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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel miserable lately.

My headaches seem worse than ever now, my back is constantly hurting. My left knee constantly feels like it's going to give out when I put pressure on it, and three times in the past week, I've thrown up after eating pasta or rice or bread.


There's not enough time in the day.


I'm way too stressed out.


I thought I knew what I wanted to do with my life, but now I don't.


I'm struggling in Calc. Missing so much school last year really only affected me in math. I feel like I can't learn new material now because I haven't grasped last year's knowledge. I don't know what to do. Everyone else in class gets it, so she breezes through it, and I'm still stuck on problem 1 while she's on 4.


I've also thrown up once more in the process of writing this. This is getting ridiculous.




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I feel miserable lately.

My headaches seem worse than ever now, my back is constantly hurting. My left knee constantly feels like it's going to give out when I put pressure on it, and three times in the past week, I've thrown up after eating pasta or rice or bread.


There's not enough time in the day.


I'm way too stressed out.


I thought I knew what I wanted to do with my life, but now I don't.


I'm struggling in Calc. Missing so much school last year really only affected me in math. I feel like I can't learn new material now because I haven't grasped last year's knowledge. I don't know what to do. Everyone else in class gets it, so she breezes through it, and I'm still stuck on problem 1 while she's on 4.


I've also thrown up once more in the process of writing this. This is getting ridiculous.




*gives TBFOF the biggest hug*


Stress can kill you. I am so very sorry that you have so much stress in your life. Being sick is awful, having knee problems makes things even worse. For some reason I think you will have to lose the stress to feel better.


Do you think you could ask your Calc teacher to give you some time after school to help you catch up? Certainly it would not take you much time to bring you back to the class level. Maybe Jesse could help you. After all... he is a math genius.


TBFOF, we are thinking of you. Please get well soon.

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Things are definitely looking up.


  • Yesterday I went to the city to visit the Jewish History Museum. It was to get some background knowledge on our upcoming play. We're doing "I Never Saw Another Butterfly" which is a play about the Holocaust. It is focused in the holding camp of Terezin. Approximately 15,000 Jewish children passed through Terezin, and of those, only 100 lived. We are extremely fortunate to have one of those survivors in our district. The middle school's principal's mother was a child when she was in Terezin. She is coming to visit a small number of us on Thursday and speak to us about her experience. I am very excited for this.
  • I should be getting my Blackberry Tour this week! iPhone < BB !!!!
  • This weekend I'm going to Syracuse to visit Syracuse University and watch one of my best friends play in the New York State Girls Tennis Finals Match.

The end.

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Things are definitely looking up.


  • Yesterday I went to the city to visit the Jewish History Museum. It was to get some background knowledge on our upcoming play. We're doing "I Never Saw Another Butterfly" which is a play about the Holocaust. It is focused in the holding camp of Terezin. Approximately 15,000 Jewish children passed through Terezin, and of those, only 100 lived. We are extremely fortunate to have one of those survivors in our district. The middle school's principal's mother was a child when she was in Terezin. She is coming to visit a small number of us on Thursday and speak to us about her experience. I am very excited for this.
  • I should be getting my Blackberry Tour this week! iPhone
  • This weekend I'm going to Syracuse to visit Syracuse University and watch one of my best friends play in the New York State Girls Tennis Finals Match.

The end.

Outstanding!!! What an amazing opportunity to learn. Please let us know how the visit turns out. Your play should be a phenomenal success.


Blackberry Tour!!! Have fun with that! :D


Syracuse University! We fly up to Syracuse and stay in the hotel right down the block from the university.

Enjoy the weekend. Hope your friend has a winning weekend!

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That was one of the most touching and moving experiences of my life.


She recalled everything with such detail, it was truly incredible. I cannot formulate the correct words to describe the experience.


There was a point to the story where she was finally released from Auschwitz and went back to Terezin. Her mother was going around asking everyone if they had seen her two daughters. Her mother eventually found them, but she didn't realize it was them. Her mother asked if they saw her daughters to which she responded "momma it's me!" That part stuck with me most. Her own mother could not recognize them because they were so worn down and skinny from the lack of food.

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That was one of the most touching and moving experiences of my life.


She recalled everything with such detail, it was truly incredible. I cannot formulate the correct words to describe the experience.


There was a point to the story where she was finally released from Auschwitz and went back to Terezin. Her mother was going around asking everyone if they had seen her two daughters. Her mother eventually found them, but she didn't realize it was them. Her mother asked if they saw her daughters to which she responded "momma it's me!" That part stuck with me most. Her own mother could not recognize them because they were so worn down and skinny from the lack of food.

How fortunate you were to be there to hear her talk. I think I would have cried when the mother spoke of how she could not recognize her own daughters. How emaciated they must have been.


You are so right... the words cannot come to describe the experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Four days without posts.....:unsure:

My internet was off for a few days.

How annoying the cable company is. We only have ONE cable company and they act like they are doing us a favour to come out and find the problem. AT&T is supposed to be in our area soon with the cable over the phone lines... watch how fast I switch. Nothing could be worse than our current cable company.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I actually bought it for my mother, but she hasn't worn it since I bought it for her... so I stole it from her. :rolleyes:

Sooooo... tell us about it? Do you like the Snuggie? It looks comfortable.


Actually, I really don't like it. It's way too wide for me, so it doesn't sit on my shoulders like it should and constantly slides off. It's rather thin and cheaply made too. Not what I was expecting. <_<


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I actually bought it for my mother, but she hasn't worn it since I bought it for her... so I stole it from her. :rolleyes:

Sooooo... tell us about it? Do you like the Snuggie? It looks comfortable.


Actually, I really don't like it. It's way too wide for me, so it doesn't sit on my shoulders like it should and constantly slides off. It's rather thin and cheaply made too. Not what I was expecting. <_>

Sorry to hear this. But that is one of the reasons I never buy anything I see hawked on the media.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've been pretty good.


Still in pain... always, but I'm trying to make the best of it. How has everyone else been?

I'm sorry to hear that. You would think doctors would be able to do something. Especially in the light that medicine has come a long way.


As for me, pictures are better than the story, so check out my Horatio topic. :lol:

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Sleep? What's that?


I haven't been able to fall asleep before 2AM for the past 4 weeks. This stinks.

That's awful. :( I hate it when I can't fall asleep. Decided to get a couple hypnosis CDs and they seem to work great. I put them on my iPhone and when they are over the phone shuts off. One is for taking a short forty-five minute nap, then it wakes you up and the other is for falling asleep for the night. One night I was having such a hard time getting to sleep that I had to listen to the one CD about three or four times before I finally fell asleep.

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Just booked my "graduation present"!


A flight to Turkey this summer! biggrin.gif

That is going to be a wonderful trip! I love Turkey! I have some friends over there.

Would you please take me with you?


I would love to take you!

I'll be staying with a friend and her family. We will be in Istanbul for one week and Silivri for another.



But there is one condition, you must take me somewhere in return! :)

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Just booked my "graduation present"!


A flight to Turkey this summer! biggrin.gif

That is going to be a wonderful trip! I love Turkey! I have some friends over there.

Would you please take me with you?


I would love to take you!

I'll be staying with a friend and her family. We will be in Istanbul for one week and Silivri for another.



But there is one condition, you must take me somewhere in return! :)

That's a great trade! You've got a deal!!!

It's wonderful that you have a friend who is inviting you to stay with family. You are going to really enjoy yourself.

I've been to Izmir many, many times. I've made some acquaintances there.

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  • 1 month later...

I totes need to do something about my sleeping schedule. Recommended amount of sleep per night? Eight hours. Amount of sleep Nick has gotten the past three nights, in total? Seven and a half hours. So not only am I not getting the recommended amount of sleep in one night, I'm not even getting one night's amount in three nights!


I feel miserable these week and I know it's because I haven't slept. And I blame that 100% on my exuberant stress level.


I've never felt so much pressure. Everything just keeps piling on. Worst part is this whole financial aid junk.


My father makes a very large amount of money, and my mother does not make nearly as much.(They are separated) My mom wanted to just completely avoid putting him down for anything, so I would receive more aid, but the problem is he claims me on his taxes, and I can't lie about that, so now he's involved, and he is required to complete the CSS Non-Custodial form for some of my schools but he is refusing to do that so I'm going to end up at some second-rate school and get a bad education now because my father is a cheap -(#*@(@(@*@(*#Y&$*#( and mother won't be able to afford to send me to the schools I want to go to.


I did get a 25,000$ scholarship to one school, and $18,000 to another, but I reallllllly don't want to go to either of them.



Then I realized that A) I want to switch my major completely, and B) I applied to all the wrong schools, minus three.

I thought I wanted to go into International Business, Economics, and all that jazz, but I realized that I have always been interested in Biology and more specifically the brain. I picked International Business because I wanted to be able to incorporate French and travelling into my career, but it is not something I am really passionate about. I was at my friend's house and was talking to her mom about her job. She works for IBM, and absolutely hates it. She told me to make sure that I pick something that I will thoroughly enjoy because I'm going to be stuck with it for the rest of my life. Which sent me on this whole thinking spree, which also keeps me up at night.

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I totes need to do something about my sleeping schedule. Recommended amount of sleep per night? Eight hours. Amount of sleep Nick has gotten the past three nights, in total? Seven and a half hours. So not only am I not getting the recommended amount of sleep in one night, I'm not even getting one night's amount in three nights!


I feel miserable these week and I know it's because I haven't slept. And I blame that 100% on my exuberant stress level.


I've never felt so much pressure. Everything just keeps piling on. Worst part is this whole financial aid junk.


My father makes a very large amount of money, and my mother does not make nearly as much.(They are separated) My mom wanted to just completely avoid putting him down for anything, so I would receive more aid, but the problem is he claims me on his taxes, and I can't lie about that, so now he's involved, and he is required to complete the CSS Non-Custodial form for some of my schools but he is refusing to do that so I'm going to end up at some second-rate school and get a bad education now because my father is a cheap -(#*@(@(@*@(*#Y&$*#( and mother won't be able to afford to send me to the schools I want to go to.


I did get a 25,000$ scholarship to one school, and $18,000 to another, but I reallllllly don't want to go to either of them.



Then I realized that A) I want to switch my major completely, and B) I applied to all the wrong schools, minus three.

I thought I wanted to go into International Business, Economics, and all that jazz, but I realized that I have always been interested in Biology and more specifically the brain. I picked International Business because I wanted to be able to incorporate French and travelling into my career, but it is not something I am really passionate about. I was at my friend's house and was talking to her mom about her job. She works for IBM, and absolutely hates it. She told me to make sure that I pick something that I will thoroughly enjoy because I'm going to be stuck with it for the rest of my life. Which sent me on this whole thinking spree, which also keeps me up at night.

Warren Buffett has a saying... "Do what you love and do it to the best of your ability." Your friend's mother is absolutely correct. Don't go for the money, go for the passion. If you are going for the money, you will be miserable which in turn can create all kinds of health problems. Please take your time and see what interests you.


I am so sorry that your father is giving you a hard time about the financial paperwork. You might talk to your mother about being legally emancipated from your father. This would mean that he would lose the ability to claim you on his taxes. This just might get him to do the right thing and submit the paperwork. Consider the following, there are lots of great schools. If you select a school, have been accepted and they do not give you a scholarship, do what my sister did, send the second school a letter with a copy of the offer from the first school and tell them that you will have to decline their offer as the money is required for you to attend. You might find that they will match or beat the offer from the first school. My sister ended up with a full scholarship from the school she really wanted to attend when they were not going to give her any money in the beginning. If you need to talk please come back and talk to us, we are your friends and are here to support you.


Remember, you need to sleep to think clearly. Lack of sleep wears your down mentally and physically.

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  • 1 month later...

Greetings from Boston. How is everyone doing?

Boston is a great city! Are you having a good time there?


Yes! I finally made up my mind and have decided to go to ____________________________ :o.


Am I allowed to say or no?

Sure... BU, Tufts, MIT, Harvard... ?

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Greetings from Boston. How is everyone doing?

Boston is a great city! Are you having a good time there?


Yes! I finally made up my mind and have decided to go to ____________________________ :o.


Am I allowed to say or no?

Sure... BU, Tufts, MIT, Harvard... ?

Oh Horatio, you soo silly. Me? Harvard and MIT? No, that's Dog Lover territory. I decided on Northeastern. I absolutely loved the set up of of the International Business program and I felt like the Co-Op. Program, where I spend a year in France one semester of studies one of an international Co-Op. I loved the campus, the location, I got a decent amount of money, and overall I just fell in love with it.

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Greetings from Boston. How is everyone doing?

Boston is a great city! Are you having a good time there?


Yes! I finally made up my mind and have decided to go to ____________________________ :o.


Am I allowed to say or no?

Sure... BU, Tufts, MIT, Harvard... ?

Oh Horatio, you soo silly. Me? Harvard and MIT? No, that's Dog Lover territory. I decided on Northeastern. I absolutely loved the set up of of the International Business program and I felt like the Co-Op. Program, where I spend a year in France one semester of studies one of an international Co-Op. I loved the campus, the location, I got a decent amount of money, and overall I just fell in love with it.

Northeastern!!! Whoo Hoo! You will love being there!!!!! Especially the international studies program. I am really excited for you!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Totes doesn't feel like it's been a month since I posted. I remember how I used to wait on the site for a post to appear and would be on multiple times a day. Oh well, times change.


Things are coming down to the wire, High School is coming to an end and I'm preparing for my new college life. So much change has occurred in my life in the past month, it's almost scary. A massive "scandal" happened amongst all of my friends and everyone hates everyone now and it's just a horrible way to end high school. I was hoping that we would all just forget any indifferences and have fun and enjoy the last bit of time that we have together, but it has turned into this crazy mess and I don't talk to two of my best friends and the majority of my other friends. I know that I was going to drift away from everyone eventually, but I wasn't hoping for such an abrupt change. I'm still hoping that things will get better between a few people over the summer, but there are some people that I honestly don't care what happens to them and don't want to ever associate with them.


I also thought I had a roommate for Northeastern, we've been talking for quite some time now and he SEEMED like a really cool guy. Until I found out that everything he told me was a complete lie and after dealing with this whole "lying issue" with my friends, I knew I couldn't room with him and cut off all ties from him.


And things only get better. Last weekend I was at my Dad's house and I went on the computer to Google something. The computer was in sleep mode and when it came back on it opened to one of my step mom's word documents with the title "Nick's College Stuff". I don't think I have ever been so mad at her in my life. It was a list of bullet points that she planned on using to personally attack my mother. My mom planned to take all the child support she receives and put it towards my college. My mother makes no where near the amount that my father does, and I wasn't expecting her to contribute a lot. She is basically a single mother, receives no assistance from my step dad, so I understand that she doesn't have oodles of money laying around for my college tuition. My step mom said things along the lines of, Chris(My mother) is irresponsible for not saving any money over the years...we've given her XXX amount of child support over the last 18 years, where did all of that money go.... we've paid for all of Nick's braces and medical problems and all this jazz... we aren't going to pay for him unless he maintains a 3.6 average, we have to look out for our other kids who will be going to college in two and four years...


Okay woman, no. Who is she to tell my mother what to do with her money? It's none of her business what so ever. Furthermore, it's MY father's money, NOT hers. If he wants to say something about it, okay, but she is totally out of line. I, NEVER IN MY LIFE, have asked my father to buy me ANYTHING. I've never even asked for a pack of gum. He only buys things for me if he offers, I've never asked. All of my brother's have had braces, so that's just pointless to mention because you paid for all of them too. Last week my middle brother went to South Carolina for 4 days to play one round of golf. Um, They go on vacations all the time and do things all the time and never tell me. For people who are so concerned with money, they are getting an entire living room, dining room, den, kitchen renovation with top of the line everything. Not to mention the in ground pool they installed last year, and the new Honda Odyssey the year before that, AND the new BMW 545i the year before that. Not to mention that child support is supposed to be 17% of your paycheck, when my mom is only receiving 9.5%. If anything, they should be paying her MORE money, and not complaining about anything. I'm getting so angry just thinking about it, it's driving me crazy.



Alright, I'm done ranting for now. Glad I got some of that out.

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It's great that you stopped back it, but I am so sorry that you are going through the things that you are. That is really awful. As for the people in your high school... time away does heal some wounds. Perhaps the summer will take care of things, perhaps not. When you come home at Thanksgiving or Christmas, I think you will find the people you want to talk to will want to talk to you. Things change when you go away.


As for your father and step-mother, I am so sorry she acts the way she does. First of all, your mother has done a wonderful job of raising you, and her efforts should be applauded. She has no obligation to save the child support your father paid her and use it towards your college tuition. Your mother knows the divorce agreement and perhaps your father has an obligation to pay for some of your college. I am so sorry that you are going through all this. Your step-mother is not a nice person, but you have a wonderful mother, so please focus on the positive.


As far as the roommate you might have had... at least you know before you both are rooming together. You will find someone else.


Please don't be a stranger, we like when you post.

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It's great that you stopped back it, but I am so sorry that you are going through the things that you are. That is really awful. As for the people in your high school... time away does heal some wounds. Perhaps the summer will take care of things, perhaps not. When you come home at Thanksgiving or Christmas, I think you will find the people you want to talk to will want to talk to you. Things change when you go away.


As for your father and step-mother, I am so sorry she acts the way she does. First of all, your mother has done a wonderful job of raising you, and her efforts should be applauded. She has no obligation to save the child support your father paid her and use it towards your college tuition. Your mother knows the divorce agreement and perhaps your father has an obligation to pay for some of your college. I am so sorry that you are going through all this. Your step-mother is not a nice person, but you have a wonderful mother, so please focus on the positive.


As far as the roommate you might have had... at least you know before you both are rooming together. You will find someone else.


Please don't be a stranger, we like when you post.


My mom, and she admits this is the biggest mistake she's ever made, settled out of court with my dad, so pretty much nothing but his word that makes him pay.

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It's great that you stopped back it, but I am so sorry that you are going through the things that you are. That is really awful. As for the people in your high school... time away does heal some wounds. Perhaps the summer will take care of things, perhaps not. When you come home at Thanksgiving or Christmas, I think you will find the people you want to talk to will want to talk to you. Things change when you go away.


As for your father and step-mother, I am so sorry she acts the way she does. First of all, your mother has done a wonderful job of raising you, and her efforts should be applauded. She has no obligation to save the child support your father paid her and use it towards your college tuition. Your mother knows the divorce agreement and perhaps your father has an obligation to pay for some of your college. I am so sorry that you are going through all this. Your step-mother is not a nice person, but you have a wonderful mother, so please focus on the positive.


As far as the roommate you might have had... at least you know before you both are rooming together. You will find someone else.


Please don't be a stranger, we like when you post.


My mom, and she admits this is the biggest mistake she's ever made, settled out of court with my dad, so pretty much nothing but his word that makes him pay.

Oh my!

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Horatio, for my AP French final, we're doing a series of projects. One of them is an interview with a famous French person. My partner and I got down to Coco Chanel or Yves Saint Laurent. We are two of the most indecisive people, everrrrr, but I was wearing her YSL belt, so we chose him. I remember you saying that you knew him personally, and I was wondering if there was anything quirky or interesting fact(s) about him that you knew, that we may not necessarily learn from a website.

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Horatio, for my AP French final, we're doing a series of projects. One of them is an interview with a famous French person. My partner and I got down to Coco Chanel or Yves Saint Laurent. We are two of the most indecisive people, everrrrr, but I was wearing her YSL belt, so we chose him. I remember you saying that you knew him personally, and I was wondering if there was anything quirky or interesting fact(s) about him that you knew, that we may not necessarily learn from a website.

Actually I am friends with his mother and only met him a few times. Let me think on this. Do I have a day? I have a personal gift from Yves and his mother, these were not produced except for a few for friends, and I could take a picture of the heart necklace with his signature if you wanted.


I will think a bit and get back to you tomorrow morning or perhaps later today if that is okay. In the meantime, I will dig up the necklace and take pictures, just in case you want to use that. If I had my old laptop, I could have sent you some pictures of Yves, his mother and myself.

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Horatio, for my AP French final, we're doing a series of projects. One of them is an interview with a famous French person. My partner and I got down to Coco Chanel or Yves Saint Laurent. We are two of the most indecisive people, everrrrr, but I was wearing her YSL belt, so we chose him. I remember you saying that you knew him personally, and I was wondering if there was anything quirky or interesting fact(s) about him that you knew, that we may not necessarily learn from a website.

Actually I am friends with his mother and only met him a few times. Let me think on this. Do I have a day? I have a personal gift from Yves and his mother, these were not produced except for a few for friends, and I could take a picture of the heart necklace with his signature if you wanted.


I will think a bit and get back to you tomorrow morning or perhaps later today if that is okay. In the meantime, I will dig up the necklace and take pictures, just in case you want to use that. If I had my old laptop, I could have sent you some pictures of Yves, his mother and myself.

I have until June 6th, so take your time! Thank you! :)

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Horatio, for my AP French final, we're doing a series of projects. One of them is an interview with a famous French person. My partner and I got down to Coco Chanel or Yves Saint Laurent. We are two of the most indecisive people, everrrrr, but I was wearing her YSL belt, so we chose him. I remember you saying that you knew him personally, and I was wondering if there was anything quirky or interesting fact(s) about him that you knew, that we may not necessarily learn from a website.

Actually I am friends with his mother and only met him a few times. Let me think on this. Do I have a day? I have a personal gift from Yves and his mother, these were not produced except for a few for friends, and I could take a picture of the heart necklace with his signature if you wanted.


I will think a bit and get back to you tomorrow morning or perhaps later today if that is okay. In the meantime, I will dig up the necklace and take pictures, just in case you want to use that. If I had my old laptop, I could have sent you some pictures of Yves, his mother and myself.

I have until June 6th, so take your time! Thank you! :)

Never tell me to take my time... I am a procrastinator. You need to tell me you need it the next day. :lol:

I will dig up the necklace and some other information that I an think of.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Greeetings from mah new Mac! happy.gif

How incredible!!!! Was this your graduation present?

From my grandmother, yes! So far I haven't found one thing that I prefer on a PC to a Mac.

What a phenomenal present from your grandmother!!! You are going to love your Mac! There is absolutely no reason to like anything on a PC!!!

You are now a Mac. Welcome!

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Greeetings from mah new Mac! happy.gif

How incredible!!!! Was this your graduation present?

From my grandmother, yes! So far I haven't found one thing that I prefer on a PC to a Mac.

What a phenomenal present from your grandmother!!! You are going to love your Mac! There is absolutely no reason to like anything on a PC!!!

You are now a Mac. Welcome!



Is there a way to make it so the computer does not go into sleep mode when you close it?



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Greeetings from mah new Mac! happy.gif

How incredible!!!! Was this your graduation present?

From my grandmother, yes! So far I haven't found one thing that I prefer on a PC to a Mac.

What a phenomenal present from your grandmother!!! You are going to love your Mac! There is absolutely no reason to like anything on a PC!!!

You are now a Mac. Welcome!



Is there a way to make it so the computer does not go into sleep mode when you close it?

That question I don't know the answer to. But, why would you not want it to go to sleep when you close the cover? Going to sleep is the way for the computer to save battery life and keep the laptop cool.


Upper left hand corner, click on the black apple. Then look for System Preferences. Next click on Energy Saver. You can select Never on putting the computer to sleep and the Display to sleep, but I would call Apple and check that this is a good idea. I still do not know if it will stop the process when you close the cover.


Something that is very, very important, make sure you purchase Apple Care for your laptop. It is probably a couple hundred dollars, I am not exactly sure, but this is imperative. It will take the coverage from one year to three years. This is the most important thing you can do. I have it for all my Apple products and will say this is a priority. The other most important thing you do is get LoJack for your laptop. It costs $100 for three years of coverage. Computers are the number one item stolen from college campuses. And for $100, it takes you almost to your senior year. After my computer was gone, I wish I had known about this product. If I had it, my computer would have been returned within 24 hours of the person turning it on. Please ask for these two products.

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Greeetings from mah new Mac! happy.gif

How incredible!!!! Was this your graduation present?

From my grandmother, yes! So far I haven't found one thing that I prefer on a PC to a Mac.

What a phenomenal present from your grandmother!!! You are going to love your Mac! There is absolutely no reason to like anything on a PC!!!

You are now a Mac. Welcome!



Is there a way to make it so the computer does not go into sleep mode when you close it?

That question I don't know the answer to. But, why would you not want it to go to sleep when you close the cover? Going to sleep is the way for the computer to save battery life and keep the laptop cool.


Upper left hand corner, click on the black apple. Then look for System Preferences. Next click on Energy Saver. You can select Never on putting the computer to sleep and the Display to sleep, but I would call Apple and check that this is a good idea. I still do not know if it will stop the process when you close the cover.


Something that is very, very important, make sure you purchase Apple Care for your laptop. It is probably a couple hundred dollars, I am not exactly sure, but this is imperative. It will take the coverage from one year to three years. This is the most important thing you can do. I have it for all my Apple products and will say this is a priority. The other most important thing you do is get LoJack for your laptop. It costs $100 for three years of coverage. Computers are the number one item stolen from college campuses. And for $100, it takes you almost to your senior year. After my computer was gone, I wish I had known about this product. If I had it, my computer would have been returned within 24 hours of the person turning it on. Please ask for these two products.

It's just habit for me to put iTunes on, close the lid, and do various other, non-computer related tasks in my room, such as cleaning up and stuffs. I don't like the idea of never putting the computer to sleep, just wish that I could continue to play music when the lid was closed.


And I will certainly look into the other two things. Thank you Horatio!



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Greeetings from mah new Mac! happy.gif

How incredible!!!! Was this your graduation present?

From my grandmother, yes! So far I haven't found one thing that I prefer on a PC to a Mac.

What a phenomenal present from your grandmother!!! You are going to love your Mac! There is absolutely no reason to like anything on a PC!!!

You are now a Mac. Welcome!



Is there a way to make it so the computer does not go into sleep mode when you close it?

That question I don't know the answer to. But, why would you not want it to go to sleep when you close the cover? Going to sleep is the way for the computer to save battery life and keep the laptop cool.


Upper left hand corner, click on the black apple. Then look for System Preferences. Next click on Energy Saver. You can select Never on putting the computer to sleep and the Display to sleep, but I would call Apple and check that this is a good idea. I still do not know if it will stop the process when you close the cover.


Something that is very, very important, make sure you purchase Apple Care for your laptop. It is probably a couple hundred dollars, I am not exactly sure, but this is imperative. It will take the coverage from one year to three years. This is the most important thing you can do. I have it for all my Apple products and will say this is a priority. The other most important thing you do is get LoJack for your laptop. It costs $100 for three years of coverage. Computers are the number one item stolen from college campuses. And for $100, it takes you almost to your senior year. After my computer was gone, I wish I had known about this product. If I had it, my computer would have been returned within 24 hours of the person turning it on. Please ask for these two products.

It's just habit for me to put iTunes on, close the lid, and do various other, non-computer related tasks in my room, such as cleaning up and stuffs. I don't like the idea of never putting the computer to sleep, just wish that I could continue to play music when the lid was closed.


And I will certainly look into the other two things. Thank you Horatio!

When you are playing your iTunes, go to the top left, click on View, then Visualizer, then full screen. You will see a great visual design. Also, there is no harm in leaving your cover open when you play iTunes.

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High School is over! Woooo!!! I've been awake 38 of the last 41 hours, but I CAN NOT FALL ASLEEP!

I keep thinking about how much things are about to change and what the future holds and as excited as I am, I'm extremely nervous and I keep running through all sorts of scenarios in my head and all the what ifs and lj asdfhub2ih r3lfwehuanid. Oy.

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High School is over! Woooo!!! I've been awake 38 of the last 41 hours, but I CAN NOT FALL ASLEEP!

I keep thinking about how much things are about to change and what the future holds and as excited as I am, I'm extremely nervous and I keep running through all sorts of scenarios in my head and all the what ifs and lj asdfhub2ih r3lfwehuanid. Oy.

I will say that life gets much, much better. High School will soon be a thing of that past and the doors that are open to you are many. I really think you will enjoy being in college.

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Horatio, I'm already having problems with my Mac! First, the Caps Lock key barely works and I have to hit it anywhere from 3-7 times before it works. Second, The B key is very, very dim compared to the other keys. I know those aren't too big of concerns, but after spending this much money on a new computer, it shouldn't be like this only 8 days after having it.


A bigger problem is that the sound does not work. I have tried everything for the past hour, looked at a bunch of forums. The sound does not work.

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Horatio, I'm already having problems with my Mac! First, the Caps Lock key barely works and I have to hit it anywhere from 3-7 times before it works. Second, The B key is very, very dim compared to the other keys. I know those aren't too big of concerns, but after spending this much money on a new computer, it shouldn't be like this only 8 days after having it.


A bigger problem is that the sound does not work. I have tried everything for the past hour, looked at a bunch of forums. The sound does not work.

Here is what you need to do...

Call Apple Care. Have the serial number of the computer immediately handy to give them. If you click on the apple in the left hand corner, then click on About This Mac, More Info, then you will look down almost near the bottom of the list on the right hand side and you will see Serial Number (System) and you will find the information that they need for the Apple Care representative. They will hear what you have to say and give you a case number. Then they might have you send the computer back or take it to the nearest Apple Store and trade it in for another one. You should not be having those problems. Please let me know how it works for you. Here is the Apple Care number: 1.800.275.22.73.

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Horatio, I'm already having problems with my Mac! First, the Caps Lock key barely works and I have to hit it anywhere from 3-7 times before it works. Second, The B key is very, very dim compared to the other keys. I know those aren't too big of concerns, but after spending this much money on a new computer, it shouldn't be like this only 8 days after having it.


A bigger problem is that the sound does not work. I have tried everything for the past hour, looked at a bunch of forums. The sound does not work.

Here is what you need to do...

Call Apple Care. Have the serial number of the computer immediately handy to give them. If you click on the apple in the left hand corner, then click on About This Mac, More Info, then you will look down almost near the bottom of the list on the right hand side and you will see Serial Number (System) and you will find the information that they need for the Apple Care representative. They will hear what you have to say and give you a case number. Then they might have you send the computer back or take it to the nearest Apple Store and trade it in for another one. You should not be having those problems. Please let me know how it works for you. Here is the Apple Care number: 1.800.275.22.73.

Call them now. Operators (and Horatio) are standing by.

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  • 2 months later...

Good good good. I've had an incredible summer, and what better way to rap it up than with a week of packing for college! wacko.gif I've been at this forever, but it still seems like I've made no progress.

Outstanding!!! What a way to end the high school years and begin your new adventure. Let us know when you are ready to depart. What day do you have to be at college?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm in school now, I moved in Sunday, started classes Wednesday.

Soooooo... how is it? You have a camera, send pictures of the campus! Send a picture of yourself!

Keep us posted. Let's us know how it is going and if you are happy there.


Never in a million years would I have ever expected to say these words, I have not made a single friend here. It's been one entire week, and I've stayed in my dorm ever night. I'm miserable. The last three weeks of my summer were THE GREATEST moments of my life. I made sooooo many great friends, and had the most fun I've ever had.


When I got here, I clicked with NO ONE. I hate my floor, my roommate has only slept here one night out of seven. I have never been this alone and I don't know what to do with myself.


To make it worse, I've talked to tons and tons of people. I've sat with people in the dining hall, chatted in classes, but I haven't seen any of them since. I've gotten complimented every single day on my outfits, multiple times. If I had no interactions with people, I would understand not having friends. But after talking to soo many people, and still being so alone, without ANYONE, I feel like I don't belong here.

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Your roomie is probably getting all of the WOOOO NO PARENTS!!!!! out of his system. As for making friends, I know this is cliche, but you have to put yourself out there. Join some clubs/organizations or something. Keep your door open when you're in your room. Play video games or watch TV in the lounge (if you have one). Or, if you see someone doing something that interests you, ask to join them. I made a few good friends because I walked past their open dorm room when they were playing DDR. My main group of friends I met at the honors dinner thing, just because they looked as confused as I felt. Most of my other friends I sort of met through them. Also, all those people you've met, friend them on facebook.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jesusfreak is absolutely right. This is just your first week. Look for some clubs that interest you and then join. There must be a photography club for example. You would make lots of friends and have a great time. You are outstanding as a photographer and there would be people with like interests. Please think positively, this is just the first week and I do think that things will get better.


Remember Jesse went through some tough times at school and things got better. Think about what you enjoy and then find people where you feel comfortable. I know this is harder than it sounds, but I promise things will get better.

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  • 5 months later...

Five months. Ooops. blush.gif


Well, so much to catch you up on.


I'll start with today and then jump back to the past. I'm currently on Spring Break, and just had my wisdom teeth out today, so I currently have no life so I have loads of time to recap everything in detail.


So, back to October.


Last semester was a little rough, I really, really hated the month of September. When I went to school, I was hoping to become friends with artsy people who dressed well, shared similar interests, and were motivated. When I moved on to my floor, I was greeted by the complete opposite. The guys were (75% ish) druggies with no motivation who were into sports and video games only, and the girls well, were just not people I wanted to be friends with. With over 15,000 people, I was expecting to find my niche immediately, and was perhaps too judgmental and conceited for my own good.


Despite eventually finding friends, I still wasn't satisfied. I hated the school, I hated how big it was. I was too used to be my home life of being known, of being someone, of never getting denied from a party, of basically being a stuck up brat. For this reason, I went to Babson College, which is right next to Liz's Olin College to visit one of my best friends from home, Brittany. Babson is a really small, strictly business school that seemed to be a much better fit at first. Even though I was only there 7 times, it was a lot for only being in school for 3.5 months. I met a lot of great people there, became good friends with Brittany's roommate and suite-mates, and felt so much more at home when I was there. Around the end of October, beginning of November I decided that I for sure wanted to transfer for Fall 2012. I started looking into other schools, but couldn't find another school that shared Babson's size, rankings, and similarity in location (located outside of Boston, but with easy access if needed). I didn't necessarily want to be in Boston, but I definitely wanted it to be some big city.


Of the weekends I was at Northeastern, I tried to like it more and more, but I wasn't in LOVE with it like many of my friends were with their schools. I felt guilty that my parents were paying so much money for something I wasn't too sure about.


The semester was pretty average, nothing exciting really happened, and I just continued with questioning where I truly belonged.


I went home from my 3 weeks of winter break, the shortest of all of my friends. It was nice to see all of my home friends, but after a while, I realized how much I liked the idea of college, whether or not it was Northeastern. I started to fill out the common app again, applying to the University of Virginia, American (again), and George Washington. I decided to hold off with actually submitting the applications until I went through some of my second semester of freshman year.


All I can say is I'm happy I held off with the applications. This semester started on a GREAT note. One of the girls who I would have called an acquaintance last semester randomly invited myself and a friend, Alyssa, to go to her New York apartment with her friends. This girl, is very, very wealthy; her father is the CFO of Ernst & Young in France and her mother is an extremely successful real estate agent, so we knew we could not pass up this experience. Unfortunately Alyssa couldn't go, but I went anyway. And I'm sure glad I did, it ended up being one of the best experiences of my life. Of all the years of going to New York, and staying in so many different places, I have NEVER ever seen a more beautiful apartment. Everything, right down to the towels and the sheets were either Versace, Dior, or Hermes, and it was a penthouse in Columbus Circle with an incredible view of Central Park (attached picture). We dined in incredible restaurants and overall just had a blast. I got really close with one of her friends and he is now one of my closest friends.


I was nervous to go back to Northeastern because I seemed to have a great time when I was away from Northeastern, but not so much when I actually spent time there. I thankfully had nothing to worry about. Two new girls moved on to my floor that spent their first semester in Greece. I've met a lot of really great people through them, and consider someone of them to also be my closest. I'm really happy that I met them and have been having a great time at Northeastern now, to the point that I no longer have any desire to go to Babson. I decided not the transfer, and I am perfectly happy with where I am now.


The only problem with this is the exuberant amount of money I have spent because of my stupid desires to "keep up" with them. The close proximity to Newbury Street, the Prudential Center and the Copley Mall doesn't help much either. I've developed a very very high end taste that I simply cannot afford, but buy anyway, but that's a different story.


I also went through a few more problems, including a struggle with an eating disorder. It was the first time I ever noticed any "fat" on my body, and I didn't know how to handle it, so I started to eat only one small meal a day. This past week I finally realized how stupid I was and had more than one meal in a day for over a month besides a few small snacks here and there. So that's that, and its hopefully past me.


I actually just took my pills again a few minutes again and I'm feeling really tired, so I shall catch you up on the last bit of what I have to say tomorrow.


Hope everyone else is doing well. happy.gif

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TBFOF!!! Welcome back!!!


Outstanding photograph!!!!!


How tough a first semester you had. I know that must have been very difficult for you. If you ever do look to transfer, there is a small college on Staten Island where you would definitely fit in and it offers everything you want. Wagner College. Good school with lots and lots of artsy, theatre minded, well-dressed people with great backgrounds and a good business department. Plus, New York City is only a ferry ride away. The good news is that you do like your school now. This is terrific! Northeastern is an incredibly terrific school and I'm certain you have found your niche.


Getting back to your post, I will respond to that, but first, having your wisdom teeth out is so painful. How many teeth did you have removed? Were any impacted? The removal of wisdom teeth is really, really painful. Get well soon!!! I had mine taken out. Two at a time so I understand your pain.


In your post, the one sentence that bothers me is that you are spending absurd amounts of money to try and keep up with the material levels of other people. Life is about much more than spending money on 'stuff'. I hope that you can change this trend. High end stuff is okay, but it does not make you who you are. The friends you have do not care if you wear a Hermes or a no name, they like you for what is inside. Your personality, your character, defines who you are, the TBFOF that they like. Not the 'stuff'. As a little hamster, my mother had a saying... "There will always be someone richer, thinner, prettier, handsomer, faster, smarter, etc. so just try and be who you are, and be happy with who you are. What's inside makes all the difference." I know you will be successful, and will have the ability to purchase high end things, but I hope that you can move a step past this, and not waste your money on stuff. If this continues, you could very well find yourself with enormous credit card debt and in a serious financial situation. Okay, enough of the lecture.


Your friends sound very nice. The apartment in Manhattan sounds spectacular!!! WOW!!! Which restaurants did you dine at? I am always looking for a terrific restaurant in the city. Hopefully you have gotten over the eating disorder. Although I do not know for sure, I would guess that you are definitely NOT fat. So, I hope that you are able to like your self enough not to starve your body. There are lots of healthy foods, vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, that will not make you fat. So, enjoy life and enjoy a good meal.


Everyone here knows you and likes you and we hope that you stop back in and post more often.


Keep up the phenomenal photography!!! Your photographs are superb and we love seeing them.


Please check out my last post in my Horatio topic. Let me know what you see please.

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I read all of that and know you're happy now, but I'm still going to say this.

If you wanted to meet a lot of well-dressed artsy motivated people, you probably would have been best moving to the northern part of my state of California. :lol:


I'm glad life is getting better for you.

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  • 1 month later...

My Freshman year of college is over... and I'm home. Whattttttt. That went by SO fast. TOO fast. Not a single part of me wanted to come home, what so ever. I had the most incredible semester. I wouldn't change a single aspect of it for anything, and I would give anything in the world to be back there. But at the same time, I have so much to look forward to this summer. I'm going to Bankgok, Thailand, Koh Samui, Thailand, and Shanghai, China from May 23rd to June 11th. I also have plans to visit friends in Laguna Beach and Los Angeles in July, Montana in August, and Greenwich/Westport several times throughout the summer. Yet I still wish I was back at school. I've felt physically sick and nauseous from the time I left, until now. I've had no appetite, have been extremely sad, and just overall felt like something was completely wrong. Four months is going to be an incredibly long time. sad.gif

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Glad to hear your freshman year turned out to be a success. You will love your summer. traveling around, seeing the various parts of our country and the world. The places you intend to visit are terrific and you will end up taking a zillion pictures. My cousins live in Old Greenwich, so stop in and say hello for me. :D California is another great state and you will love being there as well. Four months doing what you plan will fly by so very, very fast. You will be shocked at how those days disappeared and you are back at school. We look forward to some of you amazing photographs being posted. Please do remember us.


I always look forward to your posts, so please stay in touch.

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  • 1 month later...

Greatest trip of my life. It was like three trips in one! First we went to Bangkok, and it was the most touristy place we went. We saw all the typical palaces, monasteries, etc, etc. Ate EXTREMELY cheap... each meal was about $.75 - $1.25 USD. It was so fresh, so good! I received SO much attention though, as a 6'2" very white American. The funniest part is that we stayed on Sukhumvit 4, which is a long road that many expats and foreigners live on. There are a bunch of "sois" which as basically just little north/south roads that come off the main Sukhumvit road, and they are numbered. So when we got there, we realized that Soi 4 is the main road for prostitution. There we hundreds of girls (and many kathoeys, or transgendered) all over the streets and they basically attacked me when we got there. I was probably a nice change from all of the old, fat, gross men that also littered the street.


Next we went to Koh Samui, Thailand, which is a BEAUTIFUL island in the Gulf of Thailand. It was the perfect combination of Phuket (more developed, fun to go out at night) and some of the untouched islands (incredible beaches, perfect for relaxing during the day).


Last, we went to Shanghai, China. It was basically just one 9 day long party. The first weekend we stayed with a girl, Ivy that my friend Nina met at Brown Summer Camp two years ago, and hadn't really talked to since. I found it weird at first that we were staying with her at first since they hardly knew each other, but I can honestly say that was one of the most incredible weekends of my life. Her father is partners in one of the top real estate development firms in Shanghai, so they were incredibly wealthy and generous, so it was a nice change from the $25 dollar a night hotels and $1 meals in Thailand. We went to all of the best clubs, ate out at incredible restaurants, I went a little overboard with shopping, and it was just sooooo much fun. We got there Friday, and Ivy left Monday for Koh Samui, where we just came from. Such bad timing! We stayed with Nina's Uncle once she left, and did things with her family during the day, and went out again at night, and met up with people she knew from NYU. At one of the clubs I randomly ran into a friend from my Fall semester Calculus group from Northeastern. It was so so so so random! Small world. So the rest of the week was basically just stuff myself with delicious food during the day and go a little bit crazy at night.


Hands down the best trip of my life. Can't wait until I go back to Asia!!


I'll post pictures soon!

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Exciting trip!!!! Sounds like you had such an amazing time and I can not wait until you post the pictures!!! What a truly wonderful experience! Shanghai is an incredibly large city. About four of our most major cities combined. Shanghai is one of my favorite Asian cities to visit.


Please post pictures soon! You take the best pictures, so I am looking forward to seeing your work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Those photographs are amazing!!!! Thank you so much!!! How did you like Shanghai? It is a terrific city isn't it???


Shanghai was incredible! I never thought I would like it so much. We spent 9 days there, but it most certainly was not enough. The funny part is before we left, I kept complaining about spending "so much" time in Shanghai, as I wanted to spend it on Koh Samui. I'm glad my friend was stubborn and didn't let me get my way. I cannot wait until my next opportunity to go back!

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Those photographs are amazing!!!! Thank you so much!!! How did you like Shanghai? It is a terrific city isn't it???


Shanghai was incredible! I never thought I would like it so much. We spent 9 days there, but it most certainly was not enough. The funny part is before we left, I kept complaining about spending "so much" time in Shanghai, as I wanted to spend it on Koh Samui. I'm glad my friend was stubborn and didn't let me get my way. I cannot wait until my next opportunity to go back!


What amazed me was the size of Shanghai. It is larger than about five of our largest cities combined into one. The number of skyscrapers housing people was astonishing.

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Those photographs are amazing!!!! Thank you so much!!! How did you like Shanghai? It is a terrific city isn't it???


Shanghai was incredible! I never thought I would like it so much. We spent 9 days there, but it most certainly was not enough. The funny part is before we left, I kept complaining about spending "so much" time in Shanghai, as I wanted to spend it on Koh Samui. I'm glad my friend was stubborn and didn't let me get my way. I cannot wait until my next opportunity to go back!


What amazed me was the size of Shanghai. It is larger than about five of our largest cities combined into one. The number of skyscrapers housing people was astonishing.


I agree! It was SO spread out and took us so long to get from place to place. Especially when we stayed with our friend in Pudong. One night it took us nearly 25 minutes to get to the clubs in Puxi. And it's not like either one of those areas are on the outskirts of the city, they're both still very much near the center.

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Those photographs are amazing!!!! Thank you so much!!! How did you like Shanghai? It is a terrific city isn't it???


Shanghai was incredible! I never thought I would like it so much. We spent 9 days there, but it most certainly was not enough. The funny part is before we left, I kept complaining about spending "so much" time in Shanghai, as I wanted to spend it on Koh Samui. I'm glad my friend was stubborn and didn't let me get my way. I cannot wait until my next opportunity to go back!


What amazed me was the size of Shanghai. It is larger than about five of our largest cities combined into one. The number of skyscrapers housing people was astonishing.


I agree! It was SO spread out and took us so long to get from place to place. Especially when we stayed with our friend in Pudong. One night it took us nearly 25 minutes to get to the clubs in Puxi. And it's not like either one of those areas are on the outskirts of the city, they're both still very much near the center.

Exactly! Today I have a few things to accomplish, and hopefully the traffic will on the light side. Amazing, the taxicabs are so very, very inexpensive. I mean a couple dollars even when you are locked in a traffic jam for a while.

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  • 5 months later...

Hello, just popping by for a quick catch-up. Done with the semester, and home for the Holidays. Had a wonderful Christmas, got everything I wanted and am so grateful, and I hope everyone else was as fortunate. I had a great semester, and made a change in my mine, which ends up having a drastic change in my college path. I have switched from French as my minor to Mandarin Chinese, and thus I will be spending May and June 2012 at Nanjing University for Mandarin classes, and 14 months, likely at either Peking University in Beijing, Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, or HKUST in Hong Kong in 2013 - 2014. Other than that, not much else has occurred in my life out of the ordinary.


Hope all is well with everyone else!

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Mandarin Chinese... how exciting!!! Awesome choice and a very intelligent decision. If you go, please do let me know as we stay in ALL the cities that you will be in. It would be outstanding to be able to follow your progress and see how you are enjoying China.


Good news that you are doing well. We miss seeing you and are so pleased that you stopped in.

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  • 3 months later...

Guess my parents were right when they said enjoy yourself while you're young, because it sure flies by quickly. I can't believe I'm halfway done with college. I don't like this one bit. I got home yesterday and I'm already bored out of my mind. I just want to go back to Northeastern and stay there forever. Okay, maybe not forever, but I certainly don't want to be home. To make home even worse, NONE of my friends return from their colleges until after I leave for China on May 7th. Wahhhhhh.


I'm so excited, yet so nervous at the same time. It's going to be SO much work, but I think it's really going to help my Chinese out a lot!


Horatio, you said you stay in all of the cities I mentioned, so here's my itinerary. Wouldn't it be funny if we were both in the same city at the same time?


Beijing May 8th - May 14th

Nanjing May 14th - May 25th

Anhui May 25th - May 28th

Nanjing May 28th - June 8th

Shanghai June 8th - June 14th

Guilin June 14th - June 19th

Shanghai June 19th - June 21st

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My schedule for May is that I am on reserve the days you are in Beijing. I could very well be there. In June I could be in Shanghai at the same time you are. As of yet, I have not received my schedule for June. Please stay in touch with me. I am certain that you will be ultra busy as you will want to see as much as you can all while having a great time. I will keep you posted about my schedule and I can always trade with someone to be where you are. It would rank very, very high on my list of greatest things in my life if we were to have coffee or a bite to eat together in China, and you could do all the ordering in Mandarin or Cantonese!!!


I will try to work things out when you have a better idea if you will have any extra free minutes. Your schedule sounds very exciting!!!

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Yay another active topic! I'm overly excited about this. Anyway traveling abroad is an experience I have not been able to enjoy yet, so I hope you will enjoy it yourself. I am sure it will add a lot to your perspective of things.

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I just noticed they have "like" buttons here. Freaky how much facebook really has spread into the corners of the internet.

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I totally missed that Tibs was going to China XD Have fun, you!


I've actually seen "like" buttons on forums before, but it's normally in a "thanks" or "reputation" system. The "like" button does make it FaceBook-y XD

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately no. :(


I picked up a trip where I flew between Anchorage and Newark with the most beautiful Kodiak bear. He was on his way to Olso for his new home from Anchorage. At nine months, he had been orphaned. Without the skills that his mother would teach him, until age three, his chances of survival were very slim. He was rescued and now at three years, he is on his way to his new home. It was absolutely fantastic as the handlers allowed me to feed him some fruit. For me, this was really, really exciting.


Anyway, because of this trip, I was not in China, but the USA. How are you doing speaking Mandarin or Cantonese? Are you able to eat anything using chopsticks? Are you taking lots of pictures on this adventure? Please let us know how it is going. I am so sorry that we were unable to have a cup of tea in China together.

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Unfortunately no. :(


I picked up a trip where I flew between Anchorage and Newark with the most beautiful Kodiak bear. He was on his way to Olso for his new home from Anchorage. At nine months, he had been orphaned. Without the skills that his mother would teach him, until age three, his chances of survival were very slim. He was rescued and now at three years, he is on his way to his new home. It was absolutely fantastic as the handlers allowed me to feed him some fruit. For me, this was really, really exciting.


Anyway, because of this trip, I was not in China, but the USA. How are you doing speaking Mandarin or Cantonese? Are you able to eat anything using chopsticks? Are you taking lots of pictures on this adventure? Please let us know how it is going. I am so sorry that we were unable to have a cup of tea in China together.


The trip is going great now, I'm NOT ready for it to be over in a few days. To be honest, I HATED the program I was part of through my school. I hated the people, not one person that I got along with so that really put a damper on my trip. Now that I'm in Shanghai though, with people that I actually like, I really don't want to leave. I love this city so much, and I can't wait to come back next year for 11 months. My Mandarin has improved SO much! And yes, I've been using chopsticks for years since I eat so much sushi, and at least 20 native Chinese people have told me I use chopsticks better than they do. ^_^

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I am so sorry to hear that inititally your trip was not a great experience for you because of the people, but I like hearing that you are now with people you like and this has made the trip much better. Shanghai is a great city. You are coming back next year for eleven months????? WOW!!! Will you be in Shanghai the entire time at the university or in a variety of cities? How thrilling you will have this opportunity! When you do return?


As for the use of chopsticks... you will have to teach me. I am not so good, no, I am awful using chopsticks. The last time I was there, I was having such a hard time, that a Chinese lady saw me struggling and asked the waitress to bring me a fork. Somehow I find the Japanese chopsticks a little easier to use than the Chinese chopsticks. I know that sounds strange. I am still working on it.

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As I am off to bed, I will have to respond to your post first thing tomorrow morning.

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