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The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy

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When it rains, it pours.


I was in the hospital this week! :o

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Are you okay? What happened?


I/They thought it was appendicitis, but it out to be....mesenteric adenitis, or something like that.




Anddddddddddd, now I have the flu. What fun!

I'm going back to bed now. <_>



Please get well soon! I know that being sick is no fun. At least you are out of the hospital and and back home.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hellllllo! :rolleyes:

We have missed you!!!! How are you feeling?????

Please next time you stop by, please make a post in my friend Nutzky's topic in Warm Wishes.

Here is the link:



Thanks TBFOF!!! He would love it if you would include some of your awesome pictures.

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  • 2 weeks later...
:closedeyes: Booooooots passed. :closedeyes:

Man, you just can't catch a break can you? *hugs*

Tell me about it.

Everyone seems to be passing after not seeing them for a while.

I hadn't seen my grandpa for two weeks, which is the longest I think I've ever really gone without seeing him.

And I haven't been home for 10 days. So I didn't see Boots for a while either.

I've been staying with my grandma, and sleeping at her house. The mornings are a nightmare.

I have a hard enough time getting to school on time when I'm home, which is three minutes away from school.

I'm on my way to school now before I even got up at home. :rolleyes:


And school is a nightmare too. I CANNOT catch up. I'm so far behind, and no matter how hard I try, I can't catch up. I don't even understand what's going on now, so it's even worse. I'm so stressed out, and so physically and emotionally tired. I collapsed in the hall before because I don't have the energy to even walk. I wish I could just get everything with scool settled, but I know that will never happen. All my teachers expect me to be in 38 different places at one time. And then I have to listen to my dad/stepmom scream and complain that I'm not trying hard enough. #### that. Oops. I cursed. There, I gave you something to do. :)

I really can't stand them. They don't know anything, especially my step mom. She always has to be on my case about something. I can never do anything right with them. They were interrogating me yesterday on why I'm not caught up yet. KJKHIUOKEHWIBNh2 m,dsjkfhadsklf. Ugh.


And my memory is like, totally gone. I can't even remember how to do the simplest things.


And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.


I guess it's time for me to go back to my math homework and pray it does itself. :wacko:

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:closedeyes: Booooooots passed. :closedeyes:

Man, you just can't catch a break can you? *hugs*

Tell me about it.

Everyone seems to be passing after not seeing them for a while.

I hadn't seen my grandpa for two weeks, which is the longest I think I've ever really gone without seeing him.

And I haven't been home for 10 days. So I didn't see Boots for a while either.

I've been staying with my grandma, and sleeping at her house. The mornings are a nightmare.

I have a hard enough time getting to school on time when I'm home, which is three minutes away from school.

I'm on my way to school now before I even got up at home. :rolleyes:


And school is a nightmare too. I CANNOT catch up. I'm so far behind, and no matter how hard I try, I can't catch up. I don't even understand what's going on now, so it's even worse. I'm so stressed out, and so physically and emotionally tired. I collapsed in the hall before because I don't have the energy to even walk. I wish I could just get everything with scool settled, but I know that will never happen. All my teachers expect me to be in 38 different places at one time. And then I have to listen to my dad/stepmom scream and complain that I'm not trying hard enough. #### that. Oops. I cursed. There, I gave you something to do. :)

I really can't stand them. They don't know anything, especially my step mom. She always has to be on my case about something. I can never do anything right with them. They were interrogating me yesterday on why I'm not caught up yet. KJKHIUOKEHWIBNh2 m,dsjkfhadsklf. Ugh.


And my memory is like, totally gone. I can't even remember how to do the simplest things.


And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.


I guess it's time for me to go back to my math homework and pray it does itself. :wacko:

Thank goodness you and your mother were not hurt. You should have gotten on your cell phone and called 911 when you saw someone driving like that man was. It is fortunate no other people were hurt or killed.


As for school, I would suggest that you talk to each one of your teachers and let them know what has been happening in your life. Not every detail, but the death of your grandfather, Boots and staying with your grandmother. As for help to catch up. Let them know you are behind and feel like you will not be able to catch up. Perhaps they will give you a tutor to help you. The stress at school and home is wreaking havoc in your life and placing your health at risk.

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:closedeyes: Booooooots passed. :closedeyes:

Man, you just can't catch a break can you? *hugs*

Tell me about it.

Everyone seems to be passing after not seeing them for a while.

I hadn't seen my grandpa for two weeks, which is the longest I think I've ever really gone without seeing him.

And I haven't been home for 10 days. So I didn't see Boots for a while either.

I've been staying with my grandma, and sleeping at her house. The mornings are a nightmare.

I have a hard enough time getting to school on time when I'm home, which is three minutes away from school.

I'm on my way to school now before I even got up at home. :rolleyes:


And school is a nightmare too. I CANNOT catch up. I'm so far behind, and no matter how hard I try, I can't catch up. I don't even understand what's going on now, so it's even worse. I'm so stressed out, and so physically and emotionally tired. I collapsed in the hall before because I don't have the energy to even walk. I wish I could just get everything with scool settled, but I know that will never happen. All my teachers expect me to be in 38 different places at one time. And then I have to listen to my dad/stepmom scream and complain that I'm not trying hard enough. #### that. Oops. I cursed. There, I gave you something to do. :)

I really can't stand them. They don't know anything, especially my step mom. She always has to be on my case about something. I can never do anything right with them. They were interrogating me yesterday on why I'm not caught up yet. KJKHIUOKEHWIBNh2 m,dsjkfhadsklf. Ugh.


And my memory is like, totally gone. I can't even remember how to do the simplest things.


And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.


I guess it's time for me to go back to my math homework and pray it does itself. :wacko:

Thank goodness you and your mother were not hurt. You should have gotten on your cell phone and called 911 when you saw someone driving like that man was. It is fortunate no other people were hurt or killed.


As for school, I would suggest that you talk to each one of your teachers and let them know what has been happening in your life. Not every detail, but the death of your grandfather, Boots and staying with your grandmother. As for help to catch up. Let them know you are behind and feel like you will not be able to catch up. Perhaps they will give you a tutor to help you. The stress at school and home is wreaking havoc in your life and placing your health at risk.

They were all informed of my situation, but they just don't seem to be too concerned. Tonight I had to make up four longggg math homeworks, which took me about 4 hours, other wise she would give me a zero on them. And my French teacher forced me to take a test that I never learned. She gave me a short lesson on it, and expected me to know it all, which I did not. And tomorrow I have to take another test that I never learned.

aJAKLSH@1UIO(Y@&iuhblksdf :(


School is like, my last priority right now. All I'm worried about is my grandmother, and making sure that she is ok. But I can't just blow school off completely. All the homework is keeping me up so late. I've been going to bed at like 2 or 3, then get up at 6:45. I don't mind doing things for my grandma, but I need to start taking better care of myself before I explode. :(:(

My eating habits are all screwed up now. My body physically hurts everyday.

I'm just so ready to give up, on everything. :(

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:closedeyes: Booooooots passed. :closedeyes:

Man, you just can't catch a break can you? *hugs*

Tell me about it.

Everyone seems to be passing after not seeing them for a while.

I hadn't seen my grandpa for two weeks, which is the longest I think I've ever really gone without seeing him.

And I haven't been home for 10 days. So I didn't see Boots for a while either.

I've been staying with my grandma, and sleeping at her house. The mornings are a nightmare.

I have a hard enough time getting to school on time when I'm home, which is three minutes away from school.

I'm on my way to school now before I even got up at home. :rolleyes:


And school is a nightmare too. I CANNOT catch up. I'm so far behind, and no matter how hard I try, I can't catch up. I don't even understand what's going on now, so it's even worse. I'm so stressed out, and so physically and emotionally tired. I collapsed in the hall before because I don't have the energy to even walk. I wish I could just get everything with scool settled, but I know that will never happen. All my teachers expect me to be in 38 different places at one time. And then I have to listen to my dad/stepmom scream and complain that I'm not trying hard enough. #### that. Oops. I cursed. There, I gave you something to do. :)

I really can't stand them. They don't know anything, especially my step mom. She always has to be on my case about something. I can never do anything right with them. They were interrogating me yesterday on why I'm not caught up yet. KJKHIUOKEHWIBNh2 m,dsjkfhadsklf. Ugh.


And my memory is like, totally gone. I can't even remember how to do the simplest things.


And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.


I guess it's time for me to go back to my math homework and pray it does itself. :wacko:

Thank goodness you and your mother were not hurt. You should have gotten on your cell phone and called 911 when you saw someone driving like that man was. It is fortunate no other people were hurt or killed.


As for school, I would suggest that you talk to each one of your teachers and let them know what has been happening in your life. Not every detail, but the death of your grandfather, Boots and staying with your grandmother. As for help to catch up. Let them know you are behind and feel like you will not be able to catch up. Perhaps they will give you a tutor to help you. The stress at school and home is wreaking havoc in your life and placing your health at risk.

They were all informed of my situation, but they just don't seem to be too concerned. Tonight I had to make up four longggg math homeworks, which took me about 4 hours, other wise she would give me a zero on them. And my French teacher forced me to take a test that I never learned. She gave me a short lesson on it, and expected me to know it all, which I did not. And tomorrow I have to take another test that I never learned.

aJAKLSH@1UIO(Y@&iuhblksdf :(


School is like, my last priority right now. All I'm worried about is my grandmother, and making sure that she is ok. But I can't just blow school off completely. All the homework is keeping me up so late. I've been going to bed at like 2 or 3, then get up at 6:45. I don't mind doing things for my grandma, but I need to start taking better care of myself before I explode. :(:(

My eating habits are all screwed up now. My body physically hurts everyday.

I'm just so ready to give up, on everything. :(

You need to take care of yourself first. Ask your parents to get a nurse or home health care aide for your grandmother. You should not be asked to do all the work.

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:closedeyes: Booooooots passed. :closedeyes:

Man, you just can't catch a break can you? *hugs*

Tell me about it.

Everyone seems to be passing after not seeing them for a while.

I hadn't seen my grandpa for two weeks, which is the longest I think I've ever really gone without seeing him.

And I haven't been home for 10 days. So I didn't see Boots for a while either.

I've been staying with my grandma, and sleeping at her house. The mornings are a nightmare.

I have a hard enough time getting to school on time when I'm home, which is three minutes away from school.

I'm on my way to school now before I even got up at home. :rolleyes:


And school is a nightmare too. I CANNOT catch up. I'm so far behind, and no matter how hard I try, I can't catch up. I don't even understand what's going on now, so it's even worse. I'm so stressed out, and so physically and emotionally tired. I collapsed in the hall before because I don't have the energy to even walk. I wish I could just get everything with scool settled, but I know that will never happen. All my teachers expect me to be in 38 different places at one time. And then I have to listen to my dad/stepmom scream and complain that I'm not trying hard enough. #### that. Oops. I cursed. There, I gave you something to do. :)

I really can't stand them. They don't know anything, especially my step mom. She always has to be on my case about something. I can never do anything right with them. They were interrogating me yesterday on why I'm not caught up yet. KJKHIUOKEHWIBNh2 m,dsjkfhadsklf. Ugh.


And my memory is like, totally gone. I can't even remember how to do the simplest things.


And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.


I guess it's time for me to go back to my math homework and pray it does itself. :wacko:

Thank goodness you and your mother were not hurt. You should have gotten on your cell phone and called 911 when you saw someone driving like that man was. It is fortunate no other people were hurt or killed.


As for school, I would suggest that you talk to each one of your teachers and let them know what has been happening in your life. Not every detail, but the death of your grandfather, Boots and staying with your grandmother. As for help to catch up. Let them know you are behind and feel like you will not be able to catch up. Perhaps they will give you a tutor to help you. The stress at school and home is wreaking havoc in your life and placing your health at risk.

They were all informed of my situation, but they just don't seem to be too concerned. Tonight I had to make up four longggg math homeworks, which took me about 4 hours, other wise she would give me a zero on them. And my French teacher forced me to take a test that I never learned. She gave me a short lesson on it, and expected me to know it all, which I did not. And tomorrow I have to take another test that I never learned.

aJAKLSH@1UIO(Y@&iuhblksdf :(


School is like, my last priority right now. All I'm worried about is my grandmother, and making sure that she is ok. But I can't just blow school off completely. All the homework is keeping me up so late. I've been going to bed at like 2 or 3, then get up at 6:45. I don't mind doing things for my grandma, but I need to start taking better care of myself before I explode. :(:(

My eating habits are all screwed up now. My body physically hurts everyday.

I'm just so ready to give up, on everything. :(

You need to take care of yourself first. Ask your parents to get a nurse or home health care aide for your grandmother. You should not be asked to do all the work.

My grandma would never go for that.

She's 100% healthy, so she doesn't really need a health aide.

It's more of, getting stuff from downstairs, keeping her company, bringing stuff upstairs, helping with everyday things.

It's not like she can't walk or anything. She really could do all the stuff I do by herself if she had to, but I don't want to make her HAVE to.

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*hugs* Hang in there. I can help you with any Math or French concepts, as I'm majoring in one and minoring in the other. :) And yes, your grandmother needs someone else to take care of her at this time.

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:closedeyes: Booooooots passed. :closedeyes:

Man, you just can't catch a break can you? *hugs*

Tell me about it.

Everyone seems to be passing after not seeing them for a while.

I hadn't seen my grandpa for two weeks, which is the longest I think I've ever really gone without seeing him.

And I haven't been home for 10 days. So I didn't see Boots for a while either.

I've been staying with my grandma, and sleeping at her house. The mornings are a nightmare.

I have a hard enough time getting to school on time when I'm home, which is three minutes away from school.

I'm on my way to school now before I even got up at home. :rolleyes:


And school is a nightmare too. I CANNOT catch up. I'm so far behind, and no matter how hard I try, I can't catch up. I don't even understand what's going on now, so it's even worse. I'm so stressed out, and so physically and emotionally tired. I collapsed in the hall before because I don't have the energy to even walk. I wish I could just get everything with scool settled, but I know that will never happen. All my teachers expect me to be in 38 different places at one time. And then I have to listen to my dad/stepmom scream and complain that I'm not trying hard enough. #### that. Oops. I cursed. There, I gave you something to do. :)

I really can't stand them. They don't know anything, especially my step mom. She always has to be on my case about something. I can never do anything right with them. They were interrogating me yesterday on why I'm not caught up yet. KJKHIUOKEHWIBNh2 m,dsjkfhadsklf. Ugh.


And my memory is like, totally gone. I can't even remember how to do the simplest things.


And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.


I guess it's time for me to go back to my math homework and pray it does itself. :wacko:

Thank goodness you and your mother were not hurt. You should have gotten on your cell phone and called 911 when you saw someone driving like that man was. It is fortunate no other people were hurt or killed.


As for school, I would suggest that you talk to each one of your teachers and let them know what has been happening in your life. Not every detail, but the death of your grandfather, Boots and staying with your grandmother. As for help to catch up. Let them know you are behind and feel like you will not be able to catch up. Perhaps they will give you a tutor to help you. The stress at school and home is wreaking havoc in your life and placing your health at risk.

They were all informed of my situation, but they just don't seem to be too concerned. Tonight I had to make up four longggg math homeworks, which took me about 4 hours, other wise she would give me a zero on them. And my French teacher forced me to take a test that I never learned. She gave me a short lesson on it, and expected me to know it all, which I did not. And tomorrow I have to take another test that I never learned.

aJAKLSH@1UIO(Y@&iuhblksdf :(


School is like, my last priority right now. All I'm worried about is my grandmother, and making sure that she is ok. But I can't just blow school off completely. All the homework is keeping me up so late. I've been going to bed at like 2 or 3, then get up at 6:45. I don't mind doing things for my grandma, but I need to start taking better care of myself before I explode. :(:(

My eating habits are all screwed up now. My body physically hurts everyday.

I'm just so ready to give up, on everything. :(

You need to take care of yourself first. Ask your parents to get a nurse or home health care aide for your grandmother. You should not be asked to do all the work.

My grandma would never go for that.

She's 100% healthy, so she doesn't really need a health aide.

It's more of, getting stuff from downstairs, keeping her company, bringing stuff upstairs, helping with everyday things.

It's not like she can't walk or anything. She really could do all the stuff I do by herself if she had to, but I don't want to make her HAVE to.

Oh, I thought she wasn't well. Knowing this, don't you think she would want you to take care of yourself? In order to help your grandmother, you need to take care of yourself first. Remember, the more exercise your grandmother has, including climbing stairs, the better it is for her health.

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:closedeyes: Booooooots passed. :closedeyes:

Man, you just can't catch a break can you? *hugs*

Tell me about it.

Everyone seems to be passing after not seeing them for a while.

I hadn't seen my grandpa for two weeks, which is the longest I think I've ever really gone without seeing him.

And I haven't been home for 10 days. So I didn't see Boots for a while either.

I've been staying with my grandma, and sleeping at her house. The mornings are a nightmare.

I have a hard enough time getting to school on time when I'm home, which is three minutes away from school.

I'm on my way to school now before I even got up at home. :rolleyes:


And school is a nightmare too. I CANNOT catch up. I'm so far behind, and no matter how hard I try, I can't catch up. I don't even understand what's going on now, so it's even worse. I'm so stressed out, and so physically and emotionally tired. I collapsed in the hall before because I don't have the energy to even walk. I wish I could just get everything with scool settled, but I know that will never happen. All my teachers expect me to be in 38 different places at one time. And then I have to listen to my dad/stepmom scream and complain that I'm not trying hard enough. #### that. Oops. I cursed. There, I gave you something to do. :)

I really can't stand them. They don't know anything, especially my step mom. She always has to be on my case about something. I can never do anything right with them. They were interrogating me yesterday on why I'm not caught up yet. KJKHIUOKEHWIBNh2 m,dsjkfhadsklf. Ugh.


And my memory is like, totally gone. I can't even remember how to do the simplest things.


And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.


I guess it's time for me to go back to my math homework and pray it does itself. :wacko:

Thank goodness you and your mother were not hurt. You should have gotten on your cell phone and called 911 when you saw someone driving like that man was. It is fortunate no other people were hurt or killed.


As for school, I would suggest that you talk to each one of your teachers and let them know what has been happening in your life. Not every detail, but the death of your grandfather, Boots and staying with your grandmother. As for help to catch up. Let them know you are behind and feel like you will not be able to catch up. Perhaps they will give you a tutor to help you. The stress at school and home is wreaking havoc in your life and placing your health at risk.

They were all informed of my situation, but they just don't seem to be too concerned. Tonight I had to make up four longggg math homeworks, which took me about 4 hours, other wise she would give me a zero on them. And my French teacher forced me to take a test that I never learned. She gave me a short lesson on it, and expected me to know it all, which I did not. And tomorrow I have to take another test that I never learned.

aJAKLSH@1UIO(Y@&iuhblksdf :(


School is like, my last priority right now. All I'm worried about is my grandmother, and making sure that she is ok. But I can't just blow school off completely. All the homework is keeping me up so late. I've been going to bed at like 2 or 3, then get up at 6:45. I don't mind doing things for my grandma, but I need to start taking better care of myself before I explode. :(:(

My eating habits are all screwed up now. My body physically hurts everyday.

I'm just so ready to give up, on everything. :(

You need to take care of yourself first. Ask your parents to get a nurse or home health care aide for your grandmother. You should not be asked to do all the work.

My grandma would never go for that.

She's 100% healthy, so she doesn't really need a health aide.

It's more of, getting stuff from downstairs, keeping her company, bringing stuff upstairs, helping with everyday things.

It's not like she can't walk or anything. She really could do all the stuff I do by herself if she had to, but I don't want to make her HAVE to.

Oh, I thought she wasn't well. Knowing this, don't you think she would want you to take care of yourself? In order to help your grandmother, you need to take care of yourself first. Remember, the more exercise your grandmother has, including climbing stairs, the better it is for her health.

Well, she is asking me to be there, and I can't say no to her.

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:closedeyes: Booooooots passed. :closedeyes:

Man, you just can't catch a break can you? *hugs*

Tell me about it.

Everyone seems to be passing after not seeing them for a while.

I hadn't seen my grandpa for two weeks, which is the longest I think I've ever really gone without seeing him.

And I haven't been home for 10 days. So I didn't see Boots for a while either.

I've been staying with my grandma, and sleeping at her house. The mornings are a nightmare.

I have a hard enough time getting to school on time when I'm home, which is three minutes away from school.

I'm on my way to school now before I even got up at home. :rolleyes:


And school is a nightmare too. I CANNOT catch up. I'm so far behind, and no matter how hard I try, I can't catch up. I don't even understand what's going on now, so it's even worse. I'm so stressed out, and so physically and emotionally tired. I collapsed in the hall before because I don't have the energy to even walk. I wish I could just get everything with scool settled, but I know that will never happen. All my teachers expect me to be in 38 different places at one time. And then I have to listen to my dad/stepmom scream and complain that I'm not trying hard enough. #### that. Oops. I cursed. There, I gave you something to do. :)

I really can't stand them. They don't know anything, especially my step mom. She always has to be on my case about something. I can never do anything right with them. They were interrogating me yesterday on why I'm not caught up yet. KJKHIUOKEHWIBNh2 m,dsjkfhadsklf. Ugh.


And my memory is like, totally gone. I can't even remember how to do the simplest things.


And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.


I guess it's time for me to go back to my math homework and pray it does itself. :wacko:

Thank goodness you and your mother were not hurt. You should have gotten on your cell phone and called 911 when you saw someone driving like that man was. It is fortunate no other people were hurt or killed.


As for school, I would suggest that you talk to each one of your teachers and let them know what has been happening in your life. Not every detail, but the death of your grandfather, Boots and staying with your grandmother. As for help to catch up. Let them know you are behind and feel like you will not be able to catch up. Perhaps they will give you a tutor to help you. The stress at school and home is wreaking havoc in your life and placing your health at risk.

They were all informed of my situation, but they just don't seem to be too concerned. Tonight I had to make up four longggg math homeworks, which took me about 4 hours, other wise she would give me a zero on them. And my French teacher forced me to take a test that I never learned. She gave me a short lesson on it, and expected me to know it all, which I did not. And tomorrow I have to take another test that I never learned.

aJAKLSH@1UIO(Y@&iuhblksdf :(


School is like, my last priority right now. All I'm worried about is my grandmother, and making sure that she is ok. But I can't just blow school off completely. All the homework is keeping me up so late. I've been going to bed at like 2 or 3, then get up at 6:45. I don't mind doing things for my grandma, but I need to start taking better care of myself before I explode. :(:(

My eating habits are all screwed up now. My body physically hurts everyday.

I'm just so ready to give up, on everything. :(

You need to take care of yourself first. Ask your parents to get a nurse or home health care aide for your grandmother. You should not be asked to do all the work.

My grandma would never go for that.

She's 100% healthy, so she doesn't really need a health aide.

It's more of, getting stuff from downstairs, keeping her company, bringing stuff upstairs, helping with everyday things.

It's not like she can't walk or anything. She really could do all the stuff I do by herself if she had to, but I don't want to make her HAVE to.

Oh, I thought she wasn't well. Knowing this, don't you think she would want you to take care of yourself? In order to help your grandmother, you need to take care of yourself first. Remember, the more exercise your grandmother has, including climbing stairs, the better it is for her health.

Well, she is asking me to be there, and I can't say no to her.

You can be there, but please let her walk around, up the stairs and any other activity that could be exercise and strengthening of her muscles.

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And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.

Wow, I'm glad you're OK. Whre did it happen?


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:closedeyes: Booooooots passed. :closedeyes:

Man, you just can't catch a break can you? *hugs*

Tell me about it.

Everyone seems to be passing after not seeing them for a while.

I hadn't seen my grandpa for two weeks, which is the longest I think I've ever really gone without seeing him.

And I haven't been home for 10 days. So I didn't see Boots for a while either.

I've been staying with my grandma, and sleeping at her house. The mornings are a nightmare.

I have a hard enough time getting to school on time when I'm home, which is three minutes away from school.

I'm on my way to school now before I even got up at home. :rolleyes:


And school is a nightmare too. I CANNOT catch up. I'm so far behind, and no matter how hard I try, I can't catch up. I don't even understand what's going on now, so it's even worse. I'm so stressed out, and so physically and emotionally tired. I collapsed in the hall before because I don't have the energy to even walk. I wish I could just get everything with scool settled, but I know that will never happen. All my teachers expect me to be in 38 different places at one time. And then I have to listen to my dad/stepmom scream and complain that I'm not trying hard enough. #### that. Oops. I cursed. There, I gave you something to do. :)

I really can't stand them. They don't know anything, especially my step mom. She always has to be on my case about something. I can never do anything right with them. They were interrogating me yesterday on why I'm not caught up yet. KJKHIUOKEHWIBNh2 m,dsjkfhadsklf. Ugh.


And my memory is like, totally gone. I can't even remember how to do the simplest things.


And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.


I guess it's time for me to go back to my math homework and pray it does itself. :wacko:

Thank goodness you and your mother were not hurt. You should have gotten on your cell phone and called 911 when you saw someone driving like that man was. It is fortunate no other people were hurt or killed.


As for school, I would suggest that you talk to each one of your teachers and let them know what has been happening in your life. Not every detail, but the death of your grandfather, Boots and staying with your grandmother. As for help to catch up. Let them know you are behind and feel like you will not be able to catch up. Perhaps they will give you a tutor to help you. The stress at school and home is wreaking havoc in your life and placing your health at risk.

They were all informed of my situation, but they just don't seem to be too concerned. Tonight I had to make up four longggg math homeworks, which took me about 4 hours, other wise she would give me a zero on them. And my French teacher forced me to take a test that I never learned. She gave me a short lesson on it, and expected me to know it all, which I did not. And tomorrow I have to take another test that I never learned.

aJAKLSH@1UIO(Y@&iuhblksdf :(


School is like, my last priority right now. All I'm worried about is my grandmother, and making sure that she is ok. But I can't just blow school off completely. All the homework is keeping me up so late. I've been going to bed at like 2 or 3, then get up at 6:45. I don't mind doing things for my grandma, but I need to start taking better care of myself before I explode. :(:(

My eating habits are all screwed up now. My body physically hurts everyday.

I'm just so ready to give up, on everything. :(

You need to take care of yourself first. Ask your parents to get a nurse or home health care aide for your grandmother. You should not be asked to do all the work.

My grandma would never go for that.

She's 100% healthy, so she doesn't really need a health aide.

It's more of, getting stuff from downstairs, keeping her company, bringing stuff upstairs, helping with everyday things.

It's not like she can't walk or anything. She really could do all the stuff I do by herself if she had to, but I don't want to make her HAVE to.

Oh, I thought she wasn't well. Knowing this, don't you think she would want you to take care of yourself? In order to help your grandmother, you need to take care of yourself first. Remember, the more exercise your grandmother has, including climbing stairs, the better it is for her health.

Well, she is asking me to be there, and I can't say no to her.

You can be there, but please let her walk around, up the stairs and any other activity that could be exercise and strengthening of her muscles.

I do.

Its the stairs that hurts her. She's selling the house soon, and moving into a one floor apartment.

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And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.

Wow, I'm glad you're OK. Whre did it happen?


Right by the Stadium.

If I said the name, you could search it, and find where I lives. Zomfgz.

You know the one I'm talking about, right?

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:closedeyes: Booooooots passed. :closedeyes:

Man, you just can't catch a break can you? *hugs*

Tell me about it.

Everyone seems to be passing after not seeing them for a while.

I hadn't seen my grandpa for two weeks, which is the longest I think I've ever really gone without seeing him.

And I haven't been home for 10 days. So I didn't see Boots for a while either.

I've been staying with my grandma, and sleeping at her house. The mornings are a nightmare.

I have a hard enough time getting to school on time when I'm home, which is three minutes away from school.

I'm on my way to school now before I even got up at home. :rolleyes:


And school is a nightmare too. I CANNOT catch up. I'm so far behind, and no matter how hard I try, I can't catch up. I don't even understand what's going on now, so it's even worse. I'm so stressed out, and so physically and emotionally tired. I collapsed in the hall before because I don't have the energy to even walk. I wish I could just get everything with scool settled, but I know that will never happen. All my teachers expect me to be in 38 different places at one time. And then I have to listen to my dad/stepmom scream and complain that I'm not trying hard enough. #### that. Oops. I cursed. There, I gave you something to do. :)

I really can't stand them. They don't know anything, especially my step mom. She always has to be on my case about something. I can never do anything right with them. They were interrogating me yesterday on why I'm not caught up yet. KJKHIUOKEHWIBNh2 m,dsjkfhadsklf. Ugh.


And my memory is like, totally gone. I can't even remember how to do the simplest things.


And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.


I guess it's time for me to go back to my math homework and pray it does itself. :wacko:

Thank goodness you and your mother were not hurt. You should have gotten on your cell phone and called 911 when you saw someone driving like that man was. It is fortunate no other people were hurt or killed.


As for school, I would suggest that you talk to each one of your teachers and let them know what has been happening in your life. Not every detail, but the death of your grandfather, Boots and staying with your grandmother. As for help to catch up. Let them know you are behind and feel like you will not be able to catch up. Perhaps they will give you a tutor to help you. The stress at school and home is wreaking havoc in your life and placing your health at risk.

They were all informed of my situation, but they just don't seem to be too concerned. Tonight I had to make up four longggg math homeworks, which took me about 4 hours, other wise she would give me a zero on them. And my French teacher forced me to take a test that I never learned. She gave me a short lesson on it, and expected me to know it all, which I did not. And tomorrow I have to take another test that I never learned.

aJAKLSH@1UIO(Y@&iuhblksdf :(


School is like, my last priority right now. All I'm worried about is my grandmother, and making sure that she is ok. But I can't just blow school off completely. All the homework is keeping me up so late. I've been going to bed at like 2 or 3, then get up at 6:45. I don't mind doing things for my grandma, but I need to start taking better care of myself before I explode. :(:(

My eating habits are all screwed up now. My body physically hurts everyday.

I'm just so ready to give up, on everything. :(

You need to take care of yourself first. Ask your parents to get a nurse or home health care aide for your grandmother. You should not be asked to do all the work.

My grandma would never go for that.

She's 100% healthy, so she doesn't really need a health aide.

It's more of, getting stuff from downstairs, keeping her company, bringing stuff upstairs, helping with everyday things.

It's not like she can't walk or anything. She really could do all the stuff I do by herself if she had to, but I don't want to make her HAVE to.

Oh, I thought she wasn't well. Knowing this, don't you think she would want you to take care of yourself? In order to help your grandmother, you need to take care of yourself first. Remember, the more exercise your grandmother has, including climbing stairs, the better it is for her health.

Well, she is asking me to be there, and I can't say no to her.

You can be there, but please let her walk around, up the stairs and any other activity that could be exercise and strengthening of her muscles.

I do.

Its the stairs that hurts her. She's selling the house soon, and moving into a one floor apartment.

That sounds good. You are such a wonderful and caring person to take care of your grandmother like you do.

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That sounds good. You are such a wonderful and caring person to take care of your grandmother like you do.

I agree, that's incredible (well, for me, as I would probably get fed up with it). Still, hopefully her new apartment will give both of you more peace of mind. :)

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That sounds good. You are such a wonderful and caring person to take care of your grandmother like you do.

I agree, that's incredible (well, for me, as I would probably get fed up with it). Still, hopefully her new apartment will give both of you more peace of mind. :)

That would be great.

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And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.

Wow, I'm glad you're OK. Whre did it happen?


Right by the Stadium.

If I said the name, you could search it, and find where I lives. Zomfgz.

You know the one I'm talking about, right?

Ummm...the one where our local baseball team plays?


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And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.

Wow, I'm glad you're OK. Whre did it happen?


Right by the Stadium.

If I said the name, you could search it, and find where I lives. Zomfgz.

You know the one I'm talking about, right?

Ummm...the one where our local baseball team plays?


Mhm. It was right before it. Between the Veterans Hospital and those new house up on the left when going towards the Stadium.

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And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.

Wow, I'm glad you're OK. Whre did it happen?


Right by the Stadium.

If I said the name, you could search it, and find where I lives. Zomfgz.

You know the one I'm talking about, right?

Ummm...the one where our local baseball team plays?


Mhm. It was right before it. Between the Veterans Hospital and those new house up on the left when going SOUTH towards the Stadium.

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My guidance counselor is nuts. Nuts nUts nuTs nutS.

All I wanted to do was meet with him and my teachers to get a set schedule together for all my make-up work.

I went to him today to talk, and he went on and on about the most completely random things. And didn't even talk about what I wanted.

He was trying to get me to change my life habits.

I can't do this anymore, and I have to try that. And they don't even relate.

And What Zee .... He told me that it would be better if I made up all the tests/quizes I'm missing and get like 50s on them rather than wait longer and actually be prepared and get a better grade. He said that it will just be better to get the stress off and 50s don't really matter that much.

It made no sense to me what so ever.

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My guidance counselor is nuts. Nuts nUts nuTs nutS.

All I wanted to do was meet with him and my teachers to get a set schedule together for all my make-up work.

I went to him today to talk, and he went on and on about the most completely random things. And didn't even talk about what I wanted.

He was trying to get me to change my life habits.

I can't do this anymore, and I have to try that. And they don't even relate.

And What Zee .... He told me that it would be better if I made up all the tests/quizes I'm missing and get like 50s on them rather than wait longer and actually be prepared and get a better grade. He said that it will just be better to get the stress off and 50s don't really matter that much.

It made no sense to me what so ever.

Sometimes I really wonder about Guidance Counselors.

Do they ever listen? :blink:

Are you able to get your mother involved in a meeting with him?

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  • 2 weeks later...
And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.

Wow, I'm glad you're OK. Whre did it happen?


Right by the Stadium.

If I said the name, you could search it, and find where I lives. Zomfgz.

You know the one I'm talking about, right?

Ummm...the one where our local baseball team plays?


Mhm. It was right before it. Between the Veterans Hospital and those new house up on the left when going SOUTH towards the Stadium.


I'm not by there much...but whatever...


I've got to know my way around better now that I can drive...I drove home from G- pizza place (near where you and Rachel live) on friday, which I was proud of! I haven't too much experience outside of parking lots so far, so it was cool.



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And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.

Wow, I'm glad you're OK. Whre did it happen?


Right by the Stadium.

If I said the name, you could search it, and find where I lives. Zomfgz.

You know the one I'm talking about, right?

Ummm...the one where our local baseball team plays?


Mhm. It was right before it. Between the Veterans Hospital and those new house up on the left when going SOUTH towards the Stadium.


I'm not by there much...but whatever...


I've got to know my way around better now that I can drive...I drove home from G- pizza place (near where you and Rachel live) on friday, which I was proud of! I haven't too much experience outside of parking lots so far, so it was cool.



Awesome. I love that place!

I forget, you live across the river, right? That's not giving away too much, cause she could be on either side, right? Just not the side I'm on, which you don't know. So it's all good, right?

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And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.

Wow, I'm glad you're OK. Whre did it happen?


Right by the Stadium.

If I said the name, you could search it, and find where I lives. Zomfgz.

You know the one I'm talking about, right?

Ummm...the one where our local baseball team plays?


Mhm. It was right before it. Between the Veterans Hospital and those new house up on the left when going SOUTH towards the Stadium.


I'm not by there much...but whatever...


I've got to know my way around better now that I can drive...I drove home from G- pizza place (near where you and Rachel live) on friday, which I was proud of! I haven't too much experience outside of parking lots so far, so it was cool.



Awesome. I love that place!

I forget, you live across the river, right? That's not giving away too much, cause she could be on either side, right? Just not the side I'm on, which you don't know. So it's all good, right?

no i don't...i live like 5 miles away from rachel...

and yes, they have great pizza!


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And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.

Wow, I'm glad you're OK. Whre did it happen?


Right by the Stadium.

If I said the name, you could search it, and find where I lives. Zomfgz.

You know the one I'm talking about, right?

Ummm...the one where our local baseball team plays?


Mhm. It was right before it. Between the Veterans Hospital and those new house up on the left when going SOUTH towards the Stadium.


I'm not by there much...but whatever...


I've got to know my way around better now that I can drive...I drove home from G- pizza place (near where you and Rachel live) on friday, which I was proud of! I haven't too much experience outside of parking lots so far, so it was cool.



Awesome. I love that place!

I forget, you live across the river, right? That's not giving away too much, cause she could be on either side, right? Just not the side I'm on, which you don't know. So it's all good, right?

no i don't...i live like 5 miles away from rachel...

and yes, they have great pizza!



Oh right, I remember now. She told me you live in the city of, yeah.


So I'm assuming you go to.... well. Hm. That school.

Up on the hill. Across from the Day School.

That's all catholic and what not.

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This sounds like all sorts of ridiculous. You need SLEEP. Four hours is NOT enough. No wonder you're having such a tough time. Sleep is directly related to your ability to learn.

Is that directed towards me?

Yes it is. :) (although it's good stuff for everyone to know)

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This sounds like all sorts of ridiculous. You need SLEEP. Four hours is NOT enough. No wonder you're having such a tough time. Sleep is directly related to your ability to learn.

Is that directed towards me?

Yes it is. :) (although it's good stuff for everyone to know)

Last night I slept from 5-11, got up, then went back to sleep from 1-10.

It felt soooooooooooooo good.

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This sounds like all sorts of ridiculous. You need SLEEP. Four hours is NOT enough. No wonder you're having such a tough time. Sleep is directly related to your ability to learn.

Is that directed towards me?

Yes it is. :) (although it's good stuff for everyone to know)

Last night I slept from 5-11, got up, then went back to sleep from 1-10.

It felt soooooooooooooo good.

You must have been soooo tired. Glad to hear you were able to get lots and lots of sleep.

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And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.

Wow, I'm glad you're OK. Whre did it happen?


Right by the Stadium.

If I said the name, you could search it, and find where I lives. Zomfgz.

You know the one I'm talking about, right?

Ummm...the one where our local baseball team plays?


Mhm. It was right before it. Between the Veterans Hospital and those new house up on the left when going SOUTH towards the Stadium.


I'm not by there much...but whatever...


I've got to know my way around better now that I can drive...I drove home from G- pizza place (near where you and Rachel live) on friday, which I was proud of! I haven't too much experience outside of parking lots so far, so it was cool.



Awesome. I love that place!

I forget, you live across the river, right? That's not giving away too much, cause she could be on either side, right? Just not the side I'm on, which you don't know. So it's all good, right?

no i don't...i live like 5 miles away from rachel...

and yes, they have great pizza!



Oh right, I remember now. She told me you live in the city of, yeah.


So I'm assuming you go to.... well. Hm. That school.

Up on the hill. Across from the Day School.

That's all catholic and what not.

Yes, that Catholic school that is currently on their two-week long spring break. :D



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This sounds like all sorts of ridiculous. You need SLEEP. Four hours is NOT enough. No wonder you're having such a tough time. Sleep is directly related to your ability to learn.

Is that directed towards me?

Yes it is. :) (although it's good stuff for everyone to know)

Last night I slept from 5-11, got up, then went back to sleep from 1-10.

It felt soooooooooooooo good.

Excellent. :)

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And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.

Wow, I'm glad you're OK. Whre did it happen?


Right by the Stadium.

If I said the name, you could search it, and find where I lives. Zomfgz.

You know the one I'm talking about, right?

Ummm...the one where our local baseball team plays?


Mhm. It was right before it. Between the Veterans Hospital and those new house up on the left when going SOUTH towards the Stadium.


I'm not by there much...but whatever...


I've got to know my way around better now that I can drive...I drove home from G- pizza place (near where you and Rachel live) on friday, which I was proud of! I haven't too much experience outside of parking lots so far, so it was cool.



Awesome. I love that place!

I forget, you live across the river, right? That's not giving away too much, cause she could be on either side, right? Just not the side I'm on, which you don't know. So it's all good, right?

no i don't...i live like 5 miles away from rachel...

and yes, they have great pizza!



Oh right, I remember now. She told me you live in the city of, yeah.


So I'm assuming you go to.... well. Hm. That school.

Up on the hill. Across from the Day School.

That's all catholic and what not.

Yes, that Catholic school that is currently on their two-week long spring break. :D




We have to go back tomorrow!

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And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........

And that was all I saw. THE END.

Wow, I'm glad you're OK. Whre did it happen?


Right by the Stadium.

If I said the name, you could search it, and find where I lives. Zomfgz.

You know the one I'm talking about, right?

Ummm...the one where our local baseball team plays?


Mhm. It was right before it. Between the Veterans Hospital and those new house up on the left when going SOUTH towards the Stadium.


I'm not by there much...but whatever...


I've got to know my way around better now that I can drive...I drove home from G- pizza place (near where you and Rachel live) on friday, which I was proud of! I haven't too much experience outside of parking lots so far, so it was cool.



Awesome. I love that place!

I forget, you live across the river, right? That's not giving away too much, cause she could be on either side, right? Just not the side I'm on, which you don't know. So it's all good, right?

no i don't...i live like 5 miles away from rachel...

and yes, they have great pizza!



Oh right, I remember now. She told me you live in the city of, yeah.


So I'm assuming you go to.... well. Hm. That school.

Up on the hill. Across from the Day School.

That's all catholic and what not.

Yes, that Catholic school that is currently on their two-week long spring break. :D




We have to go back tomorrow!

Yeah I know. I was at Rachel's today. (I drove there!!!!!!!!!!!)

But she said you get another break in April or May or something...


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  • 2 weeks later...
Why are girls so confusing?!

Remind me sometime to give you a run down of what's been going on.

Because girls like to explain and rationalize everything to the extent that it doesn't make sense anymore, rather than doing something about it, and when they do do something about it, they do it with hints and tips and expect you to figure it out. I'm a girl, and even I don't get it.

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Why are girls so confusing?!

Remind me sometime to give you a run down of what's been going on.

Because girls like to explain and rationalize everything to the extent that it doesn't make sense anymore, rather than doing something about it, and when they do do something about it, they do it with hints and tips and expect you to figure it out. I'm a girl, and even I don't get it.


Do you realize how much sense that doesn't make? xD

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Why are girls so confusing?!

Remind me sometime to give you a run down of what's been going on.

Because girls like to explain and rationalize everything to the extent that it doesn't make sense anymore, rather than doing something about it, and when they do do something about it, they do it with hints and tips and expect you to figure it out. I'm a girl, and even I don't get it.


Do you realize how much sense that doesn't make? xD

Totally aware. I wasn't trying to say that girls make sense. :rolleyes:

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Why are girls so confusing?!

Remind me sometime to give you a run down of what's been going on.

Because girls like to explain and rationalize everything to the extent that it doesn't make sense anymore, rather than doing something about it, and when they do do something about it, they do it with hints and tips and expect you to figure it out. I'm a girl, and even I don't get it.


Do you realize how much sense that doesn't make? xD

Totally aware. I wasn't trying to say that girls make sense. :rolleyes:

Girls make no sense whatsoever... even to their closest and most trusted friends.

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Why are girls so confusing?!

Remind me sometime to give you a run down of what's been going on.

Because girls like to explain and rationalize everything to the extent that it doesn't make sense anymore, rather than doing something about it, and when they do do something about it, they do it with hints and tips and expect you to figure it out. I'm a girl, and even I don't get it.


Do you realize how much sense that doesn't make? xD

Totally aware. I wasn't trying to say that girls make sense. :rolleyes:

Girls make no sense whatsoever... even to their closest and most trusted friends.


girls dont even make sense to themselves sometimes! it happens to me frequently, but that may also be because im blondish

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Why are girls so confusing?!

Remind me sometime to give you a run down of what's been going on.

Because girls like to explain and rationalize everything to the extent that it doesn't make sense anymore, rather than doing something about it, and when they do do something about it, they do it with hints and tips and expect you to figure it out. I'm a girl, and even I don't get it.


Do you realize how much sense that doesn't make? xD

Totally aware. I wasn't trying to say that girls make sense. :rolleyes:



I know. I've known for a while that they often don't make any sense. But trying to deal with the anomalies can be annoying. x3

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Why are girls so confusing?!

Remind me sometime to give you a run down of what's been going on.

Because girls like to explain and rationalize everything to the extent that it doesn't make sense anymore, rather than doing something about it, and when they do do something about it, they do it with hints and tips and expect you to figure it out. I'm a girl, and even I don't get it.


Do you realize how much sense that doesn't make? xD

Totally aware. I wasn't trying to say that girls make sense. :rolleyes:



I know. I've known for a while that they often don't make any sense. But trying to deal with the anomalies can be annoying. x3

I concur. That's why most of my friends are guys. That, and because I apparently tend to think like a guy. Apparently my brain has the best of both worlds.

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Why are girls so confusing?!

Remind me sometime to give you a run down of what's been going on.

Because girls like to explain and rationalize everything to the extent that it doesn't make sense anymore, rather than doing something about it, and when they do do something about it, they do it with hints and tips and expect you to figure it out. I'm a girl, and even I don't get it.


Do you realize how much sense that doesn't make? xD

Totally aware. I wasn't trying to say that girls make sense. :rolleyes:



I know. I've known for a while that they often don't make any sense. But trying to deal with the anomalies can be annoying. x3

I concur. That's why most of my friends are guys. That, and because I apparently tend to think like a guy. Apparently my brain has the best of both worlds.


A lot of my friends are girls, mostly because most of the guys in my school are real donkeys.

And who can blame me for hanging around a bunch of girls? x3

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Why are girls so confusing?!

Remind me sometime to give you a run down of what's been going on.

What has been going on?



Totally Off-topic:

Did you hear that several kids got expelled from my school? It was sad because I actually knew some of them.



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Why are girls so confusing?!

Remind me sometime to give you a run down of what's been going on.

What has been going on?



Totally Off-topic:

Did you hear that several kids got expelled from my school? It was sad because I actually knew some of them.



What did they do to get expelled? :o

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Why are girls so confusing?!

Remind me sometime to give you a run down of what's been going on.

What has been going on?



Totally Off-topic:

Did you hear that several kids got expelled from my school? It was sad because I actually knew some of them.



What did they do to get expelled? :o

Got caught drinking on a school trip in Italy.


Good kids, too. (other than that) Nearly all the sophomore class is upset they're gone.



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Why are girls so confusing?!

Remind me sometime to give you a run down of what's been going on.

What has been going on?



Totally Off-topic:

Did you hear that several kids got expelled from my school? It was sad because I actually knew some of them.



What did they do to get expelled? :o

Got caught drinking on a school trip in Italy.


Good kids, too. (other than that) Nearly all the sophomore class is upset they're gone.



I am so, so sorry to hear this. Where were the chaperones? Where were the teachers?

In my opinion, there could have been a better way to handle this as the school year is almost over.

The problem lies in the school policy. Here is where the change might need to be made.

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The problem lies in the school policy. Here is where the change might need to be made.

Eh...part of it, yes. But another part of it, that is very prominent at college is that there is basically no second thought about underaged drinking. I was sitting with all freshmen last semester at a required presentation about alcohol, and we were asked who were non-drinkers. The amount of people who raised their hands with me could not have exceeded 20 students, and I doubt that everyone else was 21 or over. The speaker didn't seem to care. This just boggles my mind. Why do only a few people mind whether a drinker is of age or not? I believe that the age of 21 is when the liver is fully finished developing, so it is a reasonable age limit. What's the point if everyone just gives up on enforcing it?

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Why are girls so confusing?!

Remind me sometime to give you a run down of what's been going on.

What has been going on?



Totally Off-topic:

Did you hear that several kids got expelled from my school? It was sad because I actually knew some of them.



I'm having a brain fart and forgot what schoooool you go to.



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The problem lies in the school policy. Here is where the change might need to be made.

Eh...part of it, yes. But another part of it, that is very prominent at college is that there is basically no second thought about underaged drinking. I was sitting with all freshmen last semester at a required presentation about alcohol, and we were asked who were non-drinkers. The amount of people who raised their hands with me could not have exceeded 20 students, and I doubt that everyone else was 21 or over. The speaker didn't seem to care. This just boggles my mind. Why do only a few people mind whether a drinker is of age or not? I believe that the age of 21 is when the liver is fully finished developing, so it is a reasonable age limit. What's the point if everyone just gives up on enforcing it?

It wasn't my idea to give up enforcing it, but to make the punishment fit the crime. At almost the end of the school year, I think that they could have some up with a different punishment that did not include expulsion. Not sure what punishment I would make, perhaps something along the lines of community service, I don't know.

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Drinking isn't a problem, getting drunk is. Other countries have much younger drinking ages, and they don't have half the problems we have over here. Instead of saying "don't drink ever" it would be smarter to say, "This is what happens if someone your size has this much to drink, so know your limits." People in other countries learn their limits at a younger age in the safety of their own home with the supervision of their parents. People here usually learn their limits at college and/or at crazy parties, with no one really to help them make good, informed choices about it.

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Drinking isn't a problem, getting drunk is. Other countries have much younger drinking ages, and they don't have half the problems we have over here. Instead of saying "don't drink ever" it would be smarter to say, "This is what happens if someone your size has this much to drink, so know your limits." People in other countries learn their limits at a younger age in the safety of their own home with the supervision of their parents. People here usually learn their limits at college and/or at crazy parties, with no one really to help them make good, informed choices about it.

Another way that wine is introduced to young people in Europe, is to accompany dinner. You are not just sitting drinking, but using the wine to enhance the flavours in your meal. The diner will take a sip of wine, take a bite of food, then the next sip will be of water. Also, meals are leisurely, not grab and go. A glass of wine in Europe is usually half the size of a glass in the USA, and with one or two glasses of wine accompanying dinner will not make you drunk.

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Drinking isn't a problem, getting drunk is. Other countries have much younger drinking ages, and they don't have half the problems we have over here. Instead of saying "don't drink ever" it would be smarter to say, "This is what happens if someone your size has this much to drink, so know your limits." People in other countries learn their limits at a younger age in the safety of their own home with the supervision of their parents. People here usually learn their limits at college and/or at crazy parties, with no one really to help them make good, informed choices about it.

Another way that wine is introduced to young people in Europe, is to accompany dinner. You are not just sitting drinking, but using the wine to enhance the flavours in your meal. The diner will take a sip of wine, take a bite of food, then the next sip will be of water. Also, meals are leisurely, not grab and go. A glass of wine in Europe is usually half the size of a glass in the USA, and with one or two glasses of wine accompanying dinner will not make you drunk.

Exactly! I love the fact that in my house, we sat down and ate dinner together on a regular basis. As we got older, it happened less often because we were all so busy, but we still ate dinner together often enough to at least touch base. And as for drinking, that's the way it should be. My dad used to drink (he doesn't now because of the medication he's on), and it would usually be a beer or a glass of wine or something with dinner. I've never seen him drunk in my life (that's not to say he's never been drunk, I know he had his fair share of wild days when he was younger).

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Drinking isn't a problem, getting drunk is. Other countries have much younger drinking ages, and they don't have half the problems we have over here. Instead of saying "don't drink ever" it would be smarter to say, "This is what happens if someone your size has this much to drink, so know your limits." People in other countries learn their limits at a younger age in the safety of their own home with the supervision of their parents. People here usually learn their limits at college and/or at crazy parties, with no one really to help them make good, informed choices about it.

Another way that wine is introduced to young people in Europe, is to accompany dinner. You are not just sitting drinking, but using the wine to enhance the flavours in your meal. The diner will take a sip of wine, take a bite of food, then the next sip will be of water. Also, meals are leisurely, not grab and go. A glass of wine in Europe is usually half the size of a glass in the USA, and with one or two glasses of wine accompanying dinner will not make you drunk.

Exactly! I love the fact that in my house, we sat down and ate dinner together on a regular basis. As we got older, it happened less often because we were all so busy, but we still ate dinner together often enough to at least touch base. And as for drinking, that's the way it should be. My dad used to drink (he doesn't now because of the medication he's on), and it would usually be a beer or a glass of wine or something with dinner. I've never seen him drunk in my life (that's not to say he's never been drunk, I know he had his fair share of wild days when he was younger).

What I was wondering about those kids in Italy was if they had some wine with dinner, and that is why they got expelled. They would not get carded if they had wine with dinner.

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Drinking isn't a problem, getting drunk is. Other countries have much younger drinking ages, and they don't have half the problems we have over here. Instead of saying "don't drink ever" it would be smarter to say, "This is what happens if someone your size has this much to drink, so know your limits." People in other countries learn their limits at a younger age in the safety of their own home with the supervision of their parents. People here usually learn their limits at college and/or at crazy parties, with no one really to help them make good, informed choices about it.

Another way that wine is introduced to young people in Europe, is to accompany dinner. You are not just sitting drinking, but using the wine to enhance the flavours in your meal. The diner will take a sip of wine, take a bite of food, then the next sip will be of water. Also, meals are leisurely, not grab and go. A glass of wine in Europe is usually half the size of a glass in the USA, and with one or two glasses of wine accompanying dinner will not make you drunk.

Exactly! I love the fact that in my house, we sat down and ate dinner together on a regular basis. As we got older, it happened less often because we were all so busy, but we still ate dinner together often enough to at least touch base. And as for drinking, that's the way it should be. My dad used to drink (he doesn't now because of the medication he's on), and it would usually be a beer or a glass of wine or something with dinner. I've never seen him drunk in my life (that's not to say he's never been drunk, I know he had his fair share of wild days when he was younger).

What I was wondering about those kids in Italy was if they had some wine with dinner, and that is why they got expelled. They would not get carded if they had wine with dinner.

I'm guessing they took their newfound freedom and got plastered. That's what happened when some people from my high school did their Italy trip. Except they didn't get expelled. And the teacher that was chaperoning them was also plastered. And the trip was during the summer. :rolleyes:

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Drinking isn't a problem, getting drunk is. Other countries have much younger drinking ages, and they don't have half the problems we have over here. Instead of saying "don't drink ever" it would be smarter to say, "This is what happens if someone your size has this much to drink, so know your limits." People in other countries learn their limits at a younger age in the safety of their own home with the supervision of their parents. People here usually learn their limits at college and/or at crazy parties, with no one really to help them make good, informed choices about it.

Another way that wine is introduced to young people in Europe, is to accompany dinner. You are not just sitting drinking, but using the wine to enhance the flavours in your meal. The diner will take a sip of wine, take a bite of food, then the next sip will be of water. Also, meals are leisurely, not grab and go. A glass of wine in Europe is usually half the size of a glass in the USA, and with one or two glasses of wine accompanying dinner will not make you drunk.

Exactly! I love the fact that in my house, we sat down and ate dinner together on a regular basis. As we got older, it happened less often because we were all so busy, but we still ate dinner together often enough to at least touch base. And as for drinking, that's the way it should be. My dad used to drink (he doesn't now because of the medication he's on), and it would usually be a beer or a glass of wine or something with dinner. I've never seen him drunk in my life (that's not to say he's never been drunk, I know he had his fair share of wild days when he was younger).

What I was wondering about those kids in Italy was if they had some wine with dinner, and that is why they got expelled. They would not get carded if they had wine with dinner.

I'm guessing they took their newfound freedom and got plastered. That's what happened when some people from my high school did their Italy trip. Except they didn't get expelled. And the teacher that was chaperoning them was also plastered. And the trip was during the summer. :rolleyes:

Well, in Florida, there was a teacher and student's parents as chaperones, on a trip to Europe. In Paris, the parent allowed her daughter to have some sips of wine with her dinner. Nothing excessive, just about three or four sips. When they got back, the teacher was fired and the student was expelled. The parent tried to take full responsibility for her daughter, but the school's policy was to expel the student.

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Drinking isn't a problem, getting drunk is. Other countries have much younger drinking ages, and they don't have half the problems we have over here. Instead of saying "don't drink ever" it would be smarter to say, "This is what happens if someone your size has this much to drink, so know your limits." People in other countries learn their limits at a younger age in the safety of their own home with the supervision of their parents. People here usually learn their limits at college and/or at crazy parties, with no one really to help them make good, informed choices about it.

Another way that wine is introduced to young people in Europe, is to accompany dinner. You are not just sitting drinking, but using the wine to enhance the flavours in your meal. The diner will take a sip of wine, take a bite of food, then the next sip will be of water. Also, meals are leisurely, not grab and go. A glass of wine in Europe is usually half the size of a glass in the USA, and with one or two glasses of wine accompanying dinner will not make you drunk.

Exactly! I love the fact that in my house, we sat down and ate dinner together on a regular basis. As we got older, it happened less often because we were all so busy, but we still ate dinner together often enough to at least touch base. And as for drinking, that's the way it should be. My dad used to drink (he doesn't now because of the medication he's on), and it would usually be a beer or a glass of wine or something with dinner. I've never seen him drunk in my life (that's not to say he's never been drunk, I know he had his fair share of wild days when he was younger).

What I was wondering about those kids in Italy was if they had some wine with dinner, and that is why they got expelled. They would not get carded if they had wine with dinner.

I'm guessing they took their newfound freedom and got plastered. That's what happened when some people from my high school did their Italy trip. Except they didn't get expelled. And the teacher that was chaperoning them was also plastered. And the trip was during the summer. :rolleyes:

Well, in Florida, there was a teacher and student's parents as chaperones, on a trip to Europe. In Paris, the parent allowed her daughter to have some sips of wine with her dinner. Nothing excessive, just about three or four sips. When they got back, the teacher was fired and the student was expelled. The parent tried to take full responsibility for her daughter, but the school's policy was to expel the student.

Yeah, that's really stupid. That's why I hate zero tolerance rules.

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Drinking isn't a problem, getting drunk is. Other countries have much younger drinking ages, and they don't have half the problems we have over here. Instead of saying "don't drink ever" it would be smarter to say, "This is what happens if someone your size has this much to drink, so know your limits." People in other countries learn their limits at a younger age in the safety of their own home with the supervision of their parents. People here usually learn their limits at college and/or at crazy parties, with no one really to help them make good, informed choices about it.

Another way that wine is introduced to young people in Europe, is to accompany dinner. You are not just sitting drinking, but using the wine to enhance the flavours in your meal. The diner will take a sip of wine, take a bite of food, then the next sip will be of water. Also, meals are leisurely, not grab and go. A glass of wine in Europe is usually half the size of a glass in the USA, and with one or two glasses of wine accompanying dinner will not make you drunk.

Exactly! I love the fact that in my house, we sat down and ate dinner together on a regular basis. As we got older, it happened less often because we were all so busy, but we still ate dinner together often enough to at least touch base. And as for drinking, that's the way it should be. My dad used to drink (he doesn't now because of the medication he's on), and it would usually be a beer or a glass of wine or something with dinner. I've never seen him drunk in my life (that's not to say he's never been drunk, I know he had his fair share of wild days when he was younger).

What I was wondering about those kids in Italy was if they had some wine with dinner, and that is why they got expelled. They would not get carded if they had wine with dinner.

I'm guessing they took their newfound freedom and got plastered. That's what happened when some people from my high school did their Italy trip. Except they didn't get expelled. And the teacher that was chaperoning them was also plastered. And the trip was during the summer. :rolleyes:

Well, in Florida, there was a teacher and student's parents as chaperones, on a trip to Europe. In Paris, the parent allowed her daughter to have some sips of wine with her dinner. Nothing excessive, just about three or four sips. When they got back, the teacher was fired and the student was expelled. The parent tried to take full responsibility for her daughter, but the school's policy was to expel the student.

Yeah, that's really stupid. That's why I hate zero tolerance rules.

We are in total agreement.

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I don't know any of the details, just that they got "caught drinking."


Somewhat related: At an Italian restaurant near my grandfather's, they don't have their liquor license, so poeple can bring in their own wine/etc, and the restaurant will uncork it and provide glasses. Funnily enough, they've asked me if I wanted a glass before (and I'm 16.) I've said no, of course, but still... different culture!


And yes, TBFOF, I do go to L's. Which happens to have a half day tomorrow. XD



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I don't know any of the details, just that they got "caught drinking."


Somewhat related: At an Italian restaurant near my grandfather's, they don't have their liquor license, so poeple can bring in their own wine/etc, and the restaurant will uncork it and provide glasses. Funnily enough, they've asked me if I wanted a glass before (and I'm 16.) I've said no, of course, but still... different culture!


And yes, TBFOF, I do go to L's. Which happens to have a half day tomorrow. XD



Who asked you? I am assuming you were with your parents. Is this correct? In Virginia, there are clubs where you can bring your own liquor. They don't have a liquor license either.

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I don't know any of the details, just that they got "caught drinking."


Somewhat related: At an Italian restaurant near my grandfather's, they don't have their liquor license, so poeple can bring in their own wine/etc, and the restaurant will uncork it and provide glasses. Funnily enough, they've asked me if I wanted a glass before (and I'm 16.) I've said no, of course, but still... different culture!


And yes, TBFOF, I do go to L's. Which happens to have a half day tomorrow. XD



Who asked you? I am assuming you were with your parents. Is this correct? In Virginia, there are clubs where you can bring your own liquor. They don't have a liquor license either.

The waiter who uncorked the bottle was the one who asked. I was with my mom & grandfather.



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I don't know any of the details, just that they got "caught drinking."


Somewhat related: At an Italian restaurant near my grandfather's, they don't have their liquor license, so poeple can bring in their own wine/etc, and the restaurant will uncork it and provide glasses. Funnily enough, they've asked me if I wanted a glass before (and I'm 16.) I've said no, of course, but still... different culture!


And yes, TBFOF, I do go to L's. Which happens to have a half day tomorrow. XD



Who asked you? I am assuming you were with your parents. Is this correct? In Virginia, there are clubs where you can bring your own liquor. They don't have a liquor license either.

The waiter who uncorked the bottle was the one who asked. I was with my mom & grandfather.



Would your mother have permitted you to have a sip or two of wine with your dinner?

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I don't know any of the details, just that they got "caught drinking."


Somewhat related: At an Italian restaurant near my grandfather's, they don't have their liquor license, so poeple can bring in their own wine/etc, and the restaurant will uncork it and provide glasses. Funnily enough, they've asked me if I wanted a glass before (and I'm 16.) I've said no, of course, but still... different culture!


And yes, TBFOF, I do go to L's. Which happens to have a half day tomorrow. XD



Who asked you? I am assuming you were with your parents. Is this correct? In Virginia, there are clubs where you can bring your own liquor. They don't have a liquor license either.

The waiter who uncorked the bottle was the one who asked. I was with my mom & grandfather.



What's the name of the restaurant, if permitted?

If not, what's it start with, or initials, or something.

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I don't know any of the details, just that they got "caught drinking."


Somewhat related: At an Italian restaurant near my grandfather's, they don't have their liquor license, so poeple can bring in their own wine/etc, and the restaurant will uncork it and provide glasses. Funnily enough, they've asked me if I wanted a glass before (and I'm 16.) I've said no, of course, but still... different culture!


And yes, TBFOF, I do go to L's. Which happens to have a half day tomorrow. XD



Who asked you? I am assuming you were with your parents. Is this correct? In Virginia, there are clubs where you can bring your own liquor. They don't have a liquor license either.

The waiter who uncorked the bottle was the one who asked. I was with my mom & grandfather.



What's the name of the restaurant, if permitted?

If not, what's it start with, or initials, or something.

It's called Milano, it's in northern new jersey.


Of course, its might have been that one waiter who has since been told not to do that, so don't take my word that you can jsut go in there and start drinking. XD



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I don't know any of the details, just that they got "caught drinking."


Somewhat related: At an Italian restaurant near my grandfather's, they don't have their liquor license, so poeple can bring in their own wine/etc, and the restaurant will uncork it and provide glasses. Funnily enough, they've asked me if I wanted a glass before (and I'm 16.) I've said no, of course, but still... different culture!


And yes, TBFOF, I do go to L's. Which happens to have a half day tomorrow. XD



Who asked you? I am assuming you were with your parents. Is this correct? In Virginia, there are clubs where you can bring your own liquor. They don't have a liquor license either.

The waiter who uncorked the bottle was the one who asked. I was with my mom & grandfather.



Would your mother have permitted you to have a sip or two of wine with your dinner?

I'm not sure, because I woulsn't have wanted to.



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I don't know any of the details, just that they got "caught drinking."


Somewhat related: At an Italian restaurant near my grandfather's, they don't have their liquor license, so poeple can bring in their own wine/etc, and the restaurant will uncork it and provide glasses. Funnily enough, they've asked me if I wanted a glass before (and I'm 16.) I've said no, of course, but still... different culture!


And yes, TBFOF, I do go to L's. Which happens to have a half day tomorrow. XD



Who asked you? I am assuming you were with your parents. Is this correct? In Virginia, there are clubs where you can bring your own liquor. They don't have a liquor license either.

The waiter who uncorked the bottle was the one who asked. I was with my mom & grandfather.



Would your mother have permitted you to have a sip or two of wine with your dinner?

I'm not sure, because I woulsn't have wanted to.



I am glad you don't want to drink. :D

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I don't know any of the details, just that they got "caught drinking."


Somewhat related: At an Italian restaurant near my grandfather's, they don't have their liquor license, so poeple can bring in their own wine/etc, and the restaurant will uncork it and provide glasses. Funnily enough, they've asked me if I wanted a glass before (and I'm 16.) I've said no, of course, but still... different culture!


And yes, TBFOF, I do go to L's. Which happens to have a half day tomorrow. XD



Who asked you? I am assuming you were with your parents. Is this correct? In Virginia, there are clubs where you can bring your own liquor. They don't have a liquor license either.

The waiter who uncorked the bottle was the one who asked. I was with my mom & grandfather.



Would your mother have permitted you to have a sip or two of wine with your dinner?

I'm not sure, because I woulsn't have wanted to.



I am glad you don't want to drink. :D

Yeah, it doesn't really interest me. I mean, I'm sure I'll have some when I'm 21, but I won't overdo it (well at least I hope not!)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on my life:



Well, I have no idea where to start really.

I'll start with my troubles, and work my way up to the good things.


Unfortunately, I'm caught in this stupid web of. Well, it's hard to describe it in a way appropriate for HD.

So, there's this kid, Andrew, and well, a lot of people think he is gay. Let me say I am 100% not against gay people, so don't get me wrong.

He started asking a bunch of my friends and I..how "big" we are. And none of us told him, and he just kept asking and asking and asking. Then he asked some of those people, to do more, things. Just think about it. I can't really say it. And I was one of them.

So like, all of us guys were talking about it, and stuff, and what he said to everyone, and blah blah.

And someone must have told him that I said something, and I don't even know what happened.

I didn't want this to like, blow up out of proportion, but it did. So people wanted to know, so I told them the story...

Then recently his "girl" friends have been finding out about it. He really doesn't have very many guy friends, only girls. So he has been making up complete lies, that I am just flat out calling him gay, which I never, ever falt out said. I've only said what he said to me.

Now half of my friends hate me, because of the lies he has been telling them. And I want to stop telling everyone, and just let it blow by, but because of his lies, I have to tell everyone, so they know the real story, and don't hate me anymore.

Friday night was a friends party, and we went out to eat at a restaurant called Double O's. I think it's a chain, but I'm not sure. He told my friend not to invite me, but she did anyway. Kaitlyn H, is one person that I can trust with anything and everything, so I told her the whole story, and she's helping me with it. After a while, I told him to just f off, and I don't want his friendship anymore. Then he started begging me to forgive him about the whole thing, which Kaitlyn saw. So she knows that it happened. When I first got there, it was just Gabe, Nathan, Michelle - whom I've never met before, a different Kaitlyn (F), and I. I was really not having a good time and just wanted to go home. So then Kaitlyn, Danielle - I like her, and her twin sister Amanda came, and I went over to sit with them, because I'm not really friends with Gabe, Nathan, Michelle, or Kaitlyn F. So I sat there for the whole time, and Danielle and I were talking a lot which was good. Then Kaitlyn left to go mingle with other people, and she talked to Andrew. She came back and told me, Nick, listen, Andrew is telling people it's all a complete lie now, blah blah. Then she said that he said that I told Kaitlyn (F) that Andrew said she was a s**t. Andrew liked Kaitlyn F, but a lot of people think it's just a cover up. Anyway, she told me that and said he was telling people that, actually, I honestly can't remember exactly what was said.

Well after that, I went over Joe's house with Nick, Kyle, Amanda, Danielle, Kaitlyn H, Stephanie, Manny, and Marco. We hung out till 1ish. Danielle and I kinda talked, but not really. Then we watched Awake, which was pretty good actullay. =]



*I have to run out to Walgreens, I'll be back later.*



Back, alright, so. Wow, 45$ for two ink cartridges.

Anyway. Yesterday I was going to go to a crew meet, but I overslept. So I woke up at 11ish, and did some stuff. We cleared out our living room because my step sister just bought a house, and she needed furniture and my mom wanted new furniture, so we gave them ours. Now we're ripping up the carpet and re doing the hardwood floors. They aren't in good shape though. =[ Anyone have any tips?


So at 4 I got a call from Kaitlyn that Joe was having people over again. So I went over at 6:30, and we played Rock Band and Guitar Hero for a while, then we went outside and had a fire till 12. Danielle and I talked for a while in the beginning, but after a while, she wouldn't even sit near me. I don't understand her. Amanda's boyfriend Nick is really jealous over little things, so they are fighting now, and Stephanie always had a boy, but Danielle never has before. Danielle was talking to Kaitlyn about it and said she wanted someone, and then Kaitlyn told her she would find someone for her. I've been trying for a while to get over her, but it's been really hard. But hearing her say that last night, like, I know now that I HAVE to give up, even though I really don't want to. It was getting akward after a while, so I left early. I don't know what they did after that, but I want to find out tomorrow.


It actually made me feel good to go both days, because honestly, I really don't have many close friends anymore, and I usually just sit home alone and question why everyone is always out without me. It good really bad, and I would tell myself that all these things that were wrong with me. And I really started believing myself, and started getting really depressed and even having suicidal thoughts. :closedeyes:


I commented Kaitlyn F on facebook and asked her if it was I who said that about Andrew. I know she is going to say no, because I really didn't. And I'll print it out and prove him wrong.


Argh. I wish this never happened.


Anyway, I'm almost fully caught up in school now. I didn't expect it to be so hard. Three weeks took me nearly three months to make up. And then I get compared to my friend Sonny, who missed all of March because he went to India. First of all, he is much smarter than I. Secondly, he got some work before he left, people emailed him notes and what not. Thirdly, his absence was optional. I most certainly did not want to miss that. And at the time, I was in no state to being doing the work. People have no idea what they are talking about, so I wish they would just shut up.



I've been driving a lot lately, illegaly of course. Twenty-five days till I can get my permit. I cannot wait.

Although I am definitely anticipating my birthday, I am also dreading it. It will be the first birthday without my grandpa. I cannot imagine what it will be like. I'm tearing up just thinking about it.

Oh well, we'll see when it happens.

Yesterday I was cleaning out his/my car and found this stained glass cross that I gave him that said grandfather, and I lost it. But then I listened to one of his Reba CDs and it made me happy because I remember all the good times I had.


And I finally saw the place my grandma wants to move into. It's really, really nice. My step dads mom lives in senior place like it, but my grandma's was like 10x nicer. You can see the Hudson, slightly, and when our local baseball team has fireworks, you can sit outside on the back patio and watch them. She was accepted, but she had a little bit too much money, so she just bought a new 2008 Buick LaCrosse, which she loves. She is getting a lot of people looking at her house, and two couples came back for a second look.

Last night was the first night since my grandpa passed that my grandma spent the night alone in the house. And she did fine. I know he's looking down on us, helping us out. I just wish he could help me out with Danielle. Hah.

The place is right next to a park, so she can go for walks and get fresh air, and she knows a lot of people there, and everything is all good. I really hope she gets into it soon. Though it will be bitter sweet. I lived in her house for three years. I had a lot of memories, especially ones with my grandpa there. It's going to be hard to leave those behind.





I think it's time for me to shut up, and finish up this one lab so I am DONE! =]

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This is not what you want to hear... but, life in high school is hard. When you get to college, life gets much easier. Some people have not kept up friendships from high school, and they don't care if they ever see any of those people again, but their college friends are very near and dear. Try and put Danielle out of your mind and think about a relationship with someone new. I know you don't want to think about that, but it is really for the best.


The new residence your grandmother is considering sounds wonderful. Hopefully her house sells quickly for the price she is asking.


As for the wood floors, I have a lot of experience in that area. Give me more details, please.

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This is not what you want to hear... but, life in high school is hard. When you get to college, life gets much easier. Some people have not kept up friendships from high school, and they don't care if they ever see any of those people again, but their college friends are very near and dear. Try and put Danielle out of your mind and think about a relationship with someone new. I know you don't want to think about that, but it is really for the best.


As for the wood floors, I have a lot of experience in that area. Give me more details, please.


There are dark stains, almost black. My step dad thinks they are from urine.

Also, there is one deep scratch in it, and many other less deep scratch.

A guy is coming to look at them around 5:30.

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This is not what you want to hear... but, life in high school is hard. When you get to college, life gets much easier. Some people have not kept up friendships from high school, and they don't care if they ever see any of those people again, but their college friends are very near and dear. Try and put Danielle out of your mind and think about a relationship with someone new. I know you don't want to think about that, but it is really for the best.


As for the wood floors, I have a lot of experience in that area. Give me more details, please.


There are dark stains, almost black. My step dad thinks they are from urine.

Also, there is one deep scratch in it, and many other less deep scratch.

A guy is coming to look at them around 5:30.


If you have a wood floor guy, he should point you in the right direction. The scratches and stains can be taken care of.

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This is not what you want to hear... but, life in high school is hard. When you get to college, life gets much easier. Some people have not kept up friendships from high school, and they don't care if they ever see any of those people again, but their college friends are very near and dear. Try and put Danielle out of your mind and think about a relationship with someone new. I know you don't want to think about that, but it is really for the best.


As for the wood floors, I have a lot of experience in that area. Give me more details, please.


There are dark stains, almost black. My step dad thinks they are from urine.

Also, there is one deep scratch in it, and many other less deep scratch.

A guy is coming to look at them around 5:30.


If you have a wood floor guy, he should point you in the right direction. The scratches and stains can be taken care of.

I just saw one section that I had not seen before. There are a lot of scrathes in this one spot. A LOTTTTTTTTTT!

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This is not what you want to hear... but, life in high school is hard. When you get to college, life gets much easier. Some people have not kept up friendships from high school, and they don't care if they ever see any of those people again, but their college friends are very near and dear. Try and put Danielle out of your mind and think about a relationship with someone new. I know you don't want to think about that, but it is really for the best.


As for the wood floors, I have a lot of experience in that area. Give me more details, please.


There are dark stains, almost black. My step dad thinks they are from urine.

Also, there is one deep scratch in it, and many other less deep scratch.

A guy is coming to look at them around 5:30.


If you have a wood floor guy, he should point you in the right direction. The scratches and stains can be taken care of.

I just saw one section that I had not seen before. There are a lot of scrathes in this one spot. A LOTTTTTTTTTT!

Remember the old floors are 3/4" thick. There is lots of room to sand them down and remove or at least diminish the scratches.

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That all sounds ridiculous. And really, with all that, your guy friend is asking to be called gay. :rolleyes: If he's really that concerned, you can tell him that average is about 4" and you can find that statistic just about anywhere. As for the whole he said she said bit, I find it easiest to just never lie. Everyone knows that I never lie, so no one bothers trying to say that I do, except as a joke. Your most convincing argument might be to just say, "You guys can think whatever you want, but I know I didn't say that, and if you want to think I did, then it's your problem." It's not worth obsessing over, because people will either believe you or they won't, and there's not much you can do about it.

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That all sounds ridiculous. And really, with all that, your guy friend is asking to be called gay. :rolleyes: If he's really that concerned, you can tell him that average is about 4" and you can find that statistic just about anywhere. As for the whole he said she said bit, I find it easiest to just never lie. Everyone knows that I never lie, so no one bothers trying to say that I do, except as a joke. Your most convincing argument might be to just say, "You guys can think whatever you want, but I know I didn't say that, and if you want to think I did, then it's your problem." It's not worth obsessing over, because people will either believe you or they won't, and there's not much you can do about it.


That's what I told people today. And most of them did believe me.

But then I had about 20 people come up to me, who don't even know the story and ask me why I am being such an a*****e to Andrew and blah blah blah. So then I had to explain the story over and over and over.


And today I was going to confront him in lunch, but he must have heard about it, and he know's he is wrong, so he sat at another table in lunch. =]

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Friday night was a friends party, and we went out to eat at a restaurant called Double O's. I think it's a chain, but I'm not sure. He told my friend not to invite me, but she did anyway. Kaitlyn H, is one person that I can trust with anything and everything, so I told her the whole story, and she's helping me with it. After a while, I told him to just f off, and I don't want his friendship anymore. Then he started begging me to forgive him about the whole thing, which Kaitlyn saw. So she knows that it happened. When I first got there, it was just Gabe, Nathan, Michelle - whom I've never met before, a different Kaitlyn (F), and I. I was really not having a good time and just wanted to go home. So then Kaitlyn, Danielle - I like her, and her twin sister Amanda came, and I went over to sit with them, because I'm not really friends with Gabe, Nathan, Michelle, or Kaitlyn F. So I sat there for the whole time, and Danielle and I were talking a lot which was good. Then Kaitlyn left to go mingle with other people, and she talked to Andrew. She came back and told me, Nick, listen, Andrew is telling people it's all a complete lie now, blah blah. Then she said that he said that I told Kaitlyn (F) that Andrew said she was a s**t. Andrew liked Kaitlyn F, but a lot of people think it's just a cover up. Anyway, she told me that and said he was telling people that, actually, I honestly can't remember exactly what was said.

Well after that, I went over Joe's house with Nick, Kyle, Amanda, Danielle, Kaitlyn H, Stephanie, Manny, and Marco. We hung out till 1ish. Danielle and I kinda talked, but not really. Then we watched Awake, which was pretty good actullay. =]


So at 4 I got a call from Kaitlyn that Joe was having people over again. So I went over at 6:30, and we played Rock Band and Guitar Hero for a while, then we went outside and had a fire till 12. Danielle and I talked for a while in the beginning, but after a while, she wouldn't even sit near me. I don't understand her. Amanda's boyfriend Nick is really jealous over little things, so they are fighting now, and Stephanie always had a boy, but Danielle never has before. Danielle was talking to Kaitlyn about it and said she wanted someone, and then Kaitlyn told her she would find someone for her. I've been trying for a while to get over her, but it's been really hard. But hearing her say that last night, like, I know now that I HAVE to give up, even though I really don't want to. It was getting akward after a while, so I left early. I don't know what they did after that, but I want to find out tomorrow.


I commented Kaitlyn F on facebook and asked her if it was I who said that about Andrew. I know she is going to say no, because I really didn't. And I'll print it out and prove him wrong.

wowwww i know like half these people. like kaitlyn h and kaitlyn f (well if its the one im thinking of that goes to k. high school.) and maybe michelle if its the one in know and nathan cuz he comes with our group (like rachel & people)when we see each others school plays.

sorry about your troubles.

my mom's been to double o grill.



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Friday night was a friends party, and we went out to eat at a restaurant called Double O's. I think it's a chain, but I'm not sure. He told my friend not to invite me, but she did anyway. Kaitlyn H, is one person that I can trust with anything and everything, so I told her the whole story, and she's helping me with it. After a while, I told him to just f off, and I don't want his friendship anymore. Then he started begging me to forgive him about the whole thing, which Kaitlyn saw. So she knows that it happened. When I first got there, it was just Gabe, Nathan, Michelle - whom I've never met before, a different Kaitlyn (F), and I. I was really not having a good time and just wanted to go home. So then Kaitlyn, Danielle - I like her, and her twin sister Amanda came, and I went over to sit with them, because I'm not really friends with Gabe, Nathan, Michelle, or Kaitlyn F. So I sat there for the whole time, and Danielle and I were talking a lot which was good. Then Kaitlyn left to go mingle with other people, and she talked to Andrew. She came back and told me, Nick, listen, Andrew is telling people it's all a complete lie now, blah blah. Then she said that he said that I told Kaitlyn (F) that Andrew said she was a s**t. Andrew liked Kaitlyn F, but a lot of people think it's just a cover up. Anyway, she told me that and said he was telling people that, actually, I honestly can't remember exactly what was said.

Well after that, I went over Joe's house with Nick, Kyle, Amanda, Danielle, Kaitlyn H, Stephanie, Manny, and Marco. We hung out till 1ish. Danielle and I kinda talked, but not really. Then we watched Awake, which was pretty good actullay. =]


So at 4 I got a call from Kaitlyn that Joe was having people over again. So I went over at 6:30, and we played Rock Band and Guitar Hero for a while, then we went outside and had a fire till 12. Danielle and I talked for a while in the beginning, but after a while, she wouldn't even sit near me. I don't understand her. Amanda's boyfriend Nick is really jealous over little things, so they are fighting now, and Stephanie always had a boy, but Danielle never has before. Danielle was talking to Kaitlyn about it and said she wanted someone, and then Kaitlyn told her she would find someone for her. I've been trying for a while to get over her, but it's been really hard. But hearing her say that last night, like, I know now that I HAVE to give up, even though I really don't want to. It was getting akward after a while, so I left early. I don't know what they did after that, but I want to find out tomorrow.


I commented Kaitlyn F on facebook and asked her if it was I who said that about Andrew. I know she is going to say no, because I really didn't. And I'll print it out and prove him wrong.

wowwww i know like half these people. like kaitlyn h and kaitlyn f (well if its the one im thinking of that goes to k. high school.) and maybe michelle if its the one in know and nathan cuz he comes with our group (like rachel & people)when we see each others school plays.

sorry about your troubles.

my mom's been to double o grill.




Kaitlyn F is in your school. So is Michelle..M. But not Bryan F's ex girlfriend. The other one.

And Kaitlyn H and Nathan are in my school. =]

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I'm sorry it's not a mac, but you did get a new laptop! Congratulations!!!!!


Please go to Warm Wishes and read and sign up if you want your posts to appear immediately without moderation.

If so, then read the rules, simple, and let me know you agree.



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Friday night was a friends party, and we went out to eat at a restaurant called Double O's. I think it's a chain, but I'm not sure. He told my friend not to invite me, but she did anyway. Kaitlyn H, is one person that I can trust with anything and everything, so I told her the whole story, and she's helping me with it. After a while, I told him to just f off, and I don't want his friendship anymore. Then he started begging me to forgive him about the whole thing, which Kaitlyn saw. So she knows that it happened. When I first got there, it was just Gabe, Nathan, Michelle - whom I've never met before, a different Kaitlyn (F), and I. I was really not having a good time and just wanted to go home. So then Kaitlyn, Danielle - I like her, and her twin sister Amanda came, and I went over to sit with them, because I'm not really friends with Gabe, Nathan, Michelle, or Kaitlyn F. So I sat there for the whole time, and Danielle and I were talking a lot which was good. Then Kaitlyn left to go mingle with other people, and she talked to Andrew. She came back and told me, Nick, listen, Andrew is telling people it's all a complete lie now, blah blah. Then she said that he said that I told Kaitlyn (F) that Andrew said she was a s**t. Andrew liked Kaitlyn F, but a lot of people think it's just a cover up. Anyway, she told me that and said he was telling people that, actually, I honestly can't remember exactly what was said.

Well after that, I went over Joe's house with Nick, Kyle, Amanda, Danielle, Kaitlyn H, Stephanie, Manny, and Marco. We hung out till 1ish. Danielle and I kinda talked, but not really. Then we watched Awake, which was pretty good actullay. =]


So at 4 I got a call from Kaitlyn that Joe was having people over again. So I went over at 6:30, and we played Rock Band and Guitar Hero for a while, then we went outside and had a fire till 12. Danielle and I talked for a while in the beginning, but after a while, she wouldn't even sit near me. I don't understand her. Amanda's boyfriend Nick is really jealous over little things, so they are fighting now, and Stephanie always had a boy, but Danielle never has before. Danielle was talking to Kaitlyn about it and said she wanted someone, and then Kaitlyn told her she would find someone for her. I've been trying for a while to get over her, but it's been really hard. But hearing her say that last night, like, I know now that I HAVE to give up, even though I really don't want to. It was getting akward after a while, so I left early. I don't know what they did after that, but I want to find out tomorrow.


I commented Kaitlyn F on facebook and asked her if it was I who said that about Andrew. I know she is going to say no, because I really didn't. And I'll print it out and prove him wrong.

wowwww i know like half these people. like kaitlyn h and kaitlyn f (well if its the one im thinking of that goes to k. high school.) and maybe michelle if its the one in know and nathan cuz he comes with our group (like rachel & people)when we see each others school plays.

sorry about your troubles.

my mom's been to double o grill.




Kaitlyn F is in your school. So is Michelle..M. But not Bryan F's ex girlfriend. The other one.

And Kaitlyn H and Nathan are in my school. =]

kaityln f's not at my school. and yeah i know the other michelle m too. at least i think i know who u mean. (this is annoying not using last names!)

yeah, i know kaitlyn h and nathan are at ur school. and rachel j. it was just her birthday last week. :)


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Friday night was a friends party, and we went out to eat at a restaurant called Double O's. I think it's a chain, but I'm not sure. He told my friend not to invite me, but she did anyway. Kaitlyn H, is one person that I can trust with anything and everything, so I told her the whole story, and she's helping me with it. After a while, I told him to just f off, and I don't want his friendship anymore. Then he started begging me to forgive him about the whole thing, which Kaitlyn saw. So she knows that it happened. When I first got there, it was just Gabe, Nathan, Michelle - whom I've never met before, a different Kaitlyn (F), and I. I was really not having a good time and just wanted to go home. So then Kaitlyn, Danielle - I like her, and her twin sister Amanda came, and I went over to sit with them, because I'm not really friends with Gabe, Nathan, Michelle, or Kaitlyn F. So I sat there for the whole time, and Danielle and I were talking a lot which was good. Then Kaitlyn left to go mingle with other people, and she talked to Andrew. She came back and told me, Nick, listen, Andrew is telling people it's all a complete lie now, blah blah. Then she said that he said that I told Kaitlyn (F) that Andrew said she was a s**t. Andrew liked Kaitlyn F, but a lot of people think it's just a cover up. Anyway, she told me that and said he was telling people that, actually, I honestly can't remember exactly what was said.

Well after that, I went over Joe's house with Nick, Kyle, Amanda, Danielle, Kaitlyn H, Stephanie, Manny, and Marco. We hung out till 1ish. Danielle and I kinda talked, but not really. Then we watched Awake, which was pretty good actullay. =]


So at 4 I got a call from Kaitlyn that Joe was having people over again. So I went over at 6:30, and we played Rock Band and Guitar Hero for a while, then we went outside and had a fire till 12. Danielle and I talked for a while in the beginning, but after a while, she wouldn't even sit near me. I don't understand her. Amanda's boyfriend Nick is really jealous over little things, so they are fighting now, and Stephanie always had a boy, but Danielle never has before. Danielle was talking to Kaitlyn about it and said she wanted someone, and then Kaitlyn told her she would find someone for her. I've been trying for a while to get over her, but it's been really hard. But hearing her say that last night, like, I know now that I HAVE to give up, even though I really don't want to. It was getting akward after a while, so I left early. I don't know what they did after that, but I want to find out tomorrow.


I commented Kaitlyn F on facebook and asked her if it was I who said that about Andrew. I know she is going to say no, because I really didn't. And I'll print it out and prove him wrong.

wowwww i know like half these people. like kaitlyn h and kaitlyn f (well if its the one im thinking of that goes to k. high school.) and maybe michelle if its the one in know and nathan cuz he comes with our group (like rachel & people)when we see each others school plays.

sorry about your troubles.

my mom's been to double o grill.




Kaitlyn F is in your school. So is Michelle..M. But not Bryan F's ex girlfriend. The other one.

And Kaitlyn H and Nathan are in my school. =]

kaityln f's not at my school. and yeah i know the other michelle m too. at least i think i know who u mean. (this is annoying not using last names!)

yeah, i know kaitlyn h and nathan are at ur school. and rachel j. it was just her birthday last week. :)




I know. I was just talking to Michelle Mo________ on facebook and she told me she didn't go to your school. I never knew that.

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Friday night was a friends party, and we went out to eat at a restaurant called Double O's. I think it's a chain, but I'm not sure. He told my friend not to invite me, but she did anyway. Kaitlyn H, is one person that I can trust with anything and everything, so I told her the whole story, and she's helping me with it. After a while, I told him to just f off, and I don't want his friendship anymore. Then he started begging me to forgive him about the whole thing, which Kaitlyn saw. So she knows that it happened. When I first got there, it was just Gabe, Nathan, Michelle - whom I've never met before, a different Kaitlyn (F), and I. I was really not having a good time and just wanted to go home. So then Kaitlyn, Danielle - I like her, and her twin sister Amanda came, and I went over to sit with them, because I'm not really friends with Gabe, Nathan, Michelle, or Kaitlyn F. So I sat there for the whole time, and Danielle and I were talking a lot which was good. Then Kaitlyn left to go mingle with other people, and she talked to Andrew. She came back and told me, Nick, listen, Andrew is telling people it's all a complete lie now, blah blah. Then she said that he said that I told Kaitlyn (F) that Andrew said she was a s**t. Andrew liked Kaitlyn F, but a lot of people think it's just a cover up. Anyway, she told me that and said he was telling people that, actually, I honestly can't remember exactly what was said.

Well after that, I went over Joe's house with Nick, Kyle, Amanda, Danielle, Kaitlyn H, Stephanie, Manny, and Marco. We hung out till 1ish. Danielle and I kinda talked, but not really. Then we watched Awake, which was pretty good actullay. =]


So at 4 I got a call from Kaitlyn that Joe was having people over again. So I went over at 6:30, and we played Rock Band and Guitar Hero for a while, then we went outside and had a fire till 12. Danielle and I talked for a while in the beginning, but after a while, she wouldn't even sit near me. I don't understand her. Amanda's boyfriend Nick is really jealous over little things, so they are fighting now, and Stephanie always had a boy, but Danielle never has before. Danielle was talking to Kaitlyn about it and said she wanted someone, and then Kaitlyn told her she would find someone for her. I've been trying for a while to get over her, but it's been really hard. But hearing her say that last night, like, I know now that I HAVE to give up, even though I really don't want to. It was getting akward after a while, so I left early. I don't know what they did after that, but I want to find out tomorrow.


I commented Kaitlyn F on facebook and asked her if it was I who said that about Andrew. I know she is going to say no, because I really didn't. And I'll print it out and prove him wrong.

wowwww i know like half these people. like kaitlyn h and kaitlyn f (well if its the one im thinking of that goes to k. high school.) and maybe michelle if its the one in know and nathan cuz he comes with our group (like rachel & people)when we see each others school plays.

sorry about your troubles.

my mom's been to double o grill.




Kaitlyn F is in your school. So is Michelle..M. But not Bryan F's ex girlfriend. The other one.

And Kaitlyn H and Nathan are in my school. =]

kaityln f's not at my school. and yeah i know the other michelle m too. at least i think i know who u mean. (this is annoying not using last names!)

yeah, i know kaitlyn h and nathan are at ur school. and rachel j. it was just her birthday last week. :)




I know. I was just talking to Michelle Mo________ on facebook and she told me she didn't go to your school. I never knew that.

yep. it would have been cool if she did, though. I never see kaity anymore. i've known her & rachel since practically birth. lol


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Just...copy the files over? If you mean like iTunes, then you would transfer all the music files, the music library files, and any album artwork. I've done it once using a flashdrive (took several "trips" to get it all). You would need to authenticate the new computer in order to play any songs downloaded from the iTunes store.

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Just...copy the files over? If you mean like iTunes, then you would transfer all the music files, the music library files, and any album artwork. I've done it once using a flashdrive (took several "trips" to get it all). You would need to authenticate the new computer in order to play any songs downloaded from the iTunes store.

Couldn't you firewire it over?

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Just...copy the files over? If you mean like iTunes, then you would transfer all the music files, the music library files, and any album artwork. I've done it once using a flashdrive (took several "trips" to get it all). You would need to authenticate the new computer in order to play any songs downloaded from the iTunes store.

Couldn't you firewire it over?

Yes, firewire, or a network server, or appletalk would also work (not sure if Windows has something like appletalk...)

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Well obviously it wouldn't be called appletalk for Windows. Appletalk is a method of sharing files; you pick a harddisk on the same network as you and it appears on the desktop so you can share files.


About firewire...do windows computers even have firewire ports?

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Well obviously it wouldn't be called appletalk for Windows. Appletalk is a method of sharing files; you pick a harddisk on the same network as you and it appears on the desktop so you can share files.


About firewire...do windows computers even have firewire ports?

I know that I did have a firewire cable thingy for my ipod charger a while ago. And my old computer had a firewire port, and the other end of the cable was USB, and I obviously have a USB port on this computer...

So can I just plug the two together... and transfer them? :wacko:

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Well obviously it wouldn't be called appletalk for Windows. Appletalk is a method of sharing files; you pick a harddisk on the same network as you and it appears on the desktop so you can share files.


About firewire...do windows computers even have firewire ports?

I know that I did have a firewire cable thingy for my ipod charger a while ago. And my old computer had a firewire port, and the other end of the cable was USB, and I obviously have a USB port on this computer...

So can I just plug the two together... and transfer them? :wacko:

You need a firewire cable with firewire thingys on both ends. Check first to make sure your new computer has firewire capabilities.

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Well obviously it wouldn't be called appletalk for Windows. Appletalk is a method of sharing files; you pick a harddisk on the same network as you and it appears on the desktop so you can share files.


About firewire...do windows computers even have firewire ports?

I know that I did have a firewire cable thingy for my ipod charger a while ago. And my old computer had a firewire port, and the other end of the cable was USB, and I obviously have a USB port on this computer...

So can I just plug the two together... and transfer them? :wacko:

You need a firewire cable with firewire thingys on both ends. Check first to make sure your new computer has firewire capabilities.

I'm thinking I might just borrow a friend's flash drive.

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I need advice.

My, er, well, step-cousin, just killed himself.

It's my step-mom's sister's son.

Her sister and I have a goodish relationship and what not.


So, do I say anything to her, or not, or what, or...what?

Oh TBFOF... I am so sorry to hear this.


What I suggest is that you express your condolences by saying that you are very sorry for her loss.

You don't need to say too much, just let her know how sorry you are.


Perhaps someone else has some better words of advice.

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I need advice.

My, er, well, step-cousin, just killed himself.

It's my step-mom's sister's son.

Her sister and I have a goodish relationship and what not.


So, do I say anything to her, or not, or what, or...what?

Oh TBFOF... I am so sorry to hear this.


What I suggest is that you express your condolences by saying that you are very sorry for her loss.

You don't need to say too much, just let her know how sorry you are.


Perhaps someone else has some better words of advice.

Well, she lives in Memphis, so I wasn't sure if I should call her up and say it, or just to leave it.

And should I give her more...time?

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I need advice.

My, er, well, step-cousin, just killed himself.

It's my step-mom's sister's son.

Her sister and I have a goodish relationship and what not.


So, do I say anything to her, or not, or what, or...what?

Oh TBFOF... I am so sorry to hear this.


What I suggest is that you express your condolences by saying that you are very sorry for her loss.

You don't need to say too much, just let her know how sorry you are.


Perhaps someone else has some better words of advice.

Well, she lives in Memphis, so I wasn't sure if I should call her up and say it, or just to leave it.

And should I give her more...time?

If you call, I'd just say something like, "Hey I heard about what happened, just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you if you need to talk or anything." Sometimes just knowing people are there for you can help.

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I need advice.

My, er, well, step-cousin, just killed himself.

It's my step-mom's sister's son.

Her sister and I have a goodish relationship and what not.


So, do I say anything to her, or not, or what, or...what?

Oh TBFOF... I am so sorry to hear this.


What I suggest is that you express your condolences by saying that you are very sorry for her loss.

You don't need to say too much, just let her know how sorry you are.


Perhaps someone else has some better words of advice.

Well, she lives in Memphis, so I wasn't sure if I should call her up and say it, or just to leave it.

And should I give her more...time?

You could give her a call. I think she would appreciate your thoughts. If it just happened today, you could wait until tomorrow if you thought today would be too soon. You could always ask your mother for advice. She would be able to tell you if today was okay or tomorrow.


Please stop in Warm Wishes and write a post to Nutzky for me please. He would greatly appreciate hearing from you.

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I need advice.

My, er, well, step-cousin, just killed himself.

It's my step-mom's sister's son.

Her sister and I have a goodish relationship and what not.


So, do I say anything to her, or not, or what, or...what?

Oh TBFOF... I am so sorry to hear this.


What I suggest is that you express your condolences by saying that you are very sorry for her loss.

You don't need to say too much, just let her know how sorry you are.


Perhaps someone else has some better words of advice.

Well, she lives in Memphis, so I wasn't sure if I should call her up and say it, or just to leave it.

And should I give her more...time?

You could give her a call. I think she would appreciate your thoughts. If it just happened today, you could wait until tomorrow if you thought today would be too soon. You could always ask your mother for advice. She would be able to tell you if today was okay or tomorrow.


Please stop in Warm Wishes and write a post to Nutzky for me please. He would greatly appreciate hearing from you.

She has no idea. I'm not even supposed to know yet, or something.

What if I send her a card, because when my grandpa passed, she sent me a card. And I'm a horrible speaker, and I laugh when I get nervous, I don't want to do that.

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I need advice.

My, er, well, step-cousin, just killed himself.

It's my step-mom's sister's son.

Her sister and I have a goodish relationship and what not.


So, do I say anything to her, or not, or what, or...what?

Oh TBFOF... I am so sorry to hear this.


What I suggest is that you express your condolences by saying that you are very sorry for her loss.

You don't need to say too much, just let her know how sorry you are.


Perhaps someone else has some better words of advice.

Well, she lives in Memphis, so I wasn't sure if I should call her up and say it, or just to leave it.

And should I give her more...time?

You could give her a call. I think she would appreciate your thoughts. If it just happened today, you could wait until tomorrow if you thought today would be too soon. You could always ask your mother for advice. She would be able to tell you if today was okay or tomorrow.


Please stop in Warm Wishes and write a post to Nutzky for me please. He would greatly appreciate hearing from you.

She has no idea. I'm not even supposed to know yet, or something.

What if I send her a card, because when my grandpa passed, she sent me a card. And I'm a horrible speaker, and I laugh when I get nervous, I don't want to do that.

A card sounds like a really good idea to me. That way you can say exactly what you need to say.

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I need advice.

My, er, well, step-cousin, just killed himself.

It's my step-mom's sister's son.

Her sister and I have a goodish relationship and what not.


So, do I say anything to her, or not, or what, or...what?

Oh TBFOF... I am so sorry to hear this.


What I suggest is that you express your condolences by saying that you are very sorry for her loss.

You don't need to say too much, just let her know how sorry you are.


Perhaps someone else has some better words of advice.

Well, she lives in Memphis, so I wasn't sure if I should call her up and say it, or just to leave it.

And should I give her more...time?

You could give her a call. I think she would appreciate your thoughts. If it just happened today, you could wait until tomorrow if you thought today would be too soon. You could always ask your mother for advice. She would be able to tell you if today was okay or tomorrow.


Please stop in Warm Wishes and write a post to Nutzky for me please. He would greatly appreciate hearing from you.

She has no idea. I'm not even supposed to know yet, or something.

What if I send her a card, because when my grandpa passed, she sent me a card. And I'm a horrible speaker, and I laugh when I get nervous, I don't want to do that.

I agree with Jesusfreak. Sending a card is an excellent idea. This is a great way for your to express your sympathy to her and her family.

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I need advice.

My, er, well, step-cousin, just killed himself.

It's my step-mom's sister's son.

Her sister and I have a goodish relationship and what not.


So, do I say anything to her, or not, or what, or...what?

Oh TBFOF... I am so sorry to hear this.


What I suggest is that you express your condolences by saying that you are very sorry for her loss.

You don't need to say too much, just let her know how sorry you are.


Perhaps someone else has some better words of advice.

Well, she lives in Memphis, so I wasn't sure if I should call her up and say it, or just to leave it.

And should I give her more...time?

You could give her a call. I think she would appreciate your thoughts. If it just happened today, you could wait until tomorrow if you thought today would be too soon. You could always ask your mother for advice. She would be able to tell you if today was okay or tomorrow.


Please stop in Warm Wishes and write a post to Nutzky for me please. He would greatly appreciate hearing from you.

She has no idea. I'm not even supposed to know yet, or something.

What if I send her a card, because when my grandpa passed, she sent me a card. And I'm a horrible speaker, and I laugh when I get nervous, I don't want to do that.

I agree with Jesusfreak. Sending a card is an excellent idea. This is a great way for your to express your sympathy to her and her family.

Aiiiiiiiight. Good.

Haha, and I found a site that gives you 7 key points to address when writing letters of condolence. =]

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I need advice.

My, er, well, step-cousin, just killed himself.

It's my step-mom's sister's son.

Her sister and I have a goodish relationship and what not.


So, do I say anything to her, or not, or what, or...what?

Oh TBFOF... I am so sorry to hear this.


What I suggest is that you express your condolences by saying that you are very sorry for her loss.

You don't need to say too much, just let her know how sorry you are.


Perhaps someone else has some better words of advice.

Well, she lives in Memphis, so I wasn't sure if I should call her up and say it, or just to leave it.

And should I give her more...time?

You could give her a call. I think she would appreciate your thoughts. If it just happened today, you could wait until tomorrow if you thought today would be too soon. You could always ask your mother for advice. She would be able to tell you if today was okay or tomorrow.


Please stop in Warm Wishes and write a post to Nutzky for me please. He would greatly appreciate hearing from you.

She has no idea. I'm not even supposed to know yet, or something.

What if I send her a card, because when my grandpa passed, she sent me a card. And I'm a horrible speaker, and I laugh when I get nervous, I don't want to do that.

I agree with Jesusfreak. Sending a card is an excellent idea. This is a great way for your to express your sympathy to her and her family.

Aiiiiiiiight. Good.

Haha, and I found a site that gives you 7 key points to address when writing letters of condolence. =]

Awesome! Deaths are such awkward things to deal with..... :closedeyes:

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I need advice.

My, er, well, step-cousin, just killed himself.

It's my step-mom's sister's son.

Her sister and I have a goodish relationship and what not.


So, do I say anything to her, or not, or what, or...what?

Oh TBFOF... I am so sorry to hear this.


What I suggest is that you express your condolences by saying that you are very sorry for her loss.

You don't need to say too much, just let her know how sorry you are.


Perhaps someone else has some better words of advice.

Well, she lives in Memphis, so I wasn't sure if I should call her up and say it, or just to leave it.

And should I give her more...time?

You could give her a call. I think she would appreciate your thoughts. If it just happened today, you could wait until tomorrow if you thought today would be too soon. You could always ask your mother for advice. She would be able to tell you if today was okay or tomorrow.


Please stop in Warm Wishes and write a post to Nutzky for me please. He would greatly appreciate hearing from you.

She has no idea. I'm not even supposed to know yet, or something.

What if I send her a card, because when my grandpa passed, she sent me a card. And I'm a horrible speaker, and I laugh when I get nervous, I don't want to do that.

I agree with Jesusfreak. Sending a card is an excellent idea. This is a great way for your to express your sympathy to her and her family.

Aiiiiiiiight. Good.

Haha, and I found a site that gives you 7 key points to address when writing letters of condolence. =]

That sounds great. I would start by writing from your heart. Then use the points to shape your message.

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My mother is such a ...stupid thing, for lack of a better word.

Yesterday I noticed a lump in my groin, then the front left of my lower abdomen started hurting. Tonight it really started bothering me, so I described my symptoms to my friend's dad, who is a paramedic, and he said its 98% a hernia. So I told my mom that he said I should go to the hospital now, and she absolutely refused to take me, and then I told my friend, and her dad said it could really get infected and become, er, complicated, and she just doesn't seem to care. So I don't know what to do.

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My mother is such a ...stupid thing, for lack of a better word.

Yesterday I noticed a lump in my groin, then the front left of my lower abdomen started hurting. Tonight it really started bothering me, so I described my symptoms to my friend's dad, who is a paramedic, and he said its 98% a hernia. So I told my mom that he said I should go to the hospital now, and she absolutely refused to take me, and then I told my friend, and her dad said it could really get infected and become, er, complicated, and she just doesn't seem to care. So I don't know what to do.

:blink: Hm...maybe you could convince the school nurse that it is a serious problem? Maybe the school can send you to the hospital directly, or if not they could still push your mom to do it...if the school knows about the problem and your mom does not cooperate, that might (should) be considered child abuse. I don't know how that works legally. Or maybe tell a counselor about the problem.


This does not sound good for you. I hope that your condition, whatever it may be, will be resolved smoothly and that you will not have to live with it again.

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I'm waiting till 7AM tomorrow, if not, I am calling the ambulence myself.

But my dad is in Florida, because my cousin commited suicide, and so I won't have anyone. I'm sure she will go if I get to point of calling the ambulence myself. If I do have to call the ambulence myself, I know my dad will like, try to get custody of me, because of my mother's poor parenting skills, or what not. And I don't want that to happen.


I just know that I am definitely going to the hospital tomorrow, what ever it takes.

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Well, it's 12, and I still haven't gone. I don't understand what is wrong with her. She keeps trying to blame it on other things, such as a pinched nerve, a tear, or something else. There is no way to definitely be sure, other than going to the doctor's / hospital.

She also thinks that I just didn't want to go to school today. Trust me, missing school is the last thing I wanted to do. And today was the last day to buy a class ring, so I guess I'm not getting one.






sadg 7adstuhnf v :closedeyes: :closedeyes: :closedeyes:

I wish things could just be normal for a bit.

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Well, it's 12, and I still haven't gone. I don't understand what is wrong with her. She keeps trying to blame it on other things, such as a pinched nerve, a tear, or something else. There is no way to definitely be sure, other than going to the doctor's / hospital.

She also thinks that I just didn't want to go to school today. Trust me, missing school is the last thing I wanted to do. And today was the last day to buy a class ring, so I guess I'm not getting one.






sadg 7adstuhnf v :closedeyes: :closedeyes: :closedeyes:

I wish things could just be normal for a bit.

Class rings aren't cool once you get into college anyways. :P But your mom really should take you to the doctor's, because the other things that would cause pain and swelling should probably get checked out too.

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Well, it's 12, and I still haven't gone. I don't understand what is wrong with her. She keeps trying to blame it on other things, such as a pinched nerve, a tear, or something else. There is no way to definitely be sure, other than going to the doctor's / hospital.

She also thinks that I just didn't want to go to school today. Trust me, missing school is the last thing I wanted to do. And today was the last day to buy a class ring, so I guess I'm not getting one.






sadg 7adstuhnf v :closedeyes: :closedeyes: :closedeyes:

I wish things could just be normal for a bit.

Do you have a family doctor? If so, give him/her a call and describe the conditions. Who was your referring physician when you had your knee problem? Is this your family physician?

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My mother is such a ...stupid thing, for lack of a better word.

Yesterday I noticed a lump in my groin, then the front left of my lower abdomen started hurting. Tonight it really started bothering me, so I described my symptoms to my friend's dad, who is a paramedic, and he said its 98% a hernia. So I told my mom that he said I should go to the hospital now, and she absolutely refused to take me, and then I told my friend, and her dad said it could really get infected and become, er, complicated, and she just doesn't seem to care. So I don't know what to do.

My mom had hernia surgery like a month or two ago. Which means I should know more about this than I do. But I really don't know how to ID hernias.


Hope everything works out,



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So apparently, Michael Jackson is moving close to me.


*shudders* :ph34r:


So, how did the hospital thing go?


I'm taking these insane horse pills for an "infection", but they aren't doing anything really.

So I have to finish them before I go back.

Fun. >_< I have a really hard time swallowing pills. Given the option, I take chewable or liquid medications. Like my multivitamins, definitely kids chewable vitamins. :lol: It works though, I'm roughly the size of a 12 year old anyways. My roomie I think is even worse than me. :rolleyes:

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So apparently, Michael Jackson is moving close to me.


*shudders* :ph34r:


So, how did the hospital thing go?


I'm taking these insane horse pills for an "infection", but they aren't doing anything really.

So I have to finish them before I go back.

Fun. >_< I have a really hard time swallowing pills. Given the option, I take chewable or liquid medications. Like my multivitamins, definitely kids chewable vitamins. :lol: It works though, I'm roughly the size of a 12 year old anyways. My roomie I think is even worse than me. :rolleyes:


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So apparently, Michael Jackson is moving close to me.


*shudders* :ph34r:


So, how did the hospital thing go?


I'm taking these insane horse pills for an "infection", but they aren't doing anything really.

So I have to finish them before I go back.

Fun. >_< I have a really hard time swallowing pills. Given the option, I take chewable or liquid medications. Like my multivitamins, definitely kids chewable vitamins. :lol: It works though, I'm roughly the size of a 12 year old anyways. My roomie I think is even worse than me. :rolleyes:


Haha pretty much. Except I get the store brand ones because it's the same thing (or better) for less money. Yay reading ingredients labels! ^_^ And for the record: the orange chewable vitamins always taste the worst. I don't know why.

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So apparently, Michael Jackson is moving close to me.


*shudders* :ph34r:


So, how did the hospital thing go?


I'm taking these insane horse pills for an "infection", but they aren't doing anything really.

So I have to finish them before I go back.

Fun. >_< I have a really hard time swallowing pills. Given the option, I take chewable or liquid medications. Like my multivitamins, definitely kids chewable vitamins. :lol: It works though, I'm roughly the size of a 12 year old anyways. My roomie I think is even worse than me. :rolleyes:


Haha pretty much. Except I get the store brand ones because it's the same thing (or better) for less money. Yay reading ingredients labels! ^_^ And for the record: the orange chewable vitamins always taste the worst. I don't know why.

I love the orange and cherry.

I hate the grape, with a passion.

I always leave them for my brothers.

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So apparently, Michael Jackson is moving close to me.


*shudders* :ph34r:


So, how did the hospital thing go?


I'm taking these insane horse pills for an "infection", but they aren't doing anything really.

So I have to finish them before I go back.

Fun. >_< I have a really hard time swallowing pills. Given the option, I take chewable or liquid medications. Like my multivitamins, definitely kids chewable vitamins. :lol: It works though, I'm roughly the size of a 12 year old anyways. My roomie I think is even worse than me. :rolleyes:


Haha pretty much. Except I get the store brand ones because it's the same thing (or better) for less money. Yay reading ingredients labels! ^_^ And for the record: the orange chewable vitamins always taste the worst. I don't know why.

I love the orange and cherry.

I hate the grape, with a passion.

I always leave them for my brothers.

Really? I always thought grape was one of the better flavors. Although I suppose it depends on the brand too.

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So apparently, Michael Jackson is moving close to me.


OMG why didn't I know about this?

How close? (Relatively...)




He is supposed to be moving into our city.

Scary...what did we do??


Anyway, I wanted to ask you, were you at Kaitlyn F's sweet 16 last night? Sorry if I'm bringing it up and you weren't invited and whatever. But there were people from your school there and i didnt know if one of them might be u. So yeah.



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So apparently, Michael Jackson is moving close to me.


OMG why didn't I know about this?

How close? (Relatively...)




He is supposed to be moving into our city.

Scary...what did we do??


Anyway, I wanted to ask you, were you at Kaitlyn F's sweet 16 last night? Sorry if I'm bringing it up and you weren't invited and whatever. But there were people from your school there and i didnt know if one of them might be u. So yeah.



No. I wasn't invited.

I was at the party that Kaitlyn H left later to go to.

Rachel didn't go to Kaitlyn F's, did she?

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So apparently, Michael Jackson is moving close to me.


OMG why didn't I know about this?

How close? (Relatively...)




He is supposed to be moving into our city.

Scary...what did we do??


Anyway, I wanted to ask you, were you at Kaitlyn F's sweet 16 last night? Sorry if I'm bringing it up and you weren't invited and whatever. But there were people from your school there and i didnt know if one of them might be u. So yeah.



No. I wasn't invited.

I was at the party that Kaitlyn H left later to go to.

Rachel didn't go to Kaitlyn F's, did she?

Yeah, Rachel was there. And Kaitlyn H, Brian J (Rachel's brother), Nathan, people.... idk


lots of people from kaity f's school that i didnt know.... (for a second there i was about to write the school name! :o )



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So apparently, Michael Jackson is moving close to me.


OMG why didn't I know about this?

How close? (Relatively...)




He is supposed to be moving into our city.

Scary...what did we do??


Anyway, I wanted to ask you, were you at Kaitlyn F's sweet 16 last night? Sorry if I'm bringing it up and you weren't invited and whatever. But there were people from your school there and i didnt know if one of them might be u. So yeah.



No. I wasn't invited.

I was at the party that Kaitlyn H left later to go to.

Rachel didn't go to Kaitlyn F's, did she?

Yeah, Rachel was there. And Kaitlyn H, Brian J (Rachel's brother), Nathan, people.... idk


lots of people from kaity f's school that i didnt know.... (for a second there i was about to write the school name! :o )



I had a party Friday night and Rachel said she was grounded for the weekend. :(

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So apparently, Michael Jackson is moving close to me.


OMG why didn't I know about this?

How close? (Relatively...)




He is supposed to be moving into our city.

Scary...what did we do??


Anyway, I wanted to ask you, were you at Kaitlyn F's sweet 16 last night? Sorry if I'm bringing it up and you weren't invited and whatever. But there were people from your school there and i didnt know if one of them might be u. So yeah.



No. I wasn't invited.

I was at the party that Kaitlyn H left later to go to.

Rachel didn't go to Kaitlyn F's, did she?

Yeah, Rachel was there. And Kaitlyn H, Brian J (Rachel's brother), Nathan, people.... idk


lots of people from kaity f's school that i didnt know.... (for a second there i was about to write the school name! :o )



I had a party Friday night and Rachel said she was grounded for the weekend. :(

:unsure: maybe i've said too much. i didnt know anything about that.

but kaity & rachel & i have been friends our whole lives, so maybe rach's mom let her go just to this party cuz it was kaity's. idk.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Oh poo. School was cancelled today due to the storms and lack of power.

I have finals Friday, and I have so much to do, so I am actually upset that school is cancelled.


Good luck on your finals. I'm certain you will do well.

Sorry to hear school was cancelled.

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No, I need review time with my teachers.

I have a lot of questions.

You mean, you school doesn't push back the days by 1 when you get a day off? How can they afford to do that? Don't they have a quota of school days to meet? Anyway that's not fair for students counting on the review time in class.

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