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Today is the one year anniversary of the beginning of the War in Iraq.

And the day it looks like Al Quieda took revenge on the west.  What does anyone think of the bomb attacks on Madrid :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin ?

according to CNN they don't think it was Al Quieda. it was a different extremest group

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my thoughts:


kerry stinks

dean stinks

maybe i'm biased

bush stinks

i'm not biased

communist party stinks

i'm normal


i don't have a fever


i've replied. bye, off to the fellowship of the eagle!

Sorry that I had to edit it, but I really liked the presentation of your thoughts.  Quite good actually.  


*presents Topazia with another Gold Star :star: Award*

i was wondering if it would be accepted.

thanks, horatio!

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my thoughts:


kerry stinks

dean stinks

maybe i'm biased

bush stinks

i'm not biased

communist party stinks

i'm normal


i don't have a fever


i've replied. bye, off to the fellowship of the eagle!

Sorry that I had to edit it, but I really liked the presentation of your thoughts.  Quite good actually.  


*presents Topazia with another Gold Star :star: Award*

i was wondering if it would be accepted.

thanks, horatio!

What word would you prefer.  Let me know and I will change it to your word.  I didn't do such a good job of substituting words, that was all I could think of. ???

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AHA!!!  I know what yesterday was!


March 11, 2003 was when US troops invaded Iraq!

No, they invade Iraq on the same day the war started, perhaps it was the date that the troops first arrived in the dessert ready it invade :penguin  ???  :penguin ?

AUGH!!! What day was it!!??  Something happened that day, and I can't remember!  It's like when you need a word, and it's a common word, and you can't think of it and it drives you crazy.

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Today is the one year anniversary of the beginning of the War in Iraq.

And the day it looks like Al Quieda took revenge on the west.  What does anyone think of the bomb attacks on Madrid :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin ?

according to CNN they don't think it was Al Quieda. it was a different extremest group

Originally the UK news was saying that they thought it was ETA, the Basque Seperatist group, but latter a letter was recieved by a British newspaper from an Al Quieda group claiming responsibility.


Although the types of explosive used and some detinators found near the scene were the type used by ETA, ETA have never attempted anything as big or as co-ordinated as this.  Also ETA have, in the past, always targetted political figures, not innocent civillians.


There is another theory and that is that the two groups worked together :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin !

I have to agree. It is looking like Al Quieda's work. Their aim (if they have one) is to spread chaos across the civilised world, sorry no it's just the western world. They dealt a huge blow to America on the 11th. Now they've attacked spain in one of the worst bombings ever in Spain on the 11th, two and a bit years since the September attack. Where will they strike next is the question. France is unlikley because they have the best relations with the middle east, Britain is the most likley victim to be atttacked because of our backing of the USA. One question before I carry on with my theroies was Spain another  of the western countries that backed the decision as much as the UK did?

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Today is the one year anniversary of the beginning of the War in Iraq.

And the day it looks like Al Quieda took revenge on the west.  What does anyone think of the bomb attacks on Madrid?

according to CNN they don't think it was Al Quieda. it was a different extremest group

Originally the UK news was saying that they thought it was ETA, the Basque Seperatist group, but latter a letter was recieved by a British newspaper from an Al Quieda group claiming responsibility.


Although the types of explosive used and some detinators found near the scene were the type used by ETA, ETA have never attempted anything as big or as co-ordinated as this.  Also ETA have, in the past, always targetted political figures, not innocent civillians.


There is another theory and that is that the two groups worked together!

I have to agree. It is looking like Al Quieda's work. Their aim (if they have one) is to spread chaos across the civilised world, sorry no it's just the western world. They dealt a huge blow to America on the 11th. Now they've attacked spain in one of the worst bombings ever in Spain on the 11th, two and a bit years since the September attack. Where will they strike next is the question. France is unlikley because they have the best relations with the middle east, Britain is the most likley victim to be atttacked because of our backing of the USA. One question before I carry on with my theroies was Spain another  of the western countries that backed the decision as much as the UK did?

Yes, Spain is one of the coalition of countries.  (Please see my list somewhere back in this topic.)

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I've been doing a lot of thinking, looking at all these countries that are so caught up in all this turmoil...

I'm surprised we as human beings haven't caused our own destruction yet.


Get what I'm saying? ???

I'm not a human but from what I'm seeing I'm a bit surprized as well.

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i say we sould all look in the story forum and answer my topic.


tha's what i think.



here's a short speech.



i know these things are important, but the newsies act like its nothing.

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*sigh of disappointment*


hgh... God help the world, that they might finally understand that violence solves nothing. Vengeance solves nothing.



Love solves, peace solves.


But hate? No.

Hate :eek makes it worse.

Hate :eek is what makes pain tick.

Hate :eek is what causes pain.

Hate :eek is what needs to go, along with loathing, anger :angry: , sadness :sleepy: , sin, the works 8) .


Only peace and Love can do that.

this is why I am starting the petition.

This is why.


We were fine.

Until we started dying.  :(  :(  :(

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Now that Bush and Kerry are the main presidential candidates, who do you think will win?  What could cause Kerry to win, and what could cause Bush to win?  What stregnths do they have that the other doesn't?




As much as I hate to say it, Bush will probably win, in all reality.  There are way too many Bush supporters out there.  However, if there is a new terrorist attack sometime soon that Bush was unable to prevent, and if that makes America in general angry, then Kerry will have a better chance.  For Bush to win, then he has to do something major, like finally capture Osama bin Laden or something else.  As for stregnths, I think one of Bush's is that he has a bit more support than Kerry, even if Kerry is a "war hero".  I think one of Kerry's weaknesses is that he was only in the army for about four months, but he received an unusual amount of awards, which makes most war veterans angry.  Kerry's stregnths...well he doesn't have that many, other than there ARE a lot of Bush-haters out there...


What do you think?  ???




"[the White House] Is white." - Dubya


(that's the Bush quote of the day)

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As always, I enjoy reading your posts and hearing your thoughts.  I think that you have done an excellent job of looking at both sides.  Thank you for posting that.   One question that I do have... if President Bush wins the election, do you think that Hilary will run in 2008 and do you think that she will win?  (Two questions actually...) ???
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*sigh of disappointment*


hgh... God help the world, that they might finally understand that violence solves nothing. Vengeance solves nothing.



Love solves, peace solves.


But hate? No.

Hate :eek makes it worse.

Hate :eek is what makes pain tick.

Hate :eek is what causes pain.

Hate :eek is what needs to go, along with loathing, anger :angry: , sadness :sleepy: , sin, the works 8) .


Only peace and Love can do that.

this is why I am starting the petition.

This is why.


We were fine.

Until we started dying.

That's very moving :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .




i was bored so i tried.








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As always, I enjoy reading your posts and hearing your thoughts.  I think that you have done an excellent job of looking at both sides.  Thank you for posting that. One question that I do have... if President Bush wins the election, do you think that Hilary will run in 2008 and do you think that she will win?  (Two questions actually...) ???

About Hillary:  I am not sure, honestly.  I have not been following her very much.


"I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating." - Dubya

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I heard that people were getting on Bush's back because he "handled the war incorrectly" Geez...okay, to those people: YOU be president then. Then YOU can handle the war. Honestly, people don't know how hard it is to be presedent (neither do wolves of course), and yet they're hacking away as if he's supposed to do everything perfect, and they're just putting more pressure on him by doing that. Leave him alone, people!! It's all in the past and can't be changed! Get a move on!


Also I heard that they were complaining about how "Clinton handled the situation before 9/11 wrong" too. He's not president anymore. Don't dwell on the past. Enough said there.


Also I'm sick of hearing Kerry whining about "Tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts" over and over again  :angry: There's a lot more to focus on too you know!

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Guest puppydog
I heard that people were getting on Bush's back because he "handled the war incorrectly" Geez...okay, to those people: YOU be president then. Then YOU can handle the war. Honestly, people don't know how hard it is to be presedent (neither do wolves of course), and yet they're hacking away as if he's supposed to do everything perfect, and they're just putting more pressure on him by doing that. Leave him alone, people!! It's all in the past and can't be changed! Get a move on!

im not saying i'd be a perfect prez but come on!!! use ur head,just a LITTLE bit!!! and he knew was gonna have to deal with stuff... he should ahve thought it all out first  :sleepy:

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I heard that people were getting on Bush's back because he "handled the war incorrectly" Geez...okay, to those people: YOU be president then. Then YOU can handle the war. Honestly, people don't know how hard it is to be presedent (neither do wolves of course), and yet they're hacking away as if he's supposed to do everything perfect, and they're just putting more pressure on him by doing that. Leave him alone, people!! It's all in the past and can't be changed! Get a move on!


Also I heard that they were complaining about how "Clinton handled the situation before 9/11 wrong" too. He's not president anymore. Don't dwell on the past. Enough said there.


Also I'm sick of hearing Kerry whining about "Tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts" over and over again  :angry: There's a lot more to focus on too you know!

Well, in a way he DID handle the war in a not-so-professional manner.  


And about tax cuts...don't we need the taxes to build up the treasury or whatever?  ???  How is the government going to get money if they're cutting it out?  Not like I LIKE taxes, of course, but I mean...it's just common sense.


At least Kerry is past his "war hero" stage.  :sleepy:

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I heard that people were getting on Bush's back because he "handled the war incorrectly" Geez...okay, to those people: YOU be president then. Then YOU can handle the war. Honestly, people don't know how hard it is to be presedent (neither do wolves of course), and yet they're hacking away as if he's supposed to do everything perfect, and they're just putting more pressure on him by doing that. Leave him alone, people!! It's all in the past and can't be changed! Get a move on!

But when you take the oath of presidency, you should be ready to face all the challenges that come.  It takes wisdom, commitment, and planning.  You just can't barge into war.

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I heard that people were getting on Bush's back because he "handled the war incorrectly" Geez...okay, to those people: YOU be president then. Then YOU can handle the war. Honestly, people don't know how hard it is to be presedent (neither do wolves of course), and yet they're hacking away as if he's supposed to do everything perfect, and they're just putting more pressure on him by doing that. Leave him alone, people!! It's all in the past and can't be changed! Get a move on!

But when you take the oath of presidency, you should be ready to face all the challenges that come.  It takes wisdom, commitment, and planning.  You just can't barge into war.

Okay, yes, he should have handled it better. It makes me wonder though: Why do they get on his back now rather than just after he did these actions?

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I heard that people were getting on Bush's back because he "handled the war incorrectly" Geez...okay, to those people: YOU be president then. Then YOU can handle the war. Honestly, people don't know how hard it is to be presedent (neither do wolves of course), and yet they're hacking away as if he's supposed to do everything perfect, and they're just putting more pressure on him by doing that. Leave him alone, people!! It's all in the past and can't be changed! Get a move on!

But when you take the oath of presidency, you should be ready to face all the challenges that come.  It takes wisdom, commitment, and planning.  You just can't barge into war.

Okay, yes, he should have handled it better. It makes me wonder though: Why do they get on his back now rather than just after he did these actions?

Sarah's theory:

Because the media mainly covers entertainment.  The media was too busy covering things like the Michael Jackson investigation and Sigfreid and Roy and stuff, and then when all the hype died down, they realized that while they were informing America about all the scandals and stuff, that serious things were going on in the white house.  The media's like that, you know.

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Guest puppydog
I heard that people were getting on Bush's back because he "handled the war incorrectly" Geez...okay, to those people: YOU be president then. Then YOU can handle the war. Honestly, people don't know how hard it is to be presedent (neither do wolves of course), and yet they're hacking away as if he's supposed to do everything perfect, and they're just putting more pressure on him by doing that. Leave him alone, people!! It's all in the past and can't be changed! Get a move on!

But when you take the oath of presidency, you should be ready to face all the challenges that come.  It takes wisdom, commitment, and planning.  You just can't barge into war.

Okay, yes, he should have handled it better. It makes me wonder though: Why do they get on his back now rather than just after he did these actions?

Sarah's theory:

Because the media mainly covers entertainment.  The media was too busy covering things like the Michael Jackson investigation and Sigfreid and Roy and stuff, and then when all the hype died down, they realized that while they were informing America about all the scandals and stuff, that serious things were going on in the white house.  The media's like that, you know.

thats a good point... why couldnt i think of that? ah o well

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I heard that people were getting on Bush's back because he "handled the war incorrectly" Geez...okay, to those people: YOU be president then. Then YOU can handle the war. Honestly, people don't know how hard it is to be presedent (neither do wolves of course), and yet they're hacking away as if he's supposed to do everything perfect, and they're just putting more pressure on him by doing that. Leave him alone, people!! It's all in the past and can't be changed! Get a move on!

But when you take the oath of presidency, you should be ready to face all the challenges that come.  It takes wisdom, commitment, and planning.  You just can't barge into war.

Okay, yes, he should have handled it better. It makes me wonder though: Why do they get on his back now rather than just after he did these actions?

Sarah's theory:

Because the media mainly covers entertainment.  The media was too busy covering things like the Michael Jackson investigation and Sigfreid and Roy and stuff, and then when all the hype died down, they realized that while they were informing America about all the scandals and stuff, that serious things were going on in the white house.  The media's like that, you know.

That would make sence. I also figured that they decided that they would point out all the mistakes that Bush made because of the election campaign  :roll

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i gave up on watching the news and paying attnetion to the government...its all a bunch os scandals and cheating and lieing and rumors

Yes, the media gets rather twisted up especially at times like these  :sleepy:

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i gave up on watching the news and paying attnetion to the government...its all a bunch os scandals and cheating and lieing and rumors

But the government is FUN!  :o

I agree feeding off all of the pathetic lies that world leaders spout out and then pointing out all the obvious flaws is FUN!

ok yes that is fun but its not something u like to see in our government (lies, scandals, etc.)

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Guest puppydog
i gave up on watching the news and paying attnetion to the government...its all a bunch os scandals and cheating and lieing and rumors

But the government is FUN!  :o

fun.... i suppose sometimes but it makes people so mad sometimes  :D

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i gave up on watching the news and paying attnetion to the government...its all a bunch os scandals and cheating and lieing and rumors

But the government is FUN!  :o

I agree feeding off all of the pathetic lies that world leaders spout out and then pointing out all the obvious flaws is FUN!

Hee hee...

They have a button at Hot Topic that says "Don't act stupid.  We have world leaders for that."



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i gave up on watching the news and paying attnetion to the government...its all a bunch os scandals and cheating and lieing and rumors

But the government is FUN!  :o

I agree feeding off all of the pathetic lies that world leaders spout out and then pointing out all the obvious flaws is FUN!

Hee hee...

They have a button at Hot Topic that says "Don't act stupid.  We have world leaders for that."




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i gave up on watching the news and paying attnetion to the government...its all a bunch os scandals and cheating and lieing and rumors

But the government is FUN!  :o

I agree feeding off all of the pathetic lies that world leaders spout out and then pointing out all the obvious flaws is FUN!

Hee hee...

They have a button at Hot Topic that says "Don't act stupid.  We have world leaders for that."




so true...

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i gave up on watching the news and paying attnetion to the government...its all a bunch os scandals and cheating and lieing and rumors

But the government is FUN!  :o

I agree feeding off all of the pathetic lies that world leaders spout out and then pointing out all the obvious flaws is FUN!

Hee hee...

They have a button at Hot Topic that says "Don't act stupid.  We have world leaders for that."




so true...

true it is and the truth will eventually lead to my breaking free of the Matrix...

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Guest puppydog
i gave up on watching the news and paying attnetion to the government...its all a bunch os scandals and cheating and lieing and rumors

But the government is FUN!  :o

I agree feeding off all of the pathetic lies that world leaders spout out and then pointing out all the obvious flaws is FUN!

Hee hee...

They have a button at Hot Topic that says "Don't act stupid.  We have world leaders for that."



a must-have  :laugh:

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Guest puppydog
weve got a movie star for are govener if hes it who knows how far i can go hehe WORLD DOMINATION! NEW WORLD ORDER!



dont mind Skwerlhugger Will,hes just like that  :laugh:  :laugh:

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at what time?

if btwen 530 and 630 or past 7, i was busy.

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1- Are you an anarchist?dont know what it is. i'm 10

2- Are you a Bush supporter?yes he rocks. and he is a christian.

3- Do you say the Pledge of Alligence? yes i do

4- If so, do you mean it? no.but if we were'nt free i would realy! wish we would be free and had it.

5- Do you think Bush is doing his job? totaly he is doing a good. job and who ever runs agenst him i will always want him. you dont have someone like this every 4 years.

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and what does this have to do with hampton. and this is the biggest topic i have ever seen. and i go on a lot of forums and sites.
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Guest puppydog
1- Are you an anarchist?dont know what it is. i'm 10

2- Are you a Bush supporter?yes he rocks. and he is a christian.

3- Do you say the Pledge of Alligence? yes i do

4- If so, do you mean it? no.but if we were'nt free i would realy! wish we would be free and had it.

5- Do you think Bush is doing his job? totaly he is doing a good. job and who ever runs agenst him i will always want him. you dont have someone like this every 4 years.

wow i counldnt agree less to everything u just said.  :sleepy:

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1- Are you an anarchist?dont know what it is. i'm 10

2- Are you a Bush supporter?yes he rocks. and he is a christian.

3- Do you say the Pledge of Alligence? yes i do

4- If so, do you mean it? no.but if we were'nt free i would realy! wish we would be free and had it.

5- Do you think Bush is doing his job? totaly he is doing a good. job and who ever runs agenst him i will always want him. you dont have someone like this every 4 years.

Alright...I have a few more questions for you regarding this-


You said that you like Bush, and that he is a Christian.  Does that mean you like Bush BECAUSE he is a Christian?  Lots of other presidents have been Christians too, by the way.  


You said you say the Pledge of Alligence, then you said that you don't mean it.  First of all, if you knew what it was implying, would you still say it?  And second, if you don't mean it, then why do you say it?


I realize that you are only 10, but then again, I'm only 14.  And I was 13 when I started this topic.  So hopefully you can learn something here.  That's why I started it.

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2 3 4 5, donno what 1 is....I think bush is a great prez!! I wrote him a letter. I got one back, but I am not sure if he was the one who wrote it, lemme ask him...oh...ok....he said no. hehehehe, i talk to myself
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i am not too into politics, but kerry is worse than bush, so i'd vote bush, even if i were democrat.


adamantly, that's a good word. i like that word...

okay! heres my sitch:






go look at my poll in the stories, poems, and anything written forum down at the bottom. please answer it, so i can get a total tally when it's full!

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and no i dont like bush just because he is a christian. it is one reason. yes there has been other christians. but this one i like and is a christian.and i do mostly meen it but somethimes it is like not right now i will say it tomorow. but yes i do say it and i'm glad we can say it nowing that we are free. i want bush again. but it is to bad that then he cant do it again. why are we talking about this we aren't able to vote yet we are not old enough.
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Guest puppydog

go look at my poll in the stories, poems, and anything written forum down at the bottom. please answer it, so i can get a total tally when it's full!

wut poll.... im slow  ???

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i want bush again. but it is to bad that then he cant do it again. why are we talking about this we aren't able to vote yet we are not old enough.

What did you mean by that?  Dubya has only served one term, he can serve another.


Just because you're not allowed to vote yet doesn't mean you shouldn't care about the government.


Another question for you-  Do you know that OUR generation is going to be the one paying for the war in Iraq?  Prices of everything will be raised so that we Americans can pay for a war that some of us (like myself) did not want.

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no i didn't know that. but what do you mean. in pay. like in real money or in other ways not in money terms. and our generation. so in this time like these 20 years. because i am 10 i cant do anything with the war.
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no i didn't know that. but what do you mean. in pay. like in real money or in other ways not in money terms. and our generation. so in this time like these 20 years. because i am 10 i cant do anything with the war.



As to what I was saying about money, we will be paying in kinda/sorta money terms.  Like our taxes will be raised and the prices of things will go up, but mainly taxes and stuff.

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ok but i am only oops o almost said 10. but i dont pay taxes. well mybe i do but i dont buy anything. i haven't used my 500$  in the bank for about 4-5 years. so i dont pay taxes. unless i pay them in other things. but i do not have a job so my mom and dad pay for school and all that stuff that uses taxes.
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ok but i am only oops o almost said 10. but i dont pay taxes. well mybe i do but i dont buy anything. i haven't used my 500$  in the bank for about 4-5 years. so i dont pay taxes. unless i pay them in other things. but i do not have a job so my mom and dad pay for school and all that stuff that uses taxes.

But I'm talking in about ten to twenty years from now!  You'll be in the 20-30 age range, and certainly you will pay taxes then!

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what is the world coming to? why has the human population gone into this ever tightening downward spiral into oblivion? i pain and sigh as i watch the world die, slipping endlessly into hatred and sin! if i were but a bit less shy, less quiet, if i would only find the courage to speak out, i would let my voice be heard! i would tell every man and woman who ever never cared, i would let them know how much their greed and evil intentions has killed the youth generation! i shrink away at these awful deeds! bombs, planes, torture, and more! how many must die before we realize the answer is not war?! the answer is love. the answer is a quiet tone, an innocent intention, an understanding heart. the answer is an open mind. war is death. death is greif. greif is pain. no one likes pain. why cause it? we think we are civilized? ha! civilized my patooty! we are more beastly than lions, more grotesque in nature than the disemboweled antelope! we are worse than the creatures we scorn, they are more reasonable than humans! humans think they're so intelligent, then WHY DO WE KILL FOR NO REASON?!?! they kill for food, while we kill for pleasure and for what we think are noble reasons! the homo sapiens species is doomed! God, give me patience! Yeesh, what's the place coming to? I'd rather be a cat than a human. hey, i'd rather be a stinkin hyena than a human!



gee, hope this isnt too graphic to be posted. that's been in my heart and soul all day. maybe now the streptococcus will go away.  (btw, that's strept throat, for those who donno.)

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  • 2 weeks later...


Six US soldiers are in trouble for mistreatment of Iraqi detainees.  Apparantly, they made several detainees do things like pose nude for pictures and stuff...and they were all unaware of the Geneva thing.  Sad.

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Guest puppydog


what is the world coming to? why has the human population gone into this ever tightening dl deeds! bombs, planes, torture, and more! how many must die before we realize the answer is not war?! the answer is love. the answer is a quiet tone, an innocent intention, an understanding heart. the answer is an openownward spiral into oblivion? i pain and sigh as i watch the world die, slipping endlessly into hatred and sin! if i were but a bit less shy, less quiet, if i would only find the courage to speak out, i would let my voice be heard! i would tell every man and woman who ever never cared, i would let them know how much their greed and evil intentions has killed the youth generation! i shrink away at these awfu mind. war is death. death is greif. greif is pain. no one likes pain. why cause it? we think we are civilized? ha! civilized my patooty! we are more beastly than lions, more grotesque in nature than the disemboweled antelope! we are worse than the creatures we scorn, they are more reasonable than humans! humans think they're so intelligent, then WHY DO WE KILL FOR NO REASON?!?! they kill for food, while we kill for pleasure and for what we think are noble reasons! the homo sapiens species is doomed! God, give me patience! Yeesh, what's the place coming to? I'd rather be a cat than a human. hey, i'd rather be a stinkin hyena than a human!



gee, hope this isnt too graphic to be posted. that's been in my heart and soul all day. maybe now the streptococcus will go away.  (btw, that's strept throat, for those who donno.)

i think u need to rock out with some anti-flag,they speak your language

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Ok. I have a few questions.....and I as my post way way earlier in this or another us government topic...."Till my next rant"....


Here is sorta is....


Question 1) To those Christians (which I am not), Our government was founded on the King James Version of the Bible....and in the bible it says "Thou shall not kill".....And what is war....what do we send OUR people over to do?


Question 2)The Bible says God told Jesus to say" Let my father take revenge of those who have sinned against you. For if you take it upon yourself, the sin lies with you and therfore you are punished". Um....For one.....Iraq didn't hurt us but we go kill their people.....as for the Al Khida or however it is spelled used an aerial strike on us and we go kill their people. So are we as bad as they are?


Question 3) President George W. Bush said he was a "Christian", but his actions say other wise.......also....Isn't it a little odd that he picked up exactly where his dad left off and isn't it odd that he and Collin Powell said "Saddam Housein INFACT HAS WMD (weapons of mass destruction) and we shall send wmd experts over to find them....But have we found them? And if in FACT he did have them, wouldn't by now atleast say he had them and tell where they were?


Question 4) President Bush has said alot of junk. How much has he done? And WHY!! send over all of our troops to Iraq ......ALL of our troops?


Question 5) Since when the Hades did ex-pro-football players become more famous than what a regular soldier did, especially when the regular soldier did something more heroic?


Question 6) We spend more frigin money on Sports (Mainly football) than anything else, even our economic problems....and who is to blame? The government.....why?

They continue to let this happen and do not even try to fix our economic problems.


Question 7) I believe in communism....why? THEIR IDEAS ARE ALOT BETTER!!! Their idea of what your job is you get paid for what you do. All doctors get paid an amount of...lets say....400$ a year. Athlets get paid lets say 100$ a year or something you know. NOT 1 MILLION-BILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!!

That wastes money right there. Am I right?


Question 8*) Bill Gates, Oprah, etc...They have billions....but what do they do with it? NOTHING!! Bill Gates can give everyone in the U.S. 100$ for 1000 years and still have more than 10 Billion....And 1 $ to everyone in the world for 100 years and still have more than 10 billion......He has over 40 billion (not on him but on a slip of paper saying he is worth that much)....he lets it linger doing nothing.....our government....our economy stinks? Does anyone believe me?

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Ok. I have a few questions.....and I as my post way way earlier in this or another us government topic...."Till my next rant"....


Here is sorta is....


Question 1) To those Christians (which I am not), Our government was founded on the King James Version of the Bible....and in the bible it says "Thou shall not kill".....And what is war....what do we send OUR people over to do?

OKAY...since I started this topic I believe I should answer this-

I am a Christian, and I am also a pacifist.  I am not what someone would consider a very strong Christian, but I consider myself to be one and that's what matters for the moment.  If you look in this topic, you will see TONS of anti-war messages.  I did not want this war.  I believe that fighting is not necessary to solve a problem.  If you will look at my evaluation of the Pledge of Alligence, I think I mention something like that in the review.

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Question 2)The Bible says God told Jesus to say" Let my father take revenge of those who have sinned against you. For if you take it upon yourself, the sin lies with you and therfore you are punished". Um....For one.....Iraq didn't hurt us but we go kill their people.....as for the Al Khida or however it is spelled used an aerial strike on us and we go kill their people. So are we as bad as they are?

Okay, a personal observation: You know a lot about the Bible.

Okay, Iraq did not hurt us.  They never had any connections to buying that gas from Africa.  In fact, there is no proof that the "weapons of mass destruction" even existed.  As for Al Quieda, none (if I'm correct) of the 19 hijackers came from Iraq.  Why we ended up going over there is a mystery to me.  Society (or Bush's society, actually) is run by war, which makes no sense to me because he was AWOL from his

'patriotic duty'.

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Okay, I think this is enforced by the federal government, if it isn't I'm sorry...


What is it with the No Child Left Behind (I'll just say NCLB) policy?? It's probably one of the most education-deriving and contradictory things ever in existence. It's a free passage to classes or groups that disabled kids can get into without really earning their right into them like everyone else has to. I know disabled kids need opporitunities too, but deriving the right to learn from "normal" kids to acheive this is unneccesary.


Let's take an example. And this actually happened too. My high school has an audition only Jazz Band. Lots of people tried out including a handfull of 8th graders coming over to high school next year. None of them made this year's audition.


Now, there's this certain kid that's not an 8th grader but he didn't make it either. All of a sudden his parents come along and say he has some mental disorder. The band teacher, because of the NCLB policy, has to let him go into Jazz Band.


Now think about this. It's audition only. All the eighth graders (and some high schoolers too) tried their best and played their talents out but did not make the Jazz Band. And this kid comes and gets in without even having to audition well. This kid, lacking the talent/capabilities that everyone else needs to get in, gets a free lane into Jazz Band, without deserving it AT ALL, while all those 8th graders have to wait into next year to even just TRY again. Don't you think there's something wrong about that?? All these kids are getting free rights into sports and clubs and stuff without deserving it, and they're pushing other people, who have the talent and commitment to do it, out of the way...

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Yeah, it isn't right but you also have to think about the condition of the child. Many children with mental problems/disablilities and or such for one don't live long and it is hard to tell when their body will give. I still say they shouldn't have just let him become part of it but rather let him in as an extra or *example* say there can only be 37, but with the addition of a disorderly they should make it 38 or 39 to let a kid who had the talent to be allowed it.


But you would feel happy you got in if you were that disordered child......it is hard to actually tell what they feel like.....It isn't just all the retarted act everyone puts on....its alot more to it. I have had friends that have been mentally disabled and talked to them. Their life is more like your always dieing/you're already dead.


Yet I say again, I still say my suggestion should have been what was done and agree with you.

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Ok. I have a few questions.....and I as my post way way earlier in this or another us government topic...."Till my next rant"....


Here is sorta is....


Question 1) To those Christians (which I am not), Our government was founded on the King James Version of the Bible....and in the bible it says "Thou shall not kill".....And what is war....what do we send OUR people over to do?

OKAY...since I started this topic I believe I should answer this-

I am a Christian, and I am also a pacifist.  I am not what someone would consider a very strong Christian, but I consider myself to be one and that's what matters for the moment.  If you look in this topic, you will see TONS of anti-war messages.  I did not want this war.  I believe that fighting is not necessary to solve a problem.  If you will look at my evaluation of the Pledge of Alligence, I think I mention something like that in the review.

I know you started it and as I said "As I replied very very long ago" Agreeing with you and stating my beliefs........cause are government has some real problems..........Now Kerry..


Kerry has good ideas and everything but some things he has said and done are not so good. If it is between him and Bush, I say !Coup De Tat! or however it is spelled....

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Question 4) President Bush has said alot of junk. How much has he done? And WHY!! send over all of our troops to Iraq ......ALL of our troops?

Bush has done nothing but declare war and choke on pretzyls while watching football games.

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Question 5) Since when the Hades did ex-pro-football players become more famous than what a regular soldier did, especially when the regular soldier did something more heroic?

Well, America does care about sports, and they don't want to hear about some nerdy soldier with acne and glasses.  I guess it's the media's way of telling jocks that they too can serve their country or something...I actually have no idea why the media cares so much about the football player, I haven't been following that story much.

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Guest puppydog

Ok. I have a few questions.....and I as my post way way earlier in this or another us government topic...."Till my next rant"....


Here is sorta is....


Question 1) To those Christians (which I am not), Our government was founded on the King James Version of the Bible....and in the bible it says "Thou shall not kill".....And what is war....what do we send OUR people over to do?


Question 2)The Bible says God told Jesus to say" Let my father take revenge of those who have sinned against you. For if you take it upon yourself, the sin lies with you and therfore you are punished". Um....For one.....Iraq didn't hurt us but we go kill their people.....as for the Al Khida or however it is spelled used an aerial strike on us and we go kill their people. So are we as bad as they are?


Question 3) President George W. Bush said he was a "Christian", but his actions say other wise.......also....Isn't it a little odd that he picked up exactly where his dad left off and isn't it odd that he and Collin Powell said "Saddam Housein INFACT HAS WMD (weapons of mass destruction) and we shall send wmd experts over to find them....But have we found them? And if in FACT he did have them, wouldn't by now atleast say he had them and tell where they were?


Question 4) President Bush has said alot of junk. How much has he done? And WHY!! send over all of our troops to Iraq ......ALL of our troops?


Question 5) Since when the Hades did ex-pro-football players become more famous than what a regular soldier did, especially when the regular soldier did something more heroic?


Question 6) We spend more frigin money on Sports (Mainly football) than anything else, even our economic problems....and who is to blame? The government.....why?

They continue to let this happen and do not even try to fix our economic problems.


Question 7) I believe in communism....why? THEIR IDEAS ARE ALOT BETTER!!! Their idea of what your job is you get paid for what you do. All doctors get paid an amount of...lets say....400$ a year. Athlets get paid lets say 100$ a year or something you know. NOT 1 MILLION-BILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!!

That wastes money right there. Am I right?


Question 8*) Bill Gates, Oprah, etc...They have billions....but what do they do with it? NOTHING!! Bill Gates can give everyone in the U.S. 100$ for 1000 years and still have more than 10 Billion....And 1 $ to everyone in the world for 100 years and still have more than 10 billion......He has over 40 billion (not on him but on a slip of paper saying he is worth that much)....he lets it linger doing nothing.....our government....our economy stinks? Does anyone believe me?

i dont have time to answer all these but i'll do some


1)im not sure wut religion i am right now but thats not the point,i hate war! why cant people just talk?we settle things by killing people...its so messed up...



2) if ak is right and none of the 19 hijackers came from Iraq,then why did we even touch that palce?



And if in FACT he did have them, wouldn't by now atleast say he had them and tell where they were?
that would be too easy


4)he just loves his little wars


5)i think people like to watch sports so they dont have to think about real things that are going on and real people and there own lives.


6) its pairtly wut i said in 5 and i think the goverment dosnt stop it cuz it takes some attention off them maybe? or maybe cuz they like us to be brainwashed with other things while the sceam behind our backs.


7)it does waste money... do u know how many stavring bums u can feed with that money? lol


8)i think they could do some good with that money instead of spoiling themseleves and saying "oh im so happy im rich..."

but i must say Oprah does help some people... not enough but some

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7)it does waste money... do u know how many stavring bums u can feed with that money? lol


Yeah, I know. Our society has gone so glory glory that we forgot our humanitarian rights. Or whatever you want to call it.  


8)i think they could do some good with that money instead of spoiling themseleves and saying "oh im so happy im rich..."

but i must say Oprah does help some people... not enough but some


Yeah, some do help. But as I said

Bill Gates can give everyone in the U.S. 100$ for 1000 years and still have more than 10 Billion....And 1 $ to everyone in the world for 100 years and still have more than 10 billion......He has over 40 billion (not on him but on a slip of paper saying he is worth that much)....


That is ridiculous when something like that can be done.

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Question 5) Since when the Hades did ex-pro-football players become more famous than what a regular soldier did, especially when the regular soldier did something more heroic?

Well, America does care about sports, and they don't want to hear about some nerdy soldier with acne and glasses.  I guess it's the media's way of telling jocks that they too can serve their country or something...I actually have no idea why the media cares so much about the football player, I haven't been following that story much.

But if you think about it. They put the spot light on a selected few. Like that girl, the first rescued pow. Yes she was the first and was the first female pow rescued (in the military) but there were more females in worse conditions.

Jocks already know that they can join.

Also a problem with the government is that if you make like over certain amount of money and play pro sports or are an actor/actress or something, you're not going to be drafted or anything that has to do with the military.


Now how messed up is that?

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*clears throat* George Bush + Largest Nuclear Arsenal in the world x thinks he has the right to invade any Middle eastern country = Bye Bye Middle East and some of North Korea.

AnimalKidd will be so very happy that you have returned! :D

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*clears throat* George Bush + Largest Nuclear Arsenal in the world x thinks he has the right to invade any Middle eastern country = Bye Bye Middle East and some of North Korea.

Soldiers who don't belong + innocent Iraqi detainees X boring days = another scandal.




Bush+lies+cheating+war= crumbling nation.

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*clears throat* George Bush + Largest Nuclear Arsenal in the world x thinks he has the right to invade any Middle eastern country = Bye Bye Middle East and some of North Korea.

Soldiers who don't belong + innocent Iraqi detainees X boring days = another scandal.




Bush+lies+cheating+war= crumbling nation.

I agree with you AnimalKidd. And as for you, TGHL, go to "Warm Wishes" and search for "A New Award" and you will find a suprise.

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Bush Jr.+President+War=Makes Too Much Sense

Bush Senior+War=Bush Jr. Wants to Finish

Bush Jr+Bush Sr.= Buh Bye WORLD



I think Bush is starting the ultimate chain reaction that will destroy the earth and it's people. Maybe I'm being overly dramatic, but who knows....

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why those iraqi's did to(cant remember his first name) Berg was so wrong... *shakes head slowly*

Yes, it is.  But maybe they were doing that just so their voices would be heard.  I have no idea really where I stand on this issue...but since we're talking about this, then I guess I'll go right ahead...

Should Rumsfeld be fired?

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Bush + campaign = lost election

lost election + Florida votes= life-changing results

Florida votes + Jeb Bush= CHEATING!!!

Idiotic President with a IQ of 70 + terrorism x fake intelligence = HUGE MISTAKE!

Fake Photos of British soilders + the fact that they had been done by the Conservatives x Election year = Another Maggie Thatcher!!!

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why those iraqi's did to(cant remember his first name) Berg was so wrong... *shakes head slowly*

Yes, it is.  But maybe they were doing that just so their voices would be heard.  I have no idea really where I stand on this issue...but since we're talking about this, then I guess I'll go right ahead...

Should Rumsfeld be fired?

Well, for him being fired, I say yes. But as far as being fired because of our' Army soldiers harming Iraqi prisoners I say no.

Although he is the Secretary of Defense, and in my chain of command, he did not most likely tell them to do that. It is not entirely his fault because those people were humans nonetheless and rumsfeild is human. Mistakes can be allowed....however, Bush cannot make mistakes as our President/Commander In Chief. All of his decisions either harm or help us. I do not like Kerry, I do not like Gore, I do not like Bush. I wish someone else would run.

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why those iraqi's did to(cant remember his first name) Berg was so wrong... *shakes head slowly*

Yes, it is.  But maybe they were doing that just so their voices would be heard.  I have no idea really where I stand on this issue...but since we're talking about this, then I guess I'll go right ahead...

Should Rumsfeld be fired?

Well, for him being fired, I say yes. But as far as being fired because of our' Army soldiers harming Iraqi prisoners I say no.

Although he is the Secretary of Defense, and in my chain of command, he did not most likely tell them to do that. It is not entirely his fault because those people were humans nonetheless and rumsfeild is human. Mistakes can be allowed....however, Bush cannot make mistakes as our President/Commander In Chief. All of his decisions either harm or help us. I do not like Kerry, I do not like Gore, I do not like Bush. I wish someone else would run.

I do believe he should be fired, not only because of the Iraqis but because of everything else, all the bomb threats and everything.  Honestly, does he expect the American people to believe him when they (they being the President and his cabinet and stuff) say they had "no idea this was going to happen"?

I never really liked Bush.  I actually don't like Kerry that much either.  But hey, I'm figuring that he'll be better than Bush.  And if Bush wins, then that gives me four more years to wear my anti-Bush shirt.  Heh heh heh.

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why those iraqi's did to(cant remember his first name) Berg was so wrong... *shakes head slowly*

Yes, it is.  But maybe they were doing that just so their voices would be heard.  I have no idea really where I stand on this issue...but since we're talking about this, then I guess I'll go right ahead...

Should Rumsfeld be fired?

Well, for him being fired, I say yes. But as far as being fired because of our' Army soldiers harming Iraqi prisoners I say no.

Although he is the Secretary of Defense, and in my chain of command, he did not most likely tell them to do that. It is not entirely his fault because those people were humans nonetheless and rumsfeild is human. Mistakes can be allowed....however, Bush cannot make mistakes as our President/Commander In Chief. All of his decisions either harm or help us. I do not like Kerry, I do not like Gore, I do not like Bush. I wish someone else would run.

I do believe he should be fired, not only because of the Iraqis but because of everything else, all the bomb threats and everything.  Honestly, does he expect the American people to believe him when they (they being the President and his cabinet and stuff) say they had "no idea this was going to happen"?

I never really liked Bush.  I actually don't like Kerry that much either.  But hey, I'm figuring that he'll be better than Bush.  And if Bush wins, then that gives me four more years to wear my anti-Bush shirt.  Heh heh heh.

I wish Jesse Ventura would run for president. People over in Minnasota are trying to convince him to run. :cool:

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Guest Skwerlhugger Will
i dont like any of them the US seems like it always has to be in charge and if anouther contrey comes ahead of us we bomb them. Why cant irag have nuclear weapons when we have the most yeah you tell us bush. Past presidents gave russians like me a bad name. We destroyed the soviet union because of power just wait till some contry destroys us Bush!
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i dont like any of them the US seems like it always has to be in charge and if anouther contrey comes ahead of us we bomb them. Why cant irag have nuclear weapons when we have the most yeah you tell us bush. Past presidents gave russians like me a bad name. We destroyed the soviet union because of power just wait till some contry destroys us Bush!

Bush bombing? Bush Beating? Bush Obliterating Is what I'm in favour of. A nice little push into a Nuclear reactor and all is well in the world.

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Bush is really starting to annoy me...

starting?  :sleepy:

Well I can't say stopping!

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

I was thinking... continuing.

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

How about "Bush is starting to fan my flames of annoyance?"

:laughing       :laughing       :laughing      

Creatively worded!

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Guest puppydog
Bush is really starting to annoy me...

starting?  :sleepy:

Well I can't say stopping!

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

I was thinking... continuing.

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

How about "Bush is starting to fan my flames of annoyance?"

*continuing  :;):

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Bush is really starting to annoy me...

starting?  :sleepy:

Well I can't say stopping!

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

I was thinking... continuing.

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

How about "Bush is starting to fan my flames of annoyance?"

*continuing  :;):

You are so right Puppydog............... continuing. :laughing  :laughing

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Bush is really starting to annoy me...

starting?  :sleepy:

Well I can't say stopping!

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

I was thinking... continuing.

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

How about "Bush is starting to fan my flames of annoyance?"

*continuing  :;):

You are so right Puppydog............... continuing. :laughing  :laughing

Of course, you're right Puppydog. Bush only has to be breath to annoy.

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Guest puppydog

How about "Bush is starting to fan my flames of annoyance?"

*continuing  :;):

You are so right Puppydog............... continuing. :laughing  :laughing

course i am...

















:laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Guest puppydog

How about "Bush is starting to fan my flames of annoyance?"

*continuing  :;):

You are so right Puppydog............... continuing. :laughing  :laughing

course i am...

















:laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

well nvm but did u kno that iraq'a ruller is gonne be a sunni scientist(or so ive heard)

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How about "Bush is starting to fan my flames of annoyance?"

*continuing  :;):

You are so right Puppydog............... continuing. :laughing  :laughing

course i am...

















:laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

well nvm but did u kno that iraq'a ruller is gonne be a sunni scientist(or so ive heard)

You know that mad crazy person who they busted at 3 o'clock in the morning today. You know the person with the hook?

Here is a song just for him:

He's a one eye, one hand, mad iraqi, US killer

He's a one eye, one hand, mad iraqi, US killer

He's a one eye, one hand, mad iraqi, US killer

He's a one eye, one hand, mad iraqi, US killer


He's a sitting in his chair, sharpening his claw,

When all of a sudden, The SWAT comes through the door.

"It's Time to die boy for supporting Suddam"

Then he cuts up with his little clawed hand


He's a one eye, one hand, mad iraqi, US killer

He's a one eye, one hand, mad iraqi, US killer

He's a one eye, one hand, mad iraqi, US killer

He's a one eye, one hand, mad iraqi, US killer


In the INterregation room, he sitting with his claw

Scraping it all over even on the floor.

The Interrgator comes in and sits sown at the table

All thats left of him is a carving of the tower of Babel.


He's a one eye, one hand, mad iraqi, US killer

He's a one eye, one hand, mad iraqi, US killer

He's a one eye, one hand, mad iraqi, US killer

He's a one eye, one hand, mad iraqi, US killer

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AnimalKidd, we have a new poster who posted a question that you would enjoy answering in the Jokes, Riddles forum.  The topic is Hamster Tales and the poster is Ralph.  Invite him up here! :D

I'll go over there after posting this. :cool:

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lol so am i and i maust say im very imbarsed to be an amircan lol

oh and also mega wolf are u from berkeley /california?

:laughing  :laughing  LOL  :laughing  :laughing

Due to board rules, Mega Wolf cannot tell you what town or city she is from.  I left the city in there because I thought it was a great question and you deserved The Gold Star :star: Award for asking.


Mega Wolf... Berkeley.  I like that!

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I'm here.  My computer has been messing up lateely...I've been on the Mac a lot and it's very different.  I'm still here, though.  BTW, now that Ronald Regan has died, what is everyone's oppinion of him?  He was a former president, for all who have been living under a rock in Alabama and don't like to use the phone...or the internet...or read papers...or magazines...or don't like to talk to people... 8)
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I'm here.  My computer has been messing up lateely...I've been on the Mac a lot and it's very different.  I'm still here, though.  BTW, now that Ronald Regan has died, what is everyone's oppinion of him?  He was a former president, for all who have been living under a rock in Alabama and don't like to use the phone...or the internet...or read papers...or magazines...or don't like to talk to people... 8)

I liked president Regan. He was brilliant at politics. He was able to make sure that everyone thought he was stupid when he wasn't. That is the sign of a true politician. ANother good point about him is the brilliant way he made jokes insulting himself and everyone else. Here is one of his jokes that my dad told me.

"Lets pretend that we are in the future when medical science had advanced to the point when you can have brain transplants. This person is looking for a good new brain. THe doctor is showing him the ones on offer. 'Sir, this is our cheapest brain. High school drop out the usual non-acheiver. We're selling this for $100. THis is our next model, very average went through his exams and came out with grades B-C. $200. This is our second most expensive brain. Went to Havard and got a Phd in Pschology real top quality. $1000.  ANd here is our most expensive brain. It's an Irishmans brain and it cost $1,000,000.' The buyer says 'WHAT! FOR AN IRISHMAN'S BRAIN!' The doctor says in reply 'Well sir it has the advatage of never been used.'"

I have to say that is quite a racial joke but it was addmitadly funny.

Also on the subject of Politics, I would like to point out that the British Nationalist party and the British Idependence party and mad, old xeno-phobiacs who live in small flats in the consituency of Fletchley. THey are mad demented and one slice short of a loaf. They should never be granted any setas in the House of Commons and should be rounded up and locked away. They are stupid. THe BIP don't want Britain as part of the EU (THE STUPID B*******) and want to cut down on Immigration. And the BNP are just the new National front who are complete idiots who want Britain locked away from all races and religons that aren't Christian.

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I can't exactly say I liked Reagan because I was not around when he was president.  I guess that makes sense, right?  But from what I've seen, he looked like someone people really liked.  That's a lot coming from someeone who's not really a Republican.
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I've never heard of Reagan much...the only time I've heard of him was from Back to the Future part 1, where Marty was sent back to 1955 from 1985 and he runs across a guy named Doc. Doc doubts marty came from the future so he asks, "Who is president in 1985?" and Marty says "Ronald Reagan" and Doc's like "You mean the actor?  8) " And then Doc goes on about which actress should be the first lady and stuff :P
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In my social studies class today my teacher said that the rememberance of Reagan was complete trash. He said that Raegan was responsible for a sudden increase of poverty in the US and only cared about the rich, and that he made the rich get richer and the poor poorer. I'm not sure if that's true though.
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G.W.Bush. Cannot finish a question from the press without the words errr....... ermmmmm... ummmmmm......

He's tring not to say something wrong, or something that will just slip up, and reports think that they can sell lost of copies with a juicy artical as that.

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I have been waiting for AnimalKidd to appear and say something about the passing of President Reagan.

And what do you think Of President Regan?

One of the rules is that moderators are not permitted to give their political views.  Our job is to moderate. Sorry.  As a person, I think that President Reagan and his wife Nancy, were wonderful examples for America.

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In my social studies class today my teacher said that the rememberance of Reagan was complete trash. He said that Raegan was responsible for a sudden increase of poverty in the US and only cared about the rich, and that he made the rich get richer and the poor poorer. I'm not sure if that's true though.

I learned something that goes like this... if you do not have something nice to say, do not say anything at all.  When someone has passed away, I try never to speak ill of the dead.  I am weird that way. :P

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I have been waiting for AnimalKidd to appear and say something about the passing of President Reagan.

And what do you think Of President Regan?

One of the rules is that moderators are not permitted to give their political views.  Our job is to moderate. Sorry.  As a person, I think that President Reagan and his wife Nancy, were wonderful examples for America.

Wait...so members can do it but moderators can't?  8)

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In my social studies class today my teacher said that the rememberance of Reagan was complete trash. He said that Raegan was responsible for a sudden increase of poverty in the US and only cared about the rich, and that he made the rich get richer and the poor poorer. I'm not sure if that's true though.

I learned something that goes like this... if you do not have something nice to say, do not say anything at all.  When someone has passed away, I try never to speak ill of the dead.  I am weird that way. :P

Oh, well that's okay. It makes some sence. My teacher said that because...well that's my social studies teacher for you  :upside:

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Wow this topic is 75 pages already?  :o  As for Raegan, I don't really know much about him except that he stopped the cold war. I just think his death is getting a bit too much publicity (is that the only thing on?) but that's probably because we're all tired of hearing about who's blowing up who in the middle east. Glad I live over here.  8)
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Wow this topic is 75 pages already?  :o  As for Raegan, I don't really know much about him except that he stopped the cold war. I just think his death is getting a bit too much publicity (is that the only thing on?) but that's probably because we're all tired of hearing about who's blowing up who in the middle east. Glad I live over here.  8)

Well I don't blame everyone for mourning his death. He DID end the COld war didn't he so that is sort of a HUGE thing isn't it? I mean imagine if communism had taken over America. Everyone would be deported to leave in Alaska and wear fur caps and big boots.

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Well, I think the passing of Ronald Reagan is sort of big for a couple of things.


1. Only president to have been an actor previously.

2. President who has lived longest so far.


So I sort of think that it is a big deal that he has passed away. He had a love for Jelly Bellies Jelly Beans and a sense of humour.

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In my social studies class today my teacher said that the rememberance of Reagan was complete trash. He said that Raegan was responsible for a sudden increase of poverty in the US and only cared about the rich, and that he made the rich get richer and the poor poorer. I'm not sure if that's true though.

That's just WRONG! I mean, like Horatio said, If you haven't got something nice to say, don't say anything at all! Aren't teachers supposed to teach you that? I learned that in Kindergarten! In fact before, my parents told me! That's just wrong, or as my former classmates would probably put it, "That's just shady". I don't get why they like to call things shady when they don't think it's right to be said, don't ask me. It's not Reagan's fault he had his own ideas about things. Not at all! Sheez, that teacher doesn't really know much! I'm being such a hippocrit (i think that's how it's spelt) because i'm being so negative towards her...

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In my social studies class today my teacher said that the rememberance of Reagan was complete trash. He said that Raegan was responsible for a sudden increase of poverty in the US and only cared about the rich, and that he made the rich get richer and the poor poorer. I'm not sure if that's true though.

That's just WRONG! I mean, like Horatio said, If you haven't got something nice to say, don't say anything at all! Aren't teachers supposed to teach you that? I learned that in Kindergarten! In fact before, my parents told me! That's just wrong, or as my former classmates would probably put it, "That's just shady". I don't get why they like to call things shady when they don't think it's right to be said, don't ask me. It's not Reagan's fault he had his own ideas about things. Not at all! Sheez, that teacher doesn't really know much! I'm being such a hippocrit (i think that's how it's spelt) because i'm being so negative towards her...

Her? My SS teacher is a guy ;)


But again he said that because...that's who he is. It's hard for him to find anything nice to say about people.  :upside:


Yeah, I would have prefered if he didn't say anything at all, I guess.

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Wow this topic is 75 pages already?  :o  As for Raegan, I don't really know much about him except that he stopped the cold war. I just think his death is getting a bit too much publicity (is that the only thing on?) but that's probably because we're all tired of hearing about who's blowing up who in the middle east. Glad I live over here.  8)

Well I don't blame everyone for mourning his death. He DID end the COld war didn't he so that is sort of a HUGE thing isn't it? I mean imagine if communism had taken over America. Everyone would be deported to leave in Alaska and wear fur caps and big boots.

Somehow I don't think that would ever happen. Although I found it really amusing that Bush called Saddam a "thug."  :laugh:

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Wow this topic is 75 pages already?  :o  As for Raegan, I don't really know much about him except that he stopped the cold war. I just think his death is getting a bit too much publicity (is that the only thing on?) but that's probably because we're all tired of hearing about who's blowing up who in the middle east. Glad I live over here.  8)

Well I don't blame everyone for mourning his death. He DID end the COld war didn't he so that is sort of a HUGE thing isn't it? I mean imagine if communism had taken over America. Everyone would be deported to leave in Alaska and wear fur caps and big boots.

Hey...I have relatives in Alaska!

And communism isn't that bad, you know.  It's just the communist dictators that we have today that have made it so bad.

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In my social studies class today my teacher said that the rememberance of Reagan was complete trash. He said that Raegan was responsible for a sudden increase of poverty in the US and only cared about the rich, and that he made the rich get richer and the poor poorer. I'm not sure if that's true though.

That's just WRONG! I mean, like Horatio said, If you haven't got something nice to say, don't say anything at all! Aren't teachers supposed to teach you that? I learned that in Kindergarten! In fact before, my parents told me! That's just wrong, or as my former classmates would probably put it, "That's just shady". I don't get why they like to call things shady when they don't think it's right to be said, don't ask me. It's not Reagan's fault he had his own ideas about things. Not at all! Sheez, that teacher doesn't really know much! I'm being such a hippocrit (i think that's how it's spelt) because i'm being so negative towards her...

Her? My SS teacher is a guy ;)


But again he said that because...that's who he is. It's hard for him to find anything nice to say about people.  :upside:


Yeah, I would have prefered if he didn't say anything at all, I guess.

lol, oops! but still, they don't have to say things like that. they aren't supposed to, i don't think.

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The problem with communism is that its almost impossible to get it to work properly.  


Im America we rely on the law of supply and demmand to make the economy work: If people want somthing, there´s always a business that will be able to sell it to you at an competitive price. The free market works kinda like and invisible hand that makes sure that everyones needs are fufilled in the most efficient way. It´s the competition between companys that keeps the prices we pay down, and makes sure we get good quality products. This is called Capitalism.


The problem with capitalism is that with all this competition and trying to keep costs down and prices low, we forget about things like looking after the environment. Also if you don´t have any money to start with and have no way to pay,  you get left out of things because the companys dont make the things you need to buy.  This is what has happened to the people in Africa: the medicine companies almost only make drugs for illnesses in the rich world like heart diease. They don´t make so many drugs for illnesses like malaria because the people who have them are too poor to buy them, so it isnt interesting for the companies.  The government can spend money to help with theese problems of capitalism, but they will never go away.


Communism is where the government controls EVERYTHING, how much the companies produce, what the produce and how much it costs. The idea behind this is that they can share everything out in a fair way, taking care of the environment and making sure the poor people don´t get left out.  The problem is that it´s really difficult to control everything like that, and it´s impossible not to make big mistakes about how much of things your going to need. Also because there is no competition, and everyone works for the government, there is no reason to try to be efficient, of come up with better ways of doing things. the main problem with communism is that a small group of people have a huge amount of power, they control everything. And with so much power, even if you started off wanting to help people, it´s really dificult not to get greedy - this is what happens to lots of communist leaders.


Both communism and capitalism have problems, the best solution is somewhere in between, where you have a free market, but the government helps out now and again to keep things on the right track.


This is what I learnt at school, sorry if it was boring...I just wanted to clear things up.


Like animalkidd says, communism isn´t bad in theory it wants to help people- but in practice it is just too difficult to work and makes a lot of problems.

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Wow this topic is 75 pages already?  :o  As for Raegan, I don't really know much about him except that he stopped the cold war. I just think his death is getting a bit too much publicity (is that the only thing on?) but that's probably because we're all tired of hearing about who's blowing up who in the middle east. Glad I live over here.  8)

Well I don't blame everyone for mourning his death. He DID end the COld war didn't he so that is sort of a HUGE thing isn't it? I mean imagine if communism had taken over America. Everyone would be deported to leave in Alaska and wear fur caps and big boots.

Hey...I have relatives in Alaska!

And communism isn't that bad, you know.  It's just the communist dictators that we have today that have made it so bad.

I've got nothing against ALaska I just said communists would deport to Alaska because it has a near-Russian climate. I know communisim isn't bad it just can never work. See Animal Farm by George Orwell to see that I am right.

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The problem with communism is that its almost impossible to get it to work properly. 


Im America we rely on the law of supply and demmand to make the economy work: If people want somthing, there´s always a business that will be able to sell it to you at an competitive price. The free market works kinda like and invisible hand that makes sure that everyones needs are fufilled in the most efficient way. It´s the competition between companys that keeps the prices we pay down, and makes sure we get good quality products. This is called Capitalism.


The problem with capitalism is that with all this competition and trying to keep costs down and prices low, we forget about things like looking after the environment. Also if you don´t have any money to start with and have no way to pay,  you get left out of things because the companys dont make the things you need to buy.  This is what has happened to the people in Africa: the medicine companies almost only make drugs for illnesses in the rich world like heart diease. They don´t make so many drugs for illnesses like malaria because the people who have them are too poor to buy them, so it isnt interesting for the companies.  The government can spend money to help with theese problems of capitalism, but they will never go away.


Communism is where the government controls EVERYTHING, how much the companies produce, what the produce and how much it costs. The idea behind this is that they can share everything out in a fair way, taking care of the environment and making sure the poor people don´t get left out.  The problem is that it´s really difficult to control everything like that, and it´s impossible not to make big mistakes about how much of things your going to need. Also because there is no competition, and everyone works for the government, there is no reason to try to be efficient, of come up with better ways of doing things. the main problem with communism is that a small group of people have a huge amount of power, they control everything. And with so much power, even if you started off wanting to help people, it´s really dificult not to get greedy - this is what happens to lots of communist leaders.


Both communism and capitalism have problems, the best solution is somewhere in between, where you have a free market, but the government helps out now and again to keep things on the right track.


This is what I learnt at school, sorry if it was boring...I just wanted to clear things up.


Like animalkidd says, communism isn´t bad in theory it wants to help people- but in practice it is just too difficult to work and makes a lot of problems.

I still think that communism is better than capitalism.  Or maybe today's capitalism.


Okay, this is the problem with today's American capitalism...basically, it's that people are greedy.  Take a look at gas prices.  They have risen a LOT.  People have promised to lower prices, but that's not going to happen very much.  The prices have the chance to be lowered, but no one wants to lower them because they know that we will pay like two bucks for a gallon of gas.  


Okay my internet time is up, so I'll add more later.

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I think the best is somwhere between the two: let the market decide the prices and how much we produce in the areas that it works fine, but let the government control the realy important things like schools, roads and hospitals and thing that the people need, but can´t afford to pay for.


America is the most capitalist in the world, but even so it isn´t pure capitalist. In Europe they are more in the middle, because healthcare is free for everyone, for example.

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