The alternative option is it was just a typo. Thats just boring though.

Maybe a Horation is attracted to potenial typoms and circles them until they react?

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Today in science..We were learning about stem-cells..If it's appropiate can some one please explain to me what it is because we had a sub and hse had no Idea what she was talking about.. :blink:


hse? That's an interesting pronoun :lol:


Stem cells are cells that aren't developed; they're still waiting for orders on what type of cell to become. That's why scientists like those cells so much - they can turn them into any type of cell they want.

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I wanna give sheena the "topic that has more than 50 pages" award.

You need to give the "topic has more than 50 pages" award to Animal Kidd. She is the one who started the topic. When the boards were moved, some of the topics became jumbled and the topic starters were changed. This topic was one of them. :D

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Woa...I just realized I had it set to 5 posts per page! I was wondering how there were 215 pages  :blink:

Lol!! 215 pages would be a pretty gd acheivement for a topic!!

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Thats Like 4,000 posts.. I think

wooow thats more than i have altogeva!!

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Take a wild guess Wolfie! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Weeeeeellll he's in Texas. And is from Canada. Hence, he is in Texas. And he is in central part. And hence, he likes Dubya. And hence, the centre of America prefers Bush, cuz they're Republicans. And hence a lot of coastal people are Democrats. And hence, I like to say hence.

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Weeeeeellll he's in Texas. And is from Canada. Hence, he is in Texas. And he is in central part. And hence, he likes Dubya. And hence, the centre of America prefers Bush, cuz they're Republicans. And hence a lot of coastal people are Democrats. And hence, I like to say hence.

lol yep tht has become slightly obvious

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oo oo i no wher arkcher livs!


east coast!

lol, i got the splinter out. i think its infected.




kidding on location.

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Weeeeeellll he's in Texas. And is from Canada. Hence, he is in Texas. And he is in central part. And hence, he likes Dubya. And hence, the centre of America prefers Bush, cuz they're Republicans. And hence a lot of coastal people are Democrats. And hence, I like to say hence.

Probably because Costal states are much more open to other peoples ideas and relations with other countries than when hearing new ideas, jamming their fingers in their ears and singing badly very loudly.

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Probably because Costal states are much more open to other peoples ideas and relations with other countries than when hearing new ideas, jamming their fingers in their ears and singing badly very loudly.

Nope its just that the mid states are mostly Republicans. But your theory might be right.

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Can't remember if I said this, but I saw this interesting thing about the states with their average IQs, and the ones with the lower ones voted for bush while the ones with the higher IQ voted for kerry...

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Can't remember if I said this, but I saw this interesting thing about the states with their average IQs, and the ones with the lower ones voted for bush while the ones with the higher IQ voted for kerry...

Does that mean there are more lower IQ people in America than medium and high IQ?

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Does that mean there are more lower IQ people in America than medium and high IQ?


It could...but again, it's the average IQ, but even then it proves that there are more lower average IQ states than those with higher IQ averages...


What a lovely country :P

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It could...but again, it's the average IQ, but even then it proves that there are more lower average IQ states than those with higher IQ averages...


What a lovely country  :P

So many people who have easy access to guns because of the consitution, what a brilliantly crime ridden place to live...

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dont we all KNOW how i feel about bush? please say yes.... if not im scared and fully ready to rant and not coming back to explian  :)

I'll give you something to rant about, why does America call itself the TRUE democracy when it has a republican government, so shouldn't AMerica be a republic? Like oh I don't know the USSR! (United Soviet Socalist Republics) See the Communists had republics and you are a republic so what am I missing out on here, shouldn't you be voting for Democracy rather than Republicans unless you want to go join North Korea and China?

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So many people who have easy access to guns because of the consitution, what a brilliantly crime ridden place to live...


Yes, yes, and we have the worst national anthem, and unemployment is shooting up, and people can't even directly vote for the president *kicks electoral college*

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My bro's handwriting is sloppy but he has readable Japanese writing.

wow ur bro knows japanese?

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wow ur bro knows japanese?

Yeah at his old school they had Japanese as a foreign language option. So last year he was able to take it. It was a really great highschool. Too bad we had to move. On STAR/SAT testing scores the school he used to go to got a 9 out of 10 for average student score, 5 being average, and this school he now goes to has 4 out of 10(thats kinda sad).

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Yeah at his old school they had Japanese as a foreign language option. So last year he was able to take it. It was a really great highschool. Too bad we had to move. On STAR/SAT testing scores the school he used to go to got a 9 out of 10 for average student score, 5 being average, and this school he now goes to has 4 out of 10(thats kinda sad).

awww thats a shame.... :mellow:

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  • 5 weeks later...

New topic for Us Government;




All these paranoia freaks claim there is a conspiracy to cover up the truth etc. etc.

However, why does America need so many seperate agencies? NSA, CIA, FBI and then there are organisations within those organisations, why do you need all of them? Didn't the way the country was before the NSA better? Answer, eloborate, explain, expand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to say something about our right to bear arms. We are not "crime ridden." It varies by place. Take this for exapmle: in New York City, it's extremely hard to get a gun legally. The crime rate? One of the highest. In Switzerland (I think that's the country) all men between a certain age are required to have a loaded machine gun in the house and be in the army. The crime rate? Next to nothing! You see, if you make owning guns illegal, then only the criminals will have guns because, well, they're criminals! That means they can have a free for all. If everyone had a gun, then no one would break into your house, because they know they'd get their head blown off! "An armed society is a polite society." I have another comment, but I'll save that one unless you really want to hear it. It might offend some people. I heard about a case in England where an elderly man was mugged and he hit the mugger with his cane to fend him off. The mugger sued, and the old man was put in jail. So we have crime problems?

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I heard about a case in England where an elderly man was mugged and he hit the mugger with his cane to fend him off. The mugger sued, and the old man was put in jail. So we have crime problems?

Sounds very much like a case in Florida. Except the elderly couple had bobby-trapped their home to stop this person who had broken in several times before.

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I'd like to say something about our right to bear arms. We are not "crime ridden." It varies by place. Take this for exapmle: in New York City, it's extremely hard to get a gun legally. The crime rate? One of the highest. In Switzerland (I think that's the country) all men between a certain age are required to have a loaded machine gun in the house and be in the army. The crime rate? Next to nothing! You see, if you make owning guns illegal, then only the criminals will have guns because, well, they're criminals! That means they can have a free for all. If everyone had a gun, then no one would break into your house, because they know they'd get their head blown off! "An armed society is a polite society." I have another comment, but I'll save that one unless you really want to hear it. It might offend some people. I heard about a case in England where an elderly man was mugged and he hit the mugger with his cane to fend him off. The mugger sued, and the old man was put in jail. So we have crime problems?

On the contrary, America has the highest crime rate in the world. There are gun shops are there not in NYC? I have talked to an American who is actually British, just raised in America and he said that in NYC you can walk into any gun shop, buy say an M60 heavy machiene gun and then step outside without any identity checks or anything and can then go on a muderous rampage. SWITZERLAND?!?!?!??! Where the dickens did you get that idea from?!??!? That may have been the case in Switzerland while WWII was on and when Conscription was still on going, but Switzerland is not Neutral that they don't even HAVE an army except their amry of bankers! And justifying that having a fully loaded heat seeking missile launcher is deter criminals is a load of rubbish. You may have a gun, but do you practice with it? No. The criminals have, it is likely that they have a better weapon and more ammunition. So who gets their heads blown off? Most likely you.

If we are going to divulge in the kind of stories where it was a friend of a friend's butcher's mother's great-aunt's cousin-twice-removed's dog who heard about it then I could reccount thousands of urban myths that I have heard about the Crime in America. DON'T GET ME STARTED. ANyway, that never happened. There is no record of it, nor is there any proof that it happened.

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TGHL, why do you always discuss our government. You never talk about yours. How do like have a queen that decides everything for you? I think it's kinda interesting how you still have a queen and I always wondered is she like over powerful and self-centered or what?

The monrchy doesn't control everything anymore...

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The Monarchs have long been bereft of power, you should know that if you studied the Magna Carta. Although it wasn't until after the Civil War that the Monarchs just had to sit about and make long speeches on Christmas.

I have studied the Magna Carta, seeing as it was just recently taught to me due to the fact that it is part of California's standards.

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Yes, thats why you do a national cirriculum.

I believe that sooner or later the US should have a national curriculum so that everyone in every state is learning the same thing at the same age. For example, starting off every kindergartener in every school with learning the alphabet and then in 1st grade learning reading and adding/subtracting. Then in all the next grades they'll learn new things and if whoever is learning something is the same age as someone else in a different state is learning something, they'd be learning the same thing.

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I believe that sooner or later the US should have a national curriculum so that everyone in every state is learning the same thing at the same age. For example, starting off every kindergartener in every school with learning the alphabet and then in 1st grade learning reading and adding/subtracting. Then in all the next grades they'll learn new things and if whoever is learning something is the same age as someone else in a different state is learning something, they'd be learning the same thing.

Exactly, rather than a pick and mix approach.

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I forgot about that.. I really meant just how do you like having a queen..just the fact you have a queen.

We have a German, sourcrout sucking, decreipt bunch of Nazis for rulers if thats what you want to hear. The only half-decent ones is the Queen, William and Diana. And then Diana decides to die, leaving us with only two decent rulers and one isn't on the throne yet and his dad has such big ears he gets mistaken for a jumbo jet and of course, there is his new wife Camilla. I'm going to the wedding just so I can spit on Charles and Camilla.

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We have a German, sourcrout sucking, decreipt bunch of Nazis for rulers if thats what you want to hear. The only half-decent ones is the Queen, William and Diana. And then Diana decides to die, leaving us with only two decent rulers and one isn't on the throne yet and his dad has such big ears he gets mistaken for a jumbo jet and of course, there is his new wife Camilla. I'm going to the wedding just so I can spit on Charles and Camilla.

Uhh..I see :mellow:

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We have a German, sourcrout sucking, decreipt bunch of Nazis for rulers if thats what you want to hear. The only half-decent ones is the Queen, William and Diana. And then Diana decides to die, leaving us with only two decent rulers and one isn't on the throne yet and his dad has such big ears he gets mistaken for a jumbo jet and of course, there is his new wife Camilla. I'm going to the wedding just so I can spit on Charles and Camilla.

Charles is rotten. Thats all I have to say. Even though I don't live in Europe even and don't have a say in it.

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Hmm... Guess what I just found on the BBC's archives from recent weeks? I just found a report on Bush threatning Syria. And oh look the terrorists in Syria have decided to get Iran invloved and yet Bush is still threatning Syria. Welcome one and all to Iraq 3.0. We had Conflict Desert Storm 2, well now we're going to get Syria and Iran get beaten up by the overtly aggressive foreign policy of the Bush administration. Do you know only one other person in the history of the world has had such an aggressive foreign policy as Bush? Adolph Hitler. Stalin didn't come close and Ceaser dropped at the last hurdle. Anyway, rather than Bush's interests being in Europe, he has interests in the Middle East and the shiny oil-driven future of the West and his control of it. Sigh, look out world, WWIII is a coming. (Actually, it isn't but I like saying that Bush is going to cause it)

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Hmm... Guess what I just found on the BBC's archives from recent weeks? I just found a report on Bush threatning Syria. And oh look the terrorists in Syria have decided to get Iran invloved and yet Bush is still threatning Syria. Welcome one and all to Iraq 3.0. We had Conflict Desert Storm 2, well now we're going to get Syria and Iran get beaten up by the overtly aggressive foreign policy of the Bush administration. Do you know only one other person in the history of the world has had such an aggressive foreign policy as Bush? Adolph Hitler. Stalin didn't come close and Ceaser dropped at the last hurdle. Anyway, rather than Bush's interests being in Europe, he has interests in the Middle East and the shiny oil-driven future of the West and his control of it. Sigh, look out world, WWIII is a coming. (Actually, it isn't but I like saying that Bush is going to cause it)

Hmm..If something happens to us again I am out of here...England..My mom always did want to move there.

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Hmm..If something happens to us again I am out of here...England..My mom always did want to move there.

Nothing wrong with Australia or New Zealand. I reccomend you go there rather than here. but only because we are only what 15 miles from France and if War breaks out who's going to get caught in the cross fire? Us.

At least Australia and New Zealand are out of the war and the closest place is a small jungle on an Indonesian Island.

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So. Anyone else want to rant? About the government? The UN? The EU (can't see anything to complain about, but you might)? Syrian crisis? Iran crisis? Bush verbally attacking Putin? ANSWER!

I'm not much for history. But politics get me violent. perhaps we can debate on ice cream.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For all you Bush lovers out there, I bring forward the most powerful of powerful facts! Bush himsefl speaking is hilarity, but this is deadly serious (and deadly funny, because Horatio WILL spit out the beverage he is drinking, the food he is eating or will eat and drink something just to spit it out). Here is the B-Man (in Britain this would be Mr.Bean, but for you its Bush) speaking:


'Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.'
'It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it.'
'We want our teachers to be trained so they can meet the obligations, their obligations as teachers. We want them to know how to teach the science of reading. In order to make sure there's not this kind of federal — federal cufflink.'
'I've been to war. I've raised twins. If I had a choice, I'd rather go to war.'
'You're working too hard to put food on your family.'
'He married a Texas girl, I want you to know... A West Texas girl, just like me.'
'I think it's interesting. I'm a follower of American politics.'
'I'm the master of low expectations.'
'There are a couple of cows waiting for me. You know, when I first got back from Washington, it seemed like the cows were talking back. But now that I've spent some time in Crawford, they're just cows.'
'It's amazing with the software that has been developed these days that enable a camera to distinguish the difference between a squirrel and a bomb.'
'Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness.'


Where is Crawford and what is the significance of the Cows? Is it an X-File? Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo. (you have to change the length, tone, pitch and amplitude of the Woos if you want the theme tune :lol: )

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...(and deadly funny, because Horatio WILL spit out the beverage he is drinking, the food he is eating or will eat and drink something just to spit it out)...

*took TGHL's hint and covered computer in protective plastic before moderating*


*coffee and scone go flying everywhere, but computer is saved*

Thanks TGHL!!!

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For all you Bush lovers out there, I bring forward the most powerful of powerful facts! Bush himsefl speaking is hilarity, but this is deadly serious (and deadly funny, because Horatio WILL spit out the beverage he is drinking, the food he is eating or will eat and drink something just to spit it out). Here is the B-Man (in Britain this would be Mr.Bean, but for you its Bush) speaking:

Where is Crawford and what is the significance of the Cows? Is it an X-File? Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo. (you have to change the length, tone, pitch and amplitude of the Woos if you want the theme tune  :lol: )


Ooh, very nice list, but you forgot the peance freance! And then instead of Iraqi elections he said Iraqi...well I can't post it on here. :blink: And then there was that time he was trying to quote that "fool me once" saying. Yeah.



...suddenly I feel embarrased to be in the US ._.

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Ooh, very nice list, but you forgot the peance freance! And then instead of Iraqi elections he said Iraqi...well I can't post it on here.  :blink: And then there was that time he was trying to quote that "fool me once" saying. Yeah.

...suddenly I feel embarrased to be in the US ._.

The idiot's already decided to call the Iraqi elections the Purple revolution despite the fact he was controlling the ballots. What and idiot.


Nah, its just because Bush has a good Propaganda department and so many idiot followers that you feel embarressed and anyway if you could leave the US where would you go?

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Why is it that every time Bush makes a speech he goes, "Uh... um..."?

He's listening to the earpiece telling him what to do. "Breathe in Mr.President, Breathe out Mr.President, Breathe in Mr.President, Breathe out Mr.President. .....


and then he needs to remember how to read, explaining the ums, uhs and stupid comments. "Ich bin ein Hamburger!"

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The idiot's already decided to call the Iraqi elections the Purple revolution despite the fact he was controlling the ballots. What and idiot.


Nah, its just because Bush has a good Propaganda department and so many idiot followers that you feel embarressed and anyway if you could leave the US where would you go?


If I could, I would go to New Zealand :)

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In Iceland I believe they use hydrogen powered cars a lot.

Thats only become recently, it used to have the highest car per person ratio in the world. They also have Hydrogen buses, which were first developed by CERN to use in Germany and then to Iceland and at the minute they are spreading across Europe, though how soon it will reach Britain I don't know.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Well people. This topic is near dead. Mainly cos Bush hasn't done anything incredibly stupid/bad since rigging the elction. WHy isn't he doing anything?


He's probably too stupid to think of something to do. Either that or he knows what he's going to do but he doesn't know how.

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Probably working out how to say:

"Invade Syria!", "Invade Iran!" or "Invade Korea!"

Or maybe he is too busy listening to what the earpiece tells him:

Breathe in Mr.President! Breathe out Mr.President! Breathe in Mr.President! Breathe out Mr.President! OMG don't foget to breathe in Mr.President!
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  • 1 month later...
I have studied the Magna Carta, seeing as it was just recently taught to me due to the fact that it is part of California's standards.

Why is that California teaches English history, where as Cheesemaster's state does not? Get a national cirriculum!


Tghl, We can't get a national curriculum. Florida is stupid and does the CIM codels.


Why is that California teaches English history, where as Cheesemaster's state does not? Get a national cirriculum!


National curriculum?? Easier said than done!!


The states have this terrible thing called CAT testing. I hate it, even though it helped me get through middle school.

National curriculum?? Easier said than done!!

Is it? You set out what every teacher in the nation needs to teach to every "Grade" and they have to meet it, or else. Easy.


TGHL, that's impossible. Every state is different. Different populations, different expectations, standards of living...

but different places have to many variables among themselves.

Yes, thats why you do a national cirriculum.



Yes, thats why you do a national cirriculum.

I believe that sooner or later the US should have a national curriculum so that everyone in every state is learning the same thing at the same age. For example, starting off every kindergartener in every school with learning the alphabet and then in 1st grade learning reading and adding/subtracting. Then in all the next grades they'll learn new things and if whoever is learning something is the same age as someone else in a different state is learning something, they'd be learning the same thing.


Keep wishing, MW. It ain't gonna happen.

Lately, in Florida, schools have been focused solely on the TEST. FCAT= Florida Comprehensive Acheivement Test. Teachers are being forced to teach the FCAT for at least ten minutes every day, taking precious time away from real things, such as Maths (I know that that's how people in England say it. I read books.), Literature, World History, American History, etc.,etc...


And, TGHL, the only reason we don't learn more about European history is because we don't live there. The basic extent of what Florida kids learn: The American Revolution, Shakespeare, The Seven Years War (aka the French and Indian War), and a little bit about the plague era, which was more of the whole of Europe, not just the coastline.


I know more than most when it comes to the history of foreign countries, because I soak up books like water to a fish. (That's a terrible analogy.) For instance, I am the only one I know that knows about the Potato Blight in Ireland.


But, everyone, American education quite frankly stinks. TGHL is right, we need a national standard. But it's not going to happen, because we have Hollywood and Washington, D.C. I have often said I hate America, and I have also said I love America. But, since I know so much about this *cough*wonderful*cough* country, which by the way is forever indebted to both England and France, I have finally decided what my position on American government is: undecided.


And, for the record, Bush is being an idiot just by not pulling troops out of Iraq. It's so lame, and people are dying for a reason that doesn't exist. Okay, we've taken Saddam out, but to what end? He never threatened America, and tearing up Iraq isn't doing anything to catch Osama. This is just out of control Mayhem being funded by a partial government looking for more power! Bush isn't as stupid as we give him credit for. Yes, he's a bit dumber than most, but Laura blots that one out nicely. Bush is actually quite brilliant whn it comes to letting his wife do the talking, because I believe a woman's intuition can do wonders for a "WAR".


You know, It's not even a war. It's just us pretending to fight a war, and the mass population of the USA has been kept in darkness about the whole fiasco! what is the point? Hah? Why are our men and women still dying thousands of miles away from their families for a cause thast is nonexistant? I hate hearing these stupid news flashes: "And among other news, 13 men and women died today, eight of them US soldiers, as a result of three suicide bombings. The bombers were apparently inleaugue with one another. Now, for the egg lovers..." Oh, My GOSH!!!! What is this world coming to? It's goten to the point where newscasters blow it off like that, and they're not allowed to put in their own opinion on live television! I hate it. I think It's stupid. I think we need that three minutes of world peace, and I think we need it now. America is full of Bigamous, bigotly freaks as leaders, and I think we need to shape up!









But I do have good news...


I just save a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.


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But I do have good news...


I just save a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.



What a great ending!

thank you.

I thought so, too.

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I have studied the Magna Carta, seeing as it was just recently taught to me due to the fact that it is part of California's standards.

Why is that California teaches English history, where as Cheesemaster's state does not? Get a national cirriculum!


Tghl, We can't get a national curriculum. Florida is stupid and does the CIM codels.


CIM? What is CIM? And do you mean models or is it codels?

Why is that California teaches English history, where as Cheesemaster's state does not? Get a national cirriculum!


National curriculum?? Easier said than done!!


The states have this terrible thing called CAT testing. I hate it, even though it helped me get through middle school.

CAT? Sounds as bad as our SAT, the most pointless set of tests ever.

National curriculum?? Easier said than done!!

Is it? You set out what every teacher in the nation needs to teach to every "Grade" and they have to meet it, or else. Easy.


TGHL, that's impossible. Every state is different. Different populations, different expectations, standards of living...

Population shouldn't really affect should it? What do you mean expectations?

but different places have to many variables among themselves.

Yes, thats why you do a national cirriculum.



Calm down, Britain is far from lovely when it comes to education and some other things. The Landscape is lovely yes, but the education system needs some tweaks. Maybe I should move to Sweeden? They have very high results.

Yes, thats why you do a national cirriculum.

I believe that sooner or later the US should have a national curriculum so that everyone in every state is learning the same thing at the same age. For example, starting off every kindergartener in every school with learning the alphabet and then in 1st grade learning reading and adding/subtracting. Then in all the next grades they'll learn new things and if whoever is learning something is the same age as someone else in a different state is learning something, they'd be learning the same thing.


Keep wishing, MW. It ain't gonna happen.

Lately, in Florida, schools have been focused solely on the TEST. FCAT= Florida Comprehensive Acheivement Test. Teachers are being forced to teach the FCAT for at least ten minutes every day, taking precious time away from real things, such as Maths (I know that that's how people in England say it. I read books.), Literature, World History, American History, etc.,etc...


And, TGHL, the only reason we don't learn more about European history is because we don't live there. The basic extent of what Florida kids learn: The American Revolution, Shakespeare, The Seven Years War (aka the French and Indian War), and a little bit about the plague era, which was more of the whole of Europe, not just the coastline.


I know more than most when it comes to the history of foreign countries, because I soak up books like water to a fish. (That's a terrible analogy.) For instance, I am the only one I know that knows about the Potato Blight in Ireland.


But, everyone, American education quite frankly stinks. TGHL is right, we need a national standard. But it's not going to happen, because we have Hollywood and Washington, D.C. I have often said I hate America, and I have also said I love America. But, since I know so much about this *cough*wonderful*cough* country, which by the way is forever indebted to both England and France, I have finally decided what my position on American government is: undecided.


And, for the record, Bush is being an idiot just by not pulling troops out of Iraq. It's so lame, and people are dying for a reason that doesn't exist. Okay, we've taken Saddam out, but to what end? He never threatened America, and tearing up Iraq isn't doing anything to catch Osama. This is just out of control Mayhem being funded by a partial government looking for more power! Bush isn't as stupid as we give him credit for. Yes, he's a bit dumber than most, but Laura blots that one out nicely. Bush is actually quite brilliant whn it comes to letting his wife do the talking, because I believe a woman's intuition can do wonders for a "WAR".


You know, It's not even a war. It's just us pretending to fight a war, and the mass population of the USA has been kept in darkness about the whole fiasco! what is the point? Hah? Why are our men and women still dying thousands of miles away from their families for a cause thast is nonexistant? I hate hearing these stupid news flashes: "And among other news, 13 men and women died today, eight of them US soldiers, as a result of three suicide bombings. The bombers were apparently inleaugue with one another. Now, for the egg lovers..." Oh, My GOSH!!!! What is this world coming to? It's goten to the point where newscasters blow it off like that, and they're not allowed to put in their own opinion on live television! I hate it. I think It's stupid. I think we need that three minutes of world peace, and I think we need it now. America is full of Bigamous, bigotly freaks as leaders, and I think we need to shape up!









But I do have good news...


I just save a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.


There is far too much to reply to all of it, so I 'll just look at some bits.

1) The limited History scope seems a little stupid. Surely you should not just look at the 200 odd years of History in the US, but the roots of the pilgrims and the first settlers in the US?

2) A National Cirriculum would help certainly, take jobs for example. You apply for one that asks for something that your state cirriculum doesn't cover. Problem.

Indebted? Most people don't feel that way, at least if one person is any measure of that. How is it indebted anyway?

3) The War is over isn't it? A new *cough*puppet*cough* government is installed, regime change and cheaper oil has been achieved. The "goals" are done. So why not pull out?

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CIM? What is CIM? And do you mean models or is it codels?

CIM is Continuous Improvement Model. I meant Model. The CIM thing is basically key points in the FCAT, our local test, that you *snorts*MUST KNOW OR ELSE YOU FAIL TENTH GRADE!*snorts* or tenth year, depending on where you're from.

CAT? Sounds as bad as our SAT, the most pointless set of tests ever.

we have that too, but I missed the PSAT. It's just as pointless, trust me. most states have their own. Minnesota is MCAT, Tennessee is TCAT, and Calif. is the California Acheivement Test, or CAT. Homeschoolers here take that. It's the easiest timed test I ever take.

Population shouldn't really affect should it? What do you mean expectations?

The population density determines budget, and they only give schools barely enough for food production. (It stinks!) In certain states like Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana (sorry, to the citizens who read this. My own boyfriend admits it, and he's from around.), family trees sometimes look like lace doilies, if you know what I mean.

Calm down, Britain is far from lovely when it comes to education and some other things. The Landscape is lovely yes, but the education system needs some tweaks. Maybe I should move to Sweeden? They have very high results.

I know, I was just getting frustrated with repeating myself.

There is far too much to reply to all of it, so I 'll just look at some bits.

1) The limited History scope seems a little stupid. Surely you should not just look at the 200 odd years of History in the US, but the roots of the pilgrims and the first settlers in the US?

That is taught, too, but that's the only national standard.

2) A National Cirriculum would help certainly, take jobs for example. You apply for one that asks for something that your state cirriculum doesn't cover. Problem.

Indebted? Most people don't feel that way, at least if one person is any measure of that. How is it indebted anyway?

Money. Our national debt to you guys is in the trillions. Clinton, despite being a sneaky, unloyal [insert bad words here]-ing brute, actually managed to lower that.

3) The War is over isn't it? A new *cough*puppet*cough* government is installed, regime change and cheaper oil has been achieved. The "goals" are done. So why not pull out?

I know, that's exactly my point. Puppet? More like Bop-it. Depending where you push them, you can either get acceptance, or suicide bombers. (the mangy slime. A friend of mine's best friend was killed.)

Now that I know that someone agrees with me, let's turn the subject something more pressing, like... freak dancing? guh-ROSS!




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CIM? What is CIM? And do you mean models or is it codels?

CIM is Continuous Improvement Model. I meant Model. The CIM thing is basically key points in the FCAT, our local test, that you *snorts*MUST KNOW OR ELSE YOU FAIL TENTH GRADE!*snorts* or tenth year, depending on where you're from.

CAT? Sounds as bad as our SAT, the most pointless set of tests ever.

we have that too, but I missed the PSAT. It's just as pointless, trust me. most states have their own. Minnesota is MCAT, Tennessee is TCAT, and Calif. is the California Acheivement Test, or CAT. Homeschoolers here take that. It's the easiest timed test I ever take.

Population shouldn't really affect should it? What do you mean expectations?

The population density determines budget, and they only give schools barely enough for food production. (It stinks!) In certain states like Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana (sorry, to the citizens who read this. My own boyfriend admits it, and he's from around.), family trees sometimes look like lace doilies, if you know what I mean.

Calm down, Britain is far from lovely when it comes to education and some other things. The Landscape is lovely yes, but the education system needs some tweaks. Maybe I should move to Sweeden? They have very high results.

I know, I was just getting frustrated with repeating myself.

There is far too much to reply to all of it, so I 'll just look at some bits.

1) The limited History scope seems a little stupid. Surely you should not just look at the 200 odd years of History in the US, but the roots of the pilgrims and the first settlers in the US?

That is taught, too, but that's the only national standard.

2) A National Cirriculum would help certainly, take jobs for example. You apply for one that asks for something that your state cirriculum doesn't cover. Problem.

Indebted? Most people don't feel that way, at least if one person is any measure of that. How is it indebted anyway?

Money. Our national debt to you guys is in the trillions. Clinton, despite being a sneaky, unloyal [insert bad words here]-ing brute, actually managed to lower that.

3) The War is over isn't it? A new *cough*puppet*cough* government is installed, regime change and cheaper oil has been achieved. The "goals" are done. So why not pull out?

I know, that's exactly my point. Puppet? More like Bop-it. Depending where you push them, you can either get acceptance, or suicide bombers. (the mangy slime. A friend of mine's best friend was killed.)

Now that I know that someone agrees with me, let's turn the subject something more pressing, like... freak dancing? guh-ROSS!




One last question. What do you get for a Qualification? Apart from College Degrees of course.

Freak Dancing? How about Happy Slapping? Ever heard of it before?

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One last question. What do you get for a Qualification? Apart from College Degrees of course.

Freak Dancing? How about Happy Slapping? Ever heard of it before?


more education, i guess.

no, never heard of it.

it doesn't sound acceptable for HD, though.


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I don't know why I write like this, I only know it's fun!



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One last question. What do you get for a Qualification? Apart from College Degrees of course.

Freak Dancing? How about Happy Slapping? Ever heard of it before?


more education, i guess.

no, never heard of it.

it doesn't sound acceptable for HD, though.


You don't get any qualifications? How do your empolyers know what your good at then?


Happy slapping is the latest "craze." It involves going up to a stranger slapping them and recording it on your phone. [TONE=venmous]Hilarious[/TONE]. At least they just passed a law against it. After someone got agrophobia, refuses to come out anymore and has several scars on her face after an "attack" of happy slapping.

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One last question. What do you get for a Qualification? Apart from College Degrees of course.

Freak Dancing? How about Happy Slapping? Ever heard of it before?


more education, i guess.

no, never heard of it.

it doesn't sound acceptable for HD, though.


You don't get any qualifications? How do your empolyers know what your good at then?


Happy slapping is the latest "craze." It involves going up to a stranger slapping them and recording it on your phone. [TONE=venmous]Hilarious[/TONE]. At least they just passed a law against it. After someone got agrophobia, refuses to come out anymore and has several scars on her face after an "attack" of happy slapping.


oh, that. we don't call them that. I forget what we do, but yeah.

sounds painful. I feel sorry for that poor woman.

nope. never heard of it. must be strictly European.

I don't know why I write like this, I only know it's fun!



Have I already responded to this?

yeah, but it was late, and I get giddy when I'm tired.



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One last question. What do you get for a Qualification? Apart from College Degrees of course.

Freak Dancing? How about Happy Slapping? Ever heard of it before?


more education, i guess.

no, never heard of it.

it doesn't sound acceptable for HD, though.


You don't get any qualifications? How do your empolyers know what your good at then?


Happy slapping is the latest "craze." It involves going up to a stranger slapping them and recording it on your phone. [TONE=venmous]Hilarious[/TONE]. At least they just passed a law against it. After someone got agrophobia, refuses to come out anymore and has several scars on her face after an "attack" of happy slapping.


oh, that. we don't call them that. I forget what we do, but yeah.

sounds painful. I feel sorry for that poor woman.

nope. never heard of it. must be strictly European.

I don't know why I write like this, I only know it's fun!



Have I already responded to this?

yeah, but it was late, and I get giddy when I'm tired.



Not even strictly European, strictly drunken chavs in the major population centres of Britain.


Ah, that explains it then. The small moose enjoys consuming a Carribean-style Roast Chicken

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One last question. What do you get for a Qualification? Apart from College Degrees of course.

Freak Dancing? How about Happy Slapping? Ever heard of it before?


more education, i guess.

no, never heard of it.

it doesn't sound acceptable for HD, though.


You don't get any qualifications? How do your empolyers know what your good at then?


Happy slapping is the latest "craze." It involves going up to a stranger slapping them and recording it on your phone. [TONE=venmous]Hilarious[/TONE]. At least they just passed a law against it. After someone got agrophobia, refuses to come out anymore and has several scars on her face after an "attack" of happy slapping.


oh, that. we don't call them that. I forget what we do, but yeah.

sounds painful. I feel sorry for that poor woman.

nope. never heard of it. must be strictly European.

I don't know why I write like this, I only know it's fun!



Have I already responded to this?

yeah, but it was late, and I get giddy when I'm tired.



Not even strictly European, strictly drunken chavs in the major population centres of Britain.


Ah, that explains it then. The small moose enjoys consuming a Carribean-style Roast Chicken


sorry, but I'm having a brainless moment.

what is a chav?

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One last question. What do you get for a Qualification? Apart from College Degrees of course.

Freak Dancing? How about Happy Slapping? Ever heard of it before?


more education, i guess.

no, never heard of it.

it doesn't sound acceptable for HD, though.


You don't get any qualifications? How do your empolyers know what your good at then?


Happy slapping is the latest "craze." It involves going up to a stranger slapping them and recording it on your phone. [TONE=venmous]Hilarious[/TONE]. At least they just passed a law against it. After someone got agrophobia, refuses to come out anymore and has several scars on her face after an "attack" of happy slapping.


oh, that. we don't call them that. I forget what we do, but yeah.

sounds painful. I feel sorry for that poor woman.

nope. never heard of it. must be strictly European.

I don't know why I write like this, I only know it's fun!



Have I already responded to this?

yeah, but it was late, and I get giddy when I'm tired.



Not even strictly European, strictly drunken chavs in the major population centres of Britain.


Ah, that explains it then. The small moose enjoys consuming a Carribean-style Roast Chicken


sorry, but I'm having a brainless moment.

what is a chav?

Townies, yobs, yobbos.... here I am thinking that chav was an American term.

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One last question. What do you get for a Qualification? Apart from College Degrees of course.

Freak Dancing? How about Happy Slapping? Ever heard of it before?


more education, i guess.

no, never heard of it.

it doesn't sound acceptable for HD, though.


You don't get any qualifications? How do your empolyers know what your good at then?


Happy slapping is the latest "craze." It involves going up to a stranger slapping them and recording it on your phone. [TONE=venmous]Hilarious[/TONE]. At least they just passed a law against it. After someone got agrophobia, refuses to come out anymore and has several scars on her face after an "attack" of happy slapping.


oh, that. we don't call them that. I forget what we do, but yeah.

sounds painful. I feel sorry for that poor woman.

nope. never heard of it. must be strictly European.

I don't know why I write like this, I only know it's fun!



Have I already responded to this?

yeah, but it was late, and I get giddy when I'm tired.



Not even strictly European, strictly drunken chavs in the major population centres of Britain.


Ah, that explains it then. The small moose enjoys consuming a Carribean-style Roast Chicken


sorry, but I'm having a brainless moment.

what is a chav?

Townies, yobs, yobbos.... here I am thinking that chav was an American term.


The irony in that post being that we don't use "yobs" nor "yobbos" in American speech either, or at least not in Connecticut.

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One last question. What do you get for a Qualification? Apart from College Degrees of course.

Freak Dancing? How about Happy Slapping? Ever heard of it before?


more education, i guess.

no, never heard of it.

it doesn't sound acceptable for HD, though.


You don't get any qualifications? How do your empolyers know what your good at then?


Happy slapping is the latest "craze." It involves going up to a stranger slapping them and recording it on your phone. [TONE=venmous]Hilarious[/TONE]. At least they just passed a law against it. After someone got agrophobia, refuses to come out anymore and has several scars on her face after an "attack" of happy slapping.


oh, that. we don't call them that. I forget what we do, but yeah.

sounds painful. I feel sorry for that poor woman.

nope. never heard of it. must be strictly European.

I don't know why I write like this, I only know it's fun!



Have I already responded to this?

yeah, but it was late, and I get giddy when I'm tired.



Not even strictly European, strictly drunken chavs in the major population centres of Britain.


Ah, that explains it then. The small moose enjoys consuming a Carribean-style Roast Chicken


sorry, but I'm having a brainless moment.

what is a chav?

Townies, yobs, yobbos.... here I am thinking that chav was an American term.

Sorry, but no. Don't know what a yob is. or a yobbo, or a townie. you mean barhangers? they hang out at bars coz they got problems and the solution is drowning it in alcohol. Call me naive, but it's not just in Connecticut that we don't hear those terms.


quick question that is totally off topic:

is it lu or loo?

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One last question. What do you get for a Qualification? Apart from College Degrees of course.

Freak Dancing? How about Happy Slapping? Ever heard of it before?


more education, i guess.

no, never heard of it.

it doesn't sound acceptable for HD, though.


You don't get any qualifications? How do your empolyers know what your good at then?


Happy slapping is the latest "craze." It involves going up to a stranger slapping them and recording it on your phone. [TONE=venmous]Hilarious[/TONE]. At least they just passed a law against it. After someone got agrophobia, refuses to come out anymore and has several scars on her face after an "attack" of happy slapping.


oh, that. we don't call them that. I forget what we do, but yeah.

sounds painful. I feel sorry for that poor woman.

nope. never heard of it. must be strictly European.

I don't know why I write like this, I only know it's fun!



Have I already responded to this?

yeah, but it was late, and I get giddy when I'm tired.



Not even strictly European, strictly drunken chavs in the major population centres of Britain.


Ah, that explains it then. The small moose enjoys consuming a Carribean-style Roast Chicken


sorry, but I'm having a brainless moment.

what is a chav?

Townies, yobs, yobbos.... here I am thinking that chav was an American term.

Sorry, but no. Don't know what a yob is. or a yobbo, or a townie. you mean barhangers? they hang out at bars coz they got problems and the solution is drowning it in alcohol. Call me naive, but it's not just in Connecticut that we don't hear those terms.


quick question that is totally off topic:

is it lu or loo?

They like burberry. They hang around the council estates. The ones who like music that repeats the same beat over and over again. They do up beat up Renaults. They like drugs and cigarettes, hoodies and baseball caps. They steal, get more drunk than a skunk in a vat of sherry. Is that better?


For Brit slang for toilet? It's loo.

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is the gov't even touched upon in this topic anymore?


me and my friends were at ann vann today and we were talking about how we were bored and it led to-how life is boring and then how america has a big suicide rate(or w/e) and why and stuff. and then we were talking about taxes and rich people and stuff. we were saying how like in america if u dont go to college ur life is awful. and how were all gonna live on the streets and sell ourselves for food money.


<_< i hate this world.

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One last question. What do you get for a Qualification? Apart from College Degrees of course.

Freak Dancing? How about Happy Slapping? Ever heard of it before?


more education, i guess.

no, never heard of it.

it doesn't sound acceptable for HD, though.


You don't get any qualifications? How do your empolyers know what your good at then?


Happy slapping is the latest "craze." It involves going up to a stranger slapping them and recording it on your phone. [TONE=venmous]Hilarious[/TONE]. At least they just passed a law against it. After someone got agrophobia, refuses to come out anymore and has several scars on her face after an "attack" of happy slapping.


oh, that. we don't call them that. I forget what we do, but yeah.

sounds painful. I feel sorry for that poor woman.

nope. never heard of it. must be strictly European.

I don't know why I write like this, I only know it's fun!



Have I already responded to this?

yeah, but it was late, and I get giddy when I'm tired.



Not even strictly European, strictly drunken chavs in the major population centres of Britain.


Ah, that explains it then. The small moose enjoys consuming a Carribean-style Roast Chicken


sorry, but I'm having a brainless moment.

what is a chav?

Townies, yobs, yobbos.... here I am thinking that chav was an American term.

Sorry, but no. Don't know what a yob is. or a yobbo, or a townie. you mean barhangers? they hang out at bars coz they got problems and the solution is drowning it in alcohol. Call me naive, but it's not just in Connecticut that we don't hear those terms.


quick question that is totally off topic:

is it lu or loo?

They like burberry. They hang around the council estates. The ones who like music that repeats the same beat over and over again. They do up beat up Renaults. They like drugs and cigarettes, hoodies and baseball caps. They steal, get more drunk than a skunk in a vat of sherry. Is that better?


For Brit slang for toilet? It's loo.


oh, you mean streetrats? I know some. Thank you for clarifying the toilet confusion. I'm using the term in one of my books, and I don't want to be incorrect.

is the gov't even touched upon in this topic anymore?


me and my friends were at ann vann today and we were talking about how we were bored and it led to-how life is boring and then how america has a big suicide rate(or w/e) and why and stuff. and then we were talking about taxes and rich people and stuff. we were saying how like in america if u dont go to college ur life is awful. and how were all gonna live on the streets and sell ourselves for food money.


<_< i hate this world.

You sound upset, xMyOwnMindx. I dislike certain aspects of it as well.

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is the gov't even touched upon in this topic anymore?


me and my friends were at ann vann today and we were talking about how we were bored and it led to-how life is boring and then how america has a big suicide rate(or w/e) and why and stuff. and then we were talking about taxes and rich people and stuff. we were saying how like in america if u dont go to college ur life is awful. and how were all gonna live on the streets and sell ourselves for food money.


<_<  i hate this world.

(If this was a couple of weeks back Toto would shout at me for this, but....)

Well if your sick of America, why not go somewhere else where your future doesn't solely rely on going to college and getting good grades? You could try New Zealand, Australia (Lee would reccommend this) or GB. Ireland as well, never shall I forget it. For example, after 2 years, at the age of 16, you can leave school and go get a job with up to 11 different qualifications. If you want to go into further education, i.e. A-levels. You can get a further 4 qualifications of any subject. And then of course there are the various university's you can go to. But if you get good grades in just your GCSE's you are fine. Even bad grades are fine, as there are always jobs you can get. It just means you will probably end up living in a council house.

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is the gov't even touched upon in this topic anymore?


me and my friends were at ann vann today and we were talking about how we were bored and it led to-how life is boring and then how america has a big suicide rate(or w/e) and why and stuff. and then we were talking about taxes and rich people and stuff. we were saying how like in america if u dont go to college ur life is awful. and how were all gonna live on the streets and sell ourselves for food money.


<_<  i hate this world.

(If this was a couple of weeks back Toto would shout at me for this, but....)

Well if your sick of America, why not go somewhere else where your future doesn't solely rely on going to college and getting good grades? You could try New Zealand, Australia (Lee would reccommend this) or GB. Ireland as well, never shall I forget it. For example, after 2 years, at the age of 16, you can leave school and go get a job with up to 11 different qualifications. If you want to go into further education, i.e. A-levels. You can get a further 4 qualifications of any subject. And then of course there are the various university's you can go to. But if you get good grades in just your GCSE's you are fine. Even bad grades are fine, as there are always jobs you can get. It just means you will probably end up living in a council house.

because i dont really care that much about myself...so i dont care if i get a good job and a nice house and all that...


plus i believe everyone and everything and everyPLACE is "messed" up. so no matter wut im gonna hate this world.


and im not upset... not like in tears really sad about this or anything. im very level headed and clam and i can clearly say i hate this world.


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is the gov't even touched upon in this topic anymore?


me and my friends were at ann vann today and we were talking about how we were bored and it led to-how life is boring and then how america has a big suicide rate(or w/e) and why and stuff. and then we were talking about taxes and rich people and stuff. we were saying how like in america if u dont go to college ur life is awful. and how were all gonna live on the streets and sell ourselves for food money.


<_<  i hate this world.

(If this was a couple of weeks back Toto would shout at me for this, but....)

Well if your sick of America, why not go somewhere else where your future doesn't solely rely on going to college and getting good grades? You could try New Zealand, Australia (Lee would reccommend this) or GB. Ireland as well, never shall I forget it. For example, after 2 years, at the age of 16, you can leave school and go get a job with up to 11 different qualifications. If you want to go into further education, i.e. A-levels. You can get a further 4 qualifications of any subject. And then of course there are the various university's you can go to. But if you get good grades in just your GCSE's you are fine. Even bad grades are fine, as there are always jobs you can get. It just means you will probably end up living in a council house.

because i dont really care that much about myself...so i dont care if i get a good job and a nice house and all that...


plus i believe everyone and everything and everyPLACE is "messed" up. so no matter wut im gonna hate this world.


and im not upset... not like in tears really sad about this or anything. im very level headed and clam and i can clearly say i hate this world.


You've certainly changed from what you originally were Puppydog....

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is the gov't even touched upon in this topic anymore?


me and my friends were at ann vann today and we were talking about how we were bored and it led to-how life is boring and then how america has a big suicide rate(or w/e) and why and stuff. and then we were talking about taxes and rich people and stuff. we were saying how like in america if u dont go to college ur life is awful. and how were all gonna live on the streets and sell ourselves for food money.


<_<  i hate this world.

(If this was a couple of weeks back Toto would shout at me for this, but....)

Well if your sick of America, why not go somewhere else where your future doesn't solely rely on going to college and getting good grades? You could try New Zealand, Australia (Lee would reccommend this) or GB. Ireland as well, never shall I forget it. For example, after 2 years, at the age of 16, you can leave school and go get a job with up to 11 different qualifications. If you want to go into further education, i.e. A-levels. You can get a further 4 qualifications of any subject. And then of course there are the various university's you can go to. But if you get good grades in just your GCSE's you are fine. Even bad grades are fine, as there are always jobs you can get. It just means you will probably end up living in a council house.

because i dont really care that much about myself...so i dont care if i get a good job and a nice house and all that...


plus i believe everyone and everything and everyPLACE is "messed" up. so no matter wut im gonna hate this world.


and im not upset... not like in tears really sad about this or anything. im very level headed and clam and i can clearly say i hate this world.


I care about you. I'm one of those sappy people with nothing to do BUT care about others. Well, if you don't care about material wealth, that's actually kind of cool. You're a nice person. Everyone here cares about you.


This world is messed up. Performance shouldn't matter. It's what's on the inside that counts! Jeez!


You're clam? :D I know what you meant. Hate is a strong word. You just haven't met the right people yet. I say yet, because I believe everyone has something waiting for them. You just have to watch for it.

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is the gov't even touched upon in this topic anymore?


me and my friends were at ann vann today and we were talking about how we were bored and it led to-how life is boring and then how america has a big suicide rate(or w/e) and why and stuff. and then we were talking about taxes and rich people and stuff. we were saying how like in america if u dont go to college ur life is awful. and how were all gonna live on the streets and sell ourselves for food money.


<_<  i hate this world.

(If this was a couple of weeks back Toto would shout at me for this, but....)

Well if your sick of America, why not go somewhere else where your future doesn't solely rely on going to college and getting good grades? You could try New Zealand, Australia (Lee would reccommend this) or GB. Ireland as well, never shall I forget it. For example, after 2 years, at the age of 16, you can leave school and go get a job with up to 11 different qualifications. If you want to go into further education, i.e. A-levels. You can get a further 4 qualifications of any subject. And then of course there are the various university's you can go to. But if you get good grades in just your GCSE's you are fine. Even bad grades are fine, as there are always jobs you can get. It just means you will probably end up living in a council house.

because i dont really care that much about myself...so i dont care if i get a good job and a nice house and all that...


plus i believe everyone and everything and everyPLACE is "messed" up. so no matter wut im gonna hate this world.


and im not upset... not like in tears really sad about this or anything. im very level headed and clam and i can clearly say i hate this world.


I care about you. I'm one of those sappy people with nothing to do BUT care about others. Well, if you don't care about material wealth, that's actually kind of cool. You're a nice person. Everyone here cares about you.


This world is messed up. Performance shouldn't matter. It's what's on the inside that counts! Jeez!


You're clam? :D I know what you meant. Hate is a strong word. You just haven't met the right people yet. I say yet, because I believe everyone has something waiting for them. You just have to watch for it.

I just realized how corny that sounds. ugh, I am a mom-kid. yech.

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  • 2 weeks later...
is the gov't even touched upon in this topic anymore?


me and my friends were at ann vann today and we were talking about how we were bored and it led to-how life is boring and then how america has a big suicide rate(or w/e) and why and stuff. and then we were talking about taxes and rich people and stuff. we were saying how like in america if u dont go to college ur life is awful. and how were all gonna live on the streets and sell ourselves for food money.


<_<  i hate this world.

(If this was a couple of weeks back Toto would shout at me for this, but....)

Well if your sick of America, why not go somewhere else where your future doesn't solely rely on going to college and getting good grades? You could try New Zealand, Australia (Lee would reccommend this) or GB. Ireland as well, never shall I forget it. For example, after 2 years, at the age of 16, you can leave school and go get a job with up to 11 different qualifications. If you want to go into further education, i.e. A-levels. You can get a further 4 qualifications of any subject. And then of course there are the various university's you can go to. But if you get good grades in just your GCSE's you are fine. Even bad grades are fine, as there are always jobs you can get. It just means you will probably end up living in a council house.

because i dont really care that much about myself...so i dont care if i get a good job and a nice house and all that...


plus i believe everyone and everything and everyPLACE is "messed" up. so no matter wut im gonna hate this world.


and im not upset... not like in tears really sad about this or anything. im very level headed and clam and i can clearly say i hate this world.


I care about you. I'm one of those sappy people with nothing to do BUT care about others. Well, if you don't care about material wealth, that's actually kind of cool. You're a nice person. Everyone here cares about you.


This world is messed up. Performance shouldn't matter. It's what's on the inside that counts! Jeez!


You're clam? :D I know what you meant. Hate is a strong word. You just haven't met the right people yet. I say yet, because I believe everyone has something waiting for them. You just have to watch for it.

I just realized how corny that sounds. ugh, I am a mom-kid. yech.

Yes you are, self.

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is the gov't even touched upon in this topic anymore?


me and my friends were at ann vann today and we were talking about how we were bored and it led to-how life is boring and then how america has a big suicide rate(or w/e) and why and stuff. and then we were talking about taxes and rich people and stuff. we were saying how like in america if u dont go to college ur life is awful. and how were all gonna live on the streets and sell ourselves for food money.


<_<  i hate this world.

(If this was a couple of weeks back Toto would shout at me for this, but....)

Well if your sick of America, why not go somewhere else where your future doesn't solely rely on going to college and getting good grades? You could try New Zealand, Australia (Lee would reccommend this) or GB. Ireland as well, never shall I forget it. For example, after 2 years, at the age of 16, you can leave school and go get a job with up to 11 different qualifications. If you want to go into further education, i.e. A-levels. You can get a further 4 qualifications of any subject. And then of course there are the various university's you can go to. But if you get good grades in just your GCSE's you are fine. Even bad grades are fine, as there are always jobs you can get. It just means you will probably end up living in a council house.

because i dont really care that much about myself...so i dont care if i get a good job and a nice house and all that...


plus i believe everyone and everything and everyPLACE is "messed" up. so no matter wut im gonna hate this world.


and im not upset... not like in tears really sad about this or anything. im very level headed and clam and i can clearly say i hate this world.


You've certainly changed from what you originally were Puppydog....

You're right. If memory serves me right, Sheena's last post left puppydog a bone. At that moment, she acted as the kind puppydog. But soon after Sheena had a definitely long leave, she changed to this version. Either strange coincidence(more likely) or there's a connection. Oh well. Both personalities are great.

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