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dissapointment and frustation

the only words that come to mind when my life fill it

and only of self

for almost every other being has tried

to help

to push

to motivate

but i fall flat.


im sick and tried

and tried and sick

i just drank 3/4th a thing of robotussin

and theyre bagering me again

go away i say

when i want to sleep

go away i say

when the world is too much for me to carry


yet you push this aside

seeing it only as a little piece

when i know the truth

and that is that i am consumed

with anger fear hate and sadness

and i wish to overcome these things

but lack the will to try


and once again i find myself

lack of oxygen to the brain

and thoughts racing

about altered states and lonely thoughts


here i sit

here i stay

for today, is not my day

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