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7 years old-style!


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In the past few days, my brother moved out of my house (FINALLY. he was like 23 and fully capable of supporting himself, and we dont have a very big house so guess who got to share a room with him?) and as such, we rejoiced upon his leaving. Especially me.

As such, I removed EVERYTHING from my room, vacuumed and shampooed the carpet, and put everything back. which would let me sort through the stuff he forgot in my room, And let me arrange everything in there so theres only room for one person.


but I digress.


Amid cleaning out my room, I found the large stash of memorabilia from my 7-years-old days.

I was kind of a packrat and just kept about everything I could get hold of.

Including a majority of drawings and comics I drew during the impatient years of sitting through church. XD I was a rebel that way.

A few are more recent, I honestly dont know when half of these were drawn, but I'll show them here because I continue to find them really hilarious.

And translations of my handwriting and logic. I was kind of a loon back then.


Weapons of MATH Destruction:



Drawn when I was especially frustrated with the sarcastic homeschooling software we had on the computer at one time.

so theres Computer blood (XD) and my sword crammed in the monitor.


i liked it.





My mind wandered.

I'll tell you that this one was only about 3 years ago.

but Allow me to translate the handwriting:


'In 2005, people will be evil and eat peanutbutter'


'David Bowie!'


'Is this Genetically (or Scientifically) correct?'


'Running with scissors is BAD!'

'Psychic people!'



'Cavemen used to live in outhouses and slept in the can'


'Melt in your stomack(h), not hands'


I was a little fruit. XD


Im scanning some more pictures now, and will have them up and in here for display as well. Including the Possessed Baby comics I mentioned ages ago. I doubt any of you remember it.

And stupid drawings my homie Rocky and I drew. We were both little fruits. XD

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In the past few days, my brother moved out of my house (FINALLY. he was like 23 and fully capable of supporting himself, and we dont have a very big house so guess who got to share a room with him?) and as such, we rejoiced upon his leaving. Especially me.

As such, I removed EVERYTHING from my room, vacuumed and shampooed the carpet, and put everything back. which would let me sort through the stuff he forgot in my room, And let me arrange everything in there so theres only room for one person.


but I digress.


Amid cleaning out my room, I found the large stash of memorabilia from my 7-years-old days.

I was kind of a packrat and just kept about everything I could get hold of.

Including a majority of drawings and comics I drew during the impatient years of sitting through church. XD I was a rebel that way.

A few are more recent, I honestly dont know when half of these were drawn, but I'll show them here because I continue to find them really hilarious.

And translations of my handwriting and logic. I was kind of a loon back then.


Weapons of MATH Destruction:



Drawn when I was especially frustrated with the sarcastic homeschooling software we had on the computer at one time.

so theres Computer blood (XD) and my sword crammed in the monitor.


i liked it.





My mind wandered.

I'll tell you that this one was only about 3 years ago.

but Allow me to translate the handwriting:


'In 2005, people will be evil and eat peanutbutter'


'David Bowie!'


'Is this Genetically (or Scientifically) correct?'


'Running with scissors is BAD!'

'Psychic people!'



'Cavemen used to live in outhouses and slept in the can'


'Melt in your stomack(h), not hands'


I was a little fruit. XD


Im scanning some more pictures now, and will have them up and in here for display as well. Including the Possessed Baby comics I mentioned ages ago. I doubt any of you remember it.

And stupid drawings my homie Rocky and I drew. We were both little fruits. XD

I love these!!!!!

*hands The Platinum Moon Award to Arkcher*

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I have them all scanned now, but will probably put them in seperate posts due to they're all attachments and as such probably have limits.




That was more of draw-one-thing-and-hand-it-to-the-other-guy drawing.

Rockwell is Rocky's first name. but Rocky makes him sound more like a squirrel, so...

Now he's a saudi-arab with Frankenstein electric things on his neck.

And a superhero cape.




Mr. Saturn!



My old guinea pig, Wally, looked somewhat like a very hairy Mr. Saturn, except he didnt have a bow. He did have the big nose.


Then theres Possessed baby-kirby!



In case you wondered what would happen if Kirby ate Posessed Baby.



Thats the story behind that.

Allow me to elaborate on the 7-year-old logic:

Theres Possessed Baby. (In the first 'panel' he'd always show up drawn differently, usually with physical oddities such as those.)

Then Kirby came. and ate him.

Possessed Baby-kirby!

He ran around, using his newfound powers for a while, until he 'poofed' into a... what looks like an ice cream sandwich with eyeballs.

The ice cream sandwich resemblance got pwned, stuck to a tongue and got eaten by that teddy-bear looking guy, which I can only presume was one of few video game characters I had a brief obsession over a the time of draw.

The conflicting logic and time-space continuum bull honkey caused a nuclear explosion, followed by a great resounding 'MOO' to echo throughout the world.

Posessed Baby-kirby, which curiously is no longer an ingested ice cream sandwich, can see his house from up in the air. The movie directing crew also died.


And then a list of 'ultimate questions' which were going to be questions for 42 to be the answer for, but it turned out LOTR-based.


like, 'Are hobbits contagious?'



Maybe they are. They often grow delirious and drop their bows (while its unknown why they have bows) and run around.

Alternatively, an ultimate question is how do they dig holes?

They obviously are too short to operate a jackhammer for penetrating the ground.


Then theres a wad of hair or something. Nobody knows what it is.

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In the past few days, my brother moved out of my house (FINALLY. he was like 23 and fully capable of supporting himself, and we dont have a very big house so guess who got to share a room with him?) and as such, we rejoiced upon his leaving. Especially me.

As such, I removed EVERYTHING from my room, vacuumed and shampooed the carpet, and put everything back. which would let me sort through the stuff he forgot in my room, And let me arrange everything in there so theres only room for one person.


but I digress.


Amid cleaning out my room, I found the large stash of memorabilia from my 7-years-old days.

I was kind of a packrat and just kept about everything I could get hold of.

Including a majority of drawings and comics I drew during the impatient years of sitting through church. XD I was a rebel that way.

A few are more recent, I honestly dont know when half of these were drawn, but I'll show them here because I continue to find them really hilarious.

And translations of my handwriting and logic. I was kind of a loon back then.


Weapons of MATH Destruction:



Drawn when I was especially frustrated with the sarcastic homeschooling software we had on the computer at one time.

so theres Computer blood (XD) and my sword crammed in the monitor.


i liked it.





My mind wandered.

I'll tell you that this one was only about 3 years ago.

but Allow me to translate the handwriting:


'In 2005, people will be evil and eat peanutbutter'


'David Bowie!'


'Is this Genetically (or Scientifically) correct?'


'Running with scissors is BAD!'

'Psychic people!'



'Cavemen used to live in outhouses and slept in the can'


'Melt in your stomack(h), not hands'


I was a little fruit. XD


Im scanning some more pictures now, and will have them up and in here for display as well. Including the Possessed Baby comics I mentioned ages ago. I doubt any of you remember it.

And stupid drawings my homie Rocky and I drew. We were both little fruits. XD

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CuT*~*


Okay, Arkcher. That was the most Funny thing i have EVER read. I laughed for a good half-hopur before posting this post.


And my friend has something to say to you.




*~&The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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I have them all scanned now, but will probably put them in seperate posts due to they're all attachments and as such probably have limits.




That was more of draw-one-thing-and-hand-it-to-the-other-guy drawing.

Rockwell is Rocky's first name. but Rocky makes him sound more like a squirrel, so...

Now he's a saudi-arab with Frankenstein electric things on his neck.

And a superhero cape.




Mr. Saturn!



My old guinea pig, Wally, looked somewhat like a very hairy Mr. Saturn, except he didnt have a bow. He did have the big nose.


Then theres Possessed baby-kirby!



In case you wondered what would happen if Kirby ate Posessed Baby.



Thats the story behind that.

Allow me to elaborate on the 7-year-old logic:

Theres Possessed Baby. (In the first 'panel' he'd always show up drawn differently, usually with physical oddities such as those.)

Then Kirby came. and ate him.

Possessed Baby-kirby!

He ran around, using his newfound powers for a while, until he 'poofed' into a... what looks like an ice cream sandwich with eyeballs.

The ice cream sandwich resemblance got pwned, stuck to a tongue and got eaten by that teddy-bear looking guy, which I can only presume was one of few video game characters I had a brief obsession over a the time of draw.

The conflicting logic and time-space continuum bull honkey caused a nuclear explosion, followed by a great resounding 'MOO' to echo throughout the world.

Posessed Baby-kirby, which curiously is no longer an ingested ice cream sandwich, can see his house from up in the air. The movie directing crew also died.


And then a list of 'ultimate questions' which were going to be questions for 42 to be the answer for, but it turned out LOTR-based.


like, 'Are hobbits contagious?'



Maybe they are. They often grow delirious and drop their bows (while its unknown why they have bows) and run around.

Alternatively, an ultimate question is how do they dig holes?

They obviously are too short to operate a jackhammer for penetrating the ground.


Then theres a wad of hair or something. Nobody knows what it is.

You deserve a Cloudy aisha Ribbon and an Ultimate Pizza Stacker award for this.

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Before I read the description, I thought that the big "MOO" was in a tree with ring things around it, and then there is something saying "wat's that?" and I was all "Yeah, what are those ring things that are around what is clearly a tree?". And then it wasn't a tree and it made sense.

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The Pope does have super powers, you know.

If you are thinking that the Pope is in Rome, you have a Mafia, that he might help your group out with some of his powers, you can forget it.

He has already given me some of his super powers.

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The Pope does have super powers, you know.

If you are thinking that the Pope is in Rome, you have a Mafia, that he might help your group out with some of his powers, you can forget it.

He has already given me some of his super powers.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The Pope gimme powers too. >( Thats why I has par-tays w/ Buddy Holly and Roger Waters every weekend.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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The Pope does have super powers, you know.

If you are thinking that the Pope is in Rome, you have a Mafia, that he might help your group out with some of his powers, you can forget it.

He has already given me some of his super powers.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The Pope gimme powers too. >( Thats why I has par-tays w/ Buddy Holly and Roger Waters every weekend.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

:blink: You talk to dead people??? :blink:

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The Pope does have super powers, you know.

If you are thinking that the Pope is in Rome, you have a Mafia, that he might help your group out with some of his powers, you can forget it.

He has already given me some of his super powers.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The Pope gimme powers too. >( Thats why I has par-tays w/ Buddy Holly and Roger Waters every weekend.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

:blink: You talk to dead people??? :blink:

Ouija all over!






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The Pope does have super powers, you know.

If you are thinking that the Pope is in Rome, you have a Mafia, that he might help your group out with some of his powers, you can forget it.

He has already given me some of his super powers.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The Pope gimme powers too. >( Thats why I has par-tays w/ Buddy Holly and Roger Waters every weekend.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

:blink: You talk to dead people??? :blink:

Ouija all over!






:blink: :blink: :blink:

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The Pope does have super powers, you know.

If you are thinking that the Pope is in Rome, you have a Mafia, that he might help your group out with some of his powers, you can forget it.

He has already given me some of his super powers.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The Pope gimme powers too. >( Thats why I has par-tays w/ Buddy Holly and Roger Waters every weekend.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

:blink: You talk to dead people??? :blink:

Roger Waters is still alive...

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The Pope does have super powers, you know.

If you are thinking that the Pope is in Rome, you have a Mafia, that he might help your group out with some of his powers, you can forget it.

He has already given me some of his super powers.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The Pope gimme powers too. >( Thats why I has par-tays w/ Buddy Holly and Roger Waters every weekend.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

:blink: You talk to dead people??? :blink:

Roger Waters is still alive...

:lol: Give him time.

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The Pope does have super powers, you know.

If you are thinking that the Pope is in Rome, you have a Mafia, that he might help your group out with some of his powers, you can forget it.

He has already given me some of his super powers.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The Pope gimme powers too. >( Thats why I has par-tays w/ Buddy Holly and Roger Waters every weekend.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

:blink: You talk to dead people??? :blink:

Roger Waters is still alive...

:lol: Give him time.


You should re-think playing in a band.

All your role models there played music.

and look where they are now.


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The Pope does have super powers, you know.

If you are thinking that the Pope is in Rome, you have a Mafia, that he might help your group out with some of his powers, you can forget it.

He has already given me some of his super powers.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The Pope gimme powers too. >( Thats why I has par-tays w/ Buddy Holly and Roger Waters every weekend.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

:blink: You talk to dead people??? :blink:

Roger Waters is still alive...

:lol: Give him time.


You should re-think playing in a band.

All your role models there played music.

and look where they are now.


LOL You never leave this world alive. LOL

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The Pope does have super powers, you know.

If you are thinking that the Pope is in Rome, you have a Mafia, that he might help your group out with some of his powers, you can forget it.

He has already given me some of his super powers.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The Pope gimme powers too. >( Thats why I has par-tays w/ Buddy Holly and Roger Waters every weekend.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

:blink: You talk to dead people??? :blink:

Roger Waters is still alive...

:lol: Give him time.


You should re-think playing in a band.

All your role models there played music.

and look where they are now.


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


May i remind you that there are many musicians are still alive, and that at least one Classic Rock band never did drugs?

Besides, aren't they better role models than, say, today's rappers and super models?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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The Pope does have super powers, you know.

If you are thinking that the Pope is in Rome, you have a Mafia, that he might help your group out with some of his powers, you can forget it.

He has already given me some of his super powers.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The Pope gimme powers too. >( Thats why I has par-tays w/ Buddy Holly and Roger Waters every weekend.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

:blink: You talk to dead people??? :blink:

Roger Waters is still alive...

:lol: Give him time.


You should re-think playing in a band.

All your role models there played music.

and look where they are now.


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


May i remind you that there are many musicians are still alive, and that at least one Classic Rock band never did drugs?

Besides, aren't they better role models than, say, today's rappers and super models?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

You have a very good point.

*waits for Arkcher's reply*

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The Pope does have super powers, you know.

He could be the next Batman.

He even has the Pope-mobile.

He's also the child of King Kong and Godzilla! :o


I read it on Wikipedia. It must be true.

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The Pope does have super powers, you know.

He could be the next Batman.

He even has the Pope-mobile.

He's also the child of King Kong and Godzilla! :o


I read it on Wikipedia. It must be true.

I didn't know Godzilla was a girl !?!?!?!?!


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The Pope does have super powers, you know.

If you are thinking that the Pope is in Rome, you have a Mafia, that he might help your group out with some of his powers, you can forget it.

He has already given me some of his super powers.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The Pope gimme powers too. >( Thats why I has par-tays w/ Buddy Holly and Roger Waters every weekend.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

:blink: You talk to dead people??? :blink:

Roger Waters is still alive...

:lol: Give him time.


You should re-think playing in a band.

All your role models there played music.

and look where they are now.


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


May i remind you that there are many musicians are still alive, and that at least one Classic Rock band never did drugs?

Besides, aren't they better role models than, say, today's rappers and super models?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Oh, sure they are.

Im just poking fun at stuff to amuse myself.

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The Pope does have super powers, you know.

He could be the next Batman.

He even has the Pope-mobile.

My mom thinks you have mental issues.

:blink: :blink: :blink:

Why ???

The same reason that the sea is blue: Light. It's all based on light.

*wonders what colour my aura is*

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The Pope does have super powers, you know.

He could be the next Batman.

He even has the Pope-mobile.

My mom thinks you have mental issues.

:blink: :blink: :blink:

Why ???

The same reason that the sea is blue: Light. It's all based on light.

*wonders what colour my aura is*

Its the same color as your fur.

its Aura-light. its all based in Aura-light.

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The Pope does have super powers, you know.

He could be the next Batman.

He even has the Pope-mobile.

My mom thinks you have mental issues.

:blink: :blink: :blink:

Why ???

The same reason that the sea is blue: Light. It's all based on light.

*wonders what colour my aura is*

Its the same color as your fur.

its Aura-light. its all based in Aura-light.


A blonde aura??????????

*falls over with all four paws up in the air*

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