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found it....

and like it....

so I repost it before disappearing again.


So maybe I'm crazy, but do you really think I'm a sane enough chicka to know the difference between life and death? Yeah, I'm number than the meatface on the pavement, but I can feel enough to say, I'm alive.


I am alive. I'm so alive, I can feel the wind in my hair and the rain down my spine. Hurricanes. Now that's what I call irony. I love extreme weather.


Have you ever felt like this?

Like there's a fantastic storm just brewing beyond the horizon

And there's wind whippin' you around like a ragdoll and you're lovin' it like mad

And rain clouds are rushin' up behind ya and clappin' together like a bowling alley

Like the field you're standin' in is finally big enough to run around in till you fall breathless to the ground

And the flowers therein are tickling your ankles as you cartwheel and jump and shout for joy

And it's rainin' out so pristine you could swim through the air

Like the woods you're walkin' through are perfectly chattering full of squirrel and blue jay

And your machete is useless because the trees are so big and old and beautiful you could sing

And the rain trickles down through the trees until it hits you, you're alive with the sensuous odor of nature

Like there's mysterious music floating through the vines in your head

And you can't quite understand but you know the meaning is good

And the air is so clean you could die from the purity

Like you're in a perfectly deep, quiet, coolwater river swimmin'

And the butterfly stroke just comes natural and effortless to your arms and hips

And it's so refreshin' that you wish it could never end, and it doesn't


Have you ever felt like this?

So maybe I'm a total headcase, but the peace in the void I call my brain... It's amazing.


Who was it that said crazies could never feel at rest? I do, and I'm crazier than anyone on here.



Have you ever felt like this?

Like you can feel the urge to run, and you do, and you can sense the stress of topical living just slough away like dead skin on a bad sunburn


Like there's no stoppin' you from jumping up and flying into the waiting sunset, and you love the feel of the wind picking you up


Like your life partner is there beside you, encouraging you to chase your dreams, supporting you when you're down, and overall loving you like no tomorrow


Like the world was on your shoulders but you finally just drop it, and it feels so good you float into sweet oblivion, waking up in a world of love and laughter


Like you know in your heart that it's going to be alright, someone's got your back, and there's no chance of failing the one who really matters to you


Like you and your best friend are hanging out, chatting, sitting in a big, ol', sprawling oak tree, and the birds and squirrels and stuff are lovin' life below you


Like nothing is in your way to bigger, better things, but you don't want to pursue them because your life is so perfect as it is right this moment


Like you can smell the sweetest, most precious flower in the world, and taste the most delicious thing in the world, and you open your eyes finally, and there it is: your personal paradise on earth


Like there's sand between your toes and wind in your hair and salt up your nose as you walk the quiet, serene beach with nobody but your own good company


Have you ever felt like this?

Maybe I'm crazy, but I think I have just the past few months.


The most amazing things are happening in my life, in my mind, in my broken heart.

Perhaps it's okay that I'm imperfect, after all. That's what the voice in my ear is saying now. I can't say for sure, but the voice sounds a lot like my most beloved and cherished companion...






Mon Dieu

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found it....

and like it....

so I repost it before disappearing again.


So maybe I'm crazy, but do you really think I'm a sane enough chicka to know the difference between life and death? Yeah, I'm number than the meatface on the pavement, but I can feel enough to say, I'm alive.


I am alive. I'm so alive, I can feel the wind in my hair and the rain down my spine. Hurricanes. Now that's what I call irony. I love extreme weather.


Have you ever felt like this?

Like there's a fantastic storm just brewing beyond the horizon

And there's wind whippin' you around like a ragdoll and you're lovin' it like mad

And rain clouds are rushin' up behind ya and clappin' together like a bowling alley

Like the field you're standin' in is finally big enough to run around in till you fall breathless to the ground

And the flowers therein are tickling your ankles as you cartwheel and jump and shout for joy

And it's rainin' out so pristine you could swim through the air

Like the woods you're walkin' through are perfectly chattering full of squirrel and blue jay

And your machete is useless because the trees are so big and old and beautiful you could sing

And the rain trickles down through the trees until it hits you, you're alive with the sensuous odor of nature

Like there's mysterious music floating through the vines in your head

And you can't quite understand but you know the meaning is good

And the air is so clean you could die from the purity

Like you're in a perfectly deep, quiet, coolwater river swimmin'

And the butterfly stroke just comes natural and effortless to your arms and hips

And it's so refreshin' that you wish it could never end, and it doesn't


Have you ever felt like this?

So maybe I'm a total headcase, but the peace in the void I call my brain... It's amazing.


Who was it that said crazies could never feel at rest? I do, and I'm crazier than anyone on here.



Have you ever felt like this?

Like you can feel the urge to run, and you do, and you can sense the stress of topical living just slough away like dead skin on a bad sunburn


Like there's no stoppin' you from jumping up and flying into the waiting sunset, and you love the feel of the wind picking you up


Like your life partner is there beside you, encouraging you to chase your dreams, supporting you when you're down, and overall loving you like no tomorrow


Like the world was on your shoulders but you finally just drop it, and it feels so good you float into sweet oblivion, waking up in a world of love and laughter


Like you know in your heart that it's going to be alright, someone's got your back, and there's no chance of failing the one who really matters to you


Like you and your best friend are hanging out, chatting, sitting in a big, ol', sprawling oak tree, and the birds and squirrels and stuff are lovin' life below you


Like nothing is in your way to bigger, better things, but you don't want to pursue them because your life is so perfect as it is right this moment


Like you can smell the sweetest, most precious flower in the world, and taste the most delicious thing in the world, and you open your eyes finally, and there it is: your personal paradise on earth


Like there's sand between your toes and wind in your hair and salt up your nose as you walk the quiet, serene beach with nobody but your own good company


Have you ever felt like this?

Maybe I'm crazy, but I think I have just the past few months.


The most amazing things are happening in my life, in my mind, in my broken heart.

Perhaps it's okay that I'm imperfect, after all. That's what the voice in my ear is saying now. I can't say for sure, but the voice sounds a lot like my most beloved and cherished companion...






Mon Dieu

Great idea! :)

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