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One of my best friends is adopted from Ireland.  She doesn't know why her mother gave her up.  She isn't shy when it comes to being adopted, which I think is pretty cool.  I asked her if she ever wanted to meet her birth mother, and she said that she hated her birth mother's guts.  :sleepy:

Is your friend from Southern Ireland (Eire)?  If she is please tell your friend that Eire is a strict Catholic country.  If her mother was unmarried at the time of the pregnancey, she may have been forced into the adoption to save face for the rest of the family.  Even in Northern Ireland there are many strict Catholics (hence the troubles there), so even if you friend is from the North, her mother may still have been forced to give up the child.


It's a sad state of affairs that today the practice of forcing an unmarried mother to give up the baby still continues in some places :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

I'm not sure if she knows, actually.  But I'll ask her.  Also, another one of my best friends has someone related to Ireland, her boyfriend of a year (pretty impressive) is from Ireland.  And I'm like, 1/16th Irish...LOL.

i am 3/4 irish

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Can anyone give me the facts regarding the first time the United States was at war with Iraq? ??? And what are your opinions on the first event?

The first one I can think of was Desert Storm.  But I'm not sure, because obviously I'm not too old.  But I know Saddam was involved with it, and there was an interview where he (Saddam) claimed Iraq won...haa haa.

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Can anyone give me the facts regarding the first time the United States was at war with Iraq? ???   And what are your opinions on the first event?

The first one I can think of was Desert Storm.  But I'm not sure, because obviously I'm not too old.  But I know Saddam was involved with it, and there was an interview where he (Saddam) claimed Iraq won...haa haa.

My question should have been do you know why we were there and who asked us to defend thm and why?  You might have studied this in school.

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Can anyone give me the facts regarding the first time the United States was at war with Iraq? ??? And what are your opinions on the first event?

The first one I can think of was Desert Storm.  But I'm not sure, because obviously I'm not too old.  But I know Saddam was involved with it, and there was an interview where he (Saddam) claimed Iraq won...haa haa.

My question should have been do you know why we were there and who asked us to defend thm and why?  You might have studied this in school.

I don't know at the moment.  Maybe I'll learn in a few weeks, but at my school, we're still learning about the Louisiana Purchase.  Fun, fun. *yawns*

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Can anyone give me the facts regarding the first time the United States was at war with Iraq? ??? And what are your opinions on the first event?

The first one I can think of was Desert Storm.  But I'm not sure, because obviously I'm not too old.  But I know Saddam was involved with it, and there was an interview where he (Saddam) claimed Iraq won...haa haa.

My question should have been do you know why we were there and who asked us to defend thm and why?  You might have studied this in school.

This is just a guess but teh reason AMerica was so quick to respond was becuase they had just helped Suddam to defeat Iran and then they learned he had had gassed some Kurds so they decide to beat him with a couple of sticks so he wouldn't do it again.

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Can anyone give me the facts regarding the first time the United States was at war with Iraq? ???   And what are your opinions on the first event?

The first one I can think of was Desert Storm.  But I'm not sure, because obviously I'm not too old.  But I know Saddam was involved with it, and there was an interview where he (Saddam) claimed Iraq won...haa haa.

My question should have been do you know why we were there and who asked us to defend thm and why?  You might have studied this in school.

This is just a guess but teh reason AMerica was so quick to respond was becuase they had just helped Suddam to defeat Iran and then they learned he had had gassed some Kurds so they decide to beat him with a couple of sticks so he wouldn't do it again.

???  Hhhhmmm, not even close.   :(

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We're learning about the Louisiana Purchase.  Fun, fun. *yawns*

I'd never heard of that until John and I were trying to come up with the list of countries that used to be part of the British Empire (see several pages back) :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Are you serious?

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One of my best friends is adopted from Ireland.  She doesn't know why her mother gave her up.  She isn't shy when it comes to being adopted, which I think is pretty cool.  I asked her if she ever wanted to meet her birth mother, and she said that she hated her birth mother's guts.  :sleepy:

Is your friend from Southern Ireland (Eire)?  If she is please tell your friend that Eire is a strict Catholic country.  If her mother was unmarried at the time of the pregnancey, she may have been forced into the adoption to save face for the rest of the family.  Even in Northern Ireland there are many strict Catholics (hence the troubles there), so even if you friend is from the North, her mother may still have been forced to give up the child.


It's a sad state of affairs that today the practice of forcing an unmarried mother to give up the baby still continues in some places :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

I'm not sure if she knows, actually.  But I'll ask her.  Also, another one of my best friends has someone related to Ireland, her boyfriend of a year (pretty impressive) is from Ireland.  And I'm like, 1/16th Irish...LOL.

Keeping a boyfriend for a year at your age is pretty impressive!


Do ask your friend.  Even if she doesn't know whether she is from the North or the South, please tell her what I said, it may help her deal with her hurt and anger :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Yeah, impressive!


I'll ask her today, maybe she'll tell me.  But maybe she doesn't know...oh well, I'll ask her this morning.

Please let me know her reaction, good or bad :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

She's from north Ireland.

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One of my best friends is adopted from Ireland.  She doesn't know why her mother gave her up.  She isn't shy when it comes to being adopted, which I think is pretty cool.  I asked her if she ever wanted to meet her birth mother, and she said that she hated her birth mother's guts.

Is your friend from Southern Ireland (Eire)?  If she is please tell your friend that Eire is a strict Catholic country.  If her mother was unmarried at the time of the pregnancey, she may have been forced into the adoption to save face for the rest of the family.  Even in Northern Ireland there are many strict Catholics (hence the troubles there), so even if you friend is from the North, her mother may still have been forced to give up the child.


It's a sad state of affairs that today the practice of forcing an unmarried mother to give up the baby still continues in some places.

I'm not sure if she knows, actually.  But I'll ask her.  Also, another one of my best friends has someone related to Ireland, her boyfriend of a year (pretty impressive) is from Ireland.  And I'm like, 1/16th Irish...LOL.

Keeping a boyfriend for a year at your age is pretty impressive!


Do ask your friend.  Even if she doesn't know whether she is from the North or the South, please tell her what I said, it may help her deal with her hurt and anger.

Yeah, impressive!


I'll ask her today, maybe she'll tell me.  But maybe she doesn't know...oh well, I'll ask her this morning.

Please let me know her reaction, good or bad.

She's from north Ireland.

Did you tell her what I said?

My boyfriend's father and my step mother are from North Ireland!

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Can anyone give me the facts regarding the first time the United States was at war with Iraq? ???   And what are your opinions on the first event?

The first one I can think of was Desert Storm.  But I'm not sure, because obviously I'm not too old.  But I know Saddam was involved with it, and there was an interview where he (Saddam) claimed Iraq won...haa haa.

My question should have been do you know why we were there and who asked us to defend thm and why?  You might have studied this in school.

This is just a guess but teh reason AMerica was so quick to respond was becuase they had just helped Suddam to defeat Iran and then they learned he had had gassed some Kurds so they decide to beat him with a couple of sticks so he wouldn't do it again.

???  Hhhhmmm, not even close.   :(

TGHL...want to try again? ???


This time, let's be serious!


???  ???  ???  ???

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We're learning about the Louisiana Purchase.  Fun, fun. *yawns*

I'd never heard of that until John and I were trying to come up with the list of countries that used to be part of the British Empire (see several pages back) :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Are you serious?

Yes.  We never did it in history over here in the UK and I would like to know more about it :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .


In 1800 Napoleon Bonaparte was emperor of France.  All of the Louisiana territory (which was not just the present day state of Louisiana, you really need to see how big it was) belonged to the French.  Napoleon needed money really bad to pay for all the wars he had been a part of.  So James Monroe and Robert Livingston (I think) came over to Napoleon and asked if they could buy all of New Orleans for $10 million.  They wanted to buy New Orleans because the US had a port there in which imported goods entered the country.  Napoleon said no.  Then they offered to buy the whole stretch of Louisiana territory for $15 million.  Napoleon agreed.  At first, Thomas Jefferson (who was the president at the time) doubted on his power to buy the territory because he believed in strict interpretation of the constitution.  Finally he decided the purchas was legal, because the constitution mentioned that the president had the right to make treaties.  Because of the Louisiana purchase, the US doubled in size overnight (seriously).  Jefferson knew nothing about the purchase, so he sent Louis and Clark to investigate.  

And that's all I feel like typing right now.

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One of my best friends is adopted from Ireland.  She doesn't know why her mother gave her up.  She isn't shy when it comes to being adopted, which I think is pretty cool.  I asked her if she ever wanted to meet her birth mother, and she said that she hated her birth mother's guts.  :sleepy:

Is your friend from Southern Ireland (Eire)?  If she is please tell your friend that Eire is a strict Catholic country.  If her mother was unmarried at the time of the pregnancey, she may have been forced into the adoption to save face for the rest of the family.  Even in Northern Ireland there are many strict Catholics (hence the troubles there), so even if you friend is from the North, her mother may still have been forced to give up the child.


It's a sad state of affairs that today the practice of forcing an unmarried mother to give up the baby still continues in some place .

I'm not sure if she knows, actually.  But I'll ask her.  Also, another one of my best friends has someone related to Ireland, her boyfriend of a year (pretty impressive) is from Ireland.  And I'm like, 1/16th Irish...LOL.

Keeping a boyfriend for a year at your age is pretty impressive!


Do ask your friend.  Even if she doesn't know whether she is from the North or the South, please tell her what I said, it may help her deal with her hurt and anger  .

Yeah, impressive!


I'll ask her today, maybe she'll tell me.  But maybe she doesn't know...oh well, I'll ask her this morning.

Please let me know her reaction, good or bad :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

She's from north Ireland.

Did you tell her what I said  :penguin ?

Yeah.  She said "Well I'm not Catholic, am I?"  

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This is just a guess but teh reason AMerica was so quick to respond was becuase they had just helped Suddam to defeat Iran and then they learned he had had gassed some Kurds so they decide to beat him with a couple of sticks so he wouldn't do it again.

???  Hhhhmmm, not even close.   :(

TGHL...want to try again? ???


This time, let's be serious!


BTW I think TGHL was being serious.

??? Really, I thought that TGHL was better than that.  To refer to beating the President of any country with a couple of sticks does not show a serious response.

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In 1800 Napoleon Bonaparte was emperor of France.  All of the Louisiana territory (which was not just the present day state of Louisiana, you really need to see how big it was) belonged to the French.  Napoleon needed money really bad to pay for all the wars he had been a part of.  So James Monroe and Robert Livingston (I think) came over to Napoleon and asked if they could buy all of New Orleans for $10 million.  They wanted to buy New Orleans because the US had a port there in which imported goods entered the country.  Napoleon said no.  Then they offered to buy the whole stretch of Louisiana territory for $15 million.  Napoleon agreed.  At first, Thomas Jefferson (who was the president at the time) doubted on his power to buy the territory because he believed in strict interpretation of the constitution.  Finally he decided the purchas was legal, because the constitution mentioned that the president had the right to make treaties.  Because of the Louisiana purchase, the US doubled in size overnight (seriously).  Jefferson knew nothing about the purchase, so he sent Louis and Clark to investigate.  

And that's all I feel like typing right now.

Excellent job AnimalKidd!  If I was your teacher you would have an


:D  :D  :D

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It was interesting in hear our teacher today. He talked about how the US was so insistent on invading during the killing civilians, but not during the times Syria and other countries were doing the same. He talked about how Syria killed 800,000 citizens in 100 days (8,000 a day). The UN was going to strike but he said that they were debating for 45 days over whether they should wear blue or camoflauge (doing the math, I found that 360,000 people died during this debate). If the UN got hung over their attire, why was Bush so insistent on invading so quickly this time? It wasn't even as bad as Syria.


He also mentioned that Texas executed 16 juveniles over the past year or something. The only other places to do this sort of thing were Syria, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and some others. Do we want to be in that company?  :sleepy:

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It was interesting in hear our teacher today. He talked about how the US was so insistent on invading during the killing civilians, but not during the times Syria and other countries were doing the same. He talked about how Syria killed 800,000 citizens in 100 days (8,000 a day). The UN was going to strike but he said that they were debating for 45 days over whether they should wear blue or camoflauge (doing the math, I found that 360,000 people died during this debate). If the UN got hung over their attire, why was Bush so insistent on invading so quickly this time? It wasn't even as bad as Syria.


He also mentioned that Texas executed 16 juveniles over the past year or something. The only other places to do this sort of thing were Syria, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and some others. Do we want to be in that company?  :sleepy:

So sad!  :(

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We're learning about the Louisiana Purchase.  Fun, fun. *yawns*

I'd never heard of that until John and I were trying to come up with the list of countries that used to be part of the British Empire (see several pages back) :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Are you serious?

Yes.  We never did it in history over here in the UK and I would like to know more about it :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .


In 1800 Napoleon Bonaparte was emperor of France.  All of the Louisiana territory (which was not just the present day state of Louisiana, you really need to see how big it was) belonged to the French.  Napoleon needed money really bad to pay for all the wars he had been a part of.  So James Monroe and Robert Livingston (I think) came over to Napoleon and asked if they could buy all of New Orleans for $10 million.  They wanted to buy New Orleans because the US had a port there in which imported goods entered the country.  Napoleon said no.  Then they offered to buy the whole stretch of Louisiana territory for $15 million.  Napoleon agreed.  At first, Thomas Jefferson (who was the president at the time) doubted on his power to buy the territory because he believed in strict interpretation of the constitution.  Finally he decided the purchas was legal, because the constitution mentioned that the president had the right to make treaties.  Because of the Louisiana purchase, the US doubled in size overnight (seriously).  Jefferson knew nothing about the purchase, so he sent Louis and Clark to investigate.  

And that's all I feel like typing right now.

Thank you for the overview.  John had said that the land purchased was much bigger than present day Loiusiana.


I have another question, who were Louis and Clark :penguin  ???  :penguin ?

Merriwether Lweis and William Clark were the two men Thomas Jefferson sent to explore the new Louisiana territory.  They met up with an indian woman named Sacagawea and she was a big help.

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It was interesting in hear our teacher today. He talked about how the US was so insistent on invading during the killing civilians, but not during the times Syria and other countries were doing the same. He talked about how Syria killed 800,000 citizens in 100 days (8,000 a day). The UN was going to strike but he said that they were debating for 45 days over whether they should wear blue or camoflauge (doing the math, I found that 360,000 people died during this debate). If the UN got hung over their attire, why was Bush so insistent on invading so quickly this time? It wasn't even as bad as Syria.


He also mentioned that Texas executed 16 juveniles over the past year or something. The only other places to do this sort of thing were Syria, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and some others. Do we want to be in that company?  :sleepy:

Was Bush, or his brother, the govenor of Texas.  I know it was saying on the news last night that during the time Bush was govenor of whichever state it was he put more people on death rown than anywhere else in the country.  Luckily we don't have the death penalty over here :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Our president was the governor of Texas.  His brother, Jeb Bush, is the governor of Florida.  I think I mentioned that when I explained the vote scandal?  ???

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It was interesting in hear our teacher today. He talked about how the US was so insistent on invading during the killing civilians, but not during the times Syria and other countries were doing the same. He talked about how Syria killed 800,000 citizens in 100 days (8,000 a day). The UN was going to strike but he said that they were debating for 45 days over whether they should wear blue or camoflauge (doing the math, I found that 360,000 people died during this debate). If the UN got hung over their attire, why was Bush so insistent on invading so quickly this time? It wasn't even as bad as Syria.


He also mentioned that Texas executed 16 juveniles over the past year or something. The only other places to do this sort of thing were Syria, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and some others. Do we want to be in that company?  :sleepy:

Was Bush, or his brother, the govenor of Texas.  I know it was saying on the news last night that during the time Bush was govenor of whichever state it was he put more people on death rown than anywhere else in the country.  Luckily we don't have the death penalty over here :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Our president was the governor of Texas.  His brother, Jeb Bush, is the governor of Florida.  I think I mentioned that when I explained the vote scandal?  ???

Jeb Bush is doing a good job with the educational system. :D

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<font color='#000000'>
It was interesting in hear our teacher today. He talked about how the US was so insistent on invading during the killing civilians, but not during the times Syria and other countries were doing the same. He talked about how Syria killed 800,000 citizens in 100 days (8,000 a day). The UN was going to strike but he said that they were debating for 45 days over whether they should wear blue or camoflauge (doing the math, I found that 360,000 people died during this debate). If the UN got hung over their attire, why was Bush so insistent on invading so quickly this time? It wasn't even as bad as Syria.


He also mentioned that Texas executed 16 juveniles over the past year or something. The only other places to do this sort of thing were Syria, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and some others. Do we want to be in that company?  :sleepy:

Our president was the governor of Texas. �His brother, Jeb Bush, is the governor of Florida. �I think I mentioned that when I explained the vote scandal? �???

Jeb Bush is doing a good job with the educational system. :D

Oh, well that's good.

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This is just a guess but teh reason AMerica was so quick to respond was becuase they had just helped Suddam to defeat Iran and then they learned he had had gassed some Kurds so they decide to beat him with a couple of sticks so he wouldn't do it again.

???  Hhhhmmm, not even close.   :(

TGHL...want to try again? ???


This time, let's be serious!


BTW I think TGHL was being serious.

??? Really, I thought that TGHL was better than that.  To refer to beating the President of any country with a couple of sticks does not show a serious response.

It's an expression in the UK and it means, making someone tow the line or behave.  That's why I took him to be serious, ie the first war happened because Saddam had overstepped the mark by gassing the Kurds and the USA wanted to make him behave.  Even though he had the wrong reason, I can understand why he said what he did .

TGHL, you need to verbalize and not let Sheena do the talking for you.


Where are you TGHL?

You know I am alive. Anyway he might of had a reason for gassing the Kurds. I am not going to repeat myself because I have already shouted out about the Kurds in the Iraq topic.  Anyway aren't we supposed to be talking about Mr.I like to buy the election Bush?  There is no time to waste before he ivades Korea. I have a house in Korea (north) I have friends there. I happen to have family who moved there. Sometimes me and my friends there get together and rant about G.W.Bush when I spend my holidays there. I speak Korean, I know about there country I like it there. Sorry I just described my book that I am going to try and get published!?! Yes I am going to get my book published!!! Oh by the way I do have a house in Korea alll the stuff about Korea was true.

BTW I like eggs and ham.

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BTW I like eggs and ham.

???   Would that be green eggs and ham?  ???


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

Eww! It has mold on it?  8)

lol Jesse, fish award for that. This topic was getting a bit depressing.


Sheena, I know this is going back a few pages, but you said we don't have the right to play God. What do you think abortion is? If God wants a baby to be born or not born, He'll take care of it. That's His job. As for the death penalty, "eye for eye, tooth for tooth."

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BTW I like eggs and ham.

???   Would that be green eggs and ham?  ???


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

Eww! It has mold on it?  8)

lol Jesse, fish award for that. This topic was getting a bit depressing.


Sheena, I know this is going back a few pages, but you said we don't have the right to play God. What do you think abortion is? If God wants a baby to be born or not born, He'll take care of it. That's His job. As for the death penalty, "eye for eye, tooth for tooth."

Thanks  :D

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BTW I like eggs and ham.

???   Would that be green eggs and ham?  ???


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

Eww! It has mold on it?  8)

Assuming that TGHL isn't supposed to eat mouldy food, what are green eggs :penguin  ???  :penguin ?

They're probably rotten eggs...


Unless green chickens laid them  :laugh:

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It was interesting in hear our teacher today. He talked about how the US was so insistent on invading during the killing civilians, but not during the times Syria and other countries were doing the same. He talked about how Syria killed 800,000 citizens in 100 days (8,000 a day). The UN was going to strike but he said that they were debating for 45 days over whether they should wear blue or camoflauge (doing the math, I found that 360,000 people died during this debate). If the UN got hung over their attire, why was Bush so insistent on invading so quickly this time? It wasn't even as bad as Syria.


He also mentioned that Texas executed 16 juveniles over the past year or something. The only other places to do this sort of thing were Syria, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and some others. Do we want to be in that company?  :sleepy:

Was Bush, or his brother, the govenor of Texas.  I know it was saying on the news last night that during the time Bush was govenor of whichever state it was he put more people on death rown than anywhere else in the country.  Luckily we don't have the death penalty over here :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Dubya was governor of Texas.  His brother, Jeb, is governor of Florida.  Dubya's the major executioner.

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It was interesting in hear our teacher today. He talked about how the US was so insistent on invading during the killing civilians, but not during the times Syria and other countries were doing the same. He talked about how Syria killed 800,000 citizens in 100 days (8,000 a day). The UN was going to strike but he said that they were debating for 45 days over whether they should wear blue or camoflauge (doing the math, I found that 360,000 people died during this debate). If the UN got hung over their attire, why was Bush so insistent on invading so quickly this time? It wasn't even as bad as Syria.


He also mentioned that Texas executed 16 juveniles over the past year or something. The only other places to do this sort of thing were Syria, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and some others. Do we want to be in that company?

Was Bush, or his brother, the govenor of Texas.  I know it was saying on the news last night that during the time Bush was govenor of whichever state it was he put more people on death rown than anywhere else in the country.  Luckily we don't have the death penalty over here.

Dubya was governor of Texas.  His brother, Jeb, is governor of Florida.  Dubya's the major executioner.

So I was correct.  Thank you for the verification.

This comes down to the question of whether you are for or against the death penalty.

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It was interesting in hear our teacher today. He talked about how the US was so insistent on invading during the killing civilians, but not during the times Syria and other countries were doing the same. He talked about how Syria killed 800,000 citizens in 100 days (8,000 a day). The UN was going to strike but he said that they were debating for 45 days over whether they should wear blue or camoflauge (doing the math, I found that 360,000 people died during this debate). If the UN got hung over their attire, why was Bush so insistent on invading so quickly this time? It wasn't even as bad as Syria.


He also mentioned that Texas executed 16 juveniles over the past year or something. The only other places to do this sort of thing were Syria, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and some others. Do we want to be in that company?

Was Bush, or his brother, the govenor of Texas.  I know it was saying on the news last night that during the time Bush was govenor of whichever state it was he put more people on death rown than anywhere else in the country.  Luckily we don't have the death penalty over here.

Dubya was governor of Texas.  His brother, Jeb, is governor of Florida.  Dubya's the major executioner.

So I was correct.  Thank you for the verification.

This comes down to the question of whether you are for or against the death penalty.

I already know that she is against it.

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Unless green chickens laid them  :laugh:

That reminds me of a joke I heard tonight:


Q  What did the alien say to the petrol (gas) pump?


A  Take your finger out of your ear when I'm speaking to you.


:laugh:  :penguin  :laugh:

:laughing  :laughing

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sory, im sidetracked. like my sig?
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It was interesting in hear our teacher today. He talked about how the US was so insistent on invading during the killing civilians, but not during the times Syria and other countries were doing the same. He talked about how Syria killed 800,000 citizens in 100 days (8,000 a day). The UN was going to strike but he said that they were debating for 45 days over whether they should wear blue or camoflauge (doing the math, I found that 360,000 people died during this debate). If the UN got hung over their attire, why was Bush so insistent on invading so quickly this time? It wasn't even as bad as Syria.


He also mentioned that Texas executed 16 juveniles over the past year or something. The only other places to do this sort of thing were Syria, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and some others. Do we want to be in that company?

Was Bush, or his brother, the govenor of Texas.  I know it was saying on the news last night that during the time Bush was govenor of whichever state it was he put more people on death rown than anywhere else in the country.  Luckily we don't have the death penalty over here.

Dubya was governor of Texas.  His brother, Jeb, is governor of Florida.  Dubya's the major executioner.

So I was correct.  Thank you for the verification.

This comes down to the question of whether you are for or against the death penalty.

I already know that she is against it.

:)  So do I.  It was my thought just to make a general statement, not words particularly directed to one person.  Sorry for the confusion, as I did not make my self clear.  Thanks!  :D

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thanks, i made it up myself. IC stands for Isis Catlove. thats my online alias.
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Sheena, I know this is going back a few pages, but you said we don't have the right to play God. What do you think abortion is? If God wants a baby to be born or not born, He'll take care of it. That's His job. As for the death penalty, "eye for eye, tooth for tooth."

I said I only believe in abortion in very specific cases, so I don't think this is playing God.  You say if God wants the baby born, He'll take care of it.  This could not happen if the mother would die before the baby could survive on its own.


'Eye for an eye' is the old Testement.  Exodus 21, v 22 - 25

If some men are fighting and hurt a pregnant woman so that she looses her child, but is not injured in any other way, the one who hurt her is to be fined whatever amount the woman's husband demands, subject to the approval of the judges.  (23) But if the woman herself is injured, the punishment shall be life for life, (24) eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, (25) burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.


If you notice this only applies if it is a pregnant woman that gets injured and only then if she gets hurt while men are fighting each other.


I wonder how many pregnant women got killed by Americans fighting Iraqis.  If you say that you believe in an 'eye for an eye', then the Americans who caused the death of these pregnant women should be put to death.  Do you really want that?


Anyway compare the above with the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament: Mathew 5 v 38 - 39 and Luke 6 v 27 - 29.  Matthew first:

You have heard it said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.'  (39) But now I tell you: do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you.  If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap you on your left cheek too.


Now for Luke:

But I tell you who hear me: Love your enimies, do good to those who hate you (28) bless those who curse you, and pray for those who ill-treat you.  (29) If anyone hits you on one cheek, let him hit you on the other one too; if someone takes your coat, let him have your shirt as well.


All the quotes are taken from the Good News Bible.  I chose this edition because the wording is somewhat easier to understand than in the King James or RSV versions.


However as I said at the top of this, an 'eye for an eye' is the old testamnet and we are taught to follow the word of Jesus.  His words vastly differ to the old laws and clearly state that we should not be taking 'an eye for an eye', so the death penalty simply cannot be God's will :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin !

JesusFreak, I've quoted my own post here because it seems that you missed it as the original had managed to get 2 pages back.  Please comment :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

That is true. But then what is really justice for taking another life? Giving them a lifelong freeride on our tax money?

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Why don't we come up with some good things about the government? ???  Like our right to free speech, that's cool.  :cool:

That is such a great idea!

:D  :D  :D

Thanks! Figured I might as well turn the subject a bit before someone gets hurt. No one ever said I was politically correct. :upside: Any ideas? Hm....no tyranny....

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yes, horatio, i did! i feel honored that you chose my poem for your siggy.


thanks, sheena. i am glad such a wise and great moderator as you likes it.

a great rose award to sheena, and a HYUMS award to horatio!



:penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin


@--,-- @--,--  =  :penguin


its the mohawk penguins!



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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

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Why don't we come up with some good things about the government? ???  Like our right to free speech, that's cool.  :cool:

That is such a great idea!

:D  :D  :D

Thanks! Figured I might as well turn the subject a bit before someone gets hurt. No one ever said I was politically correct. :upside: Any ideas? Hm....no tyranny....

Great Idea!!!


:D  :cool:  :D  :cool:  :D

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

???   So, what would you recommend that we do?   ???

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

???   So, what would you recommend that we do?   ???

I just don't think that the government should make such a big deal about it.  The terror alert is raised to orange and that's the top story on all news channels.  No one mentioned that Ozzy Osbourne was out of intensive care.  :laugh:


Just basically, the government shouldn't make people worry about things so much.

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Why don't we come up with some good things about the government? ???  Like our right to free speech, that's cool.  :cool:

That is such a great idea!

:D  :D  :D

Thanks! Figured I might as well turn the subject a bit before someone gets hurt. No one ever said I was politically correct. :upside: Any ideas? Hm....no tyranny....

Keep trying, maybe someone than me will pick up on the idea!


:D  :D  :D  :D  :D

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

The thing is terrorists like to strick at meaningful times so the pain will be remembered year after year :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Yes, but what was so memorable about September 11?  Nothing, besides the fact that when Americans abbreviate the date, it says 9-11 and 9-1-1 is the typical American number to call if you need help.

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

???   So, what would you recommend that we do?   ???

AnimalKidd, have you thought over my question of what would you recommend we do???

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

???   So, what would you recommend that we do?   ???

I just don't think that the government should make such a big deal about it.  The terror alert is raised to orange and that's the top story on all news channels.  No one mentioned that Ozzy Osbourne was out of intensive care.  :laugh:


Just basically, the government shouldn't make people worry about things so much.

Part of the reason that they raise the Alert is due to the fact that they have information that they believe will be a basis for alerting the public.  This is a double edged sword.  If they DO NOT alert the public, then we cry that they knew and withheld information.  If they DO alert the public, then some people feel that this is a waste of time and that nothing ever happens.  


You decide...to alert or not to alert...that is the question.


???  ???  ???  ???  ???

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

The thing is terrorists like to strick at meaningful times so the pain will be remembered year after year.

Yes, but what was so memorable about September 11?  Nothing, besides the fact that when Americans abbreviate the date, it says 9-11 and 9-1-1 is the typical American number to call if you need help.

What was so memorable about September 11 is that there were thousands of innocent lives lost.


Yes, it was on the same day as Americans dial 9.1.1, but let's not lose sight of the many lives it impacted.

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

???   So, what would you recommend that we do?   ???

AnimalKidd, have you thought over my question of what would you recommend we do???

I think I posted it?  WE as Americans aren't the ones posting the alerts, its the government.  So we can become the government.

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

???   So, what would you recommend that we do?   ???

I just don't think that the government should make such a big deal about it.  The terror alert is raised to orange and that's the top story on all news channels.  No one mentioned that Ozzy Osbourne was out of intensive care.  :laugh:


Just basically, the government shouldn't make people worry about things so much.

Part of the reason that they raise the Alert is due to the fact that they have information that they believe will be a basis for alerting the public.  This is a double edged sword.  If they DO NOT alert the public, then we cry that they knew and withheld information.  If they DO alert the public, then some people feel that this is a waste of time and that nothing ever happens.  


You decide...to alert or not to alert...that is the question.


???  ???  ???  ???  ???

True, it is a double-edged sword.  I just think that the government causes people to overreact a bit about things.  Remember about a year ago when there was threat of biological attack?  People went out in mass numbers and bought duck tape to seal their windows shut so spores or junk couldn't get inside.  But nothing happened.  However, I DO believe that all these warnings could have a "boy who cried wolf" affect.  We need to be prepared, we just don't need to overreact.  Speaking about overreacting, I just remembered-

Does anyone remember the Y2K craze?  :laugh:

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

The thing is terrorists like to strick at meaningful times so the pain will be remembered year after year.

Yes, but what was so memorable about September 11?  Nothing, besides the fact that when Americans abbreviate the date, it says 9-11 and 9-1-1 is the typical American number to call if you need help.

What was so memorable about September 11 is that there were thousands of innocent lives lost.


Yes, it was on the same day as Americans dial 9.1.1, but let's not lose sight of the many lives it impacted.

Thousands of innocent lives were lost, I agree.  But then again, the terrorists were doing what they thought was right.  Our bombings of their countries could have the same 9-11 effects as it does with us.

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

???   So, what would you recommend that we do?   ???

AnimalKidd, have you thought over my question of what would you recommend we do???

I think I posted it?  WE as Americans aren't the ones posting the alerts, its the government.  So we can become the government.

Would you consider entering the political system...running for office?


If you did run for office and was elected, where would you start and how would you fix things?


Regarding the warnings...we the American public feel that we do not have to be held accountable for our own actions.  It is always someone else's fault.  So your statement that we over react is right on the mark for a good number of the public.  But if the government felt that it did not need to warn the public and something did happen, then the public would hold the government liable because they knew and did not warn the public.  So, they err on the side of caution.

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True, it is a double-edged sword.  I just think that the government causes people to overreact a bit about things.  Remember about a year ago when there was threat of biological attack?  People went out in mass numbers and bought duck tape to seal their windows shut so spores or junk couldn't get inside.  But nothing happened.  However, I DO believe that all these warnings could have a "boy who cried wolf" affect.  We need to be prepared, we just don't need to overreact.  Speaking about overreacting, I just remembered-

Does anyone remember the Y2K craze?  :laugh:

Oh yes...the Y2K craze!  Even then this craze was spread to two different years.  The year 2000 and the year 2001.  It just depended on what your feelings were as to when the world's computers were going to go haywire!

Yes, people overreacted.


As for the biological threat, that was interesting, as well, the Anthrax scare.


This is very similar to the hurricane warnings.  Most people go through the plywood and supplies drill once or twice, but if the warning comes too many times in the season, then the Boy Cried Wolf syndrome kicks in, and around November you do not see anymore rushes to the store for supplies.


Many, many years ago, a couple of radio personalities decided to make up a news story about a shortage of toilet paper.  This was just a joke. The only problem was that people heard the news about the shortage and decided to run out and buy all the toilet paper they could afford, so that they would not be out of toilet paper, and what ultimately occurred was a real shortage of toilet paper.  This was quite hilarious, but a perfect example of people overreacting.


 :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

The thing is terrorists like to strick at meaningful times so the pain will be remembered year after year.

Yes, but what was so memorable about September 11?  Nothing, besides the fact that when Americans abbreviate the date, it says 9-11 and 9-1-1 is the typical American number to call if you need help.

What was so memorable about September 11 is that there were thousands of innocent lives lost.


Yes, it was on the same day as Americans dial 9.1.1, but let's not lose sight of the many lives it impacted.

Thousands of innocent lives were lost, I agree.  But then again, the terrorists were doing what they thought was right.  Our bombings of their countries could have the same 9-11 effects as it does with us.

Do you remember the Hale-Bopp Comet and the people would believed they were doing the right thing when they decided they were going to follow in the trail of the comet by committing suicide?


The terrorists talked themselves into believing that they would become martyrs if they committed these acts.  But when you ask others of the same faith to interpret this thinking, they disagree with the terrorists argument.


What was your thinking about the first time the World Trade Centers were bombed?

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What was so memorable about September 11 is that there were thousands of innocent lives lost.


Yes, it was on the same day as Americans dial 9.1.1, but let's not lose sight of the many lives it impacted.




check this out:

9.1.1 is also the computer equivalent to the date!

9 (sept).1, oh wait, nevermind. but look at the year!



well, i was close, never mind. cool coincidence.

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What was so memorable about September 11 is that there were thousands of innocent lives lost.


Yes, it was on the same day as Americans dial 9.1.1, but let's not lose sight of the many lives it impacted.




check this out:

9.1.1 is also the computer equivalent to the date!

9 (sept).1, oh wait, nevermind. but look at the year!



well, i was close, never mind. cool coincidence.

Very cool coincidence!  I hadn't noticed that before!


:D  :D  :D

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Once my sister's classmate said that gravity comes from the government. This could be partially true  :sleepy:

:laughing  :laughing  LOL  :laughing  :laughing




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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

I think the government could be on to something there. Think about it-millions of people travel on the holidays, what better a time for them to kill people? But if they put the nation on high security, that could cause terrorists to rethink their timing, to something less suspectable. But somehow I think they keep the actual security the same. And perhaps the terroroists are waiting for the boy who cried wolf thing to happen. Once we all say it's not going to happen, that's when it's going to happen. The government had evidence that 9/11 was going to happen, but they didn't think it would. However, it did. Better safe than sorry, but yeah people take it out of hand. We for one, did not but duct tape. :upside:

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Once my sister's classmate said that gravity comes from the government. This could be partially true  :sleepy:

:laughing  :laughing  LOL  :laughing  :laughing






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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

The thing is terrorists like to strick at meaningful times so the pain will be remembered year after year.

Yes, but what was so memorable about September 11?  Nothing, besides the fact that when Americans abbreviate the date, it says 9-11 and 9-1-1 is the typical American number to call if you need help.

What was so memorable about September 11 is that there were thousands of innocent lives lost.


Yes, it was on the same day as Americans dial 9.1.1, but let's not lose sight of the many lives it impacted.

Thousands of innocent lives were lost, I agree.  But then again, the terrorists were doing what they thought was right.  Our bombings of their countries could have the same 9-11 effects as it does with us.

Do you remember the Hale-Bopp Comet and the people would believed they were doing the right thing when they decided they were going to follow in the trail of the comet by committing suicide?


The terrorists talked themselves into believing that they would become martyrs if they committed these acts.  But when you ask others of the same faith to interpret this thinking, they disagree with the terrorists argument.


What was your thinking about the first time the World Trade Centers were bombed?

This is going to make me look really bad...but I remembered hearing about the attack and thinking "Um...okay."

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

???   So, what would you recommend that we do?   ???

AnimalKidd, have you thought over my question of what would you recommend we do???

I think I posted it?  WE as Americans aren't the ones posting the alerts, its the government.  So we can become the government.

Would you consider entering the political system...running for office?


If you did run for office and was elected, where would you start and how would you fix things?


Regarding the warnings...we the American public feel that we do not have to be held accountable for our own actions.  It is always someone else's fault.  So your statement that we over react is right on the mark for a good number of the public.  But if the government felt that it did not need to warn the public and something did happen, then the public would hold the government liable because they knew and did not warn the public.  So, they err on the side of caution.

Yeah, I would.  But politics is closely related with money.  People spend millions of dollars campaigning, and I do not HAVE Millions of dollars.  In fact, my current balance is 53 cents!  :laugh:

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True, it is a double-edged sword.  I just think that the government causes people to overreact a bit about things.  Remember about a year ago when there was threat of biological attack?  People went out in mass numbers and bought duck tape to seal their windows shut so spores or junk couldn't get inside.  But nothing happened.  However, I DO believe that all these warnings could have a "boy who cried wolf" affect.  We need to be prepared, we just don't need to overreact.  Speaking about overreacting, I just remembered-

Does anyone remember the Y2K craze?  :laugh:

Oh yes...the Y2K craze!  Even then this craze was spread to two different years.  The year 2000 and the year 2001.  It just depended on what your feelings were as to when the world's computers were going to go haywire!

Yes, people overreacted.


As for the biological threat, that was interesting, as well, the Anthrax scare.


This is very similar to the hurricane warnings.  Most people go through the plywood and supplies drill once or twice, but if the warning comes too many times in the season, then the Boy Cried Wolf syndrome kicks in, and around November you do not see anymore rushes to the store for supplies.


Many, many years ago, a couple of radio personalities decided to make up a news story about a shortage of toilet paper.  This was just a joke. The only problem was that people heard the news about the shortage and decided to run out and buy all the toilet paper they could afford, so that they would not be out of toilet paper, and what ultimately occurred was a real shortage of toilet paper.  This was quite hilarious, but a perfect example of people overreacting.


 :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

I remember the Y2K thing.  People stockpiled cans of food... I wish someone would make a book about that, I would like to look back on the craze in about 30 years and think to myself, "BOY OH BOY WERE WE STUPID!!!"

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

I think the government could be on to something there. Think about it-millions of people travel on the holidays, what better a time for them to kill people? But if they put the nation on high security, that could cause terrorists to rethink their timing, to something less suspectable. But somehow I think they keep the actual security the same. And perhaps the terroroists are waiting for the boy who cried wolf thing to happen. Once we all say it's not going to happen, that's when it's going to happen. The government had evidence that 9/11 was going to happen, but they didn't think it would. However, it did. Better safe than sorry, but yeah people take it out of hand. We for one, did not but duct tape. :upside:

:laughing  :laughing


I did not buy duct tape either!


:laughing  :laughing

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Once my sister's classmate said that gravity comes from the government. This could be partially true  :sleepy:

:laughing  :laughing  LOL  :laughing  :laughing








:laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

The thing is terrorists like to strick at meaningful times so the pain will be remembered year after year.

Yes, but what was so memorable about September 11?  Nothing, besides the fact that when Americans abbreviate the date, it says 9-11 and 9-1-1 is the typical American number to call if you need help.

What was so memorable about September 11 is that there were thousands of innocent lives lost.


Yes, it was on the same day as Americans dial 9.1.1, but let's not lose sight of the many lives it impacted.

Thousands of innocent lives were lost, I agree.  But then again, the terrorists were doing what they thought was right.  Our bombings of their countries could have the same 9-11 effects as it does with us.

Do you remember the Hale-Bopp Comet and the people would believed they were doing the right thing when they decided they were going to follow in the trail of the comet by committing suicide?


The terrorists talked themselves into believing that they would become martyrs if they committed these acts.  But when you ask others of the same faith to interpret this thinking, they disagree with the terrorists argument.


What was your thinking about the first time the World Trade Centers were bombed?

This is going to make me look really bad...but I remembered hearing about the attack and thinking "Um...okay."

My question is asking about when they took a van into the garage and tried to take down the World Trade Center by setting off a bomb in the underground garage.  Is this the one you also are referring to?

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

???   So, what would you recommend that we do?   ???

AnimalKidd, have you thought over my question of what would you recommend we do???

I think I posted it?  WE as Americans aren't the ones posting the alerts, its the government.  So we can become the government.

Would you consider entering the political system...running for office?


If you did run for office and was elected, where would you start and how would you fix things?


Regarding the warnings...we the American public feel that we do not have to be held accountable for our own actions.  It is always someone else's fault.  So your statement that we over react is right on the mark for a good number of the public.  But if the government felt that it did not need to warn the public and something did happen, then the public would hold the government liable because they knew and did not warn the public.  So, they err on the side of caution.

Yeah, I would.  But politics is closely related with money.  People spend millions of dollars campaigning, and I do not HAVE Millions of dollars.  In fact, my current balance is 53 cents!  :laugh:

Yes, money is required, but there is an option that will help with funding.  There is an organization that will help with funding of any women that wish to run for political office.  You can also start by running a grass roots campaign in your town.  There are internships in Washington, DC to give you and idea of the workings of the politicians.  


I think that you should seriously consider running for office someday!


BTW you have about 26 cents more that I have...


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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True, it is a double-edged sword.  I just think that the government causes people to overreact a bit about things.  Remember about a year ago when there was threat of biological attack?  People went out in mass numbers and bought duck tape to seal their windows shut so spores or junk couldn't get inside.  But nothing happened.  However, I DO believe that all these warnings could have a "boy who cried wolf" affect.  We need to be prepared, we just don't need to overreact.  Speaking about overreacting, I just remembered-

Does anyone remember the Y2K craze?  :laugh:

Oh yes...the Y2K craze!  Even then this craze was spread to two different years.  The year 2000 and the year 2001.  It just depended on what your feelings were as to when the world's computers were going to go haywire!

Yes, people overreacted.


As for the biological threat, that was interesting, as well, the Anthrax scare.


This is very similar to the hurricane warnings.  Most people go through the plywood and supplies drill once or twice, but if the warning comes too many times in the season, then the Boy Cried Wolf syndrome kicks in, and around November you do not see anymore rushes to the store for supplies.


Many, many years ago, a couple of radio personalities decided to make up a news story about a shortage of toilet paper.  This was just a joke. The only problem was that people heard the news about the shortage and decided to run out and buy all the toilet paper they could afford, so that they would not be out of toilet paper, and what ultimately occurred was a real shortage of toilet paper.  This was quite hilarious, but a perfect example of people overreacting.


 :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

I remember the Y2K thing.  People stockpiled cans of food... I wish someone would make a book about that, I would like to look back on the craze in about 30 years and think to myself, "BOY OH BOY WERE WE STUPID!!!"

We didn't do anything.  It was pretty hilarious as we had some friends that thought that the entire world was going to come to a standstill.  They felt that there would be no electricity, water etc.  Amazing to them, life went on exactly as it had the day before.  


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Once my sister's classmate said that gravity comes from the government. This could be partially true  :sleepy:

That statement certainly does have some 'gravitas' :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: !

:laugh: I even somewhat know what that means  :P

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

"Third times a charm".  Let's hope not.

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

???   So, what would you recommend that we do?   ???

I just don't think that the government should make such a big deal about it.  The terror alert is raised to orange and that's the top story on all news channels.  No one mentioned that Ozzy Osbourne was out of intensive care.  :laugh:


Just basically, the government shouldn't make people worry about things so much.

Part of the reason that they raise the Alert is due to the fact that they have information that they believe will be a basis for alerting the public.  This is a double edged sword.  If they DO NOT alert the public, then we cry that they knew and withheld information.  If they DO alert the public, then some people feel that this is a waste of time and that nothing ever happens.  


You decide...to alert or not to alert...that is the question.


???  ???  ???  ???  ???

This reminds me of something I said once... remember?  And you gave me a gold star?

To shrink, or not to shrink, that is the question.
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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

The thing is terrorists like to strick at meaningful times so the pain will be remembered year after year.

Yes, but what was so memorable about September 11?  Nothing, besides the fact that when Americans abbreviate the date, it says 9-11 and 9-1-1 is the typical American number to call if you need help.

What was so memorable about September 11 is that there were thousands of innocent lives lost.


Yes, it was on the same day as Americans dial 9.1.1, but let's not lose sight of the many lives it impacted.

I think  I understood your post, but you made it sound like there was a set day when everyone dialed 9-1-1 .  Like it was some sort of nationwide government test.

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

The thing is terrorists like to strick at meaningful times so the pain will be remembered year after year.

Yes, but what was so memorable about September 11?  Nothing, besides the fact that when Americans abbreviate the date, it says 9-11 and 9-1-1 is the typical American number to call if you need help.

What was so memorable about September 11 is that there were thousands of innocent lives lost.


Yes, it was on the same day as Americans dial 9.1.1, but let's not lose sight of the many lives it impacted.

Thousands of innocent lives were lost, I agree.  But then again, the terrorists were doing what they thought was right.  Our bombings of their countries could have the same 9-11 effects as it does with us.

Do you remember the Hale-Bopp Comet and the people would believed they were doing the right thing when they decided they were going to follow in the trail of the comet by committing suicide?


The terrorists talked themselves into believing that they would become martyrs if they committed these acts.  But when you ask others of the same faith to interpret this thinking, they disagree with the terrorists argument.


What was your thinking about the first time the World Trade Centers were bombed?

Was I alive at that time?  It was in the '80's, right?

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

The thing is terrorists like to strick at meaningful times so the pain will be remembered year after year.

Yes, but what was so memorable about September 11?  Nothing, besides the fact that when Americans abbreviate the date, it says 9-11 and 9-1-1 is the typical American number to call if you need help.

What was so memorable about September 11 is that there were thousands of innocent lives lost.


Yes, it was on the same day as Americans dial 9.1.1, but let's not lose sight of the many lives it impacted.

Thousands of innocent lives were lost, I agree.  But then again, the terrorists were doing what they thought was right.  Our bombings of their countries could have the same 9-11 effects as it does with us.

Do you remember the Hale-Bopp Comet and the people would believed they were doing the right thing when they decided they were going to follow in the trail of the comet by committing suicide?


The terrorists talked themselves into believing that they would become martyrs if they committed these acts.  But when you ask others of the same faith to interpret this thinking, they disagree with the terrorists argument.


What was your thinking about the first time the World Trade Centers were bombed?

Was I alive at that time?  It was in the '80's, right?

Yes, you were alive at the time, but you were just a baby, 26 February 1993.  I thought that you might have studied it in school when they discussed the World Trade Center terrorism.

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

The thing is terrorists like to strick at meaningful times so the pain will be remembered year after year.

Yes, but what was so memorable about September 11?  Nothing, besides the fact that when Americans abbreviate the date, it says 9-11 and 9-1-1 is the typical American number to call if you need help.

What was so memorable about September 11 is that there were thousands of innocent lives lost.


Yes, it was on the same day as Americans dial 9.1.1, but let's not lose sight of the many lives it impacted.

Thousands of innocent lives were lost, I agree.  But then again, the terrorists were doing what they thought was right.  Our bombings of their countries could have the same 9-11 effects as it does with us.

Do you remember the Hale-Bopp Comet and the people would believed they were doing the right thing when they decided they were going to follow in the trail of the comet by committing suicide?


The terrorists talked themselves into believing that they would become martyrs if they committed these acts.  But when you ask others of the same faith to interpret this thinking, they disagree with the terrorists argument.


What was your thinking about the first time the World Trade Centers were bombed?

Was I alive at that time?  It was in the '80's, right?

Yes, you were alive at the time, but you were just a baby, 26 February 1993.  I thought that you might have studied it in school when they discussed the World Trade Center terrorism.

Sounds vaguely familiar. I'm probably thinking Oklahoma city though. AnimalKidd- I had kinda the same reaction. I did not know what the WTC was! I was like "oh, that's not good." And then I got home and saw it in the news and I'm like "ohhh, so that's what happened. That's not good. that really bites."


The Y2K thing was funny too. I wasn't really worried about the world ending or anything. Dad did make extra copies of all the stuf on the computer, and mom bought lots of canned food and made sure every piece of laundry was washed. We figured there was a chance that something would happen, but it would be resolved within a week.  :upside:

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

The thing is terrorists like to strick at meaningful times so the pain will be remembered year after year.

Yes, but what was so memorable about September 11?  Nothing, besides the fact that when Americans abbreviate the date, it says 9-11 and 9-1-1 is the typical American number to call if you need help.

What was so memorable about September 11 is that there were thousands of innocent lives lost.


Yes, it was on the same day as Americans dial 9.1.1, but let's not lose sight of the many lives it impacted.

Thousands of innocent lives were lost, I agree.  But then again, the terrorists were doing what they thought was right.  Our bombings of their countries could have the same 9-11 effects as it does with us.

Do you remember the Hale-Bopp Comet and the people would believed they were doing the right thing when they decided they were going to follow in the trail of the comet by committing suicide?


The terrorists talked themselves into believing that they would become martyrs if they committed these acts.  But when you ask others of the same faith to interpret this thinking, they disagree with the terrorists argument.


What was your thinking about the first time the World Trade Centers were bombed?

Was I alive at that time?  It was in the '80's, right?

Yes, you were alive at the time, but you were just a baby, 26 February 1993.  I thought that you might have studied it in school when they discussed the World Trade Center terrorism.

Sounds vaguely familiar. I'm probably thinking Oklahoma city though. AnimalKidd- I had kinda the same reaction. I did not know what the WTC was! I was like "oh, that's not good." And then I got home and saw it in the news and I'm like "ohhh, so that's what happened. That's not good. that really bites."


The Y2K thing was funny too. I wasn't really worried about the world ending or anything. Dad did make extra copies of all the stuf on the computer, and mom bought lots of canned food and made sure every piece of laundry was washed. We figured there was a chance that something would happen, but it would be resolved within a week.  :upside:

When you are young, things such as the World Trade Center or the Murrah Building, Oklahoma City, were not what your parents wanted to burden you with.  Possibly these events will be discussed in school.


:)  :)  :)

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

The thing is terrorists like to strick at meaningful times so the pain will be remembered year after year.

Yes, but what was so memorable about September 11?  Nothing, besides the fact that when Americans abbreviate the date, it says 9-11 and 9-1-1 is the typical American number to call if you need help.

What was so memorable about September 11 is that there were thousands of innocent lives lost.


Yes, it was on the same day as Americans dial 9.1.1, but let's not lose sight of the many lives it impacted.

Thousands of innocent lives were lost, I agree.  But then again, the terrorists were doing what they thought was right.  Our bombings of their countries could have the same 9-11 effects as it does with us.

Do you remember the Hale-Bopp Comet and the people would believed they were doing the right thing when they decided they were going to follow in the trail of the comet by committing suicide?


The terrorists talked themselves into believing that they would become martyrs if they committed these acts.  But when you ask others of the same faith to interpret this thinking, they disagree with the terrorists argument.


What was your thinking about the first time the World Trade Centers were bombed?

This is going to make me look really bad...but I remembered hearing about the attack and thinking "Um...okay."

My question is asking about when they took a van into the garage and tried to take down the World Trade Center by setting off a bomb in the underground garage.  Is this the one you also are referring to?

I'm referring to September 11, 2001.  I don't know much about the garage thing.

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

I think the government could be on to something there. Think about it-millions of people travel on the holidays, what better a time for them to kill people? But if they put the nation on high security, that could cause terrorists to rethink their timing, to something less suspectable. But somehow I think they keep the actual security the same. And perhaps the terroroists are waiting for the boy who cried wolf thing to happen. Once we all say it's not going to happen, that's when it's going to happen. The government had evidence that 9/11 was going to happen, but they didn't think it would. However, it did. Better safe than sorry, but yeah people take it out of hand. We for one, did not but duct tape. :upside:

:laughing  :laughing


I did not buy duct tape either!


:laughing  :laughing

We didn't either! :D

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

???   So, what would you recommend that we do?   ???

AnimalKidd, have you thought over my question of what would you recommend we do???

I think I posted it?  WE as Americans aren't the ones posting the alerts, its the government.  So we can become the government.

Would you consider entering the political system...running for office?


If you did run for office and was elected, where would you start and how would you fix things?


Regarding the warnings...we the American public feel that we do not have to be held accountable for our own actions.  It is always someone else's fault.  So your statement that we over react is right on the mark for a good number of the public.  But if the government felt that it did not need to warn the public and something did happen, then the public would hold the government liable because they knew and did not warn the public.  So, they err on the side of caution.

Yeah, I would.  But politics is closely related with money.  People spend millions of dollars campaigning, and I do not HAVE Millions of dollars.  In fact, my current balance is 53 cents!  :laugh:

Yes, money is required, but there is an option that will help with funding.  There is an organization that will help with funding of any women that wish to run for political office.  You can also start by running a grass roots campaign in your town.  There are internships in Washington, DC to give you and idea of the workings of the politicians.  


I think that you should seriously consider running for office someday!


BTW you have about 26 cents more that I have...


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

Well, I WOULD run for office, but it kind of makes a bad start when you've lost all of the Student Council elections you've ever been in!  :D

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True, it is a double-edged sword.  I just think that the government causes people to overreact a bit about things.  Remember about a year ago when there was threat of biological attack?  People went out in mass numbers and bought duck tape to seal their windows shut so spores or junk couldn't get inside.  But nothing happened.  However, I DO believe that all these warnings could have a "boy who cried wolf" affect.  We need to be prepared, we just don't need to overreact.  Speaking about overreacting, I just remembered-

Does anyone remember the Y2K craze? 

Oh yes...the Y2K craze!  Even then this craze was spread to two different years.  The year 2000 and the year 2001.  It just depended on what your feelings were as to when the world's computers were going to go haywire!

Yes, people overreacted.


As for the biological threat, that was interesting, as well, the Anthrax scare.


This is very similar to the hurricane warnings.  Most people go through the plywood and supplies drill once or twice, but if the warning comes too many times in the season, then the Boy Cried Wolf syndrome kicks in, and around November you do not see anymore rushes to the store for supplies.


Many, many years ago, a couple of radio personalities decided to make up a news story about a shortage of toilet paper.  This was just a joke. The only problem was that people heard the news about the shortage and decided to run out and buy all the toilet paper they could afford, so that they would not be out of toilet paper, and what ultimately occurred was a real shortage of toilet paper.  This was quite hilarious, but a perfect example of people overreacting.


I remember the Y2K thing.  People stockpiled cans of food... I wish someone would make a book about that, I would like to look back on the craze in about 30 years and think to myself, "BOY OH BOY WERE WE STUPID!!!"

We didn't do anything.  It was pretty hilarious as we had some friends that thought that the entire world was going to come to a standstill.  They felt that there would be no electricity, water etc.  Amazing to them, life went on exactly as it had the day before.  


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

I remember on the news there were some people who were hiding out in a bomb shelter!

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My aunt worked for the government during the Oklahoma City bombing thing.  She had come down to visit us (we were living in Oklahoma City at the time) and was going to see some friends at the building but decided against it.  Then of course it was bombed.  My mom said we could feel the vibrations caused by it, even though we were probably 5 miles away.
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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

The thing is terrorists like to strick at meaningful times so the pain will be remembered year after year.

Yes, but what was so memorable about September 11?  Nothing, besides the fact that when Americans abbreviate the date, it says 9-11 and 9-1-1 is the typical American number to call if you need help.

What was so memorable about September 11 is that there were thousands of innocent lives lost.


Yes, it was on the same day as Americans dial 9.1.1, but let's not lose sight of the many lives it impacted.

Thousands of innocent lives were lost, I agree.  But then again, the terrorists were doing what they thought was right.  Our bombings of their countries could have the same 9-11 effects as it does with us.

Do you remember the Hale-Bopp Comet and the people would believed they were doing the right thing when they decided they were going to follow in the trail of the comet by committing suicide?


The terrorists talked themselves into believing that they would become martyrs if they committed these acts.  But when you ask others of the same faith to interpret this thinking, they disagree with the terrorists argument.


What was your thinking about the first time the World Trade Centers were bombed?

Was I alive at that time?  It was in the '80's, right?

Yes, you were alive at the time, but you were just a baby, 26 February 1993.  I thought that you might have studied it in school when they discussed the World Trade Center terrorism.

Sounds vaguely familiar. I'm probably thinking Oklahoma city though. AnimalKidd- I had kinda the same reaction. I did not know what the WTC was! I was like "oh, that's not good." And then I got home and saw it in the news and I'm like "ohhh, so that's what happened. That's not good. that really bites."


The Y2K thing was funny too. I wasn't really worried about the world ending or anything. Dad did make extra copies of all the stuf on the computer, and mom bought lots of canned food and made sure every piece of laundry was washed. We figured there was a chance that something would happen, but it would be resolved within a week.  :upside:

When you are young, things such as the World Trade Center or the Murrah Building, Oklahoma City, were not what your parents wanted to burden you with.  Possibly these events will be discussed in school.


:)  :)  :)

maybe. I remember oklahoma city, I was at my grandma's house. Everything happens when we're over there-hurricanes, bombings, clonings.....all sorts of stuff. I was at school when 9/11 happened.

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My aunt worked for the government during the Oklahoma City bombing thing.  She had come down to visit us (we were living in Oklahoma City at the time) and was going to see some friends at the building but decided against it.  Then of course it was bombed.  My mom said we could feel the vibrations caused by it, even though we were probably 5 miles away.

I am glad your aunt decided against going down there.


That must have been a scary feeling to feel the vibrations and not know what is going on.

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Oh boy, the terror alert has been upgraded to ORANGE.  Oh my.  Everyone, stay inside!  Guard your children!  No one is safe now!  Run for the hills!  We'll never make it alive!  *sarcasm*



Yeah...right.  Okay, why the big fuss?  Christmas 2001-  "We need to watch out for terrorism."  Did anything MAJOR happen?  No, not to my knowledge.

Christmas 2002-  "We need to watch out for terrorists."  Did anything happen?  No, not really.

Christmas 2003-  "The US as a whole needs to be on the lookout for terrorism."  For some reason, everyone is terrified for their lives that there will be another terror attack.  They are behaving the same as they behaved last year and the year before.  Personally, everyone is overreacting.  If the government is saying we need to watch out for terrorism, um... shouldn't we be watching out for terrorism every single day of the year and not just around religious holidays?  This makes no sense.

The thing is terrorists like to strick at meaningful times so the pain will be remembered year after year.

Yes, but what was so memorable about September 11?  Nothing, besides the fact that when Americans abbreviate the date, it says 9-11 and 9-1-1 is the typical American number to call if you need help.

What was so memorable about September 11 is that there were thousands of innocent lives lost.


Yes, it was on the same day as Americans dial 9.1.1, but let's not lose sight of the many lives it impacted.

Thousands of innocent lives were lost, I agree.  But then again, the terrorists were doing what they thought was right.  Our bombings of their countries could have the same 9-11 effects as it does with us.

Do you remember the Hale-Bopp Comet and the people would believed they were doing the right thing when they decided they were going to follow in the trail of the comet by committing suicide?


The terrorists talked themselves into believing that they would become martyrs if they committed these acts.  But when you ask others of the same faith to interpret this thinking, they disagree with the terrorists argument.


What was your thinking about the first time the World Trade Centers were bombed?

Was I alive at that time?  It was in the '80's, right?

Yes, you were alive at the time, but you were just a baby, 26 February 1993.  I thought that you might have studied it in school when they discussed the World Trade Center terrorism.

Sounds vaguely familiar. I'm probably thinking Oklahoma city though. AnimalKidd- I had kinda the same reaction. I did not know what the WTC was! I was like "oh, that's not good." And then I got home and saw it in the news and I'm like "ohhh, so that's what happened. That's not good. that really bites."


The Y2K thing was funny too. I wasn't really worried about the world ending or anything. Dad did make extra copies of all the stuf on the computer, and mom bought lots of canned food and made sure every piece of laundry was washed. We figured there was a chance that something would happen, but it would be resolved within a week.  :upside:

When you are young, things such as the World Trade Center or the Murrah Building, Oklahoma City, were not what your parents wanted to burden you with.  Possibly these events will be discussed in school.


:)  :)  :)

maybe. I remember oklahoma city, I was at my grandma's house. Everything happens when we're over there-hurricanes, bombings, clonings.....all sorts of stuff. I was at school when 9/11 happened.

:laughing  :laughing


Your grandmother needs to start coming to your house!!!

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My aunt worked for the government during the Oklahoma City bombing thing.  She had come down to visit us (we were living in Oklahoma City at the time) and was going to see some friends at the building but decided against it.  Then of course it was bombed.  My mom said we could feel the vibrations caused by it, even though we were probably 5 miles away.

Do you mean that your aunt would have been in the building when it was bombed if she hadn't changed her mind about visiting her friends ???  :penguin ?


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My aunt worked for the government during the Oklahoma City bombing thing.  She had come down to visit us (we were living in Oklahoma City at the time) and was going to see some friends at the building but decided against it.  Then of course it was bombed.  My mom said we could feel the vibrations caused by it, even though we were probably 5 miles away.

Do you mean that your aunt would have been in the building when it was bombed if she hadn't changed her mind about visiting her friends ???  :penguin ?


Wow  :sleepy:

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My aunt worked for the government during the Oklahoma City bombing thing.  She had come down to visit us (we were living in Oklahoma City at the time) and was going to see some friends at the building but decided against it.  Then of course it was bombed.  My mom said we could feel the vibrations caused by it, even though we were probably 5 miles away.

I am glad your aunt decided against going down there.


That must have been a scary feeling to feel the vibrations and not know what is going on.

Did you aunt ever say anything about having decided not to go to the Murrah Building?   ???

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My aunt worked for the government during the Oklahoma City bombing thing.  She had come down to visit us (we were living in Oklahoma City at the time) and was going to see some friends at the building but decided against it.  Then of course it was bombed.  My mom said we could feel the vibrations caused by it, even though we were probably 5 miles away.

Do you mean that your aunt would have been in the building when it was bombed if she hadn't changed her mind about visiting her friends ???  :penguin ?


Wow  :sleepy:

Yeah I know.

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My aunt worked for the government during the Oklahoma City bombing thing.  She had come down to visit us (we were living in Oklahoma City at the time) and was going to see some friends at the building but decided against it.  Then of course it was bombed.  My mom said we could feel the vibrations caused by it, even though we were probably 5 miles away.

I am glad your aunt decided against going down there.


That must have been a scary feeling to feel the vibrations and not know what is going on.

Did you aunt ever say anything about having decided not to go to the Murrah Building?   ???

No, no one really talks about it anymore.

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maybe. I remember oklahoma city, I was at my grandma's house. Everything happens when we're over there-hurricanes, bombings, clonings.....all sorts of stuff. I was at school when 9/11 happened.

so was i, and i remember watching tv for about 3-4 hours waiting for the class to resume.

when i got home my mom and dad were sad.

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maybe. I remember oklahoma city, I was at my grandma's house. Everything happens when we're over there-hurricanes, bombings, clonings.....all sorts of stuff. I was at school when 9/11 happened.

so was i, and i remember watching tv for about 3-4 hours waiting for the class to resume.

when i got home my mom and dad were sad.

Something like that has a way of making people sad.

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maybe. I remember oklahoma city, I was at my grandma's house. Everything happens when we're over there-hurricanes, bombings, clonings.....all sorts of stuff. I was at school when 9/11 happened.

so was i, and i remember watching tv for about 3-4 hours waiting for the class to resume.

when i got home my mom and dad were sad.

Something like that has a way of making people sad.

It was wierd for us. We were in technology class and one of the kids asked why another teacher was crying. The teacher said that someone had bombed the world trade center. We were all like, "oh, that's not good." Not a lot of us realized it was the twin towers he was talking about. The teachers all kept it really quiet, so it didn't disrupt class too much.   :sleepy:  Then when I got home mom was watching tv and explained what had happened. it was on every  news channel. Then everyone was all partiotic and stuff. It was like we had just declared independance or something. :cool:

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I too was at school when 9/11 happened. I was in science class in 7th grade, and our teacher put up a projection of a plane hitting a tower. I thought that the plane accidently flew into it and didn't think much of it. But then our social studies teacher told us about how it was intentional and that the buildings collapsed...  :sleepy:
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maybe. I remember oklahoma city, I was at my grandma's house. Everything happens when we're over there-hurricanes, bombings, clonings.....all sorts of stuff. I was at school when 9/11 happened.

so was i, and i remember watching tv for about 3-4 hours waiting for the class to resume.

when i got home my mom and dad were sad.

Something like that has a way of making people sad.

It was wierd for us. We were in technology class and one of the kids asked why another teacher was crying. The teacher said that someone had bombed the world trade center. We were all like, "oh, that's not good." Not a lot of us realized it was the twin towers he was talking about. The teachers all kept it really quiet, so it didn't disrupt class too much.   :sleepy:  Then when I got home mom was watching tv and explained what had happened. it was on every  news channel. Then everyone was all partiotic and stuff. It was like we had just declared independance or something. :cool:

People were in shock that something like that could happen here at home.

This bonded everyone for a period of time.   :)

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I too was at school when 9/11 happened. I was in science class in 7th grade, and our teacher put up a projection of a plane hitting a tower. I thought that the plane accidently flew into it and didn't think much of it. But then our social studies teacher told us about how it was intentional and that the buildings collapsed...  :sleepy:

Do you remember how you felt when you heard that this action was intentional?

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I too was at school when 9/11 happened. I was in science class in 7th grade, and our teacher put up a projection of a plane hitting a tower. I thought that the plane accidently flew into it and didn't think much of it. But then our social studies teacher told us about how it was intentional and that the buildings collapsed...  :sleepy:

Do you remember how you felt when you heard that this action was intentional?

I felt dissapointed and alittle scared. I was afraid that I might have to live through a huge war...and I was dissapointed in that the countries arn't at peace.

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My aunt worked for the government during the Oklahoma City bombing thing.  She had come down to visit us (we were living in Oklahoma City at the time) and was going to see some friends at the building but decided against it.  Then of course it was bombed.  My mom said we could feel the vibrations caused by it, even though we were probably 5 miles away.

I am glad your aunt decided against going down there.


That must have been a scary feeling to feel the vibrations and not know what is going on.

I don't remember it at all.  I remember being in history when it happened.  I was in the library when everyone had found out, so I had no idea what our teacher was talking about.  I found out during class change and I remember joking about it that same day.  The NASA explosion in February 2003, I was picking up a friend to go to Fort Worth with us and we heard the explosion.  It sounded like a bomb.  We had no idea what happened until we turned on the radio when we were in Dallas.

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My aunt worked for the government during the Oklahoma City bombing thing.  She had come down to visit us (we were living in Oklahoma City at the time) and was going to see some friends at the building but decided against it.  Then of course it was bombed.  My mom said we could feel the vibrations caused by it, even though we were probably 5 miles away.

I am glad your aunt decided against going down there.


That must have been a scary feeling to feel the vibrations and not know what is going on.

I don't remember it at all.  I remember being in history when it happened.  I was in the library when everyone had found out, so I had no idea what our teacher was talking about.  I found out during class change and I remember joking about it that same day.  The NASA explosion in February 2003, I was picking up a friend to go to Fort Worth with us and we heard the explosion.  It sounded like a bomb.  We had no idea what happened until we turned on the radio when we were in Dallas.

Your September 11th story sounds a lot like mine.  My mother drove me to school, as usual that morning, and she was saying things, I don't remember what, but they made me kind of curious, but she refused to tell me anything.  I had no idea anything had happened until Homeroom... well, not really homeroom, just the class where we sat and watched ChannelOne News, when there was a morning anouncement, apologizing to people about something, whatever had happened earlier. Then, Channel One was all about that, talking about the "World Trade Center", which I had never even heard of, so I thought they were talking about the "World Trade Organization" being attacked, and I was thinking something like "Okay, how do you attack an organization stationed around the world?", and thought nothing of it.  Then, I found out more about it, and they made it sound like every government building was under attack, so I was worried about my Dad, who works for the government, and then it became no big deal again, after I found out it was just one building.  Sorry for the runons.

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I too was at school when 9/11 happened. I was in science class in 7th grade, and our teacher put up a projection of a plane hitting a tower. I thought that the plane accidently flew into it and didn't think much of it. But then our social studies teacher told us about how it was intentional and that the buildings collapsed...  :sleepy:

Do you remember how you felt when you heard that this action was intentional?

I felt dissapointed and alittle scared. I was afraid that I might have to live through a huge war...and I was dissapointed in that the countries arn't at peace.

I wish that the world was at peace.  Some parts of the world have been fighting continuously for over 1000 years and you wonder if they would know how to live in peace.  This is sad.

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My aunt worked for the government during the Oklahoma City bombing thing.  She had come down to visit us (we were living in Oklahoma City at the time) and was going to see some friends at the building but decided against it.  Then of course it was bombed.  My mom said we could feel the vibrations caused by it, even though we were probably 5 miles away.

I am glad your aunt decided against going down there.


That must have been a scary feeling to feel the vibrations and not know what is going on.

I don't remember it at all.  I remember being in history when it happened.  I was in the library when everyone had found out, so I had no idea what our teacher was talking about.  I found out during class change and I remember joking about it that same day.  The NASA explosion in February 2003, I was picking up a friend to go to Fort Worth with us and we heard the explosion.  It sounded like a bomb.  We had no idea what happened until we turned on the radio when we were in Dallas.

You were in the path of the shuttle.  That would have bothered me after I heard what the explosion was.   :eek

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My aunt worked for the government during the Oklahoma City bombing thing.  She had come down to visit us (we were living in Oklahoma City at the time) and was going to see some friends at the building but decided against it.  Then of course it was bombed.  My mom said we could feel the vibrations caused by it, even though we were probably 5 miles away.

I am glad your aunt decided against going down there.


That must have been a scary feeling to feel the vibrations and not know what is going on.

I don't remember it at all.  I remember being in history when it happened.  I was in the library when everyone had found out, so I had no idea what our teacher was talking about.  I found out during class change and I remember joking about it that same day.  The NASA explosion in February 2003, I was picking up a friend to go to Fort Worth with us and we heard the explosion.  It sounded like a bomb.  We had no idea what happened until we turned on the radio when we were in Dallas.

Your September 11th story sounds a lot like mine.  My mother drove me to school, as usual that morning, and she was saying things, I don't remember what, but they made me kind of curious, but she refused to tell me anything.  I had no idea anything had happened until Homeroom... well, not really homeroom, just the class where we sat and watched ChannelOne News, when there was a morning anouncement, apologizing to people about something, whatever had happened earlier. Then, Channel One was all about that, talking about the "World Trade Center", which I had never even heard of, so I thought they were talking about the "World Trade Organization" being attacked, and I was thinking something like "Okay, how do you attack an organization stationed around the world?", and thought nothing of it.  Then, I found out more about it, and they made it sound like every government building was under attack, so I was worried about my Dad, who works for the government, and then it became no big deal again, after I found out it was just one building.  Sorry for the runons.

That had to be very scary until you saw your father return home.

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My aunt worked for the government during the Oklahoma City bombing thing.  She had come down to visit us (we were living in Oklahoma City at the time) and was going to see some friends at the building but decided against it.  Then of course it was bombed.  My mom said we could feel the vibrations caused by it, even though we were probably 5 miles away.

I am glad your aunt decided against going down there.


That must have been a scary feeling to feel the vibrations and not know what is going on.

I don't remember it at all.  I remember being in history when it happened.  I was in the library when everyone had found out, so I had no idea what our teacher was talking about.  I found out during class change and I remember joking about it that same day.  The NASA explosion in February 2003, I was picking up a friend to go to Fort Worth with us and we heard the explosion.  It sounded like a bomb.  We had no idea what happened until we turned on the radio when we were in Dallas.

Your September 11th story sounds a lot like mine.  My mother drove me to school, as usual that morning, and she was saying things, I don't remember what, but they made me kind of curious, but she refused to tell me anything.  I had no idea anything had happened until Homeroom... well, not really homeroom, just the class where we sat and watched ChannelOne News, when there was a morning anouncement, apologizing to people about something, whatever had happened earlier. Then, Channel One was all about that, talking about the "World Trade Center", which I had never even heard of, so I thought they were talking about the "World Trade Organization" being attacked, and I was thinking something like "Okay, how do you attack an organization stationed around the world?", and thought nothing of it.  Then, I found out more about it, and they made it sound like every government building was under attack, so I was worried about my Dad, who works for the government, and then it became no big deal again, after I found out it was just one building.  Sorry for the runons.

That had to be very scary until you saw your father return home.

Not really.  I called him right after, and he told me he was okay, so, I was fine!

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well, im just happy they finally cot hussein.
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I too was at school when 9/11 happened. I was in science class in 7th grade, and our teacher put up a projection of a plane hitting a tower. I thought that the plane accidently flew into it and didn't think much of it. But then our social studies teacher told us about how it was intentional and that the buildings collapsed...  :sleepy:

Do you remember how you felt when you heard that this action was intentional?

I felt dissapointed and alittle scared. I was afraid that I might have to live through a huge war...and I was dissapointed in that the countries arn't at peace.

I wish that the world was at peace.  Some parts of the world have been fighting continuously for over 1000 years and you wonder if they would know how to live in peace.  This is sad.

Oh I know...it's really disturbing.

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Speaking of bin Laden, what do you think now that there has been another alert?  Is it cause for alarm?  Seeing as there are almost always terror attacks after tapes have been released, do you think that there will be an attack?  If so, how big?
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Speaking of bin Laden, what do you think now that there has been another alert?  Is it cause for alarm?  Seeing as there are almost always terror attacks after tapes have been released, do you think that there will be an attack?  If so, how big?

Well considering that we might as well got shot to peices in a firefight between armed air marshals and terrorists, I don't think they will try by air. Maybe they will hijack a nuclear submarine and fire it's missiles at the White house!!! (actually if Bush is in there it's not all that bad)

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well, im just happy they finally cot hussein.

Me too. They have yet to get bin laden though.  :sleepy:

I am glad that Saddam Hussein has been caught and a good number of his officials, but I would really like to see the capture of Bin Laden.  Terrorism is something that really affects everyone and that is his method of operation.

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Speaking of bin Laden, what do you think now that there has been another alert?  Is it cause for alarm?  Seeing as there are almost always terror attacks after tapes have been released, do you think that there will be an attack?  If so, how big?

There is a very good chance that there will be another attack, but where and against whom, it is hard to say.  Take a look at the middle east, Israel and Palestine, Jerusalem, Bethlehem...terrorist attacks happen far too often.  :(

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Speaking of bin Laden, what do you think now that there has been another alert?  Is it cause for alarm?  Seeing as there are almost always terror attacks after tapes have been released, do you think that there will be an attack?  If so, how big?

There is a very good chance that there will be another attack, but where and against whom, it is hard to say.  Take a look at the middle east, Israel and Palestine, Jerusalem, Bethlehem...terrorist attacks happen far too often.  :(

Speaking of Betlehem... Are you aware that the foreign office will not ever grant you passage to Betlehem because of the violence that lurks everywhere. Not to mention the amounts of body bags they need for tourists who went there......

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OKay, here is an evaluation of the Pledge word for word...


"I plegde alligence to the flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT STANDS..."  That says that you are supporting the republic, which would be the government.  The government makes some pretty dumb choices.  By saying the pledge, in a way you are also saying, "I will stand up for my country."  Would you stand up for your country if you didn't agree with everything it did?


"One nation, under God..."  I believe in God.  I am a Christian.  However, in the constitution, isn't there some rule about keeping a separation between church and state?  And what about the people that DON'T believe in God, like Hindus and Muslims?  If THEY say the pledge, then they are aligning themselves under a God whom they believe does not exist!


"Indivisible..."  That is a lie!  If our country was indivisible, meaning nothing will divide it, then how come we had the Civil War?  We were divided then!  And now, we are devided because a lot of people are anti-Bush (like myself) and a few people are pro-Bush (like my parents... :sleepy: ).  If we were indivisible, then no one would have different political oppinions!


"With liberty and justice for all."  Okay, wait.  Not everyone has been given liberty and justice.  In the 1960's blacks in America were prosecuted heavily for just looking different.  That's not justice!  That's racism!


So there is a reason why I don't say the pledge.  Also, might I point out that by saying the pledge, you are donating your life to a piece of fabric on a wall.


I'm all out of time.

Well now, the pledge is talking about NOW! not then. things change!

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WHAT!!!!!!!!!Bush is SOOOOOOO doing his job! if he's not then how did sadam get captured? if you listend to him a bit more then mabey you'd see how good of a president he is. give me 3 resons why hes a bad president and not doing his job! you dont like bush because you want something to disagree with.........yes, iam a repulican.

          I LOVE BUSH :love:  :love:  :love:


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OKay, here is an evaluation of the Pledge word for word...


"I plegde alligence to the flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT STANDS..."  That says that you are supporting the republic, which would be the government.  The government makes some pretty dumb choices.  By saying the pledge, in a way you are also saying, "I will stand up for my country."  Would you stand up for your country if you didn't agree with everything it did?


"One nation, under God..."  I believe in God.  I am a Christian.  However, in the constitution, isn't there some rule about keeping a separation between church and state?  And what about the people that DON'T believe in God, like Hindus and Muslims?  If THEY say the pledge, then they are aligning themselves under a God whom they believe does not exist!


"Indivisible..."  That is a lie!  If our country was indivisible, meaning nothing will divide it, then how come we had the Civil War?  We were divided then!  And now, we are devided because a lot of people are anti-Bush (like myself) and a few people are pro-Bush (like my parents... :sleepy: ).  If we were indivisible, then no one would have different political oppinions!


"With liberty and justice for all."  Okay, wait.  Not everyone has been given liberty and justice.  In the 1960's blacks in America were prosecuted heavily for just looking different.  That's not justice!  That's racism!


So there is a reason why I don't say the pledge.  Also, might I point out that by saying the pledge, you are donating your life to a piece of fabric on a wall.


I'm all out of time.

Well now, the pledge is talking about NOW! not then. things change!

Yes but history often repeats itself.

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Hello to all,

Here is a topic I posted so that people all over the world can share their oppinions about the US Government.  Here are some questions I would like you to answer-

1- Are you an anarchist?

2- Are you a Bush supporter?

3- Do you say the Pledge of Alligence?

4- If so, do you mean it?

5- Do you think Bush is doing his job?


Any other comments would be appreciated.  I, for one, do not like our government system.  From people I have talked to, the US has become one of the most hated countries.


1-no idea what that is...





An anarchist is someone who incites, causes and beleives in Arnachy.

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WHAT!!!!!!!!!Bush is SOOOOOOO doing his job! if he's not then how did sadam get captured? if you listend to him a bit more then mabey you'd see how good of a president he is. give me 3 resons why hes a bad president and not doing his job! you dont like bush because you want something to disagree with.........yes, iam a repulican.

        I LOVE BUSH :love:  :love:  :love:


OK, here goes:


1  He is protecting his position, not the world.  Unless the USA signs up for the Kyoto agreement, or imposes the measures contained in it, the world will start dying in 2050, that's well within your lifetime.  (He'll lose the big business vote if he does sign up to the agreement because it will cost industry big bucks.)


2  He has declaired war on a country (ie Iraq) that has not attacked the USA.  He would have been much better spending that money on education/health/law enforcement.


3  He has now said that he wants to send people to Mars.  Nice dream, but at something like $30-40 billion, isn't that a little extravagant.  Again that money would be better spent on schools/hospitals etc, there again it's election year and students don't have a vote!


4  When he was govenor of Texas, he sent more prisoners to their deaths that any govener in living memory.


5  He nearly split the UN in two by going to war with Iraq.


6  To us in the UK he appears very inept getting facts/names wrong when he is making speaches.  He gives the impression of knowing very little about other cultures.


7  He is keeping Afghanisan prisoners of war in Guantalimo Bay without access to the proper legal system.  However, others that were not Afghanistan nationals have now been tried, eg Richard Reed, the so-called shoe bomber.


8  He impossed 'illegal' trade tarrifs on imported steal, just to prop up a failing industry.


9  He allowed 'mad cows' to get into the food chain and only seems to have taken stringent precautions when the rest of the world said they would stop buying American Beef.


10  He is allowing illegal immegrants to settle in the USA, but they will not have full legal status.  This might sound good, but again it goes back to being election year.  The Hispanic vote is hugh and could make all the difference to his chances of being re-elected, but this will be, if he is re-elected, his second and final term in office.  What's to stop him 'changing his mind' after the election and withdrawing this right?


OK that's 10 things and you only asked for three :sleepy:  :penguin .

Amen, Sheena!  By the way, sorry about your divorce.  :sleepy:

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you dont like bush because you want something to disagree with.........yes, iam a repulican.

        I LOVE BUSH :love:  :love:  :love:


No, I don't like Bush because I believe he is not what our country needs.  And they caught Saddam, but what about Osama?  There has been more focus on him recently but we still haven't caught him, don't forget about that.  Come on, you haven't read the whole 42 pages of this discussion.  We do have points here.  What has Bush done FOR our country?

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Sorry if this next bit offends anyone, but over here many of us never thought that any one country would be big headed enough to claim that they had a building for and called The World Trade Centre, so implying that it was the most important building for trade anywhere in the World :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

I never though of that  8)

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Sorry if this next bit offends anyone, but over here many of us never thought that any one country would be big headed enough to claim that they had a building for and called The World Trade Centre, so implying that it was the most important building for trade anywhere in the World :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

I never though of that  8)

You have to admit it was pretty big-headed of whoever came up with the name to call it that. It's as though we should call the British stock exchange, 'The world stock exchange' or 'the better than Wall Street (I think thats the American stock exchange) and Nadasq put together stock exchange'.

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You have to admit it was pretty big-headed of whoever came up with the name to call it that. It's as though we should call the British stock exchange, 'The world stock exchange' or 'the better than Wall Street (I think thats the American stock exchange) and Nadasq put together stock exchange'.

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is located on Wall Street, New York City and the American Stock Exchange (AMEX) is located in Chicago, Illinois.  The Nasdaq, the world's first electronic stock market, has a seven story, high tech, electronic display that wraps around the Nasdaq building which is located on 43rd and Broadway in New York City.

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Speaking of Betlehem... Are you aware that the foreign office will not ever grant you passage to Betlehem because of the violence that lurks everywhere. Not to mention the amounts of body bags they need for tourists who went there......

I have been several times to Bethlehem.  The US government does not prohibit Americans from visiting Bethlehem.

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An anarchist is someone who incites, causes and beleives in Arnachy.

Anarchy is the absence of government, lawless confusion and political disorder and general disorder.


An anarchist would be someone who believes, encourages or furthers the absence of government, lawless confusion and political and general disorder.

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Speaking of Betlehem... Are you aware that the foreign office will not ever grant you passage to Betlehem because of the violence that lurks everywhere. Not to mention the amounts of body bags they need for tourists who went there......

I have been several times to Bethlehem.  The US government does not prohibit Americans from visiting Bethlehem.

You went to bethlehem and wasn't attacked by disgruntled arabs?

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Speaking of Betlehem... Are you aware that the foreign office will not ever grant you passage to Betlehem because of the violence that lurks everywhere. Not to mention the amounts of body bags they need for tourists who went there......

I have been several times to Bethlehem.  The US government does not prohibit Americans from visiting Bethlehem.

You went to bethlehem and wasn't attacked by disgruntled arabs?

No, no attacks.

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How does everyone feel about Bush saying he will make it easier for illegal immigrants to find jobs?  Shouldn't he focus first on making sure natural born citizens find jobs, considering the job market is awful?

I was wondering about that.  According to the TV news in Brittain, he is saying that they will only be allowed to/are only doing the jobs that natural born citizens don't want.


However, if this policy is stuck to, it will mean that these immegrants are held in the poorest/dirtiest/most objectional jobs forever.  This hardly seems appropriate or fitting in a free, fair and democratric society :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .


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WHAT!!!!!!!!!Bush is SOOOOOOO doing his job! if he's not then how did sadam get captured? if you listend to him a bit more then mabey you'd see how good of a president he is. give me 3 resons why hes a bad president and not doing his job! you dont like bush because you want something to disagree with.........yes, iam a repulican.

        I LOVE BUSH :love:  :love:  :love:


OK, here goes:


1  He is protecting his position, not the world.  Unless the USA signs up for the Kyoto agreement, or imposes the measures contained in it, the world will start dying in 2050, that's well within your lifetime.  (He'll lose the big business vote if he does sign up to the agreement because it will cost industry big bucks.)


2  He has declaired war on a country (ie Iraq) that has not attacked the USA.  He would have been much better spending that money on education/health/law enforcement.


3  He has now said that he wants to send people to Mars.  Nice dream, but at something like $30-40 billion, isn't that a little extravagant.  Again that money would be better spent on schools/hospitals etc, there again it's election year and students don't have a vote!


4  When he was govenor of Texas, he sent more prisoners to their deaths that any govener in living memory.


5  He nearly split the UN in two by going to war with Iraq.


6  To us in the UK he appears very inept getting facts/names wrong when he is making speaches.  He gives the impression of knowing very little about other cultures.


7  He is keeping Afghanisan prisoners of war in Guantalimo Bay without access to the proper legal system.  However, others that were not Afghanistan nationals have now been tried, eg Richard Reed, the so-called shoe bomber.


8  He impossed 'illegal' trade tarrifs on imported steal, just to prop up a failing industry.


9  He allowed 'mad cows' to get into the food chain and only seems to have taken stringent precautions when the rest of the world said they would stop buying American Beef.


10  He is allowing illegal immegrants to settle in the USA, but they will not have full legal status.  This might sound good, but again it goes back to being election year.  The Hispanic vote is hugh and could make all the difference to his chances of being re-elected, but this will be, if he is re-elected, his second and final term in office.  What's to stop him 'changing his mind' after the election and withdrawing this right?


OK that's 10 things and you only asked for three :sleepy:  :penguin .

Amen, Sheena!  By the way, sorry about your divorce.  :sleepy:

Thank you for the support.


We are not divorcing yet, just seperated to see how it goes :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Oooohh... Okay.  *embarassed cough*  Well still...it's almost the same thing.

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Has anyone seen the photos from Mars??  They are really spectacular!!!  They have sent back color photographs which are so fantastic!!!!!!!  I am looking forward to when Opportunity lands and we have double the photos coing back!!!


:love:  :love:  :love:

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Has anyone seen the photos from Mars??  They are really spectacular!!!  They have sent back color photographs which are so fantastic!!!!!!!  I am looking forward to when Opportunity lands and we have double the photos coing back!!!


:love:  :love:  :love:

Why is it that every time we send some sort of brilliant technology into space to collect information it either blows up, gets stuck in a crater (Voyager 2) or shoots off into somewhere it wasn't meant to?

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Has anyone seen the photos from Mars??  They are really spectacular!!!  They have sent back color photographs which are so fantastic!!!!!!!  I am looking forward to when Opportunity lands and we have double the photos coing back!!!


:love:  :love:  :love:

Hampton and the Hampsters are on Mars as well (sort of).


See the URL below:




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Has anyone seen the photos from Mars??  They are really spectacular!!!  They have sent back color photographs which are so fantastic!!!!!!!  I am looking forward to when Opportunity lands and we have double the photos coing back!!!

I know, and they never talk about it in the news  :sleepy:

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Has anyone seen the photos from Mars??  They are really spectacular!!!  They have sent back color photographs which are so fantastic!!!!!!!  I am looking forward to when Opportunity lands and we have double the photos coing back!!!


:love:  :love:  :love:

Hampton and the Hampsters are on Mars as well (sort of).


See the URL below:




Interesting! I should show that to my family sometime.

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Has anyone seen the photos from Mars??  They are really spectacular!!!  They have sent back color photographs which are so fantastic!!!!!!!  I am looking forward to when Opportunity lands and we have double the photos coing back!!!


:love:  :love:  :love:

Hampton and the Hampsters are on Mars as well (sort of).


See the URL below:




Thanks HampsterKing...


    Hampton and the Hampsters are part of history!!!!!!!!



The link is fantastic!  Thank you so much for showing us!


:love:   :D  :cool:  :D  :love:

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Has anyone seen the photos from Mars??  They are really spectacular!!!  They have sent back color photographs which are so fantastic!!!!!!!  I am looking forward to when Opportunity lands and we have double the photos coing back!!!


:love:  :love:  :love:

Why is it that every time we send some sort of brilliant technology into space to collect information it either blows up, gets stuck in a crater (Voyager 2) or shoots off into somewhere it wasn't meant to?

Not always...


    These type missions are really difficult and they tried.  Next time will be an outstanding success, I am sure!


:love:  :love:  :love:

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Has anyone seen the photos from Mars??  They are really spectacular!!!  They have sent back color photographs which are so fantastic!!!!!!!  I am looking forward to when Opportunity lands and we have double the photos coing back!!!

I know, and they never talk about it in the news  :sleepy:

I am so lucky to be here near Cape Canaveral!


We have NASA Television which has been showing so many other things that do not show up in your neck of the woods, for example, we can look into the work areas and watch the NASA employees at work, doing wind tests, air bag tests etc.


:love:  :love:  :love:

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