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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

april 26th 1992, i mean 2007.

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wheres the time gone

where have my friends gone

where did the money go

wheres the love

where are my hopes and dreams

why can i throw this away

isnt anything sacred anymore

doesnt feel like theres much of anything anymore


when it all feels like theres nothing left

and everyday your pushing to keep the tears back

to keep your head up

slowly falling apart

you know the diseases are eating away

at your heart

soul and brain


each passing moment drains you

and every fake smile is documented

for a later laugh at life

small regrets tear at your memories

ripping apart the love that felt like was there

there was once happiness

now replaced with the need

lonely hearts will bleed alone

but everyone feels the same

we all just wanna break free


so ill take a walk at night

to clear my mind

with each step im writing poems in my head


she says we love you

we care

were trying to help

i get it

i see

i reply

thanks i know but i hate everything.

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wheres the time gone

where have my friends gone

where did the money go

wheres the love

where are my hopes and dreams

why can i throw this away

isnt anything sacred anymore

doesnt feel like theres much of anything anymore


when it all feels like theres nothing left

and everyday your pushing to keep the tears back

to keep your head up

slowly falling apart

you know the diseases are eating away

at your heart

soul and brain


each passing moment drains you

and every fake smile is documented

for a later laugh at life

small regrets tear at your memories

ripping apart the love that felt like was there

there was once happiness

now replaced with the need

lonely hearts will bleed alone

but everyone feels the same

we all just wanna break free


so ill take a walk at night

to clear my mind

with each step im writing poems in my head


she says we love you

we care

were trying to help

i get it

i see

i reply

thanks i know but i hate everything.

*is at a total loss for words*

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por quwa

Because there is so much feeling in there.

life is feeling

yay someone gets it


very powerful poem, Lauren, very strong. You're really good at evoking emotional images.

and you're right


Life is feeling.

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por quwa

Because there is so much feeling in there.

life is feeling

yay someone gets it


very powerful poem, Lauren, very strong. You're really good at evoking emotional images.

and you're right


Life is feeling.

i dont really want life.

but life is good for you!

if you have no life, you're like a little glass figurine that broke and was hastily repaired with duct tape.

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