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A short story...

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"Okay, definitely time to haul you off to the crazy house. You are WAY overdue, young lady."


I paused my insane dancing/teeth flossing combo and glanced around me, panicked. Last time the Insanity Patrol hooked me, I had to go Chuck Norris on them. I pitied the next person who tried to capture me.


"Sooo... what color 'special jacket' would you like? Anything but magenta, MK called it."


Wow, this guy was getting confident. I was simultaneously saddened by my good friend MK's predicament and wondering where the guy was. Maybe if I could get him to talk longer...


"Oh, orange! I LOVE ORANGE! Pick for me orange!" I shrieked.


"Calm down," he said. "What shade? Neon, Florida sunset, the actual color of an orange?"


I had almost located him when I stopped to think about his inquiry. Which shade of orange complimented me most favorably?


"Uh, orange-fruit orange!" I replied hastily.


"Sure thing." The next thing I knew, I was face-down on the cold stone floor of the forum, wrapped in a gorgeously orange straight jacket. I struggled to see my captor, dramatically perched in the shadows. He strolled triumphantly into the light.


"Horatio," I hissed. "I should have known!"


"Hey, Hoops. That orange looks rather nice on you," Horatio said sweetly, his grin spectacular enough to make the sun jealous.


"Oh, thanks! If I would have known I was going to be wearing orange I would have worn different pants."


"I think they look fine."


"No, I insist, they look horrific."


"No, really, they look okay!" As I prepared to argue, a looming figure joined Horatio in the light.


"Wh-who is that, Horatio?" I asked, eyes wide.


"Oh, I know how much you liked flossing, so I got you your own flossing man! Hoops, meet Lurch!" The Frankenstein's monster-like man groaned a hello.


"Couldn't you have gotten me a male model?"


"Pshaw! Lurch does a great job flossing, once he gets his rather large hands out of your mouth." My eye twitched involuntarily.


"Couldn't you get, y'know, an attractive dentist to do it? More experience with this sort of thing and all." Lurch began swinging a giant white rope over his head. I smelled a faint mint scent as it whipped in a circle. Oh, please tell me that's not...


"That's your floss, by the way," Horatio informed me, observing my eyes follow the grossly over-sized floss's flight. "And, anyway, the dentist lifestyle is far too lavish for this hamster's salary."


"Ah, dang. Y'know what, I'm okay. I... don't ever need to floss again."


"Nonsense! Now that you have that pretty orange-fruit orange jacket, Lurch will be flossing your teeth after every meal!" No way. My amazingly clever mind struggled to find a way out of the horrible, freakish situation without returning a meal to the ground it originated from. Bingo!


"I'll just... eat forever then!"

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That's great!!!!!!!!!!!

Adam wasn't prepared and he just received a rather hot coffee spray shower!

*tosses Hoops The Platinum Moon Award and then remembers she doesn't have the ability to catch it*

Hey Lurch... grab that would you?

*Lurch grabs the award and places it next to Hoops*

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That's great!!!!!!!!!!!

Adam wasn't prepared and he just received a rather hot coffee spray shower!

*tosses Hoops The Platinum Moon Award and then remembers she doesn't have the ability to catch it*

Hey Lurch... grab that would you?

*Lurch grabs the award and places it next to Hoops*

yep now i want coffe thanks!


<3 Kay

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That's great!!!!!!!!!!!

Adam wasn't prepared and he just received a rather hot coffee spray shower!

*tosses Hoops The Platinum Moon Award and then remembers she doesn't have the ability to catch it*

Hey Lurch... grab that would you?

*Lurch grabs the award and places it next to Hoops*

Thanks! :D


*continues eating*

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That's great!!!!!!!!!!!

Adam wasn't prepared and he just received a rather hot coffee spray shower!

*tosses Hoops The Platinum Moon Award and then remembers she doesn't have the ability to catch it*

Hey Lurch... grab that would you?

*Lurch grabs the award and places it next to Hoops*

yep now i want coffe thanks!


Would you like to drink it or wear it like Adam? :lol:

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That's great!!!!!!!!!!!

Adam wasn't prepared and he just received a rather hot coffee spray shower!

*tosses Hoops The Platinum Moon Award and then remembers she doesn't have the ability to catch it*

Hey Lurch... grab that would you?

*Lurch grabs the award and places it next to Hoops*

yep now i want coffe thanks!


<3 Kay

Would you like to drink it or wear it like Adam? :lol:

um... preferably drink it...... :blink::lol:

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That's great!!!!!!!!!!!

Adam wasn't prepared and he just received a rather hot coffee spray shower!

*tosses Hoops The Platinum Moon Award and then remembers she doesn't have the ability to catch it*

Hey Lurch... grab that would you?

*Lurch grabs the award and places it next to Hoops*

yep now i want coffe thanks!


Would you like to drink it or wear it like Adam? :lol:

um... preferably drink it...... :blink::lol:


*hands Cupcakelvr a super-large specialty coffee*

There you go.

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Random question: How do you take your coffee, Horatio?


I like black with sugar. ^_^

I like just plain black... unless it is really strong, then I add hot water to my black coffee.

Adam will not let me add sugar or cream because if I spray it all over him, then it makes everything gooey.

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Random question: How do you take your coffee, Horatio?


I like black with sugar. ^_^

I like just plain black... unless it is really strong, then I add hot water to my black coffee.

Adam will not let me add sugar or cream because if I spray it all over him, then it makes everything gooey.

I always took you for a cream and sugar kind of person...


My friend likes to add so much milk that the coffee turns light beige... Bleh.

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Random question: How do you take your coffee, Horatio?


I like black with sugar. ^_^

I like just plain black... unless it is really strong, then I add hot water to my black coffee.

Adam will not let me add sugar or cream because if I spray it all over him, then it makes everything gooey.

I always took you for a cream and sugar kind of person...


My friend likes to add so much milk that the coffee turns light beige... Bleh.

Bleh is right.

Now, I do like my soy lattes... which are light beige. :D

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