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I am (very) pro-life


and re: gay marriage...well i'm in a tough position! i love & support elton but im also catholic. :blink:


so yeah.



How about viewing it this way... you don't have to be involved in a gay marriage, but be tolerant of someone who is.

This way you can abide by your faith, but allow others to live their lives the way they wish.

How does that sound to you?

cool. you're good at this advice stuff ^_^


and it's prolife week at my school :D



*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I was about to say something, but then I remembered that you don't got to public school like I do...They might as well have a pro-life week at my skool, it's not like any of the kids know what that means. Most of them are pro-life without really researching the TAWPEEK much. I usually try to research stuff first before making a view on that thing.



Well, I respect your view,but I'm not pro-life...I don't like abortion...I dislike it as much as you do. But I don't believe in making abortion illegal. And that's that.


I don't like talking about abortion with friends, anyway. It makes me feel awkward. Actually, I don't do politics with my friends a whole lot unless we're agreeing on the same issue


As for gay marriage: I totally drew Jeff and tony (from EarthBound) making out today. :o Arkcher was kinda ticked. So was JR. JR is against gay marriage though so he doesn't count.


And yes, Horatio is teh awesome advice-giver. o:


*~*the psychedelic lauu*!~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Thanks for the compliment. I appreciate it, although I never thought of myself as a good advice giver.

Seriously, H? Because you truly are.


As for abortion and gay marriage, I don't have much of an opinion on either. I think abortion should be avoided unless necessary, and I'm not going to get in a gay marriage anytime soon, but I'm not going to stop those who want to.


On that note, I really like Ron Paul. I think getting back to our roots would really benefit America.

I like him, but "president Paul" doesn't sound as awesome as "President Obama" or "President Mushroom_king"

But, President Paul has alliteration. x3

So? >_> Alliteration doesn't make the name more awesome.

Says you. Alliteration makes EVERYTHING more awesome.

"Chuck Norris" isn't alliteration, is it?

Uh, no. Did I ever say it was? o_o

YOU say that alliteration makes everything more awesome. Chuck Norris is the highest level of awesome, but "Chuck Norris" is not an alliteration. So alliteration does not make everything cooler.

Bleh, that meme is getting tiring. He's a cool guy and all, but ultimate awesome? Nah.


Also, Nuck Norris is amazing. xD

Does this mean I can say that Shigeru Miyamoto is the coolest guy in the world and not get punched?

Sure. Who would punch you before? o_O

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I'm watching yet another Adam Curtis documentary, entitled "The Trap: How we lost our freedom."


I am still curious as to what Horatio thought of the Power of Nightmares.


Is anyone familiar with the concepts of "negative liberty" and "positive liberty?"

I've been waiting for you. You need to come around more often.


You always send me on searching trips. The concepts of negative liberty and positive liberty, I know nothing about, but I will educate myself by your return.


As for my thoughts of the Power of Nightmares... I am saving my reply until you start showing up on a regular basis.


Tell me about the Curtis documentary. What are your thoughts?


Any views on the Democratic Race?

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*!~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


haha, today in Skill Builders, my teacher (who is the coolest teacher I've ever had) started reading a letter about Bush in the newspaper. And she got VERY mad and started screaming about how Bush lied and stuff. It was so awesome.


Also, we watch Channel One (boo!) in homeroom, and Gir Always complains about how much she hates the Democratic candidates and NOT just Hillary...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*

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Any views on the Democratic Race?


May I share mine? I missed the actual debate, but my mom called afterward and I tuned in to the highlights shown afterwards. I thought it was good of Edwards to condemn the bickering between Hilary and Obama, saying something like "how is this squabbling supposed to help us fix healthcare? etc..." I know he kind of took advantage of the moment, but the way Hilary and Obama were constantly flinging dirt at each other was ridiculous, I'm glad someone spoke up against it. Edwards seemed to be the best speaker overall. He didn't feel the need to talk all the time, though he knew what to say when he did talk...and I like that much better than the way the other two turned it into a wrestling match. At the moment I'd like to see Edwards-Obama for the Democratic ticket. And though I'm probably not voting for the Republicans, if Hilary is going for the presidency I might change my mind, so I'd like to see anyone but McCain and Romney I suppose. If Hilary is not going for that office, then anyone weak enough to lose to the Democrats. :P (or an independent :D But that's real wishful thinking :( )

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Any views on the Democratic Race?


May I share mine? I missed the actual debate, but my mom called afterward and I tuned in to the highlights shown afterwards. I thought it was good of Edwards to condemn the bickering between Hilary and Obama, saying something like "how is this squabbling supposed to help us fix healthcare? etc..." I know he kind of took advantage of the moment, but the way Hilary and Obama were constantly flinging dirt at each other was ridiculous, I'm glad someone spoke up against it. Edwards seemed to be the best speaker overall. He didn't feel the need to talk all the time, though he knew what to say when he did talk...and I like that much better than the way the other two turned it into a wrestling match. At the moment I'd like to see Edwards-Obama for the Democratic ticket. And though I'm probably not voting for the Republicans, if Hilary is going for the presidency I might change my mind, so I'd like to see anyone but McCain and Romney I suppose. If Hilary is not going for that office, then anyone weak enough to lose to the Democrats. :P (or an independent :D But that's real wishful thinking :( )

Thanks for replying!!!! It is great to hear your views. Anyone else?

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I'm watching yet another Adam Curtis documentary, entitled "The Trap: How we lost our freedom."


I am still curious as to what Horatio thought of the Power of Nightmares.


Is anyone familiar with the concepts of "negative liberty" and "positive liberty?"

I've been waiting for you. You need to come around more often.


You always send me on searching trips. The concepts of negative liberty and positive liberty, I know nothing about, but I will educate myself by your return.


As for my thoughts of the Power of Nightmares... I am saving my reply until you start showing up on a regular basis.


Tell me about the Curtis documentary. What are your thoughts?


Any views on the Democratic Race?

Sorry, life at the moment is all a bit pressured and intense.


Isaiah Berlin, an Oxford political philosopher, gave a lecture in the 1950s called "Two Concepts of Liberty" which theorised that there were two types of liberty in the world: Positive Liberty, freedom by being given the means and opportunities to achieve your full potential, and Negative Liberty, freedom from coercion, or the state. While praising the idea of Positive Liberty, he said it was intrinsically flawed, because the people who tried to create it ended their dreams of positive liberty in a police state and a bloodbath; citing examples of the French Revolution ("We will force you to be free") and Lenin's USSR. He said that negative liberty, an individualistic view, was the only solution, because only through an individualist society could we be free from the pressures of society and the tyranny of state.


Berlin's ideas took hold in the Cold War; influencing both the governments of Reagan and Thatcher. However, Curtis argues that negative freedom is a very narrow view of freedom and ultimately leads to "market liberalism." A system which sets out to free people using free market economics and applying them to public services, foreign affairs and all areas of policy. But, rather than freeing people through the free market system, it entraps them with numbers: To use the NHS as an example, Thatcher's application of market liberalism led to a collapse in the system. Doctors, nurses and all the medical professions found themselves under the control of administrators who were obsessed with reaching the performance targets imposed on them by the new system of market liberalism. They had to find as many ways as possible to manipulate the figures in order to escape the threat of budget cuts, redundancies and inspections. One hospital ended up solving the waiting list targets by taking the wheels off trolleys and reclassifying them as beds while simultaneously renaming corridors as wards. In response to this abuse, the government had to put more control over the system, paradoxically defeating the idea of freeing people that they set out with. And yet politicians remained convinced that this was just anomalies, despite wide spread reports of abuse, and continued with market liberalism. The same application of mathematics and economics to the psychiatric profession in the USA has caused the mental health "epidemic" that is ongoing: the system uses a check-list of behaviours to identify disorders without any measure given to information about each individual's lives. In reality, patients were diagnosed with disorders when they didn't have any, as the system mistook normal human behaviours such as depression, anxiety and stress as being abnormal conditions which needed to be treated through brain altering drugs like prozac and lithium. Many people in the USA and the UK, do not have many of the disorders psychiatrists claim they do, but because the system is based on an objective rationality to diagnose something which needs a lot of subjective information there has become a false epidemic of "undiscovered" mental health issues. Market liberalism is what ultimately destroyed Russia; by removing all controls, prices and instantly removing all state industries forced the Russian people to sell off their items or starve in the face of collapsed currency and soaring food prices. They then developed into the modern day Russian who supports Putin: Those who favour security and stability over freedom. In the UK and USA, we have both ended up with social stagnation and elites; the poor got poorer, the middle classes got a bit richer and the elites made ridiculous profits at the expense of everyone. The deregulation of the market by both Clinton/Bush and Blair administrations has led to corrupt corporations like Enron, who lie about their profits to maximise their personal bonuses and sacrifice plans like Health Care and Education in favour of the free market, despite the detrimental effect it has on both.


Curtis develops this into how we can truly be free; by recognising that Berlin was wrong. His ideals were born out of paranoia and fear of the USSR, and that the Soviet Union was not an accurate representation of positive liberty.


I know none of these links will be allowed, but I shall do so for Horatio's benefit:


Sorry I had to delete this. Horatio

This post rather counts as being active for an entire month? :P


Well, I treat it with the usual critical eye I do to all things, but what I find with Curtis' documentaries are that they take things I know to be true and develops the background and narrative of events. Some of them, like The Trap, introduce me to new concepts like the Two concepts of liberty which I can research myself and allows me to come to my own conclusions. On the whole, I find them more objective than most documentaries due to their use and reliance on expert interviews, news footage and broadcasts. Certainly more objective than Michael Moore's work.


The Democratic Debate...


There was a short moment where it was about politics, but now it has descended into divisions over race and gender. Obama and Clinton are as bad as each other, ignoring on developing the politics necessary to defeat the Republicans and choosing to engage on smear campaigns against each other which will destroy the Democratic Party's core support as African-Americans are alienated by Hilary's attacks on Obama and women alienated by Obama's on Hilary. The best thing to do now is rapid reconciliation and a refocus on the politics of the campaign. Hilary would be wise to heed it or face abandonment by black voters in November. The dream ticket of Clinton-Obama may be dead I fear and Edwards may be out of the contest altogether at this rate, as he is excluded increasingly from the race by the media and Clinton and Obama focusing entirely on themselves and each other.

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I'm watching yet another Adam Curtis documentary, entitled "The Trap: How we lost our freedom."


I am still curious as to what Horatio thought of the Power of Nightmares.


Is anyone familiar with the concepts of "negative liberty" and "positive liberty?"

I've been waiting for you. You need to come around more often.


You always send me on searching trips. The concepts of negative liberty and positive liberty, I know nothing about, but I will educate myself by your return.


As for my thoughts of the Power of Nightmares... I am saving my reply until you start showing up on a regular basis.


Tell me about the Curtis documentary. What are your thoughts?


Any views on the Democratic Race?

Sorry, life at the moment is all a bit pressured and intense.


Isaiah Berlin, an Oxford political philosopher, gave a lecture in the 1950s called "Two Concepts of Liberty" which theorised that there were two types of liberty in the world: Positive Liberty, freedom by being given the means and opportunities to achieve your full potential, and Negative Liberty, freedom from coercion, or the state. While praising the idea of Positive Liberty, he said it was intrinsically flawed, because the people who tried to create it ended their dreams of positive liberty in a police state and a bloodbath; citing examples of the French Revolution ("We will force you to be free") and Lenin's USSR. He said that negative liberty, an individualistic view, was the only solution, because only through an individualist society could we be free from the pressures of society and the tyranny of state.


Berlin's ideas took hold in the Cold War; influencing both the governments of Reagan and Thatcher. However, Curtis argues that negative freedom is a very narrow view of freedom and ultimately leads to "market liberalism." A system which sets out to free people using free market economics and applying them to public services, foreign affairs and all areas of policy. But, rather than freeing people through the free market system, it entraps them with numbers: To use the NHS as an example, Thatcher's application of market liberalism led to a collapse in the system. Doctors, nurses and all the medical professions found themselves under the control of administrators who were obsessed with reaching the performance targets imposed on them by the new system of market liberalism. They had to find as many ways as possible to manipulate the figures in order to escape the threat of budget cuts, redundancies and inspections. One hospital ended up solving the waiting list targets by taking the wheels off trolleys and reclassifying them as beds while simultaneously renaming corridors as wards. In response to this abuse, the government had to put more control over the system, paradoxically defeating the idea of freeing people that they set out with. And yet politicians remained convinced that this was just anomalies, despite wide spread reports of abuse, and continued with market liberalism. The same application of mathematics and economics to the psychiatric profession in the USA has caused the mental health "epidemic" that is ongoing: the system uses a check-list of behaviours to identify disorders without any measure given to information about each individual's lives. In reality, patients were diagnosed with disorders when they didn't have any, as the system mistook normal human behaviours such as depression, anxiety and stress as being abnormal conditions which needed to be treated through brain altering drugs like prozac and lithium. Many people in the USA and the UK, do not have many of the disorders psychiatrists claim they do, but because the system is based on an objective rationality to diagnose something which needs a lot of subjective information there has become a false epidemic of "undiscovered" mental health issues. Market liberalism is what ultimately destroyed Russia; by removing all controls, prices and instantly removing all state industries forced the Russian people to sell off their items or starve in the face of collapsed currency and soaring food prices. They then developed into the modern day Russian who supports Putin: Those who favour security and stability over freedom. In the UK and USA, we have both ended up with social stagnation and elites; the poor got poorer, the middle classes got a bit richer and the elites made ridiculous profits at the expense of everyone. The deregulation of the market by both Clinton/Bush and Blair administrations has led to corrupt corporations like Enron, who lie about their profits to maximise their personal bonuses and sacrifice plans like Health Care and Education in favour of the free market, despite the detrimental effect it has on both.


Curtis develops this into how we can truly be free; by recognising that Berlin was wrong. His ideals were born out of paranoia and fear of the USSR, and that the Soviet Union was not an accurate representation of positive liberty.


I know none of these links will be allowed, but I shall do so for Horatio's benefit:


Sorry I had to delete this. Horatio


This post rather counts as being active for an entire month? :P


Well, I treat it with the usual critical eye I do to all things, but what I find with Curtis' documentaries are that they take things I know to be true and develops the background and narrative of events. Some of them, like The Trap, introduce me to new concepts like the Two concepts of liberty which I can research myself and allows me to come to my own conclusions. On the whole, I find them more objective than most documentaries due to their use and reliance on expert interviews, news footage and broadcasts. Certainly more objective than Michael Moore's work.


The Democratic Debate...


There was a short moment where it was about politics, but now it has descended into divisions over race and gender. Obama and Clinton are as bad as each other, ignoring on developing the politics necessary to defeat the Republicans and choosing to engage on smear campaigns against each other which will destroy the Democratic Party's core support as African-Americans are alienated by Hilary's attacks on Obama and women alienated by Obama's on Hilary. The best thing to do now is rapid reconciliation and a refocus on the politics of the campaign. Hilary would be wise to heed it or face abandonment by black voters in November. The dream ticket of Clinton-Obama may be dead I fear and Edwards may be out of the contest altogether at this rate, as he is excluded increasingly from the race by the media and Clinton and Obama focusing entirely on themselves and each other.

Absolutely, this most definitely counts a posting for the entire month.


I am going to research the information you gave me. Thank you. The two concepts of liberty are something I had never considered, so I am anxious to learn more.


Politicians... it's amazing that we allow them air time when all they do is attack each other.

Last night, Tim Russert, was moderating the Republican debate and this was another interesting evening.

I think I will write in TGHL on the Presidential ballot. :D

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Absolutely, this most definitely counts a posting for the entire month.


I am going to research the information you gave me. Thank you. The two concepts of liberty are something I had never considered, so I am anxious to learn more.


Politicians... it's amazing that we allow them air time when all they do is attack each other.

Last night, Tim Russert, was moderating the Republican debate and this was another interesting evening.

I think I will write in TGHL on the Presidential ballot. :D


So I heard you'd give some views on a certain documentary?


Its quite interesting, I've gotten into political philosophy quite a bit recently so I found Isaiah Berlin's lecture a very interesting read. Not something you might readily find on Amazon, though I believe the Oxford University Press publish some of Berlin's work still.


I wouldn't get apathetic about politics, it still matters even when they do seem to become debase, amoral beings. Interesting article in the Guardian today though on how Clinton's tactics are drawing white voters away from Obama and leaving him with a solely African-American base and Edwards has a solely white base, while Clinton has support of whites, African-Americans and Latinos.


Such a shame about Guliani collapsing out of the Florida race, although I found it increasingly hard to tell the difference between Guliaini the man who slept on his gay friend's couch and introduced social liberalism to NYC and Guliani the Iran hating, terrorist hunting Neo-Conservative nutter.


You should probably mark the box which says Clinton Or Michael Bloomburg (kekeke), anything so long as it isn't Republican. ESPECIALLY NOT HUCKABEE OR ROMNEY.

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So I heard you'd give some views on a certain documentary?


Its quite interesting, I've gotten into political philosophy quite a bit recently so I found Isaiah Berlin's lecture a very interesting read. Not something you might readily find on Amazon, though I believe the Oxford University Press publish some of Berlin's work still.


I wouldn't get apathetic about politics, it still matters even when they do seem to become debase, amoral beings. Interesting article in the Guardian today though on how Clinton's tactics are drawing white voters away from Obama and leaving him with a solely African-American base and Edwards has a solely white base, while Clinton has support of whites, African-Americans and Latinos.


Such a shame about Guliani collapsing out of the Florida race, although I found it increasingly hard to tell the difference between Guliaini the man who slept on his gay friend's couch and introduced social liberalism to NYC and Guliani the Iran hating, terrorist hunting Neo-Conservative nutter.


You should probably mark the box which says Clinton Or Michael Bloomburg (kekeke), anything so long as it isn't Republican. ESPECIALLY NOT HUCKABEE OR ROMNEY.

I might have to hold my views hostage to get you to post more.


So, what did you think of the South Carolina Primary???????? Did you read what the Economist said? "Hillary gets thumped!"

Obama blew Hillary off the map. The majority of the South Carolina vote that Hillary received was the white-woman voter. Then old Billy exhibited his bad loser style while campaigning for his wife in the midwest.


I never get apathetic about politics. Frustration may come into play, as politicians seem to be a group of losers, but hopefully one will stand out in the crowd.


Guiliani started in Florida with about 55% or so, now he is still there and down to around 20 something percent!!! Here is a perfect example where he should have quit while he was ahead.

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So I heard you'd give some views on a certain documentary?


Its quite interesting, I've gotten into political philosophy quite a bit recently so I found Isaiah Berlin's lecture a very interesting read. Not something you might readily find on Amazon, though I believe the Oxford University Press publish some of Berlin's work still.


I wouldn't get apathetic about politics, it still matters even when they do seem to become debase, amoral beings. Interesting article in the Guardian today though on how Clinton's tactics are drawing white voters away from Obama and leaving him with a solely African-American base and Edwards has a solely white base, while Clinton has support of whites, African-Americans and Latinos.


Such a shame about Guliani collapsing out of the Florida race, although I found it increasingly hard to tell the difference between Guliaini the man who slept on his gay friend's couch and introduced social liberalism to NYC and Guliani the Iran hating, terrorist hunting Neo-Conservative nutter.


You should probably mark the box which says Clinton Or Michael Bloomburg (kekeke), anything so long as it isn't Republican. ESPECIALLY NOT HUCKABEE OR ROMNEY.

I might have to hold my views hostage to get you to post more.


So, what did you think of the South Carolina Primary???????? Did you read what the Economist said? "Hillary gets thumped!"

Obama blew Hillary off the map. The majority of the South Carolina vote that Hillary received was the white-woman voter. Then old Billy exhibited his bad loser style while campaigning for his wife in the midwest.


I never get apathetic about politics. Frustration may come into play, as politicians seem to be a group of losers, but hopefully one will stand out in the crowd.


Guiliani started in Florida with about 55% or so, now he is still there and down to around 20 something percent!!! Here is a perfect example where he should have quit while he was ahead.

Blackmail? :o Surely not?


I think the victory has been overestimated. The post-poll figures should make worrying news for Obama, because he only won due to the overwhelming African-American support in that state. While he drew the majority of the African-American vote, he got barely any of the white vote, the majority of that going to Edwards, and then there was Hillary in the middle with a mix of the two. Kudos to Obama for inspiring so many to come out and vote, but what was the final percentage he got? 55%. What proportion of the overall vote was African-American? 55%. While I'm not saying he is drawing from a solely African-American base, I am saying that exit poles indicate that he got 80% of the African-American vote and only 15% of the white (and all under 30s interestingly), compared with with Hillary's mixture of white, African-American, men and women. Super Tuesday will decide the nomination I suspect, and if polls are to be believed, it is Hillary all the way I am afraid. The Democratic nomination has become divided on race now, and once John Edwards drops out (must be happening soon, right?) Hillary will get the white, male population which will swing it into her favour. As it is, she is almost guaranteed the Latino and white women's support, but it is how Edwards' supporters swing to that will decide the candidacy.

She certainly needs to keep Bill on a leash though, negative campaigning definitely hurt her in South Carolina.


Good, an apathetic voting population is the worst thing for democracy.


Poor, poor Guiliani. McCain has in effect got the candidacy now, unless some mysterious cloud of pro-Rudy feeling springs from Florida and Super Tuesday or if America turns out to be dominated by right-wing evangelicals and some how manages to vote Romney or Huckabee in.

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So I walked into my room from pep band practice to find the state of the union on the tv, so I'm listening to that now. Some of the ideas Bush is suggesting scare me. Like the idea of a democratic Israel and a democratic Pakistan sitting side by side in peace. I guess I find that scary because of the way we've been trying to do that in Iraq. And of course there's Iran...okay, it just ended. The whole thing, the whole part that I saw of it, was about the military. I mean I don't mind supporting the military, but he didn't convince me at all that we're not biting off more than we can chew. He didn't convince me that all the funding for all these ideas were going to come from places that won't make things crumble in our own nation or make my generation doomed to pay hefty taxes just in time for me to start my career. Okay so know I've seen the democratic response as well as Hillary and Obama, nothing much new there I guess. Hillary's statements seemed especially vague. I did like the governor's response though, it was kind of like "Mr. President, get off your highhorse and work with us!" Well not that blunt. And I don't think he'll listen anyway. Does he grow bee wax in his ears or something?

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Edwards bites the dust at 6PM GMT, 1PM ET.


Check out the British publication called The Guardian. The John Edwards story.



Not like it came out of the blue or anything, but I was hoping he'd stick it through longer. I'm just hoping, praying, for a president who's not stubborn and can help America stop drowning in its own 100% partisan, war-rendered, "moral" stained feces. Speaking of which McCain is coming to my campus and the band is looking for volunteers to play. I'm not going. At first I was like "cool a candidate is coming to us!" And then I lamented "why him??" I don't like holding a grudge against a candidate mostly for his religious attributes, but that's pretty much all he is, or is made out to be at least, and for me that does not make a good political leader (assuming there can be one). The band director claimed that neither the band nor the university is endorsing any particular candidate, but I have trouble believing that. Let's see a Democrat, or at least a moderate Republican, visit us after McCain.


(for the record I probably wouldn't have attended anyway, I have too many plans riding on me being home during the event).

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Edwards bites the dust at 6PM GMT, 1PM ET.


Check out the British publication called The Guardian. The John Edwards story.



Not like it came out of the blue or anything, but I was hoping he'd stick it through longer. I'm just hoping, praying, for a president who's not stubborn and can help America stop drowning in its own 100% partisan, war-rendered, "moral" stained feces. Speaking of which McCain is coming to my campus and the band is looking for volunteers to play. I'm not going. At first I was like "cool a candidate is coming to us!" And then I lamented "why him??" I don't like holding a grudge against a candidate mostly for his religious attributes, but that's pretty much all he is, or is made out to be at least, and for me that does not make a good political leader (assuming there can be one). The band director claimed that neither the band nor the university is endorsing any particular candidate, but I have trouble believing that. Let's see a Democrat, or at least a moderate Republican, visit us after McCain.


(for the record I probably wouldn't have attended anyway, I have too many plans riding on me being home during the event).

There is such a thing?


McCain is the best out of a bad lot. Look at who you've got: A multi-millionaire who is, in a word, a nutter (Romney), a crazy Libertarian who wants to revert back to 1929 (Paul), someone who can't decide if he is a rock hard conservative or a moderate, possibly due to some wound he got back in Vietnam (McCain) and then OH NO STAY AWAY HUCKABBE ARGH ARGH STAY AWAY IT BURNS! (Huckabee).


I have a radical solution: You don't vote Republican come November. Vote Democrat no matter what. No matter Clinton.


I wonder if Mike Bloomburg will step in as an independent or not...

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Edwards bites the dust at 6PM GMT, 1PM ET.


Check out the British publication called The Guardian. The John Edwards story.



Not like it came out of the blue or anything, but I was hoping he'd stick it through longer. I'm just hoping, praying, for a president who's not stubborn and can help America stop drowning in its own 100% partisan, war-rendered, "moral" stained feces. Speaking of which McCain is coming to my campus and the band is looking for volunteers to play. I'm not going. At first I was like "cool a candidate is coming to us!" And then I lamented "why him??" I don't like holding a grudge against a candidate mostly for his religious attributes, but that's pretty much all he is, or is made out to be at least, and for me that does not make a good political leader (assuming there can be one). The band director claimed that neither the band nor the university is endorsing any particular candidate, but I have trouble believing that. Let's see a Democrat, or at least a moderate Republican, visit us after McCain.


(for the record I probably wouldn't have attended anyway, I have too many plans riding on me being home during the event).

There is such a thing?


McCain is the best out of a bad lot. Look at who you've got: A multi-millionaire who is, in a word, a nutter (Romney), a crazy Libertarian who wants to revert back to 1929 (Paul), someone who can't decide if he is a rock hard conservative or a moderate, possibly due to some wound he got back in Vietnam (McCain) and then OH NO STAY AWAY HUCKABBE ARGH ARGH STAY AWAY IT BURNS! (Huckabee).


I have a radical solution: You don't vote Republican come November. Vote Democrat no matter what. No matter Clinton.


I wonder if Mike Bloomburg will step in as an independent or not...

There's eighty million and then some Ron Paul posters/stickers on walls and poles in my town...

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There is such a thing?


McCain is the best out of a bad lot. Look at who you've got: A multi-millionaire who is, in a word, a nutter (Romney), a crazy Libertarian who wants to revert back to 1929 (Paul), someone who can't decide if he is a rock hard conservative or a moderate, possibly due to some wound he got back in Vietnam (McCain) and then OH NO STAY AWAY HUCKABBE ARGH ARGH STAY AWAY IT BURNS! (Huckabee).


I have a radical solution: You don't vote Republican come November. Vote Democrat no matter what. No matter Clinton.


I wonder if Mike Bloomburg will step in as an independent or not...


Alright, so maybe McCain isn't so bad when you put it that way. Your solution sounds pretty good to me. If Bloomburg came in as an independent that would totally make my day! That would make the race so much more exciting, to me at least. It's not too late for him, is it? I thought it was for a while, but now that I think about it, it's not like they have primaries or anything...


And @ your first question, probably just me being too open-minded with politics again.

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Who won again? I keep hearing mixed reports of Clinton getting more delegates and the key states, Obama getting more states and more delegates. Nothing seems quite concrete.


All I know is that Clinton is winning in terms of delegates and super-delegates and will probably win the delegate rich states of Ohio and Texas, while Obama might pick up the smaller ones.

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Who won again? I keep hearing mixed reports of Clinton getting more delegates and the key states, Obama getting more states and more delegates. Nothing seems quite concrete.


All I know is that Clinton is winning in terms of delegates and super-delegates and will probably win the delegate rich states of Ohio and Texas, while Obama might pick up the smaller ones.

I have no idea. We had lots and lots of storms with some tornadoes. Trees, powerlines, etc. and a total of 47 deaths across the four state area. (Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Mississippi.)

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I have no idea. We had lots and lots of storms with some tornadoes. Trees, powerlines, etc. and a total of 47 deaths across the four state area. (Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Mississippi.)

:( My prayers for those trapped in the storms.


Who won again? I keep hearing mixed reports of Clinton getting more delegates and the key states, Obama getting more states and more delegates. Nothing seems quite concrete.


All I know is that Clinton is winning in terms of delegates and super-delegates and will probably win the delegate rich states of Ohio and Texas, while Obama might pick up the smaller ones.


We still have New Mexico up in the air, and Obama's campaign wants Florida to vote again, because apparently it violated the national democratic convention rules somehow, along with Michigan. Hillary doesn't want the re-voting in Florida because she got the delegates; but then again she breached an agreement with Obama to not visit Florida, here comes that "prisoner's dilemma" that my economics teacher always talks about; how much can you trust a politician? :P


And yes, Hillary has more delegates at the moment while Obama has more states.

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I have no idea. We had lots and lots of storms with some tornadoes. Trees, powerlines, etc. and a total of 47 deaths across the four state area. (Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Mississippi.)

:( My prayers for those trapped in the storms.


Who won again? I keep hearing mixed reports of Clinton getting more delegates and the key states, Obama getting more states and more delegates. Nothing seems quite concrete.


All I know is that Clinton is winning in terms of delegates and super-delegates and will probably win the delegate rich states of Ohio and Texas, while Obama might pick up the smaller ones.


We still have New Mexico up in the air, and Obama's campaign wants Florida to vote again, because apparently it violated the national democratic convention rules somehow, along with Michigan. Hillary doesn't want the re-voting in Florida because she got the delegates; but then again she breached an agreement with Obama to not visit Florida, here comes that "prisoner's dilemma" that my economics teacher always talks about; how much can you trust a politician? :P


And yes, Hillary has more delegates at the moment while Obama has more states.

Thanks for the updates Jesse. Both Michigan and Florida should not give delegates to any candidate. Hillary campaigned, Bill campaigned and the other Democratic politicians did not. All I can see is that, based on the behaviour of Hillary, I would not want her or anyone like her in office.

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Thanks for the updates Jesse. Both Michigan and Florida should not give delegates to any candidate. Hillary campaigned, Bill campaigned and the other Democratic politicians did not. All I can see is that, based on the behaviour of Hillary, I would not want her or anyone like her in office.

I side with Hillary. The Democratic Party should not have punished Florida and Michigan by suspending all delegates: it should instead have had its delegate totals slashed as punishment, in the same way the Republicans did.


Shame Romney didn't go on fighting. If he had, it could have irrevocably damaged the Republican Party's ability to start campaigning in preparation for November's elections.


Oh and I have a handy scorecard from the BBC on how close the candidates are to getting the nomination.

Look up on the BBC site, US elections.

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Shame Romney didn't go on fighting. If he had, it could have irrevocably damaged the Republican Party's ability to start campaigning in preparation for November's elections.


Yes, that's what I was thinking. Well, it will give McCain a bit of a run for the money for November I guess. I really don't want Yuckabee in office, but perhaps the Democrats could win more easily if he were the one going for it. But then I'm starting to gamble there.


A random question: what would happen if all the candidates of a party dropped out? I guess it's just the other party on the ticket..maybe independents would play a bigger role in things if they wanted to. Not like anyone running for president would quit if they were the last in the party. I don't know why I was speculating about that.

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Shame Romney didn't go on fighting. If he had, it could have irrevocably damaged the Republican Party's ability to start campaigning in preparation for November's elections.


Yes, that's what I was thinking. Well, it will give McCain a bit of a run for the money for November I guess. I really don't want Yuckabee in office, but perhaps the Democrats could win more easily if he were the one going for it. But then I'm starting to gamble there.


A random question: what would happen if all the candidates of a party dropped out? I guess it's just the other party on the ticket..maybe independents would play a bigger role in things if they wanted to. Not like anyone running for president would quit if they were the last in the party. I don't know why I was speculating about that.

:lol: Now that is something I would love to see... all the candidates of a party drop-out. :lol:

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  • 3 months later...

Good news for Horatio:


I have long since defected to Obama.




Well, since the soaring rhetoric didn't win me over, I thought I'd read one of his books. The moment he started advocating international development over military intervention, I was won over.


Obama for President!


*cue singing and dancing by Horatio*


I'm guessing that Horatio will sing "Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead" in his best Julie Garland impression when Clinton finally quits the Democratic race?


I still expect she'll be the one jumping on Obama's back and whooping and hollering on the way to the convention to get the VP though.


And if things start looking grim for Obama on the way to the 2012 elections, I suspect she'll start knitting "I told you so" jumpers and get ready to launch a challenge to Obama for the nomination.

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Good news for Horatio:


I have long since defected to Obama.




Well, since the soaring rhetoric didn't win me over, I thought I'd read one of his books. The moment he started advocating international development over military intervention, I was won over.


Obama for President!


*cue singing and dancing by Horatio*


I'm guessing that Horatio will sing "Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead" in his best Julie Garland impression when Clinton finally quits the Democratic race?


I still expect she'll be the one jumping on Obama's back and whooping and hollering on the way to the convention to get the VP though.


And if things start looking grim for Obama on the way to the 2012 elections, I suspect she'll start knitting "I told you so" jumpers and get ready to launch a challenge to Obama for the nomination.

Hadn't thought of that song, but now that you have brought it to my attention, I shall adopt it. :lol:


Glad you defected over.


Please go to Warm Wishes and read the IMPORTANT TOPIC, EVERYONE PLEASE READ, and make a post saying that you will abide by the rules and I will get you approved for your posts to appear immediately.


Also, why you are there, please stop in on my friend Nutzky's topic and make a post please. He is in Iraq until October and could use some well-wishes.


We have missed you!!!!! Please stop in more often.

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Oh yeah, California made same sex marriage legal yesterday. I think that is great news. It probably won't come without some sort of backlash, but I'm glad they took that step.

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Oh yeah, California made same sex marriage legal yesterday. I think that is great news. It probably won't come without some sort of backlash, but I'm glad they took that step.

Now for the rest of the nation to join in.

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Oh yeah, gotta love this argument that yet again appeared in an article about this decision by California: "We've always known for marriage to be between a man and a woman etc..." My response is well, of course we have, that's because people like you prevent it from ever being otherwise! :rolleyes:


A supreme judge also pointed out how people were using the same excuses not to have gay marriage, that they were using not too long ago for not allowing interracial marriages. Which for me confirms that this issue really isn't really about morality, it is about intolerance.

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Oh yeah, gotta love this argument that yet again appeared in an article about this decision by California: "We've always known for marriage to be between a man and a woman etc..." My response is well, of course we have, that's because people like you prevent it from ever being otherwise! :rolleyes:


A supreme judge also pointed out how people were using the same excuses not to have gay marriage, that they were using not too long ago for not allowing interracial marriages. Which for me confirms that this issue really isn't really about morality, it is about intolerance.

Finally, someone else who noticed that...


Unrelated: I'm tired of how 99% of all kids at my school are sheep.

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Unrelated: I'm tired of how 99% of all kids at my school are sheep.

Because I remembered my brother discussing that same thing, I used that as inspiration for my final paper in lit class (it was about Emily Dickinson, who I feel had the same problem with "sheep"). Got a B+/A- on it. :D

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Unrelated: I'm tired of how 99% of all kids at my school are sheep.

As in they follow the crowd? My school too. I can't tell you HOW MANY KIDS have Jansport backpacks! Yes, I know they have different designs, but they're all technically the same. AS for me I have an LLBean messenger style bag. Which only a few other people have.



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Unrelated: I'm tired of how 99% of all kids at my school are sheep.

As in they follow the crowd? My school too. I can't tell you HOW MANY KIDS have Jansport backpacks! Yes, I know they have different designs, but they're all technically the same. AS for me I have an LLBean messenger style bag. Which only a few other people have.



I have a Pink Floyd bookbag. =D

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Unrelated: I'm tired of how 99% of all kids at my school are sheep.

As in they follow the crowd? My school too. I can't tell you HOW MANY KIDS have Jansport backpacks! Yes, I know they have different designs, but they're all technically the same. AS for me I have an LLBean messenger style bag. Which only a few other people have.



It's probably because Jansport bags are rad. I used to have to buy a couple different bookbags a year, but my Jansport one has serviced me for three years and counting. :D

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Unrelated: I'm tired of how 99% of all kids at my school are sheep.

As in they follow the crowd? My school too. I can't tell you HOW MANY KIDS have Jansport backpacks! Yes, I know they have different designs, but they're all technically the same. AS for me I have an LLBean messenger style bag. Which only a few other people have.



It's probably because Jansport bags are rad. I used to have to buy a couple different bookbags a year, but my Jansport one has serviced me for three years and counting. :D

Yeah, it would be cool if like some people had them. But once everyone does, it's not so individual anymore. IDK.... just my opinion!



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Aside from Japanese backpacks...


Two things:


1) Same-Sex Marriage in California: It is fantastic that a US state has legalised same-sex marriage; to go beyond the norm of civil partnerships and to give equal status to homosexual couples is fantastic. Regrettably, the UK has yet to legalise gay marriage, although civil partnerships mean that they are equal in all but name.


2) I just finally received my copy of RFK's memoirs of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Its a fantastic read, especially the document section which includes the letters and communication between JFk and Khrushchev.


3) Ted Kennedy. :(

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TGHL's amazing list of Presidents of the USA of the 20th century post-WWII - ranked in order of awesome


1) Lyndon Banes Johnson (when we forget about Vietnam)

2) Harry S Truman

3) JFK

4) (Lyndon Johnson when I remember Vietnam)

5) Dwight D Eisenhower

6) Bill Clinton

7) George W Bush Sr (before the 1992 fiasco)

8) Jimmy Carter

9) Richard Nixon

10) Gerald Ford

11) Ronald Reagan

12) George W Bush



Debate and discuss, Horatio would probably knock Bill Clinton down several pegs I'm sure. Deservedly too.

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TGHL's amazing list of Presidents of the USA of the 20th century post-WWII - ranked in order of awesome


1) Lyndon Banes Johnson (when we forget about Vietnam)

2) Harry S Truman

3) JFK

4) (Lyndon Johnson when I remember Vietnam)

5) Dwight D Eisenhower

6) Bill Clinton

7) George W Bush Sr (before the 1992 fiasco)

8) Jimmy Carter

9) Richard Nixon

10) Gerald Ford

11) Ronald Reagan

12) George W Bush



Debate and discuss, Horatio would probably knock Bill Clinton down several pegs I'm sure. Deservedly too.


Of course, I would put Clinton in spot 12/tied with G. W. Bush.


But... you have totally avoided the real topic...


Obama beat Mrs. Clinton, but she refuses to acknowledge Obama the winner.

She is supposed to give her delegates to Obama, but Clinton is holding them...

For what???????????


I believe she is trying to derail Obama, so that McCain wins and then she can come back in 2012 and be the candidate.

All I see is a very, very sore loser.

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It does make me worried about the election. The huge friction between the two candidates may have caused damage to the party, and now it will be hard at least for me to imagine Clinton taking the back seat as VP. Things on the Democrat side might not be so appealing for the on-the-fence voters. Why that worries me is that I keep hearing more and more that McCain will turn out to be a repeat of Bush, and I don't know how I could live with that. At least he doesn't talk so dagnabbedly awful, but still.


I hope Obama's search team gets him a great running mate. I'm having some doubts about Hillary at the moment.

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It does make me worried about the election. The huge friction between the two candidates may have caused damage to the party, and now it will be hard at least for me to imagine Clinton taking the back seat as VP. Things on the Democrat side might not be so appealing for the on-the-fence voters. Why that worries me is that I keep hearing more and more that McCain will turn out to be a repeat of Bush, and I don't know how I could live with that. At least he doesn't talk so dagnabbedly awful, but still.


I hope Obama's search team gets him a great running mate. I'm having some doubts about Hillary at the moment.

Clinton as V.P. would be disastrous. Hopefully Obama will not even consider her. There are a number of good candidates for Obama to select from.


Now is the time for me to start researching each candidate and what they stand for.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The only problem with Obama not picking Clinton would be the publicity of the so-called "dream team" idea. That has apparently become favored. Anyways, the primary fight was rediculous and really should have ended many months ago when it was deemed nearly impossible for Clinton to win. Hooray for wasted money, yes?


And the gay marriage thing. People can be really closed-minded. It's rediculous. The argument of the "sanctity" of marriage is just stupid. The arguments, of course, often come from sanctimonious people. What, are they going to police every marriage to make sure it remains holy, keep people from divorcing five times a year? If they are going to try to "preserve" this "sanctity", then they ought to talk about being nosy and doing things to make sure that people are marrying up to their standards. :rolleyes: Besides, who made it anyone else's business whether or not gays marry? Who is it hurting? And it's not corrupting children, it's been proven that people don't just choose to be homosexuals.


So pretty much I have no problems with it. Morons need to keep to their own lives.

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The only problem with Obama not picking Clinton would be the publicity of the so-called "dream team" idea. That has apparently become favored. Anyways, the primary fight was rediculous and really should have ended many months ago when it was deemed nearly impossible for Clinton to win. Hooray for wasted money, yes?


And the gay marriage thing. People can be really closed-minded. It's rediculous. The argument of the "sanctity" of marriage is just stupid. The arguments, of course, often come from sanctimonious people. What, are they going to police every marriage to make sure it remains holy, keep people from divorcing five times a year? If they are going to try to "preserve" this "sanctity", then they ought to talk about being nosy and doing things to make sure that people are marrying up to their standards. :rolleyes: Besides, who made it anyone else's business whether or not gays marry? Who is it hurting? And it's not corrupting children, it's been proven that people don't just choose to be homosexuals.


So pretty much I have no problems with it. Morons need to keep to their own lives.

If Obama picked Clinton, he would never be President. Willy and his wife would always be trying to be in charge.

Plus there are many people who do not want to see the Clintons back in office and would vote Republican just to keep them out.

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And it's not corrupting children, it's been proven that people don't just choose to be homosexuals.

I think children of homosexual couples would have an advantage in some ways. They would grow up already knowing how important it is not to discriminate against different types of people, and knowing how any person is capable of giving love to others.

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And it's not corrupting children, it's been proven that people don't just choose to be homosexuals.

I think children of homosexual couples would have an advantage in some ways. They would grow up already knowing how important it is not to discriminate against different types of people, and knowing how any person is capable of giving love to others.

Great point.


Unfortunately people don't want to understand and learn tolerance. They are too busy trying to correct how other people live their lives.

There are probably many times when you all have heard me use the phrase 'tolerance for others'. If we only could try this, the world would be a much better place.

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new piccy... :wub:





That's a great pic!!! I really like that one. :D

Yeah, it's from their White Tie and Tiara Ball. You can probably google it. people were posting pictures on the elton john forum pretty cool!



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  • 4 weeks later...
McCain blames Obama for higher gas prices. Yaaaaay. xD

Uh, what? Maybe he's afraid to blame Bush for it?

I bet gas prices would be lower if we started turning to other sources of power, like nuclear. :rolleyes:

Wind, solar, geothermal... lots of options.

The problem is that everyone 'says' they want alternative forms of energy, but they want someone else to do it and they do not want it in 'their backyard'.

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McCain blames Obama for higher gas prices. Yaaaaay. xD

Uh, what? Maybe he's afraid to blame Bush for it?

I bet gas prices would be lower if we started turning to other sources of power, like nuclear. :rolleyes:

Wind, solar, geothermal... lots of options.

The problem is that everyone 'says' they want alternative forms of energy, but they want someone else to do it and they do not want it in 'their backyard'.

I know. >_> And I think those giant windmills actually look really cool. They could make a wind park or something. It could be awesome. I think my dad told me the best idea. Make a GINORMOUS (like a mile across) solar panel, and put it in outer space (apparently there's a safe way to beam down electricity, I'll have to get dad to explain to me how that works). It's not in anyone's back yard, and it's above the atmosphere so you don't have to worry about rainy days.

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McCain blames Obama for higher gas prices. Yaaaaay. xD

Uh, what? Maybe he's afraid to blame Bush for it?

I bet gas prices would be lower if we started turning to other sources of power, like nuclear. :rolleyes:

Wind, solar, geothermal... lots of options.

The problem is that everyone 'says' they want alternative forms of energy, but they want someone else to do it and they do not want it in 'their backyard'.

I know. >_> And I think those giant windmills actually look really cool. They could make a wind park or something. It could be awesome. I think my dad told me the best idea. Make a GINORMOUS (like a mile across) solar panel, and put it in outer space (apparently there's a safe way to beam down electricity, I'll have to get dad to explain to me how that works). It's not in anyone's back yard, and it's above the atmosphere so you don't have to worry about rainy days.

What a phenomenal idea!!!


T. Boone Pickens, an oil man, is starting the world's largest wind field. The state of Texas has agreed to get the distribution worked out. You should look at the PickensPlan for more information. Mr. Pickens is outstanding for taking all of his own money to start something that should have been done by the government. I hope the return to him is more than anyone can imagine. He deserves it!!!!

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McCain blames Obama for higher gas prices. Yaaaaay. xD

Uh, what? Maybe he's afraid to blame Bush for it?

I bet gas prices would be lower if we started turning to other sources of power, like nuclear. :rolleyes:

Wind, solar, geothermal... lots of options.

The problem is that everyone 'says' they want alternative forms of energy, but they want someone else to do it and they do not want it in 'their backyard'.

I know. >_> And I think those giant windmills actually look really cool. They could make a wind park or something. It could be awesome. I think my dad told me the best idea. Make a GINORMOUS (like a mile across) solar panel, and put it in outer space (apparently there's a safe way to beam down electricity, I'll have to get dad to explain to me how that works). It's not in anyone's back yard, and it's above the atmosphere so you don't have to worry about rainy days.

I love Windmills. I'd love to see some more of them where I live, and Solar Panels.


That's probably not going to happen where I live, though.

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McCain blames Obama for higher gas prices. Yaaaaay. xD

Uh, what? Maybe he's afraid to blame Bush for it?

I bet gas prices would be lower if we started turning to other sources of power, like nuclear. :rolleyes:

Wind, solar, geothermal... lots of options.

The problem is that everyone 'says' they want alternative forms of energy, but they want someone else to do it and they do not want it in 'their backyard'.

I know. >_> And I think those giant windmills actually look really cool. They could make a wind park or something. It could be awesome. I think my dad told me the best idea. Make a GINORMOUS (like a mile across) solar panel, and put it in outer space (apparently there's a safe way to beam down electricity, I'll have to get dad to explain to me how that works). It's not in anyone's back yard, and it's above the atmosphere so you don't have to worry about rainy days.

I love Windmills. I'd love to see some more of them where I live, and Solar Panels.


That's probably not going to happen where I live, though.

Hehe, what about solar panel covered windmills?


Also, that's awesome about the oil guy making a wind field. ^_^

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McCain blames Obama for higher gas prices. Yaaaaay. xD

Uh, what? Maybe he's afraid to blame Bush for it?

I bet gas prices would be lower if we started turning to other sources of power, like nuclear. :rolleyes:

Wind, solar, geothermal... lots of options.

The problem is that everyone 'says' they want alternative forms of energy, but they want someone else to do it and they do not want it in 'their backyard'.

I know. >_> And I think those giant windmills actually look really cool. They could make a wind park or something. It could be awesome. I think my dad told me the best idea. Make a GINORMOUS (like a mile across) solar panel, and put it in outer space (apparently there's a safe way to beam down electricity, I'll have to get dad to explain to me how that works). It's not in anyone's back yard, and it's above the atmosphere so you don't have to worry about rainy days.

I love Windmills. I'd love to see some more of them where I live, and Solar Panels.


That's probably not going to happen where I live, though.

Hehe, what about solar panel covered windmills?


Also, that's awesome about the oil guy making a wind field. ^_^

You need to look him up. He also talks about how it makes NO sense to try and drill for more oil.

He has been so persuasive that several politicians are starting to listen.

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McCain blames Obama for higher gas prices. Yaaaaay. xD

Uh, what? Maybe he's afraid to blame Bush for it?

I bet gas prices would be lower if we started turning to other sources of power, like nuclear. :rolleyes:

Wind, solar, geothermal... lots of options.

The problem is that everyone 'says' they want alternative forms of energy, but they want someone else to do it and they do not want it in 'their backyard'.

I know. >_> And I think those giant windmills actually look really cool. They could make a wind park or something. It could be awesome. I think my dad told me the best idea. Make a GINORMOUS (like a mile across) solar panel, and put it in outer space (apparently there's a safe way to beam down electricity, I'll have to get dad to explain to me how that works). It's not in anyone's back yard, and it's above the atmosphere so you don't have to worry about rainy days.

I love Windmills. I'd love to see some more of them where I live, and Solar Panels.


That's probably not going to happen where I live, though.

Hehe, what about solar panel covered windmills?


Also, that's awesome about the oil guy making a wind field. ^_^

You need to look him up. He also talks about how it makes NO sense to try and drill for more oil.

He has been so persuasive that several politicians are starting to listen.


thats cool

i also think its great that all these hybrid cars are popping up


has anyone else noticed all the presidential candidates don't seem to quite fit the job?

Obama - seems kinda sketchy, there is just something about him i don't feel comfortable with, but that's what happens when you fall asleep with the news on

McCain - might just be a repeat of Bush, which could be a problem

Clinton - i don't think she would be able to handle a country, I think she would be something like Kathleen Blanco who did a TERRIBLE job with louisiana, and broke down crying during several press conferences about Katrina

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McCain blames Obama for higher gas prices. Yaaaaay. xD

Uh, what? Maybe he's afraid to blame Bush for it?

I bet gas prices would be lower if we started turning to other sources of power, like nuclear. :rolleyes:

Wind, solar, geothermal... lots of options.

The problem is that everyone 'says' they want alternative forms of energy, but they want someone else to do it and they do not want it in 'their backyard'.

I know. >_> And I think those giant windmills actually look really cool. They could make a wind park or something. It could be awesome. I think my dad told me the best idea. Make a GINORMOUS (like a mile across) solar panel, and put it in outer space (apparently there's a safe way to beam down electricity, I'll have to get dad to explain to me how that works). It's not in anyone's back yard, and it's above the atmosphere so you don't have to worry about rainy days.

I love Windmills. I'd love to see some more of them where I live, and Solar Panels.


That's probably not going to happen where I live, though.

Hehe, what about solar panel covered windmills?


Also, that's awesome about the oil guy making a wind field. ^_^

You need to look him up. He also talks about how it makes NO sense to try and drill for more oil.

He has been so persuasive that several politicians are starting to listen.


thats cool

i also think its great that all these hybrid cars are popping up


has anyone else noticed all the presidential candidates don't seem to quite fit the job?

Obama - seems kinda sketchy, there is just something about him i don't feel comfortable with, but that's what happens when you fall asleep with the news on

McCain - might just be a repeat of Bush, which could be a problem

Clinton - i don't think she would be able to handle a country, I think she would be something like Kathleen Blanco who did a TERRIBLE job with louisiana, and broke down crying during several press conferences about Katrina

I know. Can I be president please? :lol:

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McCain blames Obama for higher gas prices. Yaaaaay. xD

Uh, what? Maybe he's afraid to blame Bush for it?

I bet gas prices would be lower if we started turning to other sources of power, like nuclear. :rolleyes:

Wind, solar, geothermal... lots of options.

The problem is that everyone 'says' they want alternative forms of energy, but they want someone else to do it and they do not want it in 'their backyard'.

I know. >_> And I think those giant windmills actually look really cool. They could make a wind park or something. It could be awesome. I think my dad told me the best idea. Make a GINORMOUS (like a mile across) solar panel, and put it in outer space (apparently there's a safe way to beam down electricity, I'll have to get dad to explain to me how that works). It's not in anyone's back yard, and it's above the atmosphere so you don't have to worry about rainy days.

I love Windmills. I'd love to see some more of them where I live, and Solar Panels.


That's probably not going to happen where I live, though.

Hehe, what about solar panel covered windmills?


Also, that's awesome about the oil guy making a wind field. ^_^

You need to look him up. He also talks about how it makes NO sense to try and drill for more oil.

He has been so persuasive that several politicians are starting to listen.


thats cool

i also think its great that all these hybrid cars are popping up


has anyone else noticed all the presidential candidates don't seem to quite fit the job?

Obama - seems kinda sketchy, there is just something about him i don't feel comfortable with, but that's what happens when you fall asleep with the news on

McCain - might just be a repeat of Bush, which could be a problem

Clinton - i don't think she would be able to handle a country, I think she would be something like Kathleen Blanco who did a TERRIBLE job with louisiana, and broke down crying during several press conferences about Katrina

I know. Can I be president please? :lol:



well, you appear to be more qualified then all above candidates


i vote jesusfreak for president!

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But I want to be president! f I was, then It'd be easier to take over the world!


...Man, if we're better qualified to be president than the current candidates, something is horribly wrong...

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McCain blames Obama for higher gas prices. Yaaaaay. xD

Uh, what? Maybe he's afraid to blame Bush for it?

I bet gas prices would be lower if we started turning to other sources of power, like nuclear. :rolleyes:

Wind, solar, geothermal... lots of options.

The problem is that everyone 'says' they want alternative forms of energy, but they want someone else to do it and they do not want it in 'their backyard'.

I know. >_> And I think those giant windmills actually look really cool. They could make a wind park or something. It could be awesome. I think my dad told me the best idea. Make a GINORMOUS (like a mile across) solar panel, and put it in outer space (apparently there's a safe way to beam down electricity, I'll have to get dad to explain to me how that works). It's not in anyone's back yard, and it's above the atmosphere so you don't have to worry about rainy days.

I love Windmills. I'd love to see some more of them where I live, and Solar Panels.


That's probably not going to happen where I live, though.

Hehe, what about solar panel covered windmills?


Also, that's awesome about the oil guy making a wind field. ^_^

You need to look him up. He also talks about how it makes NO sense to try and drill for more oil.

He has been so persuasive that several politicians are starting to listen.


thats cool

i also think its great that all these hybrid cars are popping up


has anyone else noticed all the presidential candidates don't seem to quite fit the job?

Obama - seems kinda sketchy, there is just something about him i don't feel comfortable with, but that's what happens when you fall asleep with the news on

McCain - might just be a repeat of Bush, which could be a problem

Clinton - i don't think she would be able to handle a country, I think she would be something like Kathleen Blanco who did a TERRIBLE job with louisiana, and broke down crying during several press conferences about Katrina

The great news is that Clinton is out of the picture... for a while.

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But I want to be president! f I was, then It'd be easier to take over the world!


...Man, if we're better qualified to be president than the current candidates, something is horribly wrong...

MK, I think something's been horribly wrong..... :unsure::rolleyes:

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But I want to be president! f I was, then It'd be easier to take over the world!


...Man, if we're better qualified to be president than the current candidates, something is horribly wrong...

MK, I think something's been horribly wrong..... :unsure::rolleyes:



someone want to remind me why we're in a war again?

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But I want to be president! f I was, then It'd be easier to take over the world!


...Man, if we're better qualified to be president than the current candidates, something is horribly wrong...

MK, I think something's been horribly wrong..... :unsure::rolleyes:



someone want to remind me why we're in a war again?

O - I - L

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But I want to be president! f I was, then It'd be easier to take over the world!


...Man, if we're better qualified to be president than the current candidates, something is horribly wrong...

MK, I think something's been horribly wrong..... :unsure::rolleyes:



someone want to remind me why we're in a war again?

O - I - L



i'm so sick of this stuff

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But I want to be president! f I was, then It'd be easier to take over the world!


...Man, if we're better qualified to be president than the current candidates, something is horribly wrong...

MK, I think something's been horribly wrong..... :unsure::rolleyes:

That's true. And the upcoming reality of school will only remind me of the god-awful state of my generation.

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Oh, about the massive solar panels: microwaves. Apparently you can beam down power in microwaves, which are received on an antenna and converted into electricity. Pretty cool eh?


that's awesome!

seems like a great idea, but what about the long term side effects?


couldn't like our crops come to life and eat us and we would all be braindead zombies with radiation poisoning from the microwaves going through the air?

i'm afraid to stand in front of the microwave oven while making popcorn...

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Oh, about the massive solar panels: microwaves. Apparently you can beam down power in microwaves, which are received on an antenna and converted into electricity. Pretty cool eh?


that's awesome!

seems like a great idea, but what about the long term side effects?


couldn't like our crops come to life and eat us and we would all be braindead zombies with radiation poisoning from the microwaves going through the air?

i'm afraid to stand in front of the microwave oven while making popcorn...

If you want to look up something interesting... look up PickensPlan.

T. Boone Pickens. This gentleman made his fortune in oil. If he thought drilling was a good idea, don't you think he would pursue it????????????????

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Oh, about the massive solar panels: microwaves. Apparently you can beam down power in microwaves, which are received on an antenna and converted into electricity. Pretty cool eh?


that's awesome!

seems like a great idea, but what about the long term side effects?


couldn't like our crops come to life and eat us and we would all be braindead zombies with radiation poisoning from the microwaves going through the air?

i'm afraid to stand in front of the microwave oven while making popcorn...

Nope. I'm assuming they're on the other end of the microwaves spectrum, and should be totally safe. Now that I think of it, my dream last night had something to do with zombies..... :unsure:

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Oh, about the massive solar panels: microwaves. Apparently you can beam down power in microwaves, which are received on an antenna and converted into electricity. Pretty cool eh?


that's awesome!

seems like a great idea, but what about the long term side effects?


couldn't like our crops come to life and eat us and we would all be braindead zombies with radiation poisoning from the microwaves going through the air?

i'm afraid to stand in front of the microwave oven while making popcorn...

If that happened, all my zombie-hunting classes I took would finally come into good use >_>

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But I want to be president! f I was, then It'd be easier to take over the world!


...Man, if we're better qualified to be president than the current candidates, something is horribly wrong...

MK, I think something's been horribly wrong..... :unsure::rolleyes:



someone want to remind me why we're in a war again?

There is no real reason. IT SHOULD END!!!


Peace, Love, and... Flower Power. :D I am a true 60s child.



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But I want to be president! f I was, then It'd be easier to take over the world!


...Man, if we're better qualified to be president than the current candidates, something is horribly wrong...

MK, I think something's been horribly wrong..... :unsure::rolleyes:



someone want to remind me why we're in a war again?

There is no real reason. IT SHOULD END!!!


Peace, Love, and... Flower Power. :D I am a true 60s child.



Nerds against war.



I should form that organization.

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Yeah, while I do think that Saddam needed to be taken out, I think there are better ways we could have gone about it. However, you can't change the past, and things were broken that need to be fixed. It's just a matter of who won't over-do it, and who won't do a halfway job of it.

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But I want to be president! f I was, then It'd be easier to take over the world!


...Man, if we're better qualified to be president than the current candidates, something is horribly wrong...

MK, I think something's been horribly wrong..... :unsure::rolleyes:



someone want to remind me why we're in a war again?

There is no real reason. IT SHOULD END!!!


Peace, Love, and... Flower Power. :D I am a true 60s child.



Nerds against war.



I should form that organization.

I would join. B)
















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But I want to be president! f I was, then It'd be easier to take over the world!


...Man, if we're better qualified to be president than the current candidates, something is horribly wrong...

MK, I think something's been horribly wrong..... :unsure::rolleyes:



someone want to remind me why we're in a war again?

There is no real reason. IT SHOULD END!!!


Peace, Love, and... Flower Power. :D I am a true 60s child.



Nerds against war.



I should form that organization.

I would join. B)
















Ooh, ooh! I made up a motto!


"Fighting games are fun, but real fighting is bad."


That'd be an awesome organization.

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Oh, about the massive solar panels: microwaves. Apparently you can beam down power in microwaves, which are received on an antenna and converted into electricity. Pretty cool eh?


Space based solar panels?


Hugely fantastic idea and will be the future of energy production - when they finally can develop the technology at reasonable prices. With the cost of space travel and the high maintenance of these panels, we won't see them until beyond 2050 which is largely seen as the "watershed" for having lowered carbon emissions beyond 80% in the developed world.


To clarify about the microwaves - there is an issue with safety, but some proposals make allowances for the microwaves being less concentrated, so would reduce any damage in the (unlikely, but still probable) event of the satellites shifting out of geostationary orbit and transmitting down outside of the target area.




By the by, I don't suppose any of you who support the Iraq War have read the United Nations Charter recently? Or the Russell-Einstein manifesto?


"Here, then, is the problem which we present to you, stark and dreadful and inescapable: Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?"


Also, hello all! I see you've decided to skip the whole "election" business and just gone to assume Barack Obama is the President now?

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Oh, about the massive solar panels: microwaves. Apparently you can beam down power in microwaves, which are received on an antenna and converted into electricity. Pretty cool eh?


Space based solar panels?


Hugely fantastic idea and will be the future of energy production - when they finally can develop the technology at reasonable prices. With the cost of space travel and the high maintenance of these panels, we won't see them until beyond 2050 which is largely seen as the "watershed" for having lowered carbon emissions beyond 80% in the developed world.


To clarify about the microwaves - there is an issue with safety, but some proposals make allowances for the microwaves being less concentrated, so would reduce any damage in the (unlikely, but still probable) event of the satellites shifting out of geostationary orbit and transmitting down outside of the target area.



By the by, I don't suppose any of you who support the Iraq War have read the United Nations Charter recently? Or the Russell-Einstein manifesto?


"Here, then, is the problem which we present to you, stark and dreadful and inescapable: Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?"


Also, hello all! I see you've decided to skip the whole "election" business and just gone to assume Barack Obama is the President now?

You have been missed. Please don't stay away so long.


What did you think of Obama's speech in Berlin?

No comment??????? :blink: :blink: :blink:


What do you think of T. Boone Pickens plan??????

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Oh, about the massive solar panels: microwaves. Apparently you can beam down power in microwaves, which are received on an antenna and converted into electricity. Pretty cool eh?


Space based solar panels?


Hugely fantastic idea and will be the future of energy production - when they finally can develop the technology at reasonable prices. With the cost of space travel and the high maintenance of these panels, we won't see them until beyond 2050 which is largely seen as the "watershed" for having lowered carbon emissions beyond 80% in the developed world.


To clarify about the microwaves - there is an issue with safety, but some proposals make allowances for the microwaves being less concentrated, so would reduce any damage in the (unlikely, but still probable) event of the satellites shifting out of geostationary orbit and transmitting down outside of the target area.



By the by, I don't suppose any of you who support the Iraq War have read the United Nations Charter recently? Or the Russell-Einstein manifesto?


"Here, then, is the problem which we present to you, stark and dreadful and inescapable: Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?"


Also, hello all! I see you've decided to skip the whole "election" business and just gone to assume Barack Obama is the President now?

You have been missed. Please don't stay away so long.


What did you think of Obama's speech in Berlin?

No comment??????? :blink: :blink: :blink:


What do you think of T. Boone Pickens plan??????




Obama: no comment :mellow:


Picken's plan: thumbs up all the way, i went to website and read about it. vurrrrryy cool!

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Oh, about the massive solar panels: microwaves. Apparently you can beam down power in microwaves, which are received on an antenna and converted into electricity. Pretty cool eh?


Space based solar panels?


Hugely fantastic idea and will be the future of energy production - when they finally can develop the technology at reasonable prices. With the cost of space travel and the high maintenance of these panels, we won't see them until beyond 2050 which is largely seen as the "watershed" for having lowered carbon emissions beyond 80% in the developed world.


To clarify about the microwaves - there is an issue with safety, but some proposals make allowances for the microwaves being less concentrated, so would reduce any damage in the (unlikely, but still probable) event of the satellites shifting out of geostationary orbit and transmitting down outside of the target area.



By the by, I don't suppose any of you who support the Iraq War have read the United Nations Charter recently? Or the Russell-Einstein manifesto?


"Here, then, is the problem which we present to you, stark and dreadful and inescapable: Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?"


Also, hello all! I see you've decided to skip the whole "election" business and just gone to assume Barack Obama is the President now?

You have been missed. Please don't stay away so long.


What did you think of Obama's speech in Berlin?

No comment??????? :blink: :blink: :blink:


What do you think of T. Boone Pickens plan??????


Obama: no comment :mellow:


Picken's plan: thumbs up all the way, i went to website and read about it. vurrrrryy cool!

Great to hear you checked it out. I am really excited about what one person can do to change the world.

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Also, hello all! I see you've decided to skip the whole "election" business and just gone to assume Barack Obama is the President now?

I didn't get that impression at all. Rather it seems that McCain is relatively quiet at this point. I mean, he's giving lectures in grocery stores while Obama's overseas, so guess who gets more media attention? But I have not forgotten that McCain will still get lots of support. And people seem to view him as somewhat moderate, so that might pull more independents in. I'm not really sure what to expect, but at least I get to vote for the first time! ^_^

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Also, hello all! I see you've decided to skip the whole "election" business and just gone to assume Barack Obama is the President now?

I didn't get that impression at all. Rather it seems that McCain is relatively quiet at this point. I mean, he's giving lectures in grocery stores while Obama's overseas, so guess who gets more media attention? But I have not forgotten that McCain will still get lots of support. And people seem to view him as somewhat moderate, so that might pull more independents in. I'm not really sure what to expect, but at least I get to vote for the first time! ^_^

Don't forget it was McCain that suggested, about one week prior, that Obama go to Europe and the Middle East.

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Also, hello all! I see you've decided to skip the whole "election" business and just gone to assume Barack Obama is the President now?

I didn't get that impression at all. Rather it seems that McCain is relatively quiet at this point. I mean, he's giving lectures in grocery stores while Obama's overseas, so guess who gets more media attention? But I have not forgotten that McCain will still get lots of support. And people seem to view him as somewhat moderate, so that might pull more independents in. I'm not really sure what to expect, but at least I get to vote for the first time! ^_^

Don't forget it was McCain that suggested, about one week prior, that Obama go to Europe and the Middle East.

Interesting. Points to both of them for giving and taking advice to/from each other.

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As I was in the San Francisco area, I took trains and such with my friend to get to San Francisco itself. For about a 30 mile trip, it was cheaper to pay the $2 train fare. We spent abou5 $5.50 on public transportation per person that day, which seemed like a lot of money, but in truth we saved. Now, if we had a group of 7 people to carpool, that would be another case, but with 2 people it was logical to take public transportation. Now, where I live, it doesn't work, but I somewhat would like to move back to that area when I'm older because of the money that could be saved. Think, save $10 a day on fuel and that's $3,650 in a year. Of course, there are many other factors to that, such as housing prices and other expenses, to be considered, but wouldn't it be nice? ;)

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As I was in the San Francisco area, I took trains and such with my friend to get to San Francisco itself. For about a 30 mile trip, it was cheaper to pay the $2 train fare. We spent abou5 $5.50 on public transportation per person that day, which seemed like a lot of money, but in truth we saved. Now, if we had a group of 7 people to carpool, that would be another case, but with 2 people it was logical to take public transportation. Now, where I live, it doesn't work, but I somewhat would like to move back to that area when I'm older because of the money that could be saved. Think, save $10 a day on fuel and that's $3,650 in a year. Of course, there are many other factors to that, such as housing prices and other expenses, to be considered, but wouldn't it be nice? ;)

Public transportation should be improved. It is almost non-existent here in Florida.

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Public transportation should be improved. It is almost non-existent here in Florida.

It's almost non-existent everywhere in the US except for a couple of major cities. :wacko:

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What is this Public Transportation you speak of, I don't think it exists in my town...

Unfortunately we were going to have a high speed train from Cape Canaveral, Merritt Island and Cocoa to Orlando and more specifically the Orlando Airport.

Well, Meers, a transportation company, has blocked it every time because they hold the sole contract for the buses (from the Airport to the Cruise Lines at Port Canaveral, Airport to Disney World) and own all the taxicabs. What a scam.


We will never have great transportation from the coast to Orlando as long as the money train keeps putting cash in Meers pocket.

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What is this Public Transportation you speak of, I don't think it exists in my town...

Unfortunately we were going to have a high speed train from Cape Canaveral, Merritt Island and Cocoa to Orlando and more specifically the Orlando Airport.

Well, Meers, a transportation company, has blocked it every time because they hold the sole contract for the buses (from the Airport to the Cruise Lines at Port Canaveral, Airport to Disney World) and own all the taxicabs. What a scam.


We will never have great transportation from the coast to Orlando as long as the money train keeps putting cash in Meers pocket.

There's buses in my town, but literally no one rides them. ever.


AND NO METRO STILL, despite how large my city is getting.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry I keep staying away for so long.


I don't know about Obama's speech in Berlin, but I saw him in London. I'd say he'd get my vote, if I was a US citizen.


As to the Pickens Plan, I've not heard of it, but if it is anything like the pathetic Swift Boat challenge then I don't want to know.

First... we celebrated your birthday. Hope it was happy. Look up your birthday topic in Warm Wishes.


As for the PickensPlan... this you absolutely do want to know about. Here is one man, T. Boone Pickens, who made his fortune in oil.

He is starting the world's largest wind farm in Texas. Look up PickensPlan. You will be impressed. He is spending 10 billion of his own money for this project.

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Sorry I keep staying away for so long.


I don't know about Obama's speech in Berlin, but I saw him in London. I'd say he'd get my vote, if I was a US citizen.


As to the Pickens Plan, I've not heard of it, but if it is anything like the pathetic Swift Boat challenge then I don't want to know.

First... we celebrated your birthday. Hope it was happy. Look up your birthday topic in Warm Wishes.


As for the PickensPlan... this you absolutely do want to know about. Here is one man, T. Boone Pickens, who made his fortune in oil.

He is starting the world's largest wind farm in Texas. Look up PickensPlan. You will be impressed. He is spending 10 billion of his own money for this project.


I've seen the PickensPlan and while it is admirable and far superior to any drilling in ANWR or off the coast of Florida (surely McCain would never get your vote?), it seems more like someone who is trying to compensate for a lifetime of environmental destruction and less admirable *cough*SwiftboatChallenge*cough* than the work of a committed environmentalist. But, who cares about motive? What mattes is that Pickens has come up with a plan which could turn around the United States before the "Climatic tipping point" of 440 CO2/ppm is reached. Shame not even Obama will have the guts to go through with it, for fear of being accused of "creeping socialism" and "socialism by the back door." But then again, so was FDR and LBJ.

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Sorry I keep staying away for so long.


I don't know about Obama's speech in Berlin, but I saw him in London. I'd say he'd get my vote, if I was a US citizen.


As to the Pickens Plan, I've not heard of it, but if it is anything like the pathetic Swift Boat challenge then I don't want to know.

First... we celebrated your birthday. Hope it was happy. Look up your birthday topic in Warm Wishes.


As for the PickensPlan... this you absolutely do want to know about. Here is one man, T. Boone Pickens, who made his fortune in oil.

He is starting the world's largest wind farm in Texas. Look up PickensPlan. You will be impressed. He is spending 10 billion of his own money for this project.


I've seen the PickensPlan and while it is admirable and far superior to any drilling in ANWR or off the coast of Florida (surely McCain would never get your vote?), it seems more like someone who is trying to compensate for a lifetime of environmental destruction and less admirable *cough*SwiftboatChallenge*cough* than the work of a committed environmentalist. But, who cares about motive? What mattes is that Pickens has come up with a plan which could turn around the United States before the "Climatic tipping point" of 440 CO2/ppm is reached. Shame not even Obama will have the guts to go through with it, for fear of being accused of "creeping socialism" and "socialism by the back door." But then again, so was FDR and LBJ.

We need to come up with some plan, take a look at what is happening between Georgia and Russia. For Pickens to take action, he just might get someone in the political system to join. For example, in Texas, the state has agreed to install the transmission lines to his windmills.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I think the Picken's plan is a wonderful idea... But people are always hesistant to accept change, even if there isn't much of a downside, if it involves spending money.

Unfortunately people will spend money to build a stadium that does them NO good. Here T. Boone Pickens is using his own money to put up the wind generators, the state of Texas is the one who will be laying the transmission lines. The people of Texas will be reaping the rewards of one man. A perfect example of how one person can change the world.

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I think the Picken's plan is a wonderful idea... But people are always hesistant to accept change, even if there isn't much of a downside, if it involves spending money.

Unfortunately people will spend money to build a stadium that does them NO good. Here T. Boone Pickens is using his own money to put up the wind generators, the state of Texas is the one who will be laying the transmission lines. The people of Texas will be reaping the rewards of one man. A perfect example of how one person can change the world.


That is true.


In maryland, the money that the lottery brings in to the state goes to the state stadium fund, something that irks me greatly.

We have enough stadiums, and if we really need to we can go out of state. There are much better things we could spend all that money on.

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I think the Picken's plan is a wonderful idea... But people are always hesistant to accept change, even if there isn't much of a downside, if it involves spending money.

Unfortunately people will spend money to build a stadium that does them NO good. Here T. Boone Pickens is using his own money to put up the wind generators, the state of Texas is the one who will be laying the transmission lines. The people of Texas will be reaping the rewards of one man. A perfect example of how one person can change the world.


That is true.


In maryland, the money that the lottery brings in to the state goes to the state stadium fund, something that irks me greatly.

We have enough stadiums, and if we really need to we can go out of state. There are much better things we could spend all that money on.

A stadium????????????


You are killing me!!!!!!!!!!!


What are these nitwit politicians thinking about?




On that note... what do you think of Palin?

Is she qualified to run the country if McCain was to pass away?


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I think the Picken's plan is a wonderful idea... But people are always hesistant to accept change, even if there isn't much of a downside, if it involves spending money.

Unfortunately people will spend money to build a stadium that does them NO good. Here T. Boone Pickens is using his own money to put up the wind generators, the state of Texas is the one who will be laying the transmission lines. The people of Texas will be reaping the rewards of one man. A perfect example of how one person can change the world.


That is true.


In maryland, the money that the lottery brings in to the state goes to the state stadium fund, something that irks me greatly.

We have enough stadiums, and if we really need to we can go out of state. There are much better things we could spend all that money on.

A stadium????????????


You are killing me!!!!!!!!!!!


What are these nitwit politicians thinking about?




On that note... what do you think of Palin?

Is she qualified to run the country if McCain was to pass away?



I think she seems a bit radical to run a country where not everyone agrees. >.>;

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I think the Picken's plan is a wonderful idea... But people are always hesistant to accept change, even if there isn't much of a downside, if it involves spending money.

Unfortunately people will spend money to build a stadium that does them NO good. Here T. Boone Pickens is using his own money to put up the wind generators, the state of Texas is the one who will be laying the transmission lines. The people of Texas will be reaping the rewards of one man. A perfect example of how one person can change the world.


That is true.


In maryland, the money that the lottery brings in to the state goes to the state stadium fund, something that irks me greatly.

We have enough stadiums, and if we really need to we can go out of state. There are much better things we could spend all that money on.

A stadium????????????


You are killing me!!!!!!!!!!!


What are these nitwit politicians thinking about?




On that note... what do you think of Palin?

Is she qualified to run the country if McCain was to pass away?



I think she seems a bit radical to run a country where not everyone agrees. >.>;

What scares me is the political system, mostly the voters. I am stunned that women voters will vote for someone because they are a woman and NOT because of the qualifications and goals they have for the country.

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I think the Picken's plan is a wonderful idea... But people are always hesistant to accept change, even if there isn't much of a downside, if it involves spending money.

Unfortunately people will spend money to build a stadium that does them NO good. Here T. Boone Pickens is using his own money to put up the wind generators, the state of Texas is the one who will be laying the transmission lines. The people of Texas will be reaping the rewards of one man. A perfect example of how one person can change the world.


That is true.


In maryland, the money that the lottery brings in to the state goes to the state stadium fund, something that irks me greatly.

We have enough stadiums, and if we really need to we can go out of state. There are much better things we could spend all that money on.

A stadium????????????


You are killing me!!!!!!!!!!!


What are these nitwit politicians thinking about?




On that note... what do you think of Palin?

Is she qualified to run the country if McCain was to pass away?



I think she seems a bit radical to run a country where not everyone agrees. >.>;

What scares me is the political system, mostly the voters. I am stunned that women voters will vote for someone because they are a woman and NOT because of the qualifications and goals they have for the country.

I think I read in Time or something that she was in favor of banning books? Weird.



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I think the Picken's plan is a wonderful idea... But people are always hesistant to accept change, even if there isn't much of a downside, if it involves spending money.

Unfortunately people will spend money to build a stadium that does them NO good. Here T. Boone Pickens is using his own money to put up the wind generators, the state of Texas is the one who will be laying the transmission lines. The people of Texas will be reaping the rewards of one man. A perfect example of how one person can change the world.


That is true.


In maryland, the money that the lottery brings in to the state goes to the state stadium fund, something that irks me greatly.

We have enough stadiums, and if we really need to we can go out of state. There are much better things we could spend all that money on.

A stadium????????????


You are killing me!!!!!!!!!!!


What are these nitwit politicians thinking about?




On that note... what do you think of Palin?

Is she qualified to run the country if McCain was to pass away?



I think she seems a bit radical to run a country where not everyone agrees. >.>;

What scares me is the political system, mostly the voters. I am stunned that women voters will vote for someone because they are a woman and NOT because of the qualifications and goals they have for the country.

I think I read in Time or something that she was in favor of banning books? Weird.



She used her position to ban books and when the librarian refused because the list of books was approved by a nationally, Palin then tried to get the librarian fired.

It seems that if someone disagrees with her, then Palin feels a need to get that person fired from their job.

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I think the Picken's plan is a wonderful idea... But people are always hesistant to accept change, even if there isn't much of a downside, if it involves spending money.

Unfortunately people will spend money to build a stadium that does them NO good. Here T. Boone Pickens is using his own money to put up the wind generators, the state of Texas is the one who will be laying the transmission lines. The people of Texas will be reaping the rewards of one man. A perfect example of how one person can change the world.


That is true.


In maryland, the money that the lottery brings in to the state goes to the state stadium fund, something that irks me greatly.

We have enough stadiums, and if we really need to we can go out of state. There are much better things we could spend all that money on.

A stadium????????????


You are killing me!!!!!!!!!!!


What are these nitwit politicians thinking about?




On that note... what do you think of Palin?

Is she qualified to run the country if McCain was to pass away?



I think she seems a bit radical to run a country where not everyone agrees. >.>;

What scares me is the political system, mostly the voters. I am stunned that women voters will vote for someone because they are a woman and NOT because of the qualifications and goals they have for the country.

I think I read in Time or something that she was in favor of banning books? Weird.



She used her position to ban books and when the librarian refused because the list of books was approved by a nationally, Palin then tried to get the librarian fired.

It seems that if someone disagrees with her, then Palin feels a need to get that person fired from their job.




and i don't think she's qualified, she's had very little experience and mccain just hired her for the lulz, i mean for the vote that was lost when hillary didn't get the nomination, but i think obama should have made her the vp, with that combo, there's no way for them to lose.


and sorry about the "yelling"


read the what will happen if i consume 2 bottles of nos topic for more info


bom chicka wump wump

One main reason why Obama couldn't pick Hillary for the VP position...


who would be the real president...


Bill, Hillary, Bill and Hillary or unlikely, but possible... Obama.


Palin is definitely unqualified. It scares me to think she might be the leader if something happened to McCain.

What WAS McCain thinking???????????


Looking for the vote that votes gender not qualifications.


Scary... very, very scary.

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That is why I think there should be an essay you have to write that goes in with your vote, where you have to explain why you voted the way you did. And if your essay doesn't provide good reasons, then your vote isn't counted. Practical, right?

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That is why I think there should be an essay you have to write that goes in with your vote, where you have to explain why you voted the way you did. And if your essay doesn't provide good reasons, then your vote isn't counted. Practical, right?

But who would evaluate what's a good reason and what's not? It's a good idea in theory, but way too subjective.


Also, did anyone else see the Palin/Hilary SNL skit? :lol:

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That is why I think there should be an essay you have to write that goes in with your vote, where you have to explain why you voted the way you did. And if your essay doesn't provide good reasons, then your vote isn't counted. Practical, right?

But who would evaluate what's a good reason and what's not? It's a good idea in theory, but way too subjective.


Also, did anyone else see the Palin/Hilary SNL skit? :lol:

That was hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!


What stuns me are the people who will vote for someone because they can 'field dress a moose', or because they are a woman. Not a thought as to what they might do when the are in office. That is soooooo scary!

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That is why I think there should be an essay you have to write that goes in with your vote, where you have to explain why you voted the way you did. And if your essay doesn't provide good reasons, then your vote isn't counted. Practical, right?

But who would evaluate what's a good reason and what's not? It's a good idea in theory, but way too subjective.


Also, did anyone else see the Palin/Hilary SNL skit? :lol:

Did you see the episode of The Colbert Report where they talked about McCain?

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That is why I think there should be an essay you have to write that goes in with your vote, where you have to explain why you voted the way you did. And if your essay doesn't provide good reasons, then your vote isn't counted. Practical, right?

But who would evaluate what's a good reason and what's not? It's a good idea in theory, but way too subjective.


Also, did anyone else see the Palin/Hilary SNL skit? :lol:

Did you see the episode of The Colbert Report where they talked about McCain?

I like Colbert, but somehow I missed that one. :(

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That is why I think there should be an essay you have to write that goes in with your vote, where you have to explain why you voted the way you did. And if your essay doesn't provide good reasons, then your vote isn't counted. Practical, right?

But who would evaluate what's a good reason and what's not? It's a good idea in theory, but way too subjective.


Also, did anyone else see the Palin/Hilary SNL skit? :lol:

Did you see the episode of The Colbert Report where they talked about McCain?

I like Colbert, but somehow I missed that one. :(

Four words: John McCain Mad Libs.

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That is why I think there should be an essay you have to write that goes in with your vote, where you have to explain why you voted the way you did. And if your essay doesn't provide good reasons, then your vote isn't counted. Practical, right?

But who would evaluate what's a good reason and what's not? It's a good idea in theory, but way too subjective.


Also, did anyone else see the Palin/Hilary SNL skit? :lol:

Did you see the episode of The Colbert Report where they talked about McCain?

I like Colbert, but somehow I missed that one. :(

Four words: John McCain Mad Libs.


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That is why I think there should be an essay you have to write that goes in with your vote, where you have to explain why you voted the way you did. And if your essay doesn't provide good reasons, then your vote isn't counted. Practical, right?

But who would evaluate what's a good reason and what's not? It's a good idea in theory, but way too subjective.


Also, did anyone else see the Palin/Hilary SNL skit? :lol:



Speaking of that episode of SNL, there was a fake commercial for "Jar Glove" and in it, the woman gets chased by bloodhounds at one point. Well, my dad works with a woman, and two of those dogs were hers. :o Pretty amazing! And she got paid like $400 for it. :rolleyes:


So that's my little bit of trivia. I taped that epsiode but haven't seen the whole thing yet. School & life are keeping me occupied, which is why I haven't been on here all that often lately. :blush:



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That is why I think there should be an essay you have to write that goes in with your vote, where you have to explain why you voted the way you did. And if your essay doesn't provide good reasons, then your vote isn't counted. Practical, right?

But who would evaluate what's a good reason and what's not? It's a good idea in theory, but way too subjective.


Also, did anyone else see the Palin/Hilary SNL skit? :lol:



Speaking of that episode of SNL, there was a fake commercial for "Jar Glove" and in it, the woman gets chased by bloodhounds at one point. Well, my dad works with a woman, and two of those dogs were hers. :o Pretty amazing! And she got paid like $400 for it. :rolleyes:


So that's my little bit of trivia. I taped that epsiode but haven't seen the whole thing yet. School & life are keeping me occupied, which is why I haven't been on here all that often lately. :blush:



How coooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!


Dogs that make a living. Now if only the other hamsters in my neighborhood would start working for a living. :lol:


Trivia... my friend is the voice of Milhouse on the Simpsons.

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That is why I think there should be an essay you have to write that goes in with your vote, where you have to explain why you voted the way you did. And if your essay doesn't provide good reasons, then your vote isn't counted. Practical, right?

But who would evaluate what's a good reason and what's not? It's a good idea in theory, but way too subjective.


Also, did anyone else see the Palin/Hilary SNL skit? :lol:



Speaking of that episode of SNL, there was a fake commercial for "Jar Glove" and in it, the woman gets chased by bloodhounds at one point. Well, my dad works with a woman, and two of those dogs were hers. :o Pretty amazing! And she got paid like $400 for it. :rolleyes:


So that's my little bit of trivia. I taped that epsiode but haven't seen the whole thing yet. School & life are keeping me occupied, which is why I haven't been on here all that often lately. :blush:



How coooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!


Dogs that make a living. Now if only the other hamsters in my neighborhood would start working for a living. :lol:


Trivia... my friend is the voice of Milhouse on the Simpsons.

Trivia....my dad went to school with the guy who does the voice of Homer. I WIN!!! :lol: LOL

(Note: I don't even watch the show...)


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That is why I think there should be an essay you have to write that goes in with your vote, where you have to explain why you voted the way you did. And if your essay doesn't provide good reasons, then your vote isn't counted. Practical, right?

But who would evaluate what's a good reason and what's not? It's a good idea in theory, but way too subjective.


Also, did anyone else see the Palin/Hilary SNL skit? :lol:



Speaking of that episode of SNL, there was a fake commercial for "Jar Glove" and in it, the woman gets chased by bloodhounds at one point. Well, my dad works with a woman, and two of those dogs were hers. :o Pretty amazing! And she got paid like $400 for it. :rolleyes:


So that's my little bit of trivia. I taped that epsiode but haven't seen the whole thing yet. School & life are keeping me occupied, which is why I haven't been on here all that often lately. :blush:



How coooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!


Dogs that make a living. Now if only the other hamsters in my neighborhood would start working for a living. :lol:


Trivia... my friend is the voice of Milhouse on the Simpsons.

Trivia....my dad went to school with the guy who does the voice of Homer. I WIN!!! :lol: LOL

(Note: I don't even watch the show...)


Just think... my friend and your father's friend are colleagues! :o

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That is why I think there should be an essay you have to write that goes in with your vote, where you have to explain why you voted the way you did. And if your essay doesn't provide good reasons, then your vote isn't counted. Practical, right?

But who would evaluate what's a good reason and what's not? It's a good idea in theory, but way too subjective.


Also, did anyone else see the Palin/Hilary SNL skit? :lol:



Speaking of that episode of SNL, there was a fake commercial for "Jar Glove" and in it, the woman gets chased by bloodhounds at one point. Well, my dad works with a woman, and two of those dogs were hers. :o Pretty amazing! And she got paid like $400 for it. :rolleyes:


So that's my little bit of trivia. I taped that epsiode but haven't seen the whole thing yet. School & life are keeping me occupied, which is why I haven't been on here all that often lately. :blush:



How coooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!


Dogs that make a living. Now if only the other hamsters in my neighborhood would start working for a living. :lol:


Trivia... my friend is the voice of Milhouse on the Simpsons.

Trivia....my dad went to school with the guy who does the voice of Homer. I WIN!!! :lol: LOL

(Note: I don't even watch the show...)


Just think... my friend and your father's friend are colleagues! :o

That's like....4 derees of separation! ^_^



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That is why I think there should be an essay you have to write that goes in with your vote, where you have to explain why you voted the way you did. And if your essay doesn't provide good reasons, then your vote isn't counted. Practical, right?

But who would evaluate what's a good reason and what's not? It's a good idea in theory, but way too subjective.


Also, did anyone else see the Palin/Hilary SNL skit? :lol:



Speaking of that episode of SNL, there was a fake commercial for "Jar Glove" and in it, the woman gets chased by bloodhounds at one point. Well, my dad works with a woman, and two of those dogs were hers. :o Pretty amazing! And she got paid like $400 for it. :rolleyes:


So that's my little bit of trivia. I taped that epsiode but haven't seen the whole thing yet. School & life are keeping me occupied, which is why I haven't been on here all that often lately. :blush:



How coooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!


Dogs that make a living. Now if only the other hamsters in my neighborhood would start working for a living. :lol:


Trivia... my friend is the voice of Milhouse on the Simpsons.

Trivia....my dad went to school with the guy who does the voice of Homer. I WIN!!! :lol: LOL

(Note: I don't even watch the show...)


Just think... my friend and your father's friend are colleagues! :o

That's like....4 derees of separation! ^_^



LOL... true. But what a coincidence!

*starts singing "It's A Small World".

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That is why I think there should be an essay you have to write that goes in with your vote, where you have to explain why you voted the way you did. And if your essay doesn't provide good reasons, then your vote isn't counted. Practical, right?

But who would evaluate what's a good reason and what's not? It's a good idea in theory, but way too subjective.


Also, did anyone else see the Palin/Hilary SNL skit? :lol:



Speaking of that episode of SNL, there was a fake commercial for "Jar Glove" and in it, the woman gets chased by bloodhounds at one point. Well, my dad works with a woman, and two of those dogs were hers. :o Pretty amazing! And she got paid like $400 for it. :rolleyes:


So that's my little bit of trivia. I taped that epsiode but haven't seen the whole thing yet. School & life are keeping me occupied, which is why I haven't been on here all that often lately. :blush:



How coooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!


Dogs that make a living. Now if only the other hamsters in my neighborhood would start working for a living. :lol:


Trivia... my friend is the voice of Milhouse on the Simpsons.

Trivia....my dad went to school with the guy who does the voice of Homer. I WIN!!! :lol: LOL

(Note: I don't even watch the show...)


Just think... my friend and your father's friend are colleagues! :o

That's like....4 derees of separation! ^_^



LOL... true. But what a coincidence!

*starts singing "It's A Small World".

Noooo! Now I will have it stuck in my head! :wacko: LOL



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That is why I think there should be an essay you have to write that goes in with your vote, where you have to explain why you voted the way you did. And if your essay doesn't provide good reasons, then your vote isn't counted. Practical, right?

But who would evaluate what's a good reason and what's not? It's a good idea in theory, but way too subjective.


Also, did anyone else see the Palin/Hilary SNL skit? :lol:



Speaking of that episode of SNL, there was a fake commercial for "Jar Glove" and in it, the woman gets chased by bloodhounds at one point. Well, my dad works with a woman, and two of those dogs were hers. :o Pretty amazing! And she got paid like $400 for it. :rolleyes:


So that's my little bit of trivia. I taped that epsiode but haven't seen the whole thing yet. School & life are keeping me occupied, which is why I haven't been on here all that often lately. :blush:



How coooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!


Dogs that make a living. Now if only the other hamsters in my neighborhood would start working for a living. :lol:


Trivia... my friend is the voice of Milhouse on the Simpsons.

Trivia....my dad went to school with the guy who does the voice of Homer. I WIN!!! :lol: LOL

(Note: I don't even watch the show...)


Just think... my friend and your father's friend are colleagues! :o

That's like....4 derees of separation! ^_^



LOL... true. But what a coincidence!

*starts singing "It's A Small World".

Noooo! Now I will have it stuck in my head! :wacko: LOL



Yeah!!! Now I'm not alone. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear whoever decided to package sub-prime mortgages and send them round the world's financial system,


I hate you.




The World.


Interesting factoid of the day: Warren Buffet warned of the problems the sub-prime motgages would create in 2002.


Second interesting factoid of the day: My local council just lost £11 million it had with an Icelandic bank that just went under, on account of the Icelandic banking system imploding. The Prime Minister has frozen the assets of all Icelandic properties in this country and is now intendeding to prosecute Iceland's financial services and possibly the Icelandic government for negligence.


Third interesting factoid of the day: We're dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomed.

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Dear whoever decided to package sub-prime mortgages and send them round the world's financial system,


I hate you.




The World.


Interesting factoid of the day: Warren Buffet warned of the problems the sub-prime motgages would create in 2002.


Second interesting factoid of the day: My local council just lost £11 million it had with an Icelandic bank that just went under, on account of the Icelandic banking system imploding. The Prime Minister has frozen the assets of all Icelandic properties in this country and is now intendeding to prosecute Iceland's financial services and possibly the Icelandic government for negligence.


Third interesting factoid of the day: We're dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomed.


It's only money.

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Dear whoever decided to package sub-prime mortgages and send them round the world's financial system,


I hate you.




The World.


Interesting factoid of the day: Warren Buffet warned of the problems the sub-prime motgages would create in 2002.


Second interesting factoid of the day: My local council just lost £11 million it had with an Icelandic bank that just went under, on account of the Icelandic banking system imploding. The Prime Minister has frozen the assets of all Icelandic properties in this country and is now intendeding to prosecute Iceland's financial services and possibly the Icelandic government for negligence.


Third interesting factoid of the day: We're dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomed.


It's only money.


Regrettably, I need money to live. The electronics and everything, I can deal without, but the food and water... less so.



By the by, have you heard of Simon Schama? He's a historian at Colombia University and has recently released a book called "The American Future: A History." I thoroughly recommend it to read, but also to watch this, the companion BBC television series:


(Thanks for the link. But unfortunately we are not permitted to allow links. If anyone wants to look further, look under BBC, Simon Schama and his book title. ...Horatio]

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Dear whoever decided to package sub-prime mortgages and send them round the world's financial system,


I hate you.




The World.


Interesting factoid of the day: Warren Buffet warned of the problems the sub-prime motgages would create in 2002.


Second interesting factoid of the day: My local council just lost £11 million it had with an Icelandic bank that just went under, on account of the Icelandic banking system imploding. The Prime Minister has frozen the assets of all Icelandic properties in this country and is now intendeding to prosecute Iceland's financial services and possibly the Icelandic government for negligence.


Third interesting factoid of the day: We're dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomed.


It's only money.


Regrettably, I need money to live. The electronics and everything, I can deal without, but the food and water... less so.



By the by, have you heard of Simon Schama? He's a historian at Colombia University and has recently released a book called "The American Future: A History." I thoroughly recommend it to read, but also to watch this, the companion BBC television series:


(Thanks for the link, but it only works in the U.K.. But unfortunately we are not permitted to allow links. If anyone wants to look further, look under BBC, Simon Schama and his book title. You can download it if you want. ...Horatio]

I will definitely read the book. Thank you for recommending it.


By the way... you have been very silent on Palin. What are your thoughts on her?

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I will definitely read the book. Thank you for recommending it.


By the way... you have been very silent on Palin. What are your thoughts on her?


I quite liked the response of Conservative columnist David Brooks on Palin:


"[sarah Palin] represents a fatal cancer to the Republican party. When I first started in journalism, I worked at the National Review for Bill Buckley. And Buckley famously said he'd rather be ruled by the first 2,000 names in the Boston phone book than by the Harvard faculty. But he didn't think those were the only two options. He thought it was important to have people on the conservative side who celebrated ideas, who celebrated learning. And his whole life was based on that, and that was also true for a lot of the other conservatives in the Reagan era. Reagan had an immense faith in the power of ideas. But there has been a counter, more populist tradition, which is not only to scorn liberal ideas but to scorn ideas entirely. And I'm afraid that Sarah Palin has those prejudices."


I find her reprehensible on all fronts; particularly though that she casts herself as a woman's candidate (as if women only vote for fellow women), but is completely contrary to every ideal of feminism and women's rights.


Hillary has been impressing me, however, as much as that might bring disgust to you. I liked the line that she did with Joe Biden (another person I respect); "America will rise from the Bushes' ashes." She's apparently in line for the top job in the Senate or a Cabinet post, which will infuriate you immensly Horatio I'm sure.

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I will definitely read the book. Thank you for recommending it.


By the way... you have been very silent on Palin. What are your thoughts on her?


I quite liked the response of Conservative columnist David Brooks on Palin:


"[sarah Palin] represents a fatal cancer to the Republican party. When I first started in journalism, I worked at the National Review for Bill Buckley. And Buckley famously said he'd rather be ruled by the first 2,000 names in the Boston phone book than by the Harvard faculty. But he didn't think those were the only two options. He thought it was important to have people on the conservative side who celebrated ideas, who celebrated learning. And his whole life was based on that, and that was also true for a lot of the other conservatives in the Reagan era. Reagan had an immense faith in the power of ideas. But there has been a counter, more populist tradition, which is not only to scorn liberal ideas but to scorn ideas entirely. And I'm afraid that Sarah Palin has those prejudices."


I find her reprehensible on all fronts; particularly though that she casts herself as a woman's candidate (as if women only vote for fellow women), but is completely contrary to every ideal of feminism and women's rights.


Hillary has been impressing me, however, as much as that might bring disgust to you. I liked the line that she did with Joe Biden (another person I respect); "America will rise from the Bushes' ashes." She's apparently in line for the top job in the Senate or a Cabinet post, which will infuriate you immensly Horatio I'm sure.

David Brooks is outstanding. He writes for the New York Times and I find his articles a must read.


You and I are in agreement on Palin. The message that Palin delivered was appalling. She was able to incite a group of people that are down right scary. Mostly sheep following a faction that has indulged in too much Kool-Aid and has a evil fiery core that is fueled by racist, terrorist remarks.


As much as you might think I don't like Hillary, I found her motives to be the first woman President to be misguided. Her single-mindedness, lack of scruples and desire to gain the position at all costs to be the items that disgusted me. Joe Biden impresses me. He would be a fantastic Vice President.


Now... as for your views on the economy. What do you think of the world plans as of today?

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I'm printing out my absentee ballot application as I type. It was really cool. It came up as a PDF form that you can fill out in its entirety (minus the part where it needs your signature) on the computer, and then print, sign, and mail. Now I need to research the candidates more to see which one stinks less. <_<

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I'm printing out my absentee ballot application as I type. It was really cool. It came up as a PDF form that you can fill out in its entirety (minus the part where it needs your signature) on the computer, and then print, sign, and mail. Now I need to research the candidates more to see which one stinks less. <_>

The bears in Alaska stink really, really bad. It's that rotten fish smell.

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David Brooks is outstanding. He writes for the New York Times and I find his articles a must read.


You and I are in agreement on Palin. The message that Palin delivered was appalling. She was able to incite a group of people that are down right scary. Mostly sheep following a faction that has indulged in too much Kool-Aid and has a evil fiery core that is fueled by racist, terrorist remarks.


As much as you might think I don't like Hillary, I found her motives to be the first woman President to be misguided. Her single-mindedness, lack of scruples and desire to gain the position at all costs to be the items that disgusted me. Joe Biden impresses me. He would be a fantastic Vice President.


Now... as for your views on the economy. What do you think of the world plans as of today?


Anyone who calls Palin a "cancer" is outstanding by me.


Did you see one of the videos interviewing people coming out of a Palin rally in Ohio? One child said (I kid you not): "You need gloves to touch him." That, to me, sounds freakishly like some of the racist myths propogated by segregationists in the 1960s and the Nazis in the 1930s. I blame FOX News, personally.


When it comes to Hillary's campaign, I blame Mark Penn more than her. I think she was misguided in who she hired to act on her behalf and that subsequently undermined and destroyed her. Joe Biden reminds me of Lyndon Johnson to be honest, which is a good thing. He'd be a good VP and, although it hopefully won't come to this, a good President.


The economy? Well, the UK is apparently leading the way by recapitalising the banks (which is the model Paulson has just adapted I'm told and will use that $700bn to buy the American people some banks), but secretly we just stole that plan from the Swedes who used it to solve their own credit crunch in 1992. I think the plan to recapitalise the banks and underwrite intrabank lending has sorted the credit crunch out in the long term; however, the industries which rely on the credit markets to function will need support in the coming months and years. What is needed now is some Kenysian economics, following exactly what Roosevelt did. The biggest markets to be hit by the financial crisis are the construction and small business industries. So, to relieve the construction industry, the federal and state government (and in my country, national and local government) should invest in green power; building hydroelectric dams, wind turbines, wave and tidal power and much more. Not only will this relieve the industry and keep blue-collar workers employed, but it helps build a better, more ecologically friendly and energy independent future. To cover the rest; investment in public works, upgrading old infrastructure to new standards. Public Works have always been part of keeping employment up and the economy going through times of strife; the 1930s cleary show that. As to small businesses who can't raise the capital by other means, since we're investing in these banks we should put terms and conditions on the investment. Ensure that the banks give money to small business and make sure that they do not foreclose on homeowners (UK got these guarantees when we took stakes in the banks, I don't know what Paulson and Bush are doing).


I remember when Bush said he wasn't going to nationalise Fannie and Freddie, but what is clear now is that the government needs to step in to free up the financial markets, while providing support for those sectors reliant on lending to function. Roosevelt did it in the 1930s, Clement Atlee did it to rebuild Britain after World War Two and it is what is needed now in order to rebuild, now that the world of Reaganomics and Thatcherite economic policy has come crashing down.

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David Brooks is outstanding. He writes for the New York Times and I find his articles a must read.


You and I are in agreement on Palin. The message that Palin delivered was appalling. She was able to incite a group of people that are down right scary. Mostly sheep following a faction that has indulged in too much Kool-Aid and has a evil fiery core that is fueled by racist, terrorist remarks.


As much as you might think I don't like Hillary, I found her motives to be the first woman President to be misguided. Her single-mindedness, lack of scruples and desire to gain the position at all costs to be the items that disgusted me. Joe Biden impresses me. He would be a fantastic Vice President.


Now... as for your views on the economy. What do you think of the world plans as of today?


Anyone who calls Palin a "cancer" is outstanding by me.


Did you see one of the videos interviewing people coming out of a Palin rally in Ohio? One child said (I kid you not): "You need gloves to touch him." That, to me, sounds freakishly like some of the racist myths propogated by segregationists in the 1960s and the Nazis in the 1930s. I blame FOX News, personally.


When it comes to Hillary's campaign, I blame Mark Penn more than her. I think she was misguided in who she hired to act on her behalf and that subsequently undermined and destroyed her. Joe Biden reminds me of Lyndon Johnson to be honest, which is a good thing. He'd be a good VP and, although it hopefully won't come to this, a good President.


The economy? Well, the UK is apparently leading the way by recapitalising the banks (which is the model Paulson has just adapted I'm told and will use that $700bn to buy the American people some banks), but secretly we just stole that plan from the Swedes who used it to solve their own credit crunch in 1992. I think the plan to recapitalise the banks and underwrite intrabank lending has sorted the credit crunch out in the long term; however, the industries which rely on the credit markets to function will need support in the coming months and years. What is needed now is some Kenysian economics, following exactly what Roosevelt did. The biggest markets to be hit by the financial crisis are the construction and small business industries. So, to relieve the construction industry, the federal and state government (and in my country, national and local government) should invest in green power; building hydroelectric dams, wind turbines, wave and tidal power and much more. Not only will this relieve the industry and keep blue-collar workers employed, but it helps build a better, more ecologically friendly and energy independent future. To cover the rest; investment in public works, upgrading old infrastructure to new standards. Public Works have always been part of keeping employment up and the economy going through times of strife; the 1930s cleary show that. As to small businesses who can't raise the capital by other means, since we're investing in these banks we should put terms and conditions on the investment. Ensure that the banks give money to small business and make sure that they do not foreclose on homeowners (UK got these guarantees when we took stakes in the banks, I don't know what Paulson and Bush are doing).


I remember when Bush said he wasn't going to nationalise Fannie and Freddie, but what is clear now is that the government needs to step in to free up the financial markets, while providing support for those sectors reliant on lending to function. Roosevelt did it in the 1930s, Clement Atlee did it to rebuild Britain after World War Two and it is what is needed now in order to rebuild, now that the world of Reaganomics and Thatcherite economic policy has come crashing down.

Great points!


Tonight is the last of the Presidential debates. This should be interesting.


It will be great to hear your thoughts on the debate.

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Great points!


Tonight is the last of the Presidential debates. This should be interesting.


It will be great to hear your thoughts on the debate.


McCain would disagree, but Bloomberg wouldn't. Here's an interesting point: What makes a fiscal conservative? Someone who provides for the poor, ill and elderly, but keeps a balanced budget and will raise taxes to do so or someone who is dedicated to cutting back government, state and taxes? I'd say Bloomberg's model of financial conservatism is better for the country, both in short and long term.


If the Presidential debate is anything like the last two, it will be Obama 3 : McCain nil. McCain should fire the GOP, they were the ones who ruined his Presidential bid by insisting on this bizzare policy switch so McCain was in line with every Bush proposal, they were the ones who fostered people like Steve Schmidt on him. The people behind the scenes have destroyed that man. I mean, when Karl Rove is your voice of moral reason? That's like having the Devil step back and say" Woah, slow down there. Bit too far. Just take a deep breath and take a step back."


Thoughts on ACORN? I hear that the allegations made against them are false, but I'll reserve judgement until the prosecution actually provides some evidence rather than shrieking at FOX News and hoping it sticks.

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Great points!


Tonight is the last of the Presidential debates. This should be interesting.


It will be great to hear your thoughts on the debate.


McCain would disagree, but Bloomberg wouldn't. Here's an interesting point: What makes a fiscal conservative? Someone who provides for the poor, ill and elderly, but keeps a balanced budget and will raise taxes to do so or someone who is dedicated to cutting back government, state and taxes? I'd say Bloomberg's model of financial conservatism is better for the country, both in short and long term.


If the Presidential debate is anything like the last two, it will be Obama 3 : McCain nil. McCain should fire the GOP, they were the ones who ruined his Presidential bid by insisting on this bizzare policy switch so McCain was in line with every Bush proposal, they were the ones who fostered people like Steve Schmidt on him. The people behind the scenes have destroyed that man. I mean, when Karl Rove is your voice of moral reason? That's like having the Devil step back and say" Woah, slow down there. Bit too far. Just take a deep breath and take a step back."


Thoughts on ACORN? I hear that the allegations made against them are false, but I'll reserve judgement until the prosecution actually provides some evidence rather than shrieking at FOX News and hoping it sticks.

Bloomberg is amazing at finances. Bloomberg television is my choice. CNBC is losing it, as they are trying to act the television version of the National Enquirer.


McCain ruined his own Presidential chances when he picked Palin.


ACORN... I am still trying to dig to the bottom. It infuriates me when you are trying to listen to the questions and answers and everyone is talking over each other and nothing whatsoever is said because they are simultaneously talking raising the level to 10 on the Richter Scale. This is when I change the channel.

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