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Short stories

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It was a cold winter's eve. Outside was dark even though it was only 6 pm. My parents were both out and I was watching TV. Not like there was anything better to do. It was a generic advertisement for a car. I decided to get up and scavenge the house for some food. It was almost time for dinner anyways. I found lasagna in the fridge so I just warmed that up and ate it in front of the TV. As I finished the next show came on.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" The TV spouted. I yawned and whispered (to myself mostly) that I wasn't.

"You will be by the end of this show..." Something whispered. It was a dark and evil voice. One that suggested death or fire. Being the paranoid guy I am, I almost jumped in my seat. And then there was laughing as the lights flickered off and the TV died. Of course, then I was plain scared. Anyone would be. I clung to the couch as hard as I could and tried to breathe as quietly as I could. My heart was going at a billion miles per hour. All was silent. And I mean really silent - no birds making any noise, no wind rustling in the trees, no cars passing by, nothing. I could only look around desperately in the pitch black of a moonless and starless night.


"WHAT WAS THAT!?" I shouted instinctively. Realizing what I did, I clenched my eyes shut and pulled myself even more into the couch. I curled into a ball and almost sobbed, but I managed to stop myself. Another whispering in my ears, but I couldn't understand it. Some devilish language. Although, if I wrote it down how it sounded, it would be 'Em dnif nac uoy sselnu... Thginot... Eid lliw uoy.'

I felt a sudden cold chill in my stomach as the screech was repeated. It went away, and then I felt another in my ribs, as well as extraordinary pain on the left side of my chest. It remained for a bit and I couldn't help crying out. After I did, though, it went away. I couldn't take it anymore. Tears were gathering in my eyes.

"Run," someone whispered. A person. Or at least it sounded like it. It was a female voice, calm and soothing, not like the deep evil voice I heard earlier. I frowned, confused, and it came again.

"Run and find him. I will try to hold him off." I wasn't worried now that she was there. I was scared but I knew in my heart she was there to protect me. So I asked questions instead of moving. I asked who she was, to which she replied, "I am from above. I can tell you no more then that about me." so I asked her what was going on. She mentioned that some demon was trying to occupy my mind, which would require killing me. I'm not sure who she said. Beelzebub perhaps? I think that's what it was.

"What can I do about it though?" I asked her.

"Find him. He's somewhere in the mortal realm tonight. He's not supposed to be. Find him, send him back to... Down below."

"How am I meant to know where he is?"

She screeched and I knew that Beelzebub, whoever it was, was attacking her.

"RUN!!!" She cried. So I ran. I stumbled over a coffee table, and smacked my head on the door to our front yard. Dizzy and with a throbbing forehead, I got outside and ran down the street, adrenaline and fear giving me the endurance to keep going past what I would normally be able to. Two blocks down I collapsed and started to cry quietly. And then I heard whispering. It was him again...

"Won ydob ruoy ekat lliw E dna, Beelzebub ma E, sey."

I screamed and started crying a lot louder. I had no energy to keep running so I just lay there, crying out as Beelzebub started to kill me, slowly and very painfully. And then a miracle. A lady heard me and came out of a nearby house. She was wearing a light blue dress, with blond hair and shining eyes. Immediately the pain stopped.

"GNIDIH POTS RO WON SU EVAEL!" She shouted. After a few minutes a red light came out of another house. A deep red ambiance washed over the street and an unshaven man stumbled out of the house. He screeched unnaturally. His face was twisted and he had difficulty walking. The lady who had stepped out of the house looked at me and I heard another whispering. It was the person who was 'from above' again. The woman who saved me was probably the same person.

"Kill him now. He is weak." I was about to stand up and get something to kill him with when I heard his returning whisper...

"I am physically weak but I have more power then anyone here... Heheheheheeee..."

Unnerved, I realized I would have to kill him as fast as possible. I snapped a branch off a tree and ran as fast as I could to him. I raised the stick, began to strike, when a blast hit me square in the chest. I fell over. I couldn't move, couldn't talk, all I could do was cry. He stumbled over to me and grinned.

"Such a shame, your little guardian angel was sent to purgatory for intervening. So I can kill you so easily now," He laughed and picked up the branch, bringing it down and cracking my skull.

Right before I died, I heard one last whisper.

"Are you afraid of the dark yet?"






[Haha. Sorry if you think that's anti-climatic. And also sorry for writing it in first person past tense even though I die in the end. xD I just pulled this story out of thin air.]


[Anyway. Yeah. I might just throw a short story here once in a while.]


[Oh, and since I don't actually know the language those nasty demons speak it's just backwards. Sorry. =P But I have I as E. Whatever.]


[And I know who Beelzebub is. It wasn't just a name I pulled out of thin air like the rest of the story. Ha. I should have felt sort of honored that THE Beelzebub wanted MY body. Oh well.]

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It was a cold winter's eve. Outside was dark even though it was only 6 pm. My parents were both out and I was watching TV. Not like there was anything better to do. It was a generic advertisement for a car. I decided to get up and scavenge the house for some food. It was almost time for dinner anyways. I found lasagna in the fridge so I just warmed that up and ate it in front of the TV. As I finished the next show came on.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" The TV spouted. I yawned and whispered (to myself mostly) that I wasn't.

"You will be by the end of this show..." Something whispered. It was a dark and evil voice. One that suggested death or fire. Being the paranoid guy I am, I almost jumped in my seat. And then there was laughing as the lights flickered off and the TV died. Of course, then I was plain scared. Anyone would be. I clung to the couch as hard as I could and tried to breathe as quietly as I could. My heart was going at a billion miles per hour. All was silent. And I mean really silent - no birds making any noise, no wind rustling in the trees, no cars passing by, nothing. I could only look around desperately in the pitch black of a moonless and starless night.


"WHAT WAS THAT!?" I shouted instinctively. Realizing what I did, I clenched my eyes shut and pulled myself even more into the couch. I curled into a ball and almost sobbed, but I managed to stop myself. Another whispering in my ears, but I couldn't understand it. Some devilish language. Although, if I wrote it down how it sounded, it would be 'Em dnif nac uoy sselnu... Thginot... Eid lliw uoy.'

I felt a sudden cold chill in my stomach as the screech was repeated. It went away, and then I felt another in my ribs, as well as extraordinary pain on the left side of my chest. It remained for a bit and I couldn't help crying out. After I did, though, it went away. I couldn't take it anymore. Tears were gathering in my eyes.

"Run," someone whispered. A person. Or at least it sounded like it. It was a female voice, calm and soothing, not like the deep evil voice I heard earlier. I frowned, confused, and it came again.

"Run and find him. I will try to hold him off." I wasn't worried now that she was there. I was scared but I knew in my heart she was there to protect me. So I asked questions instead of moving. I asked who she was, to which she replied, "I am from above. I can tell you no more then that about me." so I asked her what was going on. She mentioned that some demon was trying to occupy my mind, which would require killing me. I'm not sure who she said. Beelzebub perhaps? I think that's what it was.

"What can I do about it though?" I asked her.

"Find him. He's somewhere in the mortal realm tonight. He's not supposed to be. Find him, send him back to... Down below."

"How am I meant to know where he is?"

She screeched and I knew that Beelzebub, whoever it was, was attacking her.

"RUN!!!" She cried. So I ran. I stumbled over a coffee table, and smacked my head on the door to our front yard. Dizzy and with a throbbing forehead, I got outside and ran down the street, adrenaline and fear giving me the endurance to keep going past what I would normally be able to. Two blocks down I collapsed and started to cry quietly. And then I heard whispering. It was him again...

"Won ydob ruoy ekat lliw E dna, Beelzebub ma E, sey."

I screamed and started crying a lot louder. I had no energy to keep running so I just lay there, crying out as Beelzebub started to kill me, slowly and very painfully. And then a miracle. A lady heard me and came out of a nearby house. She was wearing a light blue dress, with blond hair and shining eyes. Immediately the pain stopped.

"GNIDIH POTS RO WON SU EVAEL!" She shouted. After a few minutes a red light came out of another house. A deep red ambiance washed over the street and an unshaven man stumbled out of the house. He screeched unnaturally. His face was twisted and he had difficulty walking. The lady who had stepped out of the house looked at me and I heard another whispering. It was the person who was 'from above' again. The woman who saved me was probably the same person.

"Kill him now. He is weak." I was about to stand up and get something to kill him with when I heard his returning whisper...

"I am physically weak but I have more power then anyone here... Heheheheheeee..."

Unnerved, I realized I would have to kill him as fast as possible. I snapped a branch off a tree and ran as fast as I could to him. I raised the stick, began to strike, when a blast hit me square in the chest. I fell over. I couldn't move, couldn't talk, all I could do was cry. He stumbled over to me and grinned.

"Such a shame, your little guardian angel was sent to purgatory for intervening. So I can kill you so easily now," He laughed and picked up the branch, bringing it down and cracking my skull.

Right before I died, I heard one last whisper.

"Are you afraid of the dark yet?"






[Haha. Sorry if you think that's anti-climatic. And also sorry for writing it in first person past tense even though I die in the end. xD I just pulled this story out of thin air.]


[Anyway. Yeah. I might just throw a short story here once in a while.]


[Oh, and since I don't actually know the language those nasty demons speak it's just backwards. Sorry. =P But I have I as E. Whatever.]


[And I know who Beelzebub is. It wasn't just a name I pulled out of thin air like the rest of the story. Ha. I should have felt sort of honored that THE Beelzebub wanted MY body. Oh well.]

How phenomenally fantastic! I really liked this! Please do write more. For someone who is pulling a story out of thin air... you are terrific!

*hands Glowurm The Platinum Moon Award and a year's supply of coupons for Starbucks*

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It was a cold winter's eve. Outside was dark even though it was only 6 pm. My parents were both out and I was watching TV. Not like there was anything better to do. It was a generic advertisement for a car. I decided to get up and scavenge the house for some food. It was almost time for dinner anyways. I found lasagna in the fridge so I just warmed that up and ate it in front of the TV. As I finished the next show came on.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" The TV spouted. I yawned and whispered (to myself mostly) that I wasn't.

"You will be by the end of this show..." Something whispered. It was a dark and evil voice. One that suggested death or fire. Being the paranoid guy I am, I almost jumped in my seat. And then there was laughing as the lights flickered off and the TV died. Of course, then I was plain scared. Anyone would be. I clung to the couch as hard as I could and tried to breathe as quietly as I could. My heart was going at a billion miles per hour. All was silent. And I mean really silent - no birds making any noise, no wind rustling in the trees, no cars passing by, nothing. I could only look around desperately in the pitch black of a moonless and starless night.


"WHAT WAS THAT!?" I shouted instinctively. Realizing what I did, I clenched my eyes shut and pulled myself even more into the couch. I curled into a ball and almost sobbed, but I managed to stop myself. Another whispering in my ears, but I couldn't understand it. Some devilish language. Although, if I wrote it down how it sounded, it would be 'Em dnif nac uoy sselnu... Thginot... Eid lliw uoy.'

I felt a sudden cold chill in my stomach as the screech was repeated. It went away, and then I felt another in my ribs, as well as extraordinary pain on the left side of my chest. It remained for a bit and I couldn't help crying out. After I did, though, it went away. I couldn't take it anymore. Tears were gathering in my eyes.

"Run," someone whispered. A person. Or at least it sounded like it. It was a female voice, calm and soothing, not like the deep evil voice I heard earlier. I frowned, confused, and it came again.

"Run and find him. I will try to hold him off." I wasn't worried now that she was there. I was scared but I knew in my heart she was there to protect me. So I asked questions instead of moving. I asked who she was, to which she replied, "I am from above. I can tell you no more then that about me." so I asked her what was going on. She mentioned that some demon was trying to occupy my mind, which would require killing me. I'm not sure who she said. Beelzebub perhaps? I think that's what it was.

"What can I do about it though?" I asked her.

"Find him. He's somewhere in the mortal realm tonight. He's not supposed to be. Find him, send him back to... Down below."

"How am I meant to know where he is?"

She screeched and I knew that Beelzebub, whoever it was, was attacking her.

"RUN!!!" She cried. So I ran. I stumbled over a coffee table, and smacked my head on the door to our front yard. Dizzy and with a throbbing forehead, I got outside and ran down the street, adrenaline and fear giving me the endurance to keep going past what I would normally be able to. Two blocks down I collapsed and started to cry quietly. And then I heard whispering. It was him again...

"Won ydob ruoy ekat lliw E dna, Beelzebub ma E, sey."

I screamed and started crying a lot louder. I had no energy to keep running so I just lay there, crying out as Beelzebub started to kill me, slowly and very painfully. And then a miracle. A lady heard me and came out of a nearby house. She was wearing a light blue dress, with blond hair and shining eyes. Immediately the pain stopped.

"GNIDIH POTS RO WON SU EVAEL!" She shouted. After a few minutes a red light came out of another house. A deep red ambiance washed over the street and an unshaven man stumbled out of the house. He screeched unnaturally. His face was twisted and he had difficulty walking. The lady who had stepped out of the house looked at me and I heard another whispering. It was the person who was 'from above' again. The woman who saved me was probably the same person.

"Kill him now. He is weak." I was about to stand up and get something to kill him with when I heard his returning whisper...

"I am physically weak but I have more power then anyone here... Heheheheheeee..."

Unnerved, I realized I would have to kill him as fast as possible. I snapped a branch off a tree and ran as fast as I could to him. I raised the stick, began to strike, when a blast hit me square in the chest. I fell over. I couldn't move, couldn't talk, all I could do was cry. He stumbled over to me and grinned.

"Such a shame, your little guardian angel was sent to purgatory for intervening. So I can kill you so easily now," He laughed and picked up the branch, bringing it down and cracking my skull.

Right before I died, I heard one last whisper.

"Are you afraid of the dark yet?"






[Haha. Sorry if you think that's anti-climatic. And also sorry for writing it in first person past tense even though I die in the end. xD I just pulled this story out of thin air.]


[Anyway. Yeah. I might just throw a short story here once in a while.]


[Oh, and since I don't actually know the language those nasty demons speak it's just backwards. Sorry. =P But I have I as E. Whatever.]


[And I know who Beelzebub is. It wasn't just a name I pulled out of thin air like the rest of the story. Ha. I should have felt sort of honored that THE Beelzebub wanted MY body. Oh well.]

How phenomenally fantastic! I really liked this! Please do write more. For someone who is pulling a story out of thin air... you are terrific!

*hands Glowurm The Platinum Moon Award and a year's supply of coupons for Starbucks*



*Jigs to the rolling stones*



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It was a cold winter's eve. Outside was dark even though it was only 6 pm. My parents were both out and I was watching TV. Not like there was anything better to do. It was a generic advertisement for a car. I decided to get up and scavenge the house for some food. It was almost time for dinner anyways. I found lasagna in the fridge so I just warmed that up and ate it in front of the TV. As I finished the next show came on.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" The TV spouted. I yawned and whispered (to myself mostly) that I wasn't.

"You will be by the end of this show..." Something whispered. It was a dark and evil voice. One that suggested death or fire. Being the paranoid guy I am, I almost jumped in my seat. And then there was laughing as the lights flickered off and the TV died. Of course, then I was plain scared. Anyone would be. I clung to the couch as hard as I could and tried to breathe as quietly as I could. My heart was going at a billion miles per hour. All was silent. And I mean really silent - no birds making any noise, no wind rustling in the trees, no cars passing by, nothing. I could only look around desperately in the pitch black of a moonless and starless night.


"WHAT WAS THAT!?" I shouted instinctively. Realizing what I did, I clenched my eyes shut and pulled myself even more into the couch. I curled into a ball and almost sobbed, but I managed to stop myself. Another whispering in my ears, but I couldn't understand it. Some devilish language. Although, if I wrote it down how it sounded, it would be 'Em dnif nac uoy sselnu... Thginot... Eid lliw uoy.'

I felt a sudden cold chill in my stomach as the screech was repeated. It went away, and then I felt another in my ribs, as well as extraordinary pain on the left side of my chest. It remained for a bit and I couldn't help crying out. After I did, though, it went away. I couldn't take it anymore. Tears were gathering in my eyes.

"Run," someone whispered. A person. Or at least it sounded like it. It was a female voice, calm and soothing, not like the deep evil voice I heard earlier. I frowned, confused, and it came again.

"Run and find him. I will try to hold him off." I wasn't worried now that she was there. I was scared but I knew in my heart she was there to protect me. So I asked questions instead of moving. I asked who she was, to which she replied, "I am from above. I can tell you no more then that about me." so I asked her what was going on. She mentioned that some demon was trying to occupy my mind, which would require killing me. I'm not sure who she said. Beelzebub perhaps? I think that's what it was.

"What can I do about it though?" I asked her.

"Find him. He's somewhere in the mortal realm tonight. He's not supposed to be. Find him, send him back to... Down below."

"How am I meant to know where he is?"

She screeched and I knew that Beelzebub, whoever it was, was attacking her.

"RUN!!!" She cried. So I ran. I stumbled over a coffee table, and smacked my head on the door to our front yard. Dizzy and with a throbbing forehead, I got outside and ran down the street, adrenaline and fear giving me the endurance to keep going past what I would normally be able to. Two blocks down I collapsed and started to cry quietly. And then I heard whispering. It was him again...

"Won ydob ruoy ekat lliw E dna, Beelzebub ma E, sey."

I screamed and started crying a lot louder. I had no energy to keep running so I just lay there, crying out as Beelzebub started to kill me, slowly and very painfully. And then a miracle. A lady heard me and came out of a nearby house. She was wearing a light blue dress, with blond hair and shining eyes. Immediately the pain stopped.

"GNIDIH POTS RO WON SU EVAEL!" She shouted. After a few minutes a red light came out of another house. A deep red ambiance washed over the street and an unshaven man stumbled out of the house. He screeched unnaturally. His face was twisted and he had difficulty walking. The lady who had stepped out of the house looked at me and I heard another whispering. It was the person who was 'from above' again. The woman who saved me was probably the same person.

"Kill him now. He is weak." I was about to stand up and get something to kill him with when I heard his returning whisper...

"I am physically weak but I have more power then anyone here... Heheheheheeee..."

Unnerved, I realized I would have to kill him as fast as possible. I snapped a branch off a tree and ran as fast as I could to him. I raised the stick, began to strike, when a blast hit me square in the chest. I fell over. I couldn't move, couldn't talk, all I could do was cry. He stumbled over to me and grinned.

"Such a shame, your little guardian angel was sent to purgatory for intervening. So I can kill you so easily now," He laughed and picked up the branch, bringing it down and cracking my skull.

Right before I died, I heard one last whisper.

"Are you afraid of the dark yet?"






[Haha. Sorry if you think that's anti-climatic. And also sorry for writing it in first person past tense even though I die in the end. xD I just pulled this story out of thin air.]


[Anyway. Yeah. I might just throw a short story here once in a while.]


[Oh, and since I don't actually know the language those nasty demons speak it's just backwards. Sorry. =P But I have I as E. Whatever.]


[And I know who Beelzebub is. It wasn't just a name I pulled out of thin air like the rest of the story. Ha. I should have felt sort of honored that THE Beelzebub wanted MY body. Oh well.]

How phenomenally fantastic! I really liked this! Please do write more. For someone who is pulling a story out of thin air... you are terrific!

*hands Glowurm The Platinum Moon Award and a year's supply of coupons for Starbucks*



*Jigs to the rolling stones*



You are quite welcome!

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It was a cold winter's eve. Outside was dark even though it was only 6 pm. My parents were both out and I was watching TV. Not like there was anything better to do. It was a generic advertisement for a car. I decided to get up and scavenge the house for some food. It was almost time for dinner anyways. I found lasagna in the fridge so I just warmed that up and ate it in front of the TV. As I finished the next show came on.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" The TV spouted. I yawned and whispered (to myself mostly) that I wasn't.

"You will be by the end of this show..." Something whispered. It was a dark and evil voice. One that suggested death or fire. Being the paranoid guy I am, I almost jumped in my seat. And then there was laughing as the lights flickered off and the TV died. Of course, then I was plain scared. Anyone would be. I clung to the couch as hard as I could and tried to breathe as quietly as I could. My heart was going at a billion miles per hour. All was silent. And I mean really silent - no birds making any noise, no wind rustling in the trees, no cars passing by, nothing. I could only look around desperately in the pitch black of a moonless and starless night.


"WHAT WAS THAT!?" I shouted instinctively. Realizing what I did, I clenched my eyes shut and pulled myself even more into the couch. I curled into a ball and almost sobbed, but I managed to stop myself. Another whispering in my ears, but I couldn't understand it. Some devilish language. Although, if I wrote it down how it sounded, it would be 'Em dnif nac uoy sselnu... Thginot... Eid lliw uoy.'

I felt a sudden cold chill in my stomach as the screech was repeated. It went away, and then I felt another in my ribs, as well as extraordinary pain on the left side of my chest. It remained for a bit and I couldn't help crying out. After I did, though, it went away. I couldn't take it anymore. Tears were gathering in my eyes.

"Run," someone whispered. A person. Or at least it sounded like it. It was a female voice, calm and soothing, not like the deep evil voice I heard earlier. I frowned, confused, and it came again.

"Run and find him. I will try to hold him off." I wasn't worried now that she was there. I was scared but I knew in my heart she was there to protect me. So I asked questions instead of moving. I asked who she was, to which she replied, "I am from above. I can tell you no more then that about me." so I asked her what was going on. She mentioned that some demon was trying to occupy my mind, which would require killing me. I'm not sure who she said. Beelzebub perhaps? I think that's what it was.

"What can I do about it though?" I asked her.

"Find him. He's somewhere in the mortal realm tonight. He's not supposed to be. Find him, send him back to... Down below."

"How am I meant to know where he is?"

She screeched and I knew that Beelzebub, whoever it was, was attacking her.

"RUN!!!" She cried. So I ran. I stumbled over a coffee table, and smacked my head on the door to our front yard. Dizzy and with a throbbing forehead, I got outside and ran down the street, adrenaline and fear giving me the endurance to keep going past what I would normally be able to. Two blocks down I collapsed and started to cry quietly. And then I heard whispering. It was him again...

"Won ydob ruoy ekat lliw E dna, Beelzebub ma E, sey."

I screamed and started crying a lot louder. I had no energy to keep running so I just lay there, crying out as Beelzebub started to kill me, slowly and very painfully. And then a miracle. A lady heard me and came out of a nearby house. She was wearing a light blue dress, with blond hair and shining eyes. Immediately the pain stopped.

"GNIDIH POTS RO WON SU EVAEL!" She shouted. After a few minutes a red light came out of another house. A deep red ambiance washed over the street and an unshaven man stumbled out of the house. He screeched unnaturally. His face was twisted and he had difficulty walking. The lady who had stepped out of the house looked at me and I heard another whispering. It was the person who was 'from above' again. The woman who saved me was probably the same person.

"Kill him now. He is weak." I was about to stand up and get something to kill him with when I heard his returning whisper...

"I am physically weak but I have more power then anyone here... Heheheheheeee..."

Unnerved, I realized I would have to kill him as fast as possible. I snapped a branch off a tree and ran as fast as I could to him. I raised the stick, began to strike, when a blast hit me square in the chest. I fell over. I couldn't move, couldn't talk, all I could do was cry. He stumbled over to me and grinned.

"Such a shame, your little guardian angel was sent to purgatory for intervening. So I can kill you so easily now," He laughed and picked up the branch, bringing it down and cracking my skull.

Right before I died, I heard one last whisper.

"Are you afraid of the dark yet?"






[Haha. Sorry if you think that's anti-climatic. And also sorry for writing it in first person past tense even though I die in the end. xD I just pulled this story out of thin air.]


[Anyway. Yeah. I might just throw a short story here once in a while.]


[Oh, and since I don't actually know the language those nasty demons speak it's just backwards. Sorry. =P But I have I as E. Whatever.]


[And I know who Beelzebub is. It wasn't just a name I pulled out of thin air like the rest of the story. Ha. I should have felt sort of honored that THE Beelzebub wanted MY body. Oh well.]

How phenomenally fantastic! I really liked this! Please do write more. For someone who is pulling a story out of thin air... you are terrific!

*hands Glowurm The Platinum Moon Award and a year's supply of coupons for Starbucks*



*Jigs to the rolling stones*



You are quite welcome!

I'm tired too.

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It was a cold winter's eve. Outside was dark even though it was only 6 pm. My parents were both out and I was watching TV. Not like there was anything better to do. It was a generic advertisement for a car. I decided to get up and scavenge the house for some food. It was almost time for dinner anyways. I found lasagna in the fridge so I just warmed that up and ate it in front of the TV. As I finished the next show came on.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" The TV spouted. I yawned and whispered (to myself mostly) that I wasn't.

"You will be by the end of this show..." Something whispered. It was a dark and evil voice. One that suggested death or fire. Being the paranoid guy I am, I almost jumped in my seat. And then there was laughing as the lights flickered off and the TV died. Of course, then I was plain scared. Anyone would be. I clung to the couch as hard as I could and tried to breathe as quietly as I could. My heart was going at a billion miles per hour. All was silent. And I mean really silent - no birds making any noise, no wind rustling in the trees, no cars passing by, nothing. I could only look around desperately in the pitch black of a moonless and starless night.


"WHAT WAS THAT!?" I shouted instinctively. Realizing what I did, I clenched my eyes shut and pulled myself even more into the couch. I curled into a ball and almost sobbed, but I managed to stop myself. Another whispering in my ears, but I couldn't understand it. Some devilish language. Although, if I wrote it down how it sounded, it would be 'Em dnif nac uoy sselnu... Thginot... Eid lliw uoy.'

I felt a sudden cold chill in my stomach as the screech was repeated. It went away, and then I felt another in my ribs, as well as extraordinary pain on the left side of my chest. It remained for a bit and I couldn't help crying out. After I did, though, it went away. I couldn't take it anymore. Tears were gathering in my eyes.

"Run," someone whispered. A person. Or at least it sounded like it. It was a female voice, calm and soothing, not like the deep evil voice I heard earlier. I frowned, confused, and it came again.

"Run and find him. I will try to hold him off." I wasn't worried now that she was there. I was scared but I knew in my heart she was there to protect me. So I asked questions instead of moving. I asked who she was, to which she replied, "I am from above. I can tell you no more then that about me." so I asked her what was going on. She mentioned that some demon was trying to occupy my mind, which would require killing me. I'm not sure who she said. Beelzebub perhaps? I think that's what it was.

"What can I do about it though?" I asked her.

"Find him. He's somewhere in the mortal realm tonight. He's not supposed to be. Find him, send him back to... Down below."

"How am I meant to know where he is?"

She screeched and I knew that Beelzebub, whoever it was, was attacking her.

"RUN!!!" She cried. So I ran. I stumbled over a coffee table, and smacked my head on the door to our front yard. Dizzy and with a throbbing forehead, I got outside and ran down the street, adrenaline and fear giving me the endurance to keep going past what I would normally be able to. Two blocks down I collapsed and started to cry quietly. And then I heard whispering. It was him again...

"Won ydob ruoy ekat lliw E dna, Beelzebub ma E, sey."

I screamed and started crying a lot louder. I had no energy to keep running so I just lay there, crying out as Beelzebub started to kill me, slowly and very painfully. And then a miracle. A lady heard me and came out of a nearby house. She was wearing a light blue dress, with blond hair and shining eyes. Immediately the pain stopped.

"GNIDIH POTS RO WON SU EVAEL!" She shouted. After a few minutes a red light came out of another house. A deep red ambiance washed over the street and an unshaven man stumbled out of the house. He screeched unnaturally. His face was twisted and he had difficulty walking. The lady who had stepped out of the house looked at me and I heard another whispering. It was the person who was 'from above' again. The woman who saved me was probably the same person.

"Kill him now. He is weak." I was about to stand up and get something to kill him with when I heard his returning whisper...

"I am physically weak but I have more power then anyone here... Heheheheheeee..."

Unnerved, I realized I would have to kill him as fast as possible. I snapped a branch off a tree and ran as fast as I could to him. I raised the stick, began to strike, when a blast hit me square in the chest. I fell over. I couldn't move, couldn't talk, all I could do was cry. He stumbled over to me and grinned.

"Such a shame, your little guardian angel was sent to purgatory for intervening. So I can kill you so easily now," He laughed and picked up the branch, bringing it down and cracking my skull.

Right before I died, I heard one last whisper.

"Are you afraid of the dark yet?"






[Haha. Sorry if you think that's anti-climatic. And also sorry for writing it in first person past tense even though I die in the end. xD I just pulled this story out of thin air.]


[Anyway. Yeah. I might just throw a short story here once in a while.]


[Oh, and since I don't actually know the language those nasty demons speak it's just backwards. Sorry. =P But I have I as E. Whatever.]


[And I know who Beelzebub is. It wasn't just a name I pulled out of thin air like the rest of the story. Ha. I should have felt sort of honored that THE Beelzebub wanted MY body. Oh well.]

How phenomenally fantastic! I really liked this! Please do write more. For someone who is pulling a story out of thin air... you are terrific!

*hands Glowurm The Platinum Moon Award and a year's supply of coupons for Starbucks*



*Jigs to the rolling stones*



You are quite welcome!

I'm tired too.

Sleep well, my glowing wurm! :)

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  • 4 months later...





"Is there anybody out there?"




"Can you hear me?"




"Can you see me?"




"Who are you?"




"What are you?"




"Who am I?"




"What am I?"


"...A miracle."




A blinding light filled suddenly filled my vision. It burned, and I tried to keep my eyes shut. I grimaced and groaned lightly, and that's when I realized I was awake. I forced my eyes apart. All around me, the walls were white. The door was white. My bed was white. My carpet was white. My clothes were white. The bones on the floor were white. I yawned and stepped up to the door. Turning the handle, I noted glumly that it was locked. A shame.

"A shame indeed," I said to nobody in particular.

Turning around, I decided to see what I could find in here while I waited for breakfast. I lifted the toilet seat, but all I was was toilet water. Under my bed, all was white. There wasn't even any dust bunnies. I lifted up the mattress of the bed and found a piece of paper. I read it.


Dear whomever is concerned:

You're doomed, unless you can unlock the door. I couldn't. I doubt you'll have much more luck.


"Well, good sir, that certainly explains you," I said to the bones gracing the floor of the room. I patted the skull affectionately and lay down on the bed again.

"I suppose I won't be getting breakfast then?" I asked. Silence.

"No, you're right. I'll probably not be getting anything, will I?"


"Now how did you get this room so white?"


I stood up and wiped my hand around the walls. I hit some sort of switch, because suddenly the white room became black, except for the bones, which were still as white as ever.

"My, my, what luck!" I exclaimed, "Care to explain that to me?"

Still, silence. I couldn't understand why the bones were being so rude to me. I frowned and pouted slightly. I rubbed my hand back along the wall, and the room turned white again.

"This room is so racist, you know? It only thinks in terms of white and black." I chuckled at my own joke, but other then that it was silent.


I lay on the bed and relaxed. As long as I was here, I reasoned, I might as well be comfortable. I closed my eyes and thought about my life before the room. Funnily enough, I couldn't remember. I had a vague knowledge of existing in the past, but no specific memories. After a while I gave up and began to make my own world, but I had no idea what a world should be, so I have up on that also. I frowned again.

"Is that how you died? Of boredom?" I asked the bones, but still he didn't reply.

I kept my eyes shut and eventually I drifted back to sleep.




[More coming soon. I just felt like writing something, and the room is exactly like my brain right now. Bored, bland, uncreative, and rather empty.]

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