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Lyrics Of Mine

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I like to write lyrics sometimes. So I thought, hey, why not put them somewhere so that someone might give a ####? I'll put my lyrics here whenever I come up with any.


All lyrics posted by me are © Evan B. Please don't use or repost them without crediting moi. Blah, blah, legal, blah. Just don't flat out steal these, get the gist of it?


Have some tasty lyric thingos, yeah? Omnomnomnomnom. I thought so.

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This ain't some kind of wine 'n dine

You have no real reason to cry

Your life is great

You can't relate

To anyone who's having a hard time


Someone will always have a better life then you

But that doesn't mean that yours stinks

Someone will always have a worse life, it's true

But you still haven't run out of luck

You're only full of drama

It really hurts your karma

When you whine about life

Even though you're in no strife


You say you're being sympathetic

I say you're acting empathetic

I used to be just apathetic

But now you really look pathetic

For many months I used to give a ****

But now only when it seems fit

To not look like I hate you

And so it satiates you


This ain't some kind of wine 'n dine

You have no real reason to cry

Your life is great

You can't relate

To anyone who's having a hard time


You never cared about yourself

But yet you're so selfish

You're getting high because others have lows

Drinking just because you don't know

You never really looked cool, oh oh

Anorexic and bulimic and so and so

There's nothing really wrong with your life

So stop acting so...




This ain't some kind of wine 'n dine

You have no real reason to cry

Your life is great

You can't relate

To anyone who's having a hard time




I hope you get the pun in the chorus. It's not particularly subtle or anything.

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They say that there's a song for every mood

I guess I don't know enough

Nothing can describe this feeling

Nothing in your life

It's not love, not hate, not regret and not joy

Not confusion, not depression, not enough for this boy


Too much a load is on my mind

Stress is eating me from inside

I don't want to have to do this

But I'm not allowed to leave it

There's nowhere I can go

No way that I can do what I like

I'm trapped in the largest island

Lonely in the smallest continent


They tell me to write an essay

It's due in a week

Halfway through I break down

I'm feeling far too weak

I don't get it, there's no reason, that I should be, in this season

But I just can't, seem to help it, when my best friends, hate my guts


Too much a load is on my mind

Stress is eating me from inside

I don't want to have to do this

But I'm not allowed to leave it

There's nowhere I can go

No way that I can do what I like

I'm trapped in the largest island

Lonely in the smallest continent


I used to hang out with those I liked

That didn't last a day

I used to hang out with those I didn't

It lasted until yesterday

How could I, be so hated, that ev'ryone, moves away

Is it true that, I'm so ugly, that I must be, pushed today


Too much a load is on my mind

Stress is eating me from inside

I don't want to have to do this

But I'm not allowed to leave it

There's nowhere I can go

No way that I can do what I like

I'm trapped in the largest island

Lonely in the smallest continent




True story.


Have I told anyone that I make these lyrics up on the spot? Haven't even put this thing through a spell checker.

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WOW!!! Those are truly fantastic lyrics. You are quite talented. Whether it be with your stories or your lyrics,

you definitely have a way with words.


I can't wait for Mushroom_king to read them. She will really be able to come up with some wonderful music.

Perhaps Dog lover would like to put your lyrics to piano.

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Someone will always have a better life then you

But that doesn't mean that yours stinks

Someone will always have a worse life, it's true

But you still haven't run out of luck

You're only full of drama

It really hurts your karma

When you whine about life

Even though you're in no strife

Actually, I needed the word that I used instead of stinks in there so that it would rhyme.


I'm a fan of rhyming songs ^_^

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Someone will always have a better life then you

But that doesn't mean that yours stinks

Someone will always have a worse life, it's true

But you still haven't run out of luck

You're only full of drama

It really hurts your karma

When you whine about life

Even though you're in no strife

Actually, I needed the word that I used instead of stinks in there so that it would rhyme.


I'm a fan of rhyming songs ^_^

I know, but I couldn't keep it in.

My apologies.

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Someone will always have a better life then you

But that doesn't mean that yours stinks

Someone will always have a worse life, it's true

But you still haven't run out of luck

You're only full of drama

It really hurts your karma

When you whine about life

Even though you're in no strife

Actually, I needed the word that I used instead of stinks in there so that it would rhyme.


I'm a fan of rhyming songs ^_^

I know, but I couldn't keep it in.

My apologies.



*updates the topic*

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You look at me strangely

When I ask you how you feel

You tell me that someone's hurt you

But you never say what they did

It's nothing but a mystery for me

Using deceit and seduction just so I can shut you up

It's never that bad so why'd you have to keep it from me?

You're just proving


My life is just a dumb whodunnit

Except I know who, but not the crime

The motivation and result aren't so obvious

The only thing I know is that nothings fine


You expect me to figure everything out

You reveal subtle clues but nothing big

"He's too heavy" means obsessive

And "I feel rejected" means you hate her

When I ask them to the face they ask me

"What do you know?" And when I just don't tell them

Well there goes another friend

You're just making


My life up to be a dumb whodunnit

Except I know who, but not the crime

The motivation and result aren't so obvious

The only thing I know is that nothings fine


When you ask me for advice I give it to you.

When I ask you for the same you say "I dunno."

When I say that back to you it's just, "You're no help."

If I use that upon you you get insulted way too much.

Am I some old and kindly fortune teller?

Or some sherlock holmes you use to find out about your friends?

What they say and do behind your back, I don't care

Just stop using me and maybe your life'll seem fair


You made my life into a dumb whodunnit

Except I know who, but not the crime

The motivation and result aren't so obvious

The only thing I know is that nothings fine


Oh my life is just a dumb whodunnit

Except I know who, but not the crime

The motivation and result aren't so obvious

The only thing I know is that nothings fine


My life is just a dumb whodunnit

My life is just a dumb whodunnit

My life is just a dumb whodunnit

My life is just a dumb whodunnit


I know who, but not the crime

I know who, but not the crime

I know who, but not the crime


The motivation and result aren't so obvious

The motivation and result aren't so obvious


The only thing I know is that nothings fine




Again, true story.

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WOW!!! Those are truly fantastic lyrics. You are quite talented. Whether it be with your stories or your lyrics,

you definitely have a way with words.


I can't wait for Mushroom_king to read them. She will really be able to come up with some wonderful music.

Perhaps Dog lover would like to put your lyrics to piano.

then i'd be like elton john!!! :D:D:D

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WOW!!! Those are truly fantastic lyrics. You are quite talented. Whether it be with your stories or your lyrics,

you definitely have a way with words.


I can't wait for Mushroom_king to read them. She will really be able to come up with some wonderful music.

Perhaps Dog lover would like to put your lyrics to piano.

then i'd be like elton john!!! :D:D:D


I bet you could do a great job putting the lyrics to music. :D

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WOW!!! Those are truly fantastic lyrics. You are quite talented. Whether it be with your stories or your lyrics,

you definitely have a way with words.


I can't wait for Mushroom_king to read them. She will really be able to come up with some wonderful music.

Perhaps Dog lover would like to put your lyrics to piano.

then i'd be like elton john!!! :D:D:D


I bet you could do a great job putting the lyrics to music. :D

....except that i've never done that...

i guess i could try

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They're fun to write. I envy you for being able to put your lyrics to music.

I envy both of you.

I can't write songs or music. Although I do write poems I still can't make them song-ish.

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They're fun to write. I envy you for being able to put your lyrics to music.

I envy both of you.

I can't write songs or music. Although I do write poems I still can't make them song-ish.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Don't you understand? Music is poetry.

Songs are poems you sing. Poems are songs that you talk. Great grammar I have there -_-


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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They're fun to write. I envy you for being able to put your lyrics to music.

I envy both of you.

I can't write songs or music. Although I do write poems I still can't make them song-ish.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Don't you understand? Music is poetry.

Songs are poems you sing. Poems are songs that you talk. Great grammar I have there -_-


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*





That was deep.

Yea I know poetry is music from the heart. But mine are all short. Have you read any of them? But I guess one that I wrote could be a song. It's just coming up with the chorus and lyrics for the bridge is kind of hard for me. idk. I just can't.......idk, I can't explain it.

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They're fun to write. I envy you for being able to put your lyrics to music.

I envy both of you.

I can't write songs or music. Although I do write poems I still can't make them song-ish.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Don't you understand? Music is poetry.

Songs are poems you sing. Poems are songs that you talk. Great grammar I have there -_-


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*





That was deep.

Yea I know poetry is music from the heart. But mine are all short. Have you read any of them? But I guess one that I wrote could be a song. It's just coming up with the chorus and lyrics for the bridge is kind of hard for me. idk. I just can't.......idk, I can't explain it.

Not all songs have bridges

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WOW!!! Those are truly fantastic lyrics. You are quite talented. Whether it be with your stories or your lyrics,

you definitely have a way with words.


I can't wait for Mushroom_king to read them. She will really be able to come up with some wonderful music.

Perhaps Dog lover would like to put your lyrics to piano.

then i'd be like elton john!!! :D:D:D


I bet you could do a great job putting the lyrics to music. :D

....except that i've never done that...

i guess i could try

I'd love to hear what you come up with! =D

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They're fun to write. I envy you for being able to put your lyrics to music.

I envy both of you.

I can't write songs or music. Although I do write poems I still can't make them song-ish.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Don't you understand? Music is poetry.

Songs are poems you sing. Poems are songs that you talk. Great grammar I have there -_-


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

That was deep.

Yea I know poetry is music from the heart. But mine are all short. Have you read any of them? But I guess one that I wrote could be a song. It's just coming up with the chorus and lyrics for the bridge is kind of hard for me. idk. I just can't.......idk, I can't explain it.

Not all songs have bridges

I don't like writing in bridges.


Just... Hearing them. xP

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They're fun to write. I envy you for being able to put your lyrics to music.

I envy both of you.

I can't write songs or music. Although I do write poems I still can't make them song-ish.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Don't you understand? Music is poetry.

Songs are poems you sing. Poems are songs that you talk. Great grammar I have there -_-


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*





That was deep.

Yea I know poetry is music from the heart. But mine are all short. Have you read any of them? But I guess one that I wrote could be a song. It's just coming up with the chorus and lyrics for the bridge is kind of hard for me. idk. I just can't.......idk, I can't explain it.

Not all songs have bridges

That's true but it's still hard idk why

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  • 5 weeks later...

I started singing randomly to myself.


Then I thought, "Hey, those lyrics are pretty good"


So I wrote them down.





On the day that we all die

The whole of the world will cry

They will ask the heavens why, oh why

Oh why must we all die?


On the day the sky turns black

The day that’s dark as night

In the throes of eternal doom

When the world’s overtaken by gloom


One will rise above the rest

A soul that withstood the test

It is He

A saviour of us all

Did he die for our sins?

I guess we’ll never know

It is You

A light in the fog

A guiding force

That helps me carry on

It is I

I carry on trough the music

I’ll be forgotten before long

But some will remember

It is Us

The world at large

When everyone dies to each other

We’ll all survive to another


On the day the deserts freeze

On the night when the polar caps melt

When the world is turned on its head

Who will get through?


It is Them

They support each other

They live together

They live on

It is She

A girl in the street

Someone you’ll never meet

But someone holds her in their soul

It is All

Though a stranger may not matter to you

They will matter to someone else

And through them they will survive


It is the People

When the world just dies

The people make it live

When we die will we survive?

When we die will we survive?

When we die will we survive?




(It doesn't really make sense at a few points, but hey, who said songs have to make sense? As long as they sound good... :P)

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I'm sorry to disagree with you... those lyrics are not good...










they are PHENOMENAL !!!!!

horatio, when i first read your post i didn't scroll down all the way and i was like "how could horatio say something like that?" so i read the lyrics all over again and thought the same thing..."i can't picture horatio saying something like that!" then i finally scrolled down and i was like "oh! ok!"



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I'm sorry to disagree with you... those lyrics are not good...










they are PHENOMENAL !!!!!

horatio, when i first read your post i didn't scroll down all the way and i was like "how could horatio say something like that?" so i read the lyrics all over again and thought the same thing..."i can't picture horatio saying something like that!" then i finally scrolled down and i was like "oh! ok!"



Glad you scrolled. Hopefully I would never be that mean.

Of course, the way I put the space was kind of mean and evil. :rolleyes:

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I'm sorry to disagree with you... those lyrics are not good...










they are PHENOMENAL !!!!!

horatio, when i first read your post i didn't scroll down all the way and i was like "how could horatio say something like that?" so i read the lyrics all over again and thought the same thing..."i can't picture horatio saying something like that!" then i finally scrolled down and i was like "oh! ok!"



Glad you scrolled. Hopefully I would never be that mean.

Of course, the way I put the space was kind of mean and evil. :rolleyes:

i knew you would never be that mean, which is why my brain was having trouble processing it. the space was a joke, i understand! :D

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I'm sorry to disagree with you... those lyrics are not good...










they are PHENOMENAL !!!!!

horatio, when i first read your post i didn't scroll down all the way and i was like "how could horatio say something like that?" so i read the lyrics all over again and thought the same thing..."i can't picture horatio saying something like that!" then i finally scrolled down and i was like "oh! ok!"



Glad you scrolled. Hopefully I would never be that mean.

Of course, the way I put the space was kind of mean and evil. :rolleyes:

i knew you would never be that mean, which is why my brain was having trouble processing it. the space was a joke, i understand! :D

And you fell into the trap. :blush:

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I'm sorry to disagree with you... those lyrics are not good...










they are PHENOMENAL !!!!!

horatio, when i first read your post i didn't scroll down all the way and i was like "how could horatio say something like that?" so i read the lyrics all over again and thought the same thing..."i can't picture horatio saying something like that!" then i finally scrolled down and i was like "oh! ok!"




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I'm sorry to disagree with you... those lyrics are not good...










they are PHENOMENAL !!!!!

horatio, when i first read your post i didn't scroll down all the way and i was like "how could horatio say something like that?" so i read the lyrics all over again and thought the same thing..."i can't picture horatio saying something like that!" then i finally scrolled down and i was like "oh! ok!"




*looks over and sees the evil Horatio chuckling in the corner*

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I'm sorry to disagree with you... those lyrics are not good...










they are PHENOMENAL !!!!!

horatio, when i first read your post i didn't scroll down all the way and i was like "how could horatio say something like that?" so i read the lyrics all over again and thought the same thing..."i can't picture horatio saying something like that!" then i finally scrolled down and i was like "oh! ok!"




*looks over and sees the evil Horatio chuckling in the corner*

HEY, I have an evil twin too!!! his name is Teddeldore.....~waits for people, and animals, and dairy products, and whatever else exists on this sit, to laugh~

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I'm sorry to disagree with you... those lyrics are not good...










they are PHENOMENAL !!!!!

horatio, when i first read your post i didn't scroll down all the way and i was like "how could horatio say something like that?" so i read the lyrics all over again and thought the same thing..."i can't picture horatio saying something like that!" then i finally scrolled down and i was like "oh! ok!"




*looks over and sees the evil Horatio chuckling in the corner*

HEY, I have an evil twin too!!! his name is Teddeldore.....~waits for people, and animals, and dairy products, and whatever else exists on this sit, to laugh~

*wonders how sensitive Teddeldore's sense of smell is*

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I'm sorry to disagree with you... those lyrics are not good...










they are PHENOMENAL !!!!!

horatio, when i first read your post i didn't scroll down all the way and i was like "how could horatio say something like that?" so i read the lyrics all over again and thought the same thing..."i can't picture horatio saying something like that!" then i finally scrolled down and i was like "oh! ok!"




*looks over and sees the evil Horatio chuckling in the corner*

HEY, I have an evil twin too!!! his name is Teddeldore.....~waits for people, and animals, and dairy products, and whatever else exists on this sit, to laugh~

*wonders how sensitive Teddeldore's sense of smell is*


Can you guess who Teddeldore is???

Gosh! every time I read that I keep on wanting to say teladore.


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I'm sorry to disagree with you... those lyrics are not good...










they are PHENOMENAL !!!!!

horatio, when i first read your post i didn't scroll down all the way and i was like "how could horatio say something like that?" so i read the lyrics all over again and thought the same thing..."i can't picture horatio saying something like that!" then i finally scrolled down and i was like "oh! ok!"




*looks over and sees the evil Horatio chuckling in the corner*

HEY, I have an evil twin too!!! his name is Teddeldore.....~waits for people, and animals, and dairy products, and whatever else exists on this sit, to laugh~

*wonders how sensitive Teddeldore's sense of smell is*


Can you guess who Teddeldore is???

Gosh! every time I read that I keep on wanting to say teladore.


Or Theodore, or Teddy...

:rolleyes: LOL :rolleyes:

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I'm sorry to disagree with you... those lyrics are not good...










they are PHENOMENAL !!!!!

horatio, when i first read your post i didn't scroll down all the way and i was like "how could horatio say something like that?" so i read the lyrics all over again and thought the same thing..."i can't picture horatio saying something like that!" then i finally scrolled down and i was like "oh! ok!"




*looks over and sees the evil Horatio chuckling in the corner*

HEY, I have an evil twin too!!! his name is Teddeldore.....~waits for people, and animals, and dairy products, and whatever else exists on this sit, to laugh~

*wonders how sensitive Teddeldore's sense of smell is*


Can you guess who Teddeldore is???

Gosh! every time I read that I keep on wanting to say teladore.


Or Theodore, or Teddy...

:rolleyes: LOL :rolleyes:

Theodore Adam ~~~~~~~

I wish you could know is last name.

His whole name flows beautifuly

I love it.

Not him.

We are only friends now.

I'm pround of my self.

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I'm sorry to disagree with you... those lyrics are not good...










they are PHENOMENAL !!!!!

horatio, when i first read your post i didn't scroll down all the way and i was like "how could horatio say something like that?" so i read the lyrics all over again and thought the same thing..."i can't picture horatio saying something like that!" then i finally scrolled down and i was like "oh! ok!"




*looks over and sees the evil Horatio chuckling in the corner*

HEY, I have an evil twin too!!! his name is Teddeldore.....~waits for people, and animals, and dairy products, and whatever else exists on this sit, to laugh~

*wonders how sensitive Teddeldore's sense of smell is*


Can you guess who Teddeldore is???

Gosh! every time I read that I keep on wanting to say teladore.


Or Theodore, or Teddy...

:rolleyes: LOL :rolleyes:

Theodore Adam ~~~~~~~

I wish you could know is last name.

His whole name flows beautifuly

I love it.

Not him.

We are only friends now.

I'm pround of my self.

I am really happy to hear you are proud of yourself. That is great!!!!!!

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I'm sorry to disagree with you... those lyrics are not good...










they are PHENOMENAL !!!!!

horatio, when i first read your post i didn't scroll down all the way and i was like "how could horatio say something like that?" so i read the lyrics all over again and thought the same thing..."i can't picture horatio saying something like that!" then i finally scrolled down and i was like "oh! ok!"




*looks over and sees the evil Horatio chuckling in the corner*

HEY, I have an evil twin too!!! his name is Teddeldore.....~waits for people, and animals, and dairy products, and whatever else exists on this sit, to laugh~

*wonders how sensitive Teddeldore's sense of smell is*


Can you guess who Teddeldore is???

Gosh! every time I read that I keep on wanting to say teladore.


Or Theodore, or Teddy...

:rolleyes: LOL :rolleyes:

Theodore Adam ~~~~~~~

I wish you could know is last name.

His whole name flows beautifuly

I love it.

Not him.

We are only friends now.

I'm pround of my self.

I am really happy to hear you are proud of yourself. That is great!!!!!!

Yeah but I think I still like him


>>>>Reasons I'm pround: 1.) My heart doesn't pound when i hear his name

2.) I don't hink about him that much anymore<<<<



I'm pretty sure I might need theropy to get this dude out of my head

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I read one of MK's songs and felt the urge to make a response song to it. It's not entirely about MK though, because if it was then the song would go from being nice to really mean and untrue. o_o;





Hey, you, guess what?

I see you there in the street

Doin’ drugs, no family

Well someone cares

Don’t know who, don’t know where,

But someone cares

Someone will always care


You there! Guess what?

I can hear you singing, alone

‘Bout your life and your troubles

Well someone cares

All your friends, don’t matter where,

We all care

We’ll always care


You’re sad, your life is bad

You’ve been had, you can’t quite grad

But someone


Will always care


Hey hey, we all have our troubles

We all have our sad times

When we think no-one cares

But we’re wrong, always wrong

Because someone cares,

Someone who will always care


Come here, guess what?

I can feel your hurting

Your sorrows filling your soul

I really care

I can’t stand to see you sad!

I will care!

I’ll always care.


Listen to me, guess what?

I can see you, hiding in plain view

Trying to keep your feelings inside

We all care

You can reveal your thoughts to us

‘Cause we care

Someone will always care

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I'm sorry to disagree with you... those lyrics are not good...










they are PHENOMENAL !!!!!

horatio, when i first read your post i didn't scroll down all the way and i was like "how could horatio say something like that?" so i read the lyrics all over again and thought the same thing..."i can't picture horatio saying something like that!" then i finally scrolled down and i was like "oh! ok!"




*looks over and sees the evil Horatio chuckling in the corner*

HEY, I have an evil twin too!!! his name is Teddeldore.....~waits for people, and animals, and dairy products, and whatever else exists on this sit, to laugh~

*wonders how sensitive Teddeldore's sense of smell is*


Can you guess who Teddeldore is???

Gosh! every time I read that I keep on wanting to say teladore.


Or Theodore, or Teddy...

:rolleyes: LOL :rolleyes:

Theodore Adam ~~~~~~~

I wish you could know is last name.

His whole name flows beautifuly

I love it.

Not him.

We are only friends now.

I'm pround of my self.

I am really happy to hear you are proud of yourself. That is great!!!!!!

Yeah but I think I still like him


>>>>Reasons I'm pround: 1.) My heart doesn't pound when i hear his name

2.) I don't hink about him that much anymore<<<<



I'm pretty sure I might need theropy to get this dude out of my head

On a completely unrelated topic, I was on a petsite that's really new and I saw someone called Kay. And I thought, "Oh! Kay! I know someone called Kay!"




Remind me, how old are you?


And on another completely unrelated topic, is Teddy Geiger your favorite singer of all time? xD

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I read one of MK's songs and felt the urge to make a response song to it. It's not entirely about MK though, because if it was then the song would go from being nice to really mean and untrue. o_o;





Hey, you, guess what?

I see you there in the street

Doin’ drugs, no family

Well someone cares

Don’t know who, don’t know where,

But someone cares

Someone will always care


You there! Guess what?

I can hear you singing, alone

‘Bout your life and your troubles

Well someone cares

All your friends, don’t matter where,

We all care

We’ll always care


You’re sad, your life is bad

You’ve been had, you can’t quite grad

But someone


Will always care


Hey hey, we all have our troubles

We all have our sad times

When we think no-one cares

But we’re wrong, always wrong

Because someone cares,

Someone who will always care


Come here, guess what?

I can feel your hurting

Your sorrows filling your soul

I really care

I can’t stand to see you sad!

I will care!

I’ll always care.


Listen to me, guess what?

I can see you, hiding in plain view

Trying to keep your feelings inside

We all care

You can reveal your thoughts to us

‘Cause we care

Someone will always care

This is soooooo great! You are really talented Glowurm!!!!!!

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I read one of MK's songs and felt the urge to make a response song to it. It's not entirely about MK though, because if it was then the song would go from being nice to really mean and untrue. o_o;





Hey, you, guess what?

I see you there in the street

Doin’ drugs, no family

Well someone cares

Don’t know who, don’t know where,

But someone cares

Someone will always care


You there! Guess what?

I can hear you singing, alone

‘Bout your life and your troubles

Well someone cares

All your friends, don’t matter where,

We all care

We’ll always care


You’re sad, your life is bad

You’ve been had, you can’t quite grad

But someone


Will always care


Hey hey, we all have our troubles

We all have our sad times

When we think no-one cares

But we’re wrong, always wrong

Because someone cares,

Someone who will always care


Come here, guess what?

I can feel your hurting

Your sorrows filling your soul

I really care

I can’t stand to see you sad!

I will care!

I’ll always care.


Listen to me, guess what?

I can see you, hiding in plain view

Trying to keep your feelings inside

We all care

You can reveal your thoughts to us

‘Cause we care

Someone will always care

This is soooooo great! You are really talented Glowurm!!!!!!

I don't like it because I really did badly on that one.


And even if you like it, you've got to admit, it's got to be the worst of mine. :P

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I'm sorry to disagree with you... those lyrics are not good...










they are PHENOMENAL !!!!!

horatio, when i first read your post i didn't scroll down all the way and i was like "how could horatio say something like that?" so i read the lyrics all over again and thought the same thing..."i can't picture horatio saying something like that!" then i finally scrolled down and i was like "oh! ok!"




*looks over and sees the evil Horatio chuckling in the corner*

HEY, I have an evil twin too!!! his name is Teddeldore.....~waits for people, and animals, and dairy products, and whatever else exists on this sit, to laugh~

*wonders how sensitive Teddeldore's sense of smell is*


Can you guess who Teddeldore is???

Gosh! every time I read that I keep on wanting to say teladore.


Or Theodore, or Teddy...

:rolleyes: LOL :rolleyes:

Theodore Adam ~~~~~~~

I wish you could know is last name.

His whole name flows beautifuly

I love it.

Not him.

We are only friends now.

I'm pround of my self.

I am really happy to hear you are proud of yourself. That is great!!!!!!

Yeah but I think I still like him


>>>>Reasons I'm pround: 1.) My heart doesn't pound when i hear his name

2.) I don't hink about him that much anymore<<<<



I'm pretty sure I might need theropy to get this dude out of my head

On a completely unrelated topic, I was on a petsite that's really new and I saw someone called Kay. And I thought, "Oh! Kay! I know someone called Kay!"




Remind me, how old are you?


And on another completely unrelated topic, is Teddy Geiger your favorite singer of all time? xD

I'm 14 3/4 ha lol

I'll be 15 in may


um I don't really listen to teddy geiger but some of his songs are rockin'


wow did I really just say rockin'????



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I read one of MK's songs and felt the urge to make a response song to it. It's not entirely about MK though, because if it was then the song would go from being nice to really mean and untrue. o_o;





Hey, you, guess what?

I see you there in the street

Doin' drugs, no family

Well someone cares

Don't know who, don't know where,

But someone cares

Someone will always care


You there! Guess what?

I can hear you singing, alone

'Bout your life and your troubles

Well someone cares

All your friends, don't matter where,

We all care

We'll always care


You're sad, your life is bad

You've been had, you can't quite grad

But someone


Will always care


Hey hey, we all have our troubles

We all have our sad times

When we think no-one cares

But we're wrong, always wrong

Because someone cares,

Someone who will always care


Come here, guess what?

I can feel your hurting

Your sorrows filling your soul

I really care

I can't stand to see you sad!

I will care!

I'll always care.


Listen to me, guess what?

I can see you, hiding in plain view

Trying to keep your feelings inside

We all care

You can reveal your thoughts to us

'Cause we care

Someone will always care

bootyfull, i love it.

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I read one of MK's songs and felt the urge to make a response song to it. It's not entirely about MK though, because if it was then the song would go from being nice to really mean and untrue. o_o;





Hey, you, guess what?

I see you there in the street

Doin’ drugs, no family

Well someone cares

Don’t know who, don’t know where,

But someone cares

Someone will always care


You there! Guess what?

I can hear you singing, alone

‘Bout your life and your troubles

Well someone cares

All your friends, don’t matter where,

We all care

We’ll always care


You’re sad, your life is bad

You’ve been had, you can’t quite grad

But someone


Will always care


Hey hey, we all have our troubles

We all have our sad times

When we think no-one cares

But we’re wrong, always wrong

Because someone cares,

Someone who will always care


Come here, guess what?

I can feel your hurting

Your sorrows filling your soul

I really care

I can’t stand to see you sad!

I will care!

I’ll always care.


Listen to me, guess what?

I can see you, hiding in plain view

Trying to keep your feelings inside

We all care

You can reveal your thoughts to us

‘Cause we care

Someone will always care

This is soooooo great! You are really talented Glowurm!!!!!!

I don't like it because I really did badly on that one.


And even if you like it, you've got to admit, it's got to be the worst of mine. :P

I am sorry, but I do not have to admit anything but that I think it is terrific!

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I'm sorry to disagree with you... those lyrics are not good...










they are PHENOMENAL !!!!!

horatio, when i first read your post i didn't scroll down all the way and i was like "how could horatio say something like that?" so i read the lyrics all over again and thought the same thing..."i can't picture horatio saying something like that!" then i finally scrolled down and i was like "oh! ok!"




*looks over and sees the evil Horatio chuckling in the corner*

HEY, I have an evil twin too!!! his name is Teddeldore.....~waits for people, and animals, and dairy products, and whatever else exists on this sit, to laugh~

*wonders how sensitive Teddeldore's sense of smell is*


Can you guess who Teddeldore is???

Gosh! every time I read that I keep on wanting to say teladore.


Or Theodore, or Teddy...

:rolleyes: LOL :rolleyes:

Theodore Adam ~~~~~~~

I wish you could know is last name.

His whole name flows beautifuly

I love it.

Not him.

We are only friends now.

I'm pround of my self.

I am really happy to hear you are proud of yourself. That is great!!!!!!

Yeah but I think I still like him


>>>>Reasons I'm pround: 1.) My heart doesn't pound when i hear his name

2.) I don't hink about him that much anymore<<<<



I'm pretty sure I might need theropy to get this dude out of my head

On a completely unrelated topic, I was on a petsite that's really new and I saw someone called Kay. And I thought, "Oh! Kay! I know someone called Kay!"




Remind me, how old are you?


And on another completely unrelated topic, is Teddy Geiger your favorite singer of all time? xD

I'm 14 3/4 ha lol

I'll be 15 in may


um I don't really listen to teddy geiger but some of his songs are rockin'


wow did I really just say rockin'????



Haha. It's not you, is it?


I don't think it's you.


I think if it was you, then you probably would've sent me a RM by now.


I dunno.

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I read one of MK's songs and felt the urge to make a response song to it. It's not entirely about MK though, because if it was then the song would go from being nice to really mean and untrue. o_o;





Hey, you, guess what?

I see you there in the street

Doin’ drugs, no family

Well someone cares

Don’t know who, don’t know where,

But someone cares

Someone will always care


You there! Guess what?

I can hear you singing, alone

‘Bout your life and your troubles

Well someone cares

All your friends, don’t matter where,

We all care

We’ll always care


You’re sad, your life is bad

You’ve been had, you can’t quite grad

But someone


Will always care


Hey hey, we all have our troubles

We all have our sad times

When we think no-one cares

But we’re wrong, always wrong

Because someone cares,

Someone who will always care


Come here, guess what?

I can feel your hurting

Your sorrows filling your soul

I really care

I can’t stand to see you sad!

I will care!

I’ll always care.


Listen to me, guess what?

I can see you, hiding in plain view

Trying to keep your feelings inside

We all care

You can reveal your thoughts to us

‘Cause we care

Someone will always care

This is soooooo great! You are really talented Glowurm!!!!!!

I don't like it because I really did badly on that one.


And even if you like it, you've got to admit, it's got to be the worst of mine. :P

I am sorry, but I do not have to admit anything but that I think it is terrific!

Geez, if I didn't know any better I'd say you are a 13-year-old girl who my friends and I call dhalai.


Because you're really acting like her.


You and your praise... D:


I don't like praise.




I do these songs because they're a way to get my thoughts out into the open, not because I'm looking for love and adoration and praise. In fact sometimes I feel insulted if I get praise that completely overlooks the whole point of the song and the lyrics. XD;;


I can't get no satisfaction. :P

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I am sorry, but I do not have to admit anything but that I think it is terrific!

Geez, if I didn't know any better I'd say you are a 13-year-old girl who my friends and I call dhalai.


Because you're really acting like her.


You and your praise... D:


I don't like praise.




I do these songs because they're a way to get my thoughts out into the open, not because I'm looking for love and adoration and praise. In fact sometimes I feel insulted if I get praise that completely overlooks the whole point of the song and the lyrics. XD;;


I can't get no satisfaction. :P

*listens to The Rolling Stones singing "I can't get no... *


A girl??????????? :rolleyes:

I am a male hamster, through and through!!!

Okay, so I may be blonde and do some dumb stuff... but a 13 year old dhalai?????


Seriously, I always look at the message first, then the delivery.

I do apologize if you are uncomfortable about praise.

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I am sorry, but I do not have to admit anything but that I think it is terrific!

Geez, if I didn't know any better I'd say you are a 13-year-old girl who my friends and I call dhalai.


Because you're really acting like her.


You and your praise... D:


I don't like praise.




I do these songs because they're a way to get my thoughts out into the open, not because I'm looking for love and adoration and praise. In fact sometimes I feel insulted if I get praise that completely overlooks the whole point of the song and the lyrics. XD;;


I can't get no satisfaction. :P

*listens to The Rolling Stones singing "I can't get no... *


A girl??????????? :rolleyes:

I am a male hamster, through and through!!!

Okay, so I may be blonde and do some dumb stuff... but a 13 year old dhalai?????


Seriously, I always look at the message first, then the delivery.

I do apologize if you are uncomfortable about praise.

It's not so much uncomfortable as thinking that I don't deserve it and then getting annoyed when people insist that I do.

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I am sorry, but I do not have to admit anything but that I think it is terrific!

Geez, if I didn't know any better I'd say you are a 13-year-old girl who my friends and I call dhalai.


Because you're really acting like her.


You and your praise... D:


I don't like praise.




I do these songs because they're a way to get my thoughts out into the open, not because I'm looking for love and adoration and praise. In fact sometimes I feel insulted if I get praise that completely overlooks the whole point of the song and the lyrics. XD;;


I can't get no satisfaction. :P

*listens to The Rolling Stones singing "I can't get no... *


A girl??????????? :rolleyes:

I am a male hamster, through and through!!!

Okay, so I may be blonde and do some dumb stuff... but a 13 year old dhalai?????


Seriously, I always look at the message first, then the delivery.

I do apologize if you are uncomfortable about praise.

It's not so much uncomfortable as thinking that I don't deserve it and then getting annoyed when people insist that I do.

That is understandable.

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I'm sorry to disagree with you... those lyrics are not good...










they are PHENOMENAL !!!!!

horatio, when i first read your post i didn't scroll down all the way and i was like "how could horatio say something like that?" so i read the lyrics all over again and thought the same thing..."i can't picture horatio saying something like that!" then i finally scrolled down and i was like "oh! ok!"




*looks over and sees the evil Horatio chuckling in the corner*

HEY, I have an evil twin too!!! his name is Teddeldore.....~waits for people, and animals, and dairy products, and whatever else exists on this sit, to laugh~

*wonders how sensitive Teddeldore's sense of smell is*


Can you guess who Teddeldore is???

Gosh! every time I read that I keep on wanting to say teladore.


Or Theodore, or Teddy...

:rolleyes: LOL :rolleyes:

Theodore Adam ~~~~~~~

I wish you could know is last name.

His whole name flows beautifuly

I love it.

Not him.

We are only friends now.

I'm pround of my self.

I am really happy to hear you are proud of yourself. That is great!!!!!!

Yeah but I think I still like him


>>>>Reasons I'm pround: 1.) My heart doesn't pound when i hear his name

2.) I don't hink about him that much anymore<<<<



I'm pretty sure I might need theropy to get this dude out of my head

On a completely unrelated topic, I was on a petsite that's really new and I saw someone called Kay. And I thought, "Oh! Kay! I know someone called Kay!"




Remind me, how old are you?


And on another completely unrelated topic, is Teddy Geiger your favorite singer of all time? xD

I'm 14 3/4 ha lol

I'll be 15 in may


um I don't really listen to teddy geiger but some of his songs are rockin'


wow did I really just say rockin'????



Haha. It's not you, is it?


I don't think it's you.


I think if it was you, then you probably would've sent me a RM by now.


I dunno.

Why ask a question that you already know the answer to?


no It's not me.


OMG! this is confoozing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I Only Love You Part 1


I see you passing by

And I look into your eyes

And my heart begins to fly

When I’m at school I do deny

But at home I cannot lie...


I love you, and only you

There’s no one else I’d rather do

I think about you every day

It’s just you; you’re the one for me

I don’t know if I could tell you

Even though you love me too

The extent of my love for you


How long has it been?

And already I want to scream

From the rooftops, make a scene

But I won’t, I’m not mean

Only online I will preen


I love you! You’re all around

My life, you make my heart pound

So fast, and I never want to

Leave you; you’re the love of

All my life, and I could never

Get enough, of you, and only you.




I Only Love You Part 2


Alas, it has passed

It ended just as fast

As it begun

And you’re right, I must say

It is true all you said to me

But yet, I can’t let is go

I feel sick to the stomach

Why does heartbreak feel so much like love?


I love you, no matter what

I hate it, but I can’t stop

I can try for you, but I’ll lose

You don’t love me; I accept that

But I feel suddenly flat

Like my heart has been ripped from my chest


But you're still happy!

I saw you today

And I can’t say

You looked remorseful

You were excited, full of glee!

Not like you even thought of me

Were you faking it, are you actually sad?

Or did you find another man?

Or, worst case scenario,

Are you just a heartless witch?

I guess I don’t matter to you.



Hah! I only love you.




If I ever gained enough skill to actually write music, they would be two different songs. Hence the part one/part two thing.


Hahaha, it's funny. I never thought it would happen to me so young. But someone actually broke my heart.


Goodbye now.

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I Only Love You Part 1


I see you passing by

And I look into your eyes

And my heart begins to fly

When I’m at school I do deny

But at home I cannot lie...


I love you, and only you

There’s no one else I’d rather do

I think about you every day

It’s just you; you’re the one for me

I don’t know if I could tell you

Even though you love me too

The extent of my love for you


How long has it been?

And already I want to scream

From the rooftops, make a scene

But I won’t, I’m not mean

Only online I will preen


I love you! You’re all around

My life, you make my heart pound

So fast, and I never want to

Leave you; you’re the love of

All my life, and I could never

Get enough, of you, and only you.




I Only Love You Part 2


Alas, it has passed

It ended just as fast

As it begun

And you’re right, I must say

It is true all you said to me

But yet, I can’t let is go

I feel sick to the stomach

Why does heartbreak feel so much like love?


I love you, no matter what

I hate it, but I can’t stop

I can try for you, but I’ll lose

You don’t love me; I accept that

But I feel suddenly flat

Like my heart has been ripped from my chest


But you're still happy!

I saw you today

And I can’t say

You looked remorseful

You were excited, full of glee!

Not like you even thought of me

Were you faking it, are you actually sad?

Or did you find another man?

Or, worst case scenario,

Are you just a heartless witch?

I guess I don’t matter to you.



Hah! I only love you.




If I ever gained enough skill to actually write music, they would be two different songs. Hence the part one/part two thing.


Hahaha, it's funny. I never thought it would happen to me so young. But someone actually broke my heart.


Goodbye now.

Pain and heartache has brought forth beautiful lyrics.

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