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So, yes. I have a habit of doodling comics, always on lined notepaper. Never anything classy, you see, but mostly things on my mind.


This, for example:post-6869-1188934522_thumb.jpg


It has nothing to do with my actual thoughts on that topic, but I thought it was pretty hilarious. xD


If you have requests or anything, I can do them. But, not well. =D


Seriously, give me requests. I wanna draw!

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So, yes. I have a habit of doodling comics, always on lined notepaper. Never anything classy, you see, but mostly things on my mind.


This, for example:post-6869-1188934522_thumb.jpg


It has nothing to do with my actual thoughts on that topic, but I thought it was pretty hilarious. xD


If you have requests or anything, I can do them. But, not well. =D


Seriously, give me requests. I wanna draw!


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do one about ME!...marrying Joey Ramone

Arn't you already married to Joey Ramone and like fifty million other dead rockers??



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Some moar. I'll make the comic about MK and some guy posthaste. Plus, I'll put Horatio in it. Everyone wins! =D


This is the part where I start kwestioning your sanity.


cheesey award for you. xD

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Something else I drew really quick, per the request of my favorite hijabi. I need a good eraser...





/r/ MOAR o:


You see the topic where I had a lot of things like these, only they were relatively crumpled up papers from when I was like 7?

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This is the part where I start kwestioning your sanity.


cheesey award for you. xD





/r/ MOAR o:


You see the topic where I had a lot of things like these, only they were relatively crumpled up papers from when I was like 7?


I just now looked it up. Brilliance! xD

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  • 1 month later...

Well, looks like I'll have to revive this. =D I never got around to drawing what I said I would... But I drew a bunch of other stuff. xD I'll leave you with this for now.


I really am pretty terrible... Not that terrible, but pretty bad. (I'm foxface, by the way.)



In the middle of geometry, I felt the need to doodle this. Exactly zero of my friends got it, but it makes me giggle every time I look at it.



Yeah, obsessions with random game characters are funny. xD And I'm very paranoid about my Wii.


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Well, looks like I'll have to revive this. =D I never got around to drawing what I said I would... But I drew a bunch of other stuff. xD I'll leave you with this for now.


I really am pretty terrible... Not that terrible, but pretty bad. (I'm foxface, by the way.)



In the middle of geometry, I felt the need to doodle this. Exactly zero of my friends got it, but it makes me giggle every time I look at it.



Yeah, obsessions with random game characters are funny. xD And I'm very paranoid about my Wii.





love 'em. And I get the second one. your friends are just st00pid. =D And I love the drawing in the last frame of the third. it makes me laugh. xD


Tank responsibly!


(dubba cheesey award for you!)

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Well, looks like I'll have to revive this. =D I never got around to drawing what I said I would... But I drew a bunch of other stuff. xD I'll leave you with this for now.


I really am pretty terrible... Not that terrible, but pretty bad. (I'm foxface, by the way.)



In the middle of geometry, I felt the need to doodle this. Exactly zero of my friends got it, but it makes me giggle every time I look at it.



Yeah, obsessions with random game characters are funny. xD And I'm very paranoid about my Wii.





love 'em. And I get the second one. your friends are just st00pid. =D And I love the drawing in the last frame of the third. it makes me laugh. xD


Tank responsibly!


(dubba cheesey award for you!)


Sweet, someone understands my humor! =D Tanks!


And, much more to come, since today's 24-hour comic day. I only have one page out of 24 so far... xD I promise, it'll get better.



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Oh, man. Four more pages. Only 19 to go. =D


I hope I don't make the topic explode or something. D:


Tell me if you need help reading my horrendous hand-writing.


I wish I had a a sword...



I love myself for making this page. Oh goodness.



Hehe. I loves me some coffee. But, not vampires, much to Tejas's chagrin.



Lol. Dancing.


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Oh, man. Four more pages. Only 19 to go. =D


I hope I don't make the topic explode or something. D:


Tell me if you need help reading my horrendous hand-writing.


I wish I had a a sword...



I love myself for making this page. Oh goodness.



Hehe. I loves me some coffee. But, not vampires, much to Tejas's chagrin.



Lol. Dancing.

*hands Hoops some coffee and a big sword* :D

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Oh, man. Four more pages. Only 19 to go. =D


I hope I don't make the topic explode or something. D:


Tell me if you need help reading my horrendous hand-writing.


I wish I had a a sword...



I love myself for making this page. Oh goodness.



Hehe. I loves me some coffee. But, not vampires, much to Tejas's chagrin.



Lol. Dancing.

*hands Hoops some coffee and a big sword* :D



You're too nice. xD


Can I have some waffles as well? ;D

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Oh, man. Four more pages. Only 19 to go. =D


I hope I don't make the topic explode or something. D:


Tell me if you need help reading my horrendous hand-writing.


I wish I had a a sword...



I love myself for making this page. Oh goodness.



Hehe. I loves me some coffee. But, not vampires, much to Tejas's chagrin.



Lol. Dancing.

*hands Hoops some coffee and a big sword* :D



You're too nice. xD


Can I have some waffles as well? ;D

Sure. Would you like butter, syrup or other toppings on those waffles?

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Oh, man. Four more pages. Only 19 to go. =D


I hope I don't make the topic explode or something. D:


Tell me if you need help reading my horrendous hand-writing.


I wish I had a a sword...



I love myself for making this page. Oh goodness.



Hehe. I loves me some coffee. But, not vampires, much to Tejas's chagrin.



Lol. Dancing.

*hands Hoops some coffee and a big sword* :D



You're too nice. xD


Can I have some waffles as well? ;D

Sure. Would you like butter, syrup or other toppings on those waffles?

Just syrup, please! =3


You should run your own restaurant.

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Oh, man. Four more pages. Only 19 to go. =D


I hope I don't make the topic explode or something. D:


Tell me if you need help reading my horrendous hand-writing.


I wish I had a a sword...



I love myself for making this page. Oh goodness.



Hehe. I loves me some coffee. But, not vampires, much to Tejas's chagrin.



Lol. Dancing.

*hands Hoops some coffee and a big sword* :D



You're too nice. xD


Can I have some waffles as well? ;D

Sure. Would you like butter, syrup or other toppings on those waffles?

Just syrup, please! =3


You should run your own restaurant.

I am quite the waffle maker!

*gets out the waffle iron and Vermont 100% Pure Maple Syrup*

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Oh, man. Four more pages. Only 19 to go. =D


I hope I don't make the topic explode or something. D:


Tell me if you need help reading my horrendous hand-writing.


I wish I had a a sword...



I love myself for making this page. Oh goodness.



Hehe. I loves me some coffee. But, not vampires, much to Tejas's chagrin.



Lol. Dancing.

Stupid emo kids, ruining vampires. D: *grafts a penguin to an emo kid* It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't totally sissify them.

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Oh, man. Four more pages. Only 19 to go. =D


I hope I don't make the topic explode or something. D:


Tell me if you need help reading my horrendous hand-writing.


I wish I had a a sword...



I love myself for making this page. Oh goodness.



Hehe. I loves me some coffee. But, not vampires, much to Tejas's chagrin.



Lol. Dancing.

Stupid emo kids, ruining vampires. D: *grafts a penguin to an emo kid* It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't totally sissify them.

*dresses all the penguins in grass skirts*

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Stupid emo kids, ruining vampires. D: *grafts a penguin to an emo kid* It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't totally sissify them.


Whoa. Grafting things. Genius. I think I might actually like vampires, were it not for their wussy behavior...


More comic now. I have up to page 14, but I don't think it's necessary to put that many so fast. xD


Yeah, WH again.



The quote's from Red vs. Blue. I'm not a complete freak, juys. x3



That freakish face is priceless. I wish I could really do it.



I can't draw hats.


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*applauds Horatio's actions*


Exactly, Hoops. D: Emos took away vampires' hardcore and replaced it with poncy-ness and angst. ;_____;


Also, have I mentioned that these comics make me love you?

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*applauds Horatio's actions*


Exactly, Hoops. D: Emos took away vampires' hardcore and replaced it with poncy-ness and angst. ;_____;


Also, have I mentioned that these comics make me love you?

There needs to be more vampires like Kane from Legacy of Kane... Instead of ones that fall in love and other nonsensical things.


Also, no. =D I enjoy being loved.


Secret: I have a hidden ear obsession. Dun tell nobody.



Waffle House... I really should hang out there more often irl...



I drew the controller wrong. The b button's on the wrong side of a.









Aaaand, that's all I have. I promise to make the rest, but uh. I don't usually remember to do things.


In conclusion, Kat is cool and I want to be just like her when I grow up. ;D

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*applauds Horatio's actions*


Exactly, Hoops. D: Emos took away vampires' hardcore and replaced it with poncy-ness and angst. ;_____;


Also, have I mentioned that these comics make me love you?

There needs to be more vampires like Kane from Legacy of Kane... Instead of ones that fall in love and other nonsensical things.


Also, no. =D I enjoy being loved.


Secret: I have a hidden ear obsession. Dun tell nobody.



Waffle House... I really should hang out there more often irl...



I drew the controller wrong. The b button's on the wrong side of a.









Aaaand, that's all I have. I promise to make the rest, but uh. I don't usually remember to do things.


In conclusion, Kat is cool and I want to be just like her when I grow up. ;D

:D <333333


Alucard (both from Hellsing and Castlevania) were pretty sweet, too. More of them. Less fruity Anne Rice vampys. D:


Also moar comics, preferably.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

*rezs topic*


Yeah, still haven't scanned anything (because my Tejas steals everything I draw to show off to people. x3). I have, however, been working on my drawing skillz. S'pretty fun.


Also, I've been writing comics in Spanish for practice in the language. It makes things 10x funnier to me. Especially if the punchline doesn't make sense. xD


If anyone's interested, I could scan those up (before Tejas steals them). x3

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*rezs topic*


Yeah, still haven't scanned anything (because my Tejas steals everything I draw to show off to people. x3). I have, however, been working on my drawing skillz. S'pretty fun.


Also, I've been writing comics in Spanish for practice in the language. It makes things 10x funnier to me. Especially if the punchline doesn't make sense. xD


If anyone's interested, I could scan those up (before Tejas steals them). x3

Cool! Please do that!

*waits for comics to appear*

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  • 4 weeks later...
Didn't get around to uploading anything else, but I drawed this last night. I've been trying to avoid drawing anime for the sake of getting my own drawing style, but it keeps pulling me back in.




You can tell I erase a lot. x3

Couldn't tell that you had erased at all. This is fantastic!!! Please try and colour it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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