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we love this world

insightful people

the beauty of our diseases

many and few

blessed and cursed children of this township

full of greed and angry youth

but we stand here

and we need this

the fathers of friends

and hardships

silent lunch tables and endless stress

we think one day we'll be okay


with magazines

to judge us


to destroy us


to slave us in


my heart beats with this music

the right song can write my soul

i am an artist

connected with the stories

and the trees

the things i search my mind with


im sick of being told go here and do this

im sick of a society where greed powers the world

im sick of the separation of worlds and races

i wanna live in a world

where everyones the same

where everyone shares

where everyone loves


i wanna find an inner peace

i wanna find a happy medium

i wanna set myself and my loved ones free


cant we push for this?

cant you help this world out

every small step

is a step

you are one in billions

but we together make the billions


be the changes you want to see down

rise up with hope

live each day without regrets

without hate

without despair


learn to love again

to teach again

to feel again


hold every living thing, every gift, every feeling deep in your heart

never forget what living is

burn brightly and never forget to love

its all youre ever gonna need


every human, every animal, everyday and every night.

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we love this world

insightful people

the beauty of our diseases

many and few

blessed and cursed children of this township

full of greed and angry youth

but we stand here

and we need this

the fathers of friends

and hardships

silent lunch tables and endless stress

we think one day we'll be okay


with magazines

to judge us


to destroy us


to slave us in


my heart beats with this music

the right song can write my soul

i am an artist

connected with the stories

and the trees

the things i search my mind with


im sick of being told go here and do this

im sick of a society where greed powers the world

im sick of the separation of worlds and races

i wanna live in a world

where everyones the same

where everyone shares

where everyone loves


i wanna find an inner peace

i wanna find a happy medium

i wanna set myself and my loved ones free


cant we push for this?

cant you help this world out

every small step

is a step

you are one in billions

but we together make the billions


be the changes you want to see down

rise up with hope

live each day without regrets

without hate

without despair


learn to love again

to teach again

to feel again


hold every living thing, every gift, every feeling deep in your heart

never forget what living is

burn brightly and never forget to love

its all youre ever gonna need


every human, every animal, everyday and every night.


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we love this world

insightful people

the beauty of our diseases

many and few

blessed and cursed children of this township

full of greed and angry youth

but we stand here

and we need this

the fathers of friends

and hardships

silent lunch tables and endless stress

we think one day we'll be okay


with magazines

to judge us


to destroy us


to slave us in


my heart beats with this music

the right song can write my soul

i am an artist

connected with the stories

and the trees

the things i search my mind with


im sick of being told go here and do this

im sick of a society where greed powers the world

im sick of the separation of worlds and races

i wanna live in a world

where everyones the same

where everyone shares

where everyone loves


i wanna find an inner peace

i wanna find a happy medium

i wanna set myself and my loved ones free


cant we push for this?

cant you help this world out

every small step

is a step

you are one in billions

but we together make the billions


be the changes you want to see down

rise up with hope

live each day without regrets

without hate

without despair


learn to love again

to teach again

to feel again


hold every living thing, every gift, every feeling deep in your heart

never forget what living is

burn brightly and never forget to love

its all youre ever gonna need


every human, every animal, everyday and every night.


*raises hand* I second that!!!

:) you really are a fantastic writer.

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thanks guys.

im writing a paper on john lennon for school

and im trying to convince myself "lauren, youre a good writer, just try a bit"

but its almost "that time" which results in even more crazy mood swings

lately ive been getting so bad

im surprised i even get up, if i didnt get yelled at for trying to stay home i would every single day

i feel so terrible lately

i can sleep or cry at the drop of a hat

i thought getting a job would put my feet on the ground a little bit

but how am i gonna work? i cant even breathe 1/2 the time

im gonna need to think and fake smiles all the time

everything feels so broken

and when my friends tell me their issues

i feel so guilty..

lucy is off her anti-psychotics pills, fiending for coke and has parents that dont know wut to do and do the wrong things.

tonya's mom is taking all the money shes making at her job to pay bills b/c she doesnt have her own job. shes also not taking any money from tonya's twin sister, who makes the same ammount.

mona's home life is a wreak. shes moving soon. her dad and her got in a fist fight last night

brian's friends are selling coke again

and me..

im a selfindulgent selfish little child

who cries b/c shes weak

is lazy and leans on the world.

i hurt so much

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*hugs Lauren*

We love you. You don't have to feel bad about leaning on good friends like Horatio and me.

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*hugs Lauren*

We love you. You don't have to feel bad about leaning on good friends like Horatio and me.

Topazia, I appreciate you expressing my thoughts. :) Thank you so very much.

Lauren, we will always be here for you.

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wut could make me feel better?

hmm lets me



my phone so i could talk to people


i have none of these things

they took everything

and its all my fault

i really did deserve it

and i made myself pay

I'm glad they didn't take away your computer.

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wut could make me feel better?

hmm lets me



my phone so i could talk to people


i have none of these things

they took everything

and its all my fault

i really did deserve it

and i made myself pay

I'm glad they didn't take away your computer.

im sure the internet will be gne by the time i get home today :[

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wut could make me feel better?

hmm lets me



my phone so i could talk to people


i have none of these things

they took everything

and its all my fault

i really did deserve it

and i made myself pay

I'm glad they didn't take away your computer.

im sure the internet will be gne by the time i get home today :[

I hope not. Can you get on at the library?

What all happened??? :blink:

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we love you lauren.

I'm sad you're hurting.

I hope you get your phone back soon.

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we love you lauren.

I'm sad you're hurting.

I hope you get your phone back soon.

I hope she doesn't lose her computer and internet. :o

ditto that, horatio.

ditto that.

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its back.

internet that is.

not anything else.


friday night was okay

my parents are nice sometimes when im grounded

they took me out to eat and we saw POTC3

good stuff


then it all fell apart

took my phone stereo internet and freedom

ive had too much family and sims in the past 2 days

and i know to you its stupid but ive been flipping out without a cigarette

my uncle smokes

reds, my favorite

so today was really bad

cuz i had to sit near that and not have one

i havnt had one since thursday at like 3 pm.


it stinks


but everythings alright now

cuz ill get thru it


tomorrow ill cut the lawn and get money

then i can feel sane and clean my room and do my homework ( i have alot since i stopped doing anything in class)


ugh. depression stinks.

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its back.

internet that is.

not anything else.


friday night was okay

my parents are nice sometimes when im grounded

they took me out to eat and we saw POTC3

good stuff


then it all fell apart

took my phone stereo internet and freedom

ive had too much family and sims in the past 2 days

and i know to you its stupid but ive been flipping out without a cigarette

my uncle smokes

reds, my favorite

so today was really bad

cuz i had to sit near that and not have one

i havnt had one since thursday at like 3 pm.


it stinks


but everythings alright now

cuz ill get thru it


tomorrow ill cut the lawn and get money

then i can feel sane and clean my room and do my homework ( i have alot since i stopped doing anything in class)


ugh. depression stinks.

I am glad you are back. I was worried.


Unfortunately, you are addicted to cigarettes. I really wish this time you would never pick another one up. The diseases that accompany cigarette smoking are absolutely heartbreaking. I know someone who, 9 days after her 16th birthday, lost her mother due to cancer from smoking cigarettes. Besides, what guy is going to want to kiss you when you smell and taste like an overfilled ashtray. Enough of my rant.


Did you like POTC3? Would you recommend seeing it?


If you want more money, I have lots of lawn work around my cage. I pay well!!!!


Check out my Horatio Club topic in HampsterDance Talk and let me know what you think of my new purchase. You might have to go back a few posts to find a picture of what I bought. :rolleyes:

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its back.

internet that is.

not anything else.


friday night was okay

my parents are nice sometimes when im grounded

they took me out to eat and we saw POTC3

good stuff


then it all fell apart

took my phone stereo internet and freedom

ive had too much family and sims in the past 2 days

and i know to you its stupid but ive been flipping out without a cigarette

my uncle smokes

reds, my favorite

so today was really bad

cuz i had to sit near that and not have one

i havnt had one since thursday at like 3 pm.


it stinks


but everythings alright now

cuz ill get thru it


tomorrow ill cut the lawn and get money

then i can feel sane and clean my room and do my homework ( i have alot since i stopped doing anything in class)


ugh. depression stinks.

I am glad you are back. I was worried.


Unfortunately, you are addicted to cigarettes. I really wish this time you would never pick another one up. The diseases that accompany cigarette smoking are absolutely heartbreaking. I know someone who, 9 days after her 16th birthday, lost her mother due to cancer from smoking cigarettes. Besides, what guy is going to want to kiss you when you smell and taste like an overfilled ashtray. Enough of my rant.


Did you like POTC3? Would you recommend seeing it?


If you want more money, I have lots of lawn work around my cage. I pay well!!!!


Check out my Horatio Club topic in HampsterDance Talk and let me know what you think of my new purchase. You might have to go back a few posts to find a picture of what I bought. :rolleyes:


eh. id rather it be ciggs then something else.

id never date a guy who didnt smoke too or completely accept it.

that goes for weed too.

ill never make that mistake again


it was awesome. go see it. dont you WANT to?


sweet. money. :]

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its back.

internet that is.

not anything else.


friday night was okay

my parents are nice sometimes when im grounded

they took me out to eat and we saw POTC3

good stuff


then it all fell apart

took my phone stereo internet and freedom

ive had too much family and sims in the past 2 days

and i know to you its stupid but ive been flipping out without a cigarette

my uncle smokes

reds, my favorite

so today was really bad

cuz i had to sit near that and not have one

i havnt had one since thursday at like 3 pm.


it stinks


but everythings alright now

cuz ill get thru it


tomorrow ill cut the lawn and get money

then i can feel sane and clean my room and do my homework ( i have alot since i stopped doing anything in class)


ugh. depression stinks.

I am glad you are back. I was worried.


Unfortunately, you are addicted to cigarettes. I really wish this time you would never pick another one up. The diseases that accompany cigarette smoking are absolutely heartbreaking. I know someone who, 9 days after her 16th birthday, lost her mother due to cancer from smoking cigarettes. Besides, what guy is going to want to kiss you when you smell and taste like an overfilled ashtray. Enough of my rant.


Did you like POTC3? Would you recommend seeing it?


If you want more money, I have lots of lawn work around my cage. I pay well!!!!


Check out my Horatio Club topic in HampsterDance Talk and let me know what you think of my new purchase. You might have to go back a few posts to find a picture of what I bought. :rolleyes:


eh. id rather it be ciggs then something else.

id never date a guy who didnt smoke too or completely accept it.

that goes for weed too.

ill never make that mistake again


it was awesome. go see it. dont you WANT to?


sweet. money. :]

I want to see POTC3, it is number one on my list.


I'm sorry you place cigarettes and drugs so high on your list.


Well... what do you think of my purchase????

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I saw pirates, it was awesome!

see it, I recommend it highly!


you will laugh. The monkey is awesome.


Actually, Lauren, if you must choose a drug, vintage marajuana is the least harmful. Unfortunately, it's both obsolete and illegal anyway *sigh* and I can't condone lawbreaking.

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I saw pirates, it was awesome!

see it, I recommend it highly!


you will laugh. The monkey is awesome.


Actually, Lauren, if you must choose a drug, vintage marajuana is the least harmful. Unfortunately, it's both obsolete and illegal anyway *sigh* and I can't condone lawbreaking.

Vintage would be the key. From watching Tim Russert, the news is that the new stuff is stronger, more potent and destroys more brain cells than the vintage stuff.

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air is my main drug.

im pretty much not a pothead anymore anyway so quit your bellyaching

lol wut other drug would i do regularly?

yeah. none. lol


i want everything in moderation

drinking,pot,e,shrooms, coke and acid.

some more then others, OBVIOUSLY

coke is :wacko::blink: not that i dont love it

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air is my main drug.

im pretty much not a pothead anymore anyway so quit your bellyaching

lol wut other drug would i do regularly?

yeah. none. lol


i want everything in moderation

drinking,pot,e,shrooms, coke and acid.

some more then others, OBVIOUSLY

coke is :wacko::blink: not that i dont love it




I want....Tom! and not in moderation. we live too far away! :( WAY too far away.

but he's moving up here soon! ^_^


pot, e, shrooms, it doesn't matter WHAT drug, the fact is, the safest drug you'll come across is probably vintage pot. If it wasn't illegal, I'd tolerate its use...but like I can not tolerate it? I can't do anything to stop drug abuse. :rolleyes:<_<

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air is my main drug.

im pretty much not a pothead anymore anyway so quit your bellyaching

lol wut other drug would i do regularly?

yeah. none. lol


i want everything in moderation

drinking,pot,e,shrooms, coke and acid.

some more then others, OBVIOUSLY

coke is :wacko::blink: not that i dont love it




I want....Tom! and not in moderation. we live too far away! :( WAY too far away.

but he's moving up here soon! ^_^


pot, e, shrooms, it doesn't matter WHAT drug, the fact is, the safest drug you'll come across is probably vintage pot. If it wasn't illegal, I'd tolerate its use...but like I can not tolerate it? I can't do anything to stop drug abuse. :rolleyes:<_>

You can do something to stop drug abuse, not use it yourself. That is the first step.

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air is my main drug.

im pretty much not a pothead anymore anyway so quit your bellyaching

lol wut other drug would i do regularly?

yeah. none. lol


i want everything in moderation

drinking,pot,e,shrooms, coke and acid.

some more then others, OBVIOUSLY

coke is :wacko::blink: not that i dont love it




I want....Tom! and not in moderation. we live too far away! :( WAY too far away.

but he's moving up here soon! ^_^


pot, e, shrooms, it doesn't matter WHAT drug, the fact is, the safest drug you'll come across is probably vintage pot. If it wasn't illegal, I'd tolerate its use...but like I can not tolerate it? I can't do anything to stop drug abuse. :rolleyes:<_<

You can do something to stop drug abuse, not use it yourself. That is the first step.

what good will that do? I mean, it's a given, but not many of my friends will listen.

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so much for my 2 cents. <_<


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my stuff got deleted or somthing


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im such a funny little girl


but how can i complain

with a life so easy

so easy


so dance with me

and lie to me

we'll crawl in bed so i can forget my head


ill blow this off again

broke and sad

wishing for a buck


i dont need help

maybe just a little hand

to pick me up

a couple dollars

some music

a great lying boy

like him


we both get so lonely

wish i were there

you said

well me too


lost last night

found in the light

horoscope of hope

and he i am again

bumming around

to get away to smoke some.

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