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settled in my new house and i have a hamster lots of new friends and i missed you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!






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settled in my new house and i have a hamster lots of new friends and i missed you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!






We are soooooooooooooooooooooooo happy you have returned.

Didn't you have a birthday while you were away?


What is your new hammie's name and what does he/she look like???


I am going to move this topic out of Announcements, please pick another forum so that people will see it and post in your topic.

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ya my birthday was the 14th of May im 14 now my hammie's name is panda and she is blackish gray and white i guess you can put this in wich ever forum you want and i'm happy to be back!

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Missed you (and many more).... :blush:

I'm glad i rturned (<- Still can't spell) I ment to say returned.








ya know my b/f is moving to texas he lived in ohio before he moved to missouri (where I am now) and i moved to MO from TX kinda weired!!!! we both mmoved to MO last summer and i think he's moving this summer or sometime in the fall :( *teary eyed* *sniffle,sniffle*




ME:"Mom, where's my chocolate icing?!?" :angry2: :huh:

Mom: *Nervous voice* Um...... i don't know!" :unsure: *cough, cough*



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Missed you (and many more).... :blush:

I'm glad i rturned (<- Still can't spell) I ment to say returned.








ya know my b/f is moving to texas he lived in ohio before he moved to missouri (where I am now) and i moved to MO from TX kinda weired!!!! we both mmoved to MO last summer and i think he's moving this summer or sometime in the fall :( *teary eyed* *sniffle,sniffle*




ME:"Mom, where's my chocolate icing?!?" :angry2: :huh:

Mom: *Nervous voice* Um...... i don't know!" :unsure: *cough, cough*




lol, choco icing.

Stinks for you, though. the whole moving away part.

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don't laugh i love choco icing teehee

anyways ya it stinks but i'll get over





man it's cold in my room *shivers*

i'm gunna freeze to death!!!!





lol, choco icing.

Stinks for you, though. the whole moving away part.

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good point wow i'm a bit slow oh well so what's been goin' on since I left and then came back!?!?!?




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Not too entirely much... biggest thing recently for me was getting my first girlfriend. <3333

Cheesemaster + Megan = Item. :D

That we do. ^.^ And I love it.

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Not too entirely much... biggest thing recently for me was getting my first girlfriend.

Cheesemaster + Megan = Item. :D

That we do. ^.^ And I love it.

*sees very big smile on Cheesemaster's face*

Great!!! :D I am happy hearing that you are happy. :D

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I'm glad that it makes you happy. ^.^

Truly, though, it was a little akward the first time we hung out after we started dating. xD

Oh well. ^.^ We'll get past that quickly enough. :P

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Not too entirely much... biggest thing recently for me was getting my first girlfriend. <3333

Cheesemaster + Megan = Item. :D

WHAAAAAT?! I NEED TO COME HERE MORE OFTEN!!! I'M WAY TOO BUSY! *runs off to relationships topic*

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Not too entirely much... biggest thing recently for me was getting my first girlfriend.

Cheesemaster + Megan = Item. :D

WHAAAAAT?! I NEED TO COME HERE MORE OFTEN!!! I'M WAY TOO BUSY! *runs off to relationships topic*

Yes you do!

*follows Mega Wolf to The Relationships Topic*

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Not too entirely much... biggest thing recently for me was getting my first girlfriend. <3333


omigosh thats awesome i'm so happy for you and i'm glad you're happy


ya know what stinks... when i found out my ex-boyfriend was moving i didn't even find out through him i found out through my cousin so that's pretty much why we ain't tother any more and the fact that log distance relationships don't last!!!

so any way I'm really happy for you cheesy!!!


ummmm...... BORED!!!!


BUH BYE FOR NOW!!!!!! n.n

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Not too entirely much... biggest thing recently for me was getting my first girlfriend.


omigosh thats awesome i'm so happy for you and i'm glad you're happy


ya know what stinks... when i found out my ex-boyfriend was moving i didn't even find out through him i found out through my cousin so that's pretty much why we ain't tother any more and the fact that log distance relationships don't last!!!

so any way I'm really happy for you cheesy!!!


ummmm...... BORED!!!!


BUH BYE FOR NOW!!!!!! n.n

Those log distance relationships might work if you were a fox or a wolf. :lol:


Incidentally, you might want to go to The Relationships Topic. Cheesemaster and his new girlfriend are no longer an item.

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oopsies sorry cheesy well that's what i get for lesving the boared for like a year i totally understand if you're mad



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oopsies sorry cheesy well that's what i get for lesving the boared for like a year i totally understand if you're mad



He won't be mad. Cheesemaster is not like that at all.

okey dokey :D



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thank you for not being mad and thank you for being glad that i'm back :P


You are quite welcome on both points. :D



:rolleyes: Tee Hee. well I'm BoReD! There is absolutly nothing to do. plus i have to go clean my room :wacko: (that could take a while) but i have to clean my room cause my grandparents airconditioning broke so they have to stay the night or what ever so i am gioing to be really bored and my grandma will nag on me because i dont dust and i dont help my mom enough (blah blah blah sirously thats all i'll hear) and my grandpa will nag on me cause i dont do enough yard work or something like that ( :ph34r: ) and i am going to wish i was dead then i wont die but oh well so i guess BYE!BYE!

(isn't the typing pretty!!!???!?!?!?!?)

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thank you for not being mad and thank you for being glad that i'm back :P


You are quite welcome on both points. :D



:rolleyes: Tee Hee. well I'm BoReD! There is absolutly nothing to do. plus i have to go clean my room :wacko: (that could take a while) but i have to clean my room cause my grandparents airconditioning broke so they have to stay the night or what ever so i am gioing to be really bored and my grandma will nag on me because i dont dust and i dont help my mom enough (blah blah blah sirously thats all i'll hear) and my grandpa will nag on me cause i dont do enough yard work or something like that ( :ph34r: ) and i am going to wish i was dead then i wont die but oh well so i guess BYE!BYE!

(isn't the typing pretty!!!???!?!?!?!?)

Well, to combat the boredom, you can always come here and we can post like crazy. Just look at the bottom to see if I am on, then keep checking the new posts or the topic you just posted in and I will post back. :D

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thank you for not being mad and thank you for being glad that i'm back :P


You are quite welcome on both points. :D



:rolleyes: Tee Hee. well I'm BoReD! There is absolutly nothing to do. plus i have to go clean my room :wacko: (that could take a while) but i have to clean my room cause my grandparents airconditioning broke so they have to stay the night or what ever so i am gioing to be really bored and my grandma will nag on me because i dont dust and i dont help my mom enough (blah blah blah sirously thats all i'll hear) and my grandpa will nag on me cause i dont do enough yard work or something like that ( :ph34r: ) and i am going to wish i was dead then i wont die but oh well so i guess BYE!BYE!

(isn't the typing pretty!!!???!?!?!?!?)

Well, to combat the boredom, you can always come here and we can post like crazy. Just look at the bottom to see if I am on, then keep checking the new posts or the topic you just posted in and I will post back. :D


mk Party time teehee my cousins over we're staying up all night and partyin' then we're gunna go bowling with my friends!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

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thank you for not being mad and thank you for being glad that i'm back :P


You are quite welcome on both points. :D



:rolleyes: Tee Hee. well I'm BoReD! There is absolutly nothing to do. plus i have to go clean my room :wacko: (that could take a while) but i have to clean my room cause my grandparents airconditioning broke so they have to stay the night or what ever so i am gioing to be really bored and my grandma will nag on me because i dont dust and i dont help my mom enough (blah blah blah sirously thats all i'll hear) and my grandpa will nag on me cause i dont do enough yard work or something like that ( :ph34r: ) and i am going to wish i was dead then i wont die but oh well so i guess BYE!BYE!

(isn't the typing pretty!!!???!?!?!?!?)

Well, to combat the boredom, you can always come here and we can post like crazy. Just look at the bottom to see if I am on, then keep checking the new posts or the topic you just posted in and I will post back. :D


mk Party time teehee my cousins over we're staying up all night and partyin' then we're gunna go bowling with my friends!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

It sounds like you all are having a great time!

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thank you for not being mad and thank you for being glad that i'm back :P


You are quite welcome on both points. :D



:rolleyes: Tee Hee. well I'm BoReD! There is absolutly nothing to do. plus i have to go clean my room :wacko: (that could take a while) but i have to clean my room cause my grandparents airconditioning broke so they have to stay the night or what ever so i am gioing to be really bored and my grandma will nag on me because i dont dust and i dont help my mom enough (blah blah blah sirously thats all i'll hear) and my grandpa will nag on me cause i dont do enough yard work or something like that ( :ph34r: ) and i am going to wish i was dead then i wont die but oh well so i guess BYE!BYE!

(isn't the typing pretty!!!???!?!?!?!?)

Well, to combat the boredom, you can always come here and we can post like crazy. Just look at the bottom to see if I am on, then keep checking the new posts or the topic you just posted in and I will post back. :D


mk Party time teehee my cousins over we're staying up all night and partyin' then we're gunna go bowling with my friends!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

It sounds like you all are having a great time!


ya we'll have oodles of fun once my cousin wakes up i think this is a new record for her it's 11:07 and she's still asleep so any ways i won't be chatting for the next 12 days -_-i'll be bored withou you guyses :(well bye bye

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:huh: I guess no one is here.

Oooohhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How precious! I love the picture!

You just earned yourself an award!

The Platinum Moon Award for such a beautiful picture!!!

What is your hamster's name?


It's not my hamster, it is my friend's. I was beside the camera. I was not allowed to get in the picture. :glare: And his name is Buddy. But thanks for my first award!

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:huh: I guess no one is here.

Oooohhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How precious! I love the picture!

You just earned yourself an award!

The Platinum Moon Award for such a beautiful picture!!!

What is your hamster's name?


It's not my hamster, it is my friend's. I was beside the camera. I was not allowed to get in the picture. :glare: And his name is Buddy. But thanks for my first award!

You are most welcome!!!!

It's okay that Buddy is not your hammy. You posted the picture to share with all of us and you most definitely deserved an award!!!

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:huh: I guess no one is here.

Oooohhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How precious! I love the picture!

You just earned yourself an award!

The Platinum Moon Award for such a beautiful picture!!!

What is your hamster's name?


It's not my hamster, it is my friend's. I was beside the camera. I was not allowed to get in the picture. :glare: And his name is Buddy. But thanks for my first award!

You are most welcome!!!!

It's okay that Buddy is not your hammy. You posted the picture to share with all of us and you most definitely deserved an award!!!

Thanks! First time over a computer Girls, AND Boys cared about how i felt.

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:huh: I guess no one is here.

Oooohhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How precious! I love the picture!

You just earned yourself an award!

The Platinum Moon Award for such a beautiful picture!!!

What is your hamster's name?


It's not my hamster, it is my friend's. I was beside the camera. I was not allowed to get in the picture. :glare: And his name is Buddy. But thanks for my first award!

You are most welcome!!!!

It's okay that Buddy is not your hammy. You posted the picture to share with all of us and you most definitely deserved an award!!!

Thanks! First time over a computer Girls, AND Boys cared about how i felt.

The one great thing about HampsterDance is that we have all become friends. As you get to know everyone, you will find you have many friends here. We like you for who you are, not what you present on the outside. You can always come here and talk about what is happening in your life and get responses that may or may not help, but are given in the spirit of friendship. I surely hope you stay as you sound like such a nice person.

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Adding on to what horatio is saying...


Around here, we don't see you. Outer appearances don't even exist here. In the very few cases where someone pretends to be someone they aren't, we can tell. And you seem genuine, and we like you. So, stick around. make friends. Like, MegaWolf, Arkcher, Kat, MK and I are all good friends now.

You'll like it here.

I have been coming here since november '03. I don't plan on ever leaving.

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:huh: I guess no one is here.

Oooohhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How precious! I love the picture!

You just earned yourself an award!

The Platinum Moon Award for such a beautiful picture!!!

What is your hamster's name?


It's not my hamster, it is my friend's. I was beside the camera. I was not allowed to get in the picture. :glare: And his name is Buddy. But thanks for my first award!

You are most welcome!!!!

It's okay that Buddy is not your hammy. You posted the picture to share with all of us and you most definitely deserved an award!!!

Thanks! First time over a computer Girls, AND Boys cared about how i felt.

The one great thing about HampsterDance is that we have all become friends. As you get to know everyone, you will find you have many friends here. We like you for who you are, not what you present on the outside. You can always come here and talk about what is happening in your life and get responses that may or may not help, but are given in the spirit of friendship. I surely hope you stay as you sound like such a nice person.

Thanks! Many people are nice on here, everyone one i've met! Mushroom_king is nice, You are nice, CheeseMaster is nice! Everyone! But my little hamster senses don't like the meat grinder...

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:huh: I guess no one is here.

Oooohhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How precious! I love the picture!

You just earned yourself an award!

The Platinum Moon Award for such a beautiful picture!!!

What is your hamster's name?


It's not my hamster, it is my friend's. I was beside the camera. I was not allowed to get in the picture. :glare: And his name is Buddy. But thanks for my first award!

You are most welcome!!!!

It's okay that Buddy is not your hammy. You posted the picture to share with all of us and you most definitely deserved an award!!!

Thanks! First time over a computer Girls, AND Boys cared about how i felt.

The one great thing about HampsterDance is that we have all become friends. As you get to know everyone, you will find you have many friends here. We like you for who you are, not what you present on the outside. You can always come here and talk about what is happening in your life and get responses that may or may not help, but are given in the spirit of friendship. I surely hope you stay as you sound like such a nice person.

Thanks! Many people are nice on here, everyone one i've met! Mushroom_king is nice, You are nice, CheeseMaster is nice! Everyone! But my little hamster senses don't like the meat grinder...

The Meat Grinder's gotta go. :lol:

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thank you for not being mad and thank you for being glad that i'm back :P


You are quite welcome on both points. :D



:rolleyes: Tee Hee. well I'm BoReD! There is absolutly nothing to do. plus i have to go clean my room :wacko: (that could take a while) but i have to clean my room cause my grandparents airconditioning broke so they have to stay the night or what ever so i am gioing to be really bored and my grandma will nag on me because i dont dust and i dont help my mom enough (blah blah blah sirously thats all i'll hear) and my grandpa will nag on me cause i dont do enough yard work or something like that ( :ph34r: ) and i am going to wish i was dead then i wont die but oh well so i guess BYE!BYE!

(isn't the typing pretty!!!???!?!?!?!?)

Well, to combat the boredom, you can always come here and we can post like crazy. Just look at the bottom to see if I am on, then keep checking the new posts or the topic you just posted in and I will post back. :D


mk Party time teehee my cousins over we're staying up all night and partyin' then we're gunna go bowling with my friends!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^


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:huh: I guess no one is here.

Oooohhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How precious! I love the picture!

You just earned yourself an award!

The Platinum Moon Award for such a beautiful picture!!!

What is your hamster's name?


It's not my hamster, it is my friend's. I was beside the camera. I was not allowed to get in the picture. :glare: And his name is Buddy. But thanks for my first award!

You are most welcome!!!!

It's okay that Buddy is not your hammy. You posted the picture to share with all of us and you most definitely deserved an award!!!

Thanks! First time over a computer Girls, AND Boys cared about how i felt.

The one great thing about HampsterDance is that we have all become friends. As you get to know everyone, you will find you have many friends here. We like you for who you are, not what you present on the outside. You can always come here and talk about what is happening in your life and get responses that may or may not help, but are given in the spirit of friendship. I surely hope you stay as you sound like such a nice person.

Thanks! Many people are nice on here, everyone one i've met! Mushroom_king is nice, You are nice, CheeseMaster is nice! Everyone! But my little hamster senses don't like the meat grinder...

The Meat Grinder's gotta go. :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*


Yea, except...it isn't.


I could always shroom you instead -evil laughter-


his name is Buddy.

Holly? o:


*~*The Psychedleic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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thank you for not being mad and thank you for being glad that i'm back :P


You are quite welcome on both points. :D



:rolleyes: Tee Hee. well I'm BoReD! There is absolutly nothing to do. plus i have to go clean my room :wacko: (that could take a while) but i have to clean my room cause my grandparents airconditioning broke so they have to stay the night or what ever so i am gioing to be really bored and my grandma will nag on me because i dont dust and i dont help my mom enough (blah blah blah sirously thats all i'll hear) and my grandpa will nag on me cause i dont do enough yard work or something like that ( :ph34r: ) and i am going to wish i was dead then i wont die but oh well so i guess BYE!BYE!

(isn't the typing pretty!!!???!?!?!?!?)

Well, to combat the boredom, you can always come here and we can post like crazy. Just look at the bottom to see if I am on, then keep checking the new posts or the topic you just posted in and I will post back. :D


mk Party time teehee my cousins over we're staying up all night and partyin' then we're gunna go bowling with my friends!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^


Nothing slips past you. :lol:

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:huh: I guess no one is here.

Oooohhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How precious! I love the picture!

You just earned yourself an award!

The Platinum Moon Award for such a beautiful picture!!!

What is your hamster's name?


It's not my hamster, it is my friend's. I was beside the camera. I was not allowed to get in the picture. :glare: And his name is Buddy. But thanks for my first award!

You are most welcome!!!!

It's okay that Buddy is not your hammy. You posted the picture to share with all of us and you most definitely deserved an award!!!

Thanks! First time over a computer Girls, AND Boys cared about how i felt.

The one great thing about HampsterDance is that we have all become friends. As you get to know everyone, you will find you have many friends here. We like you for who you are, not what you present on the outside. You can always come here and talk about what is happening in your life and get responses that may or may not help, but are given in the spirit of friendship. I surely hope you stay as you sound like such a nice person.

Thanks! Many people are nice on here, everyone one i've met! Mushroom_king is nice, You are nice, CheeseMaster is nice! Everyone! But my little hamster senses don't like the meat grinder...

The Meat Grinder's gotta go. :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*


Yea, except...it isn't.


I could always shroom you instead -evil laughter-


his name is Buddy.

Holly? o:


*~*The Psychedleic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

*throws the Meat Grinder into the Trash Compactor*

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thank you for not being mad and thank you for being glad that i'm back :P


You are quite welcome on both points. :D



:rolleyes: Tee Hee. well I'm BoReD! There is absolutly nothing to do. plus i have to go clean my room :wacko: (that could take a while) but i have to clean my room cause my grandparents airconditioning broke so they have to stay the night or what ever so i am gioing to be really bored and my grandma will nag on me because i dont dust and i dont help my mom enough (blah blah blah sirously thats all i'll hear) and my grandpa will nag on me cause i dont do enough yard work or something like that ( :ph34r: ) and i am going to wish i was dead then i wont die but oh well so i guess BYE!BYE!

(isn't the typing pretty!!!???!?!?!?!?)

Well, to combat the boredom, you can always come here and we can post like crazy. Just look at the bottom to see if I am on, then keep checking the new posts or the topic you just posted in and I will post back. :D


mk Party time teehee my cousins over we're staying up all night and partyin' then we're gunna go bowling with my friends!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^


Nothing slips past you. :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Listening to Elton John gimme psychic powers. o:


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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:huh: I guess no one is here.

Oooohhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How precious! I love the picture!

You just earned yourself an award!

The Platinum Moon Award for such a beautiful picture!!!

What is your hamster's name?


It's not my hamster, it is my friend's. I was beside the camera. I was not allowed to get in the picture. :glare: And his name is Buddy. But thanks for my first award!

You are most welcome!!!!

It's okay that Buddy is not your hammy. You posted the picture to share with all of us and you most definitely deserved an award!!!

Thanks! First time over a computer Girls, AND Boys cared about how i felt.

The one great thing about HampsterDance is that we have all become friends. As you get to know everyone, you will find you have many friends here. We like you for who you are, not what you present on the outside. You can always come here and talk about what is happening in your life and get responses that may or may not help, but are given in the spirit of friendship. I surely hope you stay as you sound like such a nice person.

Thanks! Many people are nice on here, everyone one i've met! Mushroom_king is nice, You are nice, CheeseMaster is nice! Everyone! But my little hamster senses don't like the meat grinder...

The Meat Grinder's gotta go. :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*


Yea, except...it isn't.


I could always shroom you instead -evil laughter-


his name is Buddy.

Holly? o:


*~*The Psychedleic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

*throws the Meat Grinder into the Trash Compactor*

*gets another Meat Grinder >:D*

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:huh: I guess no one is here.

Oooohhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How precious! I love the picture!

You just earned yourself an award!

The Platinum Moon Award for such a beautiful picture!!!

What is your hamster's name?


It's not my hamster, it is my friend's. I was beside the camera. I was not allowed to get in the picture. :glare: And his name is Buddy. But thanks for my first award!

You are most welcome!!!!

It's okay that Buddy is not your hammy. You posted the picture to share with all of us and you most definitely deserved an award!!!

Thanks! First time over a computer Girls, AND Boys cared about how i felt.

The one great thing about HampsterDance is that we have all become friends. As you get to know everyone, you will find you have many friends here. We like you for who you are, not what you present on the outside. You can always come here and talk about what is happening in your life and get responses that may or may not help, but are given in the spirit of friendship. I surely hope you stay as you sound like such a nice person.

Thanks! Many people are nice on here, everyone one i've met! Mushroom_king is nice, You are nice, CheeseMaster is nice! Everyone! But my little hamster senses don't like the meat grinder...

The Meat Grinder's gotta go. :lol:


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Maybe I am the meat grinder. >:D

Now what'cha gonna do?

[Mk, you better not throw me in the meat grinder. :P]

:mellow: Bites CheeseMaster on nose with sharp hamster teeth. that's what i'm going to do! I'm a hamster, i like cheese, so fear me! Bites his nose again. :P

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Maybe I am the meat grinder. >:D

Now what'cha gonna do?

[Mk, you better not throw me in the meat grinder. :P]

*takes meat grinder to the repair shop* This meat grinder's busted. It acts like it's all evil and stuff. Can you do something about that? ...Ooh, that method sounds painful, but whatever works. Thank you!

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Maybe I am the meat grinder. >:D

Now what'cha gonna do?

[Mk, you better not throw me in the meat grinder. :P]

*takes meat grinder to the repair shop* This meat grinder's busted. It acts like it's all evil and stuff. Can you do something about that? ...Ooh, that method sounds painful, but whatever works. Thank you!

*distracts Jesse from repairing the Meat Grinder with a whole bunch of micicles, grabs broken meat grinder and throws it into the car compactor at the junk yard*

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*feel the love*


Well, as a piece of cheese I have no nerves. I have been eaten, microwaved, melted, frozen, and anything-else-you-can-imagine'd. xD

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*feel the love*


Well, as a piece of cheese I have no nerves. I have been eaten, microwaved, melted, frozen, and anything-else-you-can-imagine'd. xD


You aren't feeling no love from me while i'm around! :lol:

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Maybe I am the meat grinder. >:D

Now what'cha gonna do?

[Mk, you better not throw me in the meat grinder. :P]

*takes meat grinder to the repair shop* This meat grinder's busted. It acts like it's all evil and stuff. Can you do something about that? ...Ooh, that method sounds painful, but whatever works. Thank you!

*distracts Jesse from repairing the Meat Grinder with a whole bunch of micicles, grabs broken meat grinder and throws it into the car compactor at the junk yard*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*still has another Meat Grinder*

*laughs to herself as Horatio bothes with the old one, while I travel time*


...Naw, I'm not really travelling time. I just feel high from listening to Strawberry Alarm Clock.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~&

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Maybe I am the meat grinder. >:D

Now what'cha gonna do?

[Mk, you better not throw me in the meat grinder. :P]

*takes meat grinder to the repair shop* This meat grinder's busted. It acts like it's all evil and stuff. Can you do something about that? ...Ooh, that method sounds painful, but whatever works. Thank you!

*distracts Jesse from repairing the Meat Grinder with a whole bunch of micicles, grabs broken meat grinder and throws it into the car compactor at the junk yard*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*still has another Meat Grinder*

*laughs to herself as Horatio bothes with the old one, while I travel time*


...Naw, I'm not really travelling time. I just feel high from listening to Strawberry Alarm Clock.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~&

*calls for back-up*

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so i'm back from washington and i got back yesterday around 7 pm and i woke about an hour ago :D so any ways hamster girl glad to have you here everybody is really nice listen to cheesey he knows most everything and i remember besides horatio he was like the first one to welcome me and i have been here for a little over a year soon to be two i love it here nice animals and people and oh ya you get a cupcake ask any one the're deliciuos!!!



:glare: *oh mann* who found that meat grinder i stole it and hid it guess i'm not good at hiding things


:mellow: *grabs meat grinder runs to airport :unsure: sneaks on plane to other side of world hides were no one should be able to find it!!* :ninja:


*MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!* cupcake anybody?!? :wub:^_^

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so i'm back from washington and i got back yesterday around 7 pm and i woke about an hour ago :D so any ways hamster girl glad to have you here everybody is really nice listen to cheesey he knows most everything and i remember besides horatio he was like the first one to welcome me and i have been here for a little over a year soon to be two i love it here nice animals and people and oh ya you get a cupcake ask any one the're deliciuos!!!



:glare: *oh mann* who found that meat grinder i stole it and hid it guess i'm not good at hiding things


:mellow: *grabs meat grinder runs to airport :unsure: sneaks on plane to other side of world hides were no one should be able to find it!!* :ninja:


*MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!* cupcake anybody?!? :wub:^_^

I would love a cupcake!!!

You have been missed!!!!!!!!!!

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so i'm back from washington and i got back yesterday around 7 pm and i woke about an hour ago :D so any ways hamster girl glad to have you here everybody is really nice listen to cheesey he knows most everything and i remember besides horatio he was like the first one to welcome me and i have been here for a little over a year soon to be two i love it here nice animals and people and oh ya you get a cupcake ask any one the're deliciuos!!!



:glare: *oh mann* who found that meat grinder i stole it and hid it guess i'm not good at hiding things


:mellow: *grabs meat grinder runs to airport :unsure: sneaks on plane to other side of world hides were no one should be able to find it!!* :ninja:


*MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!* cupcake anybody?!? :wub:^_^

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hmm, you seem to have stolen my meat grinder, but I still have the meat Grinder, the Meat grinder, and Meat Grinder! >:D



*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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listen to cheesey he knows most everything



That I do, CupCake.

That I do.


And yes, I would love a cupcake.

Black-bottom honey cream, please.

with no sugar or fat, or calories or carbs.

that tastes just like a normal one. xD

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listen to cheesey he knows most everything



That I do, CupCake.

That I do.


And yes, I would love a cupcake.

Black-bottom honey cream, please.

with no sugar or fat, or calories or carbs.

that tastes just like a normal one. xD

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I believe you can find cupcakes like this in the taste-free aisle


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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listen to cheesey he knows most everything



That I do, CupCake.

That I do.


And yes, I would love a cupcake.

Black-bottom honey cream, please.

with no sugar or fat, or calories or carbs.

that tastes just like a normal one. xD

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I believe you can find cupcakes like this in the taste-free aisle


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

ROFOCLH !!!!!!!

That was great MK!

*hands Mushroom_king The Gold Star Award*

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listen to cheesey he knows most everything



That I do, CupCake.

That I do.


And yes, I would love a cupcake.

Black-bottom honey cream, please.

with no sugar or fat, or calories or carbs.

that tastes just like a normal one. xD

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I believe you can find cupcakes like this in the taste-free aisle


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

ROFOCLH !!!!!!!

That was great MK!

*hands Mushroom_king The Gold Star Award*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*does the Kirby Dance*

*goes to Notepad, were my siggy is stored, and files away award*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*

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listen to cheesey he knows most everything



That I do, CupCake.

That I do.


And yes, I would love a cupcake.

Black-bottom honey cream, please.

with no sugar or fat, or calories or carbs.

that tastes just like a normal one. xD


um i make cupcakes no special orders but for you guys i guess one black bottom honey cream no sugar fat calories or carbs!!!! spcial taste for you!!

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* throws cupcakes into air*


*runs away to save her little life as huge hords of hungrey people and animals coming running twards the cupcakes raining down o earth*


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* throws cupcakes into air*


*runs away to save her little life as huge hords of hungrey people and animals coming running twards the cupcakes raining down o earth*


*protects Cupcakelvr101 from the mob of people by picking her up in the helicopter and flying overhead the crowd*

*asks politely for a cupcake, while holding my paw over the passenger eject button should she say no*

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* throws cupcakes into air*


*runs away to save her little life as huge hords of hungrey people and animals coming running twards the cupcakes raining down o earth*


*protects Cupcakelvr101 from the mob of people by picking her up in the helicopter and flying overhead the crowd*

*asks politely for a cupcake, while holding my paw over the passenger eject button should she say no*


*gives cupcake* PLEASE DO NOPt PUSH THAT BUTTON!!! :unsure:

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* throws cupcakes into air*


*runs away to save her little life as huge hords of hungrey people and animals coming running twards the cupcakes raining down o earth*


*protects Cupcakelvr101 from the mob of people by picking her up in the helicopter and flying overhead the crowd*

*asks politely for a cupcake, while holding my paw over the passenger eject button should she say no*


*gives cupcake* PLEASE DO NOPt PUSH THAT BUTTON!!! :unsure:

Thank you so much. :D

*removes paw and covers button with security plate*

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* throws cupcakes into air*


*runs away to save her little life as huge hords of hungrey people and animals coming running twards the cupcakes raining down o earth*


*protects Cupcakelvr101 from the mob of people by picking her up in the helicopter and flying overhead the crowd*

*asks politely for a cupcake, while holding my paw over the passenger eject button should she say no*


*gives cupcake* PLEASE DO NOPt PUSH THAT BUTTON!!! :unsure:

Thank you so much. :D

*removes paw and covers button with security plate*


*sighs a sigh of relief*


your very welcome :blush:

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* throws cupcakes into air*


*runs away to save her little life as huge hords of hungrey people and animals coming running twards the cupcakes raining down o earth*


*protects Cupcakelvr101 from the mob of people by picking her up in the helicopter and flying overhead the crowd*

*asks politely for a cupcake, while holding my paw over the passenger eject button should she say no*


*gives cupcake* PLEASE DO NOPt PUSH THAT BUTTON!!! :unsure:

Thank you so much. :D

*removes paw and covers button with security plate*


*sighs a sigh of relief*


your very welcome :blush:

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Can't stop laughing! And i got my hamster last night, it is a boy, his name is Whiskers. since i'm a girl hamster he is cute, but we would fight if you put us together. He was the youngest hamster there, and the most active.

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* throws cupcakes into air*


*runs away to save her little life as huge hords of hungrey people and animals coming running twards the cupcakes raining down o earth*


*protects Cupcakelvr101 from the mob of people by picking her up in the helicopter and flying overhead the crowd*

*asks politely for a cupcake, while holding my paw over the passenger eject button should she say no*


*gives cupcake* PLEASE DO NOPt PUSH THAT BUTTON!!! :unsure:

Thank you so much. :D

*removes paw and covers button with security plate*


*sighs a sigh of relief*


your very welcome :blush:

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Can't stop laughing! And i got my hamster last night, it is a boy, his name is Whiskers. since i'm a girl hamster he is cute, but we would fight if you put us together. He was the youngest hamster there, and the most active.

Whiskers... great name.

Hamsters are solitary creatures, so they have a tendency to fight whether it is boys together, girls together or both sexes together.

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* throws cupcakes into air*


*runs away to save her little life as huge hords of hungrey people and animals coming running twards the cupcakes raining down o earth*


*protects Cupcakelvr101 from the mob of people by picking her up in the helicopter and flying overhead the crowd*

*asks politely for a cupcake, while holding my paw over the passenger eject button should she say no*


*gives cupcake* PLEASE DO NOPt PUSH THAT BUTTON!!! :unsure:

Thank you so much. :D

*removes paw and covers button with security plate*


*sighs a sigh of relief*


your very welcome :blush:

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Can't stop laughing! And i got my hamster last night, it is a boy, his name is Whiskers. since i'm a girl hamster he is cute, but we would fight if you put us together. He was the youngest hamster there, and the most active.

Whiskers... great name.

Hamsters are solitary creatures, so they have a tendency to fight whether it is boys together, girls together or both sexes together.

I'm a hammie i know that already!

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* throws cupcakes into air*


*runs away to save her little life as huge hords of hungrey people and animals coming running twards the cupcakes raining down o earth*


*protects Cupcakelvr101 from the mob of people by picking her up in the helicopter and flying overhead the crowd*

*asks politely for a cupcake, while holding my paw over the passenger eject button should she say no*


*gives cupcake* PLEASE DO NOPt PUSH THAT BUTTON!!! :unsure:

Thank you so much. :D

*removes paw and covers button with security plate*


*sighs a sigh of relief*


your very welcome :blush:

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Can't stop laughing! And i got my hamster last night, it is a boy, his name is Whiskers. since i'm a girl hamster he is cute, but we would fight if you put us together. He was the youngest hamster there, and the most active.

Whiskers... great name.

Hamsters are solitary creatures, so they have a tendency to fight whether it is boys together, girls together or both sexes together.

I'm a hammie i know that already!

I always remind people, because you never know if they have forgotten.

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