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kinda a rant. idk im brainless :]

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doesnt anyone see the corruption we see

we bleed and scream out the injustices

but the world is deaf

deaf to the kids

deaf to the truth

so we close up

we escape

we lie

we steal

and we run

sometimes ill admit i have too much fun


this world is so messed up

but everyone keeps living like its okay

i dont understand?

cant you see it

dont you wanna fix things

do you CARE


how can people not recycle

that "really grinds my gears"

hahaha (family guy<3)

like its not very hard

and it helps

dont you want to help

or would you rather be ignorant?



how can you litter?

theres probably a trash can four feet from you right now

stop being a jerk

and throw your junk in it, not around it


are you blind to all the suffering?

or are you too busy playing xbox?

have you ever put more then 4 seconds thought to real killers or dieases?

and no, i dont mean "livestrong" bracelets or "darfur"

thats all become "popular" and "cute" to care about it

its not cute people

its like like "omg so the other day i washed cars for darfur and this cute guy blah blah blah"

get your brainless heads out of the clouds

theres injust KILLINGS going on

its not "cool" or "awesome" to care about darfur

its REAL

you should feel REAL about it



calling bush a monkey may be cute

but is that gonna FIX anything

wearin shirts that say "i hate bush"

doesnt HELP

its great to see you hate him, like we ALL do

but its time to do something


certain things people put no thought to make me sick

like the amount of money people make

actors get millions of dollars per movie they make

that should be their PASSION

they shouldnt need 6546456 million dollars to convince them to play a roll

or pro football/baseball/hockey/whatever players

have SO much money

its gross

its wrong

but its happening

right now


i dont even know wuts going on with the "war on terrorism" or O.I.L

but its obviously not working

cuz no one is really liberated when everyone is dying


politics are hard to understand

i gave up on that

and gave up on news

cuz it brings me down

the world brings me down


everything is so sad and messed up

and i feel bad being so welloff sometimes

i dont deserve good parents and money and all this stuff

when people are living on the streets

selling their bodies for money

being killed for what they look like

or where they were born

people struggling to be alive

kids being beaten

people living in alleyways and abandoned buildings

i hope this is making everything think

cuz your sitting at the computer

which means you have one and internet

or you live in a good comunity with a library

or you have family members with computers

come to think of it,

there are FOUR working computers in my house


but im not about to get rid of it am i?

cuz im selfish

yes i am

very much so


i think im done ranting about things i barely know about it

and dont know how to change

but are wrong

things are just wrong

they always have been

for this world and me

but we need hope

give us hope

thats what we can do

we can stay positive and recycle

and watch an inconvienent truth

cuz that shook me

to the point of going around the movie theater and picking up ciggy butts with my best friend after we saw it


nows thats power ;)

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So true. Of course you can do something about it.


You can do things in your own way... against the obscene salaries, do not go to the game, do not buy the sports junk, do not buy anything that has to do with that team or in fact any of the teams. The players are never happy. It is always more money. The owners are never happy, it is always a new stadium... AT THE TAXPAYERS EXPENSE! Yes, when they build a stadium in your town, you are paying for this with your tax money. The city mayor gets the taxpayers to float a bond, then build a stadium for the team, who decides after x amount of time, that they are leaving your city, for a better deal elsewhere. Are you aware that The Green Bay Packers are the only team that the people of Green Bay own? It is not some greedy owner who will threaten to move if he doesn't get something he wants, it is the city and the people of the city. As for movies, I think the salaries are totally out of control. Millions and millions for a movie? Well, I don't really get around to going to the movies because, first it costs too much. Second, I would rather get on my bike and ride. For the same amount of money it costs me to get into the movie theatre, I can ride for a couple hundred miles. You can hurt the terrorism where it hurts by cutting back on everything that uses oil, that you have some control over. Don't drive around as much. Get another form of transportation that uses less gas... or no gas. My bike gets 78 mpg and this makes me very happy. If we as a nation cut back on oil, then there is less money for the oil producing countries to throw at the terrorists. Are we going after wind generators, solar energy... no. I would love to see wind generators outside my cage in the river. I wish I could do something about it. But in my own way, I am cutting my use of oil and oil products as much as I possibly can. Either the bicycle or motorcycle. I hardly ever drive the car. I spend in less money in gas in one month, than most people spend in one fill-up.


I recycle everything that I possibly can. This is the only way we can save the planet. I take a basket to the grocery store. No bags. I fill up the basket when I walk around the store, get to the check-out, unload the basket, pay and reload the basket for the trip home. These crazy baggers at the grocery store try and give me bags to put into my basket. It takes about three or four times to train the baggers that when you show up with a basket, this means... NO BAGS! I think the grocery stores should start charging you for bags. Make the price 5 cents each. I am willing to bet, you will see people not wanting to pay. Of course, they pay anyway, we all do. The price is just figured into the cost of the groceries we buy. The same goes for the cost of the salary for the guy to run around the store putting back stuff that people pick up in one place, then five aisles later decide they don't want, so they stick it on the shelf somewhere. And you don't think you are not going to pay for this? :lol:


Okay... I could rant forever, but I am going for a ride on my bike.

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doesnt anyone see the corruption we see

we bleed and scream out the injustices

but the world is deaf

deaf to the kids

deaf to the truth

so we close up

we escape

we lie

we steal

and we run

sometimes ill admit i have too much fun


this world is so messed up

but everyone keeps living like its okay

i dont understand?

cant you see it

dont you wanna fix things

do you CARE


how can people not recycle

that "really grinds my gears"

hahaha (family guy<3)

like its not very hard

and it helps

dont you want to help

or would you rather be ignorant?



how can you litter?

theres probably a trash can four feet from you right now

stop being a jerk

and throw your junk in it, not around it


are you blind to all the suffering?

or are you too busy playing xbox?

have you ever put more then 4 seconds thought to real killers or dieases?

and no, i dont mean "livestrong" bracelets or "darfur"

thats all become "popular" and "cute" to care about it

its not cute people

its like like "omg so the other day i washed cars for darfur and this cute guy blah blah blah"

get your brainless heads out of the clouds

theres injust KILLINGS going on

its not "cool" or "awesome" to care about darfur

its REAL

you should feel REAL about it



calling bush a monkey may be cute

but is that gonna FIX anything

wearin shirts that say "i hate bush"

doesnt HELP

its great to see you hate him, like we ALL do

but its time to do something


certain things people put no thought to make me sick

like the amount of money people make

actors get millions of dollars per movie they make

that should be their PASSION

they shouldnt need 6546456 million dollars to convince them to play a roll

or pro football/baseball/hockey/whatever players

have SO much money

its gross

its wrong

but its happening

right now


i dont even know wuts going on with the "war on terrorism" or O.I.L

but its obviously not working

cuz no one is really liberated when everyone is dying


politics are hard to understand

i gave up on that

and gave up on news

cuz it brings me down

the world brings me down


everything is so sad and messed up

and i feel bad being so welloff sometimes

i dont deserve good parents and money and all this stuff

when people are living on the streets

selling their bodies for money

being killed for what they look like

or where they were born

people struggling to be alive

kids being beaten

people living in alleyways and abandoned buildings

i hope this is making everything think

cuz your sitting at the computer

which means you have one and internet

or you live in a good comunity with a library

or you have family members with computers

come to think of it,

there are FOUR working computers in my house


but im not about to get rid of it am i?

cuz im selfish

yes i am

very much so


i think im done ranting about things i barely know about it

and dont know how to change

but are wrong

things are just wrong

they always have been

for this world and me

but we need hope

give us hope

thats what we can do

we can stay positive and recycle

and watch an inconvienent truth

cuz that shook me

to the point of going around the movie theater and picking up ciggy butts with my best friend after we saw it


nows thats power ;)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut~*


I kindly ask for permission to use this as a song when I form my new band.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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i hate sports. the only game i ever went to was a patriots game that i got for free.

ocasionally i watch the packers( its my dads team) so thats good to hear


i never go to the movies and i just found a new site i can see movies that just came out on

screw the industry

i dont buy cds either


i love driving around

im not gonna give it up cuz honestly, no one else is. people need gas.


i saw alot of solar planals(sp) in Co and that made me happy


lol i havent learned to do returns yet but god i want to. talk about easy. lol


and in shoprite if you reuse bags you get 2 cents for every bag

but when your spending 200 dollars on groceries, like 20 cents means jack to you.

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i hate sports. the only game i ever went to was a patriots game that i got for free.

ocasionally i watch the packers( its my dads team) so thats good to hear


i never go to the movies and i just found a new site i can see movies that just came out on

screw the industry

i dont buy cds either


i love driving around

im not gonna give it up cuz honestly, no one else is. people need gas.


i saw alot of solar planals(sp) in Co and that made me happy


lol i havent learned to do returns yet but god i want to. talk about easy. lol


and in shoprite if you reuse bags you get 2 cents for every bag

but when your spending 200 dollars on groceries, like 20 cents means jack to you.

I go to movies and buy CDs....

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doesnt anyone see the corruption we see

we bleed and scream out the injustices

but the world is deaf

deaf to the kids

deaf to the truth

so we close up

we escape

we lie

we steal

and we run

sometimes ill admit i have too much fun


this world is so messed up

but everyone keeps living like its okay

i dont understand?

cant you see it

dont you wanna fix things

do you CARE


how can people not recycle

that "really grinds my gears"

hahaha (family guy<3)

like its not very hard

and it helps

dont you want to help

or would you rather be ignorant?



how can you litter?

theres probably a trash can four feet from you right now

stop being a jerk

and throw your junk in it, not around it


are you blind to all the suffering?

or are you too busy playing xbox?

have you ever put more then 4 seconds thought to real killers or dieases?

and no, i dont mean "livestrong" bracelets or "darfur"

thats all become "popular" and "cute" to care about it

its not cute people

its like like "omg so the other day i washed cars for darfur and this cute guy blah blah blah"

get your brainless heads out of the clouds

theres injust KILLINGS going on

its not "cool" or "awesome" to care about darfur

its REAL

you should feel REAL about it



calling bush a monkey may be cute

but is that gonna FIX anything

wearin shirts that say "i hate bush"

doesnt HELP

its great to see you hate him, like we ALL do

but its time to do something


certain things people put no thought to make me sick

like the amount of money people make

actors get millions of dollars per movie they make

that should be their PASSION

they shouldnt need 6546456 million dollars to convince them to play a roll

or pro football/baseball/hockey/whatever players

have SO much money

its gross

its wrong

but its happening

right now


i dont even know wuts going on with the "war on terrorism" or O.I.L

but its obviously not working

cuz no one is really liberated when everyone is dying


politics are hard to understand

i gave up on that

and gave up on news

cuz it brings me down

the world brings me down


everything is so sad and messed up

and i feel bad being so welloff sometimes

i dont deserve good parents and money and all this stuff

when people are living on the streets

selling their bodies for money

being killed for what they look like

or where they were born

people struggling to be alive

kids being beaten

people living in alleyways and abandoned buildings

i hope this is making everything think

cuz your sitting at the computer

which means you have one and internet

or you live in a good comunity with a library

or you have family members with computers

come to think of it,

there are FOUR working computers in my house


but im not about to get rid of it am i?

cuz im selfish

yes i am

very much so


i think im done ranting about things i barely know about it

and dont know how to change

but are wrong

things are just wrong

they always have been

for this world and me

but we need hope

give us hope

thats what we can do

we can stay positive and recycle

and watch an inconvienent truth

cuz that shook me

to the point of going around the movie theater and picking up ciggy butts with my best friend after we saw it


nows thats power ;)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut~*


I kindly ask for permission to use this as a song when I form my new band.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

what? for serious? most definatly

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doesnt anyone see the corruption we see

we bleed and scream out the injustices

but the world is deaf

deaf to the kids

deaf to the truth

so we close up

we escape

we lie

we steal

and we run

sometimes ill admit i have too much fun


this world is so messed up

but everyone keeps living like its okay

i dont understand?

cant you see it

dont you wanna fix things

do you CARE


how can people not recycle

that "really grinds my gears"

hahaha (family guy

like its not very hard

and it helps

dont you want to help

or would you rather be ignorant?



how can you litter?

theres probably a trash can four feet from you right now

stop being a jerk

and throw your junk in it, not around it


are you blind to all the suffering?

or are you too busy playing xbox?

have you ever put more then 4 seconds thought to real killers or dieases?

and no, i dont mean "livestrong" bracelets or "darfur"

thats all become "popular" and "cute" to care about it

its not cute people

its like like "omg so the other day i washed cars for darfur and this cute guy blah blah blah"

get your brainless heads out of the clouds

theres injust KILLINGS going on

its not "cool" or "awesome" to care about darfur

its REAL

you should feel REAL about it



calling bush a monkey may be cute

but is that gonna FIX anything

wearin shirts that say "i hate bush"

doesnt HELP

its great to see you hate him, like we ALL do

but its time to do something


certain things people put no thought to make me sick

like the amount of money people make

actors get millions of dollars per movie they make

that should be their PASSION

they shouldnt need 6546456 million dollars to convince them to play a roll

or pro football/baseball/hockey/whatever players

have SO much money

its gross

its wrong

but its happening

right now


i dont even know wuts going on with the "war on terrorism" or O.I.L

but its obviously not working

cuz no one is really liberated when everyone is dying


politics are hard to understand

i gave up on that

and gave up on news

cuz it brings me down

the world brings me down


everything is so sad and messed up

and i feel bad being so welloff sometimes

i dont deserve good parents and money and all this stuff

when people are living on the streets

selling their bodies for money

being killed for what they look like

or where they were born

people struggling to be alive

kids being beaten

people living in alleyways and abandoned buildings

i hope this is making everything think

cuz your sitting at the computer

which means you have one and internet

or you live in a good comunity with a library

or you have family members with computers

come to think of it,

there are FOUR working computers in my house


but im not about to get rid of it am i?

cuz im selfish

yes i am

very much so


i think im done ranting about things i barely know about it

and dont know how to change

but are wrong

things are just wrong

they always have been

for this world and me

but we need hope

give us hope

thats what we can do

we can stay positive and recycle

and watch an inconvienent truth

cuz that shook me

to the point of going around the movie theater and picking up ciggy butts with my best friend after we saw it


nows thats power ;)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut~*


I kindly ask for permission to use this as a song when I form my new band.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

what? for serious? most definatly

You write phenomenally well. I would love to hear this when Mushroom_king's band performs it.

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doesnt anyone see the corruption we see

we bleed and scream out the injustices

but the world is deaf

deaf to the kids

deaf to the truth

so we close up

we escape

we lie

we steal

and we run

sometimes ill admit i have too much fun


this world is so messed up

but everyone keeps living like its okay

i dont understand?

cant you see it

dont you wanna fix things

do you CARE


how can people not recycle

that "really grinds my gears"

hahaha (family guy<3)

like its not very hard

and it helps

dont you want to help

or would you rather be ignorant?



how can you litter?

theres probably a trash can four feet from you right now

stop being a jerk

and throw your junk in it, not around it


are you blind to all the suffering?

or are you too busy playing xbox?

have you ever put more then 4 seconds thought to real killers or dieases?

and no, i dont mean "livestrong" bracelets or "darfur"

thats all become "popular" and "cute" to care about it

its not cute people

its like like "omg so the other day i washed cars for darfur and this cute guy blah blah blah"

get your brainless heads out of the clouds

theres injust KILLINGS going on

its not "cool" or "awesome" to care about darfur

its REAL

you should feel REAL about it



calling bush a monkey may be cute

but is that gonna FIX anything

wearin shirts that say "i hate bush"

doesnt HELP

its great to see you hate him, like we ALL do

but its time to do something


certain things people put no thought to make me sick

like the amount of money people make

actors get millions of dollars per movie they make

that should be their PASSION

they shouldnt need 6546456 million dollars to convince them to play a roll

or pro football/baseball/hockey/whatever players

have SO much money

its gross

its wrong

but its happening

right now


i dont even know wuts going on with the "war on terrorism" or O.I.L

but its obviously not working

cuz no one is really liberated when everyone is dying


politics are hard to understand

i gave up on that

and gave up on news

cuz it brings me down

the world brings me down


everything is so sad and messed up

and i feel bad being so welloff sometimes

i dont deserve good parents and money and all this stuff

when people are living on the streets

selling their bodies for money

being killed for what they look like

or where they were born

people struggling to be alive

kids being beaten

people living in alleyways and abandoned buildings

i hope this is making everything think

cuz your sitting at the computer

which means you have one and internet

or you live in a good comunity with a library

or you have family members with computers

come to think of it,

there are FOUR working computers in my house


but im not about to get rid of it am i?

cuz im selfish

yes i am

very much so


i think im done ranting about things i barely know about it

and dont know how to change

but are wrong

things are just wrong

they always have been

for this world and me

but we need hope

give us hope

thats what we can do

we can stay positive and recycle

and watch an inconvienent truth

cuz that shook me

to the point of going around the movie theater and picking up ciggy butts with my best friend after we saw it


nows thats power ;)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut~*


I kindly ask for permission to use this as a song when I form my new band.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

what? for serious? most definatly

You write phenomenally well. I would love to hear this when Mushroom_king's band performs it.

haha it looks like a bunch of dumb nonsense to me

specially since theres like 0 facts to back it up

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doesnt anyone see the corruption we see

we bleed and scream out the injustices

but the world is deaf

deaf to the kids

deaf to the truth

so we close up

we escape

we lie

we steal

and we run

sometimes ill admit i have too much fun


this world is so messed up

but everyone keeps living like its okay

i dont understand?

cant you see it

dont you wanna fix things

do you CARE


how can people not recycle

that "really grinds my gears"

hahaha (family guy<3)

like its not very hard

and it helps

dont you want to help

or would you rather be ignorant?



how can you litter?

theres probably a trash can four feet from you right now

stop being a jerk

and throw your junk in it, not around it


are you blind to all the suffering?

or are you too busy playing xbox?

have you ever put more then 4 seconds thought to real killers or dieases?

and no, i dont mean "livestrong" bracelets or "darfur"

thats all become "popular" and "cute" to care about it

its not cute people

its like like "omg so the other day i washed cars for darfur and this cute guy blah blah blah"

get your brainless heads out of the clouds

theres injust KILLINGS going on

its not "cool" or "awesome" to care about darfur

its REAL

you should feel REAL about it



calling bush a monkey may be cute

but is that gonna FIX anything

wearin shirts that say "i hate bush"

doesnt HELP

its great to see you hate him, like we ALL do

but its time to do something


certain things people put no thought to make me sick

like the amount of money people make

actors get millions of dollars per movie they make

that should be their PASSION

they shouldnt need 6546456 million dollars to convince them to play a roll

or pro football/baseball/hockey/whatever players

have SO much money

its gross

its wrong

but its happening

right now


i dont even know wuts going on with the "war on terrorism" or O.I.L

but its obviously not working

cuz no one is really liberated when everyone is dying


politics are hard to understand

i gave up on that

and gave up on news

cuz it brings me down

the world brings me down


everything is so sad and messed up

and i feel bad being so welloff sometimes

i dont deserve good parents and money and all this stuff

when people are living on the streets

selling their bodies for money

being killed for what they look like

or where they were born

people struggling to be alive

kids being beaten

people living in alleyways and abandoned buildings

i hope this is making everything think

cuz your sitting at the computer

which means you have one and internet

or you live in a good comunity with a library

or you have family members with computers

come to think of it,

there are FOUR working computers in my house


but im not about to get rid of it am i?

cuz im selfish

yes i am

very much so


i think im done ranting about things i barely know about it

and dont know how to change

but are wrong

things are just wrong

they always have been

for this world and me

but we need hope

give us hope

thats what we can do

we can stay positive and recycle

and watch an inconvienent truth

cuz that shook me

to the point of going around the movie theater and picking up ciggy butts with my best friend after we saw it


nows thats power ;)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut~*


I kindly ask for permission to use this as a song when I form my new band.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

what? for serious? most definatly

You write phenomenally well. I would love to hear this when Mushroom_king's band performs it.

haha it looks like a bunch of dumb nonsense to me

specially since theres like 0 facts to back it up

Actually there is. Just look hard enough and you can find plenty of proof to back up your poem.

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doesnt anyone see the corruption we see

we bleed and scream out the injustices

but the world is deaf

deaf to the kids

deaf to the truth

so we close up

we escape

we lie

we steal

and we run

sometimes ill admit i have too much fun


this world is so messed up

but everyone keeps living like its okay

i dont understand?

cant you see it

dont you wanna fix things

do you CARE


how can people not recycle

that "really grinds my gears"

hahaha (family guy<3)

like its not very hard

and it helps

dont you want to help

or would you rather be ignorant?



how can you litter?

theres probably a trash can four feet from you right now

stop being a jerk

and throw your junk in it, not around it


are you blind to all the suffering?

or are you too busy playing xbox?

have you ever put more then 4 seconds thought to real killers or dieases?

and no, i dont mean "livestrong" bracelets or "darfur"

thats all become "popular" and "cute" to care about it

its not cute people

its like like "omg so the other day i washed cars for darfur and this cute guy blah blah blah"

get your brainless heads out of the clouds

theres injust KILLINGS going on

its not "cool" or "awesome" to care about darfur

its REAL

you should feel REAL about it



calling bush a monkey may be cute

but is that gonna FIX anything

wearin shirts that say "i hate bush"

doesnt HELP

its great to see you hate him, like we ALL do

but its time to do something


certain things people put no thought to make me sick

like the amount of money people make

actors get millions of dollars per movie they make

that should be their PASSION

they shouldnt need 6546456 million dollars to convince them to play a roll

or pro football/baseball/hockey/whatever players

have SO much money

its gross

its wrong

but its happening

right now


i dont even know wuts going on with the "war on terrorism" or O.I.L

but its obviously not working

cuz no one is really liberated when everyone is dying


politics are hard to understand

i gave up on that

and gave up on news

cuz it brings me down

the world brings me down


everything is so sad and messed up

and i feel bad being so welloff sometimes

i dont deserve good parents and money and all this stuff

when people are living on the streets

selling their bodies for money

being killed for what they look like

or where they were born

people struggling to be alive

kids being beaten

people living in alleyways and abandoned buildings

i hope this is making everything think

cuz your sitting at the computer

which means you have one and internet

or you live in a good comunity with a library

or you have family members with computers

come to think of it,

there are FOUR working computers in my house


but im not about to get rid of it am i?

cuz im selfish

yes i am

very much so


i think im done ranting about things i barely know about it

and dont know how to change

but are wrong

things are just wrong

they always have been

for this world and me

but we need hope

give us hope

thats what we can do

we can stay positive and recycle

and watch an inconvienent truth

cuz that shook me

to the point of going around the movie theater and picking up ciggy butts with my best friend after we saw it


nows thats power ;)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut~*


I kindly ask for permission to use this as a song when I form my new band.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

what? for serious? most definatly

You write phenomenally well. I would love to hear this when Mushroom_king's band performs it.

haha it looks like a bunch of dumb nonsense to me

specially since theres like 0 facts to back it up

Actually there is. Just look hard enough and you can find plenty of proof to back up your poem.

i mean theres no fact IN IT

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doesnt anyone see the corruption we see

we bleed and scream out the injustices

but the world is deaf

deaf to the kids

deaf to the truth

so we close up

we escape

we lie

we steal

and we run

sometimes ill admit i have too much fun


this world is so messed up

but everyone keeps living like its okay

i dont understand?

cant you see it

dont you wanna fix things

do you CARE


how can people not recycle

that "really grinds my gears"

hahaha (family guy<3)

like its not very hard

and it helps

dont you want to help

or would you rather be ignorant?



how can you litter?

theres probably a trash can four feet from you right now

stop being a jerk

and throw your junk in it, not around it


are you blind to all the suffering?

or are you too busy playing xbox?

have you ever put more then 4 seconds thought to real killers or dieases?

and no, i dont mean "livestrong" bracelets or "darfur"

thats all become "popular" and "cute" to care about it

its not cute people

its like like "omg so the other day i washed cars for darfur and this cute guy blah blah blah"

get your brainless heads out of the clouds

theres injust KILLINGS going on

its not "cool" or "awesome" to care about darfur

its REAL

you should feel REAL about it



calling bush a monkey may be cute

but is that gonna FIX anything

wearin shirts that say "i hate bush"

doesnt HELP

its great to see you hate him, like we ALL do

but its time to do something


certain things people put no thought to make me sick

like the amount of money people make

actors get millions of dollars per movie they make

that should be their PASSION

they shouldnt need 6546456 million dollars to convince them to play a roll

or pro football/baseball/hockey/whatever players

have SO much money

its gross

its wrong

but its happening

right now


i dont even know wuts going on with the "war on terrorism" or O.I.L

but its obviously not working

cuz no one is really liberated when everyone is dying


politics are hard to understand

i gave up on that

and gave up on news

cuz it brings me down

the world brings me down


everything is so sad and messed up

and i feel bad being so welloff sometimes

i dont deserve good parents and money and all this stuff

when people are living on the streets

selling their bodies for money

being killed for what they look like

or where they were born

people struggling to be alive

kids being beaten

people living in alleyways and abandoned buildings

i hope this is making everything think

cuz your sitting at the computer

which means you have one and internet

or you live in a good comunity with a library

or you have family members with computers

come to think of it,

there are FOUR working computers in my house


but im not about to get rid of it am i?

cuz im selfish

yes i am

very much so


i think im done ranting about things i barely know about it

and dont know how to change

but are wrong

things are just wrong

they always have been

for this world and me

but we need hope

give us hope

thats what we can do

we can stay positive and recycle

and watch an inconvienent truth

cuz that shook me

to the point of going around the movie theater and picking up ciggy butts with my best friend after we saw it


nows thats power ;)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut~*


I kindly ask for permission to use this as a song when I form my new band.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

what? for serious? most definatly

You write phenomenally well. I would love to hear this when Mushroom_king's band performs it.

haha it looks like a bunch of dumb nonsense to me

specially since theres like 0 facts to back it up

Actually there is. Just look hard enough and you can find plenty of proof to back up your poem.

i mean theres no fact IN IT

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut8~*


That's the way most songs/poems like this go, don't they? John Lennon's "Working Class hero" was about how society treats you and how they try to "manufacture" humans, but there was no proof in the song that they do that.

You aren't meant to put proof in the songs or poems-you have to inspire people to go and find out for themselves if it's true.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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doesnt anyone see the corruption we see

we bleed and scream out the injustices

but the world is deaf

deaf to the kids

deaf to the truth

so we close up

we escape

we lie

we steal

and we run

sometimes ill admit i have too much fun


this world is so messed up

but everyone keeps living like its okay

i dont understand?

cant you see it

dont you wanna fix things

do you CARE


how can people not recycle

that "really grinds my gears"

hahaha (family guy<3)

like its not very hard

and it helps

dont you want to help

or would you rather be ignorant?



how can you litter?

theres probably a trash can four feet from you right now

stop being a jerk

and throw your junk in it, not around it


are you blind to all the suffering?

or are you too busy playing xbox?

have you ever put more then 4 seconds thought to real killers or dieases?

and no, i dont mean "livestrong" bracelets or "darfur"

thats all become "popular" and "cute" to care about it

its not cute people

its like like "omg so the other day i washed cars for darfur and this cute guy blah blah blah"

get your brainless heads out of the clouds

theres injust KILLINGS going on

its not "cool" or "awesome" to care about darfur

its REAL

you should feel REAL about it



calling bush a monkey may be cute

but is that gonna FIX anything

wearin shirts that say "i hate bush"

doesnt HELP

its great to see you hate him, like we ALL do

but its time to do something


certain things people put no thought to make me sick

like the amount of money people make

actors get millions of dollars per movie they make

that should be their PASSION

they shouldnt need 6546456 million dollars to convince them to play a roll

or pro football/baseball/hockey/whatever players

have SO much money

its gross

its wrong

but its happening

right now


i dont even know wuts going on with the "war on terrorism" or O.I.L

but its obviously not working

cuz no one is really liberated when everyone is dying


politics are hard to understand

i gave up on that

and gave up on news

cuz it brings me down

the world brings me down


everything is so sad and messed up

and i feel bad being so welloff sometimes

i dont deserve good parents and money and all this stuff

when people are living on the streets

selling their bodies for money

being killed for what they look like

or where they were born

people struggling to be alive

kids being beaten

people living in alleyways and abandoned buildings

i hope this is making everything think

cuz your sitting at the computer

which means you have one and internet

or you live in a good comunity with a library

or you have family members with computers

come to think of it,

there are FOUR working computers in my house


but im not about to get rid of it am i?

cuz im selfish

yes i am

very much so


i think im done ranting about things i barely know about it

and dont know how to change

but are wrong

things are just wrong

they always have been

for this world and me

but we need hope

give us hope

thats what we can do

we can stay positive and recycle

and watch an inconvienent truth

cuz that shook me

to the point of going around the movie theater and picking up ciggy butts with my best friend after we saw it


nows thats power ;)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut~*


I kindly ask for permission to use this as a song when I form my new band.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

what? for serious? most definatly

You write phenomenally well. I would love to hear this when Mushroom_king's band performs it.

haha it looks like a bunch of dumb nonsense to me

specially since theres like 0 facts to back it up

Actually there is. Just look hard enough and you can find plenty of proof to back up your poem.

i mean theres no fact IN IT

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut8~*


That's the way most songs/poems like this go, don't they? John Lennon's "Working Class hero" was about how society treats you and how they try to "manufacture" humans, but there was no proof in the song that they do that.

You aren't meant to put proof in the songs or poems-you have to inspire people to go and find out for themselves if it's true.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

i guess but its unorganized and naggy. lol

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doesnt anyone see the corruption we see

we bleed and scream out the injustices

but the world is deaf

deaf to the kids

deaf to the truth

so we close up

we escape

we lie

we steal

and we run

sometimes ill admit i have too much fun


this world is so messed up

but everyone keeps living like its okay

i dont understand?

cant you see it

dont you wanna fix things

do you CARE


how can people not recycle

that "really grinds my gears"

hahaha (family guy

like its not very hard

and it helps

dont you want to help

or would you rather be ignorant?



how can you litter?

theres probably a trash can four feet from you right now

stop being a jerk

and throw your junk in it, not around it


are you blind to all the suffering?

or are you too busy playing xbox?

have you ever put more then 4 seconds thought to real killers or dieases?

and no, i dont mean "livestrong" bracelets or "darfur"

thats all become "popular" and "cute" to care about it

its not cute people

its like like "omg so the other day i washed cars for darfur and this cute guy blah blah blah"

get your brainless heads out of the clouds

theres injust KILLINGS going on

its not "cool" or "awesome" to care about darfur

its REAL

you should feel REAL about it



calling bush a monkey may be cute

but is that gonna FIX anything

wearin shirts that say "i hate bush"

doesnt HELP

its great to see you hate him, like we ALL do

but its time to do something


certain things people put no thought to make me sick

like the amount of money people make

actors get millions of dollars per movie they make

that should be their PASSION

they shouldnt need 6546456 million dollars to convince them to play a roll

or pro football/baseball/hockey/whatever players

have SO much money

its gross

its wrong

but its happening

right now


i dont even know wuts going on with the "war on terrorism" or O.I.L

but its obviously not working

cuz no one is really liberated when everyone is dying


politics are hard to understand

i gave up on that

and gave up on news

cuz it brings me down

the world brings me down


everything is so sad and messed up

and i feel bad being so welloff sometimes

i dont deserve good parents and money and all this stuff

when people are living on the streets

selling their bodies for money

being killed for what they look like

or where they were born

people struggling to be alive

kids being beaten

people living in alleyways and abandoned buildings

i hope this is making everything think

cuz your sitting at the computer

which means you have one and internet

or you live in a good comunity with a library

or you have family members with computers

come to think of it,

there are FOUR working computers in my house


but im not about to get rid of it am i?

cuz im selfish

yes i am

very much so


i think im done ranting about things i barely know about it

and dont know how to change

but are wrong

things are just wrong

they always have been

for this world and me

but we need hope

give us hope

thats what we can do

we can stay positive and recycle

and watch an inconvienent truth

cuz that shook me

to the point of going around the movie theater and picking up ciggy butts with my best friend after we saw it


nows thats power ;)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut~*


I kindly ask for permission to use this as a song when I form my new band.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

what? for serious? most definatly

You write phenomenally well. I would love to hear this when Mushroom_king's band performs it.

haha it looks like a bunch of dumb nonsense to me

specially since theres like 0 facts to back it up

Actually there is. Just look hard enough and you can find plenty of proof to back up your poem.

i mean theres no fact IN IT

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut8~*


That's the way most songs/poems like this go, don't they? John Lennon's "Working Class hero" was about how society treats you and how they try to "manufacture" humans, but there was no proof in the song that they do that.

You aren't meant to put proof in the songs or poems-you have to inspire people to go and find out for themselves if it's true.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

i guess but its unorganized and naggy. lol

I disagree.

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doesnt anyone see the corruption we see

we bleed and scream out the injustices

but the world is deaf

deaf to the kids

deaf to the truth

so we close up

we escape

we lie

we steal

and we run

sometimes ill admit i have too much fun


this world is so messed up

but everyone keeps living like its okay

i dont understand?

cant you see it

dont you wanna fix things

do you CARE


how can people not recycle

that "really grinds my gears"

hahaha (family guy<3)

like its not very hard

and it helps

dont you want to help

or would you rather be ignorant?



how can you litter?

theres probably a trash can four feet from you right now

stop being a jerk

and throw your junk in it, not around it


are you blind to all the suffering?

or are you too busy playing xbox?

have you ever put more then 4 seconds thought to real killers or dieases?

and no, i dont mean "livestrong" bracelets or "darfur"

thats all become "popular" and "cute" to care about it

its not cute people

its like like "omg so the other day i washed cars for darfur and this cute guy blah blah blah"

get your brainless heads out of the clouds

theres injust KILLINGS going on

its not "cool" or "awesome" to care about darfur

its REAL

you should feel REAL about it



calling bush a monkey may be cute

but is that gonna FIX anything

wearin shirts that say "i hate bush"

doesnt HELP

its great to see you hate him, like we ALL do

but its time to do something


certain things people put no thought to make me sick

like the amount of money people make

actors get millions of dollars per movie they make

that should be their PASSION

they shouldnt need 6546456 million dollars to convince them to play a roll

or pro football/baseball/hockey/whatever players

have SO much money

its gross

its wrong

but its happening

right now


i dont even know wuts going on with the "war on terrorism" or O.I.L

but its obviously not working

cuz no one is really liberated when everyone is dying


politics are hard to understand

i gave up on that

and gave up on news

cuz it brings me down

the world brings me down


everything is so sad and messed up

and i feel bad being so welloff sometimes

i dont deserve good parents and money and all this stuff

when people are living on the streets

selling their bodies for money

being killed for what they look like

or where they were born

people struggling to be alive

kids being beaten

people living in alleyways and abandoned buildings

i hope this is making everything think

cuz your sitting at the computer

which means you have one and internet

or you live in a good comunity with a library

or you have family members with computers

come to think of it,

there are FOUR working computers in my house


but im not about to get rid of it am i?

cuz im selfish

yes i am

very much so


i think im done ranting about things i barely know about it

and dont know how to change

but are wrong

things are just wrong

they always have been

for this world and me

but we need hope

give us hope

thats what we can do

we can stay positive and recycle

and watch an inconvienent truth

cuz that shook me

to the point of going around the movie theater and picking up ciggy butts with my best friend after we saw it


nows thats power ;)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut~*


I kindly ask for permission to use this as a song when I form my new band.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

what? for serious? most definatly

You write phenomenally well. I would love to hear this when Mushroom_king's band performs it.

haha it looks like a bunch of dumb nonsense to me

specially since theres like 0 facts to back it up

Actually there is. Just look hard enough and you can find plenty of proof to back up your poem.

i mean theres no fact IN IT

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut8~*


That's the way most songs/poems like this go, don't they? John Lennon's "Working Class hero" was about how society treats you and how they try to "manufacture" humans, but there was no proof in the song that they do that.

You aren't meant to put proof in the songs or poems-you have to inspire people to go and find out for themselves if it's true.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

i guess but its unorganized and naggy. lol

I disagree.


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8~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


When i do sing it though, I'll have to change this part


"i hope this is making everything think

cuz your sitting at the computer

which means you have one and internet

or you live in a good comunity with a library"


Since you aren't reading the song, you're listening to it.

So instead it could be


"I hope this is making everyne think,

Cuz you're listening to this song

Which means you got an iPod, or an CD Player,

Or internet to hear it online"


Is that alright?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*THe Astronomy Domine*~*&

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doesnt anyone see the corruption we see

we bleed and scream out the injustices

but the world is deaf

deaf to the kids

deaf to the truth

so we close up

we escape

we lie

we steal

and we run

sometimes ill admit i have too much fun


this world is so messed up

but everyone keeps living like its okay

i dont understand?

cant you see it

dont you wanna fix things

do you CARE


how can people not recycle

that "really grinds my gears"

hahaha (family guy<3)

like its not very hard

and it helps

dont you want to help

or would you rather be ignorant?



how can you litter?

theres probably a trash can four feet from you right now

stop being a jerk

and throw your junk in it, not around it


are you blind to all the suffering?

or are you too busy playing xbox?

have you ever put more then 4 seconds thought to real killers or dieases?

and no, i dont mean "livestrong" bracelets or "darfur"

thats all become "popular" and "cute" to care about it

its not cute people

its like like "omg so the other day i washed cars for darfur and this cute guy blah blah blah"

get your brainless heads out of the clouds

theres injust KILLINGS going on

its not "cool" or "awesome" to care about darfur

its REAL

you should feel REAL about it



calling bush a monkey may be cute

but is that gonna FIX anything

wearin shirts that say "i hate bush"

doesnt HELP

its great to see you hate him, like we ALL do

but its time to do something


certain things people put no thought to make me sick

like the amount of money people make

actors get millions of dollars per movie they make

that should be their PASSION

they shouldnt need 6546456 million dollars to convince them to play a roll

or pro football/baseball/hockey/whatever players

have SO much money

its gross

its wrong

but its happening

right now


i dont even know wuts going on with the "war on terrorism" or O.I.L

but its obviously not working

cuz no one is really liberated when everyone is dying


politics are hard to understand

i gave up on that

and gave up on news

cuz it brings me down

the world brings me down


everything is so sad and messed up

and i feel bad being so welloff sometimes

i dont deserve good parents and money and all this stuff

when people are living on the streets

selling their bodies for money

being killed for what they look like

or where they were born

people struggling to be alive

kids being beaten

people living in alleyways and abandoned buildings

i hope this is making everything think

cuz your sitting at the computer

which means you have one and internet

or you live in a good comunity with a library

or you have family members with computers

come to think of it,

there are FOUR working computers in my house


but im not about to get rid of it am i?

cuz im selfish

yes i am

very much so


i think im done ranting about things i barely know about it

and dont know how to change

but are wrong

things are just wrong

they always have been

for this world and me

but we need hope

give us hope

thats what we can do

we can stay positive and recycle

and watch an inconvienent truth

cuz that shook me

to the point of going around the movie theater and picking up ciggy butts with my best friend after we saw it


nows thats power ;)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut~*


I kindly ask for permission to use this as a song when I form my new band.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

what? for serious? most definatly

You write phenomenally well. I would love to hear this when Mushroom_king's band performs it.

haha it looks like a bunch of dumb nonsense to me

specially since theres like 0 facts to back it up

Actually there is. Just look hard enough and you can find plenty of proof to back up your poem.

i mean theres no fact IN IT

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut8~*


That's the way most songs/poems like this go, don't they? John Lennon's "Working Class hero" was about how society treats you and how they try to "manufacture" humans, but there was no proof in the song that they do that.

You aren't meant to put proof in the songs or poems-you have to inspire people to go and find out for themselves if it's true.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

i guess but its unorganized and naggy. lol

You may think your work is,and I quote, "unorganized and naggy", but it's not it's brilliant, powerful, and beautiful. I feel I can relate to you any time I read your work. And I wish I could write as well as you do.

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doesnt anyone see the corruption we see

we bleed and scream out the injustices

but the world is deaf

deaf to the kids

deaf to the truth

so we close up

we escape

we lie

we steal

and we run

sometimes ill admit i have too much fun


this world is so messed up

but everyone keeps living like its okay

i dont understand?

cant you see it

dont you wanna fix things

do you CARE


how can people not recycle

that "really grinds my gears"

hahaha (family guy<3)

like its not very hard

and it helps

dont you want to help

or would you rather be ignorant?



how can you litter?

theres probably a trash can four feet from you right now

stop being a jerk

and throw your junk in it, not around it


are you blind to all the suffering?

or are you too busy playing xbox?

have you ever put more then 4 seconds thought to real killers or dieases?

and no, i dont mean "livestrong" bracelets or "darfur"

thats all become "popular" and "cute" to care about it

its not cute people

its like like "omg so the other day i washed cars for darfur and this cute guy blah blah blah"

get your brainless heads out of the clouds

theres injust KILLINGS going on

its not "cool" or "awesome" to care about darfur

its REAL

you should feel REAL about it



calling bush a monkey may be cute

but is that gonna FIX anything

wearin shirts that say "i hate bush"

doesnt HELP

its great to see you hate him, like we ALL do

but its time to do something


certain things people put no thought to make me sick

like the amount of money people make

actors get millions of dollars per movie they make

that should be their PASSION

they shouldnt need 6546456 million dollars to convince them to play a roll

or pro football/baseball/hockey/whatever players

have SO much money

its gross

its wrong

but its happening

right now


i dont even know wuts going on with the "war on terrorism" or O.I.L

but its obviously not working

cuz no one is really liberated when everyone is dying


politics are hard to understand

i gave up on that

and gave up on news

cuz it brings me down

the world brings me down


everything is so sad and messed up

and i feel bad being so welloff sometimes

i dont deserve good parents and money and all this stuff

when people are living on the streets

selling their bodies for money

being killed for what they look like

or where they were born

people struggling to be alive

kids being beaten

people living in alleyways and abandoned buildings

i hope this is making everything think

cuz your sitting at the computer

which means you have one and internet

or you live in a good comunity with a library

or you have family members with computers

come to think of it,

there are FOUR working computers in my house


but im not about to get rid of it am i?

cuz im selfish

yes i am

very much so


i think im done ranting about things i barely know about it

and dont know how to change

but are wrong

things are just wrong

they always have been

for this world and me

but we need hope

give us hope

thats what we can do

we can stay positive and recycle

and watch an inconvienent truth

cuz that shook me

to the point of going around the movie theater and picking up ciggy butts with my best friend after we saw it


nows thats power ;)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut~*


I kindly ask for permission to use this as a song when I form my new band.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

what? for serious? most definatly

You write phenomenally well. I would love to hear this when Mushroom_king's band performs it.

haha it looks like a bunch of dumb nonsense to me

specially since theres like 0 facts to back it up

Actually there is. Just look hard enough and you can find plenty of proof to back up your poem.

i mean theres no fact IN IT

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut8~*


That's the way most songs/poems like this go, don't they? John Lennon's "Working Class hero" was about how society treats you and how they try to "manufacture" humans, but there was no proof in the song that they do that.

You aren't meant to put proof in the songs or poems-you have to inspire people to go and find out for themselves if it's true.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

i guess but its unorganized and naggy. lol

You may think your work is,and I quote, "unorganized and naggy", but it's not it's brilliant, powerful, and beautiful. I feel I can relate to you any time I read your work. And I wish I could write as well as you do.

thank you.

that sounds so much better when your in a good mood :D


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doesnt anyone see the corruption we see

we bleed and scream out the injustices

but the world is deaf

deaf to the kids

deaf to the truth

so we close up

we escape

we lie

we steal

and we run

sometimes ill admit i have too much fun


this world is so messed up

but everyone keeps living like its okay

i dont understand?

cant you see it

dont you wanna fix things

do you CARE


how can people not recycle

that "really grinds my gears"

hahaha (family guy<3)

like its not very hard

and it helps

dont you want to help

or would you rather be ignorant?



how can you litter?

theres probably a trash can four feet from you right now

stop being a jerk

and throw your junk in it, not around it


are you blind to all the suffering?

or are you too busy playing xbox?

have you ever put more then 4 seconds thought to real killers or dieases?

and no, i dont mean "livestrong" bracelets or "darfur"

thats all become "popular" and "cute" to care about it

its not cute people

its like like "omg so the other day i washed cars for darfur and this cute guy blah blah blah"

get your brainless heads out of the clouds

theres injust KILLINGS going on

its not "cool" or "awesome" to care about darfur

its REAL

you should feel REAL about it



calling bush a monkey may be cute

but is that gonna FIX anything

wearin shirts that say "i hate bush"

doesnt HELP

its great to see you hate him, like we ALL do

but its time to do something


certain things people put no thought to make me sick

like the amount of money people make

actors get millions of dollars per movie they make

that should be their PASSION

they shouldnt need 6546456 million dollars to convince them to play a roll

or pro football/baseball/hockey/whatever players

have SO much money

its gross

its wrong

but its happening

right now


i dont even know wuts going on with the "war on terrorism" or O.I.L

but its obviously not working

cuz no one is really liberated when everyone is dying


politics are hard to understand

i gave up on that

and gave up on news

cuz it brings me down

the world brings me down


everything is so sad and messed up

and i feel bad being so welloff sometimes

i dont deserve good parents and money and all this stuff

when people are living on the streets

selling their bodies for money

being killed for what they look like

or where they were born

people struggling to be alive

kids being beaten

people living in alleyways and abandoned buildings

i hope this is making everything think

cuz your sitting at the computer

which means you have one and internet

or you live in a good comunity with a library

or you have family members with computers

come to think of it,

there are FOUR working computers in my house


but im not about to get rid of it am i?

cuz im selfish

yes i am

very much so


i think im done ranting about things i barely know about it

and dont know how to change

but are wrong

things are just wrong

they always have been

for this world and me

but we need hope

give us hope

thats what we can do

we can stay positive and recycle

and watch an inconvienent truth

cuz that shook me

to the point of going around the movie theater and picking up ciggy butts with my best friend after we saw it


nows thats power ;)

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut~*


I kindly ask for permission to use this as a song when I form my new band.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

what? for serious? most definatly

You write phenomenally well. I would love to hear this when Mushroom_king's band performs it.

haha it looks like a bunch of dumb nonsense to me

specially since theres like 0 facts to back it up

Actually there is. Just look hard enough and you can find plenty of proof to back up your poem.

i mean theres no fact IN IT

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut8~*


That's the way most songs/poems like this go, don't they? John Lennon's "Working Class hero" was about how society treats you and how they try to "manufacture" humans, but there was no proof in the song that they do that.

You aren't meant to put proof in the songs or poems-you have to inspire people to go and find out for themselves if it's true.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

i guess but its unorganized and naggy. lol

You may think your work is,and I quote, "unorganized and naggy", but it's not it's brilliant, powerful, and beautiful. I feel I can relate to you any time I read your work. And I wish I could write as well as you do.

thank you.

that sounds so much better when your in a good mood :D


Good moods are a great thing!!


And your welcome!

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me and my friends had a big talk today about how swings could make the world a better place. haha

i shouldnt drag my friends into here man haha

DUDE! Swings are awesome!!!

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me and my friends had a big talk today about how swings could make the world a better place. haha

i shouldnt drag my friends into here man haha

DUDE! Swings are awesome!!!

indeed they are

and horatio, cuz i just shouldnt

i cant even SAY most of that stuff anyway


crazy crazy kids

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me and my friends had a big talk today about how swings could make the world a better place. haha

i shouldnt drag my friends into here man haha

DUDE! Swings are awesome!!!

indeed they are

and horatio, cuz i just shouldnt

i cant even SAY most of that stuff anyway


crazy crazy kids

Me and my friends are like that too. We argue of food a lot and most of the stuff we do shouldn't be mentioned....

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