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im sick of all these love songs

cuz ive never been near love

only what i thought we had

but never really did

sometimes my loneliness feels like its eating me alive

sometimes i wonder why i even wake up

to face this pointless day

where i cant seem to find the simple happinesses

in anything around me

im not as down as i was

but im still this fragile thing

stuck in between

i just want someone to notice

i want the paranoia to go away

loosing friends, or so it seems

and loosing sleep for smaller things

im all alone here

with no good tales to tell myself

in the waiting time

just minor disruptions

and major dislikes

i need to break out

i wanna be free

i dont know what to do

about anything

no desire to read

or go brush my teeth

im a slob

im a bum

someone kill me


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Gosh, I want to write like you SO bad. I'm envious of so many people right now.

aw. im not even good at it lol but thankkks

Um. Yes, you are.


You're welcome.

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