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the truth about happiness

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i thought i was over this

it seems like theres only a few types of happy and like a million types of sad

idk why. but it does. i guess i just feel unhappy most of the time

which 'stinks'.. cuz i wanna love my life.. i really do

but i always feel 'bad' about something..

even if i try to ignore it and stuff..

its there always tugging at my smile

like the sick disease it is

haunting my memories

tarnishing them

stealing them from my soul

like a thief

from within

the part of me that makes me hate the rest

nagging at the dark corners of my brain

making me feel lifeless


and numb

taking away my childhood

my innocent

and my capability to reason

i fall to the deep dark emotions i hold inside

i want to break free of them

theres hope inside

i can feel it

part of me is okay

and i feel like ill have this battle forever

its part of who i am

part of little me

and to live with it with strengthen me

give me wings

and keep me floating

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