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PoSt RaNdOm StUfF!!!!

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HOLA! Hello HD members! I decided to make a topic where you post random things instead of like starting a new topic or posting in one so the whole topic gets off subject! I thought this might be a grood idea to keep our board a little neater and more organized :)


In other terms: This is the OFF-SUBJECT topic :D :D :D! There really is no subject to get off of, so have FUN!

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HOLA! Hello HD members! I decided to make a topic where you post random things instead of like starting a new topic or posting in one so the whole topic gets off subject! I thought this might be a grood idea to keep our board a little neater and more organized :)


In other terms: This is the OFF-SUBJECT topic :D :D :D! There really is no subject to get off of, so have FUN!

I wish that people would quit cutting down old oak trees, just because they are too lazy to rake leaves.

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Dr. Cornbreads older brother, Meatwad, likes putting music on really, REALLY loud.

I just got home 'cause they drove me around for reasons of little importance.



I could feel the bass beat in my chest. XD like, my whole body shaking every beat of the songs he played.

He had various empty cans around in his car, and they were all shakin' it like it was friday night.


You cant carry on conversations very well in volumes like that. D=

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Dr. Cornbreads older brother, Meatwad, likes putting music on really, REALLY loud.

I just got home 'cause they drove me around for reasons of little importance.



I could feel the bass beat in my chest. XD like, my whole body shaking every beat of the songs he played.

He had various empty cans around in his car, and they were all shakin' it like it was friday night.


You cant carry on conversations very well in volumes like that. D=

Meatwad has the capability to carry on a conversation? :blink:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*







*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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yaaaayyayyyyayyyyyy! Everbody should have watched American Idol: Idol Gives Back b/c it was awesome! And they saved kids in Africa and helped people that had bad things happen to them in Katrina. OMG!





Yesterday I found out someone in my class got Leukemia, CLL, which is like cancer of the blood :( we made her a huge basket of stuff and someone is our class calls her everynight.... i need to go post in the warm wishes, brb

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yaaaayyayyyyayyyyyy! Everbody should have watched American Idol: Idol Gives Back b/c it was awesome! And they saved kids in Africa and helped people that had bad things happen to them in Katrina. OMG!





Yesterday I found out someone in my class got Leukemia, CLL, which is like cancer of the blood :( we made her a huge basket of stuff and someone is our class calls her everynight.... i need to go post in the warm wishes, brb

Please do make a topic for her. Then you can email her the topic so we may wish her well.

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BACK! I sure hope she has a computer at the hospital! =(


On a happier note I love my kitten! She/he is a hermaphrodite!!! and a mutant because she doesn't have a scruff! she isn't even that cute! but she does cute stuff! :D

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BACK! I sure hope she has a computer at the hospital! =(


On a happier note I love my kitten! She/he is a hermaphrodite!!! and a mutant because she doesn't have a scruff! she isn't even that cute! but she does cute stuff! :D

What is your new kittie's name?

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Ok, thats strange.... 3 posts Horatio? You could have just asked niceley the first time! No, im just kitten! I mean kiddin'! :-P Her/His name is Clover cuz when I first bought her from my school fair she ate a 4-leaf Clover :)

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Ok, thats strange.... 3 posts Horatio? You could have just asked niceley the first time! No, im just kitten! I mean kiddin'! :-P Her/His name is Clover cuz when I first bought her from my school fair she ate a 4-leaf Clover :)

The board kept saying that it was not responding, so I kept clicking. Good thing I didn't go for ten or more clicks. :lol:

Clover... great name!

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OK...Ok........ i know this is like my 3rd post saying this, but this is my random topic.... now there are 2 of my posts that didnt show up b4 and and and...... you know what....................im just gunna go blow up now!

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OK...Ok........ i know this is like my 3rd post saying this, but this is my random topic.... now there are 2 of my posts that didnt show up b4 and and and...... you know what....................im just gunna go blow up now!

Go back and look at the bottom few posts on page one... then continue on page two. You should find all your posts.

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Im good now! *Please don't mind the idiotic cat that just tried to blow her self up, and Horatio dont respond to any of her posts if they look stupid. Thank you*

*hands Wildcat several sticks of TNT*

*starts singing "With a Little Help From Your Friends"*

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I'm back! I am bored... no one is on AIM, oh well! At least I can post the entire night away! Except that its a school night... oh well! Oh yeah, today we got off of school 15 min earlier because of a wreck, but the wreck was cleaned up by the time we got there, so I got home 20 min earlier than usual!

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I'm back! I am bored... no one is on IM, oh well! At least I can post the entire night away! Except that its a school night... oh well! Oh yeah, today we got off of school 15 min earlier because of a wreck, but the wreck was cleaned up by the time we got there, so I got home 20 min earlier than usual!

Let me ask... is all your homework complete?

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:rolleyes: Yeeeesss..... of course it is :unsure:


Like none of the teachers assigned homework today! :D :D :D AND I got a 100 on my math test and a 100 on my history test! woopee! Today was a great day! And Our Student Council meeting was fun today because all of the 8th grade is in Canada right now, the 6th grade had a class meeting so thhey couldnt come, and 2 people were sick! There were only 5 people there today and we just gorged on Oreo's, Lay's, Ruffles, and Chips Ahoy! It was great! Speaking of Grrrrrrreat! Im getting a free Shrek Boogie Board, a free Soccer Ball, and a free Wrist band from eating 5 boxes of Frosted Flakes!

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QUOTE(Horatio @ Apr 25 2007, 10:22 PM)

QUOTE(The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy @ Apr 26 2007, 03:08 AM)

Water makes you wet.


I would hope so.



I was sitting at lunch today, talking about a Global test went some girl runs by me screaming WATER MAKES YOU WET *bad word*.




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Dr. Cornbreads older brother, Meatwad, likes putting music on really, REALLY loud.

I just got home 'cause they drove me around for reasons of little importance.



I could feel the bass beat in my chest. XD like, my whole body shaking every beat of the songs he played.

He had various empty cans around in his car, and they were all shakin' it like it was friday night.


You cant carry on conversations very well in volumes like that. D=

Now I get to make everyone sad. D=


'just got home' was good for me 'cause about five minutes after they dropped me off at my house here, I got a call from RPVF (being the sister of Dr. Cornbread and Meatwad) who was very concerned as to knowing where I was.

after telling her I was in my house, she was fairly relieved and told me that Meatwad totalled his car while driving away from my place here.

Dr. Cornbread and Meatwad were both in the hospital, getting CT scans or something like that, having both taken the airbag to the face.


You may recall I mentioned not two months ago that Meatwad just hit another car a short while back, taking off his side mirrors on his car.

so They have nice and high insurance rates now.


Meatwad just spent some wads of cash in the high-hundreds getting a really pimped out stereo system for his car. like, the really cool console, and two new subwoofers, like six new speakers, and some other stuff that, more than likely, insurance wouldnt cover.

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Dr. Cornbreads older brother, Meatwad, likes putting music on really, REALLY loud.

I just got home 'cause they drove me around for reasons of little importance.



I could feel the bass beat in my chest. XD like, my whole body shaking every beat of the songs he played.

He had various empty cans around in his car, and they were all shakin' it like it was friday night.


You cant carry on conversations very well in volumes like that. D=

Now I get to make everyone sad. D=


'just got home' was good for me 'cause about five minutes after they dropped me off at my house here, I got a call from RPVF (being the sister of Dr. Cornbread and Meatwad) who was very concerned as to knowing where I was.

after telling her I was in my house, she was fairly relieved and told me that Meatwad totalled his car while driving away from my place here.

Dr. Cornbread and Meatwad were both in the hospital, getting CT scans or something like that, having both taken the airbag to the face.


You may recall I mentioned not two months ago that Meatwad just hit another car a short while back, taking off his side mirrors on his car.

so They have nice and high insurance rates now.


Meatwad just spent some wads of cash in the high-hundreds getting a really pimped out stereo system for his car. like, the really cool console, and two new subwoofers, like six new speakers, and some other stuff that, more than likely, insurance wouldnt cover.

Thank goodness they are okay and you didn't have more bad news. If they are okay physically, the car can be replaced.


I do believe that you are permitted to go to the impound lot and retrieve items from your car. If you get them to check with their insurance company, I think they will be able to go, clean out the car and retrieve the stereo system if it is still intact. They need to do it rather soon after getting out of the hospital because after the insurance pays off on the car, they have now "sold" the totaled car to the insurance company and do not have any right to retrieve anything from the car.

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I'll be sure to tell them that.


on a more happier or random note.


I forgot we had avatars finally up and running. I was about to point out that we still cant do that, but it seems we can.


Now I need to make an avatar to send in.

Horatio, do you know what the size limits are for avatars? if any?

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I'll be sure to tell them that.


on a more happier or random note.


I forgot we had avatars finally up and running. I was about to point out that we still cant do that, but it seems we can.


Now I need to make an avatar to send in.

Horatio, do you know what the size limits are for avatars? if any?

The avatars need to be no bigger than about one inch square.

If you make them bigger, that is okay, but if there is a lot of detail, then when HampsterKing shrinks them, they do not come out well.

If you make them smaller, then he does not make them bigger.


Hope this helps. If you put the pic in a post and let me know the pic is for an avatar, or you email me with the pic, ( pmajr@earthlink.net ), then this is the fastest way to get the avatars up.

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I'll be sure to tell them that.


on a more happier or random note.


I forgot we had avatars finally up and running. I was about to point out that we still cant do that, but it seems we can.


Now I need to make an avatar to send in.

Horatio, do you know what the size limits are for avatars? if any?

The avatars need to be no bigger than about one inch square.

If you make them bigger, that is okay, but if there is a lot of detail, then when HampsterKing shrinks them, they do not come out well.

If you make them smaller, then he does not make them bigger.


Hope this helps. If you put the pic in a post and let me know the pic is for an avatar, or you email me with the pic, ( pmajr@earthlink.net ), then this is the fastest way to get the avatars up.



One inch could be about any size, depending on the screen resolution of who's looking at it.

I assume it should be roughly the same size as that there avatar you have right now?

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I'll be sure to tell them that.


on a more happier or random note.


I forgot we had avatars finally up and running. I was about to point out that we still cant do that, but it seems we can.


Now I need to make an avatar to send in.

Horatio, do you know what the size limits are for avatars? if any?

The avatars need to be no bigger than about one inch square.

If you make them bigger, that is okay, but if there is a lot of detail, then when HampsterKing shrinks them, they do not come out well.

If you make them smaller, then he does not make them bigger.


Hope this helps. If you put the pic in a post and let me know the pic is for an avatar, or you email me with the pic, ( pmajr@earthlink.net ), then this is the fastest way to get the avatars up.



One inch could be about any size, depending on the screen resolution of who's looking at it.

I assume it should be roughly the same size as that there avatar you have right now?


LOL An inch is an inch. LOL

My current avatar is about 15/16 of an inch wide and 14/16 inches tall. So you can actually go a hair bigger.

Take your ruler and measure about one inch square. You can go for better resolution, more megapixels, if you wish.

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I really hope that the pics i sent in make the cut :)


and what was with that accepted something-or-another email that came back to me? that was.... odd?

I have spam blocker and it just was letting you know I have added you to my address book.

Now you can always find me. LOL

I think your avatars pics are superb, so I believe he will approve them!

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gotcha! who's elenadod? I dont remember her/him... Probably only cuz she/he has only posted 2 times.... even though he/she has been here almost as long as i have........... i did a whole lot of posting today and yesterday! Im so proud of myslef :')

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hee hee :) i made that on paint.... this isss the random section and i didnt feel like going ALL THE WAY to the creative blah blah section and also i was gunna post a pic of clover but i need to find one first....

Frogs!!! Outstanding!

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"Me and the moon stayed up all night! I brought the whiskey, he brought the light!" - Gaelic Storm

I wont put the rest of the lyrics b/c

A. I dont remember them

B. From what I do remember, they are bad :)


Gaelic storm was the Irish band that played in the lowerclass section on the movie Titanic

They are HILARIOUS! I got to meet them on The Rock Boat which was alot of fun, and also the BNL boat! Yay! Fun! Woo! Hoo!













The power of music man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok boohbah is SERIOUSLY messed up... like if you have never seen boohbah you need to! its some creepy kids show a guy made (when he was high i bet) thats really really weird... like a picture wont give you the full effect, you have to watch the entire hour long show......... i feel drugged just looking at it.




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Ok boohbah is SERIOUSLY messed up... like if you have never seen boohbah you need to! its some creepy kids show a guy made (when he was high i bet) thats really really weird... like a picture wont give you the full effect, you have to watch the entire hour long show......... i feel drugged just looking at it.




I think I saw a boobah toy once...

It was really creepy.



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Ok boohbah is SERIOUSLY messed up... like if you have never seen boohbah you need to! its some creepy kids show a guy made (when he was high i bet) thats really really weird... like a picture wont give you the full effect, you have to watch the entire hour long show......... i feel drugged just looking at it.




*~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Did this guy's name happen to be Jerry Garcia?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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  • 3 weeks later...

I look like a pirate with my peg leg and my eye patch!


Well, last night i was riding my bike and I hadnt even made it out of the drive way (which is pretty long and has a hill in it) when a bug flew into my eye. I slammed on the brakes (well I guess i pulled the brakes) and I flew off of my bike (which is actually my brothers) and landed in the cement/grass. Sooo my knee is all cut up and bruised and bloody so my dad who is an ER doc got out all these bandages so my leg is now immoble and wrapped up so I have to hobble around like I have a peg leg. As for my eye we got most of the bug out last night and some more bug guts came out of my eye this morning but I have to wear this super cool eye patch (not the sticky kind) for at least a week!


So there ya go: My ace wrapped peg leg and my bug gutted eyepatch! I was thinking about wearing a bandana on my head, but I might scare the little kids in my neighborhood!

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I look like a pirate with my peg leg and my eye patch!


Well, last night i was riding my bike and I hadnt even made it out of the drive way (which is pretty long and has a hill in it) when a bug flew into my eye. I slammed on the brakes (well I guess i pulled the brakes) and I flew off of my bike (which is actually my brothers) and landed in the cement/grass. Sooo my knee is all cut up and bruised and bloody so my dad who is an ER doc got out all these bandages so my leg is now immoble and wrapped up so I have to hobble around like I have a peg leg. As for my eye we got most of the bug out last night and some more bug guts came out of my eye this morning but I have to wear this super cool eye patch (not the sticky kind) for at least a week!


So there ya go: My ace wrapped peg leg and my bug gutted eyepatch! I was thinking about wearing a bandana on my head, but I might scare the little kids in my neighborhood!

*sends Wildcat a black bandana with white skulls and cross-bones on it* :lol:

Now you can terrorize the kids in the neighborhood. :lol:


Good thing your father is an ER doctor!!! He knows all the right things to do. :)

Glad to know those were the extent of your injuries and you are pretty much okay!!!!

I guess you will be wearing goggles when you ride your bike now. :lol:

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Lol! Goggles, extra padded helmet, wrist gaurds, knee pads, elbow pads, and a foam suit!


Yes! I love terrorizing kids! Oh oh oh oh oh three little kids who I have no idea who they were decided to jump on my trampoline and climb all over my deck.... yeah weird. We always have little kids running around our yard. Thats how i met Kelton (ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww) who asked me out... yep!


Im eating Truffle Hershey's Kisses!

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Lol! Goggles, extra padded helmet, wrist gaurds, knee pads, elbow pads, and a foam suit!


Yes! I love terrorizing kids! Oh oh oh oh oh three little kids who I have no idea who they were decided to jump on my trampoline and climb all over my deck.... yeah weird. We always have little kids running around our yard. Thats how i met Kelton (ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww) who asked me out... yep!


Im eating Truffle Hershey's Kisses!

Goggles, extra padded helmet, wrist guards, knee pads, elbow pads, and a foam suit,

plus back pads, shoulder pads, shin pads and padding everywhere else so that I look like the Michelin Man,

is how I ride my motorcycle. :lol:


So... Kelton. Is this juicy post material for the relationships topic? :lol:

What do you think of him? Did you go out yet? Did you have a great time?

*waits for more*


Hershey's Kisses in the Truffle version? :blink:

Those must taste good. Although I have never tried the Truffle version, I am the Dark Chocolate Fan!!!!!!!

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Hahaha! Yeah! Now, where to buy a foam suit? OH!! I'll just tape a bunch of foam packing peanuts to me then wrap myself in temperpedic mattresses!


OMG the Kisses Truffles are so delicious! Its a truffle center covered with about a millimeter of chocolate!


As for Kelton, I wouldn't go out with him if my life depended on it. He has been attractedto me for like 3 years, and before i was like well maybe I'll give him a chance. But now he drinks, does drugs, smokes, and dropped out of school because he failed a grade and is now home schooled... yeah I told him MAYBE I'll go out with him if he quits drinking and smoking weed. Yeah real nice kid o_O but he does have a hot friend! ^-^



Annnd I can now play Zelda's Lullaby and Saria's Song on the piano! After like a week of pretending I was able to read music, I finally got it! I need to work on my left hand a little bit more, but Im doing good! And I think Im going to try to learn the windmill song!

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Hahaha! Yeah! Now, where to buy a foam suit? OH!! I'll just tape a bunch of foam packing peanuts to me then wrap myself in temperpedic mattresses!


OMG the Kisses Truffles are so delicious! Its a truffle center covered with about a millimeter of chocolate!


As for Kelton, I wouldn't go out with him if my life depended on it. He has been attractedto me for like 3 years, and before i was like well maybe I'll give him a chance. But now he drinks, does drugs, smokes, and dropped out of school because he failed a grade and is now home schooled... yeah I told him MAYBE I'll go out with him if he quits drinking and smoking weed. Yeah real nice kid o_O but he does have a hot friend! ^-^



Annnd I can now play Zelda's Lullaby and Saria's Song on the piano! After like a week of pretending I was able to read music, I finally got it! I need to work on my left hand a little bit more, but Im doing good! And I think Im going to try to learn the windmill song!

I want a picture of the foam packing peanuts wrapped in a the mattress with you as the center. :lol:


I want to try the Truffles Kisses. If you like dark chocolate, you need to try the Dark Kisses.


Don't waste your time with Kelton. He may have a hot friend, but I am certain the friend shares in his bad habits. Usually birds of a feather flock together. :rolleyes:


Piano... yeah!!! Go Wildcat go!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oohhh, dark chocolate kisses :o I loooove dark chocolate, and milk chocolate, and white chocolate! I LOVE CHOCOLATE! And try Ghiradeli's Twilight Delight, yum yum yum! Its 72% Cacao! Sooo delicious! Haha! I really will take a picture of myself wrapped up in a temperpedic mattress with packing penuts and a helmet on! Lol! Unfortunatly, Karley stole my kamera :( i mean camera :( so yeah


Im gunna go get my temperpedic and some packing penuts! lol!!!

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Oohhh, dark chocolate kisses :o I loooove dark chocolate, and milk chocolate, and white chocolate! I LOVE CHOCOLATE! And try Ghiradeli's Twilight Delight, yum yum yum! Its 72% Cacao! Sooo delicious! Haha! I really will take a picture of myself wrapped up in a temperpedic mattress with packing penuts and a helmet on! Lol! Unfortunatly, Karley stole my kamera :( i mean camera :( so yeah


Im gunna go get my temperpedic and some packing penuts! lol!!!

*waits for a great picture*

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Yeah its like 1:30 now so im of to beddy bie land where hopefully I'll have an interesting dream! Yay dreams! Did you know I haven't had a real 'bad dream' or nightmare since like 5th grade! Well, not one I can remember anyway!

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Yeah its like 1:30 now so im of to beddy bie land where hopefully I'll have an interesting dream! Yay dreams! Did you know I haven't had a real 'bad dream' or nightmare since like 5th grade! Well, not one I can remember anyway!

Have sweet dreams! It is 02H26 here and it is time for me to take a short nap.

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Ahh... My sleep schedule is all messed up. I stayed at a friends house last night and we all said we were going to stay up all night, but only 3 of the 7 of us lasted, and it really didn't feel like a whole night. So I got back home at about 12-ish and made myself some scrambled eggs w/ ham and cheese (yummy) and ate them on the couch. My mom and brother came back at like 12:30 then I went to sleep untill 4:30 and I'm ready for breakfast... And my thighs are sooo sore!


Why? You may ask


Well, there was torrential rains and wind, so we decided to hop the fence to the golf course right by my friends house (i took the walk over... its kinda pointless to have a fence) We were gonna skim board, but instead we just ran around and used the grass as a slip and slide, and we went really far out into the golf course by the lake and then I was like Oh $$*^@! because I saw the golf course owners coming towards us in a golf cart even though all the boys said they weren't there. Yes, well... I didn't know I could run so fast for so long, because I was on a serious adrenaline rush! I couldn't find the walk over so I had to hop the fence, which I didn't know I could do. We had a nine-year-old girl with us so one of the guys had to litterally throw her over the fence and then carry her like a football. I nearly died I was so out of breath. Well the guys kept driving along the fence saying "Stop, or we'll call the cops!" that just made me run faster. So we ran to my friends door and hid out in the garage. Yep it was alot of fun! Oh right, then we all took showers (exept for Josh, eww!) and played DDR, watched Bridge to Terebithia (I don't recommend it) and Freedom Writers (I do recommend it but Patrick Dempesy was a jerk in that movie) yep.

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Ahh... My sleep schedule is all messed up. I stayed at a friends house last night and we all said we were going to stay up all night, but only 3 of the 7 of us lasted, and it really didn't feel like a whole night. So I got back home at about 12-ish and made myself some scrambled eggs w/ ham and cheese (yummy) and ate them on the couch. My mom and brother came back at like 12:30 then I went to sleep untill 4:30 and I'm ready for breakfast... And my thighs are sooo sore!


Why? You may ask


Well, there was torrential rains and wind, so we decided to hop the fence to the golf course right by my friends house (i took the walk over... its kinda pointless to have a fence) We were gonna skim board, but instead we just ran around and used the grass as a slip and slide, and we went really far out into the golf course by the lake and then I was like Oh $$*^@! because I saw the golf course owners coming towards us in a golf cart even though all the boys said they weren't there. Yes, well... I didn't know I could run so fast for so long, because I was on a serious adrenaline rush! I couldn't find the walk over so I had to hop the fence, which I didn't know I could do. We had a nine-year-old girl with us so one of the guys had to litterally throw her over the fence and then carry her like a football. I nearly died I was so out of breath. Well the guys kept driving along the fence saying "Stop, or we'll call the cops!" that just made me run faster. So we ran to my friends door and hid out in the garage. Yep it was alot of fun! Oh right, then we all took showers (exept for Josh, eww!) and played DDR, watched Bridge to Terebithia (I don't recommend it) and Freedom Writers (I do recommend it but Patrick Dempesy was a jerk in that movie) yep.

:lol: I would guess the nine-year-old girl is probably a little sore as well. Those guys probably weren't too gentle with her when they threw her over the fence. :lol:

I bet it took a while before your heart stopped racing at high speed. :D

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Haha, yeah. She just plopped down in the middle of the road before on of the guys scooped her up.



I got my camera back! Which means soon I'll get that temperpedic photo! But for now, I do have I diagram!





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Haha, yeah. She just plopped down in the middle of the road before on of the guys scooped her up.



I got my camera back! Which means soon I'll get that temperpedic photo! But for now, I do have I diagram!





I love the foam suit!!!

May I purchase a hamster-sized suit?

*hands over a credit card*

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Haha, yeah. She just plopped down in the middle of the road before on of the guys scooped her up.



I got my camera back! Which means soon I'll get that temperpedic photo! But for now, I do have I diagram!





I love the foam suit!!!

May I purchase a hamster-sized suit?

*hands over a credit card*


well we dont currently sell a hamster size suit, but because you are special you can have the scale model, which is 1/7 of the size, but 7x the price! Hurray!

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Haha, yeah. She just plopped down in the middle of the road before on of the guys scooped her up.



I got my camera back! Which means soon I'll get that temperpedic photo! But for now, I do have I diagram!





I love the foam suit!!!

May I purchase a hamster-sized suit?

*hands over a credit card*


well we dont currently sell a hamster size suit, but because you are special you can have the scale model, which is 1/7 of the size, but 7x the price! Hurray!

*puts my credit card directly into Wildcat's paw*

There you go. I definitely want the suit. :D

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Haha, yeah. She just plopped down in the middle of the road before on of the guys scooped her up.



I got my camera back! Which means soon I'll get that temperpedic photo! But for now, I do have I diagram!





I love the foam suit!!!

May I purchase a hamster-sized suit?

*hands over a credit card*


well we dont currently sell a hamster size suit, but because you are special you can have the scale model, which is 1/7 of the size, but 7x the price! Hurray!

*puts my credit card directly into Wildcat's paw*

There you go. I definitely want the suit. :D



*chaching* thank you for purchasing the Fun in a Foam Suit suit!

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Haha, yeah. She just plopped down in the middle of the road before on of the guys scooped her up.



I got my camera back! Which means soon I'll get that temperpedic photo! But for now, I do have I diagram!





I love the foam suit!!!

May I purchase a hamster-sized suit?

*hands over a credit card*


well we dont currently sell a hamster size suit, but because you are special you can have the scale model, which is 1/7 of the size, but 7x the price! Hurray!

*puts my credit card directly into Wildcat's paw*

There you go. I definitely want the suit. :D


*chaching* thank you for purchasing the Fun in a Foam Suit suit!

I can't wait until I get it. I am going to use it when I ride my motorcycle.

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OMG!!! I just opened up my really old Kill Bill vo. 1 case, and I found this peice of paper that says there are Kill Bill Action Figures, Flasks, Keychains, Lighters, ID Cases, Shot Glasses, Lunch Boxes, and Thermoses!!!

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OMG!!! I just opened up my really old Kill Bill vo. 1 case, and I found this peice of paper that says there are Kill Bill Action Figures, Flasks, Keychains, Lighters, ID Cases, Shot Glasses, Lunch Boxes, and Thermoses!!!


what! doesn't anyone else here appreciate Kill Bill??? huh??? huh???

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OMG!!! I just opened up my really old Kill Bill vo. 1 case, and I found this peice of paper that says there are Kill Bill Action Figures, Flasks, Keychains, Lighters, ID Cases, Shot Glasses, Lunch Boxes, and Thermoses!!!


what! doesn't anyone else here appreciate Kill Bill??? huh??? huh???

Oh I do. But I am Kill Billed out. It has been on the Tele... Kill Bill, followed by Kill Bill 2, followed by Kill Bill3, followed by Kill Bill all over again and the cycle keeps going for three days. :lol:

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OMG!!! I just opened up my really old Kill Bill vo. 1 case, and I found this peice of paper that says there are Kill Bill Action Figures, Flasks, Keychains, Lighters, ID Cases, Shot Glasses, Lunch Boxes, and Thermoses!!!


what! doesn't anyone else here appreciate Kill Bill??? huh??? huh???

Oh I do. But I am Kill Billed out. It has been on the Tele... Kill Bill, followed by Kill Bill 2, followed by Kill Bill3, followed by Kill Bill all over again and the cycle keeps going for three days. :lol:


*cough cough liar cough cough*



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OMG!!! I just opened up my really old Kill Bill vo. 1 case, and I found this peice of paper that says there are Kill Bill Action Figures, Flasks, Keychains, Lighters, ID Cases, Shot Glasses, Lunch Boxes, and Thermoses!!!


what! doesn't anyone else here appreciate Kill Bill??? huh??? huh???

Oh I do. But I am Kill Billed out. It has been on the Tele... Kill Bill, followed by Kill Bill 2, followed by Kill Bill3, followed by Kill Bill all over again and the cycle keeps going for three days. :lol:


*cough cough liar cough cough*



Just look at TNT... is seemed like it was Kill Bill 43 before the weekend was over. And they just kept following each other continuously for three days.

So I exaggerated a little. :rolleyes::lol::rolleyes:

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I saw one and two, liked one a lot more than two, didn't know there was a three.

There wasn't. I was just exaggerating because I had watched Kill Bill and Kill Bill 2,

over and over and over and over... TNT had it on for three days straight. :lol:

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well thats just spiffidy doo! now you have to log off! what am i supposed to do know? talk to the wall... well ok


Me: hey there wall, i havent talked in a while, and I wanted to get to know you better!


Me: Well dont just give me the cold shoulder, we really need to talk


Me: ok well Ill start our conversation. Hmm... I love your new wall color, its quite lovely. And the paintings are a nice touch.


Me: Hm, this is a bit akward, i mean me talking, and you saying absolutly nothing.


............................................................... ok I'll talk

Me: WALL! I never knew you could talk! Can you do other things?

Wall: My name is Walter, FYI! And I support your entire house. Pff. do i do anything, hmph

Me: Aaannnd your english! this is just wonderful!

Wall: Yes its a long story, can you please stop talking to me, someone might think your crazy... hmm hmm hmm (laugh)

Me: Yeah, the commercial break is over now, and theres something about mary is back on, so I guess I'll leave you alone

Wall: thank goodness, i was getting sick of talking to you

Me: ok, goodnight then...


Me: walter... walter?


Me: ok........ night night....

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well thats just spiffidy doo! now you have to log off! what am i supposed to do know? talk to the wall... well ok


Me: hey there wall, i havent talked in a while, and I wanted to get to know you better!


Me: Well dont just give me the cold shoulder, we really need to talk


Me: ok well Ill start our conversation. Hmm... I love your new wall color, its quite lovely. And the paintings are a nice touch.


Me: Hm, this is a bit akward, i mean me talking, and you saying absolutly nothing.


............................................................... ok I'll talk

Me: WALL! I never knew you could talk! Can you do other things?

Wall: My name is Walter, FYI! And I support your entire house. Pff. do i do anything, hmph

Me: Aaannnd your english! this is just wonderful!

Wall: Yes its a long story, can you please stop talking to me, someone might think your crazy... hmm hmm hmm (laugh)

Me: Yeah, the commercial break is over now, and theres something about mary is back on, so I guess I'll leave you alone

Wall: thank goodness, i was getting sick of talking to you

Me: ok, goodnight then...


Me: walter... walter?


Me: ok........ night night....


who said I have to log off?????

I am on hold on my old cell phone trying to activate my new iPhone.

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horatio no one is posting stuf... im bored... talk to me lol

I would love to talk to you. I am on hold on the phone... boring... I have been on hold for a long, long, longggggggg time.


ah perfect timing, yeah youve been there like all day! thats not cool...

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well thats just spiffidy doo! now you have to log off! what am i supposed to do know? talk to the wall... well ok


Me: hey there wall, i havent talked in a while, and I wanted to get to know you better!


Me: Well dont just give me the cold shoulder, we really need to talk


Me: ok well Ill start our conversation. Hmm... I love your new wall color, its quite lovely. And the paintings are a nice touch.


Me: Hm, this is a bit akward, i mean me talking, and you saying absolutly nothing.


............................................................... ok I'll talk

Me: WALL! I never knew you could talk! Can you do other things?

Wall: My name is Walter, FYI! And I support your entire house. Pff. do i do anything, hmph

Me: Aaannnd your english! this is just wonderful!

Wall: Yes its a long story, can you please stop talking to me, someone might think your crazy... hmm hmm hmm (laugh)

Me: Yeah, the commercial break is over now, and theres something about mary is back on, so I guess I'll leave you alone

Wall: thank goodness, i was getting sick of talking to you

Me: ok, goodnight then...


Me: walter... walter?


Me: ok........ night night....


who said I have to log off?????

I am on hold on my old cell phone trying to activate my new iPhone.


well you had logged off earlier, then i wrote that story which entertained me untill you got back on, lol!!! iPhone!!!! OMG!!! $700!!!! COOLIO!!!!!! I WANT ONE!!!!!! sweeeeet! my moto razr is messed up, so i really want an iPhone!!!

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horatio no one is posting stuf... im bored... talk to me lol

I would love to talk to you. I am on hold on the phone... boring... I have been on hold for a long, long, longggggggg time.


ah perfect timing, yeah youve been there like all day! thats not cool...

I got my phone at 18H00 when they opened. Then I headed to FedEx to ship one to a friend. Got to the cage and opened up my new beautiful phone and wanted to activate it, and it said that my account did not work with the new phone. But, I had called the AT&T people prior to getting the phone to verify that it would work. I am so unhappy that my new phone will not work. I want to activate it.

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well thats just spiffidy doo! now you have to log off! what am i supposed to do know? talk to the wall... well ok


Me: hey there wall, i havent talked in a while, and I wanted to get to know you better!


Me: Well dont just give me the cold shoulder, we really need to talk


Me: ok well Ill start our conversation. Hmm... I love your new wall color, its quite lovely. And the paintings are a nice touch.


Me: Hm, this is a bit akward, i mean me talking, and you saying absolutly nothing.


............................................................... ok I'll talk

Me: WALL! I never knew you could talk! Can you do other things?

Wall: My name is Walter, FYI! And I support your entire house. Pff. do i do anything, hmph

Me: Aaannnd your english! this is just wonderful!

Wall: Yes its a long story, can you please stop talking to me, someone might think your crazy... hmm hmm hmm (laugh)

Me: Yeah, the commercial break is over now, and theres something about mary is back on, so I guess I'll leave you alone

Wall: thank goodness, i was getting sick of talking to you

Me: ok, goodnight then...


Me: walter... walter?


Me: ok........ night night....


who said I have to log off?????

I am on hold on my old cell phone trying to activate my new iPhone.


well you had logged off earlier, then i wrote that story which entertained me untill you got back on, lol!!! iPhone!!!! OMG!!! $700!!!! COOLIO!!!!!! I WANT ONE!!!!!! sweeeeet! my moto razr is messed up, so i really want an iPhone!!!

Roger Razr is now a thing of the past... or soon to be. Now is the problem of getting my phone activated... grrrrr.

AT&T answered and gave me an Apple iPhone number to call. The AT&T agent told me to call on Monday...

M O N D A Y ? ? ? ? ?

Is she kidding??????????????????????


I could not imagine sitting in line for ten hours only to wait until Monday to get the phone activated.


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where is everyone??? did they just blow up or something? idk im delerious right now... and tired... and i need to shave... oh well, you probably didnt need to know that but... i dont really care



la la la la la la laa, la la la la la la la laa, la la la la la la laa, la la la la la la laa, laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


its a 99% moon, almost full, its so pretty :relaxing: mmm, i feel like, you know, waaay relaxed

just looking at the starry skies through the sky light, ahh i think ill go sit on my roof after a while

i love it up there, my cat and i like to sit up there and lie down under the sky


*wildcat lets her eyes fall into half slits and starts purring* yes, im happy... this calls for some catnip tea

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well thats just spiffidy doo! now you have to log off! what am i supposed to do know? talk to the wall... well ok


Me: hey there wall, i havent talked in a while, and I wanted to get to know you better!


Me: Well dont just give me the cold shoulder, we really need to talk


Me: ok well Ill start our conversation. Hmm... I love your new wall color, its quite lovely. And the paintings are a nice touch.


Me: Hm, this is a bit akward, i mean me talking, and you saying absolutly nothing.


............................................................... ok I'll talk

Me: WALL! I never knew you could talk! Can you do other things?

Wall: My name is Walter, FYI! And I support your entire house. Pff. do i do anything, hmph

Me: Aaannnd your english! this is just wonderful!

Wall: Yes its a long story, can you please stop talking to me, someone might think your crazy... hmm hmm hmm (laugh)

Me: Yeah, the commercial break is over now, and theres something about mary is back on, so I guess I'll leave you alone

Wall: thank goodness, i was getting sick of talking to you

Me: ok, goodnight then...


Me: walter... walter?


Me: ok........ night night....


who said I have to log off?????

I am on hold on my old cell phone trying to activate my new iPhone.


well you had logged off earlier, then i wrote that story which entertained me untill you got back on, lol!!! iPhone!!!! OMG!!! $700!!!! COOLIO!!!!!! I WANT ONE!!!!!! sweeeeet! my moto razr is messed up, so i really want an iPhone!!!

Roger Razr is now a thing of the past... or soon to be. Now is the problem of getting my phone activated... grrrrr.

AT&T answered and gave me an Apple iPhone number to call. The AT&T agent told me to call on Monday...

M O N D A Y ? ? ? ? ?

Is she kidding??????????????????????


I could not imagine sitting in line for ten hours only to wait until Monday to get the phone activated.



oh that really stinks! a lot! you need some catnip tea! lol, its my new catch phrase

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i do not feel good :( i think im getting sick... blegh im gunna go change into my PJ's brb

Oh no... please do not get sick.

That is not good. Was it something you ate? Is it a cold?


well im feeling a bit feverish, but i havent had contact with anyone sick in... forever, i need catnip tea! (i will put that into every phrase i get the chance to!)

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where is everyone??? did they just blow up or something? idk im delerious right now... and tired... and i need to shave... oh well, you probably didnt need to know that but... i dont really care



la la la la la la laa, la la la la la la la laa, la la la la la la laa, la la la la la la laa, laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


its a 99% moon, almost full, its so pretty :relaxing: mmm, i feel like, you know, waaay relaxed

just looking at the starry skies through the sky light, ahh i think ill go sit on my roof after a while

i love it up there, my cat and i like to sit up there and lie down under the sky


*wildcat lets her eyes fall into half slits and starts purring* yes, im happy... this calls for some catnip tea

Everyone has sort of disappeared.

As for stars... I love looking at the stars. There is something so magical about looking at the stars


As for shaving... I would not like to be a hairless hammy.

*brushes my long beautiful blonde fur*

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well thats just spiffidy doo! now you have to log off! what am i supposed to do know? talk to the wall... well ok


Me: hey there wall, i havent talked in a while, and I wanted to get to know you better!


Me: Well dont just give me the cold shoulder, we really need to talk


Me: ok well Ill start our conversation. Hmm... I love your new wall color, its quite lovely. And the paintings are a nice touch.


Me: Hm, this is a bit akward, i mean me talking, and you saying absolutly nothing.


............................................................... ok I'll talk

Me: WALL! I never knew you could talk! Can you do other things?

Wall: My name is Walter, FYI! And I support your entire house. Pff. do i do anything, hmph

Me: Aaannnd your english! this is just wonderful!

Wall: Yes its a long story, can you please stop talking to me, someone might think your crazy... hmm hmm hmm (laugh)

Me: Yeah, the commercial break is over now, and theres something about mary is back on, so I guess I'll leave you alone

Wall: thank goodness, i was getting sick of talking to you

Me: ok, goodnight then...


Me: walter... walter?


Me: ok........ night night....


who said I have to log off?????

I am on hold on my old cell phone trying to activate my new iPhone.


well you had logged off earlier, then i wrote that story which entertained me untill you got back on, lol!!! iPhone!!!! OMG!!! $700!!!! COOLIO!!!!!! I WANT ONE!!!!!! sweeeeet! my moto razr is messed up, so i really want an iPhone!!!

Roger Razr is now a thing of the past... or soon to be. Now is the problem of getting my phone activated... grrrrr.

AT&T answered and gave me an Apple iPhone number to call. The AT&T agent told me to call on Monday...

M O N D A Y ? ? ? ? ?

Is she kidding??????????????????????


I could not imagine sitting in line for ten hours only to wait until Monday to get the phone activated.



oh that really stinks! a lot! you need some catnip tea! lol, its my new catch phrase

Catnip tea would be nice about now. :)

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where is everyone??? did they just blow up or something? idk im delerious right now... and tired... and i need to shave... oh well, you probably didnt need to know that but... i dont really care



la la la la la la laa, la la la la la la la laa, la la la la la la laa, la la la la la la laa, laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


its a 99% moon, almost full, its so pretty :relaxing: mmm, i feel like, you know, waaay relaxed

just looking at the starry skies through the sky light, ahh i think ill go sit on my roof after a while

i love it up there, my cat and i like to sit up there and lie down under the sky


*wildcat lets her eyes fall into half slits and starts purring* yes, im happy... this calls for some catnip tea

Everyone has sort of disappeared.

As for stars... I love looking at the stars. There is something so magical about looking at the stars


As for shaving... I would not like to be a hairless hammy.

*brushes my long beautiful blonde fur*


haha, a hairless hammy would not be quite as cute! speaking of i got a hair cut :D i cut it to my shoulders, i like it :)

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i do not feel good :( i think im getting sick... blegh im gunna go change into my PJ's brb

Oh no... please do not get sick.

That is not good. Was it something you ate? Is it a cold?


well im feeling a bit feverish, but i havent had contact with anyone sick in... forever, i need catnip tea! (i will put that into every phrase i get the chance to!)

That's the scary part. You could be in contact with someone who does not act sick, but is very contagious and voila... you are now sick.

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where is everyone??? did they just blow up or something? idk im delerious right now... and tired... and i need to shave... oh well, you probably didnt need to know that but... i dont really care



la la la la la la laa, la la la la la la la laa, la la la la la la laa, la la la la la la laa, laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


its a 99% moon, almost full, its so pretty :relaxing: mmm, i feel like, you know, waaay relaxed

just looking at the starry skies through the sky light, ahh i think ill go sit on my roof after a while

i love it up there, my cat and i like to sit up there and lie down under the sky


*wildcat lets her eyes fall into half slits and starts purring* yes, im happy... this calls for some catnip tea

Everyone has sort of disappeared.

As for stars... I love looking at the stars. There is something so magical about looking at the stars


As for shaving... I would not like to be a hairless hammy.

*brushes my long beautiful blonde fur*


haha, a hairless hammy would not be quite as cute! speaking of i got a hair cut :D i cut it to my shoulders, i like it :)

Shoulder length is a great length for the summer.


Have you ever seen a hairless rat? They really are very cute. :)

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i do not feel good :( i think im getting sick... blegh im gunna go change into my PJ's brb

Oh no... please do not get sick.

That is not good. Was it something you ate? Is it a cold?


well im feeling a bit feverish, but i havent had contact with anyone sick in... forever, i need catnip tea! (i will put that into every phrase i get the chance to!)

That's the scary part. You could be in contact with someone who does not act sick, but is very contagious and voila... you are now sick.


I bet i caught it from my dad, hes like the virus passer. he barely ever gets sick (hes built up immunities to everything he sees in the ER) but he passes it along... i cant be sick! i have plans tomorrow, mmhmm...


as for the catnip tea, good luck finding any! i can give you some of my secret stash!


*gives horatio a cup of wildcat's famous catnip tea*

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where is everyone??? did they just blow up or something? idk im delerious right now... and tired... and i need to shave... oh well, you probably didnt need to know that but... i dont really care



la la la la la la laa, la la la la la la la laa, la la la la la la laa, la la la la la la laa, laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


its a 99% moon, almost full, its so pretty :relaxing: mmm, i feel like, you know, waaay relaxed

just looking at the starry skies through the sky light, ahh i think ill go sit on my roof after a while

i love it up there, my cat and i like to sit up there and lie down under the sky


*wildcat lets her eyes fall into half slits and starts purring* yes, im happy... this calls for some catnip tea

Everyone has sort of disappeared.

As for stars... I love looking at the stars. There is something so magical about looking at the stars


As for shaving... I would not like to be a hairless hammy.

*brushes my long beautiful blonde fur*


haha, a hairless hammy would not be quite as cute! speaking of i got a hair cut :D i cut it to my shoulders, i like it :)

Shoulder length is a great length for the summer.


Have you ever seen a hairless rat? They really are very cute. :)


eek, naked mole rats kinda freak me out lol

OMG i just saw the funniest thing on That 70's Show!

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i do not feel good :( i think im getting sick... blegh im gunna go change into my PJ's brb

Oh no... please do not get sick.

That is not good. Was it something you ate? Is it a cold?


well im feeling a bit feverish, but i havent had contact with anyone sick in... forever, i need catnip tea! (i will put that into every phrase i get the chance to!)

That's the scary part. You could be in contact with someone who does not act sick, but is very contagious and voila... you are now sick.


I bet i caught it from my dad, hes like the virus passer. he barely ever gets sick (hes built up immunities to everything he sees in the ER) but he passes it along... i cant be sick! i have plans tomorrow, mmhmm...


as for the catnip tea, good luck finding any! i can give you some of my secret stash!


*gives horatio a cup of wildcat's famous catnip tea*

You should ask your father not to be so generous with his germs. :lol:


*sips the wonderful catnip tea*

Thank you so much. This is very tasty.

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I really wonder why there were like 400 guests today, how weird! Thats the most I have ever seen

Oh my goodness... you saw 400!!!!!!!!!!

I saw only 393. You should have taken a snapshot of it.


yeah, 402 i think! i couldnt even post what i was trying to post, firefox said the server was too busy


well i have a fever, so now i took some tylonol, got a blanket, and cuddled up by my cat to watch what not to wearathon. oh and i couldnt stand being hairy any longer so i shaved... and i had 2 cups of tea, chamomile and catnip mmm, and i got on the roof... i got a lot done in the past 15 min lol


i hope i can sweat out this fever by tommarow :unsure:

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I really wonder why there were like 400 guests today, how weird! Thats the most I have ever seen

Oh my goodness... you saw 400!!!!!!!!!!

I saw only 393. You should have taken a snapshot of it.


yeah, 402 i think! i couldnt even post what i was trying to post, firefox said the server was too busy


well i have a fever, so now i took some tylonol, got a blanket, and cuddled up by my cat to watch what not to wearathon. oh and i couldnt stand being hairy any longer so i shaved... and i had 2 cups of tea, chamomile and catnip mmm, and i got on the roof... i got a lot done in the past 15 min lol


i hope i can sweat out this fever by tommarow :unsure:

Hope you get rid of that fever soon.

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oh goodness! look at the time, its been an almost an hour, it certainly felt like 15 minuets! oh dear, how time flies!

I know... I waited and waited and then fell asleep waiting.

The poor representative on the phone had to wake me up. :lol:

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oh goodness! look at the time, its been an almost an hour, it certainly felt like 15 minuets! oh dear, how time flies!

I know... I waited and waited and then fell asleep waiting.

The poor representative on the phone had to wake me up. :lol:


lol! :lol:


honestly im not so sure your phone well ever work xD

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oh goodness! look at the time, its been an almost an hour, it certainly felt like 15 minuets! oh dear, how time flies!

I know... I waited and waited and then fell asleep waiting.

The poor representative on the phone had to wake me up. :lol:


lol! :lol:


honestly im not so sure your phone well ever work xD

*positive thinking*

Soon it will work. AT&T has now unregistered my sim card for Roger Razr and I am just waiting for the email telling me activation is complete!

*is really excited*

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oh goodness! look at the time, its been an almost an hour, it certainly felt like 15 minuets! oh dear, how time flies!

I know... I waited and waited and then fell asleep waiting.

The poor representative on the phone had to wake me up. :lol:


lol! :lol:


honestly im not so sure your phone well ever work xD

*positive thinking*

Soon it will work. AT&T has now unregistered my sim card for Roger Razr and I am just waiting for the email telling me activation is complete!

*is really excited*


hurray! so close! oh right, and i no longer have a fever! so i get to do various fun things today! aannd i got to run this morning @ 6

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oh goodness! look at the time, its been an almost an hour, it certainly felt like 15 minuets! oh dear, how time flies!

I know... I waited and waited and then fell asleep waiting.

The poor representative on the phone had to wake me up. :lol:


lol! :lol:


honestly im not so sure your phone well ever work xD

*positive thinking*

Soon it will work. AT&T has now unregistered my sim card for Roger Razr and I am just waiting for the email telling me activation is complete!

*is really excited*


hurray! so close! oh right, and i no longer have a fever! so i get to do various fun things today! aannd i got to run this morning @ 6

*wishes Wildcat lived near my cage*

I wish I could have run this morning. It was pouring buckets and I could not bring myself to go out and get drenched the nanosecond I stepped out the door.

It is still raining. But... the grass outside my cage looks great! LOL

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oh goodness! look at the time, its been an almost an hour, it certainly felt like 15 minuets! oh dear, how time flies!

I know... I waited and waited and then fell asleep waiting.

The poor representative on the phone had to wake me up. :lol:


lol! :lol:


honestly im not so sure your phone well ever work xD

*positive thinking*

Soon it will work. AT&T has now unregistered my sim card for Roger Razr and I am just waiting for the email telling me activation is complete!

*is really excited*


hurray! so close! oh right, and i no longer have a fever! so i get to do various fun things today! aannd i got to run this morning @ 6

*wishes Wildcat lived near my cage*

I wish I could have run this morning. It was pouring buckets and I could not bring myself to go out and get drenched the nanosecond I stepped out the door.

It is still raining. But... the grass outside my cage looks great! LOL


lol! i bet so! a couple days ago i was making a fire, and it was super warm and sunny, then it started POURING down rain, and I was stuck wearing a white shirt.... well I was already half way over to my neighbors house, so i put on a gray shirt and then we managed to keep the fire alive with wet wood and leaves. you could always run in you wheel :P

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oh goodness! look at the time, its been an almost an hour, it certainly felt like 15 minuets! oh dear, how time flies!

I know... I waited and waited and then fell asleep waiting.

The poor representative on the phone had to wake me up. :lol:


lol! :lol:


honestly im not so sure your phone well ever work xD

*positive thinking*

Soon it will work. AT&T has now unregistered my sim card for Roger Razr and I am just waiting for the email telling me activation is complete!

*is really excited*


hurray! so close! oh right, and i no longer have a fever! so i get to do various fun things today! aannd i got to run this morning @ 6

*wishes Wildcat lived near my cage*

I wish I could have run this morning. It was pouring buckets and I could not bring myself to go out and get drenched the nanosecond I stepped out the door.

It is still raining. But... the grass outside my cage looks great! LOL


lol! i bet so! a couple days ago i was making a fire, and it was super warm and sunny, then it started POURING down rain, and I was stuck wearing a white shirt.... well I was already half way over to my neighbors house, so i put on a gray shirt and then we managed to keep the fire alive with wet wood and leaves. you could always run in you wheel :P

If you are running and you left the house when it was dry and it started to rain... it usually feels good.

As you were not running and you were in regular clothes, that does not feel so good. :lol:


Yes, you are correct, I could go for a run in my wheel.

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horatio, the bots scare me, they are watching me :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:



Strange bots. :blink: Lurkers they are.


what do the bots do besides watch you anyway... i still think they are watching me, (i have to whisper in case they hear me)

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horatio, the bots scare me, they are watching me :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:



*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Thise bots were sent in by me. Dont worry they not hurt you. They watch but not hurt.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I think I can explain the sudden guest explosion.

What are people going to be googling and such lately?


what has 'raishey been ranting about lately?


see the connection?

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I think I can explain the sudden guest explosion.

What are people going to be googling and such lately?


what has 'raishey been ranting about lately?


see the connection?

Close... actually HampsterKing has said it is from Yahoo. :blink:

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I think I can explain the sudden guest explosion.

What are people going to be googling and such lately?


what has 'raishey been ranting about lately?


see the connection?

Close... actually HampsterKing has said it is from Yahoo. :blink:



Or yahoo searches.

It doesn't matter.

You can tell, though?

I didn't know. Nifty!

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I think I can explain the sudden guest explosion.

What are people going to be googling and such lately?


what has 'raishey been ranting about lately?


see the connection?

Close... actually HampsterKing has said it is from Yahoo. :blink:

Or yahoo searches.

It doesn't matter.

You can tell, though?

I didn't know. Nifty!

My access is the same as yours. I don't have the ability to see this information, only HamspterKing.

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I think I can explain the sudden guest explosion.

What are people going to be googling and such lately?


what has 'raishey been ranting about lately?


see the connection?

Close... actually HampsterKing has said it is from Yahoo. :blink:

Or yahoo searches.

It doesn't matter.

You can tell, though?

I didn't know. Nifty!

My access is the same as yours. I don't have the ability to see this information, only HamspterKing.


"You" wasn't being used to specifically reference you. By "you," I meant whomever is capable.

Like, you know what I mean. right?

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I think I can explain the sudden guest explosion.

What are people going to be googling and such lately?


what has 'raishey been ranting about lately?


see the connection?

Close... actually HampsterKing has said it is from Yahoo. :blink:

Or yahoo searches.

It doesn't matter.

You can tell, though?

I didn't know. Nifty!

My access is the same as yours. I don't have the ability to see this information, only HamspterKing.

"You" wasn't being used to specifically reference you. By "you," I meant whomever is capable.

Like, you know what I mean. right?

:lol: Exactly! Capability is the key. :lol:

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I think I can explain the sudden guest explosion.

What are people going to be googling and such lately?


what has 'raishey been ranting about lately?


see the connection?

Close... actually HampsterKing has said it is from Yahoo. :blink:

Or yahoo searches.

It doesn't matter.

You can tell, though?

I didn't know. Nifty!

My access is the same as yours. I don't have the ability to see this information, only HamspterKing.

"You" wasn't being used to specifically reference you. By "you," I meant whomever is capable.

Like, you know what I mean. right?

:lol: Exactly! Capability is the key. :lol:


Glad that you understand, cause I don't feel like elaborating.

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this will knock your socks off!


as i was browsing the internet out of boredom i was on one of my favorite websites, and i will show you what i found.


the link i clicked on said, still cant afford an iPhone? and this came up! lol its awesome, i cant show it full size though, but i can show you the zoomed out version!



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this will knock your socks off!


as i was browsing the internet out of boredom i was on one of my favorite websites, and i will show you what i found.


the link i clicked on said, still cant afford an iPhone? and this came up! lol its awesome, i cant show it full size though, but i can show you the zoomed out version!



You get The Double Gold Star Award for this post!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey Cheesemaster, come here please.

*hands Cheesemaster this version of the iPhone*

Here you go... your own iPhone. :D

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this will knock your socks off!


as i was browsing the internet out of boredom i was on one of my favorite websites, and i will show you what i found.


the link i clicked on said, still cant afford an iPhone? and this came up! lol its awesome, i cant show it full size though, but i can show you the zoomed out version!



You get The Double Gold Star Award for this post!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey Cheesemaster, come here please.

*hands Cheesemaster this version of the iPhone*

Here you go... your own iPhone. :D


woohoo! lol, i just took pictures of my cool new taped up iPhone!





and randomly: post-678-1183243313_thumb.jpg

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this will knock your socks off!


as i was browsing the internet out of boredom i was on one of my favorite websites, and i will show you what i found.


the link i clicked on said, still cant afford an iPhone? and this came up! lol its awesome, i cant show it full size though, but i can show you the zoomed out version!



You get The Double Gold Star Award for this post!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey Cheesemaster, come here please.

*hands Cheesemaster this version of the iPhone*

Here you go... your own iPhone. :D


woohoo! lol, i just took pictures of my cool new taped up iPhone!





and randomly: coolnewiPhone.jpg


That is outstanding!!!!!!

Now we just need to make one for Cheesemaster. :lol:

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this will knock your socks off!


as i was browsing the internet out of boredom i was on one of my favorite websites, and i will show you what i found.


the link i clicked on said, still cant afford an iPhone? and this came up! lol its awesome, i cant show it full size though, but i can show you the zoomed out version!



You get The Double Gold Star Award for this post!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey Cheesemaster, come here please.

*hands Cheesemaster this version of the iPhone*

Here you go... your own iPhone. :D


woohoo! lol, i just took pictures of my cool new taped up iPhone!





and randomly: post-678-1183243313_thumb.jpg


That is outstanding!!!!!!

Now we just need to make one for Cheesemaster. :lol:



awww *misses break dancin kitteh*

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why are there so many guests on!?! there are never that many!!! *confused*

The highest number of guests was 392 or 393 one day and someone else saw over 400.

HamspterKing says this is because of Yahoo. Not google, but yahoo.

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