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Love: The kind you clean up with

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What do we have if not eachother?

This whole time, our love betrayed.

But, of course, as they say, it's not you, it's me.


What if it is you?

Not you in the way one would think.

But that I cannot stay true to you.


So where do I find myself wishing away?

All that I promised.

All that you promised.


It's not enough we say "I do".

There is always the temptation.

That everlasting hunger we find waiting.


We hope and pray we can withstand it.

Yet we sometimes lose.

And lose more than we bargained for.


I had thought I gave my life to you.

I thought we had become closer than before.

Now I realize I had only seperated myself from you.


Does it really matter how many times you forgive?

Will you always be there to help me through?

After all I do you seem to still stay with me.


But I cannot stand by just to see you hurt all the time.

I hate you so much for your love and kindess.

But it's because of that that I love you.


It was a special vow I made to you.

It was a special promise you gave to me.

And my disloyalty seems to break my vow to you.


It's a wonder at how selfish we can be.

How weak at keeping such sacred words and meanings.

Only to find that the words are words and meanings a meaning.


It has taken some time to realize.

But now I finally have come to terms.

We speak these words and give our meanings but we are blind to what lies behind.


We promise to always be there for eachother.

What it really means is that good things never last.

But great things last forever.


Through sickness and health we shall stay together.

But it's amazing at how little love there is during these times.

Even more amazing at how in the end the love is stronger.


So at the end of every day.

And the beginning of every night.

I repeat my vows I make and break.

In hopes that I can truly mean it.



Words of advice: Try not to figure out the meaning of this writing. It is written in a way so that the meaning is hidden to all but the writer-me.

Inspiriation: Should any of you wish to figure it out- Simply copy and paste every stanza and give your translation. OR simply give a breakdown of the poem as a whole. OR the meaning or feelings you undergo/realize.

Dedication: This is dedicated to someone special in my life whom I love dearly. As with the poem, this person remains hidden.

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Taynio... your poem is very powerful, moving and a beautiful dedication to the person you wrote it for.

Thank you, I guess lol. Sometimes I wonder how much out of all I write people really like. People always say they love my poetry. And NOT just my poetry but even my regular essay writing. They all always say I can turn the simplest writing into a beautiful poem that sings with a harmonic song.


I don't know how I do it, honestly. I do not know how to create such beautiful masterpieces that everyone loves. I just write and write is what I do. lol


Again, thanks.

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Taynio... your poem is very powerful, moving and a beautiful dedication to the person you wrote it for.

Thank you, I guess lol. Sometimes I wonder how much out of all I write people really like. People always say they love my poetry. And NOT just my poetry but even my regular essay writing. They all always say I can turn the simplest writing into a beautiful poem that sings with a harmonic song.


I don't know how I do it, honestly. I do not know how to create such beautiful masterpieces that everyone loves. I just write and write is what I do. lol


Again, thanks.

You are very welcome.

I hope you always continue to write. You are able to share so much with so many.

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What do we have if not eachother?

This whole time, our love betrayed.

But, of course, as they say, it's not you, it's me.


What if it is you?

Not you in the way one would think.

But that I cannot stay true to you.


So where do I find myself wishing away?

All that I promised.

All that you promised.


It's not enough we say "I do".

There is always the temptation.

That everlasting hunger we find waiting.


We hope and pray we can withstand it.

Yet we sometimes lose.

And lose more than we bargained for.


I had thought I gave my life to you.

I thought we had become closer than before.

Now I realize I had only seperated myself from you.


Does it really matter how many times you forgive?

Will you always be there to help me through?

After all I do you seem to still stay with me.


But I cannot stand by just to see you hurt all the time.

I hate you so much for your love and kindess.

But it's because of that that I love you.


It was a special vow I made to you.

It was a special promise you gave to me.

And my disloyalty seems to break my vow to you.


It's a wonder at how selfish we can be.

How weak at keeping such sacred words and meanings.

Only to find that the words are words and meanings a meaning.


It has taken some time to realize.

But now I finally have come to terms.

We speak these words and give our meanings but we are blind to what lies behind.


We promise to always be there for eachother.

What it really means is that good things never last.

But great things last forever.


Through sickness and health we shall stay together.

But it's amazing at how little love there is during these times.

Even more amazing at how in the end the love is stronger.


So at the end of every day.

And the beginning of every night.

I repeat my vows I make and break.

In hopes that I can truly mean it.



Words of advice: Try not to figure out the meaning of this writing. It is written in a way so that the meaning is hidden to all but the writer-me.

Inspiriation: Should any of you wish to figure it out- Simply copy and paste every stanza and give your translation. OR simply give a breakdown of the poem as a whole. OR the meaning or feelings you undergo/realize.

Dedication: This is dedicated to someone special in my life whom I love dearly. As with the poem, this person remains hidden.

That's beautiful. you made me cry. i can barely see what i'm typing.

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