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Bleak Memories

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I miss Texas.

Texas was my home.

Where I grew up.

Where I wanted to grow up.

As I walked by my friends,

I always heared a warm and welcome:

"Hey Katie, what's up?"


I had many friends,

and many memories.

Good and bad.

New and old.


Now, very few friends,

And only the memories i behold.


I've lost all hope.


Now in my new home,

Will I be able to cope?

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I never wanted to leave

But you had to make me go

I never wanted to leave

I even said so

you don't care about me

you care about you

God put us here to love

but you put yourself above

you ignore me

i yell at you

you don't care how i feel

yet' you expect me to deal

i never wanted to leave

i never said i wanted to go

it felt like home

the kind of home that lasts forever

guess not

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it falls to the ground

beautiful and white

making snow angels and throwing snowballs

there's a lot more to do in the winter and fall

making smiles that last for miles and miles

the smiles last longer than the fun

the last even when the the snow melts away in the warm spring sun

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wish I could go home


I want to go to a place were I feel welcome


Were I know I belong


Someplace old


No where new


Home is warming


Not confusing


But happy


Not awkward


But loved


I wish I could go home

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I miss the Azure Skies


The Amarillo grass


With the occasional verde patch of grass


And let’s not forget the oranjado sun beating down on our backs


I miss the grey bricks on me casa


I love the colors of Texas


But I miss the colors of my friends.

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