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PoSt RaNdOm StUfF!!!!

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why are there so many guests on!?! there are never that many!!! *confused*

The highest number of guests was 392 or 393 one day and someone else saw over 400.

HamspterKing says this is because of Yahoo. Not google, but yahoo.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hillbillies have internet?


*~*The Psychedelice luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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why are there so many guests on!?! there are never that many!!! *confused*

The highest number of guests was 392 or 393 one day and someone else saw over 400.

HamspterKing says this is because of Yahoo. Not google, but yahoo.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hillbillies have internet?


*~*The Psychedelice luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

ROFOCLH !!!!!!!

You are so funny today.

*definitely does not want to take away Mushroom_king's sugar source*

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why are there so many guests on!?! there are never that many!!! *confused*

The highest number of guests was 392 or 393 one day and someone else saw over 400.

HamspterKing says this is because of Yahoo. Not google, but yahoo.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Hillbillies have internet?


*~*The Psychedelice luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

ROFOCLH !!!!!!!

You are so funny today.

*definitely does not want to take away Mushroom_king's sugar source*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


j00 better not take away those granola bars.


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Where's Horatio?

*sprays self with invisible ink*

*~*The Grand Ilusion8!(YTj;olrnwe.mq rmlndjs


I need to spazz out. Right now.


njlfd; nhjrk bkjmlsa kcrp36iu94 jd,fvm ogfd g;ifdiogjf8 9hjtr9iokgkoepqwojhkort,nhlkrhml;


Thats better.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*

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*crowd cheers*

*throws cupcakes*

*forgets what happened last time she did that*


*makes a run for it but gets trampled*

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*crowd cheers*

*throws cupcakes*

*forgets what happened last time she did that*


*makes a run for it but gets trampled*

*hops into helicopter, rescues Cupcakelvr101 for a second time, puts paw on passenger eject button and asks for two cupcakes*

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*crowd cheers*

*throws cupcakes*

*forgets what happened last time she did that*


*makes a run for it but gets trampled*

*hops into helicopter, rescues Cupcakelvr101 for a second time, puts paw on passenger eject button and asks for two cupcakes*

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Whatta that?

Is that a cheaper iPhone?

I don't use my phone enough to need one of those.

My plan involves me paying 20 every 90 days.

And it is like, $0.10 per minute for the first 10 mins, $0.05 for every one after that.

and texting is like, $0.10 to send and $0.05 to read new ones.

But then the rates for other things change with certain conditions. That I am not sure of.

I don't know my plan that well, really. Even though I have had it since 8th grade. xD I really don't use my phone much.

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*crowd cheers*

*throws cupcakes*

*forgets what happened last time she did that*


*makes a run for it but gets trampled*

*hops into helicopter, rescues Cupcakelvr101 for a second time, puts paw on passenger eject button and asks for two cupcakes*


NO NOT THE BUTTON HERE TAKE ALL THE CUCAKES I HAVE LEFT (5) next time you might not want to rescue me i'd rather die than have to give you more trouble

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Whatta that?

Is that a cheaper iPhone?

I don't use my phone enough to need one of those.

My plan involves me paying 20 every 90 days.

And it is like, $0.10 per minute for the first 10 mins, $0.05 for every one after that.

and texting is like, $0.10 to send and $0.05 to read new ones.

But then the rates for other things change with certain conditions. That I am not sure of.

I don't know my plan that well, really. Even though I have had it since 8th grade. xD I really don't use my phone much.

i got my first phone in 6th grade i get a new one every christmas and i use it all the time texting and talking

somedays i just throw at the wall it still won't brake i hate the phone i have right now

razors stink!!!!


i want one though i have a samsung somethin or whatever i really dont know what it is oh wait id it's . . . . . .ANNOYING!!!! the caller id doesnt work (probably from throwing it against the wall)

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*crowd cheers*

*throws cupcakes*

*forgets what happened last time she did that*


*makes a run for it but gets trampled*

*hops into helicopter, rescues Cupcakelvr101 for a second time, puts paw on passenger eject button and asks for two cupcakes*


NO NOT THE BUTTON HERE TAKE ALL THE CUCAKES I HAVE LEFT (5) next time you might not want to rescue me i'd rather die than have to give you more trouble

Just two thank you.

*removes paw from button and covers button with security plate*

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*crowd cheers*

*throws cupcakes*

*forgets what happened last time she did that*


*makes a run for it but gets trampled*

*hops into helicopter, rescues Cupcakelvr101 for a second time, puts paw on passenger eject button and asks for two cupcakes*


NO NOT THE BUTTON HERE TAKE ALL THE CUCAKES I HAVE LEFT (5) next time you might not want to rescue me i'd rather die than have to give you more trouble

Just two thank you.

*removes paw from button and covers button with security plate*


take them take them all

*dumps cupcakes in horatios lap*

*jumps out of helicoptor*


hahahahahahahahaha free falling is fun atleast until you hit the ground!

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heh heh heh *sly grin* i emailed a bunch of my friends that picture of me holding the paper iPhone and they think its real! lol, they keep asking me how i got it, i just tell them it was free! im about to email all of them the paper cut out. >:D mua ha ha


lol they are gunna be mad XD

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heh heh heh *sly grin* i emailed a bunch of my friends that picture of me holding the paper iPhone and they think its real! lol, they keep asking me how i got it, i just tell them it was free! im about to email all of them the paper cut out. >:D mua ha ha


lol they are gunna be mad XD

Ohhhhhhhh, that is sooooooo good. :lol:

You have a really great sense of humour.

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heh heh heh *sly grin* i emailed a bunch of my friends that picture of me holding the paper iPhone and they think its real! lol, they keep asking me how i got it, i just tell them it was free! im about to email all of them the paper cut out. >:D mua ha ha


lol they are gunna be mad XD

Ohhhhhhhh, that is sooooooo good. :lol:

You have a really great sense of humour.


lol, im known for my great pranks :lol: and most of my friends are extremely gullible, hee hee :rolleyes:


oh and ya know what horatio? youve poinsened my brain! i dont remember a lot about my dream last night, but i remember that Kill Bill 3 was coming out into theaters! lol! and also i was watching Bruce Almighty on my TV last night and I fell asleep watching it, and i woke up to turn it off, but the title screen was WEIRD and i was like wth??? then whenever i woke up this morning i realised that i had a dream that i woke up and thats why the title screen was weird... yup!

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heh heh heh *sly grin* i emailed a bunch of my friends that picture of me holding the paper iPhone and they think its real! lol, they keep asking me how i got it, i just tell them it was free! im about to email all of them the paper cut out. >:D mua ha ha


lol they are gunna be mad XD

Ohhhhhhhh, that is sooooooo good. :lol:

You have a really great sense of humour.


lol, im known for my great pranks :lol: and most of my friends are extremely gullible, hee hee :rolleyes:


oh and ya know what horatio? youve poinsened my brain! i dont remember a lot about my dream last night, but i remember that Kill Bill 3 was coming out into theaters! lol! and also i was watching Bruce Almighty on my TV last night and I fell asleep watching it, and i woke up to turn it off, but the title screen was WEIRD and i was like wth??? then whenever i woke up this morning i realised that i had a dream that i woke up and thats why the title screen was weird... yup!

ROFOCLH !!!!!!!

Kill Bill 3! That's great! :lol:

*just loves it when I invade people's brains*

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heh heh heh *sly grin* i emailed a bunch of my friends that picture of me holding the paper iPhone and they think its real! lol, they keep asking me how i got it, i just tell them it was free! im about to email all of them the paper cut out. >:D mua ha ha


lol they are gunna be mad XD

Ohhhhhhhh, that is sooooooo good. :lol:

You have a really great sense of humour.


lol, im known for my great pranks :lol: and most of my friends are extremely gullible, hee hee :rolleyes:


oh and ya know what horatio? youve poinsened my brain! i dont remember a lot about my dream last night, but i remember that Kill Bill 3 was coming out into theaters! lol! and also i was watching Bruce Almighty on my TV last night and I fell asleep watching it, and i woke up to turn it off, but the title screen was WEIRD and i was like wth??? then whenever i woke up this morning i realised that i had a dream that i woke up and thats why the title screen was weird... yup!

ROFOCLH !!!!!!!

Kill Bill 3! That's great! :lol:

*just loves it when I invade people's brains*


yes you have intoxicated my brain with you hamsterish filth for over 2 years now :lol: :3

i was going to post here for something... oh yeah!!!!


what's the point of the bots, they seriously freak me..... of course im not paranoid!!!! :ph34r::unsure::ph34r:

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heh heh heh *sly grin* i emailed a bunch of my friends that picture of me holding the paper iPhone and they think its real! lol, they keep asking me how i got it, i just tell them it was free! im about to email all of them the paper cut out. >:D mua ha ha


lol they are gunna be mad XD

Ohhhhhhhh, that is sooooooo good. :lol:

You have a really great sense of humour.


lol, im known for my great pranks :lol: and most of my friends are extremely gullible, hee hee :rolleyes:


oh and ya know what horatio? youve poinsened my brain! i dont remember a lot about my dream last night, but i remember that Kill Bill 3 was coming out into theaters! lol! and also i was watching Bruce Almighty on my TV last night and I fell asleep watching it, and i woke up to turn it off, but the title screen was WEIRD and i was like wth??? then whenever i woke up this morning i realised that i had a dream that i woke up and thats why the title screen was weird... yup!

ROFOCLH !!!!!!!

Kill Bill 3! That's great! :lol:

*just loves it when I invade people's brains*


yes you have intoxicated my brain with you hamsterish filth for over 2 years now :lol: :3

i was going to post here for something... oh yeah!!!!


what's the point of the bots, they seriously freak me..... of course im not paranoid!!!! :ph34r::unsure::ph34r:

Here is my special bot protector.

*hands Wildcat a very special bot protector*

They can't do anything now. :lol:

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heh heh heh *sly grin* i emailed a bunch of my friends that picture of me holding the paper iPhone and they think its real! lol, they keep asking me how i got it, i just tell them it was free! im about to email all of them the paper cut out. >:D mua ha ha


lol they are gunna be mad XD

Ohhhhhhhh, that is sooooooo good. :lol:

You have a really great sense of humour.


lol, im known for my great pranks :lol: and most of my friends are extremely gullible, hee hee :rolleyes:


oh and ya know what horatio? youve poinsened my brain! i dont remember a lot about my dream last night, but i remember that Kill Bill 3 was coming out into theaters! lol! and also i was watching Bruce Almighty on my TV last night and I fell asleep watching it, and i woke up to turn it off, but the title screen was WEIRD and i was like wth??? then whenever i woke up this morning i realised that i had a dream that i woke up and thats why the title screen was weird... yup!

ROFOCLH !!!!!!!

Kill Bill 3! That's great! :lol:

*just loves it when I invade people's brains*


yes you have intoxicated my brain with you hamsterish filth for over 2 years now :lol: :3

i was going to post here for something... oh yeah!!!!


what's the point of the bots, they seriously freak me..... of course im not paranoid!!!! :ph34r::unsure::ph34r:

Here is my special bot protector.

*hands Wildcat a very special bot protector*

They can't do anything now. :lol:


good!!!! *starts singing along to the last song in grease* chang chang changity chang doo wop! i wish i knew what they were saying XD

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heh heh heh *sly grin* i emailed a bunch of my friends that picture of me holding the paper iPhone and they think its real! lol, they keep asking me how i got it, i just tell them it was free! im about to email all of them the paper cut out. >:D mua ha ha


lol they are gunna be mad XD

Ohhhhhhhh, that is sooooooo good. :lol:

You have a really great sense of humour.


lol, im known for my great pranks :lol: and most of my friends are extremely gullible, hee hee :rolleyes:


oh and ya know what horatio? youve poinsened my brain! i dont remember a lot about my dream last night, but i remember that Kill Bill 3 was coming out into theaters! lol! and also i was watching Bruce Almighty on my TV last night and I fell asleep watching it, and i woke up to turn it off, but the title screen was WEIRD and i was like wth??? then whenever i woke up this morning i realised that i had a dream that i woke up and thats why the title screen was weird... yup!

ROFOCLH !!!!!!!

Kill Bill 3! That's great! :lol:

*just loves it when I invade people's brains*


yes you have intoxicated my brain with you hamsterish filth for over 2 years now :lol: :3

i was going to post here for something... oh yeah!!!!


what's the point of the bots, they seriously freak me..... of course im not paranoid!!!! :ph34r::unsure::ph34r:

Here is my special bot protector.

*hands Wildcat a very special bot protector*

They can't do anything now. :lol:


good!!!! *starts singing along to the last song in grease* chang chang changity chang doo wop! i wish i knew what they were saying XD

*chuckles to self*

I know all the times I have sung along, but can't remember the words.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Whispers into Evil Taper Recorder diary, "Update bots so Horatio's technology can't do anythinh to them"*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*THe Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Whispers into Evil Taper Recorder diary, "Update bots so Horatio's technology can't do anythinh to them"*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*THe Astronomy Domine*~*


noo, noo noooooo! dont you dare update those bots! those things freak me out... they are always watching alwaysss..... alwayssssss....alwayssssssssss

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Whispers into Evil Taper Recorder diary, "Update bots so Horatio's technology can't do anythinh to them"*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*THe Astronomy Domine*~*


noo, noo noooooo! dont you dare update those bots! those things freak me out... they are always watching alwaysss..... alwayssssss....alwayssssssssss

We can band together!


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*~*The Grand illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*


Silly Wildcat, those bots are watching Horatio, not you!


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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leg one2 + leg two2 = hypotonuse2

Are you studying? :)


nope! but i should be but we dont have a summer math packet cuz they got canceled!!! HURRAY!!! but my mom is making me do the high school Algebra I packet :( thats what i get for being in algebra I instead of pre-algebra, i almost stayed in pre, but i didnt like the way that teacher taught, oh well


and i was feeling random so i posted that! its the Pythagorean theory or however you spell his name!

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You know whats weird? There are two stores right outside of my neighborhood and one is called Cash.deleted and they other one is a golf store called Golfballs.deleted!!! They arent websites they are stores!!! Why would you name a store <store name>.com??? Thats just stupid!!!

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leg one2 + leg two2 = hypotonuse2

Math hurts my head (Bleh) :wacko:


let me simplify *music starts in the backround as i talk/sing*


A2 + B2 = C2!

Its really not all that hard!

Let start with a problem

to show you its easy as......lard?

A = 9, B = 10, C2 = ?

A2 = 9 x 9, B2= 10 x 10, C2= ?

A2 = 81, B2 = 100, C2 = ?

81 + 100 = C2

181 = C2, now lets find out C, (get out a flashcard!)

the square root of 181 = C

the square root of 181 (to the nearest 10th) = 13.5




that wasnt so hard was it?

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leg one2 + leg two2 = hypotonuse2

Are you studying? :)


nope! but i should be but we dont have a summer math packet cuz they got canceled!!! HURRAY!!! but my mom is making me do the high school Algebra I packet :( thats what i get for being in algebra I instead of pre-algebra, i almost stayed in pre, but i didnt like the way that teacher taught, oh well


and i was feeling random so i posted that! its the Pythagorean theory or however you spell his name!

Please do one big thing for me... give your mother a giant bear hug and thank her for taking an interest in your studies.

You have no idea just how fortunate you are. I know it is a pain, but having a parent who cares enough to see you do well is worth you taking a minute to thank her.


By the way, you get an A+ for spelling Pythagorean correctly. :)

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You know whats weird? There are two stores right outside of my neighborhood and one is called Cash.deleted and they other one is a golf store called Golfballs.deleted!!! They arent websites they are stores!!! Why would you name a store .com??? Thats just stupid!!!

Actually they are websites. :)

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You know whats weird? There are two stores right outside of my neighborhood and one is called Cash.deleted and they other one is a golf store called Golfballs.deleted!!! They arent websites they are stores!!! Why would you name a store <store name>.com??? Thats just stupid!!!

Actually they are websites. :)


well im sure they are because some idiot decided on putting that as his domain name, but its just a store with a stupid name... we dared my friend to go inside of golfballs and ask why they named it the name they named it and the guy said for buisness, and it really has nothing to do with the internet, how honest!

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leg one2 + leg two2 = hypotonuse2

Math hurts my head (Bleh) :wacko:


let me simplify *music starts in the backround as i talk/sing*


A2 + B2 = C2!

Its really not all that hard!

Let start with a problem

to show you its easy as......lard?

A = 9, B = 10, C2 = ?

A2 = 9 x 9, B2= 10 x 10, C2= ?

A2 = 81, B2 = 100, C2 = ?

81 + 100 = C2

181 = C2, now lets find out C, (get out a flashcard!)

the square root of 181 = C

the square root of 181 (to the nearest 10th) = 13.5




that wasnt so hard was it?

ya ya i know the pythagorean theorem or whatever math just gives me headaches.

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  • 3 weeks later...
i got a gerbil yesterday! her name is roux! she is soo cute :) well, her full name is Roux-Roo..

How cool!!!! Roux-Roo the gerbil!

Welcome! Now we need a picture of her! Please!!!!!



she is very hard to get a picture, she is always in motion! OH and i got that picture of me in a temperpedic matress with packing penuts, goggles, a helmet, etc. etc. unfortunatly you cant see how ridiculous i look with the shin guards, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards, but its still pretty awesome! I'll upload it asap!

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picture!!!! i had some trouble breathing in that shot... i was really really wrapped up, including my mouth. i was like smufficating on packing penuts which you cant even see!

ROFOCLH !!!!!!!

LOL... That's great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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picture!!!! i had some trouble breathing in that shot... i was really really wrapped up, including my mouth. i was like smufficating on packing penuts which you cant even see!

ROFOCLH !!!!!!!

LOL... That's great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


yeah, i think i inhaled some packing penut dust, and they were the cool packing penuts!!! the ones that are made out of cornstarch!!! you can lick them, and they stick together! I really need to get a picture of me on my new skateboard doing something cool, but i have a picture of me on my skateboard at camp attempting to do a trick then failing miserably!



post-6852-1185149885_thumb.jpg oh and those skater shoes smelt bad! but i came back from swimming when i went to skatepark at camp, so i was wearing sandals... i prefer to skateboard barefoot, but they made me wear nasty smelly shoes

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picture!!!! i had some trouble breathing in that shot... i was really really wrapped up, including my mouth. i was like smufficating on packing penuts which you cant even see!

ROFOCLH !!!!!!!

LOL... That's great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


yeah, i think i inhaled some packing penut dust, and they were the cool packing penuts!!! the ones that are made out of cornstarch!!! you can lick them, and they stick together! I really need to get a picture of me on my new skateboard doing something cool, but i have a picture of me on my skateboard at camp attempting to do a trick then failing miserably!



trk11.JPG oh and those skater shoes smelt bad! but i came back from swimming when i went to skatepark at camp, so i was wearing sandals... i prefer to skateboard barefoot, but they made me wear nasty smelly shoes

It looks like you were doing great!!!!!!

*hands Wildcat a bottle of Baby Powder to use to make your smelly shoes smell nice*

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picture!!!! i had some trouble breathing in that shot... i was really really wrapped up, including my mouth. i was like smufficating on packing penuts which you cant even see!

ROFOCLH !!!!!!!

LOL... That's great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


yeah, i think i inhaled some packing penut dust, and they were the cool packing penuts!!! the ones that are made out of cornstarch!!! you can lick them, and they stick together! I really need to get a picture of me on my new skateboard doing something cool, but i have a picture of me on my skateboard at camp attempting to do a trick then failing miserably!



post-6852-1185149885_thumb.jpg oh and those skater shoes smelt bad! but i came back from swimming when i went to skatepark at camp, so i was wearing sandals... i prefer to skateboard barefoot, but they made me wear nasty smelly shoes

It looks like you were doing great!!!!!!

*hands Wildcat a bottle of Baby Powder to use to make your smelly shoes smell nice*


yay baby powder! and right after i did this, i fell and did a face plant! but thats ok, i got an award for it!

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picture!!!! i had some trouble breathing in that shot... i was really really wrapped up, including my mouth. i was like smufficating on packing penuts which you cant even see!

ROFOCLH !!!!!!!

LOL... That's great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


yeah, i think i inhaled some packing penut dust, and they were the cool packing penuts!!! the ones that are made out of cornstarch!!! you can lick them, and they stick together! I really need to get a picture of me on my new skateboard doing something cool, but i have a picture of me on my skateboard at camp attempting to do a trick then failing miserably!



trk11.JPG oh and those skater shoes smelt bad! but i came back from swimming when i went to skatepark at camp, so i was wearing sandals... i prefer to skateboard barefoot, but they made me wear nasty smelly shoes

It looks like you were doing great!!!!!!

*hands Wildcat a bottle of Baby Powder to use to make your smelly shoes smell nice*


yay baby powder! and right after i did this, i fell and did a face plant! but thats ok, i got an award for it!

Ouwweeeyyyyy... that must have really hurt!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ya know what!?!?!?!??!??!!!

I am sick and tierd of....... NOT EATING WAFFLES!!!!!


I don't need to be on a diet but I'm eating healthy food know, with the exceptiion of the 4 doughnuts And 2 honey buns I ate.


I am so stupid!

I mean seriously who stops eating waffles??

they're like the BEST food in the whole world.


so ya anyways tomorrow I plan on making a freakinshly long post about extremely random stuff. that's how bored I am.




oh p.s. HORATIO DON"T RUIN MY FUN TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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oh p.s. HORATIO DON"T RUIN MY FUN TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now why would I do that? :lol:


Hmm.. You make a good point.

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so right now i'm listening to writing on the walls by underoath and it's really wierd because they're a christian rock band but all they do is scream and it is AWESOME i love screaming and i love waffles waffles are good my friend megan is coming over today and we're gunna have so much fun OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO alphabet time!!! abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!! now i know my abc's next time won't you sing with me?!?!?!??!?? PLEASE SING WITH ME AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH . I might have to cut this short so i can pick up my friend but i'll continue when we get back!! so my favorite colors are red black dark purple and aqua! omg my favorite band is nirvana and my favorite song by them is heart shaped box. i hate my poetry but everybody loves it it doesn't make sense to me oh and my friend megan's little brother sings along to say anything and it's so cute cuz he's only 4 and then my cousin's little brother sings along to snoop dog and stuff and he's like 9 and i love him so much today i went to school to pick up my schedule and get my student id and my friend megan ( BEST FRIEND) and i don't have any classes together but we do have lunch and it would be so cool to be a gerbil for a day. I want to be a genie and grant wishes and that would be so awesome I LOVE THE BEATLES my favorite song by them is I wanna hold your hand!! will you hold my hand omg i want to be a monkey and eat bananas all the time but that's weird cuz i hate bananas they are so disgusting!! soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gross ha it is so much fun typing about nothing lalalalalalalallalalalalalalalalalalallalalalalala breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ha i'm having fun so some random person that idk came up to me a few days ago oh man he was hot but any ways he came up to me and just stared at me and i was like "hi who are you and why are you staring at me?" he was like huh? oh sorry you just have really pretty eyes.....BYE!" and i was like "uh thanks i guess bye bye" ha he was amazingly hot!!! omg and i saw him before i left the store and he looked at me and smiled this GORGEOUS smile and haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa omg it stinks cuz i'll probably never see him again!! ahhhhhhh

oh bowling for soup thats a good band hmmm i like soup i probably have so many spelling errors it's not even funny well actually it is man no more music DANGIT!! ok underoath the last is now playing so anyways i love listening to the guitar i can so easily calm down if i'm listening to the banging of drums and random guitar riffs i listened to this great version of pachelbel's canon played on the guitar and iit was REALLY AWESOME so idk i love video games i love playin halo and marrowwind and wow that is majorly spelled wrong but oh well so anyways hmmm what to type now 1234567890 my favorite number is 4 it is such a cool number. my school has like 5 different buildings i want to go bungee jumping so i have to go pick up megan now so BYE BYE I'LL BE BACK!!!

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so right now i'm listening to writing on the walls by underoath and it's really wierd because they're a christian rock band but all they do is scream and it is AWESOME i love screaming and i love waffles waffles are good my friend megan is coming over today and we're gunna have so much fun OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO alphabet time!!! abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!! now i know my abc's next time won't you sing with me?!?!?!??!?? PLEASE SING WITH ME AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH . I might have to cut this short so i can pick up my friend but i'll continue when we get back!! so my favorite colors are red black dark purple and aqua! omg my favorite band is nirvana and my favorite song by them is heart shaped box. i hate my poetry but everybody loves it it doesn't make sense to me oh and my friend megan's little brother sings along to say anything and it's so cute cuz he's only 4 and then my cousin's little brother sings along to snoop dog and stuff and he's like 9 and i love him so much today i went to school to pick up my schedule and get my student id and my friend megan ( BEST FRIEND) and i don't have any classes together but we do have lunch and it would be so cool to be a gerbil for a day. I want to be a genie and grant wishes and that would be so awesome I LOVE THE BEATLES my favorite song by them is I wanna hold your hand!! will you hold my hand omg i want to be a monkey and eat bananas all the time but that's weird cuz i hate bananas they are so disgusting!! soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gross ha it is so much fun typing about nothing lalalalalalalallalalalalalalalalalalallalalalalala breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ha i'm having fun so some random person that idk came up to me a few days ago oh man he was hot but any ways he came up to me and just stared at me and i was like "hi who are you and why are you staring at me?" he was like huh? oh sorry you just have really pretty eyes.....BYE!" and i was like "uh thanks i guess bye bye" ha he was amazingly hot!!! omg and i saw him before i left the store and he looked at me and smiled this GORGEOUS smile and haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa omg it stinks cuz i'll probably never see him again!! ahhhhhhh

oh bowling for soup thats a good band hmmm i like soup i probably have so many spelling errors it's not even funny well actually it is man no more music DANGIT!! ok underoath the last is now playing so anyways i love listening to the guitar i can so easily calm down if i'm listening to the banging of drums and random guitar riffs i listened to this great version of pachelbel's canon played on the guitar and iit was REALLY AWESOME so idk i love video games i love playin halo and marrowwind and wow that is majorly spelled wrong but oh well so anyways hmmm what to type now 1234567890 my favorite number is 4 it is such a cool number. my school has like 5 different buildings i want to go bungee jumping so i have to go pick up megan now so BYE BYE I'LL BE BACK!!!

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

Whoa. Had a little bit of sugar today? :lol:

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so right now i'm listening to writing on the walls by underoath and it's really wierd because they're a christian rock band but all they do is scream and it is AWESOME i love screaming and i love waffles waffles are good my friend megan is coming over today and we're gunna have so much fun OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO alphabet time!!! abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!! now i know my abc's next time won't you sing with me?!?!?!??!?? PLEASE SING WITH ME AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH . I might have to cut this short so i can pick up my friend but i'll continue when we get back!! so my favorite colors are red black dark purple and aqua! omg my favorite band is nirvana and my favorite song by them is heart shaped box. i hate my poetry but everybody loves it it doesn't make sense to me oh and my friend megan's little brother sings along to say anything and it's so cute cuz he's only 4 and then my cousin's little brother sings along to snoop dog and stuff and he's like 9 and i love him so much today i went to school to pick up my schedule and get my student id and my friend megan ( BEST FRIEND) and i don't have any classes together but we do have lunch and it would be so cool to be a gerbil for a day. I want to be a genie and grant wishes and that would be so awesome I LOVE THE BEATLES my favorite song by them is I wanna hold your hand!! will you hold my hand omg i want to be a monkey and eat bananas all the time but that's weird cuz i hate bananas they are so disgusting!! soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gross ha it is so much fun typing about nothing lalalalalalalallalalalalalalalalalalallalalalalala breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ha i'm having fun so some random person that idk came up to me a few days ago oh man he was hot but any ways he came up to me and just stared at me and i was like "hi who are you and why are you staring at me?" he was like huh? oh sorry you just have really pretty eyes.....BYE!" and i was like "uh thanks i guess bye bye" ha he was amazingly hot!!! omg and i saw him before i left the store and he looked at me and smiled this GORGEOUS smile and haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa omg it stinks cuz i'll probably never see him again!! ahhhhhhh

oh bowling for soup thats a good band hmmm i like soup i probably have so many spelling errors it's not even funny well actually it is man no more music DANGIT!! ok underoath the last is now playing so anyways i love listening to the guitar i can so easily calm down if i'm listening to the banging of drums and random guitar riffs i listened to this great version of pachelbel's canon played on the guitar and iit was REALLY AWESOME so idk i love video games i love playin halo and marrowwind and wow that is majorly spelled wrong but oh well so anyways hmmm what to type now 1234567890 my favorite number is 4 it is such a cool number. my school has like 5 different buildings i want to go bungee jumping so i have to go pick up megan now so BYE BYE I'LL BE BACK!!!


Whoa. Had a little bit of sugar today? :lol:

um......... no.... :rolleyes: i didn't have a little bit of sugar i had A LOT

did you know that alot isn't a word but it's actually a (space) lot

i found that out in 7th grade cuz my teacher was getting so mad that no one knew that it was hilarious!


lol i'm jumping up and down in my seat funfufunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfun


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my avatars are in yeah 2 more are coming in too but i'm so happy that these are in


OKAY BYEYAS!!!!!!!!!!!

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apparently i miscalculated mah days! oh well! im back, and we had to cut our trip short. but it just meant we would have to drive back in 2 days instead of 3, so we had to drive 11 hrs a day... it was long and boring


the hills have eyes is the #&^%@!#$#% movie ever! its a total guy movie and a horrible excuse for a horror movie! the plot was bad, the people were dumb, ahh its just so retarded! i dont reccomend it!


ok i just had to say that! anyway, i got pics from coloradooooo!!! they are pretty much awesome!











ok, this is my brother going into a narrow small deep dark cave. he nearly fell down when he went in. then he crawled down on a log, and had to swim through 4 feet of freezing cold water before he met the other side. yup, hes so smart!











look at that view!



can i show this?



i was falling off

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What great pictures you all take. Except for the one where you seem to be too close to the edge, the one with the view. I was a little nervous on that one.

Your brother might have had the search teams looking for him if there was no way out. Glad to hear he made it okay! 11 hours of driving a day... horrors.

At least you are back home now. You can always post travel pics in the travel topic in HampsterDance Talk. It is one of the pinned topics.


Thanks for those pictures, they are wonderful.


If you want to see a really great picture, go to the U.S. Government topic and look at the picture that Jesse did.

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What great pictures you all take. Except for the one where you seem to be too close to the edge, the one with the view. I was a little nervous on that one.

Your brother might have had the search teams looking for him if there was no way out. Glad to hear he made it okay! 11 hours of driving a day... horrors.

At least you are back home now. You can always post travel pics in the travel topic in HampsterDance Talk. It is one of the pinned topics.


Thanks for those pictures, they are wonderful.


If you want to see a really great picture, go to the U.S. Government topic and look at the picture that Jesse did.


i wasnt that close to the edge, but it was on an incline and i was sorta slipping down.


and yup, patrick was pretty sure it went to the ice caves (which are not ice during the summer lol) but he wasnt positive once he got in there. A 16 year old male is pretty much a synonym to stupid. :lol:


yeah i dont explore that much on HD, i live in 'general'. when i do explore i forget where i post things then im mad lol

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What great pictures you all take. Except for the one where you seem to be too close to the edge, the one with the view. I was a little nervous on that one.

Your brother might have had the search teams looking for him if there was no way out. Glad to hear he made it okay! 11 hours of driving a day... horrors.

At least you are back home now. You can always post travel pics in the travel topic in HampsterDance Talk. It is one of the pinned topics.


Thanks for those pictures, they are wonderful.


If you want to see a really great picture, go to the U.S. Government topic and look at the picture that Jesse did.


i wasnt that close to the edge, but it was on an incline and i was sorta slipping down.


and yup, patrick was pretty sure it went to the ice caves (which are not ice during the summer lol) but he wasnt positive once he got in there. A 16 year old male is pretty much a synonym to stupid. :lol:


yeah i dont explore that much on HD, i live in 'general'. when i do explore i forget where i post things then im mad lol

Please put HampsterDance Talk on your list.

Horatio Club, the Investment Club and the Travel Topic.


As for your comment about 16 year old males... LOL Good one!!!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm so bored!!! I should probably go to bed but that's lame 'cause it's only like 8:40 or something.



I want to talk!!!!

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Has anyone else noticed that we've been getting a lot of new registering (????) people but no-ones posting?????? I would really love to have new posters we need some new people. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the current posters we just need new ones. I wnat some new friends Highschool isn't helping with that. oh anybody remember me telling you about a dude named jerel?? I met him the summer of '06 and became best friends with him then started liking him???? well if not oh well He's in my algebra class though but he's a sophmore and i thougt he was going to a different school than me guess not but it's like the third week of school and i still havn't talked to him. lol I'm afraid he doesn't remember me but my cousin thinks he thinks that i don't remember him.

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Meow. i am a ninja.

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Ninja ARMY!!!!

Grapefruits R sour.

Naruto iz |_337!!!

Bleach iz |_337!!!

|_337 |\|1|\|_|4!!!




I am not blind!

I have a hamster!!!

Hair iz on your head.

I love pizza. |_337 pizza.



Look at mah eyez!!! %D

Goodbye. *BOOM!!!*

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Meow. i am a ninja.

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Ninja ARMY!!!!

Grapefruits R sour.

Naruto iz |_337!!!

Bleach iz |_337!!!

|_337 |\|1|\|_|4!!!




I am not blind!

I have a hamster!!!

Hair iz on your head.

I love pizza. |_337 pizza.



Look at mah eyez!!! %D

Goodbye. *BOOM!!!*

Plush Kirby!!!!! It has been a very long time! Welcome back!!!!!!

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Meow. i am a ninja.

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Ninja ARMY!!!!

Grapefruits R sour.

Naruto iz |_337!!!

Bleach iz |_337!!!

|_337 |\|1|\|_|4!!!




I am not blind!

I have a hamster!!!

Hair iz on your head.

I love pizza. |_337 pizza.



Look at mah eyez!!! %D

Goodbye. *BOOM!!!*

Plush Kirby!!!!! It has been a very long time! Welcome back!!!!!!

I'm glad I was not forgotten! Thank you ^_^


New things about me:

=My hamster died!! :( I never got to take a picture of him to show you guys. waaah. I buried him in a green plastic baby wipes box with lots of bedding and I think something of his. I decorated it with sharpie. I sat on a swing with him in the box in my lap. i cried. i kept a piece of his cage. Now every spring roses, azeleas, tulips, bleding hearts, a blueberry bush, and I think some other flowers bloom around him. i still talk to him sometimes...

=I got a new hamster, though! His name is Pooh Bear and he is a honey bear hamster. I played with him today in his playpen. I took some pictures of me holding him if you want to see him. He's very jumpy, but he'll let me pick him up (and today was the first day I did. weird.) His cage needs to be cleaned tomorrow...

=I am OBSESSED with: Naruto, Bleach, Full-Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Megatokyo, Azumanga Daioh, and my mind is doing a blippy thing and I can't think of any more... sorry...

=Other things that died: Our i-Mac, 2 trees, mom's car, the couch, all the faucets in the house, a doornob, and my grandpa (very sad. i wish i had known him better)

=i'm 14!!! I'm going to high school next week. I had orientation, but I'm still really nervous. Only one of my friends is in a class, and that one's an elective. for some reason, I just now that this year will stink. >_<;

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Meow. i am a ninja.

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Ninja ARMY!!!!

Grapefruits R sour.

Naruto iz |_337!!!

Bleach iz |_337!!!

|_337 |\|1|\|_|4!!!




I am not blind!

I have a hamster!!!

Hair iz on your head.

I love pizza. |_337 pizza.



Look at mah eyez!!! %D

Goodbye. *BOOM!!!*

Plush Kirby!!!!! It has been a very long time! Welcome back!!!!!!

I'm glad I was not forgotten! Thank you ^_^


New things about me:

=My hamster died!! :( I never got to take a picture of him to show you guys. waaah. I buried him in a green plastic baby wipes box with lots of bedding and I think something of his. I decorated it with sharpie. I sat on a swing with him in the box in my lap. i cried. i kept a piece of his cage. Now every spring roses, azeleas, tulips, bleding hearts, a blueberry bush, and I think some other flowers bloom around him. i still talk to him sometimes...

=I got a new hamster, though! His name is Pooh Bear and he is a honey bear hamster. I played with him today in his playpen. I took some pictures of me holding him if you want to see him. He's very jumpy, but he'll let me pick him up (and today was the first day I did. weird.) His cage needs to be cleaned tomorrow...

=I am OBSESSED with: Naruto, Bleach, Full-Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Megatokyo, Azumanga Daioh, and my mind is doing a blippy thing and I can't think of any more... sorry...

=Other things that died: Our i-Mac, 2 trees, mom's car, the couch, all the faucets in the house, a doornob, and my grandpa (very sad. i wish i had known him better)

=i'm 14!!! I'm going to high school next week. I had orientation, but I'm still really nervous. Only one of my friends is in a class, and that one's an elective. for some reason, I just now that this year will stink. >_

Ouch! Sounds like there has been a great deal going on. I hope this year is much better.


When one of my hammie friends passes, I cry like crazy. I love all the plants and flowers you have planted around your baby. Pooh Bear sounds like a beautiful new hammy. When the time is right, of course we want pictures.


High school is better than middle school, and university is even better than high school. So, even though you are nervous, I think you will like it. You will make lots of new friends. Please just don't forget us here, as we will always be your friend.

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Meow. i am a ninja.

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Ninja ARMY!!!!

Grapefruits R sour.

Naruto iz |_337!!!

Bleach iz |_337!!!

|_337 |\|1|\|_|4!!!




I am not blind!

I have a hamster!!!

Hair iz on your head.

I love pizza. |_337 pizza.



Look at mah eyez!!! %D

Goodbye. *BOOM!!!*

Plush Kirby!!!!! It has been a very long time! Welcome back!!!!!!

I'm glad I was not forgotten! Thank you ^_^


New things about me:


=I am OBSESSED with: Naruto, Bleach, Full-Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Megatokyo, Azumanga Daioh, and my mind is doing a blippy thing and I can't think of any more... sorry...


Woot, someone else likes Megatokyo and Azumanga! Let's be BFFs! =D


I can braid your hair!

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So, school had to get revenge on me.



originally, I had U.S. history on period B.2.

with A.P environmental science on A.2.

I switched AP for another class, thinking that the new class (wellness walking) would be put into A2 as well.

however, they moved me to another U.S history class in A.2. with a different teacher and everything.

wellness walking went into B.2. my b.2. U.S had three of my good friends that I have no classes with anymore, and the best U.S history teacher. I only know one person in my Wellness walking now, and not that well.

And my A.2. U.S has none of my friends in it, with a bad teacher. So, I was sad.

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Meow. i am a ninja.

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Ninja ARMY!!!!

Grapefruits R sour.

Naruto iz |_337!!!

Bleach iz |_337!!!

|_337 |\|1|\|_|4!!!




I am not blind!

I have a hamster!!!

Hair iz on your head.

I love pizza. |_337 pizza.



Look at mah eyez!!! %D

Goodbye. *BOOM!!!*

Plush Kirby!!!!! It has been a very long time! Welcome back!!!!!!

I'm glad I was not forgotten! Thank you ^_^


New things about me:


=I am OBSESSED with: Naruto, Bleach, Full-Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Megatokyo, Azumanga Daioh, and my mind is doing a blippy thing and I can't think of any more... sorry...


Woot, someone else likes Megatokyo and Azumanga! Let's be BFFs! =D


I can braid your hair!

Woot!!! XDDDD

What other anime/manga do you like?

I'm not sure if my hair is long enough to be braided though... about twelve inches... :mellow:

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Meow. i am a ninja.

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Ninja ARMY!!!!

Grapefruits R sour.

Naruto iz |_337!!!

Bleach iz |_337!!!

|_337 |\|1|\|_|4!!!




I am not blind!

I have a hamster!!!

Hair iz on your head.

I love pizza. |_337 pizza.



Look at mah eyez!!! %D

Goodbye. *BOOM!!!*

Plush Kirby!!!!! It has been a very long time! Welcome back!!!!!!

I'm glad I was not forgotten! Thank you ^_^


New things about me:


=I am OBSESSED with: Naruto, Bleach, Full-Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Megatokyo, Azumanga Daioh, and my mind is doing a blippy thing and I can't think of any more... sorry...


Woot, someone else likes Megatokyo and Azumanga! Let's be BFFs! =D


I can braid your hair!

Woot!!! XDDDD

What other anime/manga do you like?

I'm not sure if my hair is long enough to be braided though... about twelve inches... :mellow:

I've been focusing a lot on superhero comics for a while, but I like Ouran High School Host Club, Bleach (though I've only seen like 15 episodes, not in order. xD), Furuba, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and probably others.


I can braid any hair! It'll be fun! As long as you can paint toenails when we have a sleepover.


And, poor Cheesie.

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I smell like cotton ballllllllsssssssssssss.


today in gym we played kickball and when I pitched the ball to my friend he kicked it to the ceiling and broke on of the lights.


Homecoming statis: going to the game not the dance.

Homecoming: next weekend.

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  • 5 weeks later...
I smell like cotton ballllllllsssssssssssss.


today in gym we played kickball and when I pitched the ball to my friend he kicked it to the ceiling and broke on of the lights.


Homecoming statis: going to the game not the dance.

Homecoming: next weekend.


OMG that happened to us, only I think we were playing vollyball or basketball (wataminute was it rugby?!) We laughed so hard



Homecoming was this weekend, but I didn't go (and frankly, I didn't care) My friend had a date to the dance, but she found out she couldn't go and her date got all emo and he won't talk to her and she felt all guilty and she keeps complaining and I'm like GAWD IT'S JUST A DANCE IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD GET OVER YOURSELVES!!!





(the rest has nothing to do w/ your comment)


Oh yah, I have more obsessions/likings now. :D Some new, some I forgot: I love Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebob, Xiaolin Showdown, Ninja Warrior, Robot Chicken, Metalocolypse, Storm Hawks, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Ruroni Kenshin, DiGi Charat, XXXHolic, Sailor Moon, MÄR, Deathnote, aaaand some other things (I forget some again, but I still love whatever it is) My family hates the Code Monkeys show.



Sooo... basically I'm bored out of my mind, stressed out from everything, and everyone I know is ignoring me, so I basiclly feel like #$%^.





My friend's cat died. She called me on the phone and she was crying so loud I could barely understand her. I feel sorry for her, but whenever something happens, she always calls me up wailing and then it makes it MY problem, too. I really think she shouldn't dump all her problems on her friends all the time. I know it sounds mean, but she won't always have her friends to support her. My other friend drew a picture of a cat, and she took one look at it and threw it across the room, almost completely ruining her sketchbook. I mean, she had really good pictures in there and drawing is basically her LIFE because she wants to be a cartoonist (partly because her late cousin who she finds out more things about her every day and she is almost exactly like her and she's really sad because she wishes she was alive so they could be friends), and she has enough problems already (her friends, her ever-sick brother, her boyfriend in London (or wherever he is exactly), random things that could potentially ruin her life, also see even longer rant below) She (first friend in this rant) really doesn't respect other people's things and don't really care about anyone but herself. She's always pushing us around, poking us in our sides, whacking us w/ books, chasing us, scaring us, slapping us, punching us, theatening us, using spellboks to curse us, SCREAMING, stealing our stuff, making fun of us, and being just plain GROSS, thinking it't just the FUNNIEST THING IN THE WORLD, and if we even do ONE little thing, she BLOWS UP in our face. I'm sorry, but she really needs to get over herself. I mean, REALLY.



CAUTION: ANOTHER LONG RANT (not the longer one metioned above)


Also, I'm worried about my friend whose parents are really controlling. I know a couple of people whose parents are even more so, and I'm worried for them too, but I don't know them as well.

1. She can only wear girly/preppy clothes. No skater, no goth, no anime tees, nada. Basically things she WANTS to wear.

2. She can't wear a Naruto headband. They relate it to "gang activity."

3. She can't paint/draw on herself or wear temporary tattoos. They see it and make her wash it off immediately. I actually have no clue why they do this.

4. Use stereotypical means to treat her/raise her.

5. She can't watch PG13 and ^. Or anything they don't like. I mean, c'mon, Naruto on Toonami is like, what, Y7?10? And she's going to turn 15 this Winter, so I think it's really unfair.

6. They MADE her join Colourgaurd. She hates it.

7. The MAKE her go to school dances, clubs, meetings, whatnot. She hates it.

8. In order to go to anything SHE wants to go to, they want "more information," or she can't go at all.

9. They are SUPER RELIGIOUS, and won't let her do/say anything against the bible.

10. Basically won't let her do anything that might "endanger" her in any way.


People like that REALLY make me angry. They're so stuck up and have all these superficial ideas about themselves and their "soon-to-be-successful" children that are just so competely full of !@^%. The world would probably be a lot better off without them. Her parents are more extreme in the "morally right" thing, or at least my mom's a lot less like that. They let me wear goth clothes and they love anime themselves, and they don't force me into things, and get me really cool stuff sometimes that I love so much, I could swear they'd wiretapped my brain, and actually don't mind magic or anything, and on many occasions had gotten me something "paranormal" for me to keep. They can be really mean and make me cry, even now. Sometimes I feel if they cared about what I think more, I'd be happier, but maybe that's just me. They do the whole, "I'm going to take away from you now, so nyeh" ordeal and that is the most annoying thing on earth besides my dad saying what I "should have" or "could have" done, even though um, hello!? I can't do anything about that now, ya dork!! They always scream at me to "do this," "do that," "get up," "get ready," "got to school," "do your homework," "do your chores," "take your shower," "get off my computer," "don't eat there", "go to bed," INCESSANTLY until I think I'm going to EXPLODE. I know they're trying to tech me to be "responsible," but I don't plan on having any kids or having a really hard job or anything in my lifetime, so I just end up not listening or being really lazy about it or complaining the whole time. I guess I shouldn't complain so much, because they are nice and they're only looking out for my best interest, or whatever, so yeah.



CAUTION: VEEERY LONG RANT (longer one mentioned)


I'm also really worried about my friend because there's this REALLY CREEPY guy practically STALKING her and he acts nice, but it's just so... CREEPY... he's like, SIX INCHES shorter than her, and he's being all friendly-friendly to her and hugging her and putting his arm around her and she TOLD him, and he knows it, that she's not ready for anything like that and he KEEPS DOING IT!!! We were walking down the hallway and some people actually asked if they were dating, and she said no and that he WISHES they were, but she dosn't want to. Of course he got all upset and she was kinda frustrated and she keeps telling him that she dosn't want him to do that and she dosn't like it and he should stop, but he never listen and really creeps me out/scares me and I REALLY feel like giving him a good punch in the face and wringing his little chicken neck and my other friends would probably agree that a restraining order would be good and I don't know what to do and she's been my friend for almost eight years and I feel so useless and I feel like SCREAMING. I'm really worried that he might start to act more violently if she resists him and if she doesn't he might think it might be "OKAY" to try to bring this FAKE (note: FAKE) RELATIONSHIP "further" or something and I REALLY don't want her to get hurt and I want him to just GO AWAY because every time I LOOK at him or THINK of hiom he just makes my stomach turn and he's also being all "friendly" to other girls too and I was glad he thought I was creepy, but then he said one day that he was wrong and he thought I was okay and I'm lik NO THAT'S FINE GO AHEAD THINK I'M CREEPY JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME and I'm also worried about my other friends too because he might lose interest in her or even keep acting like that and start stalking some of my other friends and I'm really worrying for the worst, so if anyone has any advice, it would be GREATLY APPRECIATED o_O;;


I REALLY needed to get all that of my chest, but I still don't feel any better... Please give me some advice, I REALLY don't know what to do... I'll update what happens and keep an eye on him in the meantime...



Anyway, those are my rants for today. I took over three hours to write the entire thing, and I do feel a little better now (except for the SEARING PAIN in my back and shoulders). Thanks for reading (I mean, you didn't have to, but thanks anyway if you did)!!

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Meow. i am a ninja.

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Ninja ARMY!!!!

Grapefruits R sour.

Naruto iz |_337!!!

Bleach iz |_337!!!

|_337 |\|1|\|_|4!!!




I am not blind!

I have a hamster!!!

Hair iz on your head.

I love pizza. |_337 pizza.



Look at mah eyez!!! %D

Goodbye. *BOOM!!!*

Plush Kirby!!!!! It has been a very long time! Welcome back!!!!!!

I'm glad I was not forgotten! Thank you ^_^


New things about me:


=I am OBSESSED with: Naruto, Bleach, Full-Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Megatokyo, Azumanga Daioh, and my mind is doing a blippy thing and I can't think of any more... sorry...


Woot, someone else likes Megatokyo and Azumanga! Let's be BFFs! =D


I can braid your hair!

Woot!!! XDDDD

What other anime/manga do you like?

I'm not sure if my hair is long enough to be braided though... about twelve inches... :mellow:

I've been focusing a lot on superhero comics for a while, but I like Ouran High School Host Club, Bleach (though I've only seen like 15 episodes, not in order. xD), Furuba, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and probably others.


I can braid any hair! It'll be fun! As long as you can paint toenails when we have a sleepover.


And, poor Cheesie.


Hooray! :) I listed some things (actually a lot) at the top of my crazy rant. Oh yeah, and Oh My Goddess! is good, too. How could I forget about about Evangelion!? And Tenchi Muyo!, too!! Yay!! :D

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Meow. i am a ninja.

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Ninja ARMY!!!!

Grapefruits R sour.

Naruto iz |_337!!!

Bleach iz |_337!!!

|_337 |\|1|\|_|4!!!




I am not blind!

I have a hamster!!!

Hair iz on your head.

I love pizza. |_337 pizza.



Look at mah eyez!!! %D

Goodbye. *BOOM!!!*

Plush Kirby!!!!! It has been a very long time! Welcome back!!!!!!

I'm glad I was not forgotten! Thank you ^_^


New things about me:


=I am OBSESSED with: Naruto, Bleach, Full-Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Megatokyo, Azumanga Daioh, and my mind is doing a blippy thing and I can't think of any more... sorry...


Woot, someone else likes Megatokyo and Azumanga! Let's be BFFs! =D


I can braid your hair!

Woot!!! XDDDD

What other anime/manga do you like?

I'm not sure if my hair is long enough to be braided though... about twelve inches... :mellow:

I've been focusing a lot on superhero comics for a while, but I like Ouran High School Host Club, Bleach (though I've only seen like 15 episodes, not in order. xD), Furuba, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and probably others.


I can braid any hair! It'll be fun! As long as you can paint toenails when we have a sleepover.


And, poor Cheesie.


Hooray! :) I listed some things (actually a lot) at the top of my crazy rant. Oh yeah, and Oh My Goddess! is good, too. How could I forget about about Evangelion!? And Tenchi Muyo!, too!! Yay!! :D

Hey, those are also awesome!


I forgot to add Chobits, Love Hina, School Rumble, The Melancholy of Haruhi (Whatever her last name was.), Bitter Virgin (Really nothing bad. The name's very misleading.), Hatsukoi Limited, Special A, and Spiral.


Man, I need a life. I figured out the other day that I read 24 different webcomics. Dx I wonder how many anime/manga I watch/read...

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I'm getting my hair cut and getting new shoes and some new shirts.

OMG my mouth is going to hurt like crazy tomorrow.

I have to get my stainless steal crowns changed to porcelain and then I have to get braces. I don't when I'm getting braces though.

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I'm getting my hair cut and getting new shoes and some new shirts.

OMG my mouth is going to hurt like crazy tomorrow.

I have to get my stainless steal crowns changed to porcelain and then I have to get braces. I don't when I'm getting braces though.

Ouch!!!! When I first read your post, I was wondering how getting your hair cut and getting new shoes and shirts were going to hurt your mouth. Then I read the next sentence.

Would ice cream help you get past the pain?

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I'm getting my hair cut and getting new shoes and some new shirts.

OMG my mouth is going to hurt like crazy tomorrow.

I have to get my stainless steal crowns changed to porcelain and then I have to get braces. I don't when I'm getting braces though.

Ouch!!!! When I first read your post, I was wondering how getting your hair cut and getting new shoes and shirts were going to hurt your mouth. Then I read the next sentence.

Would ice cream help you get past the pain?

Icecream would help. But I'm going to be at the dentist from 9 am to 12 pm then I won't be able to eat for an hour and then all i can eat is pudding and icecream.

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I'm getting my hair cut and getting new shoes and some new shirts.

OMG my mouth is going to hurt like crazy tomorrow.

I have to get my stainless steal crowns changed to porcelain and then I have to get braces. I don't when I'm getting braces though.

Ouch!!!! When I first read your post, I was wondering how getting your hair cut and getting new shoes and shirts were going to hurt your mouth. Then I read the next sentence.

Would ice cream help you get past the pain?

Icecream would help. But I'm going to be at the dentist from 9 am to 12 pm then I won't be able to eat for an hour and then all i can eat is pudding and icecream.

I feel your pain.

*loads up on ice cream*

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I'm getting my hair cut and getting new shoes and some new shirts.

OMG my mouth is going to hurt like crazy tomorrow.

I have to get my stainless steal crowns changed to porcelain and then I have to get braces. I don't when I'm getting braces though.

Ouch!!!! When I first read your post, I was wondering how getting your hair cut and getting new shoes and shirts were going to hurt your mouth. Then I read the next sentence.

Would ice cream help you get past the pain?

Icecream would help. But I'm going to be at the dentist from 9 am to 12 pm then I won't be able to eat for an hour and then all i can eat is pudding and icecream.

I feel your pain.

*loads up on ice cream*

xp chocolate milkshake and I still havn't gotten my orange sherbert.

*calls her mommy and begs mommy to get her orang sherbert icecream.

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I'm getting my hair cut and getting new shoes and some new shirts.

OMG my mouth is going to hurt like crazy tomorrow.

I have to get my stainless steal crowns changed to porcelain and then I have to get braces. I don't when I'm getting braces though.

Ouch!!!! When I first read your post, I was wondering how getting your hair cut and getting new shoes and shirts were going to hurt your mouth. Then I read the next sentence.

Would ice cream help you get past the pain?

Icecream would help. But I'm going to be at the dentist from 9 am to 12 pm then I won't be able to eat for an hour and then all i can eat is pudding and icecream.

I feel your pain.

*loads up on ice cream*

xp chocolate milkshake and I still havn't gotten my orange sherbert.

*calls her mommy and begs mommy to get her orang sherbert icecream.

Get orange sherbert and mix it with vanilla bean ice cream. Yummy.

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I'm getting my hair cut and getting new shoes and some new shirts.

OMG my mouth is going to hurt like crazy tomorrow.

I have to get my stainless steal crowns changed to porcelain and then I have to get braces. I don't when I'm getting braces though.

Ouch!!!! When I first read your post, I was wondering how getting your hair cut and getting new shoes and shirts were going to hurt your mouth. Then I read the next sentence.

Would ice cream help you get past the pain?

Icecream would help. But I'm going to be at the dentist from 9 am to 12 pm then I won't be able to eat for an hour and then all i can eat is pudding and icecream.

I feel your pain.

*loads up on ice cream*

xp chocolate milkshake and I still havn't gotten my orange sherbert.

*calls her mommy and begs mommy to get her orang sherbert icecream.

Get orange sherbert and mix it with vanilla bean ice cream. Yummy.

That sounds good. If only my mommy would actually get me orange sherbert. :[

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  • 3 weeks later...

:mellow: *sneeze*










































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:mellow: *sneeze*











































^_^ thanks.

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:mellow: *sneeze*











































^_^ thanks.

So nice to see you again. :D


It's wnderful to see you too.

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Well I have a choir concert tonight at 7 so I have to go get my stuff ready then I have to go take care of a dog then come back home eat and get ready for the concert and be out of the door by 5:45. i have to ba at the school at 6 pm. I probably won't get home till 9 so I'll try my HARDEST to come back tomorrow and chat.

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Well I have a choir concert tonight at 7 so I have to go get my stuff ready then I have to go take care of a dog then come back home eat and get ready for the concert and be out of the door by 5:45. i have to ba at the school at 6 pm. I probably won't get home till 9 so I'll try my HARDEST to come back tomorrow and chat.

Good luck at the concert and have lots of fun.

I hope to see you tomorrow.

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Well I have a choir concert tonight at 7 so I have to go get my stuff ready then I have to go take care of a dog then come back home eat and get ready for the concert and be out of the door by 5:45. i have to ba at the school at 6 pm. I probably won't get home till 9 so I'll try my HARDEST to come back tomorrow and chat.

Good luck at the concert and have lots of fun.

I hope to see you tomorrow.

ok I'm three days late

but omg the concert was so amazing I so loved it we had to wear these really ugly robes and they were like church robes so we were running down the halls (before the concert) screaming "joy to the world all the boys and girls joy to the fishies in the deap blue sea joy to you and me" and we were falpping our arms like we were birds so me and my choir buddies the whole week have been doing that


oh and last friday the whatever I went to one of my cousins foot ball games and I saw teddy there and he was cheating on me cuase we were supposed to hang out that day but he said he couldn't so I was like whatever but when I went to talk to him he was lke oh I sent you a text breaking up with you I don't know if you got it or not but yeah I can tell when people are lieing so I was like yeah uh-huh of cousre you did. (calm) then I was like WHAT KIND OF DUMB*** DO YOU ******* TAKE ME FOR!?!?!?! I KNOW YOU'RE LIEING AND YOU BETTER HOPE TO GOD I NEVER SEE YOUR LIENG LITTLE ( insert really bad words here) FACE EVER AGAIN OR YOU MIGHT NOT LIVE TO SEE DAY LIGT (screaming) then I walked off all calmly with my cousin's friend.



But yeah I don't I wanted to say some of that the first time we went out and he broke up with me but I didn't.


It's all good cause now I have another boyfriend who I care about. but I'm not making the same mistake twice. I'm gonna make sure I do love him before I tell him I love him.


hmmm.... let's see I don't think there's anything else........


nope nothing for now..


how are you?

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Well I have a choir concert tonight at 7 so I have to go get my stuff ready then I have to go take care of a dog then come back home eat and get ready for the concert and be out of the door by 5:45. i have to ba at the school at 6 pm. I probably won't get home till 9 so I'll try my HARDEST to come back tomorrow and chat.

Good luck at the concert and have lots of fun.

I hope to see you tomorrow.

ok I'm three days late

but omg the concert was so amazing I so loved it we had to wear these really ugly robes and they were like church robes so we were running down the halls (before the concert) screaming "joy to the world all the boys and girls joy to the fishies in the deap blue sea joy to you and me" and we were falpping our arms like we were birds so me and my choir buddies the whole week have been doing that


oh and last friday the whatever I went to one of my cousins foot ball games and I saw teddy there and he was cheating on me cuase we were supposed to hang out that day but he said he couldn't so I was like whatever but when I went to talk to him he was lke oh I sent you a text breaking up with you I don't know if you got it or not but yeah I can tell when people are lieing so I was like yeah uh-huh of cousre you did. (calm) then I was like WHAT KIND OF DUMB*** DO YOU ******* TAKE ME FOR!?!?!?! I KNOW YOU'RE LIEING AND YOU BETTER HOPE TO GOD I NEVER SEE YOUR LIENG LITTLE ( insert really bad words here) FACE EVER AGAIN OR YOU MIGHT NOT LIVE TO SEE DAY LIGT (screaming) then I walked off all calmly with my cousin's friend.



But yeah I don't I wanted to say some of that the first time we went out and he broke up with me but I didn't.


It's all good cause now I have another boyfriend who I care about. but I'm not making the same mistake twice. I'm gonna make sure I do love him before I tell him I love him.


hmmm.... let's see I don't think there's anything else........


nope nothing for now..


how are you?

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

I'm fine.

Probably a bit better than you were during the above scenario.

Hope you are doing well now.

Anything I would say... well, it would only be a non-event compared to your post. LOL But I am glad to hear you had a great time with the choir.

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Well I have a choir concert tonight at 7 so I have to go get my stuff ready then I have to go take care of a dog then come back home eat and get ready for the concert and be out of the door by 5:45. i have to ba at the school at 6 pm. I probably won't get home till 9 so I'll try my HARDEST to come back tomorrow and chat.

Good luck at the concert and have lots of fun.

I hope to see you tomorrow.

ok I'm three days late

but omg the concert was so amazing I so loved it we had to wear these really ugly robes and they were like church robes so we were running down the halls (before the concert) screaming "joy to the world all the boys and girls joy to the fishies in the deap blue sea joy to you and me" and we were falpping our arms like we were birds so me and my choir buddies the whole week have been doing that


oh and last friday the whatever I went to one of my cousins foot ball games and I saw teddy there and he was cheating on me cuase we were supposed to hang out that day but he said he couldn't so I was like whatever but when I went to talk to him he was lke oh I sent you a text breaking up with you I don't know if you got it or not but yeah I can tell when people are lieing so I was like yeah uh-huh of cousre you did. (calm) then I was like WHAT KIND OF DUMB*** DO YOU ******* TAKE ME FOR!?!?!?! I KNOW YOU'RE LIEING AND YOU BETTER HOPE TO GOD I NEVER SEE YOUR LIENG LITTLE ( insert really bad words here) FACE EVER AGAIN OR YOU MIGHT NOT LIVE TO SEE DAY LIGT (screaming) then I walked off all calmly with my cousin's friend.



But yeah I don't I wanted to say some of that the first time we went out and he broke up with me but I didn't.


It's all good cause now I have another boyfriend who I care about. but I'm not making the same mistake twice. I'm gonna make sure I do love him before I tell him I love him.


hmmm.... let's see I don't think there's anything else........


nope nothing for now..


how are you?

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

I'm fine.

Probably a bit better than you were during the above scenario.

Hope you are doing well now.

Anything I would say... well, it would only be a non-event compared to your post. LOL But I am glad to hear you had a great time with the choir.


It felt really good to yell, to get it out,I felt free and waitless. i really want that fealing again.

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