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Please don't wear girls pants after Labor Day.


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Haha, so I just got home from a concert with SuperChick, Decemberadio, Nevertheless, Krystal Meyers, and Group 1 Crew. And let me tell you, frontmen should not wear girls pants. No. It's bad. Don't even think about it. Guys wear guys pants. Girls wear girls pants. I don't care if you can fit into a size 2 in girls, guys. Just don't.


Every band member (except the drummer) in Nevertheless was wearing girls pants. And it wasn't very pretty. So, I had the nerve to talk to Devemberadio about this issue. ... Here's the conversation:


Sarah: Heyy ... can you guys sign my shirt for me?

Josh: Of course.

Sarah: And, I also just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart ... for wearing guys pants.

Entire band: -Blank stare-

Sarah: It seems to be a problem facing America these days. Guys should wear guys pants, and girls should wear girls pants.

Josh: Yeah, well, you know, we're very in touch with our manliness.

Sarah: And I'm glad, really. But, you should probably talk to your friends over there about the girl pants deal. It's getting out of control, I think.

Brian: Will do.



Haha ... I'm a nerd.

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Haha, so I just got home from a concert with SuperChick, Decemberadio, Nevertheless, Krystal Meyers, and Group 1 Crew. And let me tell you, frontmen should not wear girls pants. No. It's bad. Don't even think about it. Guys wear guys pants. Girls wear girls pants. I don't care if you can fit into a size 2 in girls, guys. Just don't.


Every band member (except the drummer) in Nevertheless was wearing girls pants. And it wasn't very pretty. So, I had the nerve to talk to Devemberadio about this issue. ... Here's the conversation:


Sarah: Heyy ... can you guys sign my shirt for me?

Josh: Of course.

Sarah: And, I also just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart ... for wearing guys pants.

Entire band: -Blank stare-

Sarah: It seems to be a problem facing America these days. Guys should wear guys pants, and girls should wear girls pants.

Josh: Yeah, well, you know, we're very in touch with our manliness.

Sarah: And I'm glad, really. But, you should probably talk to your friends over there about the girl pants deal. It's getting out of control, I think.

Brian: Will do.



Haha ... I'm a nerd.

:lol: Only you Toto... only you! :lol:

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The only thing that bothers me more than girl pants is when they're wearing girl pants that are really tight on the legs, but still somehow manage to look all saggy and stupid at the waist so their boxers hang out.



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You handled that conversation pretty well. :D I didn't know that so many guys did that. Ick. I'm trying to put together a sentence about how that doesn't click in my brain, but I cannot. :mellow:

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Some people would say I wear capri-shorts...


I like long denim shorts. >.< They besically go down to mid-calf. :P but they aren't tight at all, so it is good. xD


But I also have other shorts.


I like shorts.

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You handled that conversation pretty well. :D I didn't know that so many guys did that. Ick. I'm trying to put together a sentence about how that doesn't click in my brain, but I cannot. :mellow:


I was very surprised how calm and some-what serious I was when talking to the band. I just wish October was there, since I kept on telling her I was going to tell them that. She probably won't believe me. :D


Yeah, it's really stupid how many guys are getting into this whole phase. Hopefully it is just a phase.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I wear Guy Pants sometimes.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domne*~&

I can never tell the difference when girls wear guy pants, unless they're super-baggy, or something...

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I wear Guy Pants sometimes.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domne*~&

I can never tell the difference when girls wear guy pants, unless they're super-baggy, or something...

Hamsters never have that problem. We have fur. There is no guy fur or girl fur. :lol:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I wear Guy Pants sometimes.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domne*~&

I can never tell the difference when girls wear guy pants, unless they're super-baggy, or something...

*~*The Grand illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


If I wear a striped shirt and my sunglasses, I look like Joey ramone!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ive never actually worn girl pants...

but i do have krews and those are the ones that sag

thats a misconception girl pants dont sag krews do

it sad that i know this.


I've never heard the term "krews" before. Normally I'd Google it, but I don't think I really want to see a bunch of pictures of tight sagging pants on guys.


Tight pants = bad.

Tight sagging pants = even worse.


Guys should just not wear pants that are supposed to show off their assets. Not only does it look ###, but it makes girls feel bad when a guy has a nicer butt and legs than she does. It's just not nice. Not nice for children. Not nice for the people that should be wearing the pants. Not nice for humanity.

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Ive never actually worn girl pants...

but i do have krews and those are the ones that sag

thats a misconception girl pants dont sag krews do

it sad that i know this.


I've never heard the term "krews" before. Normally I'd Google it, but I don't think I really want to see a bunch of pictures of tight sagging pants on guys.


Tight pants = bad.

Tight sagging pants = even worse.


Guys should just not wear pants that are supposed to show off their assets. Not only does it look ###, but it makes girls feel bad when a guy has a nicer butt and legs than she does. It's just not nice. Not nice for children. Not nice for the people that should be wearing the pants. Not nice for humanity.

*loves hearing from Toto*

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Ive never actually worn girl pants...

but i do have krews and those are the ones that sag

thats a misconception girl pants dont sag krews do

it sad that i know this.


I've never heard the term "krews" before. Normally I'd Google it, but I don't think I really want to see a bunch of pictures of tight sagging pants on guys.


Tight pants = bad.

Tight sagging pants = even worse.


Guys should just not wear pants that are supposed to show off their assets. Not only does it look ###, but it makes girls feel bad when a guy has a nicer butt and legs than she does. It's just not nice. Not nice for children. Not nice for the people that should be wearing the pants. Not nice for humanity.

*loves hearing from Toto*


Heh ... I've been in a really bad mood lately, so you probably don't want to hear Toto talk for too long. :/


My youth pastor, his wife, his son, and his newborn daughter are moving to Oklahoma tomorrow. -sobs-

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Ive never actually worn girl pants...

but i do have krews and those are the ones that sag

thats a misconception girl pants dont sag krews do

it sad that i know this.


I've never heard the term "krews" before. Normally I'd Google it, but I don't think I really want to see a bunch of pictures of tight sagging pants on guys.


Tight pants = bad.

Tight sagging pants = even worse.


Guys should just not wear pants that are supposed to show off their assets. Not only does it look ###, but it makes girls feel bad when a guy has a nicer butt and legs than she does. It's just not nice. Not nice for children. Not nice for the people that should be wearing the pants. Not nice for humanity.

*loves hearing from Toto*


Heh ... I've been in a really bad mood lately, so you probably don't want to hear Toto talk for too long. :/


My youth pastor, his wife, his son, and his newborn daughter are moving to Oklahoma tomorrow. -sobs-

I love your sense of humor, so when you are in a bad mood, it seems to be funnier.

So sorry to hear your youth pastor and family are moving. That is hard. Maybe the next youth pastor will be cool.

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Must be a California thing...


i dont know i just think there comfey

i dont where them a lot because im tall so i look

like a carecrow when i do


A carecrow? Is that like a scarecrow, only more caring? I'm sure you're a very nice carecrow. :]

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Must be a California thing...


i dont know i just think there comfey

i dont where them a lot because im tall so i look

like a carecrow when i do


A carecrow? Is that like a scarecrow, only more caring? I'm sure you're a very nice carecrow. :]

*wonders if a carecrow works for the red cross*

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Ive never actually worn girl pants...

but i do have krews and those are the ones that sag

thats a misconception girl pants dont sag krews do

it sad that i know this.


I've never heard the term "krews" before. Normally I'd Google it, but I don't think I really want to see a bunch of pictures of tight sagging pants on guys.


Tight pants = bad.

Tight sagging pants = even worse.


Guys should just not wear pants that are supposed to show off their assets. Not only does it look ###, but it makes girls feel bad when a guy has a nicer butt and legs than she does. It's just not nice. Not nice for children. Not nice for the people that should be wearing the pants. Not nice for humanity.

*loves hearing from Toto*


Heh ... I've been in a really bad mood lately, so you probably don't want to hear Toto talk for too long. :/


My youth pastor, his wife, his son, and his newborn daughter are moving to Oklahoma tomorrow. -sobs-

I love your sense of humor, so when you are in a bad mood, it seems to be funnier.

So sorry to hear your youth pastor and family are moving. That is hard. Maybe the next youth pastor will be cool.


Buttttt ... I want to be in a good mood. Dane Cook makes me in a good mood, but then he starts dropping the f-bomb like crazy, and that just puts me in a bad mood. Plus, my iPod is being stupid, so I can't watch him ... Now I'm just complaining.


I don't think anyone can be as cool as Nathan, but I'm hoping the next guy is. :D

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Ive never actually worn girl pants...

but i do have krews and those are the ones that sag

thats a misconception girl pants dont sag krews do

it sad that i know this.


I've never heard the term "krews" before. Normally I'd Google it, but I don't think I really want to see a bunch of pictures of tight sagging pants on guys.


Tight pants = bad.

Tight sagging pants = even worse.


Guys should just not wear pants that are supposed to show off their assets. Not only does it look ###, but it makes girls feel bad when a guy has a nicer butt and legs than she does. It's just not nice. Not nice for children. Not nice for the people that should be wearing the pants. Not nice for humanity.

*loves hearing from Toto*


Heh ... I've been in a really bad mood lately, so you probably don't want to hear Toto talk for too long. :/


My youth pastor, his wife, his son, and his newborn daughter are moving to Oklahoma tomorrow. -sobs-

I love your sense of humor, so when you are in a bad mood, it seems to be funnier.

So sorry to hear your youth pastor and family are moving. That is hard. Maybe the next youth pastor will be cool.


Buttttt ... I want to be in a good mood. Dane Cook makes me in a good mood, but then he starts dropping the f-bomb like crazy, and that just puts me in a bad mood. Plus, my iPod is being stupid, so I can't watch him ... Now I'm just complaining.


I don't think anyone can be as cool as Nathan, but I'm hoping the next guy is. :D

I hope so too.

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Ive never actually worn girl pants...

but i do have krews and those are the ones that sag

thats a misconception girl pants dont sag krews do

it sad that i know this.

I dunno. I'm just sayin' that I've seen some sort of weird hybrid of "krew" pants and girl pants, and believe me, I wish I hadn't.

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Ive never actually worn girl pants...

but i do have krews and those are the ones that sag

thats a misconception girl pants dont sag krews do

it sad that i know this.

I dunno. I'm just sayin' that I've seen some sort of weird hybrid of "krew" pants and girl pants, and believe me, I wish I hadn't.

Here is the scary reality...

someone is buying those pants.


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Ive never actually worn girl pants...

but i do have krews and those are the ones that sag

thats a misconception girl pants dont sag krews do

it sad that i know this.

I dunno. I'm just sayin' that I've seen some sort of weird hybrid of "krew" pants and girl pants, and believe me, I wish I hadn't.

Here is the scary reality...

someone is buying those pants.


I know. I've seen them on people. ;____;

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Ive never actually worn girl pants...

but i do have krews and those are the ones that sag

thats a misconception girl pants dont sag krews do

it sad that i know this.

I dunno. I'm just sayin' that I've seen some sort of weird hybrid of "krew" pants and girl pants, and believe me, I wish I hadn't.

Here is the scary reality...

someone is buying those pants.

:o LOL :o

I know. I've seen them on people. ;____;

Aren't you lucky. :lol:

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wait isnt this the same toto who used to rant about girls not being able to where lose pants?


Umm ... I honestly don't recall. I've always worn a size or two bigger than what I should've been, but I've never worn guy's pants. But ... as of the 8th grade, I've been wearing pants that fit correctly. I even sold all of my pants on eBay so I wouldn't go back to them. Haha ...

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*checks jeans*


Are we defining Girls Pants as being tight fit, skinny fit or slim fit? As in not skin tight, but skinny enough so that you can see the shape of the legs?



I think skin tight, actually. xD

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girls wearing guy pants is ok, my sister takes my clothes all the time, but i would never wear any of her clothes, except maybe her STLF zip up hoodie...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


My brother and his homies gimme their old clothes.

Which makes me happy.

The have rock T-shirts and ripped pants that i like.

I like wearing baggy clothes like boys do because I don't out-grow them.

When I do buy girl's pants, I usually end up buying them a size or two bigger because it's more comfortable.


Speaking of ripped pants...The Hard Rock Cafe has the coolest pants that ever existed. They were John Bon Jovi's before they were donated. I want them.


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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well, I think people should just wear pants that fit properly. At hips or above, fastened properly, loose enough to be comfortable but tight enough they don't fall off your body (I've seen guys walk around having to hold their pants up...seriously!). If pants are at your hips, they should be tight enough to stay there. Above the hips, just make sure they're narrower than your hips.


the crotch of your pants does NOT belong at your knees, guys!

and girls, your pants shorts should be long enough to count as more than glorified denim swimsuit bottoms!

if you don't fit in a size 2, don't try to force it on, it just doesn't work. :( I don't fit in a 2 either! I'm a 1...


ok, my 2cents is done :)


I'll admit, I like pants to be either skin-tight or a little loose, and they have to have flare legs if they're long pants.... but yeah, I want pants that fit. <.<

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*checks jeans*


Are we defining Girls Pants as being tight fit, skinny fit or slim fit? As in not skin tight, but skinny enough so that you can see the shape of the legs?

I normally difine girl pants as skin tight.


And also, on a side note, *tackles*. How are you? It's been a while.

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Fur is the best.

Sand bath, comb it, then go.

Always easy and looks great! :lol:

unfortunately some of us don't have fur :):lol:

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Fur is the best.

Sand bath, comb it, then go.

Always easy and looks great! :lol:

unfortunately some of us don't have fur :):lol:

I guess that presents a bit of a problem. :lol:



Humans have fur.

just not as much.

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Fur is the best.

Sand bath, comb it, then go.

Always easy and looks great! :lol:

unfortunately some of us don't have fur :):lol:

I guess that presents a bit of a problem. :lol:



Humans have fur.

just not as much.

we generally call it hair.

the only fur on humans is guys' arm/leg/chest :wub: /back hair.

(and yeah...I deliberately put the wub there)

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Fur is the best.

Sand bath, comb it, then go.

Always easy and looks great! :lol:

unfortunately some of us don't have fur :):lol:

I guess that presents a bit of a problem. :lol:



Humans have fur.

just not as much.

we generally call it hair.

the only fur on humans is guys' arm/leg/chest :wub: /back hair.

(and yeah...I deliberately put the wub there)

So... you like hairy guys. :P

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Fur is the best.

Sand bath, comb it, then go.

Always easy and looks great! :lol:

unfortunately some of us don't have fur :):lol:

I guess that presents a bit of a problem. :lol:



Humans have fur.

just not as much.

we generally call it hair.

the only fur on humans is guys' arm/leg/chest :wub: /back hair.

(and yeah...I deliberately put the wub there)

So... you like hairy guys. :P


She'd like my brother then. :D


But he uses Nair for Men on his chest and back, so probably not. I only know this because there's a bottle of that nasty stuff in the bathroom, and he never does a good job cleaning up. He thinks it looks unmanly to have tattoos and have hair over them, but I think it's even less manly to use nair. Haha ...

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wait isnt this the same toto who used to rant about girls not being able to where lose pants?




i think my point is proven then


No, it's not. I guess you didn't read my post then.


And even if I ever did wear "loose pants", that's a whole lot better than a guy showing off his assets and trying to fit in with the scene. A girl wearing a size too big? Or a guy wearing several sizes too small? Which is worse?


My point is made.

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wait isnt this the same toto who used to rant about girls not being able to where lose pants?




i think my point is proven then


No, it's not. I guess you didn't read my post then.


And even if I ever did wear "loose pants", that's a whole lot better than a guy showing off his assets and trying to fit in with the scene. A girl wearing a size too big? Or a guy wearing several sizes too small? Which is worse?


My point is made.


There not too small they fit my waste perfectly, and are made not to show off your butt. I find them comfey, and yes they do fit into the scene. Its not bad to fit in, its just bad if you make too much effort to and make it your life.

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wait isnt this the same toto who used to rant about girls not being able to where lose pants?




i think my point is proven then


No, it's not. I guess you didn't read my post then.


And even if I ever did wear "loose pants", that's a whole lot better than a guy showing off his assets and trying to fit in with the scene. A girl wearing a size too big? Or a guy wearing several sizes too small? Which is worse?


My point is made.


There not too small they fit my waste perfectly, and are made not to show off your butt. I find them comfey, and yes they do fit into the scene. Its not bad to fit in, its just bad if you make too much effort to and make it your life.


I disagree about the whole 'butt' thing. They're not worn to show off your butt, but something else. I'm sure you can think about it.

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wait isnt this the same toto who used to rant about girls not being able to where lose pants?




i think my point is proven then


No, it's not. I guess you didn't read my post then.


And even if I ever did wear "loose pants", that's a whole lot better than a guy showing off his assets and trying to fit in with the scene. A girl wearing a size too big? Or a guy wearing several sizes too small? Which is worse?


My point is made.


There not too small they fit my waste perfectly, and are made not to show off your butt. I find them comfey, and yes they do fit into the scene. Its not bad to fit in, its just bad if you make too much effort to and make it your life.


I disagree about the whole 'butt' thing. They're not worn to show off your butt, but something else. I'm sure you can think about it.

Your tail?

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wait isnt this the same toto who used to rant about girls not being able to where lose pants?




i think my point is proven then


No, it's not. I guess you didn't read my post then.


And even if I ever did wear "loose pants", that's a whole lot better than a guy showing off his assets and trying to fit in with the scene. A girl wearing a size too big? Or a guy wearing several sizes too small? Which is worse?


My point is made.


There not too small they fit my waste perfectly, and are made not to show off your butt. I find them comfey, and yes they do fit into the scene. Its not bad to fit in, its just bad if you make too much effort to and make it your life.


I disagree about the whole 'butt' thing. They're not worn to show off your butt, but something else. I'm sure you can think about it.


Not really.

Unless they are a girl brand.

Krews Dont, Royals dont, and thats all i wear

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wait isnt this the same toto who used to rant about girls not being able to where lose pants?




i think my point is proven then


No, it's not. I guess you didn't read my post then.


And even if I ever did wear "loose pants", that's a whole lot better than a guy showing off his assets and trying to fit in with the scene. A girl wearing a size too big? Or a guy wearing several sizes too small? Which is worse?


My point is made.


There not too small they fit my waste perfectly, and are made not to show off your butt. I find them comfey, and yes they do fit into the scene. Its not bad to fit in, its just bad if you make too much effort to and make it your life.


I disagree about the whole 'butt' thing. They're not worn to show off your butt, but something else. I'm sure you can think about it.

Your tail?


kiiiiiinda. If you wanna look at it that way.

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wait isnt this the same toto who used to rant about girls not being able to where lose pants?




i think my point is proven then


No, it's not. I guess you didn't read my post then.


And even if I ever did wear "loose pants", that's a whole lot better than a guy showing off his assets and trying to fit in with the scene. A girl wearing a size too big? Or a guy wearing several sizes too small? Which is worse?


My point is made.


There not too small they fit my waste perfectly, and are made not to show off your butt. I find them comfey, and yes they do fit into the scene. Its not bad to fit in, its just bad if you make too much effort to and make it your life.


I disagree about the whole 'butt' thing. They're not worn to show off your butt, but something else. I'm sure you can think about it.

Your tail?


kiiiiiinda. If you wanna look at it that way.

ROFOCLH !!!!!!!

Oh Cheesie..........

You get The Triple Gold Star Award for that post.

*is still laughing*

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wait isnt this the same toto who used to rant about girls not being able to where lose pants?




i think my point is proven then


No, it's not. I guess you didn't read my post then.


And even if I ever did wear "loose pants", that's a whole lot better than a guy showing off his assets and trying to fit in with the scene. A girl wearing a size too big? Or a guy wearing several sizes too small? Which is worse?


My point is made.


There not too small they fit my waste perfectly, and are made not to show off your butt. I find them comfey, and yes they do fit into the scene. Its not bad to fit in, its just bad if you make too much effort to and make it your life.


I disagree about the whole 'butt' thing. They're not worn to show off your butt, but something else. I'm sure you can think about it.

Your tail?


kiiiiiinda. If you wanna look at it that way.

ROFOCLH !!!!!!!

Oh Cheesie..........

You get The Triple Gold Star Award for that post.

*is still laughing*

yay! *goes to edit siggy*

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