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Where Is the Good In Good-Bye?

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Every time I drive by

Remembering tears will fill my eyes

The memories are too much, and they're really coming back

I wonder if I''l see any of you again,

Because I'm not coming home


I can't look at pictures of all of us

There's no flash and they're all dark

But I can still see you on the last day of this time.


I try not to remember but everything reminds me of us

I wrote about us everywhere I went and it was all to waste

The books fall apart just like we did

So many things we never got to do

so much i did and for all of you


I might break down when I read about our fun

everything we did

The tree-hugging in the sun

Will we be in one place at the same time again?


It wasn't very long but it seems like forever

We may never find each other

But we never say never

You will not understand

You mean the world to me

We were like diamonds embedded together in the ground

Perhaps Diamonds aren't forever

We wrote our names in psychedelic chalk on the fence

And people knew who we were everywhere we went

best friends forever

Forever, Forever

Forever, Forever

Does forever exist?






At night I dream of what we could do

if we hadn't so much in the way


All the memories...

Gone to waste


But Where is The Good In Good-Bye?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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