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I haven't gone for blood work yet. I keep coming up with excuses to put it off. :rolleyes:

When it comes to blood work, I would do exactly the same thing. If you need some more excuses, just let me know, I have a zillion. :lol:

I hate getting bloodwork done too. :wacko:

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I have never had a problem with needles or bloodwork or anything like that. In fact, I donate blood on a regular basis.

Oh, you're lucky. The only thing I fear is pain. Needles cause pain. And after what happened to my sister, I'm a little paranoid about donating blood now. (They hit a nerve, which now causes really nasty pain spasms in her arm, especially if she's stressed. It was a freak occurence, but still.)

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I have been told I have "good veins", so that makes it much easier to give blood without any issues. As a firefighter, I also needed to receive a number of injections to prevent hepatitis and other such diseases. I suppose if you do anything enough, you develop a tolerance for it.

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I have been told I have "good veins", so that makes it much easier to give blood without any issues. As a firefighter, I also needed to receive a number of injections to prevent hepatitis and other such diseases. I suppose if you do anything enough, you develop a tolerance for it.


THK is a firefighter?

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my brother had to get many blood tests as a small child, and now hates them. So, it doens't always build a tolerance.


But I don't mind shots at all, really.

I plan on donating blood a lot, when I get the chance.

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I have been told I have "good veins", so that makes it much easier to give blood without any issues. As a firefighter, I also needed to receive a number of injections to prevent hepatitis and other such diseases. I suppose if you do anything enough, you develop a tolerance for it.


THK is a firefighter?

HampsterKing posted a photo of himself. When I find the picture, I will put a link here.

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my brother had to get many blood tests as a small child, and now hates them. So, it doens't always build a tolerance.


But I don't mind shots at all, really.

I plan on donating blood a lot, when I get the chance.

I almost didn't get a job because it required a blood test.

My hammy heart can't handle blood tests.

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my brother had to get many blood tests as a small child, and now hates them. So, it doens't always build a tolerance.


But I don't mind shots at all, really.

I plan on donating blood a lot, when I get the chance.

I almost didn't get a job because it required a blood test.

My hammy heart can't handle blood tests.

I've gotten blood tests alot, I get it about every four months. I don't mind. I have Cronz Colitis. I go to the doctors alot, i go to hospital sometimes. Only if i have a flare up, which is where my colon inflames. And colitis makes you lose blood, which makes you lose energy, which makes you lose apetite, which if you don't eat for a while you can die, also losing blood can cause you to die if you lose too much. I lost alot of blood when I was 8 years old, And that night when I was 8 years old I had a blood transfushion. I have had two colonoscophies.(( I don't know how to spell it)) And I've had 6 or 7 IV's, Also I get blood drawn every four months since i was 8 years old. and when i'm 18 I may get my Colon Removed, in a sugery. They can't do it now, since i'm too young, but when i'm 18 or older, they may do surgery and remove my colon.

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my brother had to get many blood tests as a small child, and now hates them. So, it doens't always build a tolerance.


But I don't mind shots at all, really.

I plan on donating blood a lot, when I get the chance.

I almost didn't get a job because it required a blood test.

My hammy heart can't handle blood tests.

I've gotten blood tests alot, I get it about every four months. I don't mind. I have Cronz Colitis. I go to the doctors alot, i go to hospital sometimes. Only if i have a flare up, which is where my colon inflames. And colitis makes you lose blood, which makes you lose energy, which makes you lose apetite, which if you don't eat for a while you can die, also losing blood can cause you to die if you lose too much. I lost alot of blood when I was 8 years old, And that night when I was 8 years old I had a blood transfushion. I have had two colonoscophies.(( I don't know how to spell it)) And I've had 6 or 7 IV's, Also I get blood drawn every four months since i was 8 years old. and when i'm 18 I may get my Colon Removed, in a sugery. They can't do it now, since i'm too young, but when i'm 18 or older, they may do surgery and remove my colon.

*gives Hamster_Girl a big hammie bear huggle*

Oh my... I am so sorry you have to go through all that.

I will keep you in my heart, thoughts and prayers until you get lots better.

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Yeah, as a biology major, I'm not sure how they coud remove your colon without causing lots of other problems in the process, unless they did a transplant or something. Wierd.


As for the HK picture, I believe he posted it somewhere in my pictures topic.

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Yeah, as a biology major, I'm not sure how they coud remove your colon without causing lots of other problems in the process, unless they did a transplant or something. Wierd.


As for the HK picture, I believe he posted it somewhere in my pictures topic.

I thought I had mentioned that. I apologize for not writing what I was thinking.


Here is HampsterKing...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Tonight was really fun. I snuck out, drove 30 minutes away to see fireworks, with someone who has a junior license and can't drive past nine. :D The fireworks were amazing, then we went on some random street and ghost rode the whip, which was one of the coolest things I ever did. Then my friend hoped in and drove away leave the 3 of us just standing there for 10 minutes. Then she eventually came back. Then we went home, only to realize I had missed The Simple Life! *GASP*

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Tonight was really fun. I snuck out, drove 30 minutes away to see fireworks, with someone who has a junior license and can't drive past nine. :D The fireworks were amazing, then we went on some random street and ghost rode the whip, which was one of the coolest things I ever did. Then my friend hoped in and drove away leave the 3 of us just standing there for 10 minutes. Then she eventually came back. Then we went home, only to realize I had missed The Simple Life! *GASP*

You all had fireworks on Sunday night?????? :blink:

Did you all not do them on the Fourth?


What kind of feeling did you have when the minutes ticked away, did you think she might not return?

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Tonight was really fun. I snuck out, drove 30 minutes away to see fireworks, with someone who has a junior license and can't drive past nine. :D The fireworks were amazing, then we went on some random street and ghost rode the whip, which was one of the coolest things I ever did. Then my friend hoped in and drove away leave the 3 of us just standing there for 10 minutes. Then she eventually came back. Then we went home, only to realize I had missed The Simple Life! *GASP*

You all had fireworks on Sunday night?????? :blink:

Did you all not do them on the Fourth?


What kind of feeling did you have when the minutes ticked away, did you think she might not return?

It was pouring on the fourth, so I guess they waited.


I thought she wasn't coming back, but my other two friends did, so I just trusted them. I actually didn't think about it after the first minute, I just started playing monopoly.

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I found this funny..

I saw this on some random site on, I know Horatio doesn't let the name of the website be posted, or atleast he didn't the other times I tired it, so a website where you have "your own website".

Then I asked the girl where it came from and if it had anything to do with HD and she said no. :huh:


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I found this funny..

I saw this on some random site on, I know Horatio doesn't let the name of the website be posted, or atleast he didn't the other times I tired it, so a website where you have "your own website".

Then I asked the girl where it came from and if it had anything to do with HD and she said no. :huh:


Wow. perhaps there are sanity stealing penguins elsewhere?

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I found this funny..

I saw this on some random site on, I know Horatio doesn't let the name of the website be posted, or atleast he didn't the other times I tired it, so a website where you have "your own website".

Then I asked the girl where it came from and if it had anything to do with HD and she said no. :huh:


Wow. perhaps there are sanity stealing penguins elsewhere?

Actually there is a game that had penguins stealing sanities long before it was thought of here.

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I found this funny..

I saw this on some random site on, I know Horatio doesn't let the name of the website be posted, or atleast he didn't the other times I tired it, so a website where you have "your own website".

Then I asked the girl where it came from and if it had anything to do with HD and she said no. :huh:


Wow. perhaps there are sanity stealing penguins elsewhere?

Actually there is a game that had penguins stealing sanities long before it was thought of here.

Harry Chapin eats sanities.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Well, I'm going to Maine, unfortunatly. <_<

I'll be back Sunday night-ish.

Bring your camera. We want some of your fantastic photographs when you return.

Have a great time, you will be missed.

Ever since I updated to Vista, I haven't been able to upload pictures to my computer. I tried the USB cable, the memory card slots in my printer and the ones in my computer.

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Well, I'm going to Maine, unfortunatly. <_>

I'll be back Sunday night-ish.

Bring your camera. We want some of your fantastic photographs when you return.

Have a great time, you will be missed.

Ever since I updated to Vista, I haven't been able to upload pictures to my computer. I tried the USB cable, the memory card slots in my printer and the ones in my computer.

That's what you get for using a Microsoft product! :lol:

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Well, I'm going to Maine, unfortunatly. <_<

I'll be back Sunday night-ish.

Bring your camera. We want some of your fantastic photographs when you return.

Have a great time, you will be missed.

Ever since I updated to Vista, I haven't been able to upload pictures to my computer. I tried the USB cable, the memory card slots in my printer and the ones in my computer.

That's what you get for using a Microsoft product! :lol:



I have finally convinced my mom to let me get a dog!

When we return from vacation, we are going to the SPCA to check out the dogs they have. =]

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Well, I'm going to Maine, unfortunatly. <_>

I'll be back Sunday night-ish.

Bring your camera. We want some of your fantastic photographs when you return.

Have a great time, you will be missed.

Ever since I updated to Vista, I haven't been able to upload pictures to my computer. I tried the USB cable, the memory card slots in my printer and the ones in my computer.

That's what you get for using a Microsoft product! :lol:



I have finally convinced my mom to let me get a dog!

When we return from vacation, we are going to the SPCA to check out the dogs they have. =]

How fantastic!

Resucing dogs from the SPCA is such a nice thing to do.

I hope you find a dog you like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So much for cross country. I was running through the trails at Vassar College this morning and my left knee gave out. I stood up, and I began to walk and hurt realllllly bad. I always bring my phone when I run alone, so I called mom and she picked me up. I have been iced it for a couple hours, then tried to walk again, and it still hurt really bad. I put the ice back on, and tried to walk again. Again, pain. I had been experiencing pain after about two miles for the past month, but nothing hurt this bad. I have an appointment for the orthopedist dude Thursday and we'll see what he says. :angry2:<_<

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So much for cross country. I was running through the trails at Vassar College this morning and my left knee gave out. I stood up, and I began to walk and hurt realllllly bad. I always bring my phone when I run alone, so I called mom and she picked me up. I have been iced it for a couple hours, then tried to walk again, and it still hurt really bad. I put the ice back on, and tried to walk again. Again, pain. I had been experiencing pain after about two miles for the past month, but nothing hurt this bad. I have an appointment for the orthopedist dude Thursday and we'll see what he says. :angry2:<_>

Oh no!!!!!!!!!

I am so sorry to hear about your knee! Please let us know what is happening. I know you must be so upset, not only because of the pain, but because you can't get out and run.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Stupid Microsoft products. My good computer crashed again, and the CHKDSK utility thing has been running for 16 hours and has gotten no where. I'm on my old cruddy one. Oh how I'm wanting that new iMac/ a MacBook.

May I make a suggestion... start saving some money towards it and then make some subtle hints to your parents that you are saving for... (insert the exact model Mac) and then keep them posted on how hard you are saving to buy this. Most times, parents will see how hard you are working for it, and usually chip in to pay for the rest, and sometimes pay for the entire laptop.


Ask about having a garage sale on a Saturday morning. Clean out the basement, closets, etc, and then ask for help from your mother in pricing and I guarantee you will make a bunch of money. Not millions of course, but depending on what you put out, sometimes you can make hundreds. That would help getting you started on your purchase of a Mac.

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Stupid Microsoft products. My good computer crashed again, and the CHKDSK utility thing has been running for 16 hours and has gotten no where. I'm on my old cruddy one. Oh how I'm wanting that new iMac/ a MacBook.

I know I didn't say cruddy. I must have said something else and not realized it. Sorry. :rolleyes:

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Stupid Microsoft products. My good computer crashed again, and the CHKDSK utility thing has been running for 16 hours and has gotten no where. I'm on my old cruddy one. Oh how I'm wanting that new iMac/ a MacBook.

I know I didn't say cruddy. I must have said something else and not realized it. Sorry. :rolleyes:

Not a problem. I like having something to do every now and then. :lol:

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Stupid Microsoft products. My good computer crashed again, and the CHKDSK utility thing has been running for 16 hours and has gotten no where. I'm on my old cruddy one. Oh how I'm wanting that new iMac/ a MacBook.

I know I didn't say cruddy. I must have said something else and not realized it. Sorry. :rolleyes:

tsk, tsk. :closedeyes:

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Stupid Microsoft products. My good computer crashed again, and the CHKDSK utility thing has been running for 16 hours and has gotten no where. I'm on my old cruddy one. Oh how I'm wanting that new iMac/ a MacBook.

May I make a suggestion... start saving some money towards it and then make some subtle hints to your parents that you are saving for... (insert the exact model Mac) and then keep them posted on how hard you are saving to buy this. Most times, parents will see how hard you are working for it, and usually chip in to pay for the rest, and sometimes pay for the entire laptop.


Ask about having a garage sale on a Saturday morning. Clean out the basement, closets, etc, and then ask for help from your mother in pricing and I guarantee you will make a bunch of money. Not millions of course, but depending on what you put out, sometimes you can make hundreds. That would help getting you started on your purchase of a Mac.

Well. I'm already working hard, helping out and stuff, so she buys me my GTI next year. I doubt she'll go for a laptop too. :wacko:

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Stupid Microsoft products. My good computer crashed again, and the CHKDSK utility thing has been running for 16 hours and has gotten no where. I'm on my old cruddy one. Oh how I'm wanting that new iMac/ a MacBook.

May I make a suggestion... start saving some money towards it and then make some subtle hints to your parents that you are saving for... (insert the exact model Mac) and then keep them posted on how hard you are saving to buy this. Most times, parents will see how hard you are working for it, and usually chip in to pay for the rest, and sometimes pay for the entire laptop.


Ask about having a garage sale on a Saturday morning. Clean out the basement, closets, etc, and then ask for help from your mother in pricing and I guarantee you will make a bunch of money. Not millions of course, but depending on what you put out, sometimes you can make hundreds. That would help getting you started on your purchase of a Mac.

Well. I'm already working hard, helping out and stuff, so she buys me my GTI next year. I doubt she'll go for a laptop too. :wacko:

If you start saving, I am willing to bet she will go for the laptop in addition. There is always the negotiation technique... "What would you think if I combine my Birthday and Christmas gifts into one big gift, the Apple laptop, and I will help pay with the money I saved?" Parents will look at how smart you are and make it work.

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Stupid Microsoft products. My good computer crashed again, and the CHKDSK utility thing has been running for 16 hours and has gotten no where. I'm on my old cruddy one. Oh how I'm wanting that new iMac/ a MacBook.

May I make a suggestion... start saving some money towards it and then make some subtle hints to your parents that you are saving for... (insert the exact model Mac) and then keep them posted on how hard you are saving to buy this. Most times, parents will see how hard you are working for it, and usually chip in to pay for the rest, and sometimes pay for the entire laptop.


Ask about having a garage sale on a Saturday morning. Clean out the basement, closets, etc, and then ask for help from your mother in pricing and I guarantee you will make a bunch of money. Not millions of course, but depending on what you put out, sometimes you can make hundreds. That would help getting you started on your purchase of a Mac.

Well. I'm already working hard, helping out and stuff, so she buys me my GTI next year. I doubt she'll go for a laptop too. :wacko:

If you start saving, I am willing to bet she will go for the laptop in addition. There is always the negotiation technique... "What would you think if I combine my Birthday and Christmas gifts into one big gift, the Apple laptop, and I will help pay with the money I saved?" Parents will look at how smart you are and make it work.

Well, this year's birthday has already passed, and I already know next years present, my car. I'm looking for a job, but I can't seem to find anywhere afterschool, like from 4-7 ish. She's not really into the garage sale idea. I asked her about it. I'm trying to sweet talk her into it, but she is extremely stubborn and once she has her mind set, it usually doesn't change.

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Well, my brother describes it as the "we-don't-know-what-is-wrong-with-your-kidneys disease." Basically, his immune system attacks his kidneys, so they don't work and allow stuff that should be filterd out to not be filtered out. 1 in 7-10 million have it.


Oh. I hope it fixes itself.


Nah, it won't, probably. Nobody really knows. xD . He is 19, born with it.

*is speechless*

*feels really, really lucky to be healthy*

It isn't that much of a pain, really. He just has to make sure he doens't go into relapse, cause he has to take more meds then. He gets really swollen and all.


But this is on top of ODD and ADHD.

Oh my.


Yeah, my brother takes a lot of meds. xD he is finally off of prednizone, I think. I also think I spelled prednizone wrong. He used to have to take liquid prednizone, which was one of the worst-tasting things ever. You think pepto-dismal is bad? It is like ice cream compared to this stuff.

Pepto Pink Ice Cream! :lol:

I took that for the first time the other day. I always thought that stuff would taste so good. Like that pink amox I used to get. Man, was I wrong. :wacko:

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Stupid Microsoft products. My good computer crashed again, and the CHKDSK utility thing has been running for 16 hours and has gotten no where. I'm on my old cruddy one. Oh how I'm wanting that new iMac/ a MacBook.

May I make a suggestion... start saving some money towards it and then make some subtle hints to your parents that you are saving for... (insert the exact model Mac) and then keep them posted on how hard you are saving to buy this. Most times, parents will see how hard you are working for it, and usually chip in to pay for the rest, and sometimes pay for the entire laptop.


Ask about having a garage sale on a Saturday morning. Clean out the basement, closets, etc, and then ask for help from your mother in pricing and I guarantee you will make a bunch of money. Not millions of course, but depending on what you put out, sometimes you can make hundreds. That would help getting you started on your purchase of a Mac.

Well. I'm already working hard, helping out and stuff, so she buys me my GTI next year. I doubt she'll go for a laptop too. :wacko:

If you start saving, I am willing to bet she will go for the laptop in addition. There is always the negotiation technique... "What would you think if I combine my Birthday and Christmas gifts into one big gift, the Apple laptop, and I will help pay with the money I saved?" Parents will look at how smart you are and make it work.

Well, this year's birthday has already passed, and I already know next years present, my car. I'm looking for a job, but I can't seem to find anywhere afterschool, like from 4-7 ish. She's not really into the garage sale idea. I asked her about it. I'm trying to sweet talk her into it, but she is extremely stubborn and once she has her mind set, it usually doesn't change.

Okay. Now for an alternate plan.

Let me think on this.

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Well, my brother describes it as the "we-don't-know-what-is-wrong-with-your-kidneys disease." Basically, his immune system attacks his kidneys, so they don't work and allow stuff that should be filterd out to not be filtered out. 1 in 7-10 million have it.


Oh. I hope it fixes itself.


Nah, it won't, probably. Nobody really knows. xD . He is 19, born with it.

*is speechless*

*feels really, really lucky to be healthy*

It isn't that much of a pain, really. He just has to make sure he doens't go into relapse, cause he has to take more meds then. He gets really swollen and all.


But this is on top of ODD and ADHD.

Oh my.


Yeah, my brother takes a lot of meds. xD he is finally off of prednizone, I think. I also think I spelled prednizone wrong. He used to have to take liquid prednizone, which was one of the worst-tasting things ever. You think pepto-dismal is bad? It is like ice cream compared to this stuff.

Pepto Pink Ice Cream! :lol:

I took that for the first time the other day. I always thought that stuff would taste so good. Like that pink amox I used to get. Man, was I wrong. :wacko:

Nooooooooo, that stuff is so yucky tasting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes, okay.

Cause some classes are really bad.

but computer programming every day is completely awesome.

unlike math every day, which isn't.

I can't stand my math teacher.

her voice grates my nerves. >.<

so it is kinda average.

no new people, really.

or at least, new people I like at all. xD

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yes, okay.

Cause some classes are really bad.

but computer programming every day is completely awesome.

unlike math every day, which isn't.

I can't stand my math teacher.

her voice grates my nerves. >.

so it is kinda average.

no new people, really.

or at least, new people I like at all. xD

Oh, that stinks. This semester I hope things get better.

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yes, okay.

Cause some classes are really bad.

but computer programming every day is completely awesome.

unlike math every day, which isn't.

I can't stand my math teacher.

her voice grates my nerves. >.< ~new favorite word~

so it is kinda average.

no new people, really.

or at least, new people I like at all. xD

All my classes ROCK!

I love my Algebra teacher. At the end of class she plays stupid little vids. that make my stomach hurt from laughing so hard.

There are a lot of new people at my school wich means lots of new friends ~YAY!~

I like most of hte people in my classes.

I'm auditioning for District Choir

I'm auditioning for Treblemakers (all womens after school choir at my school)

We get progress reports in the mail sometime this weekend >.<

I'm going to Nashville this Feb. for a choir comp.

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yes, okay.

Cause some classes are really bad.

but computer programming every day is completely awesome.

unlike math every day, which isn't.

I can't stand my math teacher.

her voice grates my nerves. >.

[/color]so it is kinda average.

no new people, really.

or at least, new people I like at all. xD

All my classes ROCK!

I love my Algebra teacher. At the end of class she plays stupid little vids. that make my stomach hurt from laughing so hard.

There are a lot of new people at my school wich means lots of new friends ~YAY!~

I like most of hte people in my classes.

I'm auditioning for District Choir

I'm auditioning for Treblemakers (all womens after school choir at my school)

We get progress reports in the mail sometime this weekend >.

I'm going to Nashville this Feb. for a choir comp.

WOW!!! Things are going very well for you! I hope it continues this way. :D

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I messed up, sorta big time.

:unsure: How? :unsure:

What happened? Can you fix it?

I did some stuff that I would nottt have done had I been sober.





I'm getting a MacBook, finally. Okay, so, anyway. Well, my house is all pre-wired for the internet and I have a wired router. To get wireless on my laptop, would I have to get a whole new wireless router for the whole house?

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I messed up, sorta big time.

:unsure: How? :unsure:

What happened? Can you fix it?

I did some stuff that I would nottt have done had I been sober.





I'm getting a MacBook, finally. Okay, so, anyway. Well, my house is all pre-wired for the internet and I have a wired router. To get wireless on my laptop, would I have to get a whole new wireless router for the whole house?

If you house is prewired for internet, I believe that you might have to spend for an airport (wireless router) that sends the signal to your computer. Your new laptop should have the airport capability to receive the signal, but you would have to attach the wired router to the airport.


Perhaps someone else knows more than I do and can help you better.

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I messed up, sorta big time.

Every body screws up. Do you want to talk about it?

LOL. I don't pay attention to my teachers shoes.... well I pay attention to my comm./arts teachers shoes cause she always has cute ones :rolleyes: (I'm girl gimie a break). but yeah feet bother me.....

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I cannnnnnnnnot decide. I've been to the Apple Store four times in the last month. One time I was ready to buy the new video, the next, the touch, then the video, then the touch again. I really really really cannot choose. Any help?

That is sooooooo hard. Perhaps Jesse would be better help.

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I cannnnnnnnnot decide. I've been to the Apple Store four times in the last month. One time I was ready to buy the new video, the next, the touch, then the video, then the touch again. I really really really cannot choose. Any help?

That is sooooooo hard. Perhaps Jesse would be better help.

I better decide soon, my mom is tired of taking me back and forth to Conn.

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I cannnnnnnnnot decide. I've been to the Apple Store four times in the last month. One time I was ready to buy the new video, the next, the touch, then the video, then the touch again. I really really really cannot choose. Any help?

That is sooooooo hard. Perhaps Jesse would be better help.

I better decide soon, my mom is tired of taking me back and forth to Conn.

Then my choice would be touch. The touch is really cool. It is just like the iPhone, which I think is the greatest.

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I cannnnnnnnnot decide. I've been to the Apple Store four times in the last month. One time I was ready to buy the new video, the next, the touch, then the video, then the touch again. I really really really cannot choose. Any help?

Touch screens die easily wouldm't go with that uless you absolutly love charging things

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I cannnnnnnnnot decide. I've been to the Apple Store four times in the last month. One time I was ready to buy the new video, the next, the touch, then the video, then the touch again. I really really really cannot choose. Any help?

Touch screens die easily wouldm't go with that uless you absolutly love charging things

I think the touch screen is superb.

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I cannnnnnnnnot decide. I've been to the Apple Store four times in the last month. One time I was ready to buy the new video, the next, the touch, then the video, then the touch again. I really really really cannot choose. Any help?

Touch screens die easily wouldm't go with that uless you absolutly love charging things

I think the touch screen is superb.

Well that's your OPINION but mine is FACT.

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I cannnnnnnnnot decide. I've been to the Apple Store four times in the last month. One time I was ready to buy the new video, the next, the touch, then the video, then the touch again. I really really really cannot choose. Any help?

Touch screens die easily wouldm't go with that uless you absolutly love charging things

I think the touch screen is superb.

Well that's your OPINION but mine is FACT.

The touch screen on your iPhone died? :o

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I cannnnnnnnnot decide. I've been to the Apple Store four times in the last month. One time I was ready to buy the new video, the next, the touch, then the video, then the touch again. I really really really cannot choose. Any help?

Touch screens die easily wouldm't go with that uless you absolutly love charging things

I think the touch screen is superb.

Well that's your OPINION but mine is FACT.

The touch screen on your iPhone died? :o

A bunch of my friends I don't have and iphone.

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I cannnnnnnnnot decide. I've been to the Apple Store four times in the last month. One time I was ready to buy the new video, the next, the touch, then the video, then the touch again. I really really really cannot choose. Any help?

Touch screens die easily wouldm't go with that uless you absolutly love charging things

I think the touch screen is superb.

Well that's your OPINION but mine is FACT.

The touch screen on your iPhone died? :o

A bunch of my friends I don't have and iphone.

A bunch of your friends ALL had the touch screen on their iPhones die????? :o

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I cannnnnnnnnot decide. I've been to the Apple Store four times in the last month. One time I was ready to buy the new video, the next, the touch, then the video, then the touch again. I really really really cannot choose. Any help?

Touch screens die easily wouldm't go with that uless you absolutly love charging things

I think the touch screen is superb.

Well that's your OPINION but mine is FACT.

The touch screen on your iPhone died? :o

A bunch of my friends I don't have and iphone.

A bunch of your friends ALL had the touch screen on their iPhones die????? :o

I'm friends with the whole freshman and half the sophmire class. and yeah they all died

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I cannnnnnnnnot decide. I've been to the Apple Store four times in the last month. One time I was ready to buy the new video, the next, the touch, then the video, then the touch again. I really really really cannot choose. Any help?

Touch screens die easily wouldm't go with that uless you absolutly love charging things

I think the touch screen is superb.

Well that's your OPINION but mine is FACT.

The touch screen on your iPhone died? :o

A bunch of my friends I don't have and iphone.

A bunch of your friends ALL had the touch screen on their iPhones die????? :o

I'm friends with the whole freshman and half the sophmire class. and yeah they all died

Sounds extremely strange to me that all the freshman and half the sophomore class had iPhones and the touch screen on ALL of them died.

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I cannnnnnnnnot decide. I've been to the Apple Store four times in the last month. One time I was ready to buy the new video, the next, the touch, then the video, then the touch again. I really really really cannot choose. Any help?

Touch screens die easily wouldm't go with that uless you absolutly love charging things

I think the touch screen is superb.

Well that's your OPINION but mine is FACT.

The touch screen on your iPhone died? :o

A bunch of my friends I don't have and iphone.

A bunch of your friends ALL had the touch screen on their iPhones die????? :o

I'm friends with the whole freshman and half the sophmire class. and yeah they all died

Sounds extremely strange to me that all the freshman and half the sophomore class had iPhones and the touch screen on ALL of them died.

not every one had an iphone I'm just saying I have a lot of friends and like 3 in 30 of them have one

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I cannnnnnnnnot decide. I've been to the Apple Store four times in the last month. One time I was ready to buy the new video, the next, the touch, then the video, then the touch again. I really really really cannot choose. Any help?

Touch screens die easily wouldm't go with that uless you absolutly love charging things

I think the touch screen is superb.

Well that's your OPINION but mine is FACT.

The touch screen on your iPhone died? :o

A bunch of my friends I don't have and iphone.

A bunch of your friends ALL had the touch screen on their iPhones die????? :o

I'm friends with the whole freshman and half the sophmire class. and yeah they all died

Sounds extremely strange to me that all the freshman and half the sophomore class had iPhones and the touch screen on ALL of them died.

not every one had an iphone I'm just saying I have a lot of friends and like 3 in 30 of them have one

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. LOL

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would give credit for the thinning to the main posters getting older. High school isn't that busy, but a lot of us are active in high school. On top of this, many of us have gotten "blogging" websites. And the college students have a way low amount of time, with actual lives and mucho homework.

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  • 3 weeks later...



It's been a long time since I was active. =\

I'm so stressed. I have so much to do

and so little time.


What's new? How are you guys?

We have missed you. Sorry to hear life is so stressful. I wish you had less to do and more time for yourself to relax.

As you know, we always think about you and hope you are okay.


What's new... not much.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mhm. My school is really small, so word travels fast.

Anyway, there is this girl, Jill, and the teacher, Mr. Bob. (Fake Names)

Well, I guess they have had a relationshipish for a while, and he got caught, and now

he's fired. Well, sort of. But there's a long story to go

along with this, but I'm exhausted. Well, Jill got in a lot of trouble,

so her parents kept close watch on her. Sunday night she said she was going outside

to get a book back from Jane (Fake Name Again) who was in her car.

Well, it was actually Mr Bob, and now they are missing and so

our school's is alllll messed up and stuff. Some peeps think they are either in Florida or Canada.

It's really weird. I dunnnno why I am telling you, at all. But yeah. :rolleyes:

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Mhm. My school is really small, so word travels fast.

Anyway, there is this girl, Jill, and the teacher, Mr. Bob. (Fake Names)

Well, I guess they have had a relationshipish for a while, and he got caught, and now

he's fired. Well, sort of. But there's a long story to go

along with this, but I'm exhausted. Well, Jill got in a lot of trouble,

so her parents kept close watch on her. Sunday night she said she was going outside

to get a book back from Jane (Fake Name Again) who was in her car.

Well, it was actually Mr Bob, and now they are missing and so

our school's is alllll messed up and stuff. Some peeps think they are either in Florida or Canada.

It's really weird. I dunnnno why I am telling you, at all. But yeah. :rolleyes:

Whoa. o.O; That is weird. How old is Mr. Bob? cause I picture him as this old fat man. x3

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Mhm. My school is really small, so word travels fast.

Anyway, there is this girl, Jill, and the teacher, Mr. Bob. (Fake Names)

Well, I guess they have had a relationshipish for a while, and he got caught, and now

he's fired. Well, sort of. But there's a long story to go

along with this, but I'm exhausted. Well, Jill got in a lot of trouble,

so her parents kept close watch on her. Sunday night she said she was going outside

to get a book back from Jane (Fake Name Again) who was in her car.

Well, it was actually Mr Bob, and now they are missing and so

our school's is alllll messed up and stuff. Some peeps think they are either in Florida or Canada.

It's really weird. I dunnnno why I am telling you, at all. But yeah. :rolleyes:

Whoa. o.O; That is weird. How old is Mr. Bob? cause I picture him as this old fat man. x3

B - O - B Bob.

Hope he likes prison. Because that is going to be his next home. :lol:

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Mhm. My school is really small, so word travels fast.

Anyway, there is this girl, Jill, and the teacher, Mr. Bob. (Fake Names)

Well, I guess they have had a relationshipish for a while, and he got caught, and now

he's fired. Well, sort of. But there's a long story to go

along with this, but I'm exhausted. Well, Jill got in a lot of trouble,

so her parents kept close watch on her. Sunday night she said she was going outside

to get a book back from Jane (Fake Name Again) who was in her car.

Well, it was actually Mr Bob, and now they are missing and so

our school's is alllll messed up and stuff. Some peeps think they are either in Florida or Canada.

It's really weird. I dunnnno why I am telling you, at all. But yeah. :rolleyes:

Whoa. o.O; That is weird. How old is Mr. Bob? cause I picture him as this old fat man. x3

B - O - B Bob.

Hope he likes prison. Because that is going to be his next home. :lol:



why did you spell out Bob? =O

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Mhm. My school is really small, so word travels fast.

Anyway, there is this girl, Jill, and the teacher, Mr. Bob. (Fake Names)

Well, I guess they have had a relationshipish for a while, and he got caught, and now

he's fired. Well, sort of. But there's a long story to go

along with this, but I'm exhausted. Well, Jill got in a lot of trouble,

so her parents kept close watch on her. Sunday night she said she was going outside

to get a book back from Jane (Fake Name Again) who was in her car.

Well, it was actually Mr Bob, and now they are missing and so

our school's is alllll messed up and stuff. Some peeps think they are either in Florida or Canada.

It's really weird. I dunnnno why I am telling you, at all. But yeah. :rolleyes:

Whoa. o.O; That is weird. How old is Mr. Bob? cause I picture him as this old fat man. x3

B - O - B Bob.

Hope he likes prison. Because that is going to be his next home. :lol:


why did you spell out Bob? =O

It came from some movie where they said B - O - B Bob was what they called the guy.

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Mhm. My school is really small, so word travels fast.

Anyway, there is this girl, Jill, and the teacher, Mr. Bob. (Fake Names)

Well, I guess they have had a relationshipish for a while, and he got caught, and now

he's fired. Well, sort of. But there's a long story to go

along with this, but I'm exhausted. Well, Jill got in a lot of trouble,

so her parents kept close watch on her. Sunday night she said she was going outside

to get a book back from Jane (Fake Name Again) who was in her car.

Well, it was actually Mr Bob, and now they are missing and so

our school's is alllll messed up and stuff. Some peeps think they are either in Florida or Canada.

It's really weird. I dunnnno why I am telling you, at all. But yeah. :rolleyes:

Whoa. o.O; That is weird. How old is Mr. Bob? cause I picture him as this old fat man. x3

B - O - B Bob.

Hope he likes prison. Because that is going to be his next home. :lol:


why did you spell out Bob? =O

It came from some movie where they said B - O - B Bob was what they called the guy.

What movie?

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Mhm. My school is really small, so word travels fast.

Anyway, there is this girl, Jill, and the teacher, Mr. Bob. (Fake Names)

Well, I guess they have had a relationshipish for a while, and he got caught, and now

he's fired. Well, sort of. But there's a long story to go

along with this, but I'm exhausted. Well, Jill got in a lot of trouble,

so her parents kept close watch on her. Sunday night she said she was going outside

to get a book back from Jane (Fake Name Again) who was in her car.

Well, it was actually Mr Bob, and now they are missing and so

our school's is alllll messed up and stuff. Some peeps think they are either in Florida or Canada.

It's really weird. I dunnnno why I am telling you, at all. But yeah. :rolleyes:

Whoa. o.O; That is weird. How old is Mr. Bob? cause I picture him as this old fat man. x3

B - O - B Bob.

Hope he likes prison. Because that is going to be his next home. :lol:

I believe the movie was "What about Bob?".

Pretty funny.

why did you spell out Bob? =O

It came from some movie where they said B - O - B Bob was what they called the guy.

What movie?

I believe it was called "What About Bob".

It's on the tele now, pretty funny.

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Mhm. My school is really small, so word travels fast.

Anyway, there is this girl, Jill, and the teacher, Mr. Bob. (Fake Names)

Well, I guess they have had a relationshipish for a while, and he got caught, and now

he's fired. Well, sort of. But there's a long story to go

along with this, but I'm exhausted. Well, Jill got in a lot of trouble,

so her parents kept close watch on her. Sunday night she said she was going outside

to get a book back from Jane (Fake Name Again) who was in her car.

Well, it was actually Mr Bob, and now they are missing and so

our school's is alllll messed up and stuff. Some peeps think they are either in Florida or Canada.

It's really weird. I dunnnno why I am telling you, at all. But yeah. :rolleyes:

:blink: Who returns books on Sunday night anyway? I mean, I've heard that taxes today are hard and stuff, but late fees from libraries shouldn't do too much damage to your wallet. :P


Hope this girl can be found. How scary it must be for the parents.

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Mr. Bob is 37ish.




And what happened to TGHL?

37 with a high school student??????? Oh my! :o


Unfortunately, TGHL has disappeared again.


Two years ago he was suspected of having a similar relationship with a senior, but nothing ever happened really.


And yesterday I stayed after till 6 in math because I had a huge test today and I needed help. I was walking to my locker to get my books and I heard the leader of the teacher's union talking to somone man. The nosy person that I am, I stopped around the corner and listened to the conversation. It was about how the girl e-mailed her parents saying she is fine, everything is alright, she loves him, and other stuff.


And some other stuff I heard was that he has a pregnant wife at home that knew nothing about it until Jill's parents called her after Kill emailed them. She didn't really even question why he wasn't home.

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Mr. Bob is 37ish.




And what happened to TGHL?

37 with a high school student??????? Oh my! :o


Unfortunately, TGHL has disappeared again.


Two years ago he was suspected of having a similar relationship with a senior, but nothing ever happened really.


And yesterday I stayed after till 6 in math because I had a huge test today and I needed help. I was walking to my locker to get my books and I heard the leader of the teacher's union talking to somone man. The nosy person that I am, I stopped around the corner and listened to the conversation. It was about how the girl e-mailed her parents saying she is fine, everything is alright, she loves him, and other stuff.


And some other stuff I heard was that he has a pregnant wife at home that knew nothing about it until Jill's parents called her after Kill emailed them. She didn't really even question why he wasn't home.

Oh my!!!!

What a mess that is! Glad you were nosy.

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Mr. Bob is 37ish.




And what happened to TGHL?

37 with a high school student??????? Oh my! :o


Unfortunately, TGHL has disappeared again.


Two years ago he was suspected of having a similar relationship with a senior, but nothing ever happened really.


And yesterday I stayed after till 6 in math because I had a huge test today and I needed help. I was walking to my locker to get my books and I heard the leader of the teacher's union talking to somone man. The nosy person that I am, I stopped around the corner and listened to the conversation. It was about how the girl e-mailed her parents saying she is fine, everything is alright, she loves him, and other stuff.


And some other stuff I heard was that he has a pregnant wife at home that knew nothing about it until Jill's parents called her after Kill emailed them. She didn't really even question why he wasn't home.

Oh my!!!!

What a mess that is! Glad you were nosy.

That is a big mess. o_o I need to stop by more to get this kind of information more frequently. XD

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Mr. Bob is 37ish.




And what happened to TGHL?

37 with a high school student??????? Oh my! :o


Unfortunately, TGHL has disappeared again.


Two years ago he was suspected of having a similar relationship with a senior, but nothing ever happened really.


And yesterday I stayed after till 6 in math because I had a huge test today and I needed help. I was walking to my locker to get my books and I heard the leader of the teacher's union talking to somone man. The nosy person that I am, I stopped around the corner and listened to the conversation. It was about how the girl e-mailed her parents saying she is fine, everything is alright, she loves him, and other stuff.


And some other stuff I heard was that he has a pregnant wife at home that knew nothing about it until Jill's parents called her after Kill emailed them. She didn't really even question why he wasn't home.

Oh my!!!!

What a mess that is! Glad you were nosy.

That is a big mess. o_o I need to stop by more to get this kind of information more frequently. XD

Exactly! :lol:

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DL, yeah I live by you. It wasn't in the papers or anything though. I never knew you went to that catholic school on B. Road.

yep i do! and you go to that public school near my catholic school


u still see rachel a lot? our family's getting together with her family on christmas eve like we have for the past few years...should be fun!



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DL, yeah I live by you. It wasn't in the papers or anything though. I never knew you went to that catholic school on B. Road.

yep i do! and you go to that public school near my catholic school


u still see rachel a lot? our family's getting together with her family on christmas eve like we have for the past few years...should be fun!



Tell Rachel we all say "Hi"!!!

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I see her everyyyday. She sits next to me in global, behind me in chemistry, we have gym together, and we sit together at lunch.

I saw your picture on her facebook. Is that allowed? Can I say facebook?

cool what picture? i dont have a facebook


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  • 2 weeks later...
I am now truly 100% done with PCs. Never again will I buy one. I can't stand my computer.

I so want a Mac.

Whenever my grandpa gets the $300,000 from the death of his nephew, I am going to beg and plead to get a Mac.

Macs are the greatest! You most definitely need a Mac.

I hope you get your new Mac soon.

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I am now truly 100% done with PCs. Never again will I buy one. I can't stand my computer.

I so want a Mac.

Whenever my grandpa gets the $300,000 from the death of his nephew, I am going to beg and plead to get a Mac.

Macs are the greatest! You most definitely need a Mac.

I hope you get your new Mac soon.

Are you going to run the Windows or the Apple OS?

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I am now truly 100% done with PCs. Never again will I buy one. I can't stand my computer.

I so want a Mac.

Whenever my grandpa gets the $300,000 from the death of his nephew, I am going to beg and plead to get a Mac.

Macs are the greatest! You most definitely need a Mac.

I hope you get your new Mac soon.

Are you going to run the Windows or the Apple OS?

Why would you run the Windows when this opens your computer to virus'?

Virus' are usually not written for Macs.


Besides... Windows is the most stupid program ever written.

It makes me C.R.A.Z.Y.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

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I am now truly 100% done with PCs. Never again will I buy one. I can't stand my computer.

I so want a Mac.

Whenever my grandpa gets the $300,000 from the death of his nephew, I am going to beg and plead to get a Mac.

Macs are the greatest! You most definitely need a Mac.

I hope you get your new Mac soon.

Are you going to run the Windows or the Apple OS?

Why would you run the Windows when this opens your computer to virus'?

Virus' are usually not written for Macs.


Besides... Windows is the most stupid program ever written.

It makes me C.R.A.Z.Y.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Definitly Apple OS. I've been using my friend's a lot lately and I'm falling in loooooooooooooove with it. :P

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I am now truly 100% done with PCs. Never again will I buy one. I can't stand my computer.

I so want a Mac.

Whenever my grandpa gets the $300,000 from the death of his nephew, I am going to beg and plead to get a Mac.

Macs are the greatest! You most definitely need a Mac.

I hope you get your new Mac soon.

Are you going to run the Windows or the Apple OS?

Why would you run the Windows when this opens your computer to virus'?

Virus' are usually not written for Macs.


Besides... Windows is the most stupid program ever written.

It makes me C.R.A.Z.Y.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Definitly Apple OS. I've been using my friend's a lot lately and I'm falling in loooooooooooooove with it. :P

I know that a ton of people love Apple...but I'll never understand it. I'm too PC-wired. Me on a Mac: "Oh lord, where is the control panel? Control panel...if I right-click here...THERE'S NO RIGHT CLICK!" *Collapse*

But I wish you the best of luck with your Apple. They're gorgeous machines.

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I am now truly 100% done with PCs. Never again will I buy one. I can't stand my computer.

I so want a Mac.

Whenever my grandpa gets the $300,000 from the death of his nephew, I am going to beg and plead to get a Mac.

Macs are the greatest! You most definitely need a Mac.

I hope you get your new Mac soon.

Are you going to run the Windows or the Apple OS?

Why would you run the Windows when this opens your computer to virus'?

Virus' are usually not written for Macs.


Besides... Windows is the most stupid program ever written.

It makes me C.R.A.Z.Y.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Definitly Apple OS. I've been using my friend's a lot lately and I'm falling in loooooooooooooove with it. :P

I know that a ton of people love Apple...but I'll never understand it. I'm too PC-wired. Me on a Mac: "Oh lord, where is the control panel? Control panel...if I right-click here...THERE'S NO RIGHT CLICK!" *Collapse*

But I wish you the best of luck with your Apple. They're gorgeous machines.

haha i know! and how are u supposed to copy/paste without right click?


and other stuff too...



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I am now truly 100% done with PCs. Never again will I buy one. I can't stand my computer.

I so want a Mac.

Whenever my grandpa gets the $300,000 from the death of his nephew, I am going to beg and plead to get a Mac.

Macs are the greatest! You most definitely need a Mac.

I hope you get your new Mac soon.

Are you going to run the Windows or the Apple OS?

Why would you run the Windows when this opens your computer to virus'?

Virus' are usually not written for Macs.


Besides... Windows is the most stupid program ever written.

It makes me C.R.A.Z.Y.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Definitly Apple OS. I've been using my friend's a lot lately and I'm falling in loooooooooooooove with it. :P

I know that a ton of people love Apple...but I'll never understand it. I'm too PC-wired. Me on a Mac: "Oh lord, where is the control panel? Control panel...if I right-click here...THERE'S NO RIGHT CLICK!" *Collapse*

But I wish you the best of luck with your Apple. They're gorgeous machines.

haha i know! and how are u supposed to copy/paste without right click?


and other stuff too...



So easy. You just put your cursor in front or behind what you want to copy and then highlight it, then go up and click on copy. Find where you want to paste it and put your cursor there and click. Voila, it appears.


The right and left click make me c.r.a.z.yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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haha i know! and how are u supposed to copy/paste without right click?


and other stuff too...



A control + click on a mac is the same as a right click, which you can do many things with like on a PC. Just without the frustration of hitting the wrong button.


You never use control + c/v to copy/paste stuff? It's the same on a mac except with the command key.

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I am now truly 100% done with PCs. Never again will I buy one. I can't stand my computer.

I so want a Mac.

Whenever my grandpa gets the $300,000 from the death of his nephew, I am going to beg and plead to get a Mac.

Macs are the greatest! You most definitely need a Mac.

I hope you get your new Mac soon.

Are you going to run the Windows or the Apple OS?

Why would you run the Windows when this opens your computer to virus'?

Virus' are usually not written for Macs.


Besides... Windows is the most stupid program ever written.

It makes me C.R.A.Z.Y.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Definitly Apple OS. I've been using my friend's a lot lately and I'm falling in loooooooooooooove with it. :P

I know that a ton of people love Apple...but I'll never understand it. I'm too PC-wired. Me on a Mac: "Oh lord, where is the control panel? Control panel...if I right-click here...THERE'S NO RIGHT CLICK!" *Collapse*

But I wish you the best of luck with your Apple. They're gorgeous machines.

haha i know! and how are u supposed to copy/paste without right click?


and other stuff too...



So easy. You just put your cursor in front or behind what you want to copy and then highlight it, then go up and click on copy. Find where you want to paste it and put your cursor there and click. Voila, it appears.


The right and left click make me c.r.a.z.yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's definitly going to take some time to get used to, but I'm sure it will be beyond worth it. :D

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I am now truly 100% done with PCs. Never again will I buy one. I can't stand my computer.

I so want a Mac.

Whenever my grandpa gets the $300,000 from the death of his nephew, I am going to beg and plead to get a Mac.

Macs are the greatest! You most definitely need a Mac.

I hope you get your new Mac soon.

Are you going to run the Windows or the Apple OS?

Why would you run the Windows when this opens your computer to virus'?

Virus' are usually not written for Macs.


Besides... Windows is the most stupid program ever written.

It makes me C.R.A.Z.Y.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Definitly Apple OS. I've been using my friend's a lot lately and I'm falling in loooooooooooooove with it. :P

I know that a ton of people love Apple...but I'll never understand it. I'm too PC-wired. Me on a Mac: "Oh lord, where is the control panel? Control panel...if I right-click here...THERE'S NO RIGHT CLICK!" *Collapse*

But I wish you the best of luck with your Apple. They're gorgeous machines.

haha i know! and how are u supposed to copy/paste without right click?


and other stuff too...



So easy. You just put your cursor in front or behind what you want to copy and then highlight it, then go up and click on copy. Find where you want to paste it and put your cursor there and click. Voila, it appears.


The right and left click make me c.r.a.z.yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's definitly going to take some time to get used to, but I'm sure it will be beyond worth it. :D

You will get used to it so fast, then you will never look back. :lol:

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guess i've been shown up...



Hey, don't worry about it! No one expects you to know all the tools of the trade when it comes to a new operating system, especially one that isn't as popular. But that's what Horatio and I are here for. ;)

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guess i've been shown up...



Hey, don't worry about it! No one expects you to know all the tools of the trade when it comes to a new operating system, especially one that isn't as popular. But that's what Horatio and I are here for. ;)

Correction: Actually that is what Jesse is here for, I just back him up on a couple of the baby step items.

Jesse: You have taught me so many things about the Mac, I couldn't begin to count them. Thank you!!!!

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Which do you think I should get?

The $1,299.00 MacBook or the $1,999.00 MacBook Pro.

MacBook Pro.

So it's worth the extra $700?

Actually it depends what you plan to do with your computer. I use it for work, play, music, pictures and a myriad of other things. I have to run a windows program on it that is used for work. My computer goes everywhere I go. Tell me how you plan on using your computer and I will make an assessment that will be strictly my opinion.


The best people to ask are the Apple people. You can always call them, let them know what you are thinking and ask their opinion.

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I plan on using it mainly for school work, email, internet, music, pictures, and picture editting. A

Tomorrow I will go to the Apple Store and get one of the guys to give me a complete rundown on the two computers and make a comparison for you.

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Correction: Actually that is what Jesse is here for, I just back him up on a couple of the baby step items.

Jesse: You have taught me so many things about the Mac, I couldn't begin to count them. Thank you!!!!

You're welcome, but...I can't remember what things I've taught you! Except about taking pictures. And you seem to be more informed about the apple market, which I know nothing about.


Random hint of the day: control + option + command + 8 makes the screen invert.

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Correction: Actually that is what Jesse is here for, I just back him up on a couple of the baby step items.

Jesse: You have taught me so many things about the Mac, I couldn't begin to count them. Thank you!!!!

You're welcome, but...I can't remember what things I've taught you! Except about taking pictures. And you seem to be more informed about the apple market, which I know nothing about.


Random hint of the day: control + option + command + 8 makes the screen invert.


See what I mean... you are a genius!

*gives Jesse a crate full of cherry micicles*


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Correction: Actually that is what Jesse is here for, I just back him up on a couple of the baby step items.

Jesse: You have taught me so many things about the Mac, I couldn't begin to count them. Thank you!!!!

You're welcome, but...I can't remember what things I've taught you! Except about taking pictures. And you seem to be more informed about the apple market, which I know nothing about.


Random hint of the day: control + option + command + 8 makes the screen invert.


See what I mean... you are a genius!

*gives Jesse a crate full of cherry micicles*


MMmm, well you're welcome. That's only for Mac OS X by the way.

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Correction: Actually that is what Jesse is here for, I just back him up on a couple of the baby step items.

Jesse: You have taught me so many things about the Mac, I couldn't begin to count them. Thank you!!!!

You're welcome, but...I can't remember what things I've taught you! Except about taking pictures. And you seem to be more informed about the apple market, which I know nothing about.


Random hint of the day: control + option + command + 8 makes the screen invert.


See what I mean... you are a genius!

*gives Jesse a crate full of cherry micicles*


MMmm, well you're welcome. That's only for Mac OS X by the way.

Leopard? You wouldn't believe what happened when I tried that. The board went from blue to brown and orange, the smilies are blue, the background where I am typing is black and the lettering is white.

Very cool!!!

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I plan on using it mainly for school work, email, internet, music, pictures, and picture editting. A

"A" what, I wonder.

"A" what, I wonder myself? :lol:

Today I stopped in and my favorite genius bar guy was not there. It was his day off. He will be in tomorrow.

Please check back.

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Leopard? You wouldn't believe what happened when I tried that. The board went from blue to brown and orange, the smilies are blue, the background where I am typing is black and the lettering is white.

Very cool!!!

Indeed. It's also a great way of keeping your eyes hurting from all the whiteness when typing things.

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Leopard? You wouldn't believe what happened when I tried that. The board went from blue to brown and orange, the smilies are blue, the background where I am typing is black and the lettering is white.

Very cool!!!

Indeed. It's also a great way of keeping your eyes hurting from all the whiteness when typing things.

Oh Jesse, that was so very, very cool!!!

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My grandpa died. :(

He was my besttttttttttt friend.

And I dunnnno what to do now.


Oh TBFOF, I am so, so sorry. I know what you are feeling as I went through the same thing and your heart hurts so much.

At the moment, I do not have the words to express just how much I feel for you.

*gives TBFOF a big hug*

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My grandpa died. :(

He was my besttttttttttt friend.

And I dunnnno what to do now.


Oh no! *gives a big fuzzy hug* I'll be praying for you. I can only imagine what that's like.

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The burial is tomorrow, because that darn snow storm delayed it. We had the funeral Monday, which was so hard. It was packed! But, the whole town knew and loved him, so I kind of expcted it. A lot of people gave speeches, my mom was first. Then I wanted to go. I started to walk up there, and just burst out in tears, and I could not do it. I felt like such a fool, and Jacenta, a family friend had to come get me and bring me back to my seat. Then I sat down, and my cousin Jen went up, then another man. What my cousin said was really beautiful. He wasn't her true biological grandfather. My mom, his brother, and I are the only true like, blood relatives. My grandma had four children before they got together, but he still took them on like they were his own. So she said that she called up her friends, and told them her grandpa died. They said, oh, you mean the one in Kentucky? And she said no, my grandfather! And they said, you mean your step grandfather? And she said NO, my grandfather!! And then something else, but it was sweet. While I was sitting there, my grandpa gave me the strength, and I got back up and tried again. I said, Hm, Lets give this another shot! Everyone laughed, which kind of made it a slight bit easier, and I actually spoke, but I couldn't get much out. it was pretty short, and I basically said "I know all of you will agree with me when I say that my grandfather was a wonderful, terrific, strong, amazing man. He was always there for me, and everyone else when we needed someone. He was such a fighter. (I wanted to say more in here, but started to cry too much) I will miss him so much, and I love him, so very much. I am just proud that I was able to call that wonderful man my grandfather for so many years." Then I felt a lot better. Then they wrapped it all up, and while everyone was leaving, they all said I did a wonderful job, which made me feel even better. The burial was supposed to be after, but we had a snowstorm, so it was postponed until tomorrow at 1. Then we went to this restuarant to celebrate his life. =] Then we went back to my grandma's and I slept over and what not. Today we started cleaning out his closets and stuff, since everyone was there and so she wouldn't have to do it. I found sooooooo much stuff, I brought home bags of things. I've started like a shrine of him on my wall over my bed. I collected a bunch of pictures to hang, and old pins and things of his. ......blahblah. I'm probaby boring you by now.


I just can't believe I'll have to go through all this again tomorrow. He was an amazing man, and I will miss him so very much.



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The burial was beautiful. He had the military honor thing, which was really nice. And the view was amazing. Everyday he will be able to look over the whole Hudson Valley.




I just can't believe he's gone. Last night my aunt from Florida made dinner and we were all eating around the table. Then I realized my grandpa wasn't there, and I actually went to the hall to call up to his room to tell him dinner was ready. But then I remembered, then cried. Honestly, I don't know how I will ever ever ever adjust to life without him. I kind of just realized it this morning, He was more of a fatherly figure to me than my own dad was. And everyone tells me that they never talked to him without him mentioning me or that I was like the son he never had. I realllllllllllllllllly don't know what to do. I have absolutely no desire to ever go back to school. I don'ttttttttttttt knowwwwww. Anything.

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  • 3 weeks later...
When it rains, it pours.


I was in the hospital this week! :o

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Are you okay? What happened?


I/They thought it was appendicitis, but it out to be....mesenteric adenitis, or something like that.




Anddddddddddd, now I have the flu. What fun!

I'm going back to bed now. <_<

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