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yes its been a while

i'd say a year now

since shes captured me

with her beauty and pain

i pushed her away

i did something right

i was strong


i caved

i want to curl up in a ball

and sleep for the rest of my life

i dont want to feel

i dont want to breathe


theres no turning away from

the cuts and burns

i used to feel okay


ive decided

im just sick

and will get sicker

but it will be a beautiful sick

ill be so pretty

insane thin and pretty


so heres to sickness

i am sickness

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yes its been a while

i'd say a year now

since shes captured me

with her beauty and pain

i pushed her away

i did something right

i was strong


i caved

i want to curl up in a ball

and sleep for the rest of my life

i dont want to feel

i dont want to breathe


theres no turning away from

the cuts and burns

i used to feel okay


ive decided

im just sick

and will get sicker

but it will be a beautiful sick

ill be so pretty

insane thin and pretty


so heres to sickness

i am sickness


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hmm. powerful writing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

there are only 2 options:

control or chaos

and for the sake of my small sanity

i pick control







it makes me most suicidal



if i die for it.

chaos never hurt anyone.

let yourself believe in something other than the horror of this world once in a while, such as the fact that there are people out there that want to see you smile with more than your mouth, enjoy life more than the next fix, or see yourself and probably the rest of the world sees you.


You'd be surprised.

please don't hurt yourself.

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im unfair to you

of me?

I'm a friend from the internet. Nothing you do or say in unfair to me unless I decide it is.


You're unfair to yourself, in reality.

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  • 3 weeks later...
lol how

...by denying yourself happiness by only focusing on faults that make you who you are.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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