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that little girl inside

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magazines with pretty fake girls

all over the floor

fake red hair

and black nails

is how she swings

hippie thoughts with music to follow

herbal medicine never let her down

breathes with the earth

flowing water


cheap tricks

small boxes of hidden habbits


wrapped up alone



things so pure

things so beautiful

shes more then she looks

collecting tiny memories to hold deep in her heart

few friends but faithful to them

misguided and lazy

flowing with the wind

walls covered in things they wish she wasnt

crazy patterns and small reminders of whats right

whats human

and whats 'in'

little thoughts of suicide

mixed with exciting lust for life

for whats next

whats new

disappointed about what shes seeing

how she views things

let downs from all over the world

tear at her thoughts

wishing to make changes

clutter and mess of things she shouldnt have

but cant seem to throw away

like the dark thoughts of her past

kept inside forever

bright colors and vibrant artwork

not of her own

but of her equals

trying so hard

for herself

and never them

but its not enough for either

constant stuggle

meets reality

without time for tears

perfect life

seen otherwise inside

she knows everything will be okay,

because everything is fine.

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