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The us government


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Has anyone seen the photos from Mars??  They are really spectacular!!!  They have sent back color photographs which are so fantastic!!!!!!!  I am looking forward to when Opportunity lands and we have double the photos coing back!!!


:love:  :love:  :love:

Hampton and the Hampsters are on Mars as well (sort of).


See the URL below:




Interesting! I should show that to my family sometime.

You mother will think it is great.  Your brothers may not be too interested, so don't worry if they laugh.  I think it is fantastic!


:love:  :love:  :love:

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Has anyone seen the photos from Mars??  They are really spectacular!!!  They have sent back color photographs which are so fantastic!!!!!!!  I am looking forward to when Opportunity lands and we have double the photos coing back!!!


:love:  :love:  :love:

Hampton and the Hampsters are on Mars as well (sort of).


See the URL below:




Interesting! I should show that to my family sometime.

You mother will think it is great.  Your brothers may not be too interested, so don't worry if they laugh.  I think it is fantastic!


:love:  :love:  :love:

I'm glad they're finally doing more research. Soon our planet will be overpopulated. If it works, it looks like Mars may be where our future generations will live.

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Well considering that we might as well got shot to peices in a firefight between armed air marshals and terrorists, I don't think they will try by air.

I'm just pleased I always holiday in the UK.  With the caravan down in Devon, I've no need to fly anywhere.  John and I were supposed to be going to America this spring, but that's not going to happen, why......................


...............Now here is some news for you, a couple of people knew because I'd emailed them but anyway, but I may as well now let you all know, John and I have split up :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Oh no!  :eek  :(

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As far as Bush is concerned, I found my civics essay on this years elections. I wrote it last month.  :upside:



  Next year the presidential elections will be held once again. The choices are Bush, or any one of a handful of Democratic canidates. Personally, I don't like any of them. People who want to be president are often the least suited to do so. However, the presidential canidate that I feel will do the least damage in office is President Bush.


  The first reason why I think Bush would do the least amount of damage is he has Biblical beliefs. Of course everyone says, "Well not everyone belives in the Bible." I understand that. But this essay is not about what everyone else wants, it's about what I want. As a born again Christian, I hold Biblical values and therefore I do not support certain things that most democrats do. So far, Biblical law has worked very well for those who uphold it. As president, I think Bush will help keep all of the country's morals from dissappearing completely.


  Second is that he supports capital punishment. As stated in my death penalty essay, I feel capital punishment is the most effective way of dealing with murderers and preventing more murders. Most democrats do not uphold this form of punishment.


  My third reason why I feel President Bush will do the least damage is that he does not support gay marriage. Obviously anti-discrimination laws were placed in effect in order for us all to get along, but marriage is the sanctified union of a man and a woman. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.


  My fourth reason is that Bush is not pro choice. Again, this is a touchy issue, but I belive life begins at fertilization. Millions of people are killed every year by abortion. It's not right. They say that a woman should have the right to choose what happens to her body. She should, but not someone elses, and whether that someone else is inside of her or not doesn't matter.


  My fifth reason is how he's dealing with the war in Iraq. Many people out there are saying how horrible it is that innocent people are dying every day. This is blowing it way out of proportion. It's not like hundreds of people are being slaughtered every day. Only a few have died in service. And those people enlisted themselves in the armed forces. They knew the risk. It was their choice to serve our country, and that's what they're doing. Also, I feel that it will be difficult for another person to pick up and finish the war in Iraq. Have you ever picked up a half finished project that someone else was working on and tried to complete it? It's not easy. So let's allow Bush to finish and he'll be gone in four years.


  In conclusion, I feel that President Bush will do the least amount of damage in the White House. He hasn't seriously messed up anything yet, and hopefully he won't. The rest of the canidates will. So let's keep Bush in office and hopefully we'll see a better canidate in four years.



I know I've argued most of these issues already, so for anyone else who hasn't yet seen the whole topic, go back and look a past arguements. Just wanted to toss in the essay to put it in a nutshell.

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Has anyone seen the photos from Mars??  They are really spectacular!!!  They have sent back color photographs which are so fantastic!!!!!!!  I am looking forward to when Opportunity lands and we have double the photos coing back!!!


:love:  :love:  :love:

Hampton and the Hampsters are on Mars as well (sort of).


See the URL below:




Interesting! I should show that to my family sometime.

You mother will think it is great.  Your brothers may not be too interested, so don't worry if they laugh.  I think it is fantastic!


:love:  :love:  :love:

Only one of my brothers is living with me. The other is on his own  :upside:

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My mom found something in the news paper about the Patriotic act. She said, "They're saying that it lets the government look up your personal information or search your house without a warrant, but it doesn't let them look up your backround information if you buy a gun. It's so stupid!" Which I have to agree, that is kind of pointless. Just wanted to bring that up.


As for whether Bush should be re-elected, I'm not sure. I'll pray that whatever is best for the country happens. If he is re-elected I really hope that he'll remove the patriotic act, and if he is not, I hope whoever takes over gets rid of it. That act really angers me  :angry:

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Has anyone seen the photos from Mars??  They are really spectacular!!!  They have sent back color photographs which are so fantastic!!!!!!!  I am looking forward to when Opportunity lands and we have double the photos coing back!!!


:love:  :love:  :love:

Hampton and the Hampsters are on Mars as well (sort of).


See the URL below:




Interesting! I should show that to my family sometime.

You mother will think it is great.  Your brothers may not be too interested, so don't worry if they laugh.  I think it is fantastic!


:love:  :love:  :love:

Only one of my brothers is living with me. The other is on his own  :upside:

Duh...  I remember.  You told me that.  After you said that, my brain starting working again!


Did you show your family?

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Has anyone seen the photos from Mars??  They are really spectacular!!!  They have sent back color photographs which are so fantastic!!!!!!!  I am looking forward to when Opportunity lands and we have double the photos coing back!!!


:love:  :love:  :love:

Hampton and the Hampsters are on Mars as well (sort of).


See the URL below:




Interesting! I should show that to my family sometime.

You mother will think it is great.  Your brothers may not be too interested, so don't worry if they laugh.  I think it is fantastic!


:love:  :love:  :love:

I'm glad they're finally doing more research. Soon our planet will be overpopulated. If it works, it looks like Mars may be where our future generations will live.

Some wonderful photos were returned from Spirit.


Opportunity lands, hopefully successfully, on the 25th.  Let's hope that we get some additional good fortune in photos from Mars!!!


:D  :D  :D

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My mom found something in the news paper about the Patriotic act. She said, "They're saying that it lets the government look up your personal information or search your house without a warrant, but it doesn't let them look up your backround information if you buy a gun. It's so stupid!" Which I have to agree, that is kind of pointless. Just wanted to bring that up.


As for whether Bush should be re-elected, I'm not sure. I'll pray that whatever is best for the country happens. If he is re-elected I really hope that he'll remove the patriotic act, and if he is not, I hope whoever takes over gets rid of it. That act really angers me  :angry:

Have you ever read the book '1984'?  That too had draconian powers to invade people's privacy :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Yes and where was the party's base? Hmmm....? America!!! Don't you think George Orwell might just have been hinting something there? And Britain under the thumb of America? It soon will be if MR.Bliar (that was on purpose) doesn't kick G.W.Bush in the shins. :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  May ####-fire rain upon ye G.W.Bush!!

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Has anyone seen the photos from Mars??  They are really spectacular!!!  They have sent back color photographs which are so fantastic!!!!!!!  I am looking forward to when Opportunity lands and we have double the photos coing back!!!


:love:  :love:  :love:

Hampton and the Hampsters are on Mars as well (sort of).


See the URL below:




Interesting! I should show that to my family sometime.

You mother will think it is great.  Your brothers may not be too interested, so don't worry if they laugh.  I think it is fantastic!


:love:  :love:  :love:

Only one of my brothers is living with me. The other is on his own  :upside:

Duh...  I remember.  You told me that.  After you said that, my brain starting working again!


Did you show your family?

I emailed it to  my mom and dad. Dad thought it was interesting. Mom hasn't noticed it.

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My mom found something in the news paper about the Patriotic act. She said, "They're saying that it lets the government look up your personal information or search your house without a warrant, but it doesn't let them look up your backround information if you buy a gun. It's so stupid!" Which I have to agree, that is kind of pointless. Just wanted to bring that up.


As for whether Bush should be re-elected, I'm not sure. I'll pray that whatever is best for the country happens. If he is re-elected I really hope that he'll remove the patriotic act, and if he is not, I hope whoever takes over gets rid of it. That act really angers me  :angry:

Have you ever read the book '1984'?  That too had draconian powers to invade people's privacy :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Interesting. No, I havn't.

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Has anyone seen the photos from Mars??  They are really spectacular!!!  They have sent back color photographs which are so fantastic!!!!!!!  I am looking forward to when Opportunity lands and we have double the photos coing back!!!


:love:  :love:  :love:

Hampton and the Hampsters are on Mars as well (sort of).


See the URL below:




Interesting! I should show that to my family sometime.

You mother will think it is great.  Your brothers may not be too interested, so don't worry if they laugh.  I think it is fantastic!


:love:  :love:  :love:

Only one of my brothers is living with me. The other is on his own  :upside:

Duh...  I remember.  You told me that.  After you said that, my brain starting working again!


Did you show your family?

I emailed it to  my mom and dad. Dad thought it was interesting. Mom hasn't noticed it.

That's great about your Father and you Mother will notice.  She is probably busy, give her a bit of time.   :D

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As far as populating Mars is concerned, who's there to mind? All the intelligent (and unintelligent) life forms we know of are on this planet.

I have to say that Mars isn't as bigger intrest to me as Io, Europa and Venus. Io and Europa haev the conditions to support life and Venus looks as though it was Earth's twin however someting or someone polluted the atmosphere with something similar to our Greenhouse effect. Just saying that it looks as if Venus may have been as lucious and beautiful as Earth once was until it was polluted.

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As far as populating Mars is concerned, who's there to mind? All the intelligent (and unintelligent) life forms we know of are on this planet.

I have to say that Mars isn't as bigger intrest to me as Io, Europa and Venus. Io and Europa haev the conditions to support life and Venus looks as though it was Earth's twin however someting or someone polluted the atmosphere with something similar to our Greenhouse effect. Just saying that it looks as if Venus may have been as lucious and beautiful as Earth once was until it was polluted.

Io and Europa do look like optomistic places too. Venus has always been like that, I think it was created that way. I think the reason Mars was the location of choice is that it's closer and has water.

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Hey guys!  I'm back!  I was grounded.  Well, what I've found most interesting lately is that the person in charge of the weapons inspections said that there probably were NO weapons of mass destruction...interesting...

Ah! Animalkid how are you? Still on the rampage against the injustices that George.W.Bush is inflincting upon the world?

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Hey guys!  I'm back!  I was grounded.  Well, what I've found most interesting lately is that the person in charge of the weapons inspections said that there probably were NO weapons of mass destruction...interesting...

Ah! Animalkid how are you? Still on the rampage against the injustices that George.W.Bush is inflincting upon the world?

Of course.

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Hey guys!  I'm back!  I was grounded.  Well, what I've found most interesting lately is that the person in charge of the weapons inspections said that there probably were NO weapons of mass destruction...interesting...

Ah! Animalkid how are you? Still on the rampage against the injustices that George.W.Bush is inflincting upon the world?

Of course.

Hello and welcome back.  I am so sorry that you were grounded.  In fewer words or less, I have been grounded as well.  For the last two weeks, I have been taking tests and will be back on a posting spree beginning Tuesday!


In the meantime, I have a question...


Of the Democratics vying for the slot, who do you like the best, the least and why?  I am very curious!


:D  :D  :D

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Hey guys!  I'm back!  I was grounded.  Well, what I've found most interesting lately is that the person in charge of the weapons inspections said that there probably were NO weapons of mass destruction...interesting...

Ah! Animalkid how are you? Still on the rampage against the injustices that George.W.Bush is inflincting upon the world?

Of course.

Hello and welcome back.  I am so sorry that you were grounded.  In fewer words or less, I have been grounded as well.  For the last two weeks, I have been taking tests and will be back on a posting spree beginning Tuesday!


In the meantime, I have a question...


Of the Democratics vying for the slot, who do you like the best, the least and why?  I am very curious!


:D  :D  :D

Speaking of democrats, I saw a quote on the news once from a democrat. It was something like "Bush is handling the war in Iraq fine, but he fails to improve the life of the average american."


This got me a bit steamed. Who cares about the average american's life? It's not like the average american is sitting out on the streets with no food to eat and no home to live in! What's so important about the average american's life that has to be improved right this instant, huh? What's so important about the average american's life that we should ignore the troops in Iraq? What's so important about the average american's life that the president needs to drop everything else and "fix" it???

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Hey guys!  I'm back!  I was grounded.  Well, what I've found most interesting lately is that the person in charge of the weapons inspections said that there probably were NO weapons of mass destruction...interesting...

Ah! Animalkid how are you? Still on the rampage against the injustices that George.W.Bush is inflincting upon the world?

Of course.

Hello and welcome back.  I am so sorry that you were grounded.  In fewer words or less, I have been grounded as well.  For the last two weeks, I have been taking tests and will be back on a posting spree beginning Tuesday!


In the meantime, I have a question...


Of the Democratics vying for the slot, who do you like the best, the least and why?  I am very curious!


:D  :D  :D

I wasn't surprised when you asked that!   :D   I DON'T like Howard Dean, he's an airhead.  I haven't been able to watch very many of the debates, but for the moment, I'm for John Kerry.  I'm still surprised Rev. Al Sharpton hasn't dropped out!

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Hey guys!  I'm back!  I was grounded.  Well, what I've found most interesting lately is that the person in charge of the weapons inspections said that there probably were NO weapons of mass destruction...interesting...

Ah! Animalkid how are you? Still on the rampage against the injustices that George.W.Bush is inflincting upon the world?

Of course.

Hello and welcome back.  I am so sorry that you were grounded.  In fewer words or less, I have been grounded as well.  For the last two weeks, I have been taking tests and will be back on a posting spree beginning Tuesday!


In the meantime, I have a question...


Of the Democratics vying for the slot, who do you like the best, the least and why?  I am very curious!


:D  :D  :D

Speaking of democrats, I saw a quote on the news once from a democrat. It was something like "Bush is handling the war in Iraq fine, but he fails to improve the life of the average american."


This got me a bit steamed. Who cares about the average american's life? It's not like the average american is sitting out on the streets with no food to eat and no home to live in! What's so important about the average american's life that has to be improved right this instant, huh? What's so important about the average american's life that we should ignore the troops in Iraq? What's so important about the average american's life that the president needs to drop everything else and "fix" it???

These are great thoughts Jesse!  Thank you for expressing your views!

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Hey guys!  I'm back!  I was grounded.  Well, what I've found most interesting lately is that the person in charge of the weapons inspections said that there probably were NO weapons of mass destruction...interesting...

Ah! Animalkid how are you? Still on the rampage against the injustices that George.W.Bush is inflincting upon the world?

Of course.

Hello and welcome back.  I am so sorry that you were grounded.  In fewer words or less, I have been grounded as well.  For the last two weeks, I have been taking tests and will be back on a posting spree beginning Tuesday!


In the meantime, I have a question...


Of the Democratics vying for the slot, who do you like the best, the least and why?  I am very curious!


:D  :D  :D

I wasn't surprised when you asked that!   :D   I DON'T like Howard Dean, he's an airhead.  I haven't been able to watch very many of the debates, but for the moment, I'm for John Kerry.  I'm still surprised Rev. Al Sharpton hasn't dropped out!

Dean will probably not win Wisconsin, so you will be happy when he drops out of the race.    ???

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Hey guys!  I'm back!  I was grounded.  Well, what I've found most interesting lately is that the person in charge of the weapons inspections said that there probably were NO weapons of mass destruction...interesting...

Ah! Animalkid how are you? Still on the rampage against the injustices that George.W.Bush is inflincting upon the world?

Of course.

Hello and welcome back.  I am so sorry that you were grounded.  In fewer words or less, I have been grounded as well.  For the last two weeks, I have been taking tests and will be back on a posting spree beginning Tuesday!


In the meantime, I have a question...


Of the Democratics vying for the slot, who do you like the best, the least and why?  I am very curious!


:D  :D  :D

I wasn't surprised when you asked that!   :D   I DON'T like Howard Dean, he's an airhead.  I haven't been able to watch very many of the debates, but for the moment, I'm for John Kerry.  I'm still surprised Rev. Al Sharpton hasn't dropped out!

Dean will probably not win Wisconsin, so you will be happy when he drops out of the race.    ???

As for Dean-  If he dropped out, I could care less.  I think it's awesome Rev. Al Sharpton is running, it's just that here where I am I haven't heard very much about him at all.  Actually, I haven't heard much about the races lately at all.   :sleepy:

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okay, here's my opinions on everything.



okay! mars: it is interesting, but if we would take care of this planet, we wouldn't need to habilitate the fourth rock from the sun!


bush: i'm in a republican family, but i am appalled at bush's airheaded approach to schools and stuff. he is actually taking AWAY from schools and education funds, and guess who's paying for it? ME! ME AND MY FELLOW BRIGHT STUDENTS! to saddam's news? i agree with sheena that he has split the un in 2! and i'm only a kid!


israel: i just hope nothing happens in rehovot. ive a e-pen pal there. tho i havent heard from ayal in awhile...


bin laden: what a dork! he should just turn himself in, it'll save alot more lives, and he's going to die anyway, plus he's got a multimil dollar bounty on his diaper-covered head! i still dont see why people act this way.


hey! did anyone see the superbowl last sunday? janet jackson is so broke!

cbs is after her, as well as the FCC (family communication commitee) and the nfl. JT was joking about her "flashy" performance after the game!


why can't people just be nice for once? why can't we just get along? it would save a lot of unneeded deaths. if people would just stop hurting each other and take care of our home, everyone would be alot better off. but how unfortunate, eve turned the world upside down.


and jesusfreak has a point about homosecksual marriage. that includes lesbian and gay. God did create woman, so that adam could have kids and the earth would not waste with fish. i mean, there are boy cats and girl cats, right?


and wouldn't it be great if people were nice? i know i'm like broking record, (typo on purpose) but if i werent so shy, i would start a petition to get bush to end all wars, and get it worldwide, peaceful protest, and get the whole world to give up violence. we might still have smaller sins, (i know, jesusfreak, all sins are equal, it is in the bible) like lying, but we would be more ready to forgive if we just released all our grudges. i mean, there are many versions of prayers asking God for forgiveness, but they all say the same thing:


Dear God,

I am sorry for my sins, and I thank you for giving your son to save me. I ask you to forgive me that i may live my life with faith. I love you very much. Im Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.


that's the gist of it all, but i have to go to bed now. night all!


:sleep  :sleep  :sleep  :sleep  :sleep  :sleep  :sleep  :sleep  :sleep  :sleep

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Hey guys!  I'm back!  I was grounded.  Well, what I've found most interesting lately is that the person in charge of the weapons inspections said that there probably were NO weapons of mass destruction...interesting...

Ah! Animalkid how are you? Still on the rampage against the injustices that George.W.Bush is inflincting upon the world?

Of course.

Hello and welcome back.  I am so sorry that you were grounded.  In fewer words or less, I have been grounded as well.  For the last two weeks, I have been taking tests and will be back on a posting spree beginning Tuesday!


In the meantime, I have a question...


Of the Democratics vying for the slot, who do you like the best, the least and why?  I am very curious!


:D  :D  :D

Speaking of democrats, I saw a quote on the news once from a democrat. It was something like "Bush is handling the war in Iraq fine, but he fails to improve the life of the average american."


This got me a bit steamed. Who cares about the average american's life? It's not like the average american is sitting out on the streets with no food to eat and no home to live in! What's so important about the average american's life that has to be improved right this instant, huh? What's so important about the average american's life that we should ignore the troops in Iraq? What's so important about the average american's life that the president needs to drop everything else and "fix" it???

These are great thoughts Jesse!  Thank you for expressing your views!

:embarassed: Thanks.

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Hey guys!  I'm back!  I was grounded.  Well, what I've found most interesting lately is that the person in charge of the weapons inspections said that there probably were NO weapons of mass destruction...interesting...

Ah! Animalkid how are you? Still on the rampage against the injustices that George.W.Bush is inflincting upon the world?

Of course.

Hello and welcome back.  I am so sorry that you were grounded.  In fewer words or less, I have been grounded as well.  For the last two weeks, I have been taking tests and will be back on a posting spree beginning Tuesday!


In the meantime, I have a question...


Of the Democratics vying for the slot, who do you like the best, the least and why?  I am very curious!


:D  :D  :D

Speaking of democrats, I saw a quote on the news once from a democrat. It was something like "Bush is handling the war in Iraq fine, but he fails to improve the life of the average american."


This got me a bit steamed. Who cares about the average american's life? It's not like the average american is sitting out on the streets with no food to eat and no home to live in! What's so important about the average american's life that has to be improved right this instant, huh? What's so important about the average american's life that we should ignore the troops in Iraq? What's so important about the average american's life that the president needs to drop everything else and "fix" it???

These are great thoughts Jesse!  Thank you for expressing your views!

:embarassed: Thanks.

Thank you Jesse! Yeesh! Some people can be so selfish! I can't believe some people want us to leave now.

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Hey guys!  I'm back!  I was grounded.  Well, what I've found most interesting lately is that the person in charge of the weapons inspections said that there probably were NO weapons of mass destruction...interesting...

Ah! Animalkid how are you? Still on the rampage against the injustices that George.W.Bush is inflincting upon the world?

Of course.

Hello and welcome back.  I am so sorry that you were grounded.  In fewer words or less, I have been grounded as well.  For the last two weeks, I have been taking tests and will be back on a posting spree beginning Tuesday!


In the meantime, I have a question...


Of the Democratics vying for the slot, who do you like the best, the least and why?  I am very curious!


:D  :D  :D

Speaking of democrats, I saw a quote on the news once from a democrat. It was something like "Bush is handling the war in Iraq fine, but he fails to improve the life of the average american."


This got me a bit steamed. Who cares about the average american's life? It's not like the average american is sitting out on the streets with no food to eat and no home to live in! What's so important about the average american's life that has to be improved right this instant, huh? What's so important about the average american's life that we should ignore the troops in Iraq? What's so important about the average american's life that the president needs to drop everything else and "fix" it???

These are great thoughts Jesse!  Thank you for expressing your views!

:embarassed: Thanks.

Thank you Jesse! Yeesh! Some people can be so selfish! I can't believe some people want us to leave now.

You mean leave Iraq? I would express my opinion on that if I knew exactly what we're doing there (and why).

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so... nothing on my ranting?
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Hey guys!  I'm back!  I was grounded.  Well, what I've found most interesting lately is that the person in charge of the weapons inspections said that there probably were NO weapons of mass destruction...interesting...

Ah! Animalkid how are you? Still on the rampage against the injustices that George.W.Bush is inflincting upon the world?

Of course.

Hello and welcome back.  I am so sorry that you were grounded.  In fewer words or less, I have been grounded as well.  For the last two weeks, I have been taking tests and will be back on a posting spree beginning Tuesday!


In the meantime, I have a question...


Of the Democratics vying for the slot, who do you like the best, the least and why?  I am very curious!


:D  :D  :D

Speaking of democrats, I saw a quote on the news once from a democrat. It was something like "Bush is handling the war in Iraq fine, but he fails to improve the life of the average american."


This got me a bit steamed. Who cares about the average american's life? It's not like the average american is sitting out on the streets with no food to eat and no home to live in! What's so important about the average american's life that has to be improved right this instant, huh? What's so important about the average american's life that we should ignore the troops in Iraq? What's so important about the average american's life that the president needs to drop everything else and "fix" it???

These are great thoughts Jesse!  Thank you for expressing your views!

:embarassed: Thanks.

Thank you Jesse! Yeesh! Some people can be so selfish! I can't believe some people want us to leave now.

I think I'll leave this room now...

*runs out of door and into small carboard box where he hid from Horatio's legions of Quizoal Monkeys.*

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okay, here's my opinions on everything.



okay! mars: it is interesting, but if we would take care of this planet, we wouldn't need to habilitate the fourth rock from the sun!


bush: i'm in a republican family, but i am appalled at bush's airheaded approach to schools and stuff. he is actually taking AWAY from schools and education funds, and guess who's paying for it? ME! ME AND MY FELLOW BRIGHT STUDENTS! to saddam's news? i agree with sheena that he has split the un in 2! and i'm only a kid!


israel: i just hope nothing happens in rehovot. ive a e-pen pal there. tho i havent heard from ayal in awhile...


bin laden: what a dork! he should just turn himself in, it'll save alot more lives, and he's going to die anyway, plus he's got a multimil dollar bounty on his diaper-covered head! i still dont see why people act this way.


hey! did anyone see the superbowl last sunday? janet jackson is so broke!

cbs is after her, as well as the FCC (family communication commitee) and the nfl. JT was joking about her "flashy" performance after the game!


why can't people just be nice for once? why can't we just get along? it would save a lot of unneeded deaths. if people would just stop hurting each other and take care of our home, everyone would be alot better off. but how unfortunate, eve turned the world upside down.


and jesusfreak has a point about homosecksual marriage. that includes lesbian and gay. God did create woman, so that adam could have kids and the earth would not waste with fish. i mean, there are boy cats and girl cats, right?


and wouldn't it be great if people were nice? i know i'm like broking record, (typo on purpose) but if i werent so shy, i would start a petition to get bush to end all wars, and get it worldwide, peaceful protest, and get the whole world to give up violence. we might still have smaller sins, (i know, jesusfreak, all sins are equal, it is in the bible) like lying, but we would be more ready to forgive if we just released all our grudges. i mean, there are many versions of prayers asking God for forgiveness, but they all say the same thing:


Dear God,

I am sorry for my sins, and I thank you for giving your son to save me. I ask you to forgive me that i may live my life with faith. I love you very much. Im Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.


that's the gist of it all, but i have to go to bed now. night all!


:sleep  :sleep  :sleep  :sleep  :sleep  :sleep  :sleep  :sleep  :sleep  :sleep

I have quoted it for all who might have missed reading this post.  Thanks Topazia for expressing your views!   :)  :)  :)

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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong  :P

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  :upside:

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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong  :P

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  :upside:


































oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! NOT AGAIN! AGRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *hides in carboard box*

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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong  :P

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  :upside:

















































oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! NOT AGAIN! AGRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *hides in carboard box*

TGHL, I did that just for you because I knew that you liked the PTMY's so much!


:laughing     :laughing     :laughing


Okay, you can come out of the box now.

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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong  :P

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  :upside:





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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong  :P

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  :upside:






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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong  :P

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  :upside:






I quoth my earlier post:














































oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! NOT AGAIN! AGRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *hides in carboard box*

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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong  :P

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  :upside:







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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong  :P

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  :upside:









:laughing  :laughing  :laughing


I love these things!!!!!

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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong  :P

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Actually, as far as we in the UK go, we have to spel it wrong in order for it to work!  Over here it has a double 'r', ie embarrassed, but that doesn't work, look - :embarrassed:  :not at all embarrassed:

A spelling error was not the reason for the edit.  Jesse omitted the end colon.

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What does everyone think of the Democratic candidates that are still running?  Please give your oppinions on:  




and whoever else is running but doesn't have any publicity!  :D




I like John Kerry.  IMHO (in my himble opinion), Dean is an air-head and Edwards is over-playing his southern accent...

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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong  :P

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  :upside:









:laughing  :laughing  :laughing


I love these things!!!!!



Me too  :D

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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  








:laughing  :laughing  :laughing


I love these things!!!!!



Me too  :D



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Guest puppydog
I too was at school when 9/11 happened. I was in science class in 7th grade, and our teacher put up a projection of a plane hitting a tower. I thought that the plane accidently flew into it and didn't think much of it. But then our social studies teacher told us about how it was intentional and that the buildings collapsed...  :sleepy:

Do you remember how you felt when you heard that this action was intentional?

i kno im teribly late and ive been ready all these posts for hours now and i just had to say something about this.


i remeber how i felt,i felt horible.i was in 5th grade and they told u " a plane accidenty flew into one of the twin towers" and thats it...it didnt think much of it while i was at school. but when  i got home and saw the news i sad and ver angry.usally my mom would yell at me when i cursed but that day she didnt say anything...i was SOOO madd i went around cursing a screaming.and i cried alot too.

(this makes me feel bad)when my friend called me she was really sad beacuse she didnt kno if my dad worked in the one of the WTC and she was scared all day.(she was in 6th grade so they told her more than me) i felt ashamed that i didnt even think of that!

rmembering that day makes me sad and nervous and shakcy all over again.i was so filled with hate. then on tv 9a few days later or somthing) they showed iraqis dancing in the street and all happy and stuff.that really PO'd me! i went crazy and said everything bad i could hink of at the tv.i knew it wouldnt do anything but i did anyway.


i think 9.11.01 is a day i will NEVER forget...

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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  








:laughing  :laughing  :laughing


I love these things!!!!!



Me too  :D




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I too was at school when 9/11 happened. I was in science class in 7th grade, and our teacher put up a projection of a plane hitting a tower. I thought that the plane accidently flew into it and didn't think much of it. But then our social studies teacher told us about how it was intentional and that the buildings collapsed...  :sleepy:

Do you remember how you felt when you heard that this action was intentional?

i kno im teribly late and ive been ready all these posts for hours now and i just had to say something about this.


i remeber how i felt,i felt horible.i was in 5th grade and they told u " a plane accidenty flew into one of the twin towers" and thats it...it didnt think much of it while i was at school. but when  i got home and saw the news i sad and ver angry.usally my mom would yell at me when i cursed but that day she didnt say anything...i was SOOO madd i went around cursing a screaming.and i cried alot too.

(this makes me feel bad)when my friend called me she was really sad beacuse she didnt kno if my dad worked in the one of the WTC and she was scared all day.(she was in 6th grade so they told her more than me) i felt ashamed that i didnt even think of that!

rmembering that day makes me sad and nervous and shakcy all over again.i was so filled with hate. then on tv 9a few days later or somthing) they showed iraqis dancing in the street and all happy and stuff.that really PO'd me! i went crazy and said everything bad i could hink of at the tv.i knew it wouldnt do anything but i did anyway.


i think 9.11.01 is a day i will NEVER forget...

It is great to hear that your father was not injured.  This must have had a greater impact on you than for most people.  There are a number of emotions that run through you when you experience something as horrific as this.


It is okay that you commented, as your thoughts and feelings are very  important.  Thank you for posting.

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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  








:laughing  :laughing  :laughing


I love these things!!!!!



Me too  :D







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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  








:laughing  :laughing  :laughing


I love these things!!!!!



Me too  :D








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Guest puppydog
I too was at school when 9/11 happened. I was in science class in 7th grade, and our teacher put up a projection of a plane hitting a tower. I thought that the plane accidently flew into it and didn't think much of it. But then our social studies teacher told us about how it was intentional and that the buildings collapsed...  :sleepy:

Do you remember how you felt when you heard that this action was intentional?

i kno im teribly late and ive been ready all these posts for hours now and i just had to say something about this.


i remeber how i felt,i felt horible.i was in 5th grade and they told u " a plane accidenty flew into one of the twin towers" and thats it...it didnt think much of it while i was at school. but when  i got home and saw the news i sad and ver angry.usally my mom would yell at me when i cursed but that day she didnt say anything...i was SOOO madd i went around cursing a screaming.and i cried alot too.

(this makes me feel bad)when my friend called me she was really sad beacuse she didnt kno if my dad worked in the one of the WTC and she was scared all day.(she was in 6th grade so they told her more than me) i felt ashamed that i didnt even think of that!

rmembering that day makes me sad and nervous and shakcy all over again.i was so filled with hate. then on tv 9a few days later or somthing) they showed iraqis dancing in the street and all happy and stuff.that really PO'd me! i went crazy and said everything bad i could hink of at the tv.i knew it wouldnt do anything but i did anyway.


i think 9.11.01 is a day i will NEVER forget...

It is great to hear that your father was not injured.  This must have had a greater impact on you than for most people.  There are a number of emotions that run through you when you experience something as horrific as this.


It is okay that you commented, as your thoughts and feelings are very  important.  Thank you for posting.

yes,i was an angry little 10 year old with lots of bad thought...lol  :laugh:

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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  










I love these things!!!!!



Me too  :D











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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  










I love these things!!!!!



Me too  :D































GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not the PTMYs!

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If you, AnimalKidd, are unhappy with our government system, would you please explain what about the system makes you unhappy and what you would do to fix the system.  This could be a topic that provides great discussion!


Thank you.

Oh goodness don't get me started...


Okay...in my oppinion, Bush did not win.  Gore clearly won.  Gore called the recount, which was in the state of Florida.  Who was the governor of Florida?  Jeb Bush, George Bush's brother.  People have totaled up the votes in Florida, and Gore had majority.  George Bush entered office, took like, one month off in August for vacation, and when he came back, Americans suffered from the worst security blunder EVER (also known as 9-11).  He entered with the strongest economy and now, our economy is failing.  There was a poll that said that about 70% of British people believed that George Bush is the greatest threat to world peace.  I have a whole list (like, 56 things) of things that he has done that's just messed up.  I'll post them later, because I don't have enough time left online.  


I don't say the Pledge of Alligence.  It is a lie (I have why it is written down and I'll post it later).  By saying the Pledge, I am saying I agree with everything the government does.  And I don't.  More details later, my time just ran out.

You're right....Gore really did win...but thank GOODNESS for the Electorial College, if it werent for them Gore would be in...that guys so stupid. if he were in office right now we be in for ####...with all this terrorists crap and the whole 9/11 thing we'd be screwed. Bush is a good president. that's my opinion anyway....and you can't change the past so...GO BUSH!!!!!! :unclesam:

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GGGRRR!!! Who ever mods this, if you don't like this, you can delete it. I just really want to let this out. Why do people drag politics into everthing? Why can't we talk about hampsters and things that don't get us mad at each other? I hate it when people do this! it ruins some peoples fun to hear their party, democratic or republican, be bashed on. I wish poeple would leave the polotics for places meant for it! GAAAAK!

Okay. I'm done preaching. I'm sorry if I angered anyone. :sleepy:

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Guest puppydog
You're right....Gore really did win...but thank GOODNESS for the Electorial College, if it werent for them Gore would be in...that guys so stupid. if he were in office right now we be in for ####...with all this terrorists crap and the whole 9/11 thing we'd be screwed. Bush is a good president. that's my opinion anyway....and you can't change the past so...GO BUSH!!!!!! :unclesam:

oh gash katie...dont start...ok u can but dont start a war,ok?

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GGGRRR!!! Who ever mods this, if you don't like this, you can delete it. I just really want to let this out. Why do people drag politics into everthing? Why can't we talk about hampsters and things that don't get us mad at each other? I hate it when people do this! it ruins some peoples fun to hear their party, democratic or republican, be bashed on. I wish poeple would leave the polotics for places meant for it! GAAAAK!

Okay. I'm done preaching. I'm sorry if I angered anyone. :sleepy:

It is really good to express your feelings.  


:D  :D  :D

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Blarg! You posted it! I really, really didn't think you would! Thank you!

Why not?  These are your feelings.  There was nothing for me to edit.

I don't know why. I just thought you or whoever moded it wouldn't like it. But I am so glad that you let it on! :D

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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  










I love these things!!!!!



Me too  :D












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Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  










I love these things!!!!!



Me too












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GGGRRR!!! Who ever mods this, if you don't like this, you can delete it. I just really want to let this out. Why do people drag politics into everthing? Why can't we talk about hampsters and things that don't get us mad at each other? I hate it when people do this! it ruins some peoples fun to hear their party, democratic or republican, be bashed on. I wish poeple would leave the polotics for places meant for it! GAAAAK!

Okay. I'm done preaching. I'm sorry if I angered anyone. :sleepy:

Well? Does anyone agree w/ me? Or am I an army of one over here?

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Guest puppydog
Edited by Horatio on Feb. 06 2004, 5:35 am


I mustve spelt embarassed wrong

Actually, if I remember correctly, your spelling was perfect, you had forgotten the colon at the end of the word.  Easy one to do.

Oh, I see.  










I love these things!!!!!



Me too












guys  :angry:  seriouly go take this somewhere else ur ruining the topic...nobady can even talk abotu the government or w/e well ur in here! :angry:  


*Lauren is PO'd*

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GGGRRR!!! Who ever mods this, if you don't like this, you can delete it. I just really want to let this out. Why do people drag politics into everthing? Why can't we talk about hampsters and things that don't get us mad at each other? I hate it when people do this! it ruins some peoples fun to hear their party, democratic or republican, be bashed on. I wish poeple would leave the polotics for places meant for it! GAAAAK!

Okay. I'm done preaching. I'm sorry if I angered anyone. :sleepy:

Well? Does anyone agree w/ me? Or am I an army of one over here?

Aperantly so. :(

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GGGRRR!!! Who ever mods this, if you don't like this, you can delete it. I just really want to let this out. Why do people drag politics into everthing? Why can't we talk about hampsters and things that don't get us mad at each other? I hate it when people do this! it ruins some peoples fun to hear their party, democratic or republican, be bashed on. I wish poeple would leave the polotics for places meant for it! GAAAAK!

Okay. I'm done preaching. I'm sorry if I angered anyone. :sleepy:

Does anyone have any feelings about this?  


???      ???      ???      ???      ???

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Guest puppydog
guys  :angry:  seriouly go take this somewhere else ur ruining the topic...nobady can even talk abotu the government or w/e well ur in here! :angry:  


*Lauren is PO'd*

:(  Okay  :(



pout as much as u want *pouts back* its just serisouly not fair to us...please understand what i mean  :(

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If you look at all the other topics, they are all about things I can't really relate with.  My hamsters died and I don't like to make all my topics music related.  So I started this to have somewhere I knew I could post and actually remember where I posted it, because this board is so big.  In fact, I think that I only post regularly in three topics... Hmm.  Well this is what I have to say, and I invite you to take part in our discussion.


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Guest puppydog

If you look at all the other topics, they are all about things I can't really relate with.  My hamsters died and I don't like to make all my topics music related.  So I started this to have somewhere I knew I could post and actually remember where I posted it, because this board is so big.  In fact, I think that I only post regularly in three topics... Hmm.  Well this is what I have to say, and I invite you to take part in our discussion.


the board is big ive conqued it all  :D  well most of it  :upside:

y dont u like to talk about music?  8)

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If you look at all the other topics, they are all about things I can't really relate with.  My hamsters died and I don't like to make all my topics music related.  So I started this to have somewhere I knew I could post and actually remember where I posted it, because this board is so big.  In fact, I think that I only post regularly in three topics... Hmm.  Well this is what I have to say, and I invite you to take part in our discussion.


i'm sorry that I exploded like that. I was having one of the worst days ever, and I took it out on this topic. *hands out "I'm sorry" cards to anyone annoyed or offended by my post*

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If you look at all the other topics, they are all about things I can't really relate with.  My hamsters died and I don't like to make all my topics music related.  So I started this to have somewhere I knew I could post and actually remember where I posted it, because this board is so big.  In fact, I think that I only post regularly in three topics... Hmm.  Well this is what I have to say, and I invite you to take part in our discussion.


i'm sorry that I exploded like that. I was having one of the worst days ever, and I took it out on this topic. *hands out "I'm sorry" cards to anyone annoyed or offended by my post*

That's perfectly fine.  I'm not offended.  I have my share of bad days, too.

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If you look at all the other topics, they are all about things I can't really relate with.  My hamsters died and I don't like to make all my topics music related.  So I started this to have somewhere I knew I could post and actually remember where I posted it, because this board is so big.  In fact, I think that I only post regularly in three topics... Hmm.  Well this is what I have to say, and I invite you to take part in our discussion.


the board is big ive conqued it all  :D  well most of it  :upside:

y dont u like to talk about music?  8)

I don't know...I just don't like to.

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Guest puppydog

If you look at all the other topics, they are all about things I can't really relate with.  My hamsters died and I don't like to make all my topics music related.  So I started this to have somewhere I knew I could post and actually remember where I posted it, because this board is so big.  In fact, I think that I only post regularly in three topics... Hmm.  Well this is what I have to say, and I invite you to take part in our discussion.


the board is big ive conqued it all  :D  well most of it  :upside:

y dont u like to talk about music?  8)

I don't know...I just don't like to.

alright,do u want.... :)

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If you look at all the other topics, they are all about things I can't really relate with.  My hamsters died and I don't like to make all my topics music related.  So I started this to have somewhere I knew I could post and actually remember where I posted it, because this board is so big.  In fact, I think that I only post regularly in three topics... Hmm.  Well this is what I have to say, and I invite you to take part in our discussion.


the board is big ive conqued it all  :D  well most of it  :upside:

y dont u like to talk about music?  8)

I don't know...I just don't like to.

You could talk about Kerry winning Wisconsin.


:D  :D  :D

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If you look at all the other topics, they are all about things I can't really relate with.  My hamsters died and I don't like to make all my topics music related.  So I started this to have somewhere I knew I could post and actually remember where I posted it, because this board is so big.  In fact, I think that I only post regularly in three topics... Hmm.  Well this is what I have to say, and I invite you to take part in our discussion.


the board is big ive conqued it all  :D  well most of it  :upside:

y dont u like to talk about music?  8)

I don't know...I just don't like to.

You could talk about Kerry winning Wisconsin.


:D  :D  :D

AND Howard Dean dropping out... :laugh:

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If you look at all the other topics, they are all about things I can't really relate with.  My hamsters died and I don't like to make all my topics music related.  So I started this to have somewhere I knew I could post and actually remember where I posted it, because this board is so big.  In fact, I think that I only post regularly in three topics... Hmm.  Well this is what I have to say, and I invite you to take part in our discussion.


the board is big ive conqued it all  :D  well most of it  :upside:

y dont u like to talk about music?  8)

I don't know...I just don't like to.

You could talk about Kerry winning Wisconsin.


:D  :D  :D

AND Howard Dean dropping out... :laugh:

Who are you supporting in the Demotatic races, AnimalKidd? ???

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If you look at all the other topics, they are all about things I can't really relate with.  My hamsters died and I don't like to make all my topics music related.  So I started this to have somewhere I knew I could post and actually remember where I posted it, because this board is so big.  In fact, I think that I only post regularly in three topics... Hmm.  Well this is what I have to say, and I invite you to take part in our discussion.


the board is big ive conqued it all  :D  well most of it  :upside:

y dont u like to talk about music?  8)

I don't know...I just don't like to.

You could talk about Kerry winning Wisconsin.


:D  :D  :D

AND Howard Dean dropping out... :laugh:

Who are you supporting in the Demotatic races, AnimalKidd? ???

Kerry.  He has bad hair, but hey...he's better than John Edwards.  IF I was old enough to vote, though, I wouldn't vote for a Republican or Democrat...I'd look into the other parties running.

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If you look at all the other topics, they are all about things I can't really relate with.  My hamsters died and I don't like to make all my topics music related.  So I started this to have somewhere I knew I could post and actually remember where I posted it, because this board is so big.  In fact, I think that I only post regularly in three topics... Hmm.  Well this is what I have to say, and I invite you to take part in our discussion.


the board is big ive conqued it all  :D  well most of it  :upside:

y dont u like to talk about music?  8)

I don't know...I just don't like to.

You could talk about Kerry winning Wisconsin.


:D  :D  :D

AND Howard Dean dropping out... :laugh:

Who are you supporting in the Demotatic races, AnimalKidd? ???

Kerry.  He has bad hair, but hey...he's better than John Edwards.  IF I was old enough to vote, though, I wouldn't vote for a Republican or Democrat...I'd look into the other parties running.

Sorry for being so clueles, but there are other parties?  ???

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If you look at all the other topics, they are all about things I can't really relate with.  My hamsters died and I don't like to make all my topics music related.  So I started this to have somewhere I knew I could post and actually remember where I posted it, because this board is so big.  In fact, I think that I only post regularly in three topics... Hmm.  Well this is what I have to say, and I invite you to take part in our discussion.


the board is big ive conqued it all  :D  well most of it  :upside:

y dont u like to talk about music?  8)

I don't know...I just don't like to.

You could talk about Kerry winning Wisconsin.


:D  :D  :D

AND Howard Dean dropping out... :laugh:

Who are you supporting in the Demotatic races, AnimalKidd? ???

Kerry.  He has bad hair, but hey...he's better than John Edwards.  IF I was old enough to vote, though, I wouldn't vote for a Republican or Democrat...I'd look into the other parties running.

Sorry for being so clueles, but there are other parties?  ???

I wonder if there is a communist party  8)

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If you look at all the other topics, they are all about things I can't really relate with.  My hamsters died and I don't like to make all my topics music related.  So I started this to have somewhere I knew I could post and actually remember where I posted it, because this board is so big.  In fact, I think that I only post regularly in three topics... Hmm.  Well this is what I have to say, and I invite you to take part in our discussion.


the board is big ive conqued it all  :D  well most of it  :upside:

y dont u like to talk about music?  8)

I don't know...I just don't like to.

You could talk about Kerry winning Wisconsin.


:D  :D  :D

AND Howard Dean dropping out... :laugh:

Who are you supporting in the Demotatic races, AnimalKidd? ???

Kerry.  He has bad hair, but hey...he's better than John Edwards.  IF I was old enough to vote, though, I wouldn't vote for a Republican or Democrat...I'd look into the other parties running.

Sorry for being so clueles, but there are other parties?  ???

I wonder if there is a communist party  8)

there si still a socialist party and communist party over here! Though apart from talking about communism and Iraq and so on I wnat raise up an issue. Immagrancy.

I have a couple of points to make about immagrancy but first I must make this point: I AM NOT RASCIST!

About immagarncy: 1) Britain should only except immagrants from the HDC (highly developed countries)and should allow a controlled number of immagrants from places like the middle east an LEDC (Less economically developed countries)

2) If the immgrancy problem is not stopped Britain is going to become more and more overcrowded

3) Racial abuse is only going to get worse if people carry on coming over here

4) The countries they come from need them to develop economically

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If you look at all the other topics, they are all about things I can't really relate with.  My hamsters died and I don't like to make all my topics music related.  So I started this to have somewhere I knew I could post and actually remember where I posted it, because this board is so big.  In fact, I think that I only post regularly in three topics... Hmm.  Well this is what I have to say, and I invite you to take part in our discussion.


the board is big ive conqued it all  :D  well most of it  :upside:

y dont u like to talk about music?  8)

I don't know...I just don't like to.

You could talk about Kerry winning Wisconsin.


:D  :D  :D

AND Howard Dean dropping out... :laugh:

Who are you supporting in the Demotatic races, AnimalKidd? ???

Kerry.  He has bad hair, but hey...he's better than John Edwards.  IF I was old enough to vote, though, I wouldn't vote for a Republican or Democrat...I'd look into the other parties running.

Sorry for being so clueles, but there are other parties?  ???

Yeah, but you never hear about them.  My mom used to be a part of the Peace and Freedom party.  8)

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If you look at all the other topics, they are all about things I can't really relate with.  My hamsters died and I don't like to make all my topics music related.  So I started this to have somewhere I knew I could post and actually remember where I posted it, because this board is so big.  In fact, I think that I only post regularly in three topics... Hmm.  Well this is what I have to say, and I invite you to take part in our discussion.


the board is big ive conqued it all  :D  well most of it  :upside:

y dont u like to talk about music?  8)

I don't know...I just don't like to.

You could talk about Kerry winning Wisconsin.


:D  :D  :D

AND Howard Dean dropping out... :laugh:

Who are you supporting in the Demotatic races, AnimalKidd? ???

Kerry.  He has bad hair, but hey...he's better than John Edwards.  IF I was old enough to vote, though, I wouldn't vote for a Republican or Democrat...I'd look into the other parties running.

Sorry for being so clueles, but there are other parties?  ???

Yeah, but you never hear about them.  My mom used to be a part of the Peace and Freedom party.  8)

I have stayed out of this discussion because it for you all.  If you need help with the other parties, I would be more than happy to help, but first I would like to leave it to you.

:D  :D  :D

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If you look at all the other topics, they are all about things I can't really relate with.  My hamsters died and I don't like to make all my topics music related.  So I started this to have somewhere I knew I could post and actually remember where I posted it, because this board is so big.  In fact, I think that I only post regularly in three topics... Hmm.  Well this is what I have to say, and I invite you to take part in our discussion.


the board is big ive conqued it all  :D  well most of it  :upside:

y dont u like to talk about music?  8)

I don't know...I just don't like to.

You could talk about Kerry winning Wisconsin.



AND Howard Dean dropping out... :laugh:

Who are you supporting in the Demotatic races, AnimalKidd? ???

Kerry.  He has bad hair, but hey...he's better than John Edwards.  IF I was old enough to vote, though, I wouldn't vote for a Republican or Democrat...I'd look into the other parties running.

Sorry for being so clueles, but there are other parties?  ???

Yeah, but you never hear about them.  My mom used to be a part of the Peace and Freedom party.  8)

I have stayed out of this discussion because it for you all.  If you need help with the other parties, I would be more than happy to help, but first I would like to leave it to you.



I don't think I'm going to worry about the different parties right now.  For now, I'm going to concentrate on Election 2004 with the main parties (democrat vs. republican).  I heard that Ralph Nader might jump in again this year...now I know what the part of this song by NOFX means:  "The president's laughing 'cause we voted for Nader..."  I just now learned that if Nader hadn't ran in 2000, that Gore would have most likely won.  I feel really silly for just now knowing this.  :D

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About the immigration thing:

There's a big issue with immigration over here, too.  We're getting lots of illegal immigrants and they're getting jobs somehow...it's horrible, personally.  I know that they are fleeing from a horrible 3rd world country basically, but I really feel that people over here should get the jobs first.  Then again, everyone complains about not being able to find jobs, but there ARE jobs out there, they're just the jobs nobody wants, which is why the illegal immigrants get them.  :laugh:

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Guest puppydog
About the immigration thing:

There's a big issue with immigration over here, too.  We're getting lots of illegal immigrants and they're getting jobs somehow...it's horrible, personally.  I know that they are fleeing from a horrible 3rd world country basically, but I really feel that people over here should get the jobs first.  Then again, everyone complains about not being able to find jobs, but there ARE jobs out there, they're just the jobs nobody wants, which is why the illegal immigrants get them.  :laugh:

well at least someone gets them,right?  :laugh:

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If you look at all the other topics, they are all about things I can't really relate with.  My hamsters died and I don't like to make all my topics music related.  So I started this to have somewhere I knew I could post and actually remember where I posted it, because this board is so big.  In fact, I think that I only post regularly in three topics... Hmm.  Well this is what I have to say, and I invite you to take part in our discussion.


the board is big ive conqued it all  :D  well most of it  :upside:

y dont u like to talk about music?  8)

I don't know...I just don't like to.

You could talk about Kerry winning Wisconsin.



AND Howard Dean dropping out... :laugh:

Who are you supporting in the Demotatic races, AnimalKidd? ???

Kerry.  He has bad hair, but hey...he's better than John Edwards.  IF I was old enough to vote, though, I wouldn't vote for a Republican or Democrat...I'd look into the other parties running.

Sorry for being so clueles, but there are other parties?  ???

Yeah, but you never hear about them.  My mom used to be a part of the Peace and Freedom party.  8)

I have stayed out of this discussion because it for you all.  If you need help with the other parties, I would be more than happy to help, but first I would like to leave it to you.



I don't think I'm going to worry about the different parties right now.  For now, I'm going to concentrate on Election 2004 with the main parties (democrat vs. republican).  I heard that Ralph Nader might jump in again this year...now I know what the part of this song by NOFX means:  "The president's laughing 'cause we voted for Nader..."  I just now learned that if Nader hadn't ran in 2000, that Gore would have most likely won.  I feel really silly for just now knowing this.  :D

AnimalKidd, you had a number of requests for someone to tell them the parties of our government...it would be great if someone answered their question.   If you do not want to let me know and I will let post the answers.  It is just better if it comes from you as these boards are for the posters not the mods.  Thanks.  Let me know if you need any assistance.   :D  :D  :D

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these boards are for the posters not the mods.

What? The boards are for the mods, too! They have every right to post with the members!  :(

You are absolutely correct!!!  And post I do.  


It is just that topics such as politics, religion, etc, I want to leave to you all.  You can have fun and learn new things if I give you the freedom to think and speak for yourself.  


I am only speaking for myself when I say that on this topic I am not going to participate, except to help in making sure that the facts are straight and clear.  It makes me really happy to hear other points of view and I really enjoy when you express your political thoughts.


Please let me know what you think of the Democratic candidates.  It would be great to also get a discussion going about the various parties in the American political system.  


I love reading what you all write!!!


Jesse, thank you for your understanding on this topic.

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these boards are for the posters not the mods.

What? The boards are for the mods, too! They have every right to post with the members!  :(

You are absolutely correct!!!  And post I do.  


It is just that topics such as politics, religion, etc, I want to leave to you all.  You can have fun and learn new things if I give you the freedom to think and speak for yourself.  


I am only speaking for myself when I say that on this topic I am not going to participate, except to help in making sure that the facts are straight and clear.  It makes me really happy to hear other points of view and I really enjoy when you express your political thoughts.


Please let me know what you think of the Democratic candidates.  It would be great to also get a discussion going about the various parties in the American political system.  


I love reading what you all write!!!


Jesse, thank you for your understanding on this topic.

I think everyone knows what I think.  :D

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these boards are for the posters not the mods.

What? The boards are for the mods, too! They have every right to post with the members!  :(

You are absolutely correct!!!  And post I do.  


It is just that topics such as politics, religion, etc, I want to leave to you all.  You can have fun and learn new things if I give you the freedom to think and speak for yourself.  


I am only speaking for myself when I say that on this topic I am not going to participate, except to help in making sure that the facts are straight and clear.  It makes me really happy to hear other points of view and I really enjoy when you express your political thoughts.


Please let me know what you think of the Democratic candidates.  It would be great to also get a discussion going about the various parties in the American political system.  


I love reading what you all write!!!


Jesse, thank you for your understanding on this topic.

I think everyone knows what I think.  :D

Jesusfreak, I would like to hear your thoughts on the Democratic candidates, immigration policies and the various parties in the American political system.  I do not believe that you have voiced your opinion on these issues as of yet.


???  ???  ???

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these boards are for the posters not the mods.

What? The boards are for the mods, too! They have every right to post with the members!  :(

You are absolutely correct!!!  And post I do.  


It is just that topics such as politics, religion, etc, I want to leave to you all.  You can have fun and learn new things if I give you the freedom to think and speak for yourself.  


I am only speaking for myself when I say that on this topic I am not going to participate, except to help in making sure that the facts are straight and clear.  It makes me really happy to hear other points of view and I really enjoy when you express your political thoughts.


Please let me know what you think of the Democratic candidates.  It would be great to also get a discussion going about the various parties in the American political system.  


I love reading what you all write!!!


Jesse, thank you for your understanding on this topic.

I see. So you want us to talk, and not just have you talk all the time  :) It is interesting to hear what others have to say. Asking questions pushes our thinking more - nice job with that  :D

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these boards are for the posters not the mods.

What? The boards are for the mods, too! They have every right to post with the members!  :(

You are absolutely correct!!!  And post I do.  


It is just that topics such as politics, religion, etc, I want to leave to you all.  You can have fun and learn new things if I give you the freedom to think and speak for yourself.  


I am only speaking for myself when I say that on this topic I am not going to participate, except to help in making sure that the facts are straight and clear.  It makes me really happy to hear other points of view and I really enjoy when you express your political thoughts.


Please let me know what you think of the Democratic candidates.  It would be great to also get a discussion going about the various parties in the American political system.  


I love reading what you all write!!!


Jesse, thank you for your understanding on this topic.

I think everyone knows what I think.  :D

Jesusfreak, I would like to hear your thoughts on the Democratic candidates, immigration policies and the various parties in the American political system.  I do not believe that you have voiced your opinion on these issues as of yet.


???  ???  ???

Who ARE the canidates? I've never been told.  :(

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About the immigration thing:

There's a big issue with immigration over here, too.  We're getting lots of illegal immigrants and they're getting jobs somehow...it's horrible, personally.  I know that they are fleeing from a horrible 3rd world country basically, but I really feel that people over here should get the jobs first.  Then again, everyone complains about not being able to find jobs, but there ARE jobs out there, they're just the jobs nobody wants, which is why the illegal immigrants get them.  :laugh:

You've answered your own question.  The reason the illegal immegrants get jobs is that they will take the jobs nobody else will and often at a fraction of the wages that 'legals' will take.


About a week ago there were many deaths (I think 13) in Morcombe Bay in the North West of England.  These had been illegal immigrants working as cockle pickers on the beach.  They were not properly trained or supervised doing a back-breaking job and they got cut off by the tide.


They were working way down the shore and the tide turned.  It comes in at such a rate that it is impossible to beat it even if you run.  The water temperature is so cold that they didn't stand a chance.  Of course it then transpired that they were earning precious little for what they were doing.  For each £1.00 that a legal worker got doing this job, the illegal ones were getting a matter of pence, the profits going instead to the gang master  :penguin  :penguin  :penguin .

Gang master?  ???

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Guest puppydog
these boards are for the posters not the mods.

What? The boards are for the mods, too! They have every right to post with the members!  :(

You are absolutely correct!!!  And post I do.  


It is just that topics such as politics, religion, etc, I want to leave to you all.  You can have fun and learn new things if I give you the freedom to think and speak for yourself.  


I am only speaking for myself when I say that on this topic I am not going to participate, except to help in making sure that the facts are straight and clear.  It makes me really happy to hear other points of view and I really enjoy when you express your political thoughts.


Please let me know what you think of the Democratic candidates.  It would be great to also get a discussion going about the various parties in the American political system.  


I love reading what you all write!!!


Jesse, thank you for your understanding on this topic.

I think everyone knows what I think.  :D

Jesusfreak, I would like to hear your thoughts on the Democratic candidates, immigration policies and the various parties in the American political system.  I do not believe that you have voiced your opinion on these issues as of yet.


???  ???  ???

Who ARE the canidates? I've never been told.  :(

yea,i really dont kno either..and can someone please tell me all there thoughts good and bad on them....



as Horatio said,i like reading wut u guys say too

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these boards are for the posters not the mods.

What? The boards are for the mods, too! They have every right to post with the members!  :(

You are absolutely correct!!!  And post I do.  


It is just that topics such as politics, religion, etc, I want to leave to you all.  You can have fun and learn new things if I give you the freedom to think and speak for yourself.  


I am only speaking for myself when I say that on this topic I am not going to participate, except to help in making sure that the facts are straight and clear.  It makes me really happy to hear other points of view and I really enjoy when you express your political thoughts.


Please let me know what you think of the Democratic candidates.  It would be great to also get a discussion going about the various parties in the American political system.  


I love reading what you all write!!!


Jesse, thank you for your understanding on this topic.

I see. So you want us to talk, and not just have you talk all the time  :) It is interesting to hear what others have to say. Asking questions pushes our thinking more - nice job with that  :D

Thank you for the compliment.  I really appreciate hearing it from you.  That is exactly what I would like to see happen.

:D  :D  :D

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these boards are for the posters not the mods.

What? The boards are for the mods, too! They have every right to post with the members!  :(

You are absolutely correct!!!  And post I do.  


It is just that topics such as politics, religion, etc, I want to leave to you all.  You can have fun and learn new things if I give you the freedom to think and speak for yourself.  


I am only speaking for myself when I say that on this topic I am not going to participate, except to help in making sure that the facts are straight and clear.  It makes me really happy to hear other points of view and I really enjoy when you express your political thoughts.


Please let me know what you think of the Democratic candidates.  It would be great to also get a discussion going about the various parties in the American political system.  


I love reading what you all write!!!


Jesse, thank you for your understanding on this topic.

I think everyone knows what I think.  :D

Jesusfreak, I would like to hear your thoughts on the Democratic candidates, immigration policies and the various parties in the American political system.  I do not believe that you have voiced your opinion on these issues as of yet.


???  ???  ???

Who ARE the canidates? I've never been told.  :(

I would answer this, but I am going to let AnimalKidd have the first opportunity.  If she or someone else doesn't respond, then I will answer.  Is that okay with you?   ???

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About the immigration thing:

There's a big issue with immigration over here, too.  We're getting lots of illegal immigrants and they're getting jobs somehow...it's horrible, personally.  I know that they are fleeing from a horrible 3rd world country basically, but I really feel that people over here should get the jobs first.  Then again, everyone complains about not being able to find jobs, but there ARE jobs out there, they're just the jobs nobody wants, which is why the illegal immigrants get them.  :laugh:

You've answered your own question.  The reason the illegal immegrants get jobs is that they will take the jobs nobody else will and often at a fraction of the wages that 'legals' will take.


About a week ago there were many deaths (I think 13) in Morcombe Bay in the North West of England.  These had been illegal immigrants working as cockle pickers on the beach.  They were not properly trained or supervised doing a back-breaking job and they got cut off by the tide.


They were working way down the shore and the tide turned.  It comes in at such a rate that it is impossible to beat it even if you run.  The water temperature is so cold that they didn't stand a chance.  Of course it then transpired that they were earning precious little for what they were doing.  For each £1.00 that a legal worker got doing this job, the illegal ones were getting a matter of pence, the profits going instead to the gang master.

Gang master?  ???

The gang master is the person who contols and has power over these laborers.  He is in a position to take advantage of them because they are at his mercy, due to the fact that they are usually are illegal immigrants who need to work.  This is a form of exploitation.  Let me know if I confused you with this.

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About the immigration thing:

There's a big issue with immigration over here, too.  We're getting lots of illegal immigrants and they're getting jobs somehow...it's horrible, personally.  I know that they are fleeing from a horrible 3rd world country basically, but I really feel that people over here should get the jobs first.  Then again, everyone complains about not being able to find jobs, but there ARE jobs out there, they're just the jobs nobody wants, which is why the illegal immigrants get them.  :laugh:

You've answered your own question.  The reason the illegal immegrants get jobs is that they will take the jobs nobody else will and often at a fraction of the wages that 'legals' will take.


About a week ago there were many deaths (I think 13) in Morcombe Bay in the North West of England.  These had been illegal immigrants working as cockle pickers on the beach.  They were not properly trained or supervised doing a back-breaking job and they got cut off by the tide.


They were working way down the shore and the tide turned.  It comes in at such a rate that it is impossible to beat it even if you run.  The water temperature is so cold that they didn't stand a chance.  Of course it then transpired that they were earning precious little for what they were doing.  For each £1.00 that a legal worker got doing this job, the illegal ones were getting a matter of pence, the profits going instead to the gang master.

Gang master?  ???

The gang master is the person who contols and has power over these laborers.  He is in a position to take advantage of them because they are at his mercy, due to the fact that they are usually are illegal immigrants who need to work.  This is a form of exploitation.  Let me know if I confused you with this.

Okay. I thought the laborers were part of a gang for a second there  8)

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About the immigration thing:

There's a big issue with immigration over here, too.  We're getting lots of illegal immigrants and they're getting jobs somehow...it's horrible, personally.  I know that they are fleeing from a horrible 3rd world country basically, but I really feel that people over here should get the jobs first.  Then again, everyone complains about not being able to find jobs, but there ARE jobs out there, they're just the jobs nobody wants, which is why the illegal immigrants get them.  :laugh:

You've answered your own question.  The reason the illegal immegrants get jobs is that they will take the jobs nobody else will and often at a fraction of the wages that 'legals' will take.


About a week ago there were many deaths (I think 13) in Morcombe Bay in the North West of England.  These had been illegal immigrants working as cockle pickers on the beach.  They were not properly trained or supervised doing a back-breaking job and they got cut off by the tide.


They were working way down the shore and the tide turned.  It comes in at such a rate that it is impossible to beat it even if you run.  The water temperature is so cold that they didn't stand a chance.  Of course it then transpired that they were earning precious little for what they were doing.  For each £1.00 that a legal worker got doing this job, the illegal ones were getting a matter of pence, the profits going instead to the gang master.

Gang master?  ???

The gang master is the person who contols and has power over these laborers.  He is in a position to take advantage of them because they are at his mercy, due to the fact that they are usually are illegal immigrants who need to work.  This is a form of exploitation.  Let me know if I confused you with this.

Okay. I thought the laborers were part of a gang for a second there  8)

:laughing  :laughing

Well, in a sense, they are part of a gang.  Many years ago, there used to be chain gangs.  These were prisoners who were permitted out of jail, in a group, to accomplish work.  They were watched by a gang master or sheriff, someone who would, hopefully, not let them escape.  Today, in some states, prisoners still accomplish work out of prison.  For instance, you might see them picking up litter along the road.

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About the immigration thing:

There's a big issue with immigration over here, too.  We're getting lots of illegal immigrants and they're getting jobs somehow...it's horrible, personally.  I know that they are fleeing from a horrible 3rd world country basically, but I really feel that people over here should get the jobs first.  Then again, everyone complains about not being able to find jobs, but there ARE jobs out there, they're just the jobs nobody wants, which is why the illegal immigrants get them.  :laugh:

You've answered your own question.  The reason the illegal immegrants get jobs is that they will take the jobs nobody else will and often at a fraction of the wages that 'legals' will take.


About a week ago there were many deaths (I think 13) in Morcombe Bay in the North West of England.  These had been illegal immigrants working as cockle pickers on the beach.  They were not properly trained or supervised doing a back-breaking job and they got cut off by the tide.


They were working way down the shore and the tide turned.  It comes in at such a rate that it is impossible to beat it even if you run.  The water temperature is so cold that they didn't stand a chance.  Of course it then transpired that they were earning precious little for what they were doing.  For each £1.00 that a legal worker got doing this job, the illegal ones were getting a matter of pence, the profits going instead to the gang master.

Gang master?  ???

The gang master is the person who contols and has power over these laborers.  He is in a position to take advantage of them because they are at his mercy, due to the fact that they are usually are illegal immigrants who need to work.  This is a form of exploitation.  Let me know if I confused you with this.

Okay. I thought the laborers were part of a gang for a second there  8)

:laughing  :laughing

Well, in a sense, they are part of a gang.  Many years ago, there used to be chain gangs.  These were prisoners who were permitted out of jail, in a group, to accomplish work.  They were watched by a gang master or sheriff, someone who would, hopefully, not let them escape.  Today, in some states, prisoners still accomplish work out of prison.  For instance, you might see them picking up litter along the road.

In the UK there are also gang masters who get work for 'legals' as well.  They are not all baddies, sorry if I created that impression.


As to Horatio's other point about the prisoners in the chain gangs, John's father was also a prison office and when he worked at Dartmoor prison, he would look after the gangs working out on the Moor.  Although in the UK prison officers do not carry guns, because of the isolation of the Moor, John's dad did carry a shot gun in those days :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Rightly so he should have! Dartmoor is where the most igenous criminal minds and murders are locked away. Including DTH.


BTW, Do you like the snow phoenix?

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these boards are for the posters not the mods.

What? The boards are for the mods, too! They have every right to post with the members!  

You are absolutely correct!!!  And post I do.  


It is just that topics such as politics, religion, etc, I want to leave to you all.  You can have fun and learn new things if I give you the freedom to think and speak for yourself.  


I am only speaking for myself when I say that on this topic I am not going to participate, except to help in making sure that the facts are straight and clear.  It makes me really happy to hear other points of view and I really enjoy when you express your political thoughts.


Please let me know what you think of the Democratic candidates.  It would be great to also get a discussion going about the various parties in the American political system.  


I love reading what you all write!!!


Jesse, thank you for your understanding on this topic.

I think everyone knows what I think.  

Jesusfreak, I would like to hear your thoughts on the Democratic candidates, immigration policies and the various parties in the American political system.  I do not believe that you have voiced your opinion on these issues as of yet.


???  ???  ???

Who ARE the canidates? I've never been told.  :(

I would answer this, but I am going to let AnimalKidd have the first opportunity.  If she or someone else doesn't respond, then I will answer.  Is that okay with you?   ???

AnimalKidd...where are you!  I know that you know the answer to this and I want you to write your thoughts!!!


Please, please, please!!!


:D  :D  :D

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Guest puppydog
these boards are for the posters not the mods.

What? The boards are for the mods, too! They have every right to post with the members!  

You are absolutely correct!!!  And post I do.  


It is just that topics such as politics, religion, etc, I want to leave to you all.  You can have fun and learn new things if I give you the freedom to think and speak for yourself.  


I am only speaking for myself when I say that on this topic I am not going to participate, except to help in making sure that the facts are straight and clear.  It makes me really happy to hear other points of view and I really enjoy when you express your political thoughts.


Please let me know what you think of the Democratic candidates.  It would be great to also get a discussion going about the various parties in the American political system.  


I love reading what you all write!!!


Jesse, thank you for your understanding on this topic.

I think everyone knows what I think.  

Jesusfreak, I would like to hear your thoughts on the Democratic candidates, immigration policies and the various parties in the American political system.  I do not believe that you have voiced your opinion on these issues as of yet.


???  ???  ???

Who ARE the canidates? I've never been told.  :(

I would answer this, but I am going to let AnimalKidd have the first opportunity.  If she or someone else doesn't respond, then I will answer.  Is that okay with you?   ???

AnimalKidd...where are you!  I know that you know the answer to this and I want you to write your thoughts!!!


Please, please, please!!!


:D  :D  :D

she was on today....  8)

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these boards are for the posters not the mods.

What? The boards are for the mods, too! They have every right to post with the members!  

You are absolutely correct!!!  And post I do.  


It is just that topics such as politics, religion, etc, I want to leave to you all.  You can have fun and learn new things if I give you the freedom to think and speak for yourself.  


I am only speaking for myself when I say that on this topic I am not going to participate, except to help in making sure that the facts are straight and clear.  It makes me really happy to hear other points of view and I really enjoy when you express your political thoughts.


Please let me know what you think of the Democratic candidates.  It would be great to also get a discussion going about the various parties in the American political system.  


I love reading what you all write!!!


Jesse, thank you for your understanding on this topic.

I think everyone knows what I think.  

Jesusfreak, I would like to hear your thoughts on the Democratic candidates, immigration policies and the various parties in the American political system.  I do not believe that you have voiced your opinion on these issues as of yet.


???  ???  ???

Who ARE the canidates? I've never been told.  :(

I would answer this, but I am going to let AnimalKidd have the first opportunity.  If she or someone else doesn't respond, then I will answer.  Is that okay with you?   ???

AnimalKidd...where are you!  I know that you know the answer to this and I want you to write your thoughts!!!


Please, please, please!!!


:D  :D  :D

i'm not animalkidd, but here are my opinions

Edwards-not bad, not a strong canidate

Dean-um... NO( i think he dropped out, but i'm not sure) kinda scary too

Clark-dropped out but i think he was the best canidate. he was the most moderate therefore could beat bush. he won in my state. i like his veiws on education(for the most part)

Kerry- not bad i'm just not sure that he will be able to win over those people who aren't so sure about bush anymore. he is a bit to liberal.

Liberman- is a good canidate, if not the best(he had the most expierience), but he got in too late and didn't have the momenturm (his own former running mate backed another candidate) to win so he dropped out.

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i'm not animalkidd, but here are my opinions

Edwards-not bad, not a strong canidate

Dean-um... NO( i think he dropped out, but i'm not sure) kinda scary too

Clark-dropped out but i think he was the best canidate. he was the most moderate therefore could beat bush. he won in my state. i like his veiws on education(for the most part)

Kerry- not bad i'm just not sure that he will be able to win over those people who aren't so sure about bush anymore. he is a bit to liberal.

Liberman- is a good canidate, if not the best(he had the most expierience), but he got in too late and didn't have the momenturm (his own former running mate backed another candidate) to win so he dropped out.

Wow! That is great Solrai117.  Would you please do me a favor and stop in on the topic Forms of Government and try and help puppydog?  I would greatly appreciate anyone getting involved in this discussion.

Thank you all!!!

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i'm not animalkidd, but here are my opinions

Edwards-not bad, not a strong canidate

Dean-um... NO( i think he dropped out, but i'm not sure) kinda scary too

Clark-dropped out but i think he was the best canidate. he was the most moderate therefore could beat bush. he won in my state. i like his veiws on education(for the most part)

Kerry- not bad i'm just not sure that he will be able to win over those people who aren't so sure about bush anymore. he is a bit to liberal.

Liberman- is a good canidate, if not the best(he had the most expierience), but he got in too late and didn't have the momenturm (his own former running mate backed another candidate) to win so he dropped out.

Wow! That is great Solrai117.  Would you please do me a favor and stop in on the topic Forms of Government and try and help puppydog?  I would greatly appreciate anyone getting involved in this discussion.

Thank you all!!!

sure, y not

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I'm terribly sorry, I was sick for awhile and couldn't make it to the computer easily.  WELL I did some research and here are most political parties...

(NOTE: The parties I knew existed have a * by them.  Most of these parties are new to me.)

Democratic Party (DNC)*

Republican Party (RNC) *

America First Party

American Party

American Heritage Party  

American Nazi Party *

American Reform Party

Christian Falangist Party of America -

Communist Party USA *

Constitution Party

Constitutional Action Party

Family Values Party

Freedom Socialist Party / Radical Women

Grassroots Party

Green Party of the United States (Green Party) *

The Greens/Green Party USA (G/GPUSA)

Independence Party

Independent American Party

Labor Party

Libertarian Party *

Light Party

Natural Law Party

New Party

New Union Party

Peace & Freedom Party *

Prohibition Party

Reform Party

The Revolution

Socialist Party USA *

Socialist Action

Socialist Equality Party

Socialist Labor Party

Socialist Workers Party.

Southern Party

Southern Independence Party

U.S. Pacifist Party *

We The People Party  

Workers World Party

American Falangist Party

American Patriot Party

Constitutionalist Party

Democratic Socialists of America

Knights Party * (also known as the KKK)

Libertarian National Socialist Green Party

Multicapitalist Party

Pansexual Peace Party

Pot Party

Progressive Labor Party

Revolutionary Communist Party USA

Social Democrats USA

The Third Party *

U.S. Marijuana Party

Workers Party, USA.

Veterans Party of America *

World Socialist Party of the USA

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I think Bush should be re-elected, not because he's some "great leader" but because he's probably the best choice.


I think that Kerry wont get the votes that he thinks he's gonna get and his words are very vague about every standpoint thrown at him! His election campaign is gonna be so huge that he will get more votes than Bush expected but not enough.... That's if he dosent drop out.

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I think Bush should be re-elected, not because he's some "great leader" but because he's probably the best choice.


I think that Kerry wont get the votes that he thinks he's gonna get and his words are very vague about every standpoint thrown at him! His election campaign is gonna be so huge that he will get more votes than Bush expected but not enough.... That's if he dosent drop out.

Yeah I'm pretty much with you on that one.

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Really, most of this topic is against Bush, lol.

Yeah, and so is most of my school. But really, Bush is the closest to our founding fathers, and the country was a lot better when they were around.

Really?  What were conditions really like then?  What happened if someone was ill or a crime was committed :penguin  ???  :penguin ?

it is true that stuff is different now, but times are different.

women can now vote, definatly better

no slavery

we just think of the "good old days"

i am not sure bush is much like any of our founding fathers nor that that is a good thing if he were

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Candidates for presidency that have major publicity-


Kerry (has to win dems.)

Edwards (has to win dems.)


Sharpton (has to win dems.)

I do believe Leiberman dropped out.

Erm...what's dems.?  ???

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Really, most of this topic is against Bush, lol.

Yeah, and so is most of my school. But really, Bush is the closest to our founding fathers, and the country was a lot better when they were around.

Really?  What were conditions really like then?  What happened if someone was ill or a crime was committed :penguin  ???  :penguin ?

it is true that stuff is different now, but times are different.

women can now vote, definatly better

no slavery

we just think of the "good old days"

i am not sure bush is much like any of our founding fathers nor that that is a good thing if he were

Thanks for the contribution, I was trying to get people to think about what life really was like in 'the good old days' :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

I think that things were alot more peaceful, but I don't think that we could have these message boards and video games, lol.

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Guest puppydog
Really, most of this topic is against Bush, lol.

Yeah, and so is most of my school. But really, Bush is the closest to our founding fathers, and the country was a lot better when they were around.

Really?  What were conditions really like then?  What happened if someone was ill or a crime was committed :penguin  ???  :penguin ?

it is true that stuff is different now, but times are different.

women can now vote, definatly better

no slavery

we just think of the "good old days"

i am not sure bush is much like any of our founding fathers nor that that is a good thing if he were

Thanks for the contribution, I was trying to get people to think about what life really was like in 'the good old days' :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

I think that things were alot more peaceful, but I don't think that we could have these message boards and video games, lol.

We deffinately wou;ldn't have had these boards :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin !

and that would stink

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Candidates for presidency that have major publicity-


Kerry (has to win dems.)

Edwards (has to win dems.)


Sharpton (has to win dems.)

I do believe Leiberman dropped out.

Erm...what's dems.?  ???

Democrats with a guess :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

You're probably right.

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Really, most of this topic is against Bush, lol.

Yeah, and so is most of my school. But really, Bush is the closest to our founding fathers, and the country was a lot better when they were around.

Really?  What were conditions really like then?  What happened if someone was ill or a crime was committed :penguin  ???  :penguin ?

it is true that stuff is different now, but times are different.

women can now vote, definatly better

no slavery

we just think of the "good old days"

i am not sure bush is much like any of our founding fathers nor that that is a good thing if he were

Thanks for the contribution, I was trying to get people to think about what life really was like in 'the good old days' :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

I think that things were alot more peaceful, but I don't think that we could have these message boards and video games, lol.

We deffinately wou;ldn't have had these boards :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin !

Tommorow is a mystery...yesterday is history...today is a gift...Thats why they call it the Present! :laughing

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Really, most of this topic is against Bush, lol.

Yeah, and so is most of my school. But really, Bush is the closest to our founding fathers, and the country was a lot better when they were around.

Really?  What were conditions really like then?  What happened if someone was ill or a crime was committed :penguin  ???  :penguin ?

it is true that stuff is different now, but times are different.

women can now vote, definatly better

no slavery

we just think of the "good old days"

i am not sure bush is much like any of our founding fathers nor that that is a good thing if he were

Thanks for the contribution, I was trying to get people to think about what life really was like in 'the good old days' :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

I think that things were alot more peaceful, but I don't think that we could have these message boards and video games, lol.

more peaceful????


attachs on and by native americans

revolutionary war

war of 1812


civil war

jim crow laws

racial discrimination(not only african americans but irsh)

persucution by religion(pre revolution primarily but signs saying no irish or catholics allowed out side of shops)

sure there are bad things, but again, we are overlooking all the faults looking for a better time.

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Candidates for presidency that have major publicity-


Kerry (has to win dems.)

Edwards (has to win dems.)


Sharpton (has to win dems.)

I do believe Leiberman dropped out.

Erm...what's dems.?  ???

Democrats with a guess :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

no, can't be democrats, sharpton is a rupublican. i think it means something close to primaries(maybe)

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Candidates for presidency that have major publicity-


Kerry (has to win dems.)

Edwards (has to win dems.)


Sharpton (has to win dems.)

I do believe Leiberman dropped out.

Erm...what's dems.?  ???

Democrats with a guess :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

no, can't be democrats, sharpton is a rupublican. i think it means something close to primaries(maybe)

Unless she meant 'beat' instead of 'win' :penguin  ???  :penguin ?

She is telling Democrats that Kerry, Edwards, and Sharpton.


They are all democrats.

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Candidates for presidency that have major publicity-


Kerry (has to win dems.)

Edwards (has to win dems.)


Sharpton (has to win dems.)

I do believe Leiberman dropped out.

Erm...what's dems.?  ???

Democratic/republican primaries.

What's a primary? Lol sorry for the stupidity  :P

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WAIT!  Hold on HampsterDancers!!!


My use of "has to win dems." means they have to win the DEMOCRATIC elections and be the one featured at the democratic convention.  There is no way that republicans are in "has to win dems."  So sorry for the confusion!!!


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SuPeR TuEsDaY was today!


For those that can vote or have parents who told you who they voted for, who did your/their vote go to?


We're not in the area that was Super Tuesday today, but my mom voted already.  She voted for John Edwards... 8)

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SuPeR TuEsDaY was today!


For those that can vote or have parents who told you who they voted for, who did your/their vote go to?


We're not in the area that was Super Tuesday today, but my mom voted already.  She voted for John Edwards... 8)

I'm taking it that super Tuesday was the vote to see which Dem canidate runs for prez? Sorry I've been kinda out of it lately. Wherever it is I doubt my parents voted for any of them, we prefer Bush. But I personally say my pastor would do a better job.  :upside:

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SuPeR TuEsDaY was today!


For those that can vote or have parents who told you who they voted for, who did your/their vote go to?


We're not in the area that was Super Tuesday today, but my mom voted already.  She voted for John Edwards... 8)

I'm taking it that super Tuesday was the vote to see which Dem canidate runs for prez? Sorry I've been kinda out of it lately. Wherever it is I doubt my parents voted for any of them, we prefer Bush. But I personally say my pastor would do a better job.  :upside:

Super Tuesday is just a day when ten states did their primaries.  We haven't finished determinibg who the candidate is yet.

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My mom didn't vote for it because we are not democrats.


We are for Bush, but at the same time against him, he is not a very good candidate, if you look at some of the past democratic presidents they are alot better. But Bush is still way better than Kerry and Edwards.

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SuPeR TuEsDaY was today!


For those that can vote or have parents who told you who they voted for, who did your/their vote go to?


We're not in the area that was Super Tuesday today, but my mom voted already.  She voted for John Edwards... 8)

I'm taking it that super Tuesday was the vote to see which Dem canidate runs for prez? Sorry I've been kinda out of it lately. Wherever it is I doubt my parents voted for any of them, we prefer Bush. But I personally say my pastor would do a better job.  :upside:

Super Tuesday is just a day when ten states did their primaries.  We haven't finished determinibg who the candidate is yet.

Ah okay. Thanks. :cool:

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My mom didn't vote for it because we are not democrats.


We are for Bush, but at the same time against him, he is not a very good candidate, if you look at some of the past democratic presidents they are alot better. But Bush is still way better than Kerry and Edwards.

Yeah we feel pretty much the same. At least Bush has morals though.  :sleepy:

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Guest puppydog
SuPeR TuEsDaY was today!


For those that can vote or have parents who told you who they voted for, who did your/their vote go to?


We're not in the area that was Super Tuesday today, but my mom voted already.  She voted for John Edwards... 8)

i havnt really listened to either edwards or kerry(or anyone for that matter)


can u  guys fill me in a little? please?  8)

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About the voting, my dad seems to be more towards bush as Kerry has not mentioned the war, taxes, and some other stuff that Dad considered important. He added that we need a president that will handle the war in a way other than just extracting the troops from it, saying that it would be just like Germany and come back for revenge if we did that. I agree with this.


Btw I have seen a picture of Kerry. What a cheesy smile  8)

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I do agree, Kerry has a cheesy smile and he has not addressed many issues during his debates.  Although I was supporting him in the beginning, I'm not going to support him any more because of his refusal to answer questions.  I think that's why many democrats voted for John Edwards, because he actually talked about important stuff like war during his debates.
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About the voting, my dad seems to be more towards bush as Kerry has not mentioned the war, taxes, and some other stuff that Dad considered important. He added that we need a president that will handle the war in a way other than just extracting the troops from it, saying that it would be just like Germany and come back for revenge if we did that. I agree with this.


Btw I have seen a picture of Kerry. What a cheesy smile  8)

Yup. We killed people and broke stuff, so now we need to fix stuff. We can't leave them on their own like that!

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About the voting, my dad seems to be more towards bush as Kerry has not mentioned the war, taxes, and some other stuff that Dad considered important. He added that we need a president that will handle the war in a way other than just extracting the troops from it, saying that it would be just like Germany and come back for revenge if we did that. I agree with this.


Btw I have seen a picture of Kerry. What a cheesy smile  8)

Yup. We killed people and broke stuff, so now we need to fix stuff. We can't leave them on their own like that!

Yes, we can't, but appearently Kerry seems to think that the "average american life" is more important!  :angry:


Actually I'm not sure if Kerry was the one who said that or not...sorry if he didn't  8)

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Now that I think about it, there are no good democrats running still...

Kerry has a good chance of winning, but it is so boring to listen to him talk, and he won three purple hearts and a silver star after being in the Vietnam war for only 4 months...how does that make him a "war hero"?


Howard Dean was just stupid...I remember what the media hailed as his "I have a scream" speech...haa haa that was hillarious...


Not sure about John Edwards...going to have to do some research...

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Guest puppydog
Now that I think about it, there are no good democrats running still...

Kerry has a good chance of winning, but it is so boring to listen to him talk, and he won three purple hearts and a silver star after being in the Vietnam war for only 4 months...how does that make him a "war hero"?


Howard Dean was just stupid...I remember what the media hailed as his "I have a scream" speech...haa haa that was hillarious...


Not sure about John Edwards...going to have to do some research...

when u do please get back to us... we NEED you haha  :)

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...how does that make him a "war hero"?

How ironic he's considered a war hero and doesn't address the war in Iraq  :upside:



Does anyone know what tomorrow is? :D   I'll give people a few hours to guess before I tell the answer...

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Today is the one year anniversary of the beginning of the War in Iraq.

And the day it looks like Al Quieda took revenge on the west.  What does anyone think of the bomb attacks on Madrid :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin ?

I've been thinking about this and I found it odd that no-one on the news was saying that the March 11 was the one year anniversary of the war starting, so I've just looked at the BBC web site and it's old news reports.


Animalkidd, I'm sorry to tell you that you are a just over a week out.  The bombing of Bagdad started on 20 March 2003, not the 3rd.


Because of the time difference, the date of the start of the war in some areas of the USA might have been the 19th, but it was deffinately not the 3rd :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Aha!!!  I KNEW there was something fishy about the date today!  But actually, something happened today, I just forgot what...ABC News said it was today...hmm... 8)


But something happened the 3rd...something happened the 11...

I think the 11 was when they gave Saddam time to "disarm" his weapons of mass destruction (that no one can prove existed), so in a way, this can mark the one-year anniversary.

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my thoughts:


kerry stinks

dean stinks

maybe i'm biased

bush stinks

i'm not biased

communist party stinks

i'm normal


i don't have a fever


i've replied. bye, off to the fellowship of the eagle!

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my thoughts:


kerry stinks

dean stinks

maybe i'm biased

bush stinks

i'm not biased

communist party stinks

i'm normal


i don't have a fever


i've replied. bye, off to the fellowship of the eagle!

Sorry that I had to edit it, but I really liked the presentation of your thoughts.  Quite good actually.  


*presents Topazia with another Gold Star :star: Award*

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