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This is a very arguable point....

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But i consider Marilyn Manson to be the only current rock star

Rock isnt what it used to be.

It used to be about rebelion.

Now rockstars dress the same as the people

and agree with them.


Marilyn Manson takes all of society's dirty little secrets and throughs them

right back at them.


He dresses his own way and performs in his own unique style.


Almost all rock bands have stopped doing this.


What ever just ranting.

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But i consider Marilyn Manson to be the only current rock star

Rock isnt what it used to be.

It used to be about rebelion.

Now rockstars dress the same as the people

and agree with them.


Marilyn Manson takes all of society's dirty little secrets and throughs them

right back at them.


He dresses his own way and performs in his own unique style.


Almost all rock bands have stopped doing this.


What ever just ranting.

*loves rants*

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[sortofrant]I honestly have no idea if he is the only "true" rock star or not, but I honestly don't care. I've just never viewed music as something that should be judged by who sings it, but as something that should be judged by what it sounds like. Who cares if the band that is singing it wears the same pants as another band, or if more people than just you have heard of them? If you like their music, listen to it. I think a lot of people are so concerned with a band or singer's image/popularity (OMGTHEY'RESOOOOOMAINSTREAMFTL!!!!!1111!!!!!1211!1), that they don't really care about if they like the actual music that the band or singer makes. >___>[/sortofrant]

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[sortofrant]I honestly have no idea if he is the only "true" rock star or not, but I honestly don't care. I've just never viewed music as something that should be judged by who sings it, but as something that should be judged by what it sounds like. Who cares if the band that is singing it wears the same pants as another band, or if more people than just you have heard of them? If you like their music, listen to it. I think a lot of people are so concerned with a band or singer's image/popularity (OMGTHEY'RESOOOOOMAINSTREAMFTL!!!!!1111!!!!!1211!1), that they don't really care about if they like the actual music that the band or singer makes. >___>[/sortofrant]

This is true

but im am refering to that when i say most other rock music has lost its rebelious flair...

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yeah, i love elton john's music because he's an amazing composer (and singer) (and piano player) and even though a lot of people might not think of him the way i do, i still love him! i carry his biography around school every day because im proud of liking him and i want people to know that!

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[sortofrant]I honestly have no idea if he is the only "true" rock star or not, but I honestly don't care. I've just never viewed music as something that should be judged by who sings it, but as something that should be judged by what it sounds like. Who cares if the band that is singing it wears the same pants as another band, or if more people than just you have heard of them? If you like their music, listen to it. I think a lot of people are so concerned with a band or singer's image/popularity (OMGTHEY'RESOOOOOMAINSTREAMFTL!!!!!1111!!!!!1211!1), that they don't really care about if they like the actual music that the band or singer makes. >___>[/sortofrant]

This is true

but im am refering to that when i say most other rock music has lost its rebelious flair...

Eh, I guess we just differ in taste, then. I never really cared if the rock I listened to was rebellious or not.

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Rock was only against the system because the system was against rock.

Now, Rock is the system.

20 points for that.


Now the new "rebels" are the rappers, I guess. But that is kind of a stretch.

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Rock was only against the system because the system was against rock.

Now, Rock is the system.


If I had an award to give out, you'd get it. Just because that's the smartest thing I've heard all week.



I don't agree that Marilyn Manson is some kind of rebel god, though. His sound is completely normal. Honestly, I think that if you compaired MM to John Mayer, you couldn't tell the difference. The only thing that sets those two apart is that Marilyn Manson choses to look more different from the "normal" person. He also took out some of his ribs, so I guess that's another different factor. And that's not called "rebellion". That just called "trying to get attention". All Manson ever sings or talks about is against God, and though I really don't have a problem with that, every song is about how God and his followers just needs to jump off a cliff. And that's annoying. Why doesn't he pick on other religions? How about Hinduism, or Mormans? Do Christians just really anger him that much? He really needs to pick up the pace and realize that Atheists are supposed to be against all religions, not just Christianity.


[end of rant]


If you really want to rebel, all the musicians of the world, go play some Norwegian black metal. Or is that popular now? I don't get out much.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I agree with you so much.

I hope someday i can be a musician.

I don't want to sund conceited, but I think I could change the world.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

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The only thing that sets those two apart is that Marilyn Manson choses to look more different from the "normal" person. He also took out some of his ribs, so I guess that's another different factor.

He took out some of his ribs????????

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

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Rock was only against the system because the system was against rock.

Now, Rock is the system.


If I had an award to give out, you'd get it. Just because that's the smartest thing I've heard all week.



I don't agree that Marilyn Manson is some kind of rebel god, though. His sound is completely normal. Honestly, I think that if you compaired MM to John Mayer, you couldn't tell the difference. The only thing that sets those two apart is that Marilyn Manson choses to look more different from the "normal" person. He also took out some of his ribs, so I guess that's another different factor. And that's not called "rebellion". That just called "trying to get attention". All Manson ever sings or talks about is against God, and though I really don't have a problem with that, every song is about how God and his followers just needs to jump off a cliff. And that's annoying. Why doesn't he pick on other religions? How about Hinduism, or Mormans? Do Christians just really anger him that much? He really needs to pick up the pace and realize that Atheists are supposed to be against all religions, not just Christianity.


[end of rant]


If you really want to rebel, all the musicians of the world, go play some Norwegian black metal. Or is that popular now? I don't get out much.


Fisrt of all, you have probably never listened to him if you think all he sings about are songs against god.

He had only one album that did, and that was Antichrist Superstar. Mechanical Animals is about living with a drug addiction. Holy Wood is about americas obbsesion with guns. The Golden Age of Grotesque is about TV. Eat Me, Drink Me is about himself. Hes not atheist ethier, in his biography he describes himself as "undefined". I would also call his sound completely different. maybe you should pick up Mechanical Animals and see if you think its a normal sound.

Also the rib thing was a false rumor put out by the American Family Association. Christians dont anger him, realigon does. "Realigon is the opiate of the masses" -Karl Marx

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Rock was only against the system because the system was against rock.

Now, Rock is the system.


If I had an award to give out, you'd get it. Just because that's the smartest thing I've heard all week.



I don't agree that Marilyn Manson is some kind of rebel god, though. His sound is completely normal. Honestly, I think that if you compaired MM to John Mayer, you couldn't tell the difference. The only thing that sets those two apart is that Marilyn Manson choses to look more different from the "normal" person. He also took out some of his ribs, so I guess that's another different factor. And that's not called "rebellion". That just called "trying to get attention". All Manson ever sings or talks about is against God, and though I really don't have a problem with that, every song is about how God and his followers just needs to jump off a cliff. And that's annoying. Why doesn't he pick on other religions? How about Hinduism, or Mormans? Do Christians just really anger him that much? He really needs to pick up the pace and realize that Atheists are supposed to be against all religions, not just Christianity.


[end of rant]


If you really want to rebel, all the musicians of the world, go play some Norwegian black metal. Or is that popular now? I don't get out much.


Fisrt of all, you have probably never listened to him if you think all he sings about are songs against god.

He had only one album that did, and that was Antichrist Superstar. Mechanical Animals is about living with a drug addiction. Holy Wood is about americas obbsesion with guns. The Golden Age of Grotesque is about TV. Eat Me, Drink Me is about himself. Hes not atheist ethier, in his biography he describes himself as "undefined". I would also call his sound completely different. maybe you should pick up Mechanical Animals and see if you think its a normal sound.

Also the rib thing was a false rumor put out by the American Family Association. Christians dont anger him, realigon does. "Realigon is the opiate of the masses" -Karl Marx

Many people do not listen to the lyrics. Often there are great messages in lyrics.

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Rock was only against the system because the system was against rock.

Now, Rock is the system.


If I had an award to give out, you'd get it. Just because that's the smartest thing I've heard all week.



I don't agree that Marilyn Manson is some kind of rebel god, though. His sound is completely normal. Honestly, I think that if you compaired MM to John Mayer, you couldn't tell the difference. The only thing that sets those two apart is that Marilyn Manson choses to look more different from the "normal" person. He also took out some of his ribs, so I guess that's another different factor. And that's not called "rebellion". That just called "trying to get attention". All Manson ever sings or talks about is against God, and though I really don't have a problem with that, every song is about how God and his followers just needs to jump off a cliff. And that's annoying. Why doesn't he pick on other religions? How about Hinduism, or Mormans? Do Christians just really anger him that much? He really needs to pick up the pace and realize that Atheists are supposed to be against all religions, not just Christianity.


[end of rant]


If you really want to rebel, all the musicians of the world, go play some Norwegian black metal. Or is that popular now? I don't get out much.


Fisrt of all, you have probably never listened to him if you think all he sings about are songs against god.

He had only one album that did, and that was Antichrist Superstar. Mechanical Animals is about living with a drug addiction. Holy Wood is about americas obbsesion with guns. The Golden Age of Grotesque is about TV. Eat Me, Drink Me is about himself. Hes not atheist ethier, in his biography he describes himself as "undefined". I would also call his sound completely different. maybe you should pick up Mechanical Animals and see if you think its a normal sound.

Also the rib thing was a false rumor put out by the American Family Association. Christians dont anger him, realigon does. "Realigon is the opiate of the masses" -Karl Marx

Many people do not listen to the lyrics. Often there are great messages in lyrics.

speaking of lyrics...

:) yay bernie taupin! :)

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Rock was only against the system because the system was against rock.

Now, Rock is the system.


If I had an award to give out, you'd get it. Just because that's the smartest thing I've heard all week.



I don't agree that Marilyn Manson is some kind of rebel god, though. His sound is completely normal. Honestly, I think that if you compaired MM to John Mayer, you couldn't tell the difference. The only thing that sets those two apart is that Marilyn Manson choses to look more different from the "normal" person. He also took out some of his ribs, so I guess that's another different factor. And that's not called "rebellion". That just called "trying to get attention". All Manson ever sings or talks about is against God, and though I really don't have a problem with that, every song is about how God and his followers just needs to jump off a cliff. And that's annoying. Why doesn't he pick on other religions? How about Hinduism, or Mormans? Do Christians just really anger him that much? He really needs to pick up the pace and realize that Atheists are supposed to be against all religions, not just Christianity.


[end of rant]


If you really want to rebel, all the musicians of the world, go play some Norwegian black metal. Or is that popular now? I don't get out much.


Fisrt of all, you have probably never listened to him if you think all he sings about are songs against god.

He had only one album that did, and that was Antichrist Superstar. Mechanical Animals is about living with a drug addiction. Holy Wood is about americas obbsesion with guns. The Golden Age of Grotesque is about TV. Eat Me, Drink Me is about himself. Hes not atheist ethier, in his biography he describes himself as "undefined". I would also call his sound completely different. maybe you should pick up Mechanical Animals and see if you think its a normal sound.

Also the rib thing was a false rumor put out by the American Family Association. Christians dont anger him, realigon does. "Realigon is the opiate of the masses" -Karl Marx

Many people do not listen to the lyrics. Often there are great messages in lyrics.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I let a friend listen to John Lennon once and she fruited out when he said "Make Love Not War!". She didn't seem to understand what that phrase means.

I think i'm turning into a hippie.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Dominr*~*

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yeah, i love elton john's music because he's an amazing composer (and singer) (and piano player) and even though a lot of people might not think of him the way i do, i still love him! i carry his biography around school every day because im proud of liking him and i want people to know that!

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The second pic of Elton John in your sigy looks like Jim Morrison.


*~*(The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domin*~*

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yeah, i love elton john's music because he's an amazing composer (and singer) (and piano player) and even though a lot of people might not think of him the way i do, i still love him! i carry his biography around school every day because im proud of liking him and i want people to know that!

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The second pic of Elton John in your sigy looks like Jim Morrison.


*~*(The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domin*~*

really? i just know someone's going to kill me for asking, but who is that again? :unsure:

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yeah, i love elton john's music because he's an amazing composer (and singer) (and piano player) and even though a lot of people might not think of him the way i do, i still love him! i carry his biography around school every day because im proud of liking him and i want people to know that!

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The second pic of Elton John in your sigy looks like Jim Morrison.


*~*(The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domin*~*

really? i just know someone's going to kill me for asking, but who is that again? :unsure:

Singer for The Doors.

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yeah, i love elton john's music because he's an amazing composer (and singer) (and piano player) and even though a lot of people might not think of him the way i do, i still love him! i carry his biography around school every day because im proud of liking him and i want people to know that!

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The second pic of Elton John in your sigy looks like Jim Morrison.


*~*(The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domin*~*

really? i just know someone's going to kill me for asking, but who is that again? :unsure:

Singer for The Doors.

ah. thanks.

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yeah, i love elton john's music because he's an amazing composer (and singer) (and piano player) and even though a lot of people might not think of him the way i do, i still love him! i carry his biography around school every day because im proud of liking him and i want people to know that!

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The second pic of Elton John in your sigy looks like Jim Morrison.


*~*(The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domin*~*

really? i just know someone's going to kill me for asking, but who is that again? :unsure:

A guy who is buried in a Paris cemetery.

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[sortofrant]I honestly have no idea if he is the only "true" rock star or not, but I honestly don't care. I've just never viewed music as something that should be judged by who sings it, but as something that should be judged by what it sounds like. Who cares if the band that is singing it wears the same pants as another band, or if more people than just you have heard of them? If you like their music, listen to it. I think a lot of people are so concerned with a band or singer's image/popularity (OMGTHEY'RESOOOOOMAINSTREAMFTL!!!!!1111!!!!!1211!1), that they don't really care about if they like the actual music that the band or singer makes. >___>[/sortofrant]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


That reminds me, I'm always saying how much I hate rap, but there are a few rap groups I like.


And Will, you might want to look up Wolfmother, very good, they sound like a cross between Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath. You may like them. It's sad that famous pop singers are eating up all the fame they deserve. I consider them true rock-stars.



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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[sortofrant]I honestly have no idea if he is the only "true" rock star or not, but I honestly don't care. I've just never viewed music as something that should be judged by who sings it, but as something that should be judged by what it sounds like. Who cares if the band that is singing it wears the same pants as another band, or if more people than just you have heard of them? If you like their music, listen to it. I think a lot of people are so concerned with a band or singer's image/popularity (OMGTHEY'RESOOOOOMAINSTREAMFTL!!!!!1111!!!!!1211!1), that they don't really care about if they like the actual music that the band or singer makes. >___>[/sortofrant]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


That reminds me, I'm always saying how much I hate rap, but there are a few rap groups I like.


And Will, you might want to look up Wolfmother, very good, they sound like a cross between Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath. You may like them. It's sad that famous pop singers are eating up all the fame they deserve. I consider them true rock-stars.



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


I have listened to Wolfmother a little

they where good, but i didnt care for them enough to get a cd

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