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What's your school schedule?


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My schedule doesn't seem all that bad right now, but it really just depends on my teachers.


Inorganic Chemistry, Algebra II, Geometry, Spanish II, Comp & Lit II, American History, and Band. Woooo. Sounds like a whole lot of fun. Now I wish that I chose a better ... more fun ... elective instead of Algebra II.

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Aww, but Algebra 2 is very fun!


Here are all the courses I'll be taking throughout freshman year at college: Calculus 3, Musicianship, Advanced French: Expressions through Film, Franco-Italian Culture Comparisons, Historical Paths to the Human Journey, Academic Writing, Effective Communications, Expressions through Literature (or something like that), and University Band. I'm not sure if Chorus will be a course, but if it is then I plan on joining it.

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*~*tHe grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I might be going to music skool when i move. I might not start on time, though. My mom asked if I wanted to go back to skool until we move but I don't want to for a lot of reasons.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Aww, but Algebra 2 is very fun!


Here are all the courses I'll be taking throughout freshman year at college: Calculus 3, Musicianship, Advanced French: Expressions through Film, Franco-Italian Culture Comparisons, Historical Paths to the Human Journey, Academic Writing, Effective Communications, Expressions through Literature (or something like that), and University Band. I'm not sure if Chorus will be a course, but if it is then I plan on joining it.

Oh my! You are going to be one busy little wolf. :blink:

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*~*tHe grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I might be going to music skool when i move. I might not start on time, though. My mom asked if I wanted to go back to skool until we move but I don't want to for a lot of reasons.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Music school would be great fun! I think you would excel in a school such as this.

When exactly will you be moving? Have you found a new home already?

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(freshmen WOOHOO!)


ugh i have to go find my schedule(s) i forgot




I go back August 14th but I have freshman orientation on the 13th.







American history (ZZZZZZZZZ-semesters 1 & 2)

Spanish 1 (iAYE CHIHUAHUA!-semesters 1 & 2)

Personal life fitnesss!!! (Yay-gym-semester 1)

Health Grade 9 (BLECK-semester 2)

Treble Choir (lalalala-semesters 1 & 2)

Grade 9 Communication Arts (YAY-semesters 1 & 2)

Algebra integraded with Geometry (UGH!-semesters 1 & 2)

Physical Science (Wipee-semseters 1&2)



Meh. I hate school, well not school, just the mandatory classes part.

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Aww, but Algebra 2 is very fun!


Here are all the courses I'll be taking throughout freshman year at college: Calculus 3, Musicianship, Advanced French: Expressions through Film, Franco-Italian Culture Comparisons, Historical Paths to the Human Journey, Academic Writing, Effective Communications, Expressions through Literature (or something like that), and University Band. I'm not sure if Chorus will be a course, but if it is then I plan on joining it.

I can just see myself taking calc and failing BADLY.

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You guys seem like you have such exciting courses. Ours are all boring.



Chemistry H, Math BH, Spanish I, French III, Just regular English H stuff, Global 10, Unfortunatly a Study Hall, Lunch, and... I can't think of the last one. ajskldfkaljajhksdafj boo laa boo la dee dooo doo dee daa laaa loo. Um, Uh. Oh right, the last perdiod is going to be gym/lab.



My school only offers basic little things. I wish I had more to choose from. I really wanted to take Graphics, but Spanish I and Graphics are both only offered 1st period. =[

I have no desire for a study hall, the last period of the day. That's a complete waste. But there was no other choice for that period.


This year will stink. =[

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You guys seem like you have such exciting courses. Ours are all boring.



Chemistry H, Math BH, Spanish I, French III, Just regular English H stuff, Global 10, Unfortunatly a Study Hall, Lunch, and... I can't think of the last one. ajskldfkaljajhksdafj boo laa boo la dee dooo doo dee daa laaa loo. Um, Uh. Oh right, the last perdiod is going to be gym/lab.



My school only offers basic little things. I wish I had more to choose from. I really wanted to take Graphics, but Spanish I and Graphics are both only offered 1st period. =[

I have no desire for a study hall, the last period of the day. That's a complete waste. But there was no other choice for that period.


This year will stink. =[


What do the Hs and BHs stand for?


Because ... If those aren't exciting, I don't know what is. Acronyms are fun, exciting, and educational. :o

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Aww, but Algebra 2 is very fun!


Here are all the courses I'll be taking throughout freshman year at college: Calculus 3, Musicianship, Advanced French: Expressions through Film, Franco-Italian Culture Comparisons, Historical Paths to the Human Journey, Academic Writing, Effective Communications, Expressions through Literature (or something like that), and University Band. I'm not sure if Chorus will be a course, but if it is then I plan on joining it.

You sing too? What part?


My courses for fall: Cell Biology, Personality (a psych class just for fun), Choir, Two education classes that go together (I get to observe classes and eventually teach one), and I think that's it. So it's going to be a light (and awesome) semester. ^_^

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Aww, but Algebra 2 is very fun!


Here are all the courses I'll be taking throughout freshman year at college: Calculus 3, Musicianship, Advanced French: Expressions through Film, Franco-Italian Culture Comparisons, Historical Paths to the Human Journey, Academic Writing, Effective Communications, Expressions through Literature (or something like that), and University Band. I'm not sure if Chorus will be a course, but if it is then I plan on joining it.

You sing too? What part?


My courses for fall: Cell Biology, Personality (a psych class just for fun), Choir, Two education classes that go together (I get to observe classes and eventually teach one), and I think that's it. So it's going to be a light (and awesome) semester. ^_^

Sounds like you will have a totally awesome semester!! Why is your semester so light? Is this because you took the summer courses? Are you planning on doing that again next summer?

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


My mom might be sending me to a music skool. Where I can play my bass and not get in trouble for wearing buttons that say "Hey ho, Let's Go".


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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You sing too? What part?


My courses for fall: Cell Biology, Personality (a psych class just for fun), Choir, Two education classes that go together (I get to observe classes and eventually teach one), and I think that's it. So it's going to be a light (and awesome) semester. ^_^

I'm not sure if I would be a tenor or bass. My lowest note is G below middle C (sometimes I can go down to F#), which I think is normal for guys. My voice is still changing (it's sure taking its sweet time) so my voice range might stretch lower. I'm sure the choir director will help me decide.


Your fall semester sounds rather interesting. And yes, 4 classes seems pretty light, considering that I'm taking 6 in the fall. :P

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You sing too? What part?


My courses for fall: Cell Biology, Personality (a psych class just for fun), Choir, Two education classes that go together (I get to observe classes and eventually teach one), and I think that's it. So it's going to be a light (and awesome) semester. ^_^

I'm not sure if I would be a tenor or bass. My lowest note is G below middle C (sometimes I can go down to F#), which I think is normal for guys. My voice is still changing (it's sure taking its sweet time) so my voice range might stretch lower. I'm sure the choir director will help me decide.


Your fall semester sounds rather interesting. And yes, 4 classes seems pretty light, considering that I'm taking 6 in the fall. :P

I sing Alto, Saprano, and Soprano 2 XD I range from the G below middle C to the E above middle C.

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

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You sing too? What part?


My courses for fall: Cell Biology, Personality (a psych class just for fun), Choir, Two education classes that go together (I get to observe classes and eventually teach one), and I think that's it. So it's going to be a light (and awesome) semester. ^_^

I'm not sure if I would be a tenor or bass. My lowest note is G below middle C (sometimes I can go down to F#), which I think is normal for guys. My voice is still changing (it's sure taking its sweet time) so my voice range might stretch lower. I'm sure the choir director will help me decide.


Your fall semester sounds rather interesting. And yes, 4 classes seems pretty light, considering that I'm taking 6 in the fall. :P

I sing Alto, Saprano, and Soprano 2 XD I range from the G below middle C to the E above middle C.

What a great range!!!

Hamsters only have a squeaky range. :lol:

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

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I sing Alto, Saprano, and Soprano 2 XD I range from the G below middle C to the E above middle C.

E above middle C? Are you sure? That only gives you 10 notes to sing. :unsure: If it's two Es above middle C then that's a nice voice range. :) If I try to go past C or D above middle C I tend to go falsetto. :P

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You sing too? What part?


My courses for fall: Cell Biology, Personality (a psych class just for fun), Choir, Two education classes that go together (I get to observe classes and eventually teach one), and I think that's it. So it's going to be a light (and awesome) semester. ^_^

I'm not sure if I would be a tenor or bass. My lowest note is G below middle C (sometimes I can go down to F#), which I think is normal for guys. My voice is still changing (it's sure taking its sweet time) so my voice range might stretch lower. I'm sure the choir director will help me decide.


Your fall semester sounds rather interesting. And yes, 4 classes seems pretty light, considering that I'm taking 6 in the fall. :P

I sing Alto, Saprano, and Soprano 2 XD I range from the G below middle C to the E above middle C.

What a great range!!!

Hamsters only have a squeaky range. :lol:

lol. I get the range from my mom.

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Math is my worst subject. Too many numbers and symbols.... *shudders*

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*heaves a sigh*

I finished all my school shopping. I got a pretty snazzy calculator. I think it knows how to work me better than I know how to it.LOL.


So I still need some new clothes. I like pretty much all the clothes I have now I just need more shirts, some are getting pretty tight. But my jeans are all getting bigger. Witch isn't necessaraly a good thing cause I wasn't fat.


But anyways I'm gunna see if I can change my scheduele so i have at least one class with Megan. We do have one of the same teachers just different hours.(hours are class periods if you didn;t already know that)


Sad thing is School doesn't start for another 6 days and I already know what I want to wear the first day of school. My Nirvana shirt, dark capri's, with my spike belt and my chucks(converse)or my red and black pumas. I'm gunna straightn my hair and wear my Pirates Of The Carribean earings.


Well, ubh bhruite (that means boiled eggs in Irish Gaelic you pronounce it: iv vritcha ^_^ just thought you ought to know!)

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Math is my worst subject. Too many numbers and symbols.... *shudders*

I love math. I liked history, but hated the memorization of dates and associated names, places, etc.. There are much better ways to teach history. When you make it interesting, people want to know all about it.

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Math is my worst subject. Too many numbers and symbols.... *shudders*

I love math. I liked history, but hated the memorization of dates and associated names, places, etc.. There are much better ways to teach history. When you make it interesting, people want to know all about it.

*shuders yet again at the thought of math*

I love history sometimes idk i had a great teacher last year she was sooooooooooo.. funny!

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Math is my worst subject. Too many numbers and symbols.... *shudders*

I love math. I liked history, but hated the memorization of dates and associated names, places, etc.. There are much better ways to teach history. When you make it interesting, people want to know all about it.

*shuders yet again at the thought of math*

I love history sometimes idk i had a great teacher last year she was sooooooooooo.. funny!

Your teacher helps make learning so much fun.

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Math is my worst subject. Too many numbers and symbols.... *shudders*

I love math. I liked history, but hated the memorization of dates and associated names, places, etc.. There are much better ways to teach history. When you make it interesting, people want to know all about it.

*shuders yet again at the thought of math*

I love history sometimes idk i had a great teacher last year she was sooooooooooo.. funny!

Your teacher helps make learning so much fun.


she was great i'll miss her and my science teacher heck i'll miss middle school

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Math is my worst subject. Too many numbers and symbols.... *shudders*

I love math. I liked history, but hated the memorization of dates and associated names, places, etc.. There are much better ways to teach history. When you make it interesting, people want to know all about it.

*shuders yet again at the thought of math*

I love history sometimes idk i had a great teacher last year she was sooooooooooo.. funny!

Your teacher helps make learning so much fun.

she was great i'll miss her and my science teacher heck i'll miss middle school

You will have lots more great teachers and some not so great ones.

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Math is my worst subject. Too many numbers and symbols.... *shudders*

I love math. I liked history, but hated the memorization of dates and associated names, places, etc.. There are much better ways to teach history. When you make it interesting, people want to know all about it.

*shuders yet again at the thought of math*

I love history sometimes idk i had a great teacher last year she was sooooooooooo.. funny!

Your teacher helps make learning so much fun.

she was great i'll miss her and my science teacher heck i'll miss middle school

You will have lots more great teachers and some not so great ones.

yeah I still have 4 years of high school and college possibly 6 for college

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Math is my worst subject. Too many numbers and symbols.... *shudders*

I love math. I liked history, but hated the memorization of dates and associated names, places, etc.. There are much better ways to teach history. When you make it interesting, people want to know all about it.

*shuders yet again at the thought of math*

I love history sometimes idk i had a great teacher last year she was sooooooooooo.. funny!

Your teacher helps make learning so much fun.

she was great i'll miss her and my science teacher heck i'll miss middle school

You will have lots more great teachers and some not so great ones.

yeah I still have 4 years of high school and college possibly 6 for college

Lots of great professors in college.

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Math is my worst subject. Too many numbers and symbols.... *shudders*

I love math. I liked history, but hated the memorization of dates and associated names, places, etc.. There are much better ways to teach history. When you make it interesting, people want to know all about it.

*shuders yet again at the thought of math*

I love history sometimes idk i had a great teacher last year she was sooooooooooo.. funny!

Your teacher helps make learning so much fun.

she was great i'll miss her and my science teacher heck i'll miss middle school

You will have lots more great teachers and some not so great ones.

yeah I still have 4 years of high school and college possibly 6 for college

Lots of great professors in college.

Lots of WORK in college.

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*breaks out the goo gone*

I hate sticker price tags!

So do I!


Goo Gone... what a phenomenal product!!!

I want to hug the dude who invented it!

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*heaves a sigh*

I finished all my school shopping. I got a pretty snazzy calculator. I think it knows how to work me better than I know how to it.LOL.


So I still need some new clothes. I like pretty much all the clothes I have now I just need more shirts, some are getting pretty tight. But my jeans are all getting bigger. Witch isn't necessaraly a good thing cause I wasn't fat.


But anyways I'm gunna see if I can change my scheduele so i have at least one class with Megan. We do have one of the same teachers just different hours.(hours are class periods if you didn;t already know that)


Sad thing is School doesn't start for another 6 days and I already know what I want to wear the first day of school. My Nirvana shirt, dark capri's, with my spike belt and my chucks(converse)or my red and black pumas. I'm gunna straightn my hair and wear my Pirates Of The Carribean earings.


Well, ubh bhruite (that means boiled eggs in Irish Gaelic you pronounce it: iv vritcha ^_^ just thought you ought to know!)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


I don't have to buy skool supplies 'cause I'm moving. and if all goes well, I won't have to buy them at ALL!



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*heaves a sigh*

I finished all my school shopping. I got a pretty snazzy calculator. I think it knows how to work me better than I know how to it.LOL.


So I still need some new clothes. I like pretty much all the clothes I have now I just need more shirts, some are getting pretty tight. But my jeans are all getting bigger. Witch isn't necessaraly a good thing cause I wasn't fat.


But anyways I'm gunna see if I can change my scheduele so i have at least one class with Megan. We do have one of the same teachers just different hours.(hours are class periods if you didn;t already know that)


Sad thing is School doesn't start for another 6 days and I already know what I want to wear the first day of school. My Nirvana shirt, dark capri's, with my spike belt and my chucks(converse)or my red and black pumas. I'm gunna straightn my hair and wear my Pirates Of The Carribean earings.


Well, ubh bhruite (that means boiled eggs in Irish Gaelic you pronounce it: iv vritcha ^_^ just thought you ought to know!)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


I don't have to buy skool supplies 'cause I'm moving. and if all goes well, I won't have to buy them at ALL!



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

You would probably need school supplies in music school, don't you think?

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*heaves a sigh*

I finished all my school shopping. I got a pretty snazzy calculator. I think it knows how to work me better than I know how to it.LOL.


So I still need some new clothes. I like pretty much all the clothes I have now I just need more shirts, some are getting pretty tight. But my jeans are all getting bigger. Witch isn't necessaraly a good thing cause I wasn't fat.


But anyways I'm gunna see if I can change my scheduele so i have at least one class with Megan. We do have one of the same teachers just different hours.(hours are class periods if you didn;t already know that)


Sad thing is School doesn't start for another 6 days and I already know what I want to wear the first day of school. My Nirvana shirt, dark capri's, with my spike belt and my chucks(converse)or my red and black pumas. I'm gunna straightn my hair and wear my Pirates Of The Carribean earings.


Well, ubh bhruite (that means boiled eggs in Irish Gaelic you pronounce it: iv vritcha ^_^ just thought you ought to know!)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


I don't have to buy skool supplies 'cause I'm moving. and if all goes well, I won't have to buy them at ALL!



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

*narrows eyes, sticks out tounge and crosses arms* Humph meanie!

jk you know i love you!

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Seriously? What was your best subject, then?

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Seriously? What was your best subject, then?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Ummm, violin? :lol:

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Seriously? What was your best subject, then?


Ummm, violin? :lol:

A Violin playing hamster....... yeah I could see that.


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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Seriously? What was your best subject, then?


Ummm, violin? :lol:

A Violin playing hamster....... yeah I could see that.


It's a really small violin. :lol:

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Seriously? What was your best subject, then?


Ummm, violin? :lol:

A Violin playing hamster....... yeah I could see that.


It's a really small violin. :lol:


This is horatio playing the worlds saddest song on the worlds tiniest violin LOL :lol:

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Seriously? What was your best subject, then?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Ummm, violin? :lol:

Niiiice. I always envy you guys with musical talent... You should record yourself playing for me. *nods*

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Seriously? What was your best subject, then?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Ummm, violin? :lol:

Niiiice. I always envy you guys with musical talent... You should record yourself playing for me. *nods*

Doglover has done this in Taynio's topic. She is playing the piano and wrote the music called Waterfall.

Really phenomenal.

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Seriously? What was your best subject, then?


Ummm, violin? :lol:

Niiiice. I always envy you guys with musical talent... You should record yourself playing for me. *nods*

Doglover has done this in Taynio's topic. She is playing the piano and wrote the music called Waterfall.

Really phenomenal.

Could i record myself singing and put it in a topic............is that possible???

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Seriously? What was your best subject, then?


Ummm, violin? :lol:

Niiiice. I always envy you guys with musical talent... You should record yourself playing for me. *nods*

Doglover has done this in Taynio's topic. She is playing the piano and wrote the music called Waterfall.

Really phenomenal.

Could i record myself singing and put it in a topic............is that possible???

Yes. The way you have to do it is to email it to me, tell me what topic you want it to be posted and make a post there, saying something like this is me singing and I will get HampsterKing to add it to your post.

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Seriously? What was your best subject, then?


Ummm, violin? :lol:

Niiiice. I always envy you guys with musical talent... You should record yourself playing for me. *nods*

Doglover has done this in Taynio's topic. She is playing the piano and wrote the music called Waterfall.

Really phenomenal.

Could i record myself singing and put it in a topic............is that possible???

Yes. The way you have to do it is to email it to me, tell me what topic you want it to be posted and make a post there, saying something like this is me singing and I will get HampsterKing to add it to your post.

YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!! I could email it from my phone but that would give you my # so i'll email to me then fwd it to you!

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Seriously? What was your best subject, then?


Ummm, violin? :lol:

Niiiice. I always envy you guys with musical talent... You should record yourself playing for me. *nods*

Doglover has done this in Taynio's topic. She is playing the piano and wrote the music called Waterfall.

Really phenomenal.

Could i record myself singing and put it in a topic............is that possible???

Yes. The way you have to do it is to email it to me, tell me what topic you want it to be posted and make a post there, saying something like this is me singing and I will get HampsterKing to add it to your post.

YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!! I could email it from my phone but that would give you my # so i'll email to me then fwd it to you!

Much better idea. You should not give out your phone number to anyone, except your school friends.

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

I would not consider also and extra redundant, but then again you wouldn't want to ask me.

English was my worst subject. :lol:

Seriously? What was your best subject, then?


Ummm, violin? :lol:

Niiiice. I always envy you guys with musical talent... You should record yourself playing for me. *nods*

Doglover has done this in Taynio's topic. She is playing the piano and wrote the music called Waterfall.

Really phenomenal.

Could i record myself singing and put it in a topic............is that possible???

Yes. The way you have to do it is to email it to me, tell me what topic you want it to be posted and make a post there, saying something like this is me singing and I will get HampsterKing to add it to your post.

YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!! I could email it from my phone but that would give you my # so i'll email to me then fwd it to you!

Much better idea. You should not give out your phone number to anyone, except your school friends.

Sheesh MOM I already knew that anyways i sended it to me email right know so you'll get it in a few minutes!!


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Horatio? It's taking a while to go trough to my eamil so it might be a little longer than I thought. Sorry. But I'm singing Big Girls DOn't Cry by Fergie. I don't like the way my voice sounds when it's recorded but everyone says it sounds beautiful so I just went with it.

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I sent it but I don't know if it went through.

It went through, we are just waiting on HampsterKing.

SWEET! oh man i start school in 3 days!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH.. but on the brightside i'm babysitting tomorrow.

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I sent it but I don't know if it went through.

It went through, we are just waiting on HampsterKing.

SWEET! oh man i start school in 3 days!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH.. but on the brightside i'm babysitting tomorrow.

Babysitting is good. Hope you make lots of money!!! :D

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AP US History (which I still want to drop)

AP/Honors English 3

Japanese 2

Physics 1 (Boo)

Student Naturalists (which I might be dropping, depending on the class)


Honors Pre Calc (Boo! Boo I say!)


However, I want to change around some of my classes.

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AP US History (which I still want to drop)

AP/Honors English 3

Japanese 2

Physics 1 (Boo)

Student Naturalists (which I might be dropping, depending on the class)


Honors Pre Calc (Boo! Boo I say!)


However, I want to change around some of my classes.

Sounds like a very tough semester for you.

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

bwahahahah I finished all of my summer reading on vacation!

I read no lie 4 books in three weeks. One i did not have to read!

It was weird... lol

but i have to write the essay still...

poo D:

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

bwahahahah I finished all of my summer reading on vacation!

I read no lie 4 books in three weeks. One i did not have to read!

It was weird... lol

but i have to write the essay still...

poo D:

You did great!!!!!!!!!!!

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I sent it but I don't know if it went through.

It went through, we are just waiting on HampsterKing.

SWEET! oh man i start school in 3 days!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH.. but on the brightside i'm babysitting tomorrow.

Babysitting is good. Hope you make lots of money!!! :D

30 bucks! and i got to swim too. oh and it was 4 year-old trpiplets

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I sent it but I don't know if it went through.

It went through, we are just waiting on HampsterKing.

SWEET! oh man i start school in 3 days!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH.. but on the brightside i'm babysitting tomorrow.

Babysitting is good. Hope you make lots of money!!! :D

30 bucks! and i got to swim too. oh and it was 4 year-old trpiplets

WOW !!!

You did great. 4 year old triplets????? Oh my!

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I sent it but I don't know if it went through.

It went through, we are just waiting on HampsterKing.

SWEET! oh man i start school in 3 days!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH.. but on the brightside i'm babysitting tomorrow.

Babysitting is good. Hope you make lots of money!!! :D

30 bucks! and i got to swim too. oh and it was 4 year-old trpiplets

WOW !!!

You did great. 4 year old triplets????? Oh my!

it was fun it was a going away party for the'r nanny. She's going back to france on monday it was sad

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I sent it but I don't know if it went through.

It went through, we are just waiting on HampsterKing.

SWEET! oh man i start school in 3 days!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH.. but on the brightside i'm babysitting tomorrow.

Babysitting is good. Hope you make lots of money!!! :D

30 bucks! and i got to swim too. oh and it was 4 year-old trpiplets

WOW !!!

You did great. 4 year old triplets????? Oh my!

it was fun it was a going away party for the'r nanny. She's going back to france on monday it was sad

I hope she was able to teach the kids some French. 3 to 4 is a perfect age to start learning another language.

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I sent it but I don't know if it went through.

It went through, we are just waiting on HampsterKing.

SWEET! oh man i start school in 3 days!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH.. but on the brightside i'm babysitting tomorrow.

Babysitting is good. Hope you make lots of money!!! :D

30 bucks! and i got to swim too. oh and it was 4 year-old trpiplets

WOW !!!

You did great. 4 year old triplets????? Oh my!

it was fun it was a going away party for the'r nanny. She's going back to france on monday it was sad

Good luck with school Monday. I am going away again, so I wanted to get that out.

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some art class, gourmet cooking, algebra I(yeah i'm normal, not ahead, taking it again, i had a bad algebra teacher last year), a lot of computer classes, world history i think. haven't gotten my whole schedule yet.


i took english this summer so i would have a free hour to sleep in :rolleyes:B)


btw, 9th grade.

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

bwahahahah I finished all of my summer reading on vacation!

I read no lie 4 books in three weeks. One i did not have to read!

It was weird... lol

but i have to write the essay still...

poo D:


i read a 500 page book in about 5 days, i get bored, i read, i watch tv, play video games and read at the same time, i'm just that talented...

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Not sure about what my schedule is yet, I get it on the 16th. Which is only four days before school... By then all the school supplies will have run out.


I'm also considering taking extra classes online... Wait, is that redundant? Also and extra?


I need to do my summer reading...

bwahahahah I finished all of my summer reading on vacation!

I read no lie 4 books in three weeks. One i did not have to read!

It was weird... lol

but i have to write the essay still...

poo D:

You did great!!!!!!!!!!!

yea i got really really bored up there.

My cousin kept on asking me these awkward questions having to do with the male body

so I told her I was reading to avoid the questions.


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I sent it but I don't know if it went through.

It went through, we are just waiting on HampsterKing.

SWEET! oh man i start school in 3 days!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH.. but on the brightside i'm babysitting tomorrow.

Babysitting is good. Hope you make lots of money!!! :D

30 bucks! and i got to swim too. oh and it was 4 year-old trpiplets

WOW !!!

You did great. 4 year old triplets????? Oh my!

it was fun it was a going away party for the'r nanny. She's going back to france on monday it was sad

Good luck with school Monday. I am going away again, so I wanted to get that out.

Nooooooooooo! Where are you going?

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I sent it but I don't know if it went through.

It went through, we are just waiting on HampsterKing.

SWEET! oh man i start school in 3 days!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH.. but on the brightside i'm babysitting tomorrow.

Babysitting is good. Hope you make lots of money!!! :D

30 bucks! and i got to swim too. oh and it was 4 year-old trpiplets

WOW !!!

You did great. 4 year old triplets????? Oh my!

it was fun it was a going away party for the'r nanny. She's going back to france on monday it was sad

I hope she was able to teach the kids some French. 3 to 4 is a perfect age to start learning another language.

She did Quite annoying. it's bad enough i can't understand what they're saying in english.... but french come on!

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I sent it but I don't know if it went through.

It went through, we are just waiting on HampsterKing.

SWEET! oh man i start school in 3 days!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH.. but on the brightside i'm babysitting tomorrow.

Babysitting is good. Hope you make lots of money!!! :D

30 bucks! and i got to swim too. oh and it was 4 year-old trpiplets

WOW !!!

You did great. 4 year old triplets????? Oh my!

it was fun it was a going away party for the'r nanny. She's going back to france on monday it was sad

Good luck with school Monday. I am going away again, so I wanted to get that out.

Thanka-lanks ugh. it's gonna stink! :glare:

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One thing I hate about school are "labels". They're so pointless. Seriously, what is the point of "cliques" and crud like that????................................................................................




Exactly there is no point.

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One thing I hate about school are "labels". They're so pointless. Seriously, what is the point of "cliques" and crud like that????................................................................................




Exactly there is no point.

Because people are too lazy to get to know people well, it's easier for them to throw people in a group. Much like party politics :P

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Student Naturalists (which I might be dropping, depending on the class)

Naturalists? Like nudists? Wait... that's naturists, isn't it?


And whoa, they teach Japanese at your school? That's awesome. Ours only does Spanish and French.

XD Yeah, not Student Nudists.


Our school has a pretty good language selection. Spanish, French, Japanese, German, and Latin, that I know of.

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One thing I hate about school are "labels". They're so pointless. Seriously, what is the point of "cliques" and crud like that????................................................................................




Exactly there is no point.

Because people are too lazy to get to know people well, it's easier for them to throw people in a group. Much like party politics :P





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One thing I hate about school are "labels". They're so pointless. Seriously, what is the point of "cliques" and crud like that????................................................................................




Exactly there is no point.


no there isn't.

in fact, i'm in absolutely every single clique at my school, everyone loves me. i dont know why, but i guess it's a good thing, cause i'm not good at going to people and just talking to them, i usually have people coming to me so, i guess that's pretty cool.


but yeah, i'm with the 'emos' the 'goths' the 'preps' the 'geeks(cause i am one)' the 'uber-smart over-achievers' and such and such


i've found out that all my emo friends are really nice people and most of them just dress emo cause they like






O music. for which i have taken a fancy for. heh.

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Student Naturalists (which I might be dropping, depending on the class)

Naturalists? Like nudists? Wait... that's naturists, isn't it?


And whoa, they teach Japanese at your school? That's awesome. Ours only does Spanish and French.

XD Yeah, not Student Nudists.


Our school has a pretty good language selection. Spanish, French, Japanese, German, and Latin, that I know of.

I think that would be a pretty interesting class. xD Wouldn't blame anyone for dropping it, though.


Wow, you must go to a pretty nice school...


And, lol at Jesse's explanation of labels.

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One thing I hate about school are "labels". They're so pointless. Seriously, what is the point of "cliques" and crud like that????................................................................................




Exactly there is no point.


no there isn't.

in fact, i'm in absolutely every single clique at my school, everyone loves me. i dont know why, but i guess it's a good thing, cause i'm not good at going to people and just talking to them, i usually have people coming to me so, i guess that's pretty cool.


but yeah, i'm with the 'emos' the 'goths' the 'preps' the 'geeks(cause i am one)' the 'uber-smart over-achievers' and such and such


i've found out that all my emo friends are really nice people and most of them just dress emo cause they like






O music. for which i have taken a fancy for. heh.

Very cool!

And we think you add so much to the boards!

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Student Naturalists (which I might be dropping, depending on the class)

Naturalists? Like nudists? Wait... that's naturists, isn't it?


And whoa, they teach Japanese at your school? That's awesome. Ours only does Spanish and French.

XD Yeah, not Student Nudists.


Our school has a pretty good language selection. Spanish, French, Japanese, German, and Latin, that I know of.

I think that would be a pretty interesting class. xD Wouldn't blame anyone for dropping it, though.


Wow, you must go to a pretty nice school...


And, lol at Jesse's explanation of labels.

*thinks about how parents would react when they heard their kids were in a Student Nudist class* :lol:

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One thing I hate about school are "labels". They're so pointless. Seriously, what is the point of "cliques" and crud like that????................................................................................




Exactly there is no point.


no there isn't.

in fact, i'm in absolutely every single clique at my school, everyone loves me. i dont know why, but i guess it's a good thing, cause i'm not good at going to people and just talking to them, i usually have people coming to me so, i guess that's pretty cool.


but yeah, i'm with the 'emos' the 'goths' the 'preps' the 'geeks(cause i am one)' the 'uber-smart over-achievers' and such and such


i've found out that all my emo friends are really nice people and most of them just dress emo cause they like






O music. for which i have taken a fancy for. heh.

That's like me. 'cept I lean more toward the "emo", "punk", and, "goth" people. And Jock, I am definitely a jock. LOVE SPORTS!

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Student Naturalists (which I might be dropping, depending on the class)

Naturalists? Like nudists? Wait... that's naturists, isn't it?


And whoa, they teach Japanese at your school? That's awesome. Ours only does Spanish and French.

XD Yeah, not Student Nudists.


Our school has a pretty good language selection. Spanish, French, Japanese, German, and Latin, that I know of.

I think that would be a pretty interesting class. xD Wouldn't blame anyone for dropping it, though.


Wow, you must go to a pretty nice school...


And, lol at Jesse's explanation of labels.

*thinks about how parents would react when they heard their kids were in a Student Nudist class* :lol:

That would be kind of hilarious. =o

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One thing I hate about school are "labels". They're so pointless. Seriously, what is the point of "cliques" and crud like that????................................................................................




Exactly there is no point.


no there isn't.

in fact, i'm in absolutely every single clique at my school, everyone loves me. i dont know why, but i guess it's a good thing, cause i'm not good at going to people and just talking to them, i usually have people coming to me so, i guess that's pretty cool.


but yeah, i'm with the 'emos' the 'goths' the 'preps' the 'geeks(cause i am one)' the 'uber-smart over-achievers' and such and such


i've found out that all my emo friends are really nice people and most of them just dress emo cause they like






O music. for which i have taken a fancy for. heh.

That's like me. 'cept I lean more toward the "emo", "punk", and, "goth" people. And Jock, I am definitely a jock. LOVE SPORTS!

Nerd crowd, ftw. =D

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One thing I hate about school are "labels". They're so pointless. Seriously, what is the point of "cliques" and crud like that????................................................................................




Exactly there is no point.


no there isn't.

in fact, i'm in absolutely every single clique at my school, everyone loves me. i dont know why, but i guess it's a good thing, cause i'm not good at going to people and just talking to them, i usually have people coming to me so, i guess that's pretty cool.


but yeah, i'm with the 'emos' the 'goths' the 'preps' the 'geeks(cause i am one)' the 'uber-smart over-achievers' and such and such


i've found out that all my emo friends are really nice people and most of them just dress emo cause they like






O music. for which i have taken a fancy for. heh.

That's like me. 'cept I lean more toward the "emo", "punk", and, "goth" people. And Jock, I am definitely a jock. LOVE SPORTS!

Nerd crowd, ftw. =D

Science geek for me too..... XD

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One thing I hate about school are "labels". They're so pointless. Seriously, what is the point of "cliques" and crud like that????................................................................................




Exactly there is no point.


no there isn't.

in fact, i'm in absolutely every single clique at my school, everyone loves me. i dont know why, but i guess it's a good thing, cause i'm not good at going to people and just talking to them, i usually have people coming to me so, i guess that's pretty cool.


but yeah, i'm with the 'emos' the 'goths' the 'preps' the 'geeks(cause i am one)' the 'uber-smart over-achievers' and such and such


i've found out that all my emo friends are really nice people and most of them just dress emo cause they like






O music. for which i have taken a fancy for. heh.

That's like me. 'cept I lean more toward the "emo", "punk", and, "goth" people. And Jock, I am definitely a jock. LOVE SPORTS!

Nerd crowd, ftw. =D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hippie/Goth/Nerd crowd FTW.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Nude Student Class? Hm... that's a rather odd subject. Who do they get to teach it? *Shuts up because was going to get into a joke but its not for the young minds...**


Ah come on they are old enough! Shut up, Kris! No they aren't! Just a little? No! Gah! Huh? What? Who? Okay? See ya? Later? Sure? Okay? Bye? Ya?

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my school is being a POS this year and didnt mail us schedules

we get them in HR of the first day

my town had this website where it like sinced up people in your classes/lunch

but now we cant do that

i cant even say any of the words that i think about my school


were nicknamed heroin high

and like 3/4th of the kids in it are rich [w]itches

i HATTTTTTTTTE my town :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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