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Skwerlhugger's Relief Topic

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This is a program that i am in S.A.D. (students against drugs)

it is basically a program where people with similar problems to myself and i go talk to schools and tell them the negative effects and short term positives of drugs. It is a proven program that works because many children try drugs because they are curious.

I basically am the one in our group that knows about psycadelics. Ask me questions about anything. This board is ment for drug resistance.

Always remember the long term negatives always out weigh the short term positives

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This is a program that i am in S.A.D. (students against drugs)

it is basically a program where people with similar problems to myself and i go talk to schools and tell them the negative effects and short term positives of drugs. It is a proven program that works because many children try drugs because they are curious.

I basically am the one in our group that knows about psycadelics. Ask me questions about anything. This board is ment for drug resistance.

Always remember the long term negatives always out weigh the short term positives

Great topic. Thank you for starting it. :D

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Syd Barrett=Why you don't do drugs.


For those of you who don't know, this is because Syd Barrett pretty much went insane because of heavy experimentation with many different drugs.


But enough about that.


I wish I had better ways of explaining why to not do drugs than with examples of celebrities deaths/Minds exploding.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Syd Barrett=Why you don't do drugs.


For those of you who don't know, this is because Syd Barrett pretty much went insane because of heavy experimentation with many different drugs.


But enough about that.


I wish I had better ways of explaining why to not do drugs than with examples of celebrities deaths/Minds exploding.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*


Syd Barrent went clinically insane from acid (L.S.D.)


LSD can cause strong, temporary changes in your perception of life and reality. Even in low doses, it is a powerful psychoactive that can be affected by experiences, set and setting. For example when i have listened to certan songs on it it changes your mood, light, etc. Recent experiences, especially strong ones, can have a substantial effect on a trip. Say you just had a huge argument with your best friend, you would carry that distress into your acid trip. Physically or psychologically unsettling events in the days before an LSD trip can blossom into more serious distress and trauma while tripping.






* increase in energy (stimulation)

* increase in associative & creative thinking

* mood lift

* increased awareness & appreciation of music

* increased awareness of senses. (eating, drinking, smell)

* closed and open eye visuals

* profound life-changing spiritual experiences




* general change in consciousness (as with most psychoactives)

* pupil dilation

* difficulty focusing

* increased salivation and mucus production (causes coughing in some people)

* unusual body sensations (facial flushing, chills, goosebumps, body energy)

* unusual thoughts and speech

* change in perception of time

* quickly changing emotions (happiness, fear, gidiness, anxiety, anger, joy, irritation)

* slight increase in body temperature

* slight increase in heart rate




* anxiety

* tension, jaw tension

* increased perspiration

* nausea

* dizziness, confusion

* megalomania

* over-awareness & over-sensitization to music and noise

* paranoia, fear, and panic

* unwanted and overwhelming feelings

* unwanted life-changing spiritual experiences

* flashbacks


LSD effects every one differently because it is a psycoactive. People with metal

distress and disorders should especially evade LSD and all other psycoactives.


LSD may produce a sydrome resembling Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This

is due to a massively bad trip... Here is where you get your honest-to-god

flashbacks from. Its also not very common.


LSD may produce a schizophrenic break in someone already susceptible to

schizophrenia, again due to the psychological trauma of an extraordinarly

bad trip. (syd barret) This, however, is a case of "if it didn't happen on LSD, it

would've happened at some point".


Avoid it.

Dont do it.

I get flashbacks (it stores in your fat so your trip can randomlly come back)

I have to take medication so i dont get them while driving.

The massive effects are rare but stay away from it.

I hope this discourages you from trying it.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Syd Barrett=Why you don't do drugs.


For those of you who don't know, this is because Syd Barrett pretty much went insane because of heavy experimentation with many different drugs.


But enough about that.


I wish I had better ways of explaining why to not do drugs than with examples of celebrities deaths/Minds exploding.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*


Syd Barrent went clinically insane from acid (L.S.D.)


LSD can cause strong, temporary changes in your perception of life and reality. Even in low doses, it is a powerful psychoactive that can be affected by experiences, set and setting. For example when i have listened to certan songs on it it changes your mood, light, etc. Recent experiences, especially strong ones, can have a substantial effect on a trip. Say you just had a huge argument with your best friend, you would carry that distress into your acid trip. Physically or psychologically unsettling events in the days before an LSD trip can blossom into more serious distress and trauma while tripping.






* increase in energy (stimulation)

* increase in associative & creative thinking

* mood lift

* increased awareness & appreciation of music

* increased awareness of senses. (eating, drinking, smell)

* closed and open eye visuals

* profound life-changing spiritual experiences




* general change in consciousness (as with most psychoactives)

* pupil dilation

* difficulty focusing

* increased salivation and mucus production (causes coughing in some people)

* unusual body sensations (facial flushing, chills, goosebumps, body energy)

* unusual thoughts and speech

* change in perception of time

* quickly changing emotions (happiness, fear, gidiness, anxiety, anger, joy, irritation)

* slight increase in body temperature

* slight increase in heart rate




* anxiety

* tension, jaw tension

* increased perspiration

* nausea

* dizziness, confusion

* megalomania

* over-awareness & over-sensitization to music and noise

* paranoia, fear, and panic

* unwanted and overwhelming feelings

* unwanted life-changing spiritual experiences

* flashbacks


LSD effects every one differently because it is a psycoactive. People with metal

distress and disorders should especially evade LSD and all other psycoactives.


LSD may produce a sydrome resembling Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This

is due to a massively bad trip... Here is where you get your honest-to-god

flashbacks from. Its also not very common.


LSD may produce a schizophrenic break in someone already susceptible to

schizophrenia, again due to the psychological trauma of an extraordinarly

bad trip. (syd barret) This, however, is a case of "if it didn't happen on LSD, it

would've happened at some point".


Avoid it.

Dont do it.

I get flashbacks (it stores in your fat so your trip can randomlly come back)

I have to take medication so i dont get them while driving.

The massive effects are rare but stay away from it.

I hope this discourages you from trying it.

I never wanted to try it...

But good facts, Will.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Syd Barrett=Why you don't do drugs.


For those of you who don't know, this is because Syd Barrett pretty much went insane because of heavy experimentation with many different drugs.


But enough about that.


I wish I had better ways of explaining why to not do drugs than with examples of celebrities deaths/Minds exploding.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*


Syd Barrent went clinically insane from acid (L.S.D.)


LSD can cause strong, temporary changes in your perception of life and reality. Even in low doses, it is a powerful psychoactive that can be affected by experiences, set and setting. For example when i have listened to certan songs on it it changes your mood, light, etc. Recent experiences, especially strong ones, can have a substantial effect on a trip. Say you just had a huge argument with your best friend, you would carry that distress into your acid trip. Physically or psychologically unsettling events in the days before an LSD trip can blossom into more serious distress and trauma while tripping.






* increase in energy (stimulation)

* increase in associative & creative thinking

* mood lift

* increased awareness & appreciation of music

* increased awareness of senses. (eating, drinking, smell)

* closed and open eye visuals

* profound life-changing spiritual experiences




* general change in consciousness (as with most psychoactives)

* pupil dilation

* difficulty focusing

* increased salivation and mucus production (causes coughing in some people)

* unusual body sensations (facial flushing, chills, goosebumps, body energy)

* unusual thoughts and speech

* change in perception of time

* quickly changing emotions (happiness, fear, gidiness, anxiety, anger, joy, irritation)

* slight increase in body temperature

* slight increase in heart rate




* anxiety

* tension, jaw tension

* increased perspiration

* nausea

* dizziness, confusion

* megalomania

* over-awareness & over-sensitization to music and noise

* paranoia, fear, and panic

* unwanted and overwhelming feelings

* unwanted life-changing spiritual experiences

* flashbacks


LSD effects every one differently because it is a psycoactive. People with metal

distress and disorders should especially evade LSD and all other psycoactives.


LSD may produce a sydrome resembling Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This

is due to a massively bad trip... Here is where you get your honest-to-god

flashbacks from. Its also not very common.


LSD may produce a schizophrenic break in someone already susceptible to

schizophrenia, again due to the psychological trauma of an extraordinarly

bad trip. (syd barret) This, however, is a case of "if it didn't happen on LSD, it

would've happened at some point".


Avoid it.

Dont do it.

I get flashbacks (it stores in your fat so your trip can randomlly come back)

I have to take medication so i dont get them while driving.

The massive effects are rare but stay away from it.

I hope this discourages you from trying it.

I never wanted to try it...

But good facts, Will.

good, i did it because i have trouble at home and it sounded like a way to get away for twelve hours

i had a few good trips, but since i was taking it or "self-medicating" to escape from problems, my problems were carried into my trip causing it to be very bad and very scary. I had a particuarly bad one but i remember it as a good thing because it helped me quit. i am very lucking i didnt get post tramatic syndrome from that

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Syd Barrett=Why you don't do drugs.


For those of you who don't know, this is because Syd Barrett pretty much went insane because of heavy experimentation with many different drugs.


But enough about that.


I wish I had better ways of explaining why to not do drugs than with examples of celebrities deaths/Minds exploding.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*


Syd Barrent went clinically insane from acid (L.S.D.)


LSD can cause strong, temporary changes in your perception of life and reality. Even in low doses, it is a powerful psychoactive that can be affected by experiences, set and setting. For example when i have listened to certan songs on it it changes your mood, light, etc. Recent experiences, especially strong ones, can have a substantial effect on a trip. Say you just had a huge argument with your best friend, you would carry that distress into your acid trip. Physically or psychologically unsettling events in the days before an LSD trip can blossom into more serious distress and trauma while tripping.






* increase in energy (stimulation)

* increase in associative & creative thinking

* mood lift

* increased awareness & appreciation of music

* increased awareness of senses. (eating, drinking, smell)

* closed and open eye visuals

* profound life-changing spiritual experiences




* general change in consciousness (as with most psychoactives)

* pupil dilation

* difficulty focusing

* increased salivation and mucus production (causes coughing in some people)

* unusual body sensations (facial flushing, chills, goosebumps, body energy)

* unusual thoughts and speech

* change in perception of time

* quickly changing emotions (happiness, fear, gidiness, anxiety, anger, joy, irritation)

* slight increase in body temperature

* slight increase in heart rate




* anxiety

* tension, jaw tension

* increased perspiration

* nausea

* dizziness, confusion

* megalomania

* over-awareness & over-sensitization to music and noise

* paranoia, fear, and panic

* unwanted and overwhelming feelings

* unwanted life-changing spiritual experiences

* flashbacks


LSD effects every one differently because it is a psycoactive. People with metal

distress and disorders should especially evade LSD and all other psycoactives.


LSD may produce a sydrome resembling Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This

is due to a massively bad trip... Here is where you get your honest-to-god

flashbacks from. Its also not very common.


LSD may produce a schizophrenic break in someone already susceptible to

schizophrenia, again due to the psychological trauma of an extraordinarly

bad trip. (syd barret) This, however, is a case of "if it didn't happen on LSD, it

would've happened at some point".


Avoid it.

Dont do it.

I get flashbacks (it stores in your fat so your trip can randomlly come back)

I have to take medication so i dont get them while driving.

The massive effects are rare but stay away from it.

I hope this discourages you from trying it.

I never wanted to try it...

But good facts, Will.

good, i did it because i have trouble at home and it sounded like a way to get away for twelve hours

i had a few good trips, but since i was taking it or "self-medicating" to escape from problems, my problems were carried into my trip causing it to be very bad and very scary. I had a particuarly bad one but i remember it as a good thing because it helped me quit. i am very lucking i didnt get post tramatic syndrome from that

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


People think i do drugs because I have a lot of psychedelic pictures and pictures of mushrooms on my site, and because of my nickname Mushroom_king. Just because I like the colours used in the pictures doesn't mean I like the drugs....


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Syd Barrett=Why you don't do drugs.


For those of you who don't know, this is because Syd Barrett pretty much went insane because of heavy experimentation with many different drugs.


But enough about that.


I wish I had better ways of explaining why to not do drugs than with examples of celebrities deaths/Minds exploding.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*


Syd Barrent went clinically insane from acid (L.S.D.)


LSD can cause strong, temporary changes in your perception of life and reality. Even in low doses, it is a powerful psychoactive that can be affected by experiences, set and setting. For example when i have listened to certan songs on it it changes your mood, light, etc. Recent experiences, especially strong ones, can have a substantial effect on a trip. Say you just had a huge argument with your best friend, you would carry that distress into your acid trip. Physically or psychologically unsettling events in the days before an LSD trip can blossom into more serious distress and trauma while tripping.






* increase in energy (stimulation)

* increase in associative & creative thinking

* mood lift

* increased awareness & appreciation of music

* increased awareness of senses. (eating, drinking, smell)

* closed and open eye visuals

* profound life-changing spiritual experiences




* general change in consciousness (as with most psychoactives)

* pupil dilation

* difficulty focusing

* increased salivation and mucus production (causes coughing in some people)

* unusual body sensations (facial flushing, chills, goosebumps, body energy)

* unusual thoughts and speech

* change in perception of time

* quickly changing emotions (happiness, fear, gidiness, anxiety, anger, joy, irritation)

* slight increase in body temperature

* slight increase in heart rate




* anxiety

* tension, jaw tension

* increased perspiration

* nausea

* dizziness, confusion

* megalomania

* over-awareness & over-sensitization to music and noise

* paranoia, fear, and panic

* unwanted and overwhelming feelings

* unwanted life-changing spiritual experiences

* flashbacks


LSD effects every one differently because it is a psycoactive. People with metal

distress and disorders should especially evade LSD and all other psycoactives.


LSD may produce a sydrome resembling Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This

is due to a massively bad trip... Here is where you get your honest-to-god

flashbacks from. Its also not very common.


LSD may produce a schizophrenic break in someone already susceptible to

schizophrenia, again due to the psychological trauma of an extraordinarly

bad trip. (syd barret) This, however, is a case of "if it didn't happen on LSD, it

would've happened at some point".


Avoid it.

Dont do it.

I get flashbacks (it stores in your fat so your trip can randomlly come back)

I have to take medication so i dont get them while driving.

The massive effects are rare but stay away from it.

I hope this discourages you from trying it.

I never wanted to try it...

But good facts, Will.

good, i did it because i have trouble at home and it sounded like a way to get away for twelve hours

i had a few good trips, but since i was taking it or "self-medicating" to escape from problems, my problems were carried into my trip causing it to be very bad and very scary. I had a particuarly bad one but i remember it as a good thing because it helped me quit. i am very lucking i didnt get post tramatic syndrome from that

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


People think i do drugs because I have a lot of psychedelic pictures and pictures of mushrooms on my site, and because of my nickname Mushroom_king. Just because I like the colours used in the pictures doesn't mean I like the drugs....


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

People say all kinds of mean things. I am sorry to hear this. You are a fantastic person and they are not giving you a chance.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Syd Barrett=Why you don't do drugs.


For those of you who don't know, this is because Syd Barrett pretty much went insane because of heavy experimentation with many different drugs.


But enough about that.


I wish I had better ways of explaining why to not do drugs than with examples of celebrities deaths/Minds exploding.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*


Syd Barrent went clinically insane from acid (L.S.D.)


LSD can cause strong, temporary changes in your perception of life and reality. Even in low doses, it is a powerful psychoactive that can be affected by experiences, set and setting. For example when i have listened to certan songs on it it changes your mood, light, etc. Recent experiences, especially strong ones, can have a substantial effect on a trip. Say you just had a huge argument with your best friend, you would carry that distress into your acid trip. Physically or psychologically unsettling events in the days before an LSD trip can blossom into more serious distress and trauma while tripping.






* increase in energy (stimulation)

* increase in associative & creative thinking

* mood lift

* increased awareness & appreciation of music

* increased awareness of senses. (eating, drinking, smell)

* closed and open eye visuals

* profound life-changing spiritual experiences




* general change in consciousness (as with most psychoactives)

* pupil dilation

* difficulty focusing

* increased salivation and mucus production (causes coughing in some people)

* unusual body sensations (facial flushing, chills, goosebumps, body energy)

* unusual thoughts and speech

* change in perception of time

* quickly changing emotions (happiness, fear, gidiness, anxiety, anger, joy, irritation)

* slight increase in body temperature

* slight increase in heart rate




* anxiety

* tension, jaw tension

* increased perspiration

* nausea

* dizziness, confusion

* megalomania

* over-awareness & over-sensitization to music and noise

* paranoia, fear, and panic

* unwanted and overwhelming feelings

* unwanted life-changing spiritual experiences

* flashbacks


LSD effects every one differently because it is a psycoactive. People with metal

distress and disorders should especially evade LSD and all other psycoactives.


LSD may produce a sydrome resembling Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This

is due to a massively bad trip... Here is where you get your honest-to-god

flashbacks from. Its also not very common.


LSD may produce a schizophrenic break in someone already susceptible to

schizophrenia, again due to the psychological trauma of an extraordinarly

bad trip. (syd barret) This, however, is a case of "if it didn't happen on LSD, it

would've happened at some point".


Avoid it.

Dont do it.

I get flashbacks (it stores in your fat so your trip can randomlly come back)

I have to take medication so i dont get them while driving.

The massive effects are rare but stay away from it.

I hope this discourages you from trying it.

I never wanted to try it...

But good facts, Will.

good, i did it because i have trouble at home and it sounded like a way to get away for twelve hours

i had a few good trips, but since i was taking it or "self-medicating" to escape from problems, my problems were carried into my trip causing it to be very bad and very scary. I had a particuarly bad one but i remember it as a good thing because it helped me quit. i am very lucking i didnt get post tramatic syndrome from that

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


People think i do drugs because I have a lot of psychedelic pictures and pictures of mushrooms on my site, and because of my nickname Mushroom_king. Just because I like the colours used in the pictures doesn't mean I like the drugs....


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

People say all kinds of mean things. I am sorry to hear this. You are a fantastic person and they are not giving you a chance.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I like psychedelic stuff. ._.

Hence, The Psychedelic Luau.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*TheAstronomy Domine*~*

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I hate the conotation people have that "If you do drugs, your a bad person"

Most drugs were not frowned upon until the 1960s. I don't find them to be a horrible thing if they are used in very small amounts.

People from all walks of life get into alcohol and drugs. The problem is that they really are not good. For example you say that you don't find them to be a horrible thing if used in small amounts. How would you feel if you were paying for an attorney and he was smoking pot, but you were unaware and you were being charged with murder? How about if you got on an airline and the pilot just had a couple of drinks with lunch? I do not believe that drugs are good for anyone.

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I hate the conotation people have that "If you do drugs, your a bad person"

Most drugs were not frowned upon until the 1960s. I don't find them to be a horrible thing if they are used in very small amounts.

People from all walks of life get into alcohol and drugs. The problem is that they really are not good. For example you say that you don't find them to be a horrible thing if used in small amounts. How would you feel if you were paying for an attorney and he was smoking pot, but you were unaware and you were being charged with murder? How about if you got on an airline and the pilot just had a couple of drinks with lunch? I do not believe that drugs are good for anyone.

I can totally agree with that actually. I guess its just the circumstances but when you say it that way. Its a good point.

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I hate the conotation people have that "If you do drugs, your a bad person"

Most drugs were not frowned upon until the 1960s. I don't find them to be a horrible thing if they are used in very small amounts.

People from all walks of life get into alcohol and drugs. The problem is that they really are not good. For example you say that you don't find them to be a horrible thing if used in small amounts. How would you feel if you were paying for an attorney and he was smoking pot, but you were unaware and you were being charged with murder? How about if you got on an airline and the pilot just had a couple of drinks with lunch? I do not believe that drugs are good for anyone.

I can totally agree with that actually. I guess its just the circumstances but when you say it that way. Its a good point.

Thanks. Now if we could only have all the politicians be drug and alcohol tested before they vote on bills that impact the lives of Americans.

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I hate the conotation people have that "If you do drugs, your a bad person"

Most drugs were not frowned upon until the 1960s. I don't find them to be a horrible thing if they are used in very small amounts.

People from all walks of life get into alcohol and drugs. The problem is that they really are not good. For example you say that you don't find them to be a horrible thing if used in small amounts. How would you feel if you were paying for an attorney and he was smoking pot, but you were unaware and you were being charged with murder? How about if you got on an airline and the pilot just had a couple of drinks with lunch? I do not believe that drugs are good for anyone.

I can totally agree with that actually. I guess its just the circumstances but when you say it that way. Its a good point.

Thanks. Now if we could only have all the politicians be drug and alcohol tested before they vote on bills that impact the lives of Americans.


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I hate the conotation people have that "If you do drugs, your a bad person"

Most drugs were not frowned upon until the 1960s. I don't find them to be a horrible thing if they are used in very small amounts.

People from all walks of life get into alcohol and drugs. The problem is that they really are not good. For example you say that you don't find them to be a horrible thing if used in small amounts. How would you feel if you were paying for an attorney and he was smoking pot, but you were unaware and you were being charged with murder? How about if you got on an airline and the pilot just had a couple of drinks with lunch? I do not believe that drugs are good for anyone.

I can totally agree with that actually. I guess its just the circumstances but when you say it that way. Its a good point.

I would be surprised if they didn't.

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I hate the conotation people have that "If you do drugs, your a bad person"

Most drugs were not frowned upon until the 1960s. I don't find them to be a horrible thing if they are used in very small amounts.

People from all walks of life get into alcohol and drugs. The problem is that they really are not good. For example you say that you don't find them to be a horrible thing if used in small amounts. How would you feel if you were paying for an attorney and he was smoking pot, but you were unaware and you were being charged with murder? How about if you got on an airline and the pilot just had a couple of drinks with lunch? I do not believe that drugs are good for anyone.

I can totally agree with that actually. I guess its just the circumstances but when you say it that way. Its a good point.

I would be surprised if they didn't.

Now we just need to get all politicians to take random drug and alcohol tests. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
I hate the conotation people have that "If you do drugs, your a bad person"

Most drugs were not frowned upon until the 1960s. I don't find them to be a horrible thing if they are used in very small amounts.

People from all walks of life get into alcohol and drugs. The problem is that they really are not good. For example you say that you don't find them to be a horrible thing if used in small amounts. How would you feel if you were paying for an attorney and he was smoking pot, but you were unaware and you were being charged with murder? How about if you got on an airline and the pilot just had a couple of drinks with lunch? I do not believe that drugs are good for anyone.

I can totally agree with that actually. I guess its just the circumstances but when you say it that way. Its a good point.

I would be surprised if they didn't.

Now we just need to get all politicians to take random drug and alcohol tests. :lol:

Haha. Let's see, at least half of them test positive? Very least. XD

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I hate the conotation people have that "If you do drugs, your a bad person"

Most drugs were not frowned upon until the 1960s. I don't find them to be a horrible thing if they are used in very small amounts.

People from all walks of life get into alcohol and drugs. The problem is that they really are not good. For example you say that you don't find them to be a horrible thing if used in small amounts. How would you feel if you were paying for an attorney and he was smoking pot, but you were unaware and you were being charged with murder? How about if you got on an airline and the pilot just had a couple of drinks with lunch? I do not believe that drugs are good for anyone.

I can totally agree with that actually. I guess its just the circumstances but when you say it that way. Its a good point.

I would be surprised if they didn't.

Now we just need to get all politicians to take random drug and alcohol tests. :lol:

Haha. Let's see, at least half of them test positive? Very least. XD

If I was a betting hamster, I would say a much higher number. :rolleyes:

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I hate the conotation people have that "If you do drugs, your a bad person"

Most drugs were not frowned upon until the 1960s. I don't find them to be a horrible thing if they are used in very small amounts.

People from all walks of life get into alcohol and drugs. The problem is that they really are not good. For example you say that you don't find them to be a horrible thing if used in small amounts. How would you feel if you were paying for an attorney and he was smoking pot, but you were unaware and you were being charged with murder? How about if you got on an airline and the pilot just had a couple of drinks with lunch? I do not believe that drugs are good for anyone.

I can totally agree with that actually. I guess its just the circumstances but when you say it that way. Its a good point.

I would be surprised if they didn't.

Now we just need to get all politicians to take random drug and alcohol tests. :lol:

Haha. Let's see, at least half of them test positive? Very least. XD

If I was a betting hamster, I would say a much higher number. :rolleyes:

Yeah, probably. XD

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