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I'm trying to find my way out.

Trying to find my way to reality.

Nothing's real here,

Fake smiles,

fake love.

The only reality is the pain and hurt you've caused me.


Everyone says their helping.

But if you're helping then why am I still hurting?

Why am I still crying?

Or still wishing my life was over?


I want it to end.

I want it to be over.

I want the pain, the hurt, the crying,

To stop,

To dissipate,

I want it all to disappear.


Well we don't always get what we want.

So I'm not going to live with it.

You may be able handle your pain and your hurt.

But I can't handle mine.

It's over whelming.

It's crushing me.

Squeezing me.

Holding me in.


There's no place to hide.

No place to run to,

To feel safe.

Not even Heaven or H___ could make me feel safe.

No place safe.

My business is finished.

So as I lay my head down to sleep,


My last words I say this night are:

Goodnight, I love you.

And you reply:

R.est I.n P.eace

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WOW!!! That is incredible.

*hands Cupcakelvr The Platinum Moon Award*

Yay. Thankyou


ACK! my face burns!!!

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How many awards do I have? I don't keep track anymore. I see no point. But anyways I wrote that last night. I started crying when i was writing it I don't even know why.

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But anyways I wrote that last night. I started crying when i was writing it I don't even know why.

I do. It expresses quite a bit of emotion.

Awww... Horatio.

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