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Animalkidd: in america are the gas prices high because of taxes, or because the gas companies make huge profits, or is it because that refineing gas is just more expensive theese days, so the prices have gone up to cover the higher cost of produceing gas?


I think here they are high mainly becuase of taxes, but i am not sure, and i definatly don´t know why it is in america...so i would be interested if you could tell me.

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I think the best is somwhere between the two: let the market decide the prices and how much we produce in the areas that it works fine, but let the government control the realy important things like schools, roads and hospitals and thing that the people need, but can´t afford to pay for.


America is the most capitalist in the world, but even so it isn´t pure capitalist. In Europe they are more in the middle, because healthcare is free for everyone, for example.

I think that, Britain in particular, aren't 'pure' democracys. News is censored and some other Totalitarian government traits are still around in every country. France is still recovering from Socalisim, Germany is not as suprisingly non-democratic as you think. In fact Germany is probably the closest to a Democracy in Europe as you can get.

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Gas prices are supply and demand in America. We get into war in the Mid East, people get scared, and boom! Prices skyrocket. They are starting to come down though. As for communism, yeah good in theory, but you have no freedom, and no rights. That's scary. And I think that we should be aware that America is NOT a democracy, it's a republic. Democracy is like 3 wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner. Get it? :;):
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I just saw Bush's re-election commercial, or atleast one of them. It claims that he economy has gotten better. Personally, I have seen nothing get better. WithOUT this war, there would be no inflation, rising gas prices, etc.  


It also states Kerry is refering to the Great Depression from 1929 to about 1940. IT affected the world.....why? WAR!!! Can these politcians get it through their *************************************** thick skulls? I mean, GOD! They do not realize that we always repeat the past. They can change it, but with democrats always wanting to have a war like solution and republicans wanting like what Clinton did....nothing will be done.  Another good sign is Vietnam. No reason, why got nothing. Our troops (u.s.) were called "Baby-Killers" "******" and etc.


I say let Iraq deal with their own problems and help them improve themselves, not us improve them. They almost all say "We;I, feel safer when Saddam was in power. We didnt have to worry about people dieing or suicide bombers. Now, it happens almost every minute."


I know that the news/media makes it seem worse, however, when they say something like that...something else needs to be done.


AnimalKidd, I am really looking forward to your input. You always have something better to say than me. (And I am not being sarcastic, but truthfull)

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Gas prices are supply and demand in America. We get into war in the Mid East, people get scared, and boom! Prices skyrocket. They are starting to come down though. As for communism, yeah good in theory, but you have no freedom, and no rights. That's scary. And I think that we should be aware that America is NOT a democracy, it's a republic. Democracy is like 3 wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner. Get it? :;):

I'm not sure what sheep eat but if they like berries we could always have those for dinner.

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I just saw Bush's re-election commercial, or atleast one of them. It claims that he economy has gotten better. Personally, I have seen nothing get better. WithOUT this war, there would be no inflation, rising gas prices, etc. 


It also states Kerry is refering to the Great Depression from 1929 to about 1940. IT affected the world.....why? WAR!!! Can these politcians get it through their *************************************** thick skulls? I mean, GOD! They do not realize that we always repeat the past. They can change it, but with democrats always wanting to have a war like solution and republicans wanting like what Clinton did....nothing will be done.  Another good sign is Vietnam. No reason, why got nothing. Our troops (u.s.) were called "Baby-Killers" "******" and etc.


I say let Iraq deal with their own problems and help them improve themselves, not us improve them. They almost all say "We;I, feel safer when Saddam was in power. We didnt have to worry about people dieing or suicide bombers. Now, it happens almost every minute."


I know that the news/media makes it seem worse, however, when they say something like that...something else needs to be done.


AnimalKidd, I am really looking forward to your input. You always have something better to say than me. (And I am not being sarcastic, but truthfull)

Actually the war had nothing to do with the Wall Street Crash on 1929. The war broke out in 1939. Post-WWI the world was thriving except for Germany and Austria who had to pay 6 billion pounds to Britain and France. Then a broker who was drinking coffee overherd someone say that his friend must remind him not to buy anymore shares in Indian Tea. The broker then left to run to Wall Street, then the whole prices went completely wrong and disturbing.

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I just saw Bush's re-election commercial, or atleast one of them. It claims that he economy has gotten better. Personally, I have seen nothing get better. WithOUT this war, there would be no inflation, rising gas prices, etc. 


It also states Kerry is refering to the Great Depression from 1929 to about 1940. IT affected the world.....why? WAR!!! Can these politcians get it through their *************************************** thick skulls? I mean, GOD! They do not realize that we always repeat the past. They can change it, but with democrats always wanting to have a war like solution and republicans wanting like what Clinton did....nothing will be done.  Another good sign is Vietnam. No reason, why got nothing. Our troops (u.s.) were called "Baby-Killers" "******" and etc.


I say let Iraq deal with their own problems and help them improve themselves, not us improve them. They almost all say "We;I, feel safer when Saddam was in power. We didnt have to worry about people dieing or suicide bombers. Now, it happens almost every minute."


I know that the news/media makes it seem worse, however, when they say something like that...something else needs to be done.


AnimalKidd, I am really looking forward to your input. You always have something better to say than me. (And I am not being sarcastic, but truthfull)

My family supports Bush, I do not.  Thankfully, I have not seen very many of his ads.  But I am sure that they are full of ****.  Economy?  BETTER?  Does he actually think he can pull that off?  There have been a few more jobs created, I will agree.  But a whole lot more are being sent overseas.  Does he know ehere the real problem lies, where he should start first?  He needs to start with the homeless, the less-fortunate, the people who have lost their jobs.  My dad has been out of work since November.  It has absolutely nothing to do with Bush (he resigned), but there is nothing being done about it.  When Bush said he was creating more jobs, he was partially lying.  He created more jobs overseas.  And actually, he didn't create the jobs either, so why is he taking the credit?  Hard to understand, I know, but I don't care.


I do not believe I have seen the ad or whatever it was where Kerry referred to the Great Depression.  But it had a huge affect on the world.  Personally, I think that at the rate we're going, we'll go through another depression soon.  And I think it will start a few years after Bush gets out of office.  I think it will start when my generation has to pay for the War in Iraq that many of us didn't even want!  I do agree, today's politicians are war hungry.  They think that the only way to solve a problem is to blow some people up.  That makes me mad.  If I ever get into some government office position, I am doing what I can to change the American system.


I agree with your input about Iraq.  We have been there far too long.  they did  not want us for very long.  The only time they have shown us some appreciation was when we first got rid of Saddam.  That's it.  We're supposed to be out of there by now.  Iraq desparately wants to be their own country.  They want us out of there.  I am amazed that we are still there.  My theory is this:  the longer we stay in the country we "liberated", the longer the bombings will last.  The Iraqi people want us out, but we're not going, so they are resulting to blowing us up.


I am sick of the media.  I used to watch the news constantly, but now, when you turn the TV on, the only thing that's on is about Iraq.  I AM SICK OF THE MEDIA MAKING IT SEEM WORSE THAN IT IS.  I think for now, the media is republican for the most part, so of course they're going to make the Iraq situation look horrible because they want Bush to win support.  The situation over there is horrible though, because we won't get out!


My internet time is up, so I'm going to say one more thing:

First of all, I hope this makes sense.

Secondly, I can't wait to see 'Farenheit 9/11'.

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I just saw Bush's re-election commercial, or atleast one of them. It claims that he economy has gotten better. Personally, I have seen nothing get better. WithOUT this war, there would be no inflation, rising gas prices, etc. 


It also states Kerry is refering to the Great Depression from 1929 to about 1940. IT affected the world.....why? WAR!!! Can these politcians get it through their *************************************** thick skulls? I mean, GOD! They do not realize that we always repeat the past. They can change it, but with democrats always wanting to have a war like solution and republicans wanting like what Clinton did....nothing will be done.  Another good sign is Vietnam. No reason, why got nothing. Our troops (u.s.) were called "Baby-Killers" "******" and etc.


I say let Iraq deal with their own problems and help them improve themselves, not us improve them. They almost all say "We;I, feel safer when Saddam was in power. We didnt have to worry about people dieing or suicide bombers. Now, it happens almost every minute."


I know that the news/media makes it seem worse, however, when they say something like that...something else needs to be done.


AnimalKidd, I am really looking forward to your input. You always have something better to say than me. (And I am not being sarcastic, but truthfull)

Actually the war had nothing to do with the Wall Street Crash on 1929. The war broke out in 1939. Post-WWI the world was thriving except for Germany and Austria who had to pay 6 billion pounds to Britain and France. Then a broker who was drinking coffee overherd someone say that his friend must remind him not to buy anymore shares in Indian Tea. The broker then left to run to Wall Street, then the whole prices went completely wrong and disturbing.

I previously had economics classes along with accounting and I was told differently. Yes, it did also happen cause of that. But it was because we spent too much money on the war that we went the depression. I am not a quaker....however...I would never kill anyone of a group that just made a bad decision.


Whether it be coinside that Bush was in power during all this or not..it could have been delt with better.

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We're talking about the war AGAIN????? Yeesh i thought I already went over this. We needed to liberate Iraq, there's no doubt about that. It was like Nazi Germany over there. Now that we've done that, we need to fix up their country. We killed people and broke stuff, so now we need to fix it! We can't just leave them with a blown up country, that's not right! And if we leave them on their own, they'll only go back to killing themselves. There are 3 groups of people in that country and they all hate each other. Iraq really should be 3 different countries. The problem is much more complex than simply pulling out. As for the economy, I don't know a lot about that. But I do know that there are a lot of help wanted signs out there, and people that are homeless should try to get a job! I know it's not like that for everyone, my family has been through tough times becuase of unemployment too. But a lot of homeless people can remedy their situation.
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We killed people and broke stuff, so now we need to fix it!

So why haven't we?  Why couldn't we have started sooner?

No, why did we in the first place? That is the ?. We spent our money breaking and killing and destoying now more money on rebuilding. * Thinks, ehat a messed up brain our president has*

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We killed people and broke stuff, so now we need to fix it!

So why haven't we?  Why couldn't we have started sooner?

No, why did we in the first place? That is the ?. We spent our money breaking and killing and destoying now more money on rebuilding. * Thinks, ehat a messed up brain our president has*

You have a good point there. Even more money gone, bringing us closer to a depression. I wonder when it will end.

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We killed people and broke stuff, so now we need to fix it!

So why haven't we?  Why couldn't we have started sooner?

No, why did we in the first place? That is the ?. We spent our money breaking and killing and destoying now more money on rebuilding. * Thinks, ehat a messed up brain our president has*

We've been working on it since we stopped bombing them! It does make sence though. We needed to show the Iraqis that we were serious, in order to make things go more smoothly. And for the most part, it has worked. We caught Saddam. How else could you have solved the problem? ???

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Guest Honey3





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lol glad someone else out there supports him.  :upside:

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Well thats true if you take away all the previous presidents and even then theres a chinless in-bred that could do better...

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Well thats true if you take away all the previous presidents and even then theres a chinless in-bred that could do better...

*considers most of the people she knows* I wouldn't trust a whole lot of people with my country. Bush could be doing a lot worse. I think my pastor should be president.  :upside:

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Why do you think so?

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Well thats true if you take away all the previous presidents and even then theres a chinless in-bred that could do better...

*considers most of the people she knows* I wouldn't trust a whole lot of people with my country. Bush could be doing a lot worse. I think my pastor should be president.  :upside:

I actually think a Pastor/Minister/etc. would make a better choice for president. That is why I was thinking about voting for Rev. Sharpton.

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Well thats true if you take away all the previous presidents and even then theres a chinless in-bred that could do better...

*considers most of the people she knows* I wouldn't trust a whole lot of people with my country. Bush could be doing a lot worse. I think my pastor should be president.  :upside:

I actually think a Pastor/Minister/etc. would make a better choice for president. That is why I was thinking about voting for Rev. Sharpton.

:eek       :eek       :eek       :eek       :eek

*takes Taynio's temperature and checks for signs of being delirious*

*runs and gets Sanity Tester to insure that TGHL has not stolen Taynio's sanity*

:eek       :eek       :eek       :eek       :eek

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Guest Honey3

Well the only reason we went to war is to defend our selves and help Iraq.And he has the power of God with him.If we did not go to war then the U.S. would be nothing but ruins!!!A pastor would be a great idea that the unreligous would be really fired up!!!


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Well thats true if you take away all the previous presidents and even then theres a chinless in-bred that could do better...

*considers most of the people she knows* I wouldn't trust a whole lot of people with my country. Bush could be doing a lot worse. I think my pastor should be president.  :upside:

I actually think a Pastor/Minister/etc. would make a better choice for president. That is why I was thinking about voting for Rev. Sharpton.

:eek       :eek       :eek      

*takes Taynio's temperature and checks for signs of being delirious*

*runs and gets Sanity Tester to insure that TGHL has not stolen Taynio's sanity*

:eek       :eek       :eek

What was with that? ??? I haven't taken Tayino's sanity because it is in Fort Sanity, the most secure sanity depository in the world and depositroy of the International Bank of Sanities (IBS!) ANyway I though moderators weren't allowed to make political statements. Anyway whta is so shocking? Was the good rev. found out to be a serial killer or something?

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Well thats true if you take away all the previous presidents and even then theres a chinless in-bred that could do better...

*considers most of the people she knows* I wouldn't trust a whole lot of people with my country. Bush could be doing a lot worse. I think my pastor should be president.  

I actually think a Pastor/Minister/etc. would make a better choice for president. That is why I was thinking about voting for Rev. Sharpton.

:eek       :eek       :eek      

*takes Taynio's temperature and checks for signs of being delirious*

*runs and gets Sanity Tester to insure that TGHL has not stolen Taynio's sanity*

:eek       :eek       :eek

What was with that? ??? I haven't taken Tayino's sanity because it is in Fort Sanity, the most secure sanity depository in the world and depositroy of the International Bank of Sanities (IBS!) ANyway I though moderators weren't allowed to make political statements. Anyway whta is so shocking? Was the good rev. found out to be a serial killer or something?

You are absolutely correct.  Moderator's are not permitted to make political statements.  I did not make a statement.  I simply emoticoned my post with reference to Taynio's temperature, a fever and sanity.

:laughing         :laughing         :laughing

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Well thats true if you take away all the previous presidents and even then theres a chinless in-bred that could do better...

*considers most of the people she knows* I wouldn't trust a whole lot of people with my country. Bush could be doing a lot worse. I think my pastor should be president.  

I actually think a Pastor/Minister/etc. would make a better choice for president. That is why I was thinking about voting for Rev. Sharpton.

:eek       :eek       :eek      

*takes Taynio's temperature and checks for signs of being delirious*

*runs and gets Sanity Tester to insure that TGHL has not stolen Taynio's sanity*

:eek       :eek       :eek

What was with that? ??? I haven't taken Tayino's sanity because it is in Fort Sanity, the most secure sanity depository in the world and depositroy of the International Bank of Sanities (IBS!) ANyway I though moderators weren't allowed to make political statements. Anyway whta is so shocking? Was the good rev. found out to be a serial killer or something?

You are absolutely correct.  Moderator's are not permitted to make political statements.  I did not make a statement.  I simply emoticoned my post with reference to Taynio's temperature, a fever and sanity.

:laughing         :laughing         :laughing

Aw. Thanks for thinking about me, Horatio. I am ok.

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Well the only reason we went to war is to defend our selves and help Iraq.And he has the power of God with him.If we did not go to war then the U.S. would be nothing but ruins!!!A pastor would be a great idea that the unreligous would be really fired up!!!


Defend us from what?  Iraq never posed a real threat to us because they were never tied with Al-Quaeda.  They didn't have the "weaphuns of mahs dehstructshun" that he said they did.  Bush hasn't been the only Christian president, you know.  In fact, many of the past presidents we have had have been christians.  If we did not go to war, then we would have lots of happy Americans.  We would not be that far in debt.

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Well the only reason we went to war is to defend our selves and help Iraq.And he has the power of God with him.If we did not go to war then the U.S. would be nothing but ruins!!!A pastor would be a great idea that the unreligous would be really fired up!!!


Defend us from what?  Iraq never posed a real threat to us because they were never tied with Al-Quaeda.  They didn't have the "weaphuns of mahs dehstructshun" that he said they did.  Bush hasn't been the only Christian president, you know.  In fact, many of the past presidents we have had have been christians.  If we did not go to war, then we would have lots of happy Americans.  We would not be that far in debt.

All of our presidents besides one has been christian.

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Guest puppydog
No not happy Americans dead Americans!!!


hardly,we have more dead americans now. why would we be dead if we DIDNT go to war?? thats so backwards!! 8)

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Guest Honey3

If we didn't go to war then Iraq would just keep bombing us!!!


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Well the only reason we went to war is to defend our selves and help Iraq.And he has the power of God with him.If we did not go to war then the U.S. would be nothing but ruins!!!A pastor would be a great idea that the unreligous would be really fired up!!!


If by defend you mean 'get cheaper oil' and by 'help' you mean 'annihlate'. If by 'God' you mean 'the biggest Nuclear Arsenal in History' and by saying unreligous you are actually referring to the larger portion of the USA's population then yes you are completely correct.

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Guest puppydog
If we didn't go to war then Iraq would just keep bombing us!!!


Iraq didnt bomb us.

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If we didn't go to war then Iraq would just keep bombing us!!!


WHAT THE ~#@*? Have you had your brain removed? Or meerly brain washed by the whole load of c*** propoganda that G.W.Bush cranks out? I mean Himmler could have done better. Right. Look at Bush. Look at the whole of Europe. COmpare and Contrast.

Point 1) G.Bush has not given you free health care.

Point 2) G.Bush if asked to end the Cold War would fire the entire Nuclear Arsenal at Russia

Point 3) He could not cope with Anthrax attacks (proof see 2001) or big planes crashing into big buildings (see 2001).

Point 4) He has no brain

Point 5) Europe has actually bothered finding alternative fuels. G.Bush has increased Nuclear power


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If we didn't go to war then Iraq would just keep bombing us!!!


Iraq didnt bomb us.

I think honey is talking about over in Iraq.

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Guest puppydog
If we didn't go to war then Iraq would just keep bombing us!!!


Iraq didnt bomb us.

I think honey is talking about over in Iraq.


then we dont we just LEAVE iraq? 8)

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If we didn't go to war then Iraq would just keep bombing us!!!


Iraq didnt bomb us.

I think honey is talking about over in Iraq.


then we dont we just LEAVE iraq? 8)

To my knowladge Iraq isn't bombing us. Rather mad Al-Queada and small religous Islamic sects.

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I will post about this topic later but first thing is first TGHL I still have my brain.


However not your sanity. *holds up Honey's sanity* See? *places sanity in cool box*

:laughing  :laughing  LOL  :laughing  :laughing

Oh TGHL, you are so easily fooled.  You have Honey's decoy sanity.  I made sure that Honey's true sanity was protected before she left for Mississippi.


Honey, you need to invest in some sanity protection gear.  In the meantime, your sanity is getting rest and relaxation at the Sanity Spa, so after you get yourself protected, I will send your sanity home for safe keeping for you.  Forget about the decoy that TGHL has, you can buy a bunch of them. :laughing

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I will post about this topic later but first thing is first TGHL I still have my brain.


However not your sanity. *holds up Honey's sanity* See? *places sanity in cool box*

:laughing  :laughing  LOL  :laughing  :laughing

Oh TGHL, you are so easily fooled.  You have Honey's decoy sanity.  I made sure that Honey's true sanity was protected before she left for Mississippi.


Honey, you need to invest in some sanity protection gear.  In the meantime, your sanity is getting rest and relaxation at the Sanity Spa, so after you get yourself protected, I will send your sanity home for safe keeping for you.  Forget about the decoy that TGHL has, you can buy a bunch of them. :laughing

Perhaps TGHL knew it would be a decoy and had his own plan to make you think that he got the decoy one when he got the real one and is making you think otherwise. *confusing myself*

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If we didn't go to war then Iraq would just keep bombing us!!!


WHAT THE ~#@*? Have you had your brain removed? Or meerly brain washed by the whole load of c*** propoganda that G.W.Bush cranks out? I mean Himmler could have done better. Right. Look at Bush. Look at the whole of Europe. COmpare and Contrast.

Point 1) G.Bush has not given you free health care.

Point 2) G.Bush if asked to end the Cold War would fire the entire Nuclear Arsenal at Russia

Point 3) He could not cope with Anthrax attacks (proof see 2001) or big planes crashing into big buildings (see 2001).

Point 4) He has no brain

Point 5) Europe has actually bothered finding alternative fuels. G.Bush has increased Nuclear power


lol....rofl.....phew..oh man...that was a good laugh...

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Guest Honey3

Horatio I didn't go to Missippi that was Spot!!!Oh well I hope that still means you have protected my sanity!!!I will go invest in some sanity gear right now!!!


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Horatio I didn't go to Missippi that was Spot!!!Oh well I hope that still means you have protected my sanity!!!I will go invest in some sanity gear right now!!!


Sorry, as an old hamster, I get easily confused.   :laughing  :laughing   Of course, you sanity was a priority!  Any sanity that might have the possibility of being snatched by TGHL is a sanity to be protected.  Spot's sanity is with yours.  I protected them both because you two are friends.  We will need to get Spot to get her sanity protection gear.  My inventory includes a multitude of things.  Sanity detection devices, sanity protection devices and gear, replacement sanities, decoy sanities, and the list goes on and on.  In fact Jesusfreak was looking for someone to learn the replacement and decoy sanity trade.  You could always take over for her while she is away for the summer.   :D


Anyway, of course you sanity was protected. :cool:

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I will post about this topic later but first thing is first TGHL I still have my brain.


However not your sanity. *holds up Honey's sanity* See? *places sanity in cool box*

:laughing  :laughing  LOL  :laughing  :laughing

Oh TGHL, you are so easily fooled.  You have Honey's decoy sanity.  I made sure that Honey's true sanity was protected before she left for Mississippi.


Honey, you need to invest in some sanity protection gear.  In the meantime, your sanity is getting rest and relaxation at the Sanity Spa, so after you get yourself protected, I will send your sanity home for safe keeping for you.  Forget about the decoy that TGHL has, you can buy a bunch of them. :laughing

Tut, tut Horatio. You have obviously forgotten the highly distracting butterflies. While watching them, I stole Honey's sanity. Now can you see the advantages of placing your sanity in the hands of IBS (International Sanity Bank)? It means that I, nor Sheena can pilfer, steal, pillage or nick of with the sanity.

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If we didn't go to war then Iraq would just keep bombing us!!!


WHAT THE ~#@*? Have you had your brain removed? Or meerly brain washed by the whole load of c*** propoganda that G.W.Bush cranks out? I mean Himmler could have done better. Right. Look at Bush. Look at the whole of Europe. COmpare and Contrast.

Point 1) G.Bush has not given you free health care.

Point 2) G.Bush if asked to end the Cold War would fire the entire Nuclear Arsenal at Russia

Point 3) He could not cope with Anthrax attacks (proof see 2001) or big planes crashing into big buildings (see 2001).

Point 4) He has no brain

Point 5) Europe has actually bothered finding alternative fuels. G.Bush has increased Nuclear power


lol....rofl.....phew..oh man...that was a good laugh...

Well if you find that funny you must have burst out laughing when you saw Saddam's trial.

The judge was hopeless. Saddam had some very good points against the coalition invasion of Iraq, he also slightly condemned himself when he was talking about Kuwait. He shoudl also point out that invading Kuwait was the equivelant of the US invading Iraq.

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Guest Honey3

I confused??? ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???  ???


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Guest Honey3

I now have my sanity back but not my gear and I need someone to explain the sanities 4 me. :))


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I now have my sanity back but not my gear and I need someone to explain the sanities 4 me. :))


I have your sanity and it is in seclusion with the other sanities for rest and recuperation from being in the cool box.  All the sanities are at Sanity Springs Spa, which has the location only known to me.  There are all the luxuries that any sanity could ever dream of and all the pampering the cold sanities will need to get warm again.


As for the explanation of a sanity, you already know.  You are not crazy are you?  If you were crazy, then you would be insane and your "sanity" would be long gone.    :laughing  :laughing  So TGHL is trying to steal everyone's sanity (or saneness) and render them crazy.  Soooooooooo, I am here along with a group of others to protect everyone's sanity.  Jesusfreak sells Decoy Sanities and Replacement Sanities.  These are great items to keep at hand.  Whenever you feel threatened, place your sanity in a safe place and let the Decoy Sanity be the sanity that TGHL steals.  Mega Wolf has a variety of sanity protection gear.  I have it all and then I have searched other sources for additional gear.  Taynio sold me 200 crocodiles that live in a moat to protect my sanity from intruders.  I have contacted all the government agencies that come in initials, such as NASA, CIA, FBI etc. to have their engineers design better sanity protection devices.  TGHL is always looking to steal the designs so that he can reverse engineer them to figure out how they work.  So I always have to be one step ahead of him.


Hope this helps, just for a start.  If you need a more indepth explanation, then I will be here to help. :D

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I now have my sanity back but not my gear and I need someone to explain the sanities 4 me. :))


I have your sanity and it is in seclusion with the other sanities for rest and recuperation from being in the cool box.  All the sanities are at Sanity Springs Spa, which has the location only known to me.  There are all the luxuries that any sanity could ever dream of and all the pampering the cold sanities will need to get warm again.


As for the explanation of a sanity, you already know.  You are not crazy are you?  If you were crazy, then you would be insane and your "sanity" would be long gone.    :laughing  :laughing  So TGHL is trying to steal everyone's sanity (or saneness) and render them crazy.  Soooooooooo, I am here along with a group of others to protect everyone's sanity.  Jesusfreak sells Decoy Sanities and Replacement Sanities.  These are great items to keep at hand.  Whenever you feel threatened, place your sanity in a safe place and let the Decoy Sanity be the sanity that TGHL steals.  Mega Wolf has a variety of sanity protection gear.  I have it all and then I have searched other sources for additional gear.  Taynio sold me 200 crocodiles that live in a moat to protect my sanity from intruders.  I have contacted all the government agencies that come in initials, such as NASA, CIA, FBI etc. to have their engineers design better sanity protection devices.  TGHL is always looking to steal the designs so that he can reverse engineer them to figure out how they work.  So I always have to be one step ahead of him.


Hope this helps, just for a start.  If you need a more indepth explanation, then I will be here to help. :D

*Attempts stealing Horatio's sanity using a fishing rod*

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I now have my sanity back but not my gear and I need someone to explain the sanities 4 me. :))


I have your sanity and it is in seclusion with the other sanities for rest and recuperation from being in the cool box.  All the sanities are at Sanity Springs Spa, which has the location only known to me.  There are all the luxuries that any sanity could ever dream of and all the pampering the cold sanities will need to get warm again.


As for the explanation of a sanity, you already know.  You are not crazy are you?  If you were crazy, then you would be insane and your "sanity" would be long gone.    :laughing  :laughing  So TGHL is trying to steal everyone's sanity (or saneness) and render them crazy.  Soooooooooo, I am here along with a group of others to protect everyone's sanity.  Jesusfreak sells Decoy Sanities and Replacement Sanities.  These are great items to keep at hand.  Whenever you feel threatened, place your sanity in a safe place and let the Decoy Sanity be the sanity that TGHL steals.  Mega Wolf has a variety of sanity protection gear.  I have it all and then I have searched other sources for additional gear.  Taynio sold me 200 crocodiles that live in a moat to protect my sanity from intruders.  I have contacted all the government agencies that come in initials, such as NASA, CIA, FBI etc. to have their engineers design better sanity protection devices.  TGHL is always looking to steal the designs so that he can reverse engineer them to figure out how they work.  So I always have to be one step ahead of him.


Hope this helps, just for a start.  If you need a more indepth explanation, then I will be here to help. :D

*Attempts stealing Horatio's sanity using a fishing rod*

*attaches a giant squid to the fishing hook and give two quick tugs to the line*


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing


I think you have something on your fishing line TGHL.

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Guest Honey3

Thank you 4 the information Horatio.My sanity must b enjoying the spas!!! :)) Where can I find the place to get decoy sanities and replacement sanities??? ???  ???  ???


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Thank you 4 the information Horatio.My sanity must b enjoying the spas!!! :)) Where can I find the place to get decoy sanities and replacement sanities??? ???  ???  ???


My brain is having a senior moment.  I will have to look where Jesusfreak wrote her topic.  If you stop in and visit Mega Wolf's H$ Discount, she may have some items for you to purchase.  In the meantime, I will look for Jesusfreak's topic.  I do know that she was looking for an apprentice and as she will be away for the summer, this would be great to have you running her store and making decoy and replacement sanities. :D

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I now have my sanity back but not my gear and I need someone to explain the sanities 4 me. :))


I have your sanity and it is in seclusion with the other sanities for rest and recuperation from being in the cool box.  All the sanities are at Sanity Springs Spa, which has the location only known to me.  There are all the luxuries that any sanity could ever dream of and all the pampering the cold sanities will need to get warm again.


As for the explanation of a sanity, you already know.  You are not crazy are you?  If you were crazy, then you would be insane and your "sanity" would be long gone.    :laughing  :laughing  So TGHL is trying to steal everyone's sanity (or saneness) and render them crazy.  Soooooooooo, I am here along with a group of others to protect everyone's sanity.  Jesusfreak sells Decoy Sanities and Replacement Sanities.  These are great items to keep at hand.  Whenever you feel threatened, place your sanity in a safe place and let the Decoy Sanity be the sanity that TGHL steals.  Mega Wolf has a variety of sanity protection gear.  I have it all and then I have searched other sources for additional gear.  Taynio sold me 200 crocodiles that live in a moat to protect my sanity from intruders.  I have contacted all the government agencies that come in initials, such as NASA, CIA, FBI etc. to have their engineers design better sanity protection devices.  TGHL is always looking to steal the designs so that he can reverse engineer them to figure out how they work.  So I always have to be one step ahead of him.


Hope this helps, just for a start.  If you need a more indepth explanation, then I will be here to help. :D

*Attempts stealing Horatio's sanity using a fishing rod*

*attaches a giant squid to the fishing hook and give two quick tugs to the line*


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing


I think you have something on your fishing line TGHL.

And now we reel up ze sanity. Oh no! what iz zis? it iz ze legendary Kraken! You will be framed on ze wall of my houze! *frames Kraken* Now to steal ze sanity of Horatio! Uzing my new zcuba gear and my zubmarine! *Dives down to the HMS sanity*

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I now have my sanity back but not my gear and I need someone to explain the sanities 4 me. :))


I have your sanity and it is in seclusion with the other sanities for rest and recuperation from being in the cool box.  All the sanities are at Sanity Springs Spa, which has the location only known to me.  There are all the luxuries that any sanity could ever dream of and all the pampering the cold sanities will need to get warm again.


As for the explanation of a sanity, you already know.  You are not crazy are you?  If you were crazy, then you would be insane and your "sanity" would be long gone.    :laughing  :laughing  So TGHL is trying to steal everyone's sanity (or saneness) and render them crazy.  Soooooooooo, I am here along with a group of others to protect everyone's sanity.  Jesusfreak sells Decoy Sanities and Replacement Sanities.  These are great items to keep at hand.  Whenever you feel threatened, place your sanity in a safe place and let the Decoy Sanity be the sanity that TGHL steals.  Mega Wolf has a variety of sanity protection gear.  I have it all and then I have searched other sources for additional gear.  Taynio sold me 200 crocodiles that live in a moat to protect my sanity from intruders.  I have contacted all the government agencies that come in initials, such as NASA, CIA, FBI etc. to have their engineers design better sanity protection devices.  TGHL is always looking to steal the designs so that he can reverse engineer them to figure out how they work.  So I always have to be one step ahead of him.


Hope this helps, just for a start.  If you need a more indepth explanation, then I will be here to help. :D

*Attempts stealing Horatio's sanity using a fishing rod*

*attaches a giant squid to the fishing hook and give two quick tugs to the line*


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing


I think you have something on your fishing line TGHL.

And now we reel up ze sanity. Oh no! what iz zis? it iz ze legendary Kraken! You will be framed on ze wall of my houze! *frames Kraken* Now to steal ze sanity of Horatio! Uzing my new zcuba gear and my zubmarine! *Dives down to the HMS sanity*

*preflights helicopter and supervises the loading of underwater scuba gear and submarine loving leeches*


Okay, I will be departing with my load of leeches.  TGHL is lurking about and I want to drop leeches into his vicinity.  These leeches will cling on the submarine until he hops out in his scuba gear.  As they just love the taste of scuba gear.  The rate that these leeches multiply is by the millions per second.  In no time at all TGHL will be surrendering his sanity to me as he will be covered by leeches.

:laughing            :laughing            :laughing            :laughing            :laughing

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I now have my sanity back but not my gear and I need someone to explain the sanities 4 me.


I have your sanity and it is in seclusion with the other sanities for rest and recuperation from being in the cool box.  All the sanities are at Sanity Springs Spa, which has the location only known to me.  There are all the luxuries that any sanity could ever dream of and all the pampering the cold sanities will need to get warm again.


As for the explanation of a sanity, you already know.  You are not crazy are you?  If you were crazy, then you would be insane and your "sanity" would be long gone.    :laughing  So TGHL is trying to steal everyone's sanity (or saneness) and render them crazy.  Soooooooooo, I am here along with a group of others to protect everyone's sanity.  Jesusfreak sells Decoy Sanities and Replacement Sanities.  These are great items to keep at hand.  Whenever you feel threatened, place your sanity in a safe place and let the Decoy Sanity be the sanity that TGHL steals.  Mega Wolf has a variety of sanity protection gear.  I have it all and then I have searched other sources for additional gear.  Taynio sold me 200 crocodiles that live in a moat to protect my sanity from intruders.  I have contacted all the government agencies that come in initials, such as NASA, CIA, FBI etc. to have their engineers design better sanity protection devices.  TGHL is always looking to steal the designs so that he can reverse engineer them to figure out how they work.  So I always have to be one step ahead of him.


Hope this helps, just for a start.  If you need a more indepth explanation, then I will be here to help. :D

*Attempts stealing Horatio's sanity using a fishing rod*

*attaches a giant squid to the fishing hook and give two quick tugs to the line*


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing


I think you have something on your fishing line TGHL.

And now we reel up ze sanity. Oh no! what iz zis? it iz ze legendary Kraken! You will be framed on ze wall of my houze! *frames Kraken* Now to steal ze sanity of Horatio! Uzing my new zcuba gear and my zubmarine! *Dives down to the HMS sanity*

*preflights helicopter and supervises the loading of underwater scuba gear and submarine loving leeches*


Okay, I will be departing with my load of leeches.  TGHL is lurking about and I want to drop leeches into his vicinity.  These leeches will cling on the submarine until he hops out in his scuba gear.  As they just love the taste of scuba gear.  The rate that these leeches multiply is by the millions per second.  In no time at all TGHL will be surrendering his sanity to me as he will be covered by leeches.

:laughing            :laughing            :laughing            :laughing            :laughing

Hmmm..... I zee that zese leeches are on my zubmarine. I shall, how do you zay, dispose of zem mit my zuper leech eating leeches. *launchez ze leech eating leechez* Hah hah! I am zo much better zan you Horatio! I have many thingz planned! You zee I know your every move, zo try and try but you will not stop with from getting your zanity, taht iz conatined in zee HMS sanity!

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If we didn't go to war then Iraq would just keep bombing us!!!


Iraq has never bombed us, though!  Not on the US soil, anyway.  THEY POSED NO THREAT.

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Well the only reason we went to war is to defend our selves and help Iraq.And he has the power of God with him.If we did not go to war then the U.S. would be nothing but ruins!!!A pastor would be a great idea that the unreligous would be really fired up!!!


If by defend you mean 'get cheaper oil' and by 'help' you mean 'annihlate'. If by 'God' you mean 'the biggest Nuclear Arsenal in History' and by saying unreligous you are actually referring to the larger portion of the USA's population then yes you are completely correct.

You mean, 'annihalate without any concern of the consequences'.

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hmm... this thought just occured to me recently. Kerry doesn't look like he would be a president. As for the choice of vice president, OMG HE'S GONNA ASSASSINATE BUSH! Don't worry, I'm only joking about that!
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Where is my post in here? WHERE!

Every post that was received has been posted.  I do not delete anything.  Please resend your post as if it is not here, then it was not received.

Hmmm... Is it cyberspace or is it a moderator....

Believe what you will TGHL.  But you might consider this... I would not be asking you to resend it if I had deleted it.  In fact the day you said that you sent it, Sheena was on, perhaps she deleted it.  But I do not delete posts.  I do not have that authority.

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Where is my post in here? WHERE!

Every post that was received has been posted.  I do not delete anything.  Please resend your post as if it is not here, then it was not received.

Hmmm... Is it cyberspace or is it a moderator....

Believe what you will TGHL.  But you might consider this... I would not be asking you to resend it if I had deleted it.  In fact the day you said that you sent it, Sheena was on, perhaps she deleted it.  But I do not delete posts.  I do not have that authority.

Sheena?  SHEENA?!  I know not of a Sheena around these parts...there was one before, but then she abandoned us... :P

mo, its just an extended holiday.

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Guest puppydog
Where is my post in here? WHERE!

Every post that was received has been posted.  I do not delete anything.  Please resend your post as if it is not here, then it was not received.

Hmmm... Is it cyberspace or is it a moderator....

Believe what you will TGHL.  But you might consider this... I would not be asking you to resend it if I had deleted it.  In fact the day you said that you sent it, Sheena was on, perhaps she deleted it.  But I do not delete posts.  I do not have that authority.

Sheena?  SHEENA?!  I know not of a Sheena around these parts...there was one before, but then she abandoned us... :P

mo, its just an extended holiday.

thats wut they WANT you to think. dont give in.

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Where is my post in here? WHERE!

Every post that was received has been posted.  I do not delete anything.  Please resend your post as if it is not here, then it was not received.

Hmmm... Is it cyberspace or is it a moderator....

Believe what you will TGHL.  But you might consider this... I would not be asking you to resend it if I had deleted it.  In fact the day you said that you sent it, Sheena was on, perhaps she deleted it.  But I do not delete posts.  I do not have that authority.

Sheena?  SHEENA?!  I know not of a Sheena around these parts...there was one before, but then she abandoned us... :P

mo, its just an extended holiday.

thats wut they WANT you to think. dont give in.

No, that is the truth. :sleepy:

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Where is my post in here? WHERE!

Every post that was received has been posted.  I do not delete anything.  Please resend your post as if it is not here, then it was not received.

Hmmm... Is it cyberspace or is it a moderator....

Believe what you will TGHL.  But you might consider this... I would not be asking you to resend it if I had deleted it.  In fact the day you said that you sent it, Sheena was on, perhaps she deleted it.  But I do not delete posts.  I do not have that authority.

Sheena?  SHEENA?!  I know not of a Sheena around these parts...there was one before, but then she abandoned us... :P

mo, its just an extended holiday.

thats wut they WANT you to think. dont give in.

No, that is the truth. :sleepy:

yes, sheena will be back. she wouldn't lie to us.

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Where is my post in here? WHERE!

Every post that was received has been posted.  I do not delete anything.  Please resend your post as if it is not here, then it was not received.

Hmmm... Is it cyberspace or is it a moderator....

Believe what you will TGHL.  But you might consider this... I would not be asking you to resend it if I had deleted it.  In fact the day you said that you sent it, Sheena was on, perhaps she deleted it.  But I do not delete posts.  I do not have that authority.

Sheena?  SHEENA?!  I know not of a Sheena around these parts...there was one before, but then she abandoned us... :P

mo, its just an extended holiday.

thats wut they WANT you to think. dont give in.

No, that is the truth. :sleepy:

Yes, I was noticing the lack of British Penguin in my topics. :P  :upside:

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thats wut they WANT you to think. dont give in.

No, that is the truth. :sleepy:

suuure it is  :upside:

yes, im sure it is the truth

It is the truth! Heil SHEENA! HEIL SHEENA! *puts on penguin mask again* HEIL SHEENA! HEIL SHEENA!

*starts cheering with TGHL*

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this topic reminded me of something. one of the sites i go to, (Horatio won't let me say the title, i know it), there's a little animation thing that has Bush and the Vice President's heads, smiling, with their animated suits, holding tea, legs crossed, singing,



               "Let's bomb Saddam,

                   Let's bomb Saddam,

                      Let's blow him to Kingdom Come

                 Let's bomb Saddam,

                    Let's bomb Saddam"


And they keep on singing that, at some points they are on rockets and they jump off the rockets and Saddam is hit by the rockets. Stuff like that happens. But they just keep singing. The blowing-up of Saddam changes over and over again. Until the animation is over. It's kinda funny.

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Guest puppydog
this topic reminded me of something. one of the sites i go to, (Horatio won't let me say the title, i know it), there's a little animation thing that has Bush and the Vice President's heads, smiling, with their animated suits, holding tea, legs crossed, singing,



                "Let's bomb Saddam,

                    Let's bomb Saddam,

                    Let's blow him to Kingdom Come

                  Let's bomb Saddam,

                  Let's bomb Saddam"


And they keep on singing that, at some points they are on rockets and they jump off the rockets and Saddam is hit by the rockets. Stuff like that happens. But they just keep singing. The blowing-up of Saddam changes over and over again. Until the animation is over. It's kinda funny.

that reminds me of a site i know.  its got an animation of a little kid writing and reading wut he writes, its supposed to be bush when he's little.  it's like when i grow up i'm gonna be just like my dad and stuff like that,i can't remember it all.

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this topic reminded me of something. one of the sites i go to, (Horatio won't let me say the title, i know it), there's a little animation thing that has Bush and the Vice President's heads, smiling, with their animated suits, holding tea, legs crossed, singing,



                "Let's bomb Saddam,

                    Let's bomb Saddam,

                    Let's blow him to Kingdom Come

                  Let's bomb Saddam,

                  Let's bomb Saddam"


And they keep on singing that, at some points they are on rockets and they jump off the rockets and Saddam is hit by the rockets. Stuff like that happens. But they just keep singing. The blowing-up of Saddam changes over and over again. Until the animation is over. It's kinda funny.

that reminds me of a site i know.  its got an animation of a little kid writing and reading wut he writes, its supposed to be bush when he's little.  it's like when i grow up i'm gonna be just like my dad and stuff like that,i can't remember it all.

:upside: That sounds funny too :laugh:

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Guest puppydog
this topic reminded me of something. one of the sites i go to, (Horatio won't let me say the title, i know it), there's a little animation thing that has Bush and the Vice President's heads, smiling, with their animated suits, holding tea, legs crossed, singing,



                "Let's bomb Saddam,

                    Let's bomb Saddam,

                    Let's blow him to Kingdom Come

                  Let's bomb Saddam,

                  Let's bomb Saddam"


And they keep on singing that, at some points they are on rockets and they jump off the rockets and Saddam is hit by the rockets. Stuff like that happens. But they just keep singing. The blowing-up of Saddam changes over and over again. Until the animation is over. It's kinda funny.

that reminds me of a site i know.  its got an animation of a little kid writing and reading wut he writes, its supposed to be bush when he's little.  it's like when i grow up i'm gonna be just like my dad and stuff like that,i can't remember it all.

:upside: That sounds funny too :laugh:

and terry sent me a bush vs.Kerry thing

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Here are two questions for everyone.....  Is anyone watching the DNC?  What do you think?  The second question is....  Does anyone have any thoughts on Theresa Heinz-Kerry's comment to the journalist to "shove-it"?


I was just wondering what your personal thoughts would be on this subject as these two topics have received lots of media attention.



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Here are two questions for everyone.....  Is anyone watching the DNC?  What do you think?  The second question is....  Does anyone have any thoughts on Theresa Heinz-Kerry's comment to the journalist to "shove-it"?


I was just wondering what your personal thoughts would be on this subject as these two topics have received lots of media attention.



i think it's always rude to tell someone to shove it..... especially if you're an adult. i mean, thats immature.

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this topic reminded me of something. one of the sites i go to, (Horatio won't let me say the title, i know it), there's a little animation thing that has Bush and the Vice President's heads, smiling, with their animated suits, holding tea, legs crossed, singing,



                "Let's bomb Saddam,

                    Let's bomb Saddam,

                    Let's blow him to Kingdom Come

                  Let's bomb Saddam,

                  Let's bomb Saddam"


And they keep on singing that, at some points they are on rockets and they jump off the rockets and Saddam is hit by the rockets. Stuff like that happens. But they just keep singing. The blowing-up of Saddam changes over and over again. Until the animation is over. It's kinda funny.

that reminds me of a site i know.  its got an animation of a little kid writing and reading wut he writes, its supposed to be bush when he's little.  it's like when i grow up i'm gonna be just like my dad and stuff like that,i can't remember it all.

:upside: That sounds funny too :laugh:

and terry sent me a bush vs.Kerry thing

too bad i can't tell u the site name. it's got a lot of 'warped' humor. hehe but my favorite game on the site is helicopter. try to get the helicopter past all the obsticles. its addicting. o and my favorite animation is the one that has two guys singing,


       "Milk and cereal

           Milk and cereal

               Milk and cereal

        Cereal and milk

            Cereal and milk

          A is for apple

            J is for jacks

            J is for jacks!

          No raisin bran

           For grandma!

          Mom likes special k!"


and it keeps on sayin stuff like that. the song is called, what else? Milk and Cereal!

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Guest puppydog
too bad i can't tell u the site name. it's got a lot of 'warped' humor. hehe but my favorite game on the site is helicopter. try to get the helicopter past all the obsticles. its addicting. o and my favorite animation is the one that has two guys singing,


        "Milk and cereal

            Milk and cereal

                Milk and cereal

      Cereal and milk

          Cereal and milk

        A is for apple

          J is for jacks

          J is for jacks!

        No raisin bran

            For grandma!

        Mom likes special k!"


and it keeps on sayin stuff like that. the song is called, what else? Milk and Cereal!

thats all great but can we go back to the subject?

wait what were we last talking about? politically related,please.

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Guest puppydog
too bad i can't tell u the site name. it's got a lot of 'warped' humor. hehe but my favorite game on the site is helicopter. try to get the helicopter past all the obsticles. its addicting. o and my favorite animation is the one that has two guys singing,


        "Milk and cereal

            Milk and cereal

                Milk and cereal

      Cereal and milk

          Cereal and milk

        A is for apple

          J is for jacks

          J is for jacks!

        No raisin bran

            For grandma!

        Mom likes special k!"


and it keeps on sayin stuff like that. the song is called, what else? Milk and Cereal!

thats all great but can we go back to the subject?

wait what were we last talking about? politically related,please.

...no one has anything?...really, it can be anything. as simplistic as 'bush is a terrorist' or 'bush is crazy'(even though that's not really...nevermind)




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ok, since no one has much too say how about u tell us who u support? and maybe why,if u wish?

Hey, what did you think about the RAB CD booklet?  :upside:

i think the he dropped his dog on it's head was funny athen i was like.... why?  :D


i'm gonna read it all to Katie(cow) or maybe one of us could post them all?..?

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Looks like this topic finally ended, Not that I wanted it too, Just like Kep And Jesse's did when I came.

Now stop this nonsense...  Kep has returned and posted, Jesse achieved 102% on his midterm test and AnimalKidd will pick this topic up in a bit.  Not everything is super active every minute of the day. :D  :D

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Looks like this topic finally ended, Not that I wanted it too, Just like Kep And Jesse's did when I came.

Now stop this nonsense...  Kep has returned and posted, Jesse achieved 102% on his midterm test and AnimalKidd will pick this topic up in a bit.  Not everything is super active every minute of the day. :D  :D

Yea well on an average we could get 10 pages a month in this topic, we only got 2 in the last month...

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Looks like this topic finally ended, Not that I wanted it too, Just like Kep And Jesse's did when I came.

Now stop this nonsense...  Kep has returned and posted, Jesse achieved 102% on his midterm test and AnimalKidd will pick this topic up in a bit.  Not everything is super active every minute of the day. :D  :D

Yea well on an average we could get 10 pages a month in this topic, we only got 2 in the last month...

If you remember, AnimalKidd had said that she would be off the boards for a bit as she was moving to South Carolina.  She was unable to post while they were doing the move and while they were settling in to their new house. :D

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ok... then... lets see... politics... what do you think about the 'terrorist risk level scale'? do u think its a bunch of bologna and u cant really predict it or do u think that it makes sense and its accurate? i think it's bologna.
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Looks like this topic finally ended, Not that I wanted it too, Just like Kep And Jesse's did when I came.

Now stop this nonsense...  Kep has returned and posted, Jesse achieved 102% on his midterm test and AnimalKidd will pick this topic up in a bit.  Not everything is super active every minute of the day. :D  :D

Yea well on an average we could get 10 pages a month in this topic, we only got 2 in the last month...

If you remember, AnimalKidd had said that she would be off the boards for a bit as she was moving to South Carolina.  She was unable to post while they were doing the move and while they were settling in to their new house. :D

yea, she's back now, she's even got AIM up.



i wonder how i got her SN anyway... i had it before you were here, horatio,so maybe i got it past sheena.i dont kno...

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ok... then... lets see... politics... what do you think about the 'terrorist risk level scale'? do u think its a bunch of bologna and u cant really predict it or do u think that it makes sense and its accurate? i think it's bologna.

I think it might happen and im pretty scaird cause im only an hour outside of nyc

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Looks like this topic finally ended, Not that I wanted it too, Just like Kep And Jesse's did when I came.

Now stop this nonsense...  Kep has returned and posted, Jesse achieved 102% on his midterm test and AnimalKidd will pick this topic up in a bit.  Not everything is super active every minute of the day. :D  :D

Yea well on an average we could get 10 pages a month in this topic, we only got 2 in the last month...

If you remember, AnimalKidd had said that she would be off the boards for a bit as she was moving to South Carolina.  She was unable to post while they were doing the move and while they were settling in to their new house. :D

yea, she's back now, she's even got AIM up.



i wonder how i got her SN anyway... i had it before you were here, horatio,so maybe i got it past sheena.i dont kno...

I think you put it in your profile... 8)

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ok... then... lets see... politics... what do you think about the 'terrorist risk level scale'? do u think its a bunch of bologna and u cant really predict it or do u think that it makes sense and its accurate? i think it's bologna.

I think it might happen and im pretty scaird cause im only an hour outside of nyc

Do you go to the city often? ???

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Has everyone heard what has happened to the Governor of New Jersey?

:eek  :eek   I'm stunned!!!   :eek  :eek   You did not make a comment.  I had actually looked forward to your post and was soooooooooo disappointed to see that you had not said anything! :laughing  :laughing

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Has everyone heard what has happened to the Governor of New Jersey?

:eek  :eek   I'm stunned!!!   :eek  :eek   You did not make a comment.  I had actually looked forward to your post and was soooooooooo disappointed to see that you had not said anything! :laughing  :laughing

I think it's a good thing he "came out" and resigned.  If he had just told the American people without resigning then there would be a huge amount of protests.  I think he has every right to hold office, though.

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Has everyone heard what has happened to the Governor of New Jersey?
Yes i have, i wasa just about to post that...What do you think of it?

Was that the guy who came out and told everyone he was having an affair with another man and stuff? At least he's honest  :upside:

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Has everyone heard what has happened to the Governor of New Jersey?
Yes i have, i wasa just about to post that...What do you think of it?

Was that the guy who came out and told everyone he was having an affair with another man and stuff? At least he's honest  :upside:

Yes that was him. And yeah It was good cause eventually people would have found out and the deal would have been bigger and then now its just good to get it out and over......

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Sorry, I am behind on the political front at the minute. I would, nay SHOULD, know whats going on but I was unable to access technology such as the internet and even TV! SO anything international happen, apart from Middle-Eastern countries disappearing in a mushroom cloud and Splinter countries breaking off from Russia?
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Can't help you on that..since I have not been watching the news only going to a certin website to see what is going on in the rest of the world. All that I know is in Russia was a 7 year old boy found that was raised by his husky.
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Has everyone heard what has happened to the Governor of New Jersey?

:eek  :eek   I'm stunned!!!   :eek  :eek   You did not make a comment.  I had actually looked forward to your post and was soooooooooo disappointed to see that you had not said anything! :laughing  :laughing

I think it's a good thing he "came out" and resigned.  If he had just told the American people without resigning then there would be a huge amount of protests.  I think he has every right to hold office, though.

i think he resigned beacuse he was going to get sued by the guy he had the affair with. idk. i did read much on this yet. i've been busy.(heh, like a have a life  :roll  )

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ok... then... lets see... politics... what do you think about the 'terrorist risk level scale'? do u think its a bunch of bologna and u cant really predict it or do u think that it makes sense and its accurate? i think it's bologna.

I think it might happen and im pretty scaird cause im only an hour outside of nyc

Do you go to the city often? ???

Yes i do but I refuse to anymore

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Can't help you on that..since I have not been watching the news only going to a certin website to see what is going on in the rest of the world. All that I know is in Russia was a 7 year old boy found that was raised by his husky.

wow, a kid raised by a husky.

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ok... then... lets see... politics... what do you think about the 'terrorist risk level scale'? do u think its a bunch of bologna and u cant really predict it or do u think that it makes sense and its accurate? i think it's bologna.

I think it might happen and im pretty scaird cause im only an hour outside of nyc

Do you go to the city often? ???

Yes i do but I refuse to anymore

Don't be scared. As Animal Kidd said, why would they attack if they knew that we thought that the risk is high and we have so much security? Plus, I do not think that they would attack the same city within five years. I would think they would wait it out, if they were smart.

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Terrorist threat levels, I don't think they work.  If a terrorist knows our level is up, then why would he attack when security was high?

seriously, that would be just plain stupid.

yea, it really would but they're waiting for the "boy who cried wolf effect".when tell tll us were in danger for the millionth time and kno who gives a #### and then we get bombed(or wutever) again.


like the R.A.B. DVD said 'the more we fight terrorism(which is not wut were fighting anyway) the more terrorits theres gonna be.they also say it's like fighting a war on jealousy.  :laugh:

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Terrorist threat levels, I don't think they work.  If a terrorist knows our level is up, then why would he attack when security was high?

seriously, that would be just plain stupid.

yea, it really would but they're waiting for the "boy who cried wolf effect".when tell tll us were in danger for the millionth time and kno who gives a #### and then we get bombed(or wutever) again.


like the R.A.B. DVD said 'the more we fight terrorism(which is not wut were fighting anyway) the more terrorits theres gonna be.they also say it's like fighting a war on jealousy.  :laugh:

Ooh...I still haven't looked at the DVD yet...I've never had the time.  I'm going to watch it alone first...to make sure it's okay, you know...

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There is another AMBER-ALERT for NY...

At least AMerica isn't at Defcom 5.

Whats that?

Defcom is another of these things. It is like Defcom 1 is caution, Defcom 2 is warn the hostile country, Defcom 3 is move the navy into bombing position to threaten them, Defcom 4 is fire some warning shots and Defcom 5 is "Nuke those Iraqi's into dust!"

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There is another AMBER-ALERT for NY...

At least AMerica isn't at Defcom 5.

Whats that?

Defcom is another of these things. It is like Defcom 1 is caution, Defcom 2 is warn the hostile country, Defcom 3 is move the navy into bombing position to threaten them, Defcom 4 is fire some warning shots and Defcom 5 is "Nuke those Iraqi's into dust!"

Oh I see...But what does that have to do with an amber alert...?  ???

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There is another AMBER-ALERT for NY...

At least AMerica isn't at Defcom 5.

Whats that?

Defcom is another of these things. It is like Defcom 1 is caution, Defcom 2 is warn the hostile country, Defcom 3 is move the navy into bombing position to threaten them, Defcom 4 is fire some warning shots and Defcom 5 is "Nuke those Iraqi's into dust!"

Oh I see...But what does that have to do with an amber alert...?  ???

Well America ain't got the risks as far as needing nukes. We just got a lunatics terrorists alert(which is HIGHLY inaccurate).

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There is another AMBER-ALERT for NY...

At least AMerica isn't at Defcom 5.

Whats that?

Defcom is another of these things. It is like Defcom 1 is caution, Defcom 2 is warn the hostile country, Defcom 3 is move the navy into bombing position to threaten them, Defcom 4 is fire some warning shots and Defcom 5 is "Nuke those Iraqi's into dust!"

Oh I see...But what does that have to do with an amber alert...?  ???

Amber and Red Alerts are Terrorist alerts right? Defcom is the stages of going to war for America.

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Ooh...I still haven't looked at the DVD yet...I've never had the time.  I'm going to watch it alone first...to make sure it's okay, you know...

thats wut i did.it's very short and it's got 4 music videos (Turncoat-anti-flag;Sorrow-Bad religion;franco un-american -NOFX and another one i can't remeber.) it's also got  comedy thing on it.and some other stuff.it's pretty kool.

Franco Un-American is my favorite song btw ^__^

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There is another AMBER-ALERT for NY...

At least AMerica isn't at Defcom 5.

Whats that?

Defcom is another of these things. It is like Defcom 1 is caution, Defcom 2 is warn the hostile country, Defcom 3 is move the navy into bombing position to threaten them, Defcom 4 is fire some warning shots and Defcom 5 is "Nuke those Iraqi's into dust!"

Oh I see...But what does that have to do with an amber alert...?  ???

Amber and Red Alerts are Terrorist alerts right? Defcom is the stages of going to war for America.

The Amber Alert is for a kidnapped child.  The Terrorist Alerts, are in levels, red, orange, yellow and I believe a fourth, but my mind is not clear at this moment.  I will let you know tomorrow. :D

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Ooh...I still haven't looked at the DVD yet...I've never had the time.  I'm going to watch it alone first...to make sure it's okay, you know...

thats wut i did.it's very short and it's got 4 music videos (Turncoat-anti-flag;Sorrow-Bad religion;franco un-american -NOFX and another one i can't remeber.) it's also got  comedy thing on it.and some other stuff.it's pretty kool.

Franco Un-American is my favorite song btw ^__^

I know it's awesome, I just need to make sure it's parent-approved.

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There is another AMBER-ALERT for NY...

At least AMerica isn't at Defcom 5.

Whats that?

Defcom is another of these things. It is like Defcom 1 is caution, Defcom 2 is warn the hostile country, Defcom 3 is move the navy into bombing position to threaten them, Defcom 4 is fire some warning shots and Defcom 5 is "Nuke those Iraqi's into dust!"

Oh I see...But what does that have to do with an amber alert...?  ???

Amber and Red Alerts are Terrorist alerts right? Defcom is the stages of going to war for America.

The Amber Alert is for a kidnapped child.  The Terrorist Alerts, are in levels, red, orange, yellow and I believe a fourth, but my mind is not clear at this moment.  I will let you know tomorrow. :D

*tomarrow never comes*

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I'm seeing posts from DECEMBER!




Loooooong time ago...yes, it was.




What happened to the 88 pages we had?  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:


It appears that the pages have more posts per page than the previous board. So that explains a bit of it, but I have also found some topics with big sections missing. As for the chronological mix-up, I am still having HampsterKing fix this. There will be a few of the bugs that will take a bit of time to clear up, but hopefully within a week max.

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Im back from my not using the Computer Stage. In the Fargo/Moorhead forum (a North Dakota news paper i get) they said that North Dakota (where i live) might be turned into the biggest war games place in the world. North Dakota may be small but that doesent me that nobody lives here. More people live in NYC than in the whole state of ND but people still live here. They should find an Ilsand some where and us that instead of ND i mean so many people would be in danger if some iraquis (is that spelled right?) get mad at us again and try to attacked the base thing training center in ND and it would just be another huge thing. If its bush whose deciding all of this then i hope chokes on another pretzal and doesn't get realected. Nator? I dont know who would be the best president maybe nobody should be president. We could H-Bomb Iraq. *CONNNNNNNNFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!) Much. yeah alrighty then

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Im back from my not using the Computer Stage. In the Fargo/Moorhead forum (a North Dakota news paper i get) they said that North Dakota (where i live) might be turned into the biggest war games place in the world. North Dakota may be small but that doesent me that nobody lives here. More people live in NYC than in the whole state of ND but people still live here. They should find an Ilsand some where and us that instead of ND i mean so many people would be in danger if some iraquis (is that spelled right?) get mad at us again and try to attacked the base thing training center in ND and it would just be another huge thing. If its bush whose deciding all of this then i hope chokes on another pretzal and doesn't get realected. Nator? I dont know who  would be the best president maybe nobody should be president. We could H-Bomb Iraq. *CONNNNNNNNFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!) Much. yeah alrighty then

let bush choke on the pretzal. but not everyone in iraq is bad so thats what restrains us from using an H-bomb. that would be wrong and give america a bad reputation. plus an H-bomb could effect the nearby countries over there.

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let bush choke on the pretzal. but not everyone in iraq is bad so thats what restrains us from using an H-bomb. that would be wrong and give america a bad reputation. plus an H-bomb could effect the nearby countries over there.

To quote Einstein:

I see the Atomic bomb as not being used at all, it is not a reason for having wars or starting them. It is a reason to end wars. No one shall use it, because it will destroy the user.  I oppose the bomb, but maybe it will end all wars and make the world a better place
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