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ron paul


Allow me to finish off that sentence:


"Ron Paul is a lunatic."


Bloomberg is amazing at finances. Bloomberg television is my choice. CNBC is losing it, as they are trying to act the television version of the National Enquirer.


McCain ruined his own Presidential chances when he picked Palin.


ACORN... I am still trying to dig to the bottom. It infuriates me when you are trying to listen to the questions and answers and everyone is talking over each other and nothing whatsoever is said because they are simultaneously talking raising the level to 10 on the Richter Scale. This is when I change the channel.


Well, Bloomberg is the 8th richest American, so I'd expect him to be amazing at finances.


McCain should have chosen... to not stand on the GOP ticket? The right-wing of the party has ruined him and the choice of Palin was largely for them. But who to pick for Veep instead?


It is incredibly frustrating, although that's why I don't watch anything involving a FOX News anchor, particularly Hannity and O'Reilly. Did you see Barney Frank and O'Reilly have a shouting match? It was quite funny to see a congressman take O'Reilly to task for a change rather than let him shout him down. Personally, I side with the argument that the "voter purges" and the strikes against ACORN are fabricating the myth of voter fraud and voter registration fraud, not in response to them. It is more out of a desire to seem tough on the issue rather than in response to the issue, which is why Democrats and Republicans are both participating in them. That's only my feeling though, because the issue is so obsucred by government and press it is hard to come to a conclusion. If the government doesn't initiate prosecution against ACORN or produce some evidence, I'm going to assume that it is false accusations.

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I think Joe the Plumber is now more well known than Sarah Palin...


He's given more interviews than her certainly, gave his viewpoints clearly and concisely and didn't claim he was a maverick.

Joe the Plumber... I'm sure he didn't think he would be famous. :D

At least both the parties recognized him. :lol:

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I think Joe the Plumber is now more well known than Sarah Palin...


He's given more interviews than her certainly, gave his viewpoints clearly and concisely and didn't claim he was a maverick.

Joe the Plumber... I'm sure he didn't think he would be famous. :D

At least both the parties recognized him. :lol:


Why Joe the would-benefit-under-Obama's-tax-plan, hasn't-paid-part-of-his-income-tax, not-a-liscensed plumber though?


Probably because McCain wants to accuse Obama of socialism.


By the way, Horatio, did you watch the Simon Schama programme?

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I think Joe the Plumber is now more well known than Sarah Palin...


He's given more interviews than her certainly, gave his viewpoints clearly and concisely and didn't claim he was a maverick.

Joe the Plumber... I'm sure he didn't think he would be famous. :D

At least both the parties recognized him. :lol:


Why Joe the would-benefit-under-Obama's-tax-plan, hasn't-paid-part-of-his-income-tax, not-a-liscensed plumber though?


Probably because McCain wants to accuse Obama of socialism.


By the way, Horatio, did you watch the Simon Schama programme?

The BBC version was not available for. Viewing in the USA.

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I think Joe the Plumber is now more well known than Sarah Palin...


He's given more interviews than her certainly, gave his viewpoints clearly and concisely and didn't claim he was a maverick.

Joe the Plumber... I'm sure he didn't think he would be famous. :D

At least both the parties recognized him. :lol:


Why Joe the would-benefit-under-Obama's-tax-plan, hasn't-paid-part-of-his-income-tax, not-a-liscensed plumber though?


Probably because McCain wants to accuse Obama of socialism.


By the way, Horatio, did you watch the Simon Schama programme?

The BBC version was not available for. Viewing in the USA.

Darn. Just like I can't watch the Daily Show on the Comedy Central website...


By the way;


Colin Powell has endorsed Barack Obama.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Horatio, did you see Barbara West interview Joe Biden on WFTV?


(If you're wondering how I manage to get all this information from the UK, I use the delightful HuffPo - which though biased, offers me more interesting information than I could get elsewhere)

As a matter of fact I was wondering where you got your information. :lol: I was flying when the interview was on, so unfortunately I missed it. What did you think about the interview and Biden?


What is your opinion of the group of young men arrested for the conspiracy to murder several African-American people, including Obama?

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Horatio, did you see Barbara West interview Joe Biden on WFTV?


(If you're wondering how I manage to get all this information from the UK, I use the delightful HuffPo - which though biased, offers me more interesting information than I could get elsewhere)

As a matter of fact I was wondering where you got your information. :lol: I was flying when the interview was on, so unfortunately I missed it. What did you think about the interview and Biden?


What is your opinion of the group of young men arrested for the conspiracy to murder several African-American people, including Obama?


It offers me better coverage than any UK media outlet and perhaps more unique and interesting stories than a major news organ like the NYT or CNN. Wouldn't touch Fox News with a barge pole, for obvious reasons. Why hello Hannity & Colmes. What's that Colmes? You're not really liberal and you let Hannity walk all over you as to make the Conservative side of the item more convincing? Why, I would never have guessed. I do actually watch The Daily Show too.


I did watch the interview and I found it laughable. The quoting Marx thing was, for me at least, demonstrative of the bias inherent within it. Take Barack Obama's statement of "Spread the wealth around," now it is an ambiguous phrase for a start and a very stupid error on Obama's part, as the coverage shows. However, if it was an impartial and objective interviewer you should recognise that fact; that there are two sides to it. You can take it from the Marxist perspective or you can take it from the view of ensuring that everyone benefits from national growth rather than the very top end of Wall Street; which is legitimate given that the bottom half of the USA has seen its income decline in real terms since 1980, the middle half has seen its income increase slightly in real terms since 1980 while the top 5% has seen a, arguably unfair, exponential increase in their wealth. In a fair interview, the interviewer, in their questioning, would recognise both sides of this. Or not comment on it at all. Instead, West (or the editorial staff) made their decision that it was Marxist before the interview and would approach it from that angle. That's equivalent to push polling. So I don't buy into the "hard hitting questions" malarkey that the WFTV people have put out.


The neo-Nazis? Disgusting, disgraceful, an insult to humanity. I believe they have links to some of the neo-Nazi groups operating in Europe, one of which is known as Combat 18 and operates out of the UK. I've come across them before, very nasty. They're essentially thugs though; this plot against Obama shows that. The plot wasn't very well planned and wasn't a professional or well thought out attack on him. However, imagine if they had someone with brains to organise them. Then I would be very, very scared.


The defining feature about that plot was Obama's response, which I have to give him exceptional kudos for.

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Horatio, did you see Barbara West interview Joe Biden on WFTV?


(If you're wondering how I manage to get all this information from the UK, I use the delightful HuffPo - which though biased, offers me more interesting information than I could get elsewhere)

As a matter of fact I was wondering where you got your information. :lol: I was flying when the interview was on, so unfortunately I missed it. What did you think about the interview and Biden?


What is your opinion of the group of young men arrested for the conspiracy to murder several African-American people, including Obama?


It offers me better coverage than any UK media outlet and perhaps more unique and interesting stories than a major news organ like the NYT or CNN. Wouldn't touch Fox News with a barge pole, for obvious reasons. Why hello Hannity & Colmes. What's that Colmes? You're not really liberal and you let Hannity walk all over you as to make the Conservative side of the item more convincing? Why, I would never have guessed. I do actually watch The Daily Show too.


I did watch the interview and I found it laughable. The quoting Marx thing was, for me at least, demonstrative of the bias inherent within it. Take Barack Obama's statement of "Spread the wealth around," now it is an ambiguous phrase for a start and a very stupid error on Obama's part, as the coverage shows. However, if it was an impartial and objective interviewer you should recognise that fact; that there are two sides to it. You can take it from the Marxist perspective or you can take it from the view of ensuring that everyone benefits from national growth rather than the very top end of Wall Street; which is legitimate given that the bottom half of the USA has seen its income decline in real terms since 1980, the middle half has seen its income increase slightly in real terms since 1980 while the top 5% has seen a, arguably unfair, exponential increase in their wealth. In a fair interview, the interviewer, in their questioning, would recognise both sides of this. Or not comment on it at all. Instead, West (or the editorial staff) made their decision that it was Marxist before the interview and would approach it from that angle. That's equivalent to push polling. So I don't buy into the "hard hitting questions" malarkey that the WFTV people have put out.


The neo-Nazis? Disgusting, disgraceful, an insult to humanity. I believe they have links to some of the neo-Nazi groups operating in Europe, one of which is known as Combat 18 and operates out of the UK. I've come across them before, very nasty. They're essentially thugs though; this plot against Obama shows that. The plot wasn't very well planned and wasn't a professional or well thought out attack on him. However, imagine if they had someone with brains to organise them. Then I would be very, very scared.


The defining feature about that plot was Obama's response, which I have to give him exceptional kudos for.

We are in agreement. Neither CNN nor Fox do I watch. Hannity and Colmes... now that is a joke. My favorites are Jim Lehrer, BBC and NPR (National Public Radio).


As for the wealth in this country, you are exact in your statement. And I do not believe that we have seen the worst of it. When the credit card mess finally rears it's ugly head, then there will be another major drop in the stock market and perhaps people will wake up and spend money in a fiscally responsible manner. Now most people think they are 'entitled' to lifestyles of the rich and famous whether or not they actually have the money for it. As long as there is space on the card... charge, charge, charge.


As for the Neo-Nazis, I am at a loss for words. If Osama Bin Laden, who is brilliant, got his hands on this group, the world would be in trouble. Obama has raised himself above the rest with his response. What I find incredibly interesting is that back when Clinton and Obama were fighting for the nomination, many of the African-Americans here in Memphis had the sentiment that if Obama won the nomination, he would be assassinated. It is a bit unnerving to see this come out on the news. Especially since they are right here in Memphis.

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Horatio, did you see Barbara West interview Joe Biden on WFTV?


(If you're wondering how I manage to get all this information from the UK, I use the delightful HuffPo - which though biased, offers me more interesting information than I could get elsewhere)

As a matter of fact I was wondering where you got your information. :lol: I was flying when the interview was on, so unfortunately I missed it. What did you think about the interview and Biden?


What is your opinion of the group of young men arrested for the conspiracy to murder several African-American people, including Obama?


It offers me better coverage than any UK media outlet and perhaps more unique and interesting stories than a major news organ like the NYT or CNN. Wouldn't touch Fox News with a barge pole, for obvious reasons. Why hello Hannity & Colmes. What's that Colmes? You're not really liberal and you let Hannity walk all over you as to make the Conservative side of the item more convincing? Why, I would never have guessed. I do actually watch The Daily Show too.


I did watch the interview and I found it laughable. The quoting Marx thing was, for me at least, demonstrative of the bias inherent within it. Take Barack Obama's statement of "Spread the wealth around," now it is an ambiguous phrase for a start and a very stupid error on Obama's part, as the coverage shows. However, if it was an impartial and objective interviewer you should recognise that fact; that there are two sides to it. You can take it from the Marxist perspective or you can take it from the view of ensuring that everyone benefits from national growth rather than the very top end of Wall Street; which is legitimate given that the bottom half of the USA has seen its income decline in real terms since 1980, the middle half has seen its income increase slightly in real terms since 1980 while the top 5% has seen a, arguably unfair, exponential increase in their wealth. In a fair interview, the interviewer, in their questioning, would recognise both sides of this. Or not comment on it at all. Instead, West (or the editorial staff) made their decision that it was Marxist before the interview and would approach it from that angle. That's equivalent to push polling. So I don't buy into the "hard hitting questions" malarkey that the WFTV people have put out.


The neo-Nazis? Disgusting, disgraceful, an insult to humanity. I believe they have links to some of the neo-Nazi groups operating in Europe, one of which is known as Combat 18 and operates out of the UK. I've come across them before, very nasty. They're essentially thugs though; this plot against Obama shows that. The plot wasn't very well planned and wasn't a professional or well thought out attack on him. However, imagine if they had someone with brains to organise them. Then I would be very, very scared.


The defining feature about that plot was Obama's response, which I have to give him exceptional kudos for.

We are in agreement. Neither CNN nor Fox do I watch. Hannity and Colmes... now that is a joke. My favorites are Jim Lehrer, BBC and NPR (National Public Radio).


As for the wealth in this country, you are exact in your statement. And I do not believe that we have seen the worst of it. When the credit card mess finally rears it's ugly head, then there will be another major drop in the stock market and perhaps people will wake up and spend money in a fiscally responsible manner. Now most people think they are 'entitled' to lifestyles of the rich and famous whether or not they actually have the money for it. As long as there is space on the card... charge, charge, charge.


As for the Neo-Nazis, I am at a loss for words. If Osama Bin Laden, who is brilliant, got his hands on this group, the world would be in trouble. Obama has raised himself above the rest with his response. What I find incredibly interesting is that back when Clinton and Obama were fighting for the nomination, many of the African-Americans here in Memphis had the sentiment that if Obama won the nomination, he would be assassinated. It is a bit unnerving to see this come out on the news. Especially since they are right here in Memphis.


NPR? I'm impressed. I did see a Pew Research study which showed that PBS and NPR viewers/listeners were some of the most informed about geopolitics and didn't suffer from some of the illusions about US foreign policy (Saddam being linked to 9/11, for example, was believed by only 5% of NPR listeners surveyed). That explains quite a bit anyway.


I think you're right too, what we've seen is the banks' own credit undermining the system with bad debt picked up from the mortgage market and the second shock is going to be from personal debt, primarily in the form of credit cards, which will bite into the retail and consumer sections of the economy. Given that the entire Western economy post-Regan and Thatcher has been built on consumerism, that doesn't bode well. I think we're going to see a severe global recession, with economies shrinking by up to 5% per annum for about 3 years. That's my ultra-gloomy estimate of course, my lighter one which relies on several crises not rearing their head would be a recession of 1-3% in 2009, with minor growth appearing in 2010. I can see Detroit being hit really hard; particularly in the form of the car companies who were hit first by the banks' credit crunch and will next be hit by a drop in consumer spending as they have to cope with their personal debt. General Motor's is the weakest of the two; Ford is in a marginally better position and Chrysler is a non-entity by this stage - I'm surprised they can afford to open their doors in the morning.


I think you're overestimating Bin Laden, but I think if someone like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed or any other serious terrorist planner had their hands on a group of violent, disillusioned and ideologically blind young men such as these then things would become very bad. Of course, that is what drives the majority of terrorism round the world; disillusioned young men who turn their disillusionment into anger and then that anger is shaped and directed by terrorist handlers; that's why Lebanon is in such a mess. But it is a very sorry state of affairs where you have to take such a negative, depressed attitude about a presidential candidate. I think the cumulative effect of JFK and RFK hangs heavy on the USA.


What do you think of the new Israeli Premier, Tzipi Livni, and her plans for Palestine?

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i'll just leave this here...




It isn't quite halloween yet, but I can imagine that sight will greet my eyes at the concession speech of John McCain. Just as he's about to close up with his final remarks, Palin jumps him like a zombie.

Hopefully John McCain is the person making the concession speech. There are lots of rumour that Palin has ruined his career.

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So I went to said rally because I had a lack of better things to do.


It was really awesome. :D Lots of good spirits and positivity around.

The question is: If you were able to vote, would you vote for said person?

maybe. I really don't know much about either candidate.

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i'll just leave this here...




It isn't quite halloween yet, but I can imagine that sight will greet my eyes at the concession speech of John McCain. Just as he's about to close up with his final remarks, Palin jumps him like a zombie.

Hopefully John McCain is the person making the concession speech. There are lots of rumour that Palin has ruined his career.


I blame the people behind him who forced him to adopt traditional Republican positions at the expense of his own views.


As well as Palin, because she really deserves a lot of blame.

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i'll just leave this here...




It isn't quite halloween yet, but I can imagine that sight will greet my eyes at the concession speech of John McCain. Just as he's about to close up with his final remarks, Palin jumps him like a zombie.

Hopefully John McCain is the person making the concession speech. There are lots of rumour that Palin has ruined his career.


I blame the people behind him who forced him to adopt traditional Republican positions at the expense of his own views.


As well as Palin, because she really deserves a lot of blame.

Ahhhh Palin... she is already planning her run for the 2012 Presidency. She has not given any thought to what the Republican party might want. :lol:

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i'll just leave this here...




It isn't quite halloween yet, but I can imagine that sight will greet my eyes at the concession speech of John McCain. Just as he's about to close up with his final remarks, Palin jumps him like a zombie.

Hopefully John McCain is the person making the concession speech. There are lots of rumour that Palin has ruined his career.


I blame the people behind him who forced him to adopt traditional Republican positions at the expense of his own views.


As well as Palin, because she really deserves a lot of blame.

Ahhhh Palin... she is already planning her run for the 2012 Presidency. She has not given any thought to what the Republican party might want. :lol:


"Mitt Romney: The Governor Strikes Back" is one of my theories for the Republican primaries in 2012. "You betcha" it could end up being between the psychopathy of the Palin camp versus Romney's fixed grimace (or "smile" as I've heard it called), both of whom will seek to blame the other for McCain's failed Presidential campaign this year (aren't I being presumptive?). After all; Palin alienated about 60% of the country and a lot of Romney's advisers transferred from his campaign to McCain's when Romney packed it in. So that'll be fun. Quite whether the Republican Party will be in a fit state to contest an election in 2012 is a different matter; it all depends how quick they stop shooting at each other and blaming people over this year. I hope it goes on for a long time, because it gives satirists so much material.

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i'll just leave this here...




It isn't quite halloween yet, but I can imagine that sight will greet my eyes at the concession speech of John McCain. Just as he's about to close up with his final remarks, Palin jumps him like a zombie.

Hopefully John McCain is the person making the concession speech. There are lots of rumour that Palin has ruined his career.


I blame the people behind him who forced him to adopt traditional Republican positions at the expense of his own views.


As well as Palin, because she really deserves a lot of blame.

Ahhhh Palin... she is already planning her run for the 2012 Presidency. She has not given any thought to what the Republican party might want. :lol:


"Mitt Romney: The Governor Strikes Back" is one of my theories for the Republican primaries in 2012. "You betcha" it could end up being between the psychopathy of the Palin camp versus Romney's fixed grimace (or "smile" as I've heard it called), both of whom will seek to blame the other for McCain's failed Presidential campaign this year (aren't I being presumptive?). After all; Palin alienated about 60% of the country and a lot of Romney's advisers transferred from his campaign to McCain's when Romney packed it in. So that'll be fun. Quite whether the Republican Party will be in a fit state to contest an election in 2012 is a different matter; it all depends how quick they stop shooting at each other and blaming people over this year. I hope it goes on for a long time, because it gives satirists so much material.

This year could be the death of the Republican party as we know it. What a mess! Had McCain made a better choice for the V.P. slot, the outlook might have been different.

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What do you think of the new Israeli Premier, Tzipi Livni, and her plans for Palestine?


Her desire for a Palestinian state where the people of Palestine are able to prosper, excel and feel secure in their own state, would be great. But if they were to step out of line and threaten Israel, we are back to the same hostile situation where Israel is controlling another people.

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All my friends who supported McCain were pretty cool today. They were mad that Obama won, but they accepted it.


Except this jerk who sits behind me in History.


I counted:


7 instances of saying that he hopes Obama dies

5 instances of him saying how much he hates Obama

and 12 of him saying Obama's a terrorist.


People can have opinions, and at first I didn't care that he was voicing his opinion, but after a while it got very, very annoying. All the kids in the class, even the ones who also supported McCain, as well as the teacher, told him to shut up.


I don't know. It just got on my nerves.







On a lighter note, Jon Stewart has the same kind of Laptop as me! =D

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On account of the previous topic being mysteriously locked, this is the new topic for all our fun political nonsense. It is also quite appropriate to have a new topic because we now have a new US government, a new administration and we can all look forward to a global utopia. Barack Obama has no pressure on him what so ever.



TGHL... Why are you keeping us in suspense? I was certain that you would have posted your thoughts on the outcome of the election by now.


Keeping you in suspense? I was sleeping, on account of the East Coast of the USA being 5 hours behind GMT and I stayed up until 3AM to watch the results come in on the BBC. Regrettably, the BBC had John Bolton on and I hated every second that the camera was trained on him. I knew Obama had won when Pennsylvania was called for him, but I stuck around to see Minnesota and some of the others come in. Florida really pulled ahead for Obama early on, I thought it would have been closer.


But! And it is a significant but, now that the Presidential election is over all I care about are the Senate results and they are amazing-ly painful.


Take Alaska for example, where the fivethirtyeight website tells me:


But, there are quite a large number of ballots yet to count. According to Roll Call, these include "at least 40,000 absentee ballot, 9,000 early voting ballots, and an undetermined number of questionable ballots".


Apparently the "questionable" ballots could make up a huge number of those voting for Mark Begich (D) and Ted Stevens (R-AK) is only ahead because of this. So, it appears that Alaska has taken Florida's crown for "the state which ruins all the fun."


In Georgia, the senate seat is heading for a run off, because while incumbent Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) has more of the vote, neither candidate has a plurality. I expect monies to be flowing to Georgia out of the Democratic coffers around about... been happening since Tuesday.


And of course Minnesota, where Norm Coleman has decided to play the "I won by 500 votes card, let's pretend there aren't any voting irregularities in heavily Democratic areas, WHY HAVE YOU NOT CONCEDED DEFEAT AL FRANKEN?" Norm Coleman is an ####, in the donkey sense of the word.



A small note on the House front; the loathed Michael Bachmann has regrettably been re-elected. On the upside, apparently New England has an all-Democratic House delegation.

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Why is the other topic locked? :unsure:


I've never seen that happen before.


Anyway, I've heard that some people at my school were calling Obama a baby-killer. I go to a Catholic school, so most of us are quite pro-life. Although not everyone. (I am Pro-Life BTW)


In religion class today our teacher was talking about the how they do abortions. I've heard it before but it still makes me sick.


Not saying this to mean I'm an Obama-hater, because I don't really know anything about any other topics.



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And now the other topic has merged with this one. Magic fairies at work?


I'm more of a republican supporter than I'd like to admit, so I might just be the odd-one-out here. :unsure:

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And now the other topic has merged with this one. Magic fairies at work?


I'm more of a republican supporter than I'd like to admit, so I might just be the odd-one-out here. :unsure:



YOU LIKED PALIN??????????????????????


*falls over and has immediate heart failure, all four feet in the air*


Well, I am probably certain that you liked Palin's foreign policy...


"Golly gee... you can see Russia from the shores of Alaska."


Well, that would make someone feel good about her abilities. :blink:

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I felt I wasn't getting a balanced view of things: I only ever really heard pro-democrat stuff and I hate to hear one-sided arguments. And I never said I liked Palin! She scares the living daylights out of me.


I'm annoyed of poitics in general at the moment because earlier this year there was a fairly big election for the Mayor of London that only people who are residents of the city can vote for. I was VERY annoyed because my 18th birthday was on the 3rd of May and the election was on the 1st of May... you can imagine how frustrating that was! :angry:

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ok so dumb question: did Palin actually make a comment about being able to see Russia from Alaska, or was that just the SNL skit?

She actually made the comment. SNL took her comment and then put it into their show. :o

Oi. *headdesk*

It's still not as bad as Mike Huckabee thinking that the Canadian Prime Minister lives in an Igloo.

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I felt I wasn't getting a balanced view of things: I only ever really heard pro-democrat stuff and I hate to hear one-sided arguments. And I never said I liked Palin! She scares the living daylights out of me.


I'm annoyed of poitics in general at the moment because earlier this year there was a fairly big election for the Mayor of London that only people who are residents of the city can vote for. I was VERY annoyed because my 18th birthday was on the 3rd of May and the election was on the 1st of May... you can imagine how frustrating that was! :angry:


I sincerely hope you were not planning on voting for Bozzer...


Incidentally, I'm in Westminster now.


Oi. *headdesk*


Oy vay! is surely more appropriate in the circumstances?

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I sincerely hope you were not planning on voting for Bozzer...


Incidentally, I'm in Westminster now.


Yeah, no way was Livingstone getting back into office! Boris was the best candidate out of the bunch. That election was a one horse race.


Really? What are you doing there? I'm studying in Brum and missing London quite a bit. :(

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I sincerely hope you were not planning on voting for Bozzer...


Incidentally, I'm in Westminster now.


Yeah, no way was Livingstone getting back into office! Boris was the best candidate out of the bunch. That election was a one horse race.


Really? What are you doing there? I'm studying in Brum and missing London quite a bit. :(


Oh dear, I can see where this might be going. Why, perchance, were you for Boris and against Livingstone?


Studying in London as it happens. I can see why you're missing London, I love it. Especially Shoreditch for some reason.

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I sincerely hope you were not planning on voting for Bozzer...


Incidentally, I'm in Westminster now.


Yeah, no way was Livingstone getting back into office! Boris was the best candidate out of the bunch. That election was a one horse race.


Really? What are you doing there? I'm studying in Brum and missing London quite a bit. :(


Oh dear, I can see where this might be going. Why, perchance, were you for Boris and against Livingstone?


Studying in London as it happens. I can see why you're missing London, I love it. Especially Shoreditch for some reason.


I'm a tory and that's no secret! They're going to be voted in next election, that much is clear, everybody is fed up with Brown. Lstone was terrible, he didn't get anything right, whereas Boris is making positive changes already (and he keeps on coming to my town for no reason so I see him around every now and then). Plus, his hair is adorable!


I guessed. :rolleyes: I've had to get used to a new city and I didn't realise how BIG Brum is. I'm not that familiar with Shoreditch, I'm more of a fan of South Ken and Covent Garden (and running up and down the Mall screaming).

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My uni has a fetish society and they were chaining people up at the societies fair. :blink:

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Just wondering if anyone's campus has the Monster Raving Looney Party represented? :lol:

please tell me that actually exists.


(On a similar note, one of NJ's districts has a party called the All Day Breakfast Party. Marius voted for the guy running under said party. :rolleyes: )

Yes, The Monster Raving Looney Party exists, but sadly it is over in Great Britain.

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Just wondering if anyone's campus has the Monster Raving Looney Party represented? :lol:

please tell me that actually exists.


(On a similar note, one of NJ's districts has a party called the All Day Breakfast Party. Marius voted for the guy running under said party. :rolleyes: )

It does exist as a political party in the UK, no idea about the United States.


I'm a tory and that's no secret! They're going to be voted in next election, that much is clear, everybody is fed up with Brown. Lstone was terrible, he didn't get anything right, whereas Boris is making positive changes already (and he keeps on coming to my town for no reason so I see him around every now and then). Plus, his hair is adorable!


I guessed. rolleyes.gif I've had to get used to a new city and I didn't realise how BIG Brum is. I'm not that familiar with Shoreditch, I'm more of a fan of South Ken and Covent Garden (and running up and down the Mall screaming).

I support no party incidentally and if I had to give a party affiliation it would be "anti-Tory" for reasons I may go into.


1) You can't claim what will happen in 2010 today, 1 1/2 years is a long time in politics.

2) He didn't get a single thing right? Introduction of Oyster cards, reduction in fuel poverty and poverty poverty rates, a mass transit system which actually works, reduction of crime... the list goes on for what Livingstone did right. I'm not saying he was the super best candidate for Mayor ever, but his record on getting things done was undeniable. (For US readers, a comparative figure to Livingstone is Chichago Mayor Daley, although less corrupt by some margin.)

3) Boris has been making positive changes? His scrapping of the Venezuela oil deal cost London £20,000,000 which could have gone on new transport systems (like the Cross River Tram which Bozzer just scrapped), he's had one advisor sacked after telling the black community to "go home" (Africa/The Caribbean) if they didn't like Boris and another one after it emerged he'd been banned from preaching after defrauding a mentally ill, elderly parishoner, he continues his bizarre war on bendy buses and insists on spending £100,000,000 on pointless Routemaster replacements and then there is his crowing glory; a giant floating airport in the middle of the Thames Estuary to replace Heathrow. Interesting facts about this airport; it is next to a sunken ship from WWII which has an exclusion zone around it because of the explosives (and rumoured chemical) weapons on board, the takeoff path goes through an SSI (Site of Scientific Interest) full of birds which will be great for decimating the local wildlife population and in order to connect it to London with a full motorway and High Speed Rail Link would cost... more than a 500mph maglev between London and Edinburgh.

4) Hair adorability should not be a factor in politics - if it was we would have elected Paddington Bear long ago.


Brum's a massive conurbation, so it may be big but the only interesting stuff is in the centre. East London's awesome, but I live near Queensway so I'm more a Westminster/North Kensington person during the day.

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Just wondering if anyone's campus has the Monster Raving Looney Party represented? :lol:

please tell me that actually exists.


(On a similar note, one of NJ's districts has a party called the All Day Breakfast Party. Marius voted for the guy running under said party. :rolleyes: )

Yes, The Monster Raving Looney Party exists, but sadly it is over in Great Britain.

Haha epic. XD I think the US democrats and republicans should join forces and call themselves the Monster Raving Looney Party. :rolleyes:

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Just wondering if anyone's campus has the Monster Raving Looney Party represented? :lol:

please tell me that actually exists.


(On a similar note, one of NJ's districts has a party called the All Day Breakfast Party. Marius voted for the guy running under said party. :rolleyes: )

Yes, The Monster Raving Looney Party exists, but sadly it is over in Great Britain.

Haha epic. XD I think the US democrats and republicans should join forces and call themselves the Monster Raving Looney Party. :rolleyes:


Interesting facts about the MRLP:


They came up with the idea for pet passports years before the EU and USA implemented them


A £2 coin was one of their policy proposals before Labour picked it up and introduced it



I forget the rest, but some of their ideas have been put in place.

One of their more recent ideas is for a "Democrabus" which would take Parliament around the country, to the people. It has the horrible kind of realistic humour which might mean it comes true.

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  • 3 weeks later...
But really, whenever we told someone we were American they would say "Oh, Oh! I love your new president!"

...So, therefore,

Obama=Good for foreign relations?

I believe that President-elect will be phenomenal for foreign relations.

My belief is that he will make a terrific president if he accomplishes all he is setting out to do.

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But really, whenever we told someone we were American they would say "Oh, Oh! I love your new president!"

I wasn't criticizing the new President-elect, but giving Jesse an award for his quick wit.

Personally, I am very proud of the fact the Obama will be leading our country.

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Okay, in case TGHL is still reading this, I have now relaxed my views on Ken Livingstone because I saw him on "9 out of 10 cats" and he was really funny and rolled with the jokes about him losing the election really well. He was mature out it all and he has proven that he's not a bad loser. I still think it's a good thing that Boris got through but I'm not a posion-spitting snake anymore.


Happy? :P




Aoh, and for anyone interested, look up the video on Youtube where they ask people on the streets of the US about terrorism. It was done before the election had really kicked off so most people hadn't heard of Obama and everyone they asked thought he was a leader of a terrorist group. :blink:

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Okay, in case TGHL is still reading this, I have now relaxed my views on Ken Livingstone because I saw him on "9 out of 10 cats" and he was really funny and rolled with the jokes about him losing the election really well. He was mature out it all and he has proven that he's not a bad loser. I still think it's a good thing that Boris got through but I'm not a posion-spitting snake anymore.


Happy? :P




Aoh, and for anyone interested, look up the video on Youtube where they ask people on the streets of the US about terrorism. It was done before the election had really kicked off so most people hadn't heard of Obama and everyone they asked thought he was a leader of a terrorist group. :blink:

Sometimes Americans are so uninformed and that is really scary.

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Okay, in case TGHL is still reading this, I have now relaxed my views on Ken Livingstone because I saw him on "9 out of 10 cats" and he was really funny and rolled with the jokes about him losing the election really well. He was mature out it all and he has proven that he's not a bad loser. I still think it's a good thing that Boris got through but I'm not a posion-spitting snake anymore.


Happy? :P




Aoh, and for anyone interested, look up the video on Youtube where they ask people on the streets of the US about terrorism. It was done before the election had really kicked off so most people hadn't heard of Obama and everyone they asked thought he was a leader of a terrorist group. :blink:

Sometimes Americans are so uninformed and that is really scary.

And thus is why my faith in Humanity is over -9 million.

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Okay, in case TGHL is still reading this, I have now relaxed my views on Ken Livingstone because I saw him on "9 out of 10 cats" and he was really funny and rolled with the jokes about him losing the election really well. He was mature out it all and he has proven that he's not a bad loser. I still think it's a good thing that Boris got through but I'm not a posion-spitting snake anymore.


Happy? :P




Aoh, and for anyone interested, look up the video on Youtube where they ask people on the streets of the US about terrorism. It was done before the election had really kicked off so most people hadn't heard of Obama and everyone they asked thought he was a leader of a terrorist group. :blink:

Sometimes Americans are so uninformed and that is really scary.


Well, there are some funny moments in this video.


Interviewer: Which Iraqi is most responsible for the country's upheaval? Usaf Islam, Osama Bin Laden or Barack Obama?

Lady on street: The last one.

Interviwer: Barack Obama. Why?

Lady: Uuummm... because I've heard his name before?


:lol: :lol:

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Okay, in case TGHL is still reading this, I have now relaxed my views on Ken Livingstone because I saw him on "9 out of 10 cats" and he was really funny and rolled with the jokes about him losing the election really well. He was mature out it all and he has proven that he's not a bad loser. I still think it's a good thing that Boris got through but I'm not a posion-spitting snake anymore.


Happy? :P




Aoh, and for anyone interested, look up the video on Youtube where they ask people on the streets of the US about terrorism. It was done before the election had really kicked off so most people hadn't heard of Obama and everyone they asked thought he was a leader of a terrorist group. :blink:

Sometimes Americans are so uninformed and that is really scary.


Well, there are some funny moments in this video.


Interviewer: Which Iraqi is most responsible for the country's upheaval? Usaf Islam, Osama Bin Laden or Barack Obama?

Lady on street: The last one.

Interviwer: Barack Obama. Why?

Lady: Uuummm... because I've heard his name before?


:lol: :lol:

Ohhhhhhh nooooooooo!

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Okay, in case TGHL is still reading this, I have now relaxed my views on Ken Livingstone because I saw him on "9 out of 10 cats" and he was really funny and rolled with the jokes about him losing the election really well. He was mature out it all and he has proven that he's not a bad loser. I still think it's a good thing that Boris got through but I'm not a posion-spitting snake anymore.


Happy? :P




Aoh, and for anyone interested, look up the video on Youtube where they ask people on the streets of the US about terrorism. It was done before the election had really kicked off so most people hadn't heard of Obama and everyone they asked thought he was a leader of a terrorist group. :blink:

Sometimes Americans are so uninformed and that is really scary.

And thus is why my faith in Humanity is over -9 million.

I totally agree with you on this!!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Man do I feel bad...


My family really, really likes Obama...but the majority of my friends hate him with a bloody passion. I feel really bad when my friends go into tangents about why they dislike him, because I personally think he's an OK guy (he wins the internet because I heard through the grapevine that he will be ending standardized testing in my state).


Just wanted to get that out.


-wonders what TGHL thinks of my obama burger pic-

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Man do I feel bad...


My family really, really likes Obama...but the majority of my friends hate him with a bloody passion. I feel really bad when my friends go into tangents about why they dislike him, because I personally think he's an OK guy (he wins the internet because I heard through the grapevine that he will be ending standardized testing in my state).


Just wanted to get that out.


-wonders what TGHL thinks of my obama burger pic-

Out of curiosity, what are the reasons they give for disliking Obama?


I think your photograph is fantastic!

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Man do I feel bad...


My family really, really likes Obama...but the majority of my friends hate him with a bloody passion. I feel really bad when my friends go into tangents about why they dislike him, because I personally think he's an OK guy (he wins the internet because I heard through the grapevine that he will be ending standardized testing in my state).


Just wanted to get that out.


-wonders what TGHL thinks of my obama burger pic-

Out of curiosity, what are the reasons they give for disliking Obama?


I think your photograph is fantastic!

Well, it's mostly that they don't agree with his policies. My only friend who gave specific reasons was Corbin, who said he dislikes how he wants to ban guns (I do sorta agree with him here) and how he closed Gitmo (not so much here.)

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Man do I feel bad...


My family really, really likes Obama...but the majority of my friends hate him with a bloody passion. I feel really bad when my friends go into tangents about why they dislike him, because I personally think he's an OK guy (he wins the internet because I heard through the grapevine that he will be ending standardized testing in my state).


Just wanted to get that out.


-wonders what TGHL thinks of my obama burger pic-

Out of curiosity, what are the reasons they give for disliking Obama?


I think your photograph is fantastic!

Well, it's mostly that they don't agree with his policies. My only friend who gave specific reasons was Corbin, who said he dislikes how he wants to ban guns (I do sorta agree with him here) and how he closed Gitmo (not so much here.)

Don't forget FOCA :angry2::angry2::angry2:



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Man do I feel bad...


My family really, really likes Obama...but the majority of my friends hate him with a bloody passion. I feel really bad when my friends go into tangents about why they dislike him, because I personally think he's an OK guy (he wins the internet because I heard through the grapevine that he will be ending standardized testing in my state).


Just wanted to get that out.


-wonders what TGHL thinks of my obama burger pic-

Out of curiosity, what are the reasons they give for disliking Obama?


I think your photograph is fantastic!

Well, it's mostly that they don't agree with his policies. My only friend who gave specific reasons was Corbin, who said he dislikes how he wants to ban guns (I do sorta agree with him here) and how he closed Gitmo (not so much here.)

Don't forget FOCA :angry2::angry2::angry2:



whatever that is...

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Man do I feel bad...


My family really, really likes Obama...but the majority of my friends hate him with a bloody passion. I feel really bad when my friends go into tangents about why they dislike him, because I personally think he's an OK guy (he wins the internet because I heard through the grapevine that he will be ending standardized testing in my state).


Just wanted to get that out.


-wonders what TGHL thinks of my obama burger pic-

Out of curiosity, what are the reasons they give for disliking Obama?


I think your photograph is fantastic!

Well, it's mostly that they don't agree with his policies. My only friend who gave specific reasons was Corbin, who said he dislikes how he wants to ban guns (I do sorta agree with him here) and how he closed Gitmo (not so much here.)

Don't forget FOCA :angry2::angry2::angry2:



whatever that is...

Freedom Of Choice Act.


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1. What do you think of the new administration?

2. What are you feelings on the stimulus package?


1) Give me a year before I offer an opinion.


2) I like most of it; the High Speed Rail Corridors is a particularly nice idea, but I'm always amazed that the US has never attempted to create a single transcontinental railway (I believe the current system is that you have to do a ridiculous number of changes between rail companies to get from one coast to another, as opposed to getting on a train in New York and getting off the same train in Los Angeles?). Likewise for projects such as the fibre optic broadband drive and other infrastructure projects, however I question some of the vagueness about a "smart grid" for energy generation and renewable energy. It rather begs the question of what specific projects are going to get funded. I especially liked some of the environmental restoration work, which I believe effects California and the Gulf Coast the most (this is where the Republicans get to scream about $ millions going to Pelosi's mice).


I am inclined to agree with Krugman though; more could have been done. And it strikes me as undemocratic to have a system where Maine controls the rest of the nation (Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins being the "dealmakers" for the Stimulus in the Senate).


All in all, seems pretty good.


Regrettably, the High Court is up in arms about the US DoD issuing a threat to the Court that if they published information about torture of a Gitmo detainee and British citizen, the would cut off intelligence to the United Kingdom or to put it in official language "re-evaluate our intelligence relationship with the United Kingdom."


Effectively, a court of law in this country was stopped from publishing evidence of torture based on a threat from the DoD.

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  • 1 month later...
1. What do you think of the new administration?

2. What are you feelings on the stimulus package?


1) Give me a year before I offer an opinion.


2) I like most of it; the High Speed Rail Corridors is a particularly nice idea, but I'm always amazed that the US has never attempted to create a single transcontinental railway (I believe the current system is that you have to do a ridiculous number of changes between rail companies to get from one coast to another, as opposed to getting on a train in New York and getting off the same train in Los Angeles?). Likewise for projects such as the fibre optic broadband drive and other infrastructure projects, however I question some of the vagueness about a "smart grid" for energy generation and renewable energy. It rather begs the question of what specific projects are going to get funded. I especially liked some of the environmental restoration work, which I believe effects California and the Gulf Coast the most (this is where the Republicans get to scream about $ millions going to Pelosi's mice).


I am inclined to agree with Krugman though; more could have been done. And it strikes me as undemocratic to have a system where Maine controls the rest of the nation (Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins being the "dealmakers" for the Stimulus in the Senate).


All in all, seems pretty good.


Regrettably, the High Court is up in arms about the US DoD issuing a threat to the Court that if they published information about torture of a Gitmo detainee and British citizen, the would cut off intelligence to the United Kingdom or to put it in official language "re-evaluate our intelligence relationship with the United Kingdom."


Effectively, a court of law in this country was stopped from publishing evidence of torture based on a threat from the DoD.

1.) Sorry, no waiting a year. Throw out an opinion, please.


2.) High speed rail is something that is long overdue. The problem is that we have special interest groups who want to line their own pockets and have the local politicians squash any notion of implementing something such as this. For example, in Miami, the owners of the taxi-cab companies, banded together when they were putting in a local train system and would not let it anywhere near the airport. It would take you within about twenty blocks of the airport, but the train was never permitted to have a stop at the airport. Of course, if you did take the train, it cost you more money to go from the closest stop to the airport, then if you hired a taxi-cab from your home. Totally sickening. Perhaps this time the train will make it off the drawing boards to reality. In Orlando, Mears is the transportation company that carries busloads of tourists from the airport to the cruise ships. A train, which makes so much sense, running from the Orlando Airport to Port Canaveral, would virtually end 75% of their business. They are fighting it tooth and nail. The politicians only listen to where the big money is coming from and not to the majority of the people.


2.) Cont'd. Look back at the establishment of the rail system in the USA. Private individuals such as Flagler and Rockerfeller, were willing to operate train companies if the U.S. Government built the infrastructure. Same thing as today with T. Boone Pickens operating the wind farms and the U.S. Government laying the transmission cables.


2.) Cont'd. The projects that are environment based are ones I would like to see backed. They ultimately are good for the world. Not just America. Unfortunately, the back-room deals are something that need to be eliminated. Get rid of all the back-scratchers in Washington.


Have to run... will finish the rest later.

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You guys might get a kick out of this: Today Mike Huckabee is doing a lecture at my college, and my night class tonight wants us to go see it as part of our class. Also, today is April Fool's Day. I lol'd. (One of the professors also wants us to attend the protest of his presence, although that part isn't mandatory.) :rolleyes:

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You guys might get a kick out of this: Today Mike Huckabee is doing a lecture at my college, and my night class tonight wants us to go see it as part of our class. Also, today is April Fool's Day. I lol'd. (One of the professors also wants us to attend the protest of his presence, although that part isn't mandatory.) :rolleyes:

Nothing like an interesting April Fool's Day. LOL

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lol yeah. He actually didn't talk about religion AT ALL. And most of the stuff he was saying seemed pretty logical. I was actually impressed. I'm not sure if he would make a good president, but he has some really good points.

Now I'm impressed! Thank you for attending and letting us all know how it went.

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lol yeah. He actually didn't talk about religion AT ALL. And most of the stuff he was saying seemed pretty logical. I was actually impressed. I'm not sure if he would make a good president, but he has some really good points.

Now I'm impressed! Thank you for attending and letting us all know how it went.

I assume his PR people saw the flyers someone posted in the dining hall about all the idiotic things he's been quoted as saying in the science/religion field (though how accurate the quotes are, I'm not sure. One of them quoted him as saying stem cell research is a form of Islamo-fascism. :blink: ) In his entire talk, he never mentioned stem-cell research or abortion (though there were lots of references to how every life is valuable and such). He talked a lot about how the current generation in power is messing things up for my generation with the absurd national debt, and was talking about things like tax reform, health care, and education, all sprinkled with working hard to keep our country a good place to live and national pride and such. Religious views aside, he's really not that far to the right (which is probably another part of why he didn't end up as president).

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lol yeah. He actually didn't talk about religion AT ALL. And most of the stuff he was saying seemed pretty logical. I was actually impressed. I'm not sure if he would make a good president, but he has some really good points.

Now I'm impressed! Thank you for attending and letting us all know how it went.

I assume his PR people saw the flyers someone posted in the dining hall about all the idiotic things he's been quoted as saying in the science/religion field (though how accurate the quotes are, I'm not sure. One of them quoted him as saying stem cell research is a form of Islamo-fascism. :blink: ) In his entire talk, he never mentioned stem-cell research or abortion (though there were lots of references to how every life is valuable and such). He talked a lot about how the current generation in power is messing things up for my generation with the absurd national debt, and was talking about things like tax reform, health care, and education, all sprinkled with working hard to keep our country a good place to live and national pride and such. Religious views aside, he's really not that far to the right (which is probably another part of why he didn't end up as president).

Huckabee's problem, I believe, was that he spouted so much religion, that no one could see past that. Interesting that he is on a speaking tour. Does he plan on another presidential attempt?


Please let me know what your class discussion centers around. I would be interested to hear the opinions of your classmates.

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lol yeah. He actually didn't talk about religion AT ALL. And most of the stuff he was saying seemed pretty logical. I was actually impressed. I'm not sure if he would make a good president, but he has some really good points.

Now I'm impressed! Thank you for attending and letting us all know how it went.

I assume his PR people saw the flyers someone posted in the dining hall about all the idiotic things he's been quoted as saying in the science/religion field (though how accurate the quotes are, I'm not sure. One of them quoted him as saying stem cell research is a form of Islamo-fascism. :blink: ) In his entire talk, he never mentioned stem-cell research or abortion (though there were lots of references to how every life is valuable and such). He talked a lot about how the current generation in power is messing things up for my generation with the absurd national debt, and was talking about things like tax reform, health care, and education, all sprinkled with working hard to keep our country a good place to live and national pride and such. Religious views aside, he's really not that far to the right (which is probably another part of why he didn't end up as president).

Huckabee's problem, I believe, was that he spouted so much religion, that no one could see past that. Interesting that he is on a speaking tour. Does he plan on another presidential attempt?


Please let me know what your class discussion centers around. I would be interested to hear the opinions of your classmates.

I think that was exactly his problem. I don't think he plans on running again, though he did say he had fun doing it. Our class last week was actually dismissed early because he didn't give us anything Bible-related to talk about. From what I heard though, it seems like pretty much everyone in the class still thinks he's an idiot, and more or less ignored the very valid points he made. :closedeyes:

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lol yeah. He actually didn't talk about religion AT ALL. And most of the stuff he was saying seemed pretty logical. I was actually impressed. I'm not sure if he would make a good president, but he has some really good points.

Now I'm impressed! Thank you for attending and letting us all know how it went.

I assume his PR people saw the flyers someone posted in the dining hall about all the idiotic things he's been quoted as saying in the science/religion field (though how accurate the quotes are, I'm not sure. One of them quoted him as saying stem cell research is a form of Islamo-fascism. :blink: ) In his entire talk, he never mentioned stem-cell research or abortion (though there were lots of references to how every life is valuable and such). He talked a lot about how the current generation in power is messing things up for my generation with the absurd national debt, and was talking about things like tax reform, health care, and education, all sprinkled with working hard to keep our country a good place to live and national pride and such. Religious views aside, he's really not that far to the right (which is probably another part of why he didn't end up as president).

Huckabee's problem, I believe, was that he spouted so much religion, that no one could see past that. Interesting that he is on a speaking tour. Does he plan on another presidential attempt?


Please let me know what your class discussion centers around. I would be interested to hear the opinions of your classmates.

I think that was exactly his problem. I don't think he plans on running again, though he did say he had fun doing it. Our class last week was actually dismissed early because he didn't give us anything Bible-related to talk about. From what I heard though, it seems like pretty much everyone in the class still thinks he's an idiot, and more or less ignored the very valid points he made. :closedeyes:

Once you alienate a group of people, it is ten times as hard to win them back. Huckabee has done this with so many people that it wouldn't matter what he said, people would either not listen or not take him seriously.

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  • 1 month later...

While everyone in the real world as trying to choose between McCain and Obama, Internet-types were choosing between Brock Obama and Optimus Prime.



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While everyone in the real world as trying to choose between McCain and Obama, Internet-types were choosing between Brock Obama and Optimus Prime.




OMG I actually haven't seen that one before! Epic! :lol:

I agree! :lol:

The internets are a wonderful source of lulzy images.



















such as that one of Vince Offer i am sporting in my signature right now.

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While everyone in the real world as trying to choose between McCain and Obama, Internet-types were choosing between Brock Obama and Optimus Prime.




OMG I actually haven't seen that one before! Epic! :lol:

I agree! :lol:

The internets are a wonderful source of lulzy images.



















such as that one of Vince Offer i am sporting in my signature right now.

I saw that. LOL

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  • 4 months later...

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