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i didnt feel like it,k? :) so i just took the part i wrote


i was gonna put up an essay from UAA but i didnt want to put it in my own words so i'll just tell you about how i hate nationalistic peoeple.it's about somthing that afects me beacuse i get the same kinda reactions.my whole family and lot of my friends are really into be patriot and love the american flag and fly it everywhere and they all say the pledge and are proud when there hear the National Anthem.i'm the complete opposite.i am not ever going to say the pledge,will not stand for the National anthem, i perfer not to hear it at all, and nationalism makes me sick.i've been glared at, yelled at and been called un-american, anti-american, an america-hater,a terrorist,whatever. it really annoys me because the flag is not something that makes me proud,it makes me sick and all i ever get it's yelled at for my veiws.People that know the wrongs in America and have sorta cut-out from being brainwashed(a little) still say the pledge because they believe it's right to,thats just wut they've been taught.i will not be brainwashed by the flag.theres nothing left in it that says freedom.Freedom is NOT REAL.it's a smokescreen they tell you so they can take ur money and do wutever they want.it's all lies. and everything is just wrapped in a flag and sold to you.they want you to believe we are free and brave and great but the american way of life is no angel.we lie,cheat,steal,were selfish etc and dont say not everyone is like that because alot of people arn't but ALOT are. and it's really great not everyone is like that becuase i wouldn't be able to handel that. it would be bad.i'm really proud of those kids(and people) that are protesting,it makes me happy.


Song deleted. Sorry. Horatio


and now this "essay" or wutever is done.i hope i offened y'all. :D

Edited by Horatio
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oh and i forgot,everyone loves green day


"Don't wanna be an American idiot.

One nation controlled by the media.

Information nation of hysteria.

It's going out to idiot America.


Welcome to a new kind of tension.

All across the alien nation.

Everything isn't meant to be okay.

Television dreams of tomorrow.

We're not the ones who're meant to follow.

For thats enough to argue."


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i didnt feel like it,k?  :)  so i just took the part i wrote


i was gonna put up an essay from UAA but i didnt want to put it in my own words so i'll just tell you about how i hate nationalistic peoeple.it's about somthing that afects me beacuse i get the same kinda reactions.my whole family and lot of my friends are really into be patriot and love the american flag and fly it everywhere and they all say the pledge and are proud when there hear the National Anthem.i'm the complete opposite.i am not ever going to say the pledge,will not stand for the National anthem, i perfer not to hear it at all, and nationalism makes me sick.i've been glared at, yelled at and been called un-american, anti-american, an america-hater,a terrorist,whatever. it really annoys me because the flag is not something that makes me proud,it makes me sick and all i ever get it's yelled at for my veiws.People that know the wrongs in America and have sorta cut-out from being brainwashed(a little) still say the pledge because they believe it's right to,thats just wut they've been taught.i will not be brainwashed by the flag.theres nothing left in it that says freedom.Freedom is NOT REAL.it's a smokescreen they tell you so they can take ur money and do wutever they want.it's all lies. and everything is just wrapped in a flag and sold to you.they want you to believe we are free and brave and great but the american way of life is no angel.we lie,cheat,steal,were selfish etc and dont say not everyone is like that because alot of people arn't but ALOT are. and it's really great not everyone is like that becuase i wouldn't be able to handel that. it would be bad.i'm really proud of those kids(and people) that are protesting,it makes me happy.


Song deleted.  Sorry.  Horatio


and now this "essay" or wutever is done.i hope i offened y'all.  :D



Roc kon, dude.

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i didnt feel like it,k?  :)  so i just took the part i wrote


i was gonna put up an essay from UAA but i didnt want to put it in my own words so i'll just tell you about how i hate nationalistic peoeple.it's about somthing that afects me beacuse i get the same kinda reactions.my whole family and lot of my friends are really into be patriot and love the american flag and fly it everywhere and they all say the pledge and are proud when there hear the National Anthem.i'm the complete opposite.i am not ever going to say the pledge,will not stand for the National anthem, i perfer not to hear it at all, and nationalism makes me sick.i've been glared at, yelled at and been called un-american, anti-american, an america-hater,a terrorist,whatever. it really annoys me because the flag is not something that makes me proud,it makes me sick and all i ever get it's yelled at for my veiws.People that know the wrongs in America and have sorta cut-out from being brainwashed(a little) still say the pledge because they believe it's right to,thats just wut they've been taught.i will not be brainwashed by the flag.theres nothing left in it that says freedom.Freedom is NOT REAL.it's a smokescreen they tell you so they can take ur money and do wutever they want.it's all lies. and everything is just wrapped in a flag and sold to you.they want you to believe we are free and brave and great but the american way of life is no angel.we lie,cheat,steal,were selfish etc and dont say not everyone is like that because alot of people arn't but ALOT are. and it's really great not everyone is like that becuase i wouldn't be able to handel that. it would be bad.i'm really proud of those kids(and people) that are protesting,it makes me happy.


Song deleted.  Sorry.  Horatio


and now this "essay" or wutever is done.i hope i offened y'all.  :D

It's wrong when people judge you by your beliefs. Just because you don't say the pledge doesn't mean you're a terrorist. Someones gotta be pretty dumb to think that. People try to block out the wrongs of America rather than fix them. We Americans, for one, are probably the laziest, most technology dependant, fast food eating, nation in the world. Our leaders are for the most part idiots. And there's so many people who are blinded by those stupid leaders. Sure, theres positive points to America, but a big flaw is thinking we're perfect and not caring to fix the problems we have. It really should not be that way. Instead of ignoring problems the leaders should fix them.


And why is it we are considered 'free' when theres pointless laws like you can't leave your American flag out at night time without a light on it?


this makes me think of a san francisco law... 'persons classified as "ugly" are not allowed on public streets' or something like that

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i didnt feel like it,k?  :)  so i just took the part i wrote


i was gonna put up an essay from UAA but i didnt want to put it in my own words so i'll just tell you about how i hate nationalistic peoeple.it's about somthing that afects me beacuse i get the same kinda reactions.my whole family and lot of my friends are really into be patriot and love the american flag and fly it everywhere and they all say the pledge and are proud when there hear the National Anthem.i'm the complete opposite.i am not ever going to say the pledge,will not stand for the National anthem, i perfer not to hear it at all, and nationalism makes me sick.i've been glared at, yelled at and been called un-american, anti-american, an america-hater,a terrorist,whatever. it really annoys me because the flag is not something that makes me proud,it makes me sick and all i ever get it's yelled at for my veiws.People that know the wrongs in America and have sorta cut-out from being brainwashed(a little) still say the pledge because they believe it's right to,thats just wut they've been taught.i will not be brainwashed by the flag.theres nothing left in it that says freedom.Freedom is NOT REAL.it's a smokescreen they tell you so they can take ur money and do wutever they want.it's all lies. and everything is just wrapped in a flag and sold to you.they want you to believe we are free and brave and great but the american way of life is no angel.we lie,cheat,steal,were selfish etc and dont say not everyone is like that because alot of people arn't but ALOT are. and it's really great not everyone is like that becuase i wouldn't be able to handel that. it would be bad.i'm really proud of those kids(and people) that are protesting,it makes me happy.


Song deleted.  Sorry.  Horatio


and now this "essay" or wutever is done.i hope i offened y'all.  :D



but but but i hate you horatio.the songs were the best part!!! why couldnt i add them?!?!? :angry:

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Roc kon, dude.

i did have a nuch of antiflag songs including %#$^ the flag and all red white and brainwashed. i dont know why i can add whole divinity destroyed lyrics in one topic for no reason but when i have a song perfect for my essay and i quote it it's not aloud. thats so stupid!!

Edited by Horatio
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It's wrong when people judge you by your beliefs. Just because you don't say the pledge doesn't mean you're a terrorist. Someones gotta be pretty dumb to think that. People try to block out the wrongs of America rather than fix them. We Americans, for one, are probably the laziest, most technology dependant, fast food eating, nation in the world. Our leaders are for the most part idiots. And there's so many people who are blinded by those stupid leaders. Sure, theres positive points to America, but a big flaw is thinking we're perfect and not caring to fix the problems we have. It really should not be that way. Instead of ignoring problems the leaders should fix them.


And why is it we are considered 'free' when theres pointless laws like you can't leave your American flag out at night time without a light on it?


this makes me think of a san francisco law... 'persons classified as "ugly" are not allowed on public streets' or something like that

thanks,so u liked it?

when ever i see an american flag i get the urge to burn it or stomp on it till it's torn.

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i did have a nuch of antiflag songs including %#$^ the flag and all red white and brainwashed. i dont know why i can add  whole divinity destroyed lyrics in one topic for no reason but when i have a song perfect for my essay and i quote it it's not aloud. thats so stupid!!


HampsterKing just did not like it. Perhaps he did not see the others. :mellow:

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thanks,so u liked it?

when ever i see an american flag i get the urge to burn it or stomp on it till it's torn.

I get a little urge to take out my scissors and cut along the dotted line. (sorry had to say that I was thinking of those papers where you have to cut it along the dotted line to make it turn out right)

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(hope i can post this... :angry: )


red,white and brianwashed-anti-flag


They use the flag to control us

Brainwash us to be their patrotic slaves

Programs our minds by controlling what we learn

The only difference from the nazis is that

Someone tried to stop them





The government says they're working for us

Just as long as we increase their pay

But the minute they get into office we're a has-been

A yesterday





The red stands for the blood of all the people

We've slain

The white for this racist, bigoted foundation

The blue for your arayan eyes -- all empty

Empty because you're taught to bow down to the man

"Fly that flag, that flag of freedom"

"Do what you can for your country"

Go and fight their wars for them

"They're not following in our footsteps,






They call that being a patriot

I just call it ignorant

If you don't fight to make things better

Then you're the one betraying the country


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(hope i can post this...  :angry: )


red,white and brianwashed-anti-flag


They use the flag to control us

Brainwash us to be their patrotic slaves

Programs our minds by controlling what we learn

The only difference from the nazis is that

Someone tried to stop them





The government says they're working for us

Just as long as we increase their pay

But the minute they get into office we're a has-been

A yesterday





The red stands for the blood of all the people

We've slain

The white for this racist, bigoted foundation

The blue for your arayan eyes -- all empty

Empty because you're taught to bow down to the man

"Fly that flag, that flag of freedom"

"Do what you can for your country"

Go and fight their wars for them

"They're not following in our footsteps,






They call that being a patriot

I just call it ignorant

If you don't fight to make things better

Then you're the one betraying the country


Ah. Perhaps a song I can identify with. However some of those things I don't agree with. The first thing I spotted that was completely OTT, was the comment about the difference between the US givernment and Fascists.

A couple of things were wrong about what they said one of which is this: Facisim=totalitarian government, US government=Republican's (evil and scary according to the Simpsons) and the democrats (who hold election parties with "Our policies Stink" on the walls)

Point 2: The Racisim bit, I actually do have to agree with. THe USA is founded upon the backs of dead slaves, however the huge amounts of Racisim have become near non-existant now, thanks to Martin Luther King (jr.)

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Has anyone actually fought about the timing of Martin Luther King's death? He was persuading the (I hate uttering this word because all people on earth are equal and to me have no differences (except in personality), but it is necessary) black people of America, not to fight in the Veitmanese war. Without their help, the communists may well have taken South Veitnam. Hmm... Government conspiracy or am I being paranoid? Come on people! Answer! I know Animalkidd must have some opinon on this!

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Has anyone actually fought about the timing of Martin Luther King's death? He was persuading the (I hate uttering this word because all people on earth are equal and to me have no differences (except in personality), but it is necessary) black people of America, not to fight in the Veitmanese war. Without their help, the communists may well have taken South Veitnam. Hmm... Government conspiracy or am I being paranoid? Come on people! Answer! I know Animalkidd must have some opinon on this!



Have I FOUGHT about the timing of his death? No. I was not alive when it happened, so I could do nothing. :rolleyes:


About the conspiracy? I don't know... I have no thoughts.

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Have I FOUGHT about the timing of his death?  No.  I was not alive when it happened, so I could do nothing.  :rolleyes:


About the conspiracy?  I don't know... I have no thoughts.


*shock takes over and Horatio lands feet up, stunned*

You have NO thoughts! Impossible! Unheard of!


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Okay...Vietnam war...unnecessary.  They posed no threat to us.

All the Vietnam war was to show off, the reason they went in was just to show how Democracy will always triumph over Commuisim. However if it wasn't for US intervention the North would have taken over the south. It is exactly like Korea, Us intervention in the South is preventing the North from unification. Also the DMZ, America's cultural contribuation to Korea. Why does the US seek to intervene? Why can the cultured world not allow Unification? It would benifit us all! Let the people of Vietnam and Korea sort out their own problems. The only time we should intervene is when the Pyoangang missiles are launched at another country, it is not necessary for intevention in every war!

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Ah. Perhaps a song I can identify with. However some of those things I don't agree with. The first thing I spotted that was completely OTT, was the comment about the difference between the US givernment and Fascists.

A couple of things were wrong about what they said one of which is this: Facisim=totalitarian government, US government=Republican's (evil and scary according to the Simpsons) and the democrats (who hold election parties with "Our policies Stink" on the walls)

Point 2: The Racisim bit, I actually do have to agree with. THe USA is founded upon the backs of dead slaves, however the huge amounts of Racisim have become near non-existant now, thanks to Martin Luther King (jr.)

huge ammounts but not all,not anywhere near all.


"the difference between the US givernment and Fascists."



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just watched the first hour of the debate and it's pathetic. They were basically going back and fourth saying whether Iraq was a mistake or not. :rolleyes: The host brought them to homeland security for alittle bit but then they went straight back to Iraq. It's as if there aren't any other issues to talk about...

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I just watched the first hour of the debate and it's pathetic. They were basically going back and fourth saying whether Iraq was a mistake or not.  :rolleyes: The host brought them to homeland security for alittle bit but then they went straight back to Iraq. It's as if there aren't any other issues to talk about...

I am anxious to hear from AnimalKidd. :blink:

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I am anxious to hear from AnimalKidd. :blink:

I agree with Moosey when he says about the constant going back and forth about Iraq. It bored me. -_- (I WAS watching it BTW) I think Kerry may have gained some votes on Bush though, so maybe now that Kerry has got the chance to debate, maybe we will be looking at a close cut victory for him if he carries on doing well in the debates.

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I agree with Moosey when he says about the constant going back and forth about Iraq. It bored me.  -_-  (I WAS watching it BTW) I think Kerry may have gained some votes on Bush though, so maybe now that Kerry has got the chance to debate, maybe we will be looking at a close cut victory for him if he carries on doing well in the debates.

Moosey?! :huh:

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What the? Oh yeah. Sorry Jesse. I just glanced at the avatar and saw the little radioactive symbol and though "oh it is moosey"


Whoops, no wonder you're confused. I'll use that monkey avatar until HK is ready to accept more avatars.

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me :lol: ,

watching the debate,

as I moderate.



Yeah, what happened with that?


Also what do you guys think of the Vice-president debate? I think the VP's are smarter than the presidents themselves :lol: . Cheney looked more stable than Edwards, that I can tell.

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the crazy thing? if we stick together, in thirty years we may be able to leagally take over the USA, and possbly a few other countries too!!

the us I know we just need a few hundred million followers and 528 indivuduals to actually do the work. but it will take six years, so we don't need them all ready at once, so get out there and recruit.

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  • 2 weeks later...
*watches as MW flees to Cuba, unawares that Fidel Castro is personal friend of TGHL*

*goes back to America* I didn't flee. I just went over to him to ask for his armies to help. He's a double agent. Oh yeah, I also have all of Asia on my side. Not to mention the Penguins of Antarctica. And the South Americans. In fact, the United States of America's army is on my side, they helped me to take over their own country, I bribed every individual troop. Heck, I have the Africans on my side. I have everyone except Europe. I just need to take over all of the countries and then I need to make sure Europe can bow down to my power. I may be a sanity saver, but I am also world-domination obsessed. Well, I'll let you keep Europe, South America, Africa, half of Antarctica, deal? That way we each have 3.5 countries.

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*goes back to America* I didn't flee. I just went over to him to ask for his armies to help. He's a double agent. Oh yeah, I also have all of Asia on my side. Not to mention the Penguins of Antarctica. And the South Americans. In fact, the United States of America's army is on my side, they helped me to take over their own country, I bribed every individual troop. Heck, I have the Africans on my side. I have everyone except Europe. I just need to take over all of the countries and then I need to make sure Europe can bow down to my power. I may be a sanity saver, but I am also world-domination obsessed. Well, I'll let you keep Europe, South America, Africa, half of Antarctica, deal? That way we each have 3.5 countries.

Er... Right.

1) Castro has always been on my side

2) I have Europe on my side

3) I have the Middle East on my side

4) I have China and Japan on my side


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:blink: You guys really disturb me sometimes.... *goes to live in the backwoods of Alaska* Oh and MW, Europe isn't a country, it's a continent. ;)


Anyways, in light of election day being tomorrow, I'd like to say that, "The only thing necesary for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing."


Go out and vote, and vote responsibly. :)

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:blink:  You guys really disturb me sometimes.... *goes to live in the backwoods of Alaska* Oh and MW, Europe isn't a country, it's a continent. ;)


Anyways, in light of election day being tomorrow, I'd like to say that, "The only thing necesary for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing."


Go out and vote, and vote responsibly. :)


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:blink:  You guys really disturb me sometimes.... *goes to live in the backwoods of Alaska* Oh and MW, Europe isn't a country, it's a continent. ;)


Anyways, in light of election day being tomorrow, I'd like to say that, "The only thing necesary for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing."


Go out and vote, and vote responsibly. :)

Typo about the continent thing. Typing too fast and shtuff, ya know. And not thinking cuz it's not exactly History class here. :lol:

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Er... Right.

1) Castro has always been on my side

2) I have Europe on my side

3) I have the Middle East on my side

4) I have China and Japan on my side


1) Double agent

2) Double agents

3) Double agents

4) Double agents

5) No

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That's not exactly what I was thinking.  :blink:  <_<  I'm gonna put it this way: Going by the Bible, what do you think God thinks of each candidate? Does God approve of abortion? Same sex marraige? Think about it.

Hmmm.... This election seems familiar, now where have I seen this before.... Oh of course the 2000 and elections! WHY IS IT THAT BUSH BELIEVES HE HAS WON? If Kerry does get the Iowa votes, then he has got the presidentship.

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1) Double agent

2) Double agents

3) Double agents

4) Double agents

5) No

1) What the Dickens? How can they be when they are not attacking me or betraying me?

2) What the Dickens? How can they be when they are not attacking me or betraying me?

3) What the Dickens? How can they be when they are not attacking me or betraying me?

4) What the Dickens? How can they be when they are not attacking me or betraying me?

5) Yes, or else.

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1) What the Dickens? How can they be when they are not attacking me or betraying me?

2) What the Dickens? How can they be when they are not attacking me or betraying me?

3) What the Dickens? How can they be when they are not attacking me or betraying me?

4) What the Dickens? How can they be when they are not attacking me or betraying me?

5) Yes, or else.

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1) What the Dickens? How can they be when they are not attacking me or betraying me?

2) What the Dickens? How can they be when they are not attacking me or betraying me?

3) What the Dickens? How can they be when they are not attacking me or betraying me?

4) What the Dickens? How can they be when they are not attacking me or betraying me?

5) Yes, or else.

1) They are plotting.

2) They are plotting.

3) They are plotting.

4) They are plotting.

5) Or else what.

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1) They are plotting.

2) They are plotting.

3) They are plotting.

4) They are plotting.

5) Or else what.

1) They are not, they have been drinking Ginger Beer ever since the start of the invasion

2) They are not, they have been drinking Ginger Beer ever since the start of the invasion

3) They are not, they have been drinking Ginger Beer ever since the start of the invasion

4) They are not, they have been drinking Ginger Beer ever since the start of the invasion

5) or else you shall never have sugar again!

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1) They are not, they have been drinking Ginger Beer ever since the start of the invasion

2) They are not, they have been drinking Ginger Beer ever since the start of the invasion

3) They are not, they have been drinking Ginger Beer ever since the start of the invasion

4) They are not, they have been drinking Ginger Beer ever since the start of the invasion

5) or else you shall never have sugar again!

1) Those were clones.

2) Those were clones.

3) Those were clones.

4) Those were clones.

5) How can you take sugar from me?

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1) Those were clones.

2) Those were clones.

3) Those were clones.

4) Those were clones.

5) How can you take sugar from me?

1) They weren't since cloning is band by international law....

2) They weren't since cloning is band by international law....

3) They weren't since cloning is band by international law....

4) They weren't since cloning is band by international law....

5) I own the world, so I own the sugar beet farms and the processing plants.....

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Just some random election stuff....

I was watching a comedy program and they were looking at the different bumper stickers that were distributed amongst people. One of them had an.... odd moto...

John Kerry for Hamsters!

For all the hamsters, bringing new hope for them yet.

If that isn't a reason HD voters should have voted for Kerry, then I don't know what is.....

And if I find out any of you voted Republican......

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1) They weren't since cloning is band by international law....

2) They weren't since cloning is band by international law....

3) They weren't since cloning is band by international law....

4) They weren't since cloning is band by international law....

5) I own the world, so I own the sugar beet farms and the processing plants.....


1)And has Taynio for an advisor to TGHL

2)And has Taynio for an advisor to TGHL

3)And has Taynio for an advisor to TGHL

4)And has Taynio for an advisor to TGHL

5)and sugar cane farms.........

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1) They weren't since cloning is band by international law....

2) They weren't since cloning is band by international law....

3) They weren't since cloning is band by international law....

4) They weren't since cloning is band by international law....

5) I own the world, so I own the sugar beet farms and the processing plants.....

Cloning is a band?

1) Though it may be banned, I have had special permission to clone myself, with my special machines.

2) Though it may be banned, I have had special permission to clone myself, with my special machines.

3) Though it may be banned, I have had special permission to clone myself, with my special machines.

4) Though it may be banned, I have had special permission to clone myself, with my special machines.

5) You don't own the world, I do. Took it over whilst your back was turned a few weeks ago.

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Cloning is a band?

1) Though it may be banned, I have had special permission to clone myself, with my special machines.

2) Though it may be banned, I have had special permission to clone myself, with my special machines.

3) Though it may be banned, I have had special permission to clone myself, with my special machines.

4) Though it may be banned, I have had special permission to clone myself, with my special machines.

5) You don't own the world, I do. Took it over whilst your back was turned a few weeks ago.

The typos vulture and ninga didn't pick that one up....

1) You cannot obtain permission for two reasons: a) UN do not hand out permits B) if u did clone yourslef and took over, you would have a world wide revolution on your hands!

2) You cannot obtain permission for two reasons: a) UN do not hand out permits B) if u did clone yourslef and took over, you would have a world wide revolution on your hands!

3) You cannot obtain permission for two reasons: a) UN do not hand out permits B) if u did clone yourslef and took over, you would have a world wide revolution on your hands!

4) You cannot obtain permission for two reasons: a) UN do not hand out permits B) if u did clone yourslef and took over, you would have a world wide revolution on your hands!


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Cloning is a band?

1) Though it may be banned, I have had special permission to clone myself, with my special machines.

2) Though it may be banned, I have had special permission to clone myself, with my special machines.

3) Though it may be banned, I have had special permission to clone myself, with my special machines.

4) Though it may be banned, I have had special permission to clone myself, with my special machines.

5) You don't own the world, I do. Took it over whilst your back was turned a few weeks ago.


1)I stuck into your building and re-wired your machines making your clones hamster clones.

2)I stuck into your building and re-wired your machines making your clones hamster clones.

3)I stuck into your building and re-wired your machines making your clones

hamster clones.

4)I stuck into your building and re-wired your machines making your clones hamster clones.

5)He does own the world, and soon he will own the UNIVERSE and all of existence!

You thought you took it over whilst his back was turned, but your back was turned to me!


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1)They play jazz

2)here's a razz :P

3)Bush has won

4)Where's my pun?

5)This thread is so far gone from topic it's hilarious.



no no no no no!

here's a scary team:

Me, Sheena, and those two!

ha, we'd rule over y'all!

Sheena would take the sanities, I'd put them to use elsewhere (like in mind readers), and TGHL and Taynio would do what they do best.




*oops, cue card went blurry there...*

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The typos vulture and ninga didn't pick that one up....

1) You cannot obtain permission for two reasons: a) UN do not hand out permits B) if u did clone yourslef and took over, you would have a world wide revolution on your hands!

2) You cannot obtain permission for two reasons: a) UN do not hand out permits B) if u did clone yourslef and took over, you would have a world wide revolution on your hands!

3) You cannot obtain permission for two reasons: a) UN do not hand out permits B) if u did clone yourslef and took over, you would have a world wide revolution on your hands!

4) You cannot obtain permission for two reasons: a) UN do not hand out permits B) if u did clone yourslef and took over, you would have a world wide revolution on your hands!


*decides to let this typo slide by*


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The typos vulture and ninga didn't pick that one up....

1) You cannot obtain permission for two reasons: a) UN do not hand out permits B) if u did clone yourslef and took over, you would have a world wide revolution on your hands!

2) You cannot obtain permission for two reasons: a) UN do not hand out permits B) if u did clone yourslef and took over, you would have a world wide revolution on your hands!

3) You cannot obtain permission for two reasons: a) UN do not hand out permits B) if u did clone yourslef and took over, you would have a world wide revolution on your hands!

4) You cannot obtain permission for two reasons: a) UN do not hand out permits B) if u did clone yourslef and took over, you would have a world wide revolution on your hands!


1) As I was using myself as a specimen, they knew I wanted world domination and they figured that if I risked my life for this they could, a.)get themselves in deeper trouble b.) be affected by the cloning process and therefore stopping my plans(which didn't happen)

2) As I was using myself as a specimen, they knew I wanted world domination and they figured that if I risked my life for this they could, a.)get themselves in deeper trouble b.) be affected by the cloning process and therefore stopping my plans(which didn't happen)

3) As I was using myself as a specimen, they knew I wanted world domination and they figured that if I risked my life for this they could, a.)get themselves in deeper trouble b.) be affected by the cloning process and therefore stopping my plans(which didn't happen)

4) As I was using myself as a specimen, they knew I wanted world domination and they figured that if I risked my life for this they could, a.)get themselves in deeper trouble b.) be affected by the cloning process and therefore stopping my plans(which didn't happen)




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Kerry is scary, Bush is merry. Kerry wants to rule you all, Bush will catch you when you fall!

I have a better summary:

Kerry will kill your children with his killer chin and Bush will kill you and your children with his Nuclear missile bin. Kerry wants Bush out and Hamsters to rule, Bush just wants to blow up the world by 2-0-0-8!

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1) As I was using myself as a specimen, they knew I wanted world domination and they figured that if I risked my life for this they could, a.)get themselves in deeper trouble b.) be affected by the cloning process and therefore stopping my plans(which didn't happen)

2) As I was using myself as a specimen, they knew I wanted world domination and they figured that if I risked my life for this they could, a.)get themselves in deeper trouble b.) be affected by the cloning process and therefore stopping my plans(which didn't happen)

3) As I was using myself as a specimen, they knew I wanted world domination and they figured that if I risked my life for this they could, a.)get themselves in deeper trouble b.) be affected by the cloning process and therefore stopping my plans(which didn't happen)

4) As I was using myself as a specimen, they knew I wanted world domination and they figured that if I risked my life for this they could, a.)get themselves in deeper trouble b.) be affected by the cloning process and therefore stopping my plans(which didn't happen)




1) I swapped dna with you and now they are my clones; for tghl, of course.

2) I swapped dna with you and now they are my clones; for tghl, of course.

3) I swapped dna with you and now they are my clones; for tghl, of course.

4) I swapped dna with you and now they are my clones; for tghl, of course.

5)Mi lord, TGH, owns the world and is sending over assassins to have this treason brought to an end!

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1) I swapped dna with you and now they are my clones; for tghl, of course.

2) I swapped dna with you and now they are my clones; for tghl, of course.

3) I swapped dna with you and now they are my clones; for tghl, of course.

4) I swapped dna with you and now they are my clones; for tghl, of course.

5)Mi lord, TGH, owns the world and is sending over assassins to have this treason brought to an end!

1) And when I realised they were your clones I caged them up and made fresh clones of me.

2) And when I realised they were your clones I caged them up and made fresh clones of me.

3) And when I realised they were your clones I caged them up and made fresh clones of me.

4) And when I realised they were your clones I caged them up and made fresh clones of me.

5) You sure about that? *shows caged in assassins* I am not the one guilty of treason, TGHL is!

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Oh, don't get me started again.  I am still shocked that he would be so irresponsible.

Horatio....*shhhh* lol. We don't any arguments....now do we? lol I am just playing. I am in a happy mood......for some queer reason.......


I just want to type things like "as;ldkf;alnw;;ackenc;aisn;dknasknf;onaowkfn;oawnoe;nfaowekfnaowenkf" over and over...............OH YEAH!



Now I remember why I am happy..........


My mom invited her friend and her daughter over for dinner. We were having greek food. (MY FAVOURITE OMG!!!!! IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDD!!) Anyways........


Alex, my mom's friend's daughter, was giving signs off that she was going to "expel" gases. My mom said "Don't you do that!", but Alex did it anyway.


So Alex alone laughs a little then went to blow her nose in the bathroom. Well.....when she got up from the seat.........................the whole butt area of her pants were....................."wet"................so while she was in the bathroom everyone else was laughing like there was no tomorrow...................and even when alex got back and sat down to eat.......everyone started laughing harder.


Lance, my step-dad, goes to play xbox because he is done eating. Alex gets back up to play with him and the "spot" on her pants got like 2x bigger! So needless to say, I start busting out in tears from laughing it hurt so much.....................


Then everyone started making cracks/jokes about it.......but Alex still didn't know what we were laughing at (which made it even more funny) and it just keep going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going....and GOING!


So Alex and her mom left after dinner to go home. She still doesn't know I bet............................................. :lol::lol::lol: :lol:

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Horatio....*shhhh* lol. We don't any arguments....now do we? lol I am just playing. I am in a happy mood......for some queer reason.......


I just want to type things like "as;ldkf;alnw;;ackenc;aisn;dknasknf;onaowkfn;oawnoe;nfaowekfnaowenkf" over and over...............OH YEAH!

Now I remember why I am happy..........


My mom invited her friend and her daughter over for dinner. We were having greek food. (MY FAVOURITE OMG!!!!! IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDD!!) Anyways........


Alex, my mom's friend's daughter, was giving signs off that she was going to "expel" gases. My mom said "Don't you do that!", but Alex did it anyway.


So Alex alone laughs a little then went to blow her nose in the bathroom. Well.....when she got up from the seat.........................the whole butt area of her pants were....................."wet"................so while she was in the bathroom everyone else was laughing like there was no tomorrow...................and even when alex got back and sat down to eat.......everyone started laughing harder.


Lance, my step-dad, goes to play xbox because he is done eating. Alex gets back up to play with him and the "spot" on her pants got like 2x bigger! So needless to say, I start busting out in tears from laughing it hurt so much.....................


Then everyone started making cracks/jokes about it.......but Alex still didn't know what we were laughing at (which made it even more funny) and it just keep going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going....and GOING!


So Alex and her mom left after dinner to go home. She still doesn't know I bet............................................. :lol:  :lol:  :lol: :lol:


*feels for Alex, but has to laugh*

Greek food is wonderful! :D

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Horatio....*shhhh* lol. We don't any arguments....now do we? lol I am just playing. I am in a happy mood......for some queer reason.......


I just want to type things like "as;ldkf;alnw;;ackenc;aisn;dknasknf;onaowkfn;oawnoe;nfaowekfnaowenkf" over and over...............OH YEAH!

Now I remember why I am happy..........


My mom invited her friend and her daughter over for dinner. We were having greek food. (MY FAVOURITE OMG!!!!! IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDD!!) Anyways........


Alex, my mom's friend's daughter, was giving signs off that she was going to "expel" gases. My mom said "Don't you do that!", but Alex did it anyway.


So Alex alone laughs a little then went to blow her nose in the bathroom. Well.....when she got up from the seat.........................the whole butt area of her pants were....................."wet"................so while she was in the bathroom everyone else was laughing like there was no tomorrow...................and even when alex got back and sat down to eat.......everyone started laughing harder.


Lance, my step-dad, goes to play xbox because he is done eating. Alex gets back up to play with him and the "spot" on her pants got like 2x bigger! So needless to say, I start busting out in tears from laughing it hurt so much.....................


Then everyone started making cracks/jokes about it.......but Alex still didn't know what we were laughing at (which made it even more funny) and it just keep going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going....and GOING!


So Alex and her mom left after dinner to go home. She still doesn't know I bet............................................. :lol:  :lol:  :lol: :lol:



i love greek food too. what did you have?

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i don't watch the news very often. what happened to the hamster?

Oh this is a wild story. John Kerry allowed his daughters to bring their hamster in a cage down to the dock. The hamster ended up in the water. John Kerry gave the hamster mouth to mouth resuscitation to bring the hamster back from the dead.


I need to voice my opinion or else I will explode. This story makes me crazy because, it was totally irresponsible of an adult to allow a child to bring an animal that is in a cage, that could possibly get loose and die outside and even worse, to the dock. The poor animal should have remained in the house. Now the hamster ends up in the water??????????????? How in the world could he have allowed something like this to happen. So, the big hero performs mouth to mouth resuscitation to the hamster? This I would like to have seen! Exactly how did John Kerry pinch the nose and breath into the hammie's mouth? If he is irresponsible with a hamster, how responsible would he be with the troops in Iraq.


Okay... I feel much better now. :rolleyes::lol::rolleyes:

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Oh this is a wild story.  John Kerry allowed his daughters to bring their hamster in a cage down to the dock.  The hamster ended up in the water.  John Kerry gave the hamster mouth to mouth resuscitation to bring the hamster back from the dead.


I need to voice my opinion or else I will explode.  This story makes me crazy because, it was totally irresponsible of an adult to allow a child to bring an animal that is in a cage, that could possibly get loose and die outside and even worse, to the dock.  The poor animal should have remained in the house.  Now the hamster ends up in the water???????????????  How in the world could he have allowed something like this to happen.  So, the big hero performs mouth to mouth resuscitation to the hamster?  This I would like to have seen!  Exactly how did John Kerry pinch the nose and breath into the hammie's mouth?  If he is irresponsible with a hamster, how responsible would he be with the troops in Iraq. 


Okay... I feel much better now. :rolleyes:  :lol:  :rolleyes:


I haven't heard that story, but, uh, yeah. :rolleyes:

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Oh this is a wild story.  John Kerry allowed his daughters to bring their hamster in a cage down to the dock.  The hamster ended up in the water.  John Kerry gave the hamster mouth to mouth resuscitation to bring the hamster back from the dead.


I need to voice my opinion or else I will explode.  This story makes me crazy because, it was totally irresponsible of an adult to allow a child to bring an animal that is in a cage, that could possibly get loose and die outside and even worse, to the dock.  The poor animal should have remained in the house.  Now the hamster ends up in the water???????????????  How in the world could he have allowed something like this to happen.  So, the big hero performs mouth to mouth resuscitation to the hamster?  This I would like to have seen!  Exactly how did John Kerry pinch the nose and breath into the hammie's mouth?  If he is irresponsible with a hamster, how responsible would he be with the troops in Iraq. 


Okay... I feel much better now. :rolleyes:  :lol:  :rolleyes:


Well, he lost the election both ways, sooo...we won't have to worry about that going large scale...


*thinks, what if there is a "Kerry gives rabbit mouth-to-mouth resuscitation" story in the future*

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Well, he lost the election both ways, sooo...we won't have to worry about that going large scale...


*thinks, what if there is a "Kerry gives rabbit mouth-to-mouth resuscitation" story in the future*


he he. that would be hare-raising!

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GASP! Horatio made a political statement in favour of the Republican party!

No, that is NOT what I did. I said that if given the opportunity, (inferred was: in reference to the hamster incident), Kerry would be the person that I would like to tell what I thought.

Pay attention Mr. TGHL!


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So you're saying you like kerry???? Sorry, but this is an all time



























































































































































































































































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So you're saying you like kerry???? Sorry, but this is an all time


*shakes head over and over and over*

NO, I am not saying that I like or dislike any political candidate. What I was referring to was a parent (who just happened to be Kerry) being so very irresponsible to allow a child to bring a pet out of the house and down to the dock. To subject a pet that is not accustomed to being outdoors and could get loose and then probably die, to this scenario, is totally irresponsible. The daughters think their irresponsible adult father is a hero because he jumped into the water after the poor hammie and then gave him mouth to mouth resuscitation. If he was responsible the hamster would never have been put into danger. Soooooooooooooooooooooo, I was just saying that if I did have the chance to make a comment to either Bush or Kerry, it would be to Kerry as a pet lover, not a voter. :blink::blink::blink:

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So you're saying you like kerry???? Sorry, but this is an all time


I would argue that supporting Kerry over Bush, is choosing the best out of a bad/worst-possible-ever lot.

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*shakes head over and over and over*

NO, I am not saying that I like or dislike any political candidate.  What I was referring to was a parent (who just happened to be Kerry) being so very irresponsible to allow a child to bring a pet out of the house and down to the dock.  To subject a pet that is not accustomed to being outdoors and could get loose and then probably die, to this scenario, is totally irresponsible.  The daughters think their irresponsible adult father is a hero because he jumped into the water after the poor hammie and then gave him mouth to mouth resuscitation.  If he was responsible the hamster would never have been put into danger.  Soooooooooooooooooooooo, I was just saying that if I did have the chance to make a comment to either Bush or Kerry, it would be to Kerry as a pet lover, not a voter. :blink:  :blink:  :blink:

So you are saying you owuld reprimand Kerry for letting his daughter down to the docks unattended with a hamster, but would compliment him on then saving the hammy?

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So you are saying you owuld reprimand Kerry for letting his daughter down to the docks unattended with a hamster, but would compliment him on then saving the hammy?

Reprimand....... yes, Compliment........... no!

*thinks of poor little hammie and the trauma the hammie went through* :(

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A Republican and a Democrat were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person. The Republican shook his hand and gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his business for a job then took twenty dollars out of his own pocket and gave it to hte homeless person.




The Democrat was very impressed, and when they came to another homeless person, he decided to help he walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions the the welfare office. He then reched in the Republicans pocket and gave the homeless person fifty dolllars.

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A Republican and a Democrat were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person. The Republican shook his hand and gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his business for a job then took twenty dollars out of his own pocket and gave it to hte homeless person.

The Democrat was very impressed, and when they came to another homeless person, he decided to help he walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions the the welfare office. He then reched in the Republicans pocket and gave the homeless person fifty dolllars.


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we do need you! we need everyone! you're someone, which is part of everyone! so we do need you!



Glad to see you back.

(i know your old name was puppydog!)



*hands xmyownmindx the very first chd award. (cool hd'r)*



















okay. had to get that off my chest. it really hurts. i'm typing with one hand becoz of it.

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we do need you! we need everyone! you're someone, which is part of everyone! so we do need you!

Glad to see you back.

(i know your old name was puppydog!)

*hands xmyownmindx the very first chd award. (cool hd'r)*



okay. had to get that off my chest. it really hurts. i'm typing with one hand becoz of it.

Oh, I am sorry to hear about that splinter in your fingernail. Those really hurt. :( Hope you can get it out.


We do need xMyOwnMindx, thank you for posting your thoughts.

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<font color='#FF00FF'>It seems that most of Britain did not believe in the weapons of mass destruction, but Blair wanted to chum up with Bush.  It was so bad at one point people were saying that Britain was the 53th State of the USA!


As to what it had to do with our country, Blair said that we owed it to a free world!


Don't forget the Aussies are in there as well :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .</font>

:angry: what is it with people these days and being ignorant!


B) oh ron... ok, hon, i realize you mayn't be a native american... but neither am i.


:lol: shal, that would mean you're an indian.


B) well, she knows what i mean, don't ya?


:D what we're all trying to say, is if england was gonna be the '53rd' state..... there would have to be two more before it, since right now? there's only 50. thanks for trying, though.





:) calm down, abe. Caaalm down.


<_<[/b] i plead the crazy defense.


:lol: don't mind her, she's still asleep.

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Democrats: You take care of the government, the government takes care of you.

Republicans: Take care of yourself.


Those are my definitions of the two. See if I can get a conversation going.


<_<democrats: america should be communist!

republicans: let's outsource jobs and give money to the already communist countries!

the communists win...either way....

:lol:THE PRETTY WILLOW FOR PRESIDENT IN 2008!!! (yes, this would be a tree. yes, I'm serious. and yes, i'll be able to vote then)

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we do need you! we need everyone! you're someone, which is part of everyone! so we do need you!

Glad to see you back.

(i know your old name was puppydog!)

*hands xmyownmindx the very first chd award. (cool hd'r)*



okay. had to get that off my chest. it really hurts. i'm typing with one hand becoz of it.

heh thanks :D

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acually i just came to say i wasnt dead yet and make things fun for you guys i guess... idk horation says the board NEEDS me.  :lol:

Just out of curiosity, Is Horation a new matter of photons? Is it bioelectric ions, or better known to be a Electric Hamster or a power generator that generates power through Hamster wheels... Or just the power coming FROM the generator, from Horatio the hamster, Would be called Horation? Maybe thats more accurately how it died, In experiments with making Horation Power!


The alternative option is it was just a typo. Thats just boring though.

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