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Poll time!

What should Arkcher's next move be?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. What should happen next?

    • Yeah, you should finish MF or Werewolf 3 before overworking yourself on the next few.
    • You should finish MF, 'cause it was cool, but not as much as Werewolf 3' (or vice versa).
    • You should continue with all of them.
    • I don't knooowww! No pop quizzes before breakfast. D=
    • I haven't read your stories, I couldn't say.
    • Yes.
    • You decide. Any one will work for me.
    • You should leave the first two for now, and show us something new.
    • The first two really weren't so great, but I look forward to seeing your other ideas.
    • Other (post your answer).

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Get'cha self a poll up, title being 'What should Arkcher's next move be' or something to that effect.

Question in the poll, 'What should happen next? (see post before voting)'





I've got this horrible habit of writing 2/3s of stories and leaving it at that. I think its that I try stretching too little content over too much space, so to speak, as blatantly evidenced in the Werewolf series. While I'm rather proud of the first two, the third one kind of went downhill.

and the Meritorious Fire story kind of got repetitive, and while I plan on finishing it in the future, I just lack the motivation to do it right now.


I have, however, gotten two new ideas for seperate stories.

One of them I feel will really do good.

The other one isnt the best, but worth a shot.


So, should I finish Werewolf and MF stories before working on the next two, or should I leave them for the time being and come with some new content?





Yeah, you should finish MF or Werewolf 3 before overworking yourself on the next few.

You should finish MF, 'cause it was cool, but not so much Werewolf 3. (or vise versa)

You should continue with all of them!

I don't knooowww! No pop quizzes before breakfast. D=

I haven't read your stories, I couldn't say.


You decide. Any one will work for me.

You should leave the first two for now, and show us something new.

The first two really weren't so great, but I look forward to seeing your other ideas.

Other (post your answer)


I cant really think of anything else to say, but yeah. I've got some new stories to try out, but dont know what to do with the current two. D=

You can add anything in if you like.

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I said to do whatever works for you. I would be really cool if you could finish Werewolf and MF, but if your heart isn't in it, then show us some of your new spiffy stuff. :D

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