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I'll Photocopy All the Things We Could Be ...

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These words are constantly in my signature. They mean quite a lot to me. It's the feelings that take over you when you try to look your best or do your best, and then no one takes notice. No one that matters, anyways. It's the words - Or, lack of words, that make me want to write this. Maybe I'm some hopeless romantic, or just some creppy weirdo who wears her heart on her sleeve. I'm not yet sure. But, I've been playing this sequence of events over and over in my head. The chance that the person that you want to notice you does. They're just afraid of the same thing you are - Rejection. Just, please take these things into mind when you read what I'm going to be putting up in the next few weeks. Think about if it seemed that no one ever noticed you, but maybe you have. Maybe you overcame those feelings. Hopefully this will somehow relieve me of mine.




The sunlight outside of Aiden Patagonia's small house poured into the kitchen's even smaller window. Aiden sighed heavily, knowing it was time. Time to face the day, time to waste seven hours of that day in stuffy, smelly rooms at the Monroeville High School. He grabbed his bag hastily, threw it over his shoulder, grabbed his car keys, and went out the door.




I was just pulling into my parking spot located in the furthest part of the parking lot, when a blonde girl jumped out of nowhere to retrieve something off of the gravel parking lot. I pressed my break quickly, not sure if it was quick enough.


"Sorry mate!" The blonde girl yelled in a forgein accent. Obviously she was alright, the front of my ancient car was only inches away from her body.


"Learn to walk, then use the sidewalk next time!" I shouted back. The blonde girl went over to her friend, waiting for her a few yards ahead.


"What a jerk, he totally wasn't paying attention. And we don't even have sidewalks in this town," the girl's friend told her as they started to walk away. I had my car stopped in the same spot where I almost hit the girl. Looking away from the two girls, it took me awhile to figure out why I was staring for so long at the blonde girl's friend. When it then dawned on me, I was glad that she didn't catch me looking ... She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.




I sighed for the hundredth time today; Nothing this year was going right. The school year was half way over, but the weeks were dragging on at a deathly rate. The band that I played bass for broke up, my parents forced me to move out of their house, as well as a few other things happened. I think only two good things had happened this year. I got my driver's license, and I broke up with my girlfriend of eight months. The slight and small "ding" from the room's speakers woke me up from my trance, and reminded me to go to my next class across the hallway.


Grabbing my bag, I headed out the door, and across the hallway. That was when I saw her ... the girl from this morning. She was frowning as if something bad just happened, and I wondered what was wrong. I was staring at her again, though this time she noticed. She glanced up at me, and I quickly looked away. I've had a staring problem most of my life, and I caught on that people don't enjoy being stared at too much. 'Flip your hair, you moron!' My mind told me, so I did just that. It was a habit, I guess. To impress her? I'm not sure. The other girls that I had been with before told me they thought my hair flips were cute and exotic-like. I laughed at that thought. This girl seemed different, as if she would tell me that my hair flips were idiotic and only used to get attention, not to get my hair out of my eyes. I laughed again, picturing her telling me to get a haircut.


My cousin tells me that when I see a girl that I like, I always get glazed-eyed and a bit over-obsessive. Maybe, maybe not. But all I needed to know was her name.

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A week had passed since the car incident, and by then I had figured out between what hours I would see her. The girl that had no name. I would sometimes see her in the morning. She was always walking with the girl I almost hit, the one with the accent. I would sometimes eavesdrop on their conversations, the conversations seemed to be pointless and random, but the two girls managed to always laugh and giggle throughout the hallways. Then I would see her going to her second hour class, and then her fourth. Sometimes I would see her waiting for her fifth hour teacher to unlock the classroom door, and then sometimes I would walk by her on her way to sixth hour. But those were the only times I would ever see her. Those times always meant something to me, that hopefully she would look my way, and our eyes would meet. But they never did. She would continue to walk alone to her classes, never meeting my gaze. I knew I had seen this girl before, she seemed familiar. But I just don't know where I knew her from. Then the day happened.




School was cancled on one late January day due to snow and ice. I decided later in the day to go hang out with Zack and Mikey, two of my friends that were out of high school. We all piled into Zack's car, when he remembered that he needed to go back to his parent's house to get a video game for his Xbox. We just decided to meet my cousin at his house too. We waited for Leon, my cousin, inside Zack's basement. The basement was cold and unfinished, with tons of crap laying around. Ten minutes passed, and Leon still wasn't there. Suddenly, the basement door leading from the upper floor of the house opened, and down walked Zack's sister.


"What are you doing?" Zack asked his sister.


"I'm just getting some bedding for Jack, thank you for asking," She replied smugly, lifting the small hamster up for Zack to see. "He's smelly, and needs a clean cage."


"Well, did you find it?"


"No. You don't know where it is, do you?" That voice. It sounded so familiar. I walked over to the area where Zack and his sister were talking. And there she was.


Standing in her pajamas, obviously just waking up, there she was. Her hair was messily put into a bun on the top of her head, and on her face was a pair of blue plastic-rimmed glasses that I had never seen her in before. Even though she was messy and obviously didn't try to make herself beautiful for a day without school, she still was beautiful.


The sight of me standing there took her off guard. She jumped back a little, then looked over the dividing wall to see who else was inhabiting her basement.


"Inviting hobos to live in our basement, I see," She said, yawning. "You know mom wouldn't like that very much."


"Yeah, whatever," Her brother said.


"Well, tell the hobos to go away," She said, starting to walk up the stairs. "They're probably eating all of Jack's bedding and stinking up the place." With that, she closed the door.




Aiden being at my house scared the crap out of me. Of course I knew his name ... He was one of the most gorgeous boys I had ever seen. He was just so cute and perfect in every way. But, there was no chance he would ever notice me. I bet he had no idea what my name even was. I remembered him from middle school. He was always surrounded by a bunch of people, laughing and talking in the hallways. But, whenever I did see him, he would smile. It always took me off guard - I had no idea who he was. Somehow, those two or three smiles made my sixth grade year go by better, hoping to see him that day or week. In the seventh grade, Aiden was on the middle school's news team. We were forced to watch the news given to us by eighth graders, but I enjoyed seeing his face. That same year I joined track as well, knowing he was on the guy's track team. I knew I was a loser. I knew that I would wear my heart on my sleeve too much and too often, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was the thought and hope that maybe, maybe just one day I would get to talk to him. Maybe even be with him. It was outrageous and stupid, I knew that much. He would never even notice me through the crowds of girls that always hung off of him.


But ... maybe ...





[Yeah, I'm sorry. This one stunk.]

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  • 1 month later...

School was quickly coming to an end. It was easy to tell. Everyone started getting lazy, and were arriving late to class. Homework assignments were left uncompleted, and no one bothered studying. Believe me, I'm not complaining. I wasn't doing any studying either, and waited to do my homework on the morning it was due. I was drained, and more than happy to accept three months out of school. The only thing I would miss about being in school would be Aiden. It was just so shallow and unlike me to drool over a guy like him.


Since it was obvious he took no liking to me, I often found myself staring at my reflection in the mirror, asking myself why. I wasn't overweight, but I also wasn't stick-thin either. My hair was dark brown with red highlights, and my braces had recently been taken off. Gahh, here's a recent picture ...




I had been anti-social for most of my life, so I've never had too many friends. I guess that's the main spot I need work on in my life. Friends. You'd be surprised, but I try pretty hard for people to just like me. I don't change myself completely or anything like that, I just bite my tounge a lot. I try had to not screw up and be weird around people, but I normally just end up being blunt and sarcastic. Which, people obviously don't like. (Who knew?)


So, my best and only real friend was Zen, who moved from Germany a little more than years ago. I think we've been pretty much unseperable since we met in the beginning of seventh grade. We never had any classes together, so that really stunk. Every morning we'd talk before school, and keep eachother updated on what was going on in our lives.


But the school year would be ending in three hours, and I'd be leaving both school and Zen for an entire three months. We'd keep in touch and hang out, but it was hard since neither of us could drive. The only thing we hardly ever talked about was guys. It was weird, since we were girls after all, and girls normally talked about guys. So, she never knew who was the new crush of the week.


"Hey! Adrianna!" I heard from behind me.


"Zen! How's it going?"


"Well, I know we better find a seat before we start getting trampled."


"Good idea ... this row looks dandy," I said. We took our seats, when Brooke, one of my lunch friends, sat down next to me.


"Can you believe school's almost over?" Brooke said, sighing.


"Don't sound so sad," I said, nudging her in the arm.


"Speaking of sad, look at Zack, he's over there all alone. We should go sit next to him."


"Alright," Zen and I both said, suffling after Brooke to sit with Zack.


"Hey Zack," I said, sitting a few seats away from him.


"Hey Adrianna," Zack replied. But I wasn't listening. Sitting right in front of me was Aiden, and two members of his posse.


Boy, this was going to be an interesting three hour assembaly.




[PS ... the picture isn't of me. It's of a friend's friend, who is over 18. :D]


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