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It's Topazia's brother, in case you've forgotten. Paz was online and I asked her to say hi for me.

so she logged in as me (amazingly she remembered my password o.0) and made this topic!


okay, back to cleaning the kitchen XD

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It's Topazia's brother, in case you've forgotten. Paz was online and I asked her to say hi for me.

so she logged in as me (amazingly she remembered my password o.0) and made this topic!


okay, back to cleaning the kitchen XD

Welcome back!

Of course we remember you! :)

Don't be a stranger, okay?

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*~*The GRand Illusion*&~*The Final Cut*~*


I love your siggy. It makes me laugh. Kind of like that picture where Joey Ramone is standing in front of a Graffiti-ed toilet...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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It's Topazia's brother, in case you've forgotten. Paz was online and I asked her to say hi for me.

so she logged in as me (amazingly she remembered my password o.0) and made this topic!


okay, back to cleaning the kitchen XD

Welcome back!

Of course we remember you! :)

Don't be a stranger, okay?

will try...since school is ending soon, I should be able to be a little more active...with a push from Paz. XD she pushed me out of my chair.


yeah, definitely need to get back into HD.

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It's Topazia's brother, in case you've forgotten. Paz was online and I asked her to say hi for me.

so she logged in as me (amazingly she remembered my password o.0) and made this topic!


okay, back to cleaning the kitchen XD

Welcome back!

Of course we remember you! :)

Don't be a stranger, okay?

will try...since school is ending soon, I should be able to be a little more active...with a push from Paz. XD she pushed me out of my chair.


yeah, definitely need to get back into HD.

When you return, please go to HampsterDance Talk and then to the Horatio Club topic and vote in my poll.

Please pick an answer to all three questions. Thanks. :)

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