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They just keep coming!

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so As some of you know, I finally finished the Torrn Asunder story, and think its pretty awesome. You should go read it.

I couldnt decide which ending to use, so made three or four. As of right now, two are being written and two are finished (and in the topic) for reading.


One ending was a set up for a sequel, which I'll probably follow through with, but I cant say for sure. if so, it wont be really soon.

I do, however, have ideas for Three other stories. seperate to this one, and the other two stories I have up and... not actively being written (Werewolf, Meritorious Fire) which may or may not even finish.


With school starting and all that mess, writing will be slowing down, but in the past week or two, I've got three fresh ideas for some stories. One of them is notably short, and will probably be just one 'update', not being long enough for chapters or segments. One other, I expect would be really long.


and as I write this here, my mind fails to remember what the last one even was.

XD I just woke up, so. ... yeah. I'll remember what it was by the end of the day.


Anyway, There'll probably be another story or two popping up in the foreseeable future. Or I might finish MF, since its conveniently stopped like four chapters from the end.

either way, expect to see some more stuff. =D

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Hooray for more stories! Mayhaps your story-writing will inspire me to finally do something since I haven't written in a long time and I'm starting to go slightly mad because of it. :D *twitch*


But anyways, yay for stories!

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'kay, so

I started writing one of those stories.


maybe im just... overthinking it, but I really dont think it will go very well.

I dont think it will be as good as Torrn Asunder, but this one is a lot more kid-oriented.

but yeah, im not seeing it go very well.


so The current plan is Imma go two or three updates worth of content, then... post them, and you guys give the word if you want to see more or not.

but dont get your hopes up.

That way, if its bad, you wont be disappointed, and if its good, then you'll be pleasantly surprised. =D

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