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Explanation of the hampsterdance game


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You may be wondering what those "Fame" and "Albums Released" statistics are on your messages... well, that's part of a new interactive game, the HampsterDance Music Adventure.


It's pretty simple really. When you post messages on the official HampsterDance message board, you gain "fame." The goal of this online game is get as famous as you can, selling as many records as possible.


How do you do this? Well, you have to put on concerts and impress the public so much that you take away "fans" from other members. If you think you have what it takes, you can challenge another member by clicking on the little icon that has a yellow lightning bolt. (But be careful... if they're more famous your concert may backfire and they may take away your fans.)


When you get a certain amount of fame (your bar is completely full), your record company will agree to put out another album. Woo hoo! The more albums you have, the more powerful an artist you've become. This means it's harder for other members to take away your fans.


You can also help out your friends. If they're low on fans and you're famous enough, you can use your starpower to give them a boost. Click on their red heart icon to do this.


If you're concerned about losing fans, you can go on a "publicity tour" which protects you a bit from others who might want to steal your fans. Click on the blue airplane icon on your profile to go on a tour. (Tours require a certain level of fame before you can go on one.)


Be careful when you challenge another member to a music concert. If they're a lot more famous, they may steal ALL your fans. If that happens, you get dropped from your record label.  This can also happen if other people take away all your fans.


You can click on the new "Music Stats" link on the top of the screen to see the latest interesting stats, like who is most envied. (This is the person the most members try to steal fans from!) You can also see who has the most music skill in the game.


You may also note that you can't challege people in every forum. Only the four Hampster forums (and the Ask the Admins forum) have the Music Adventure enabled.


Your Music Skill determines how many fans you can steal in a challenge. The more albums you release, the higher your Music Skill.


When you're on a Publicity Tour, you won't lose as many fans but you don't gain as many fans when you challenge someone. Think of it more like a "damage control tour." Like, you just had a bad rumor about you in the newspaper, so you're going on all the talk shows to stop your fans from leaving. This is tiring though, and takes away from your performing time, so you can't build your fan base. Something like that.


How do you get more fans? Well, it takes ten (as in "Happy Times Ten") of your fame points to give you or someone else new fans. So if you're low on fans, use some of your fame to attract new ones. You can also use that same fame to attract fans for another member!


Note that your maximum number of fans keeps going up with the more albums you release. For example, LovelyLaura got 40 fame and a new album released. Now she has a maximum of 34 fans, instead of the 30 you begin with. Release enough albums and you can have hundreds of fans!


You can only play in the Hampster forums (Hado, Dixie, Hampton, Fuzzy) or the Ask the Admins forums.


It's really just a simple little game to make posting here on the official message board more interesting. Just keep in mind it's only a game and it's just lighthearted fun... good luck to everyone... go out and sell those albums!


Remember, you will only get credit for your post in the game once it's released from the queue. We don't want people taking advantage of the game and posting useless messages just so they'll do well.

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how do you challenge people? on mine you can either give or steal fans.... :upside:
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To challenge.....


    Write a post, as soon as you see that it has been moderated (your post number will increase), then look for a lightning bolt of another poster and click on it.  The challenges can only be accomplished in Hampton, Hado, Fuzzy, Dixie and the Ask the Admin Forums.  


    Start challenging!!!! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
To challenge.....


    Write a post, as soon as you see that it has been moderated (your post number will increase), then look for a lightning bolt of another poster and click on it.  The challenges can only be accomplished in Hampton, Hado, Fuzzy, Dixie and the Ask the Admin Forums.  


    Start challenging!!!! :D

???  ???  ???

Are you able to challenge yet?

???  ???  ???

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To challenge.....


  Write a post, as soon as you see that it has been moderated (your post number will increase), then look for a lightning bolt of another poster and click on it.  The challenges can only be accomplished in Hampton, Hado, Fuzzy, Dixie and the Ask the Admin Forums. 


  Start challenging!!!! :D

Hmm...I'll see if it works!

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To challenge.....


  Write a post, as soon as you see that it has been moderated (your post number will increase), then look for a lightning bolt of another poster and click on it.  The challenges can only be accomplished in Hampton, Hado, Fuzzy, Dixie and the Ask the Admin Forums. 


  Start challenging!!!! :D

???  ???  ???

Are you able to challenge yet?

???  ???  ???

I see the lightning bolt, but it said I must post before challenging.  How many times do I have to post to challenge?

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To challenge.....


    Write a post, as soon as you see that it has been moderated (your post number will increase), then look for a lightning bolt of another poster and click on it.  The challenges can only be accomplished in Hampton, Hado, Fuzzy, Dixie and the Ask the Admin Forums.  


    Start challenging!!!! :D

Hmm...I'll see if it works!

Please let me know if it worked and it you challenged in the same forum that you posted in.  You have to post in the Hampsters or Ask the Admin forums to be able to challenge.  If it does not work for you, then I will ask HampsterKing to set you up. :D

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To challenge.....


    Write a post, as soon as you see that it has been moderated (your post number will increase), then look for a lightning bolt of another poster and click on it.  The challenges can only be accomplished in Hampton, Hado, Fuzzy, Dixie and the Ask the Admin Forums.  


    Start challenging!!!! :D

???  ???  ???

Are you able to challenge yet?

???  ???  ???

I see the lightning bolt, but it said I must post before challenging.  How many times do I have to post to challenge?

When you challenged that was after you saw one of your posts moderated this evening, is that correct?  Did you post in the one of the Hampsters or Ask the Admin forums?  I will let HampsterKing know that yours is not working.

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i cant chalange ether

Try challenging in Hampton this evening.  Hopefully you will get back on.

BTW, as I told you in Hado... you really want to chose an unsuspecting poster to challenge, not me. :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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even after i post it strill says i have to post before i can challenge
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Mine isnt working either ive posted in all those topics a million times but it doesnt work.... This is what it says to me






You must post before you can attempt to put on a concert and try to take away fans from ******.

(Posting messages on the official HampsterDance Message Board allows you to put on concerts.)

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To challenge.....


  Write a post, as soon as you see that it has been moderated (your post number will increase), then look for a lightning bolt of another poster and click on it.  The challenges can only be accomplished in Hampton, Hado, Fuzzy, Dixie and the Ask the Admin Forums. 


  Start challenging!!!! :D

???  ???  ???

Are you able to challenge yet?

???  ???  ???

I see the lightning bolt, but it said I must post before challenging.  How many times do I have to post to challenge?

When you challenged that was after you saw one of your posts moderated this evening, is that correct?  Did you post in the one of the Hampsters or Ask the Admin forums?  I will let HampsterKing know that yours is not working.

Oh.  I see what I did wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Last Post: SSJ6Gohan has not yet posted.


It says that in my profile. Would that have something to do with it?  ???

Probably.  I have alerted HampsterKing to the fact that the computer is acting up and has a mind of it's own.  Perhaps TGHL has stolen the computer's sanity.   :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Tylerlyle, welcome to HampsterDance Boards.  We are really happy to see you.


If you post over 1 time: Newbie Hampsterdancer

If you post over 100 times: Junior Hampsterdancer

If you post over 500 times: Hampsterdancer

If you post over 1000 times: Senior Hampsterdancer

If you post over 2000 times: Hampsterdancer Supreme

If you post over 5000 times: Ultimate Hampsterdance Fan

If you post over 7500 times: Heavenly Hampsterdancer

If you post over 10000 times: Hampsterdance Royalty




If you would like an avatar, the image beneath your name, here are the directions...

    Go to the upper left hand corner, click on Your Control Panel,

    Click on Personal Info

    Click on Avatar Options

    Look at all the pictures in the Avatar Gallery, when you find one you


    Click on Add This Avatar To My Profile.


Voila, you now have a picture beneath you name.


You can change your avatar never or daily... there is no limit.



I hope that I have not overwhelmed you with this additional information.  After you digest this, I will be back to tell you more.







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  • 4 weeks later...

muhhh....h.h.h.h.h.h..hd.fhery.drt.g..re.t....higfy jkahhhhhaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!'

oh....my bad, my fame is really low. be a fan!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Bugs first, then HampsterKing will work on the game and hopefully other games. :)


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heehee i am breaking the one word posts! aww poopy got to go so this is my last post! <_<:D

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Oh, Good!! :D

heehee haahaa hoho hihi huhu :)

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...


Unfortunately the HampsterDance game went away with the last board update. But there is one game on the home page and there should be some more coming.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*teh final Cut*~*


Will it ever return? It sounds fun.


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

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Unfortunately the HampsterDance game went away with the last board update. But there is one game on the home page and there should be some more coming.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*teh final Cut*~*


Will it ever return? It sounds fun.


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

I will have to ask HampsterKing. Good question! Thank you for reminding me.

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  • 1 year later...


Unfortunately the HampsterDance game went away with the last board update. But there is one game on the home page and there should be some more coming.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*teh final Cut*~*


Will it ever return? It sounds fun.


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

I will have to ask HampsterKing. Good question! Thank you for reminding me.

Awfully old topic, but... that Hampsterdance Game rocked. It was a great incentive to post.

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Unfortunately the HampsterDance game went away with the last board update. But there is one game on the home page and there should be some more coming.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*teh final Cut*~*


Will it ever return? It sounds fun.


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

I will have to ask HampsterKing. Good question! Thank you for reminding me.

Awfully old topic, but... that Hampsterdance Game rocked. It was a great incentive to post.

I asked, but he has not replied. Let me ask again.

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Unfortunately the HampsterDance game went away with the last board update. But there is one game on the home page and there should be some more coming.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*teh final Cut*~*


Will it ever return? It sounds fun.


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

I will have to ask HampsterKing. Good question! Thank you for reminding me.

Awfully old topic, but... that Hampsterdance Game rocked. It was a great incentive to post.

I asked, but he has not replied. Let me ask again.

Way back in '06. XD

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Unfortunately the HampsterDance game went away with the last board update. But there is one game on the home page and there should be some more coming.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*teh final Cut*~*


Will it ever return? It sounds fun.


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

I will have to ask HampsterKing. Good question! Thank you for reminding me.

Awfully old topic, but... that Hampsterdance Game rocked. It was a great incentive to post.

I asked, but he has not replied. Let me ask again.

Way back in '06. XD

He's an old guy, and really, really slow. :lol:

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Unfortunately the HampsterDance game went away with the last board update. But there is one game on the home page and there should be some more coming.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*teh final Cut*~*


Will it ever return? It sounds fun.


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

I will have to ask HampsterKing. Good question! Thank you for reminding me.

Awfully old topic, but... that Hampsterdance Game rocked. It was a great incentive to post.

I asked, but he has not replied. Let me ask again.

Way back in '06. XD

He's an old guy, and really, really slow. :lol:

Like a tortoise. A really old and dehydrated tortoise. XD

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Unfortunately the HampsterDance game went away with the last board update. But there is one game on the home page and there should be some more coming.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*teh final Cut*~*


Will it ever return? It sounds fun.


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

I will have to ask HampsterKing. Good question! Thank you for reminding me.

Awfully old topic, but... that Hampsterdance Game rocked. It was a great incentive to post.

I asked, but he has not replied. Let me ask again.

Way back in '06. XD

He's an old guy, and really, really slow. :lol:

Like a tortoise. A really old and dehydrated tortoise. XD

With one foot in the grave. :lol:

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Unfortunately the HampsterDance game went away with the last board update. But there is one game on the home page and there should be some more coming.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*teh final Cut*~*


Will it ever return? It sounds fun.


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

I will have to ask HampsterKing. Good question! Thank you for reminding me.

Awfully old topic, but... that Hampsterdance Game rocked. It was a great incentive to post.

I asked, but he has not replied. Let me ask again.

Way back in '06. XD

He's an old guy, and really, really slow. :lol:

Like a tortoise. A really old and dehydrated tortoise. XD

With one foot in the grave. :lol:

Slowly but surely answering. Very slowly. XD

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Unfortunately the HampsterDance game went away with the last board update. But there is one game on the home page and there should be some more coming.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*teh final Cut*~*


Will it ever return? It sounds fun.


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*

I will have to ask HampsterKing. Good question! Thank you for reminding me.

Awfully old topic, but... that Hampsterdance Game rocked. It was a great incentive to post.

I asked, but he has not replied. Let me ask again.

Way back in '06. XD

He's an old guy, and really, really slow. :lol:

Like a tortoise. A really old and dehydrated tortoise. XD

With one foot in the grave. :lol:

Slowly but surely answering. Very slowly. XD

I was thinking of spiking his morning coffee with mountain dew and lots of corn syrup.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Indeed. Well, when things actually worked at least.


Can we get some hampster images up on this place? It feels so standardized. :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

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