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All I need, All I want is you

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I've never been more alone in my life.

I've never truly seen happiness ever.

I've never truly had a full heart.

There was always a piece missing.

A tremendous whole in my small, bleeding heart.


I could never explain it.

I never tried to explain.

I just knew something was missing.

There was nothing to heal me.

And always thought I had the truth.


Why was I cursed?

Why could I never feel love? Happiness?

Why did I always feel empty?

There wasn't anything to do. Was there?

Admitting the truth could help. Right?


But you were always there.

By my side you stood all the time.

But at a certain distance until the time.

The time I cried the rest of my heart away.

The time I lost and did not think I could get back.


I want you to know though.

I want you to know why I love you.

It's because you're all I need.

It's because you're all I want.


You're everything and more to me.

You've become the heart I've never had.

You have become the happiness I always wanted.

And it's all because You love me.


So I thank you, ABBA, my papa, my provider, my foundation.

You're my Rock, my shield, my love.

You have given so much for me, to me.

And you take away all I've never needed.


I love you with all my heart.

The heart you gave me.

The heart you created.

The heart you made whole.


I could never love another like I love you.

I could never feel the same way towards anyone else.

You've given me your everything, Father.

Even the greatest gift of all, my salvation... my life.


So next time I hear your name, I'll think of you and praise you.

Next time I hear you're hurt, I'll be there.

And when you are being adversed, I will stand in your place.

It's the least I can, to give my everything

Because... you once did the same.

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awesome writing, taynio!! :D

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I am working on VOICE versions on my lyrics and poems so that you may hear them for how I hear them.

So... get ready to feel things you've never felt before... and find a new deeper meaning of love that is found in Jehovah Elohim.

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