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nothing at all about life

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these feelings are of poetic value

as i decide where my early night will continue

thoughts not of old and worn out thoughts

of happy, of creative mind blubbin

and i figured that an occasion such as

would be a fine thing to write about

today was a weird day

i think mentally i still feel how i did

maybe this thing i disregarded meant more then i thought

as thoughts crash into mine and nullified

i laughed at myself for writing poetry online

for little plastic bracelets and black nails

i opened and thought for a moment

as my best friend said "it doesnt matter what your sister knows. this trip is about you"

to a girl i barely met and spent the most of a day with

in another world

in another brain

a mind producing words to type out

somehow i felt relief

as i danced a little bit

things are changing

i can feel it all around

its making me sick

cuz i know change scares me

things never seem to stay still

and when im in a whirlwind

of new eyes and thoughts undiscovered

i feel like it would be okay to let things change

her smile shown through

the lyrics sung on red violet lips

its time to enjoy this mass of vibes

poetry can be kept to the dark places of my heart

what if they tried to mix?

nah im a mess

and im gonna watch a movie while im still in such a bliss-state

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these feelings are of poetic value

as i decide where my early night will continue

thoughts not of old and worn out thoughts

of happy, of creative mind blubbin

and i figured that an occasion such as

would be a fine thing to write about

today was a weird day

i think mentally i still feel how i did

maybe this thing i disregarded meant more then i thought

as thoughts crash into mine and nullified

i laughed at myself for writing poetry online

for little plastic bracelets and black nails

i opened and thought for a moment

as my best friend said "it doesnt matter what your sister knows. this trip is about you"

to a girl i barely met and spent the most of a day with

in another world

in another brain

a mind producing words to type out

somehow i felt relief

as i danced a little bit

things are changing

i can feel it all around

its making me sick

cuz i know change scares me

things never seem to stay still

and when im in a whirlwind

of new eyes and thoughts undiscovered

i feel like it would be okay to let things change

her smile shown through

the lyrics sung on red violet lips

its time to enjoy this mass of vibes

poetry can be kept to the dark places of my heart

what if they tried to mix?

nah im a mess

and im gonna watch a movie while im still in such a bliss-state

Sometimes change is good.

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i kno.

this is a happy poem, btw lol

Yeah that's what I thought. It's kind of hard for me to write about happy stuff.

Cause when I write, it's a way to let go of my anger. But I can't write about happiness it feels to wierd.

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