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friends in broken windows

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taking a picture of familiar faces

friends and family in their places

suddenly wind captures my hands

on the ground the camera lands

I scoop it up and to my dismay

the lens has cracked three different ways

I loudly moan, for I'm now sad

the pictures are all I'll ever have


a few days later I start to think

what if this has more meaning

a philosophy forms in my unusual mind

an answer to many questions I find

having close ties to family and friends

is like looking at them through a broken lens

the cracks hide scars and ill-gotten acts

almost as if they were wearing a mask


looking around in this new mindset

I see my loved ones in a new perspect

in cracking my camera, I've mended my eyes

now I can see them in truth, at full size

at first I was shocked to see all the breaks

but now I embrace them, for personality's sake

I know I'm not perfect, in fact, I'm far short

hopefully with new eyes, I can grow more


Dedicated with apology to InsanitysCaptive

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you are welcome :)

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