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I trusted you

I told you things my parents don't know

I was there for you in your time of need

I took your side on everything

I was a good friend to you and you know it

As far as I'm concerned I did nothing wrong

You say I did something wrong

But I can't help who I am

I've tried

Nothing's worked

The only thing that will work is death

Maybe the world is better off with out me

And my "abusive ways"

I treated you like a sister




And how do yo repay me?

You don't

You betray me

Lie to me

You went behind my back

I hate that you would say stuff about me that's not true

I never did that to you

What makes think I deserve it

I sincerely apologized for the times I hurt you

I never meant any of it

But I guess you meant for me to get hurt

Well it worked I'm in pain



And mental

All thanks to


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