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I know that the title is misleading. Shuddup.




The original sin rant (and some advice that I loved):


I hit a guy in the eye by mistake (with a hat (his eye is a wuss), it started bleeding and he was taken to the nurse's office) and now one of his friends (also my friend) hates me, although his eye is fine besides a bit of swelling and bruising (lawl, my frist black eye). My grades... I can seriously feel them slipping. I dunno if they are though because I haven't gotten the interum report yet. Ergh, right now I just wanna forget about my parents. After my mum moves out, they eventually get a divorce. After a while, (and a whale of a time after I found pot in the backyard - in South Australia you're allowed to have ONE plant but that's it. WHAT KIND OF STUPID LAW IS THAT!?) my mum moves back in. Now, my mum says she lives here but spends more then three quaters of the time over at her ex-boyfriend's house. SHE CAN'T MAKE UP HER ####### MIND, CAN SHE!? Moving on from that, I have no idea who I like anymore, I mean, I know who I like, but I don't want to like that person because...... Eh. Forget that. Please. Not to mention I've managed to screw up someone's LIFE just by honest input, but that one is a bit weird. Nobody seems to think it's my fault even though it obviously is. o_o I mean, she thought that she was... Erh... Possibly gay. I encouraged her to take in account everything - who she likes, what she feels, what she thinks, etc. So she did, and... At first only one person knew, not including her or me. But I encouraged her to tell the person she likes that she likes them... Because I thought it would be a good thing to do... Stupid advice on my part. She told me to do it for her, so I did. And now, while we're all friends still, there's still plenty of inner awkwardness which always shows if the conversations turn serious. I have random spells of feeling seriously depressed, and others of being more hyperactive then a meerkat. And those things are really ####### hyper. Right now, I can honestly say I feel like complete ####.


Think I should see a councellor?

Hopefully your friend will get over the black eye and realize it was an accident, quit hating you and get back to being your friend.


As for your grades, I can understand why you feel them slipping, you have so much happening in your life that is out of your control, this has an impact. The relationship problems of your parents has quite a bit to do with being able to study at home. This is not your fault. I hope something happens to bring calm to your home soon. The problems between your parents are not the result of anything you have done, this is something they need to resolve. Hopefully, your parents will come to a decision soon. Your mother's actions are really taking a toll on you.


As for who you like, honesty is always the best policy. You advised her to think deeply about her feelings and this is also good. She is going through a learning time and this is really difficult for many. Advising her to tell who she likes was also a good idea. Perhaps the person should have heard it from her and not you. But either way, you should not feel bad. You were being a really great friend and thinking only of her and her identifying her feelings.


As for feeling depressed, you are totally okay to feel this way. First, you are going through some pretty traumatic life stresses, second you are growing up. These things are really hard. I do suggest that if you want, to ask your father to find a counselor or psychologist to talk to. Find one you feel comfortable with. Not one your father feels comfortable with, but one you like. If you don't like the first one, try another. If you need help finding someone, email me and I can give you more detailed help. pmajr@earthlink.net is my email. Counselors are really good for helping you sort through things. Personally, I think you are a terrific person and hope your mother gets a counselor. She needs it. As for your hyperness, please try and find an outlet for your stress. Take up jogging, a sport, something to help you relieve yourself of the stress you are under.


Please do not go through this alone as we are here for you.


Your friend always...





Okay, topic, BEGIN!!!


(Pin please horatio? just beacause :P)

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I know that the title is misleading. Shuddup.




The original sin rant (and some advice that I loved):


I hit a guy in the eye by mistake (with a hat (his eye is a wuss), it started bleeding and he was taken to the nurse's office) and now one of his friends (also my friend) hates me, although his eye is fine besides a bit of swelling and bruising (lawl, my frist black eye). My grades... I can seriously feel them slipping. I dunno if they are though because I haven't gotten the interum report yet. Ergh, right now I just wanna forget about my parents. After my mum moves out, they eventually get a divorce. After a while, (and a whale of a time after I found pot in the backyard - in South Australia you're allowed to have ONE plant but that's it. WHAT KIND OF STUPID LAW IS THAT!?) my mum moves back in. Now, my mum says she lives here but spends more then three quaters of the time over at her ex-boyfriend's house. SHE CAN'T MAKE UP HER ####### MIND, CAN SHE!? Moving on from that, I have no idea who I like anymore, I mean, I know who I like, but I don't want to like that person because...... Eh. Forget that. Please. Not to mention I've managed to screw up someone's LIFE just by honest input, but that one is a bit weird. Nobody seems to think it's my fault even though it obviously is. o_o I mean, she thought that she was... Erh... Possibly gay. I encouraged her to take in account everything - who she likes, what she feels, what she thinks, etc. So she did, and... At first only one person knew, not including her or me. But I encouraged her to tell the person she likes that she likes them... Because I thought it would be a good thing to do... Stupid advice on my part. She told me to do it for her, so I did. And now, while we're all friends still, there's still plenty of inner awkwardness which always shows if the conversations turn serious. I have random spells of feeling seriously depressed, and others of being more hyperactive then a meerkat. And those things are really ####### hyper. Right now, I can honestly say I feel like complete ####.


Think I should see a councellor?

Hopefully your friend will get over the black eye and realize it was an accident, quit hating you and get back to being your friend.


As for your grades, I can understand why you feel them slipping, you have so much happening in your life that is out of your control, this has an impact. The relationship problems of your parents has quite a bit to do with being able to study at home. This is not your fault. I hope something happens to bring calm to your home soon. The problems between your parents are not the result of anything you have done, this is something they need to resolve. Hopefully, your parents will come to a decision soon. Your mother's actions are really taking a toll on you.


As for who you like, honesty is always the best policy. You advised her to think deeply about her feelings and this is also good. She is going through a learning time and this is really difficult for many. Advising her to tell who she likes was also a good idea. Perhaps the person should have heard it from her and not you. But either way, you should not feel bad. You were being a really great friend and thinking only of her and her identifying her feelings.


As for feeling depressed, you are totally okay to feel this way. First, you are going through some pretty traumatic life stresses, second you are growing up. These things are really hard. I do suggest that if you want, to ask your father to find a counselor or psychologist to talk to. Find one you feel comfortable with. Not one your father feels comfortable with, but one you like. If you don't like the first one, try another. If you need help finding someone, email me and I can give you more detailed help. pmajr@earthlink.net is my email. Counselors are really good for helping you sort through things. Personally, I think you are a terrific person and hope your mother gets a counselor. She needs it. As for your hyperness, please try and find an outlet for your stress. Take up jogging, a sport, something to help you relieve yourself of the stress you are under.


Please do not go through this alone as we are here for you.


Your friend always...





Okay, topic, BEGIN!!!


(Pin please horatio? just beacause :P)

I will do this!!!

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YAY for people being here!! *glomps*


*stands up and brushes self off* But now I need to tell everyone about that weird dream I said I had in my siggy =D




Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. It started somewhere. Lawlz. It started in my school. It was a normal day until I saw Claudia, a friend from out of school who I haven't seen in AGESAGESAGES so I went over and said hi! ...And she didn't remember me. I tried everything, my name, recounting things we'd done together, and I even mentioned my mother because she's how we knew each other. But no matter what I tried, she didn't remember me. And it made me sad. However, she was nice to me and informed mme of some really cool thing and it was apparently gonna happen in the boys bathroom. o_O; And as she said that, a teacher walked in there and they followed. I stood around a bit, not wanting to go into th bathrooms in case it was something absolutely terrible and not-HD--postable, because you know how dreams are with that. But eventually I went in. And (thank god) it wasn't bad. There was a party. Only, nobody in the area I was in could get to it because of a wall. But people were in like... A waiting room. Which, I noticed, was pretty much part of the actual school's bathroom mirrored and put together. o_o I went and waited in the waiting room, then got bored, and left the waiting room to find a door had been opened in what was once wall. So I went in to the party and saw heaps and heaps and HEAPS of face I knew. And some names. Even Claudia was there, but I avoided her. Because she made me sad. D: It was pretty packed, too. Anyway. The teacher I saw earlier was wearing some extravagent dress, had her skin painted blue, and her face was somehow shrunken and had very pronounced cheekbones and jawbones. Holding the baby Jesus. And don't shoot me, this is just what I dreamed. o_O; I remember that the blue person wearing the sparkly toga and has a weird bun hairstyle and sparkles in the hair and six arms was a god from one of those ancient religions. I think it was a persian god. Anyway, on reflection, it's like... A god most believe is fake holding the child of a god most believe is real. Means something, I'm sure, but I dunno what it would. Anyway. I left through another door that went into a room full of lockers (where people put their computers and everyday bags and school books). Which was exactly like in the school. And it was like... Darn! Why didn't I think of here earlier! But still, I left. And I can't remember so well from here but I met MK and went over with her RL friends to like... An actual Astronome Domine house. I've dreamed about the house before, but this was the first dream I had with it, where I had conscious control of my actions. And yeah. I red the logs of the house, found them to be boring by the time I got to 2003, and left to go exploring. MK, Ice Climber (or at least that's what the others called her xD) and Binh (or at least that's what the others called him) all showed me around the house. And JR was moping around on a couch in one of the rooms. It was a big house. Afterwards, they left me in the room where JR was and I looked around in more detail. I noted a chess table, two bookcases, a TV and a few very plush couches. I got bored so I opened a door I knew went to a hall, but after I did, I saw the door to the room across was open, and it had all the AD members in there (except for arkcher, I didn't find him in the whole dream. Unless he was the shocky bunny that comes along later) with one of them reading a book. I instinctively knew it was, like, the rules of AD or something and figured that someone not in the AD shouldn't know them, so I closed the door and lounged around on the....Lounge chair. I slept there (in a dream. Pfft) and when I woke up I was in a different room. Well, it was the same, but everything was moved around. Besides the one door. And there were about five AD members there, only one I recognised as JR playing chess by himself (I guess IC was in another room). He left, and the chess table transformed into a large pink bunny. And the rest of the AD members in the room screamed and ran out. By then the rabbit was at the door so I had to attack it to get out. So I did. And I got a little electrcal tingle in my hands, which was not enough to hurt but enough to make my hands feel all weird and unco. So I tried to hit it a few more times and after failing a few more times I decided to just run past it, even if it would shock my legs. So I did, it shockedmy legs, and I woke up.


Whoot. Freud plz?

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YAY for people being here!! *glomps*


*stands up and brushes self off* But now I need to tell everyone about that weird dream I said I had in my siggy =D




Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. It started somewhere. Lawlz. It started in my school. It was a normal day until I saw Claudia, a friend from out of school who I haven't seen in AGESAGESAGES so I went over and said hi! ...And she didn't remember me. I tried everything, my name, recounting things we'd done together, and I even mentioned my mother because she's how we knew each other. But no matter what I tried, she didn't remember me. And it made me sad. However, she was nice to me and informed mme of some really cool thing and it was apparently gonna happen in the boys bathroom. o_O; And as she said that, a teacher walked in there and they followed. I stood around a bit, not wanting to go into th bathrooms in case it was something absolutely terrible and not-HD--postable, because you know how dreams are with that. But eventually I went in. And (thank god) it wasn't bad. There was a party. Only, nobody in the area I was in could get to it because of a wall. But people were in like... A waiting room. Which, I noticed, was pretty much part of the actual school's bathroom mirrored and put together. o_o I went and waited in the waiting room, then got bored, and left the waiting room to find a door had been opened in what was once wall. So I went in to the party and saw heaps and heaps and HEAPS of face I knew. And some names. Even Claudia was there, but I avoided her. Because she made me sad. D: It was pretty packed, too. Anyway. The teacher I saw earlier was wearing some extravagent dress, had her skin painted blue, and her face was somehow shrunken and had very pronounced cheekbones and jawbones. Holding the baby Jesus. And don't shoot me, this is just what I dreamed. o_O; I remember that the blue person wearing the sparkly toga and has a weird bun hairstyle and sparkles in the hair and six arms was a god from one of those ancient religions. I think it was a persian god. Anyway, on reflection, it's like... A god most believe is fake holding the child of a god most believe is real. Means something, I'm sure, but I dunno what it would. Anyway. I left through another door that went into a room full of lockers (where people put their computers and everyday bags and school books). Which was exactly like in the school. And it was like... Darn! Why didn't I think of here earlier! But still, I left. And I can't remember so well from here but I met MK and went over with her RL friends to like... An actual Astronome Domine house. I've dreamed about the house before, but this was the first dream I had with it, where I had conscious control of my actions. And yeah. I red the logs of the house, found them to be boring by the time I got to 2003, and left to go exploring. MK, Ice Climber (or at least that's what the others called her xD) and Binh (or at least that's what the others called him) all showed me around the house. And JR was moping around on a couch in one of the rooms. It was a big house. Afterwards, they left me in the room where JR was and I looked around in more detail. I noted a chess table, two bookcases, a TV and a few very plush couches. I got bored so I opened a door I knew went to a hall, but after I did, I saw the door to the room across was open, and it had all the AD members in there (except for arkcher, I didn't find him in the whole dream. Unless he was the shocky bunny that comes along later) with one of them reading a book. I instinctively knew it was, like, the rules of AD or something and figured that someone not in the AD shouldn't know them, so I closed the door and lounged around on the....Lounge chair. I slept there (in a dream. Pfft) and when I woke up I was in a different room. Well, it was the same, but everything was moved around. Besides the one door. And there were about five AD members there, only one I recognised as JR playing chess by himself (I guess IC was in another room). He left, and the chess table transformed into a large pink bunny. And the rest of the AD members in the room screamed and ran out. By then the rabbit was at the door so I had to attack it to get out. So I did. And I got a little electrcal tingle in my hands, which was not enough to hurt but enough to make my hands feel all weird and unco. So I tried to hit it a few more times and after failing a few more times I decided to just run past it, even if it would shock my legs. So I did, it shockedmy legs, and I woke up.


Whoot. Freud plz?


That was one strangeeeeee dream!

As for Freud, you will have to wait for Mega Wolf. LOL

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YAY for people being here!! *glomps*


*stands up and brushes self off* But now I need to tell everyone about that weird dream I said I had in my siggy =D




Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. It started somewhere. Lawlz. It started in my school. It was a normal day until I saw Claudia, a friend from out of school who I haven't seen in AGESAGESAGES so I went over and said hi! ...And she didn't remember me. I tried everything, my name, recounting things we'd done together, and I even mentioned my mother because she's how we knew each other. But no matter what I tried, she didn't remember me. And it made me sad. However, she was nice to me and informed mme of some really cool thing and it was apparently gonna happen in the boys bathroom. o_O; And as she said that, a teacher walked in there and they followed. I stood around a bit, not wanting to go into th bathrooms in case it was something absolutely terrible and not-HD--postable, because you know how dreams are with that. But eventually I went in. And (thank god) it wasn't bad. There was a party. Only, nobody in the area I was in could get to it because of a wall. But people were in like... A waiting room. Which, I noticed, was pretty much part of the actual school's bathroom mirrored and put together. o_o I went and waited in the waiting room, then got bored, and left the waiting room to find a door had been opened in what was once wall. So I went in to the party and saw heaps and heaps and HEAPS of face I knew. And some names. Even Claudia was there, but I avoided her. Because she made me sad. D: It was pretty packed, too. Anyway. The teacher I saw earlier was wearing some extravagent dress, had her skin painted blue, and her face was somehow shrunken and had very pronounced cheekbones and jawbones. Holding the baby Jesus. And don't shoot me, this is just what I dreamed. o_O; I remember that the blue person wearing the sparkly toga and has a weird bun hairstyle and sparkles in the hair and six arms was a god from one of those ancient religions. I think it was a persian god. Anyway, on reflection, it's like... A god most believe is fake holding the child of a god most believe is real. Means something, I'm sure, but I dunno what it would. Anyway. I left through another door that went into a room full of lockers (where people put their computers and everyday bags and school books). Which was exactly like in the school. And it was like... Darn! Why didn't I think of here earlier! But still, I left. And I can't remember so well from here but I met MK and went over with her RL friends to like... An actual Astronome Domine house. I've dreamed about the house before, but this was the first dream I had with it, where I had conscious control of my actions. And yeah. I red the logs of the house, found them to be boring by the time I got to 2003, and left to go exploring. MK, Ice Climber (or at least that's what the others called her xD) and Binh (or at least that's what the others called him) all showed me around the house. And JR was moping around on a couch in one of the rooms. It was a big house. Afterwards, they left me in the room where JR was and I looked around in more detail. I noted a chess table, two bookcases, a TV and a few very plush couches. I got bored so I opened a door I knew went to a hall, but after I did, I saw the door to the room across was open, and it had all the AD members in there (except for arkcher, I didn't find him in the whole dream. Unless he was the shocky bunny that comes along later) with one of them reading a book. I instinctively knew it was, like, the rules of AD or something and figured that someone not in the AD shouldn't know them, so I closed the door and lounged around on the....Lounge chair. I slept there (in a dream. Pfft) and when I woke up I was in a different room. Well, it was the same, but everything was moved around. Besides the one door. And there were about five AD members there, only one I recognised as JR playing chess by himself (I guess IC was in another room). He left, and the chess table transformed into a large pink bunny. And the rest of the AD members in the room screamed and ran out. By then the rabbit was at the door so I had to attack it to get out. So I did. And I got a little electrcal tingle in my hands, which was not enough to hurt but enough to make my hands feel all weird and unco. So I tried to hit it a few more times and after failing a few more times I decided to just run past it, even if it would shock my legs. So I did, it shockedmy legs, and I woke up.


Whoot. Freud plz?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Nice. XD


If my mom ever gets the printer hooked up, I'll print this and put it in The Journal and maybe we'll build a Supra-Secret cliquehouse (Instead of Clubhouse?)


Desert Blumaroo award. I dunno what that will be for.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*TheAstronomy Domine*~*

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YAY for people being here!! *glomps*


*stands up and brushes self off* But now I need to tell everyone about that weird dream I said I had in my siggy =D




Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. It started somewhere. Lawlz. It started in my school. It was a normal day until I saw Claudia, a friend from out of school who I haven't seen in AGESAGESAGES so I went over and said hi! ...And she didn't remember me. I tried everything, my name, recounting things we'd done together, and I even mentioned my mother because she's how we knew each other. But no matter what I tried, she didn't remember me. And it made me sad. However, she was nice to me and informed mme of some really cool thing and it was apparently gonna happen in the boys bathroom. o_O; And as she said that, a teacher walked in there and they followed. I stood around a bit, not wanting to go into th bathrooms in case it was something absolutely terrible and not-HD--postable, because you know how dreams are with that. But eventually I went in. And (thank god) it wasn't bad. There was a party. Only, nobody in the area I was in could get to it because of a wall. But people were in like... A waiting room. Which, I noticed, was pretty much part of the actual school's bathroom mirrored and put together. o_o I went and waited in the waiting room, then got bored, and left the waiting room to find a door had been opened in what was once wall. So I went in to the party and saw heaps and heaps and HEAPS of face I knew. And some names. Even Claudia was there, but I avoided her. Because she made me sad. D: It was pretty packed, too. Anyway. The teacher I saw earlier was wearing some extravagent dress, had her skin painted blue, and her face was somehow shrunken and had very pronounced cheekbones and jawbones. Holding the baby Jesus. And don't shoot me, this is just what I dreamed. o_O; I remember that the blue person wearing the sparkly toga and has a weird bun hairstyle and sparkles in the hair and six arms was a god from one of those ancient religions. I think it was a persian god. Anyway, on reflection, it's like... A god most believe is fake holding the child of a god most believe is real. Means something, I'm sure, but I dunno what it would. Anyway. I left through another door that went into a room full of lockers (where people put their computers and everyday bags and school books). Which was exactly like in the school. And it was like... Darn! Why didn't I think of here earlier! But still, I left. And I can't remember so well from here but I met MK and went over with her RL friends to like... An actual Astronome Domine house. I've dreamed about the house before, but this was the first dream I had with it, where I had conscious control of my actions. And yeah. I red the logs of the house, found them to be boring by the time I got to 2003, and left to go exploring. MK, Ice Climber (or at least that's what the others called her xD) and Binh (or at least that's what the others called him) all showed me around the house. And JR was moping around on a couch in one of the rooms. It was a big house. Afterwards, they left me in the room where JR was and I looked around in more detail. I noted a chess table, two bookcases, a TV and a few very plush couches. I got bored so I opened a door I knew went to a hall, but after I did, I saw the door to the room across was open, and it had all the AD members in there (except for arkcher, I didn't find him in the whole dream. Unless he was the shocky bunny that comes along later) with one of them reading a book. I instinctively knew it was, like, the rules of AD or something and figured that someone not in the AD shouldn't know them, so I closed the door and lounged around on the....Lounge chair. I slept there (in a dream. Pfft) and when I woke up I was in a different room. Well, it was the same, but everything was moved around. Besides the one door. And there were about five AD members there, only one I recognised as JR playing chess by himself (I guess IC was in another room). He left, and the chess table transformed into a large pink bunny. And the rest of the AD members in the room screamed and ran out. By then the rabbit was at the door so I had to attack it to get out. So I did. And I got a little electrcal tingle in my hands, which was not enough to hurt but enough to make my hands feel all weird and unco. So I tried to hit it a few more times and after failing a few more times I decided to just run past it, even if it would shock my legs. So I did, it shockedmy legs, and I woke up.


Whoot. Freud plz?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Nice. XD


If my mom ever gets the printer hooked up, I'll print this and put it in The Journal and maybe we'll build a Supra-Secret cliquehouse (Instead of Clubhouse?)


Desert Blumaroo award. I dunno what that will be for.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*TheAstronomy Domine*~*

:lol: Thanks for the award! OOH! That means 25 awards! HIGH FIVE!


*high fives*


Maybe I'll see it, if you mean The Journal that I think you mean.

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Please keep an eye on your Ok bye topic as sometimes people take a while to catch up to a topic.

*builds a cage next to mine for Glowurm*

We have a pretty good view of the sunrise over the river.

Oh my, thank you! Beautiful views are my favourite times to be emo. =D Just because I go all thoughtful when I see them. Shuddup. ;D


I am keeping a mouse over the okbai topic, no worries.

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Please keep an eye on your Ok bye topic as sometimes people take a while to catch up to a topic.

*builds a cage next to mine for Glowurm*

We have a pretty good view of the sunrise over the river.

Oh my, thank you! Beautiful views are my favourite times to be emo. =D Just because I go all thoughtful when I see them. Shuddup. ;D


I am keeping a mouse over the okbai topic, no worries.


Glad you like your second home. :)

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YAY for people being here!! *glomps*


*stands up and brushes self off* But now I need to tell everyone about that weird dream I said I had in my siggy =D




Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. It started somewhere. Lawlz. It started in my school. It was a normal day until I saw Claudia, a friend from out of school who I haven't seen in AGESAGESAGES so I went over and said hi! ...And she didn't remember me. I tried everything, my name, recounting things we'd done together, and I even mentioned my mother because she's how we knew each other. But no matter what I tried, she didn't remember me. And it made me sad. However, she was nice to me and informed mme of some really cool thing and it was apparently gonna happen in the boys bathroom. o_O; And as she said that, a teacher walked in there and they followed. I stood around a bit, not wanting to go into th bathrooms in case it was something absolutely terrible and not-HD--postable, because you know how dreams are with that. But eventually I went in. And (thank god) it wasn't bad. There was a party. Only, nobody in the area I was in could get to it because of a wall. But people were in like... A waiting room. Which, I noticed, was pretty much part of the actual school's bathroom mirrored and put together. o_o I went and waited in the waiting room, then got bored, and left the waiting room to find a door had been opened in what was once wall. So I went in to the party and saw heaps and heaps and HEAPS of face I knew. And some names. Even Claudia was there, but I avoided her. Because she made me sad. D: It was pretty packed, too. Anyway. The teacher I saw earlier was wearing some extravagent dress, had her skin painted blue, and her face was somehow shrunken and had very pronounced cheekbones and jawbones. Holding the baby Jesus. And don't shoot me, this is just what I dreamed. o_O; I remember that the blue person wearing the sparkly toga and has a weird bun hairstyle and sparkles in the hair and six arms was a god from one of those ancient religions. I think it was a persian god. Anyway, on reflection, it's like... A god most believe is fake holding the child of a god most believe is real. Means something, I'm sure, but I dunno what it would. Anyway. I left through another door that went into a room full of lockers (where people put their computers and everyday bags and school books). Which was exactly like in the school. And it was like... Darn! Why didn't I think of here earlier! But still, I left. And I can't remember so well from here but I met MK and went over with her RL friends to like... An actual Astronome Domine house. I've dreamed about the house before, but this was the first dream I had with it, where I had conscious control of my actions. And yeah. I red the logs of the house, found them to be boring by the time I got to 2003, and left to go exploring. MK, Ice Climber (or at least that's what the others called her xD) and Binh (or at least that's what the others called him) all showed me around the house. And JR was moping around on a couch in one of the rooms. It was a big house. Afterwards, they left me in the room where JR was and I looked around in more detail. I noted a chess table, two bookcases, a TV and a few very plush couches. I got bored so I opened a door I knew went to a hall, but after I did, I saw the door to the room across was open, and it had all the AD members in there (except for arkcher, I didn't find him in the whole dream. Unless he was the shocky bunny that comes along later) with one of them reading a book. I instinctively knew it was, like, the rules of AD or something and figured that someone not in the AD shouldn't know them, so I closed the door and lounged around on the....Lounge chair. I slept there (in a dream. Pfft) and when I woke up I was in a different room. Well, it was the same, but everything was moved around. Besides the one door. And there were about five AD members there, only one I recognised as JR playing chess by himself (I guess IC was in another room). He left, and the chess table transformed into a large pink bunny. And the rest of the AD members in the room screamed and ran out. By then the rabbit was at the door so I had to attack it to get out. So I did. And I got a little electrcal tingle in my hands, which was not enough to hurt but enough to make my hands feel all weird and unco. So I tried to hit it a few more times and after failing a few more times I decided to just run past it, even if it would shock my legs. So I did, it shockedmy legs, and I woke up.


Whoot. Freud plz?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Nice. XD


If my mom ever gets the printer hooked up, I'll print this and put it in The Journal and maybe we'll build a Supra-Secret cliquehouse (Instead of Clubhouse?)


Desert Blumaroo award. I dunno what that will be for.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*TheAstronomy Domine*~*

:lol: Thanks for the award! OOH! That means 25 awards! HIGH FIVE!


*high fives*


Maybe I'll see it, if you mean The Journal that I think you mean.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


We're publishing it when we graduate High-School.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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YAY for people being here!! *glomps*


*stands up and brushes self off* But now I need to tell everyone about that weird dream I said I had in my siggy =D




Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. It started somewhere. Lawlz. It started in my school. It was a normal day until I saw Claudia, a friend from out of school who I haven't seen in AGESAGESAGES so I went over and said hi! ...And she didn't remember me. I tried everything, my name, recounting things we'd done together, and I even mentioned my mother because she's how we knew each other. But no matter what I tried, she didn't remember me. And it made me sad. However, she was nice to me and informed mme of some really cool thing and it was apparently gonna happen in the boys bathroom. o_O; And as she said that, a teacher walked in there and they followed. I stood around a bit, not wanting to go into th bathrooms in case it was something absolutely terrible and not-HD--postable, because you know how dreams are with that. But eventually I went in. And (thank god) it wasn't bad. There was a party. Only, nobody in the area I was in could get to it because of a wall. But people were in like... A waiting room. Which, I noticed, was pretty much part of the actual school's bathroom mirrored and put together. o_o I went and waited in the waiting room, then got bored, and left the waiting room to find a door had been opened in what was once wall. So I went in to the party and saw heaps and heaps and HEAPS of face I knew. And some names. Even Claudia was there, but I avoided her. Because she made me sad. D: It was pretty packed, too. Anyway. The teacher I saw earlier was wearing some extravagant dress, had her skin painted blue, and her face was somehow shrunken and had very pronounced cheekbones and jawbones. Holding the baby Jesus. And don't shoot me, this is just what I dreamed. o_O; I remember that the blue person wearing the sparkly toga and has a weird bun hairstyle and sparkles in the hair and six arms was a god from one of those ancient religions. I think it was a Persian god. Anyway, on reflection, it's like... A god most believe is fake holding the child of a god most believe is real. Means something, I'm sure, but I dunno what it would. Anyway. I left through another door that went into a room full of lockers (where people put their computers and everyday bags and school books). Which was exactly like in the school. And it was like... Darn! Why didn't I think of here earlier! But still, I left. And I can't remember so well from here but I met MK and went over with her RL friends to like... An actual Astronomy Domine house. I've dreamed about the house before, but this was the first dream I had with it, where I had conscious control of my actions. And yeah. I red the logs of the house, found them to be boring by the time I got to 2003, and left to go exploring. MK, Ice Climber (or at least that's what the others called her xD) and Binh (or at least that's what the others called him) all showed me around the house. And JR was moping around on a couch in one of the rooms. It was a big house. Afterwards, they left me in the room where JR was and I looked around in more detail. I noted a chess table, two bookcases, a TV and a few very plush couches. I got bored so I opened a door I knew went to a hall, but after I did, I saw the door to the room across was open, and it had all the AD members in there (except for arkcher, I didn't find him in the whole dream. Unless he was the shocky bunny that comes along later) with one of them reading a book. I instinctively knew it was, like, the rules of AD or something and figured that someone not in the AD shouldn't know them, so I closed the door and lounged around on the....Lounge chair. I slept there (in a dream. Pfft) and when I woke up I was in a different room. Well, it was the same, but everything was moved around. Besides the one door. And there were about five AD members there, only one I recognised as JR playing chess by himself (I guess IC was in another room). He left, and the chess table transformed into a large pink bunny. And the rest of the AD members in the room screamed and ran out. By then the rabbit was at the door so I had to attack it to get out. So I did. And I got a little electrical tingle in my hands, which was not enough to hurt but enough to make my hands feel all weird and unco. So I tried to hit it a few more times and after failing a few more times I decided to just run past it, even if it would shock my legs. So I did, it shocked my legs, and I woke up.


Whoot. Freud plz?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Nice. XD


If my mom ever gets the printer hooked up, I'll print this and put it in The Journal and maybe we'll build a Supra-Secret cliquehouse (Instead of Clubhouse?)


Desert Blumaroo award. I dunno what that will be for.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*TheAstronomy Domine*~*

:lol: Thanks for the award! OOH! That means 25 awards! HIGH FIVE!


*high fives*


Maybe I'll see it, if you mean The Journal that I think you mean.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


We're publishing it when we graduate High-School.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Oh. OH! You mean THE The Journal.


...Wow. ^_^


I am so going to buy it and read it. When you publish it. And yeah. =D

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YAY for people being here!! *glomps*


*stands up and brushes self off* But now I need to tell everyone about that weird dream I said I had in my siggy =D




Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. It started somewhere. Lawlz. It started in my school. It was a normal day until I saw Claudia, a friend from out of school who I haven't seen in AGESAGESAGES so I went over and said hi! ...And she didn't remember me. I tried everything, my name, recounting things we'd done together, and I even mentioned my mother because she's how we knew each other. But no matter what I tried, she didn't remember me. And it made me sad. However, she was nice to me and informed mme of some really cool thing and it was apparently gonna happen in the boys bathroom. o_O; And as she said that, a teacher walked in there and they followed. I stood around a bit, not wanting to go into th bathrooms in case it was something absolutely terrible and not-HD--postable, because you know how dreams are with that. But eventually I went in. And (thank god) it wasn't bad. There was a party. Only, nobody in the area I was in could get to it because of a wall. But people were in like... A waiting room. Which, I noticed, was pretty much part of the actual school's bathroom mirrored and put together. o_o I went and waited in the waiting room, then got bored, and left the waiting room to find a door had been opened in what was once wall. So I went in to the party and saw heaps and heaps and HEAPS of face I knew. And some names. Even Claudia was there, but I avoided her. Because she made me sad. D: It was pretty packed, too. Anyway. The teacher I saw earlier was wearing some extravagant dress, had her skin painted blue, and her face was somehow shrunken and had very pronounced cheekbones and jawbones. Holding the baby Jesus. And don't shoot me, this is just what I dreamed. o_O; I remember that the blue person wearing the sparkly toga and has a weird bun hairstyle and sparkles in the hair and six arms was a god from one of those ancient religions. I think it was a Persian god. Anyway, on reflection, it's like... A god most believe is fake holding the child of a god most believe is real. Means something, I'm sure, but I dunno what it would. Anyway. I left through another door that went into a room full of lockers (where people put their computers and everyday bags and school books). Which was exactly like in the school. And it was like... Darn! Why didn't I think of here earlier! But still, I left. And I can't remember so well from here but I met MK and went over with her RL friends to like... An actual Astronomy Domine house. I've dreamed about the house before, but this was the first dream I had with it, where I had conscious control of my actions. And yeah. I red the logs of the house, found them to be boring by the time I got to 2003, and left to go exploring. MK, Ice Climber (or at least that's what the others called her xD) and Binh (or at least that's what the others called him) all showed me around the house. And JR was moping around on a couch in one of the rooms. It was a big house. Afterwards, they left me in the room where JR was and I looked around in more detail. I noted a chess table, two bookcases, a TV and a few very plush couches. I got bored so I opened a door I knew went to a hall, but after I did, I saw the door to the room across was open, and it had all the AD members in there (except for arkcher, I didn't find him in the whole dream. Unless he was the shocky bunny that comes along later) with one of them reading a book. I instinctively knew it was, like, the rules of AD or something and figured that someone not in the AD shouldn't know them, so I closed the door and lounged around on the....Lounge chair. I slept there (in a dream. Pfft) and when I woke up I was in a different room. Well, it was the same, but everything was moved around. Besides the one door. And there were about five AD members there, only one I recognised as JR playing chess by himself (I guess IC was in another room). He left, and the chess table transformed into a large pink bunny. And the rest of the AD members in the room screamed and ran out. By then the rabbit was at the door so I had to attack it to get out. So I did. And I got a little electrical tingle in my hands, which was not enough to hurt but enough to make my hands feel all weird and unco. So I tried to hit it a few more times and after failing a few more times I decided to just run past it, even if it would shock my legs. So I did, it shocked my legs, and I woke up.


Whoot. Freud plz?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Nice. XD


If my mom ever gets the printer hooked up, I'll print this and put it in The Journal and maybe we'll build a Supra-Secret cliquehouse (Instead of Clubhouse?)


Desert Blumaroo award. I dunno what that will be for.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*TheAstronomy Domine*~*

:lol: Thanks for the award! OOH! That means 25 awards! HIGH FIVE!


*high fives*


Maybe I'll see it, if you mean The Journal that I think you mean.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


We're publishing it when we graduate High-School.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Oh. OH! You mean THE The Journal.


...Wow. ^_^


I am so going to buy it and read it. When you publish it. And yeah. =D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


It might be really expensive...I mean...we put lotion samples in there...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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YAY for people being here!! *glomps*


*stands up and brushes self off* But now I need to tell everyone about that weird dream I said I had in my siggy =D




Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. It started somewhere. Lawlz. It started in my school. It was a normal day until I saw Claudia, a friend from out of school who I haven't seen in AGESAGESAGES so I went over and said hi! ...And she didn't remember me. I tried everything, my name, recounting things we'd done together, and I even mentioned my mother because she's how we knew each other. But no matter what I tried, she didn't remember me. And it made me sad. However, she was nice to me and informed mme of some really cool thing and it was apparently gonna happen in the boys bathroom. o_O; And as she said that, a teacher walked in there and they followed. I stood around a bit, not wanting to go into th bathrooms in case it was something absolutely terrible and not-HD--postable, because you know how dreams are with that. But eventually I went in. And (thank god) it wasn't bad. There was a party. Only, nobody in the area I was in could get to it because of a wall. But people were in like... A waiting room. Which, I noticed, was pretty much part of the actual school's bathroom mirrored and put together. o_o I went and waited in the waiting room, then got bored, and left the waiting room to find a door had been opened in what was once wall. So I went in to the party and saw heaps and heaps and HEAPS of face I knew. And some names. Even Claudia was there, but I avoided her. Because she made me sad. D: It was pretty packed, too. Anyway. The teacher I saw earlier was wearing some extravagant dress, had her skin painted blue, and her face was somehow shrunken and had very pronounced cheekbones and jawbones. Holding the baby Jesus. And don't shoot me, this is just what I dreamed. o_O; I remember that the blue person wearing the sparkly toga and has a weird bun hairstyle and sparkles in the hair and six arms was a god from one of those ancient religions. I think it was a Persian god. Anyway, on reflection, it's like... A god most believe is fake holding the child of a god most believe is real. Means something, I'm sure, but I dunno what it would. Anyway. I left through another door that went into a room full of lockers (where people put their computers and everyday bags and school books). Which was exactly like in the school. And it was like... Darn! Why didn't I think of here earlier! But still, I left. And I can't remember so well from here but I met MK and went over with her RL friends to like... An actual Astronomy Domine house. I've dreamed about the house before, but this was the first dream I had with it, where I had conscious control of my actions. And yeah. I red the logs of the house, found them to be boring by the time I got to 2003, and left to go exploring. MK, Ice Climber (or at least that's what the others called her xD) and Binh (or at least that's what the others called him) all showed me around the house. And JR was moping around on a couch in one of the rooms. It was a big house. Afterwards, they left me in the room where JR was and I looked around in more detail. I noted a chess table, two bookcases, a TV and a few very plush couches. I got bored so I opened a door I knew went to a hall, but after I did, I saw the door to the room across was open, and it had all the AD members in there (except for arkcher, I didn't find him in the whole dream. Unless he was the shocky bunny that comes along later) with one of them reading a book. I instinctively knew it was, like, the rules of AD or something and figured that someone not in the AD shouldn't know them, so I closed the door and lounged around on the....Lounge chair. I slept there (in a dream. Pfft) and when I woke up I was in a different room. Well, it was the same, but everything was moved around. Besides the one door. And there were about five AD members there, only one I recognised as JR playing chess by himself (I guess IC was in another room). He left, and the chess table transformed into a large pink bunny. And the rest of the AD members in the room screamed and ran out. By then the rabbit was at the door so I had to attack it to get out. So I did. And I got a little electrical tingle in my hands, which was not enough to hurt but enough to make my hands feel all weird and unco. So I tried to hit it a few more times and after failing a few more times I decided to just run past it, even if it would shock my legs. So I did, it shocked my legs, and I woke up.


Whoot. Freud plz?

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Nice. XD


If my mom ever gets the printer hooked up, I'll print this and put it in The Journal and maybe we'll build a Supra-Secret cliquehouse (Instead of Clubhouse?)


Desert Blumaroo award. I dunno what that will be for.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*TheAstronomy Domine*~*

:lol: Thanks for the award! OOH! That means 25 awards! HIGH FIVE!


*high fives*


Maybe I'll see it, if you mean The Journal that I think you mean.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


We're publishing it when we graduate High-School.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Oh. OH! You mean THE The Journal.


...Wow. ^_^


I am so going to buy it and read it. When you publish it. And yeah. =D

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


It might be really expensive...I mean...we put lotion samples in there...


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Hmm. I guess it would depend on the price...

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Yesterday my mother found something I hadn't thrown out - a rant about her written on some paper. Lots of rude things were said in it. None of which I meant. It was over a year old so very outdated. It was written, I believe, about the time I found the 'herb' in her backyard. Today, she phoned me and I explained this, and she's going to rip it up and throw it out. LUCKY LUCKY I'M SO LUCKY!


Haha. If I had ranted about it HERE, though, none of this would have happened. I felt soooo guilty during the night. Especially because it wasn't true. Anyway.


I started playing World of Warcraft about a week ago. I've already got my dad to purchase the full version and everything but I have to wait until the trial runs out before I can start doing everything. Oh well. I have about 5 characters over 3 servers... And I wanna delete two of them. But I dun want to, because if I want to play them again, I'd have to go all the way back to the start. So I'm not going to.


Haha. I just remembered that the level cap on the trial is 20. And I can only have up to 20 gold. Wow. It's not like I'm allowed to become good or anything now is it? Oh, and I'm not allowed to trade. Pfffffffffffft. I have to sell all my good stuff to vendors.


I bet I'm not making sense to most people here.


lvl 12 tauren druid (created first, is a secondary character)

lvl 9 undead priest (created third, is my main character)

lvl 5 orc warrior (created fourth, I just wanted to use less magic and more bashing but I got bored)

lvl ?? night elf hunter (created second, I forget the level)

lvl ?? human something (created fifth, I forget the lvl and class. Hah)


Hmhmhm. I'm not going to tell you my name(s).


...because I'm not allowed to.




People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy



I probably forgot someone who I REALLY want to show up. Except for kat and MK and horatio because they already have. Um. Yeah.


Seeya for now.

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Yesterday my mother found something I hadn't thrown out - a rant about her written on some paper. Lots of rude things were said in it. None of which I meant. It was over a year old so very outdated. It was written, I believe, about the time I found the 'herb' in her backyard. Today, she phoned me and I explained this, and she's going to rip it up and throw it out. LUCKY LUCKY I'M SO LUCKY!


Haha. If I had ranted about it HERE, though, none of this would have happened. I felt soooo guilty during the night. Especially because it wasn't true. Anyway.


I started playing World of Warcraft about a week ago. I've already got my dad to purchase the full version and everything but I have to wait until the trial runs out before I can start doing everything. Oh well. I have about 5 characters over 3 servers... And I wanna delete two of them. But I dun want to, because if I want to play them again, I'd have to go all the way back to the start. So I'm not going to.


Haha. I just remembered that the level cap on the trial is 20. And I can only have up to 20 gold. Wow. It's not like I'm allowed to become good or anything now is it? Oh, and I'm not allowed to trade. Pfffffffffffft. I have to sell all my good stuff to vendors.


I bet I'm not making sense to most people here.


lvl 12 tauren druid (created first, is a secondary character)

lvl 9 undead priest (created third, is my main character)

lvl 5 orc warrior (created fourth, I just wanted to use less magic and more bashing but I got bored)

lvl ?? night elf hunter (created second, I forget the level)

lvl ?? human something (created fifth, I forget the lvl and class. Hah)


Hmhmhm. I'm not going to tell you my name(s).


...because I'm not allowed to.




People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy



I probably forgot someone who I REALLY want to show up. Except for kat and MK and horatio because they already have. Um. Yeah.


Seeya for now.

As for the written words about your mother, what was her reaction? You know, sometimes it is really good to get your feelings out on paper, even though some of what you have written is not true. But this is much better than if you had said them to her in an argument. Of course, even though your words may not have been true, this was exactly how you felt at the time and that is important. It may have been good for your mother to see that paper. Adults quite often forget that young people have feelings and can be impacted greatly by the adults actions. Please let me know what her reaction to this was. Journals and diaries are excellent places to vent and should be private to the writer.

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Yesterday my mother found something I hadn't thrown out - a rant about her written on some paper. Lots of rude things were said in it. None of which I meant. It was over a year old so very outdated. It was written, I believe, about the time I found the 'herb' in her backyard. Today, she phoned me and I explained this, and she's going to rip it up and throw it out. LUCKY LUCKY I'M SO LUCKY!


Haha. If I had ranted about it HERE, though, none of this would have happened. I felt soooo guilty during the night. Especially because it wasn't true. Anyway.


I started playing World of Warcraft about a week ago. I've already got my dad to purchase the full version and everything but I have to wait until the trial runs out before I can start doing everything. Oh well. I have about 5 characters over 3 servers... And I wanna delete two of them. But I dun want to, because if I want to play them again, I'd have to go all the way back to the start. So I'm not going to.


Haha. I just remembered that the level cap on the trial is 20. And I can only have up to 20 gold. Wow. It's not like I'm allowed to become good or anything now is it? Oh, and I'm not allowed to trade. Pfffffffffffft. I have to sell all my good stuff to vendors.


I bet I'm not making sense to most people here.


lvl 12 tauren druid (created first, is a secondary character)

lvl 9 undead priest (created third, is my main character)

lvl 5 orc warrior (created fourth, I just wanted to use less magic and more bashing but I got bored)

lvl ?? night elf hunter (created second, I forget the level)

lvl ?? human something (created fifth, I forget the lvl and class. Hah)


Hmhmhm. I'm not going to tell you my name(s).


...because I'm not allowed to.




People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy



I probably forgot someone who I REALLY want to show up. Except for kat and MK and horatio because they already have. Um. Yeah.


Seeya for now.

As for the written words about your mother, what was her reaction? You know, sometimes it is really good to get your feelings out on paper, even though some of what you have written is not true. But this is much better than if you had said them to her in an argument. Of course, even though your words may not have been true, this was exactly how you felt at the time and that is important. It may have been good for your mother to see that paper. Adults quite often forget that young people have feelings and can be impacted greatly by the adults actions. Please let me know what her reaction to this was. Journals and diaries are excellent places to vent and should be private to the writer.

She was sad.

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now. :P

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Yesterday my mother found something I hadn't thrown out - a rant about her written on some paper. Lots of rude things were said in it. None of which I meant. It was over a year old so very outdated. It was written, I believe, about the time I found the 'herb' in her backyard. Today, she phoned me and I explained this, and she's going to rip it up and throw it out. LUCKY LUCKY I'M SO LUCKY!


Haha. If I had ranted about it HERE, though, none of this would have happened. I felt soooo guilty during the night. Especially because it wasn't true. Anyway.


I started playing World of Warcraft about a week ago. I've already got my dad to purchase the full version and everything but I have to wait until the trial runs out before I can start doing everything. Oh well. I have about 5 characters over 3 servers... And I wanna delete two of them. But I dun want to, because if I want to play them again, I'd have to go all the way back to the start. So I'm not going to.


Haha. I just remembered that the level cap on the trial is 20. And I can only have up to 20 gold. Wow. It's not like I'm allowed to become good or anything now is it? Oh, and I'm not allowed to trade. Pfffffffffffft. I have to sell all my good stuff to vendors.


I bet I'm not making sense to most people here.


lvl 12 tauren druid (created first, is a secondary character)

lvl 9 undead priest (created third, is my main character)

lvl 5 orc warrior (created fourth, I just wanted to use less magic and more bashing but I got bored)

lvl ?? night elf hunter (created second, I forget the level)

lvl ?? human something (created fifth, I forget the lvl and class. Hah)


Hmhmhm. I'm not going to tell you my name(s).


...because I'm not allowed to.




People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy



I probably forgot someone who I REALLY want to show up. Except for kat and MK and horatio because they already have. Um. Yeah.


Seeya for now.

As for the written words about your mother, what was her reaction? You know, sometimes it is really good to get your feelings out on paper, even though some of what you have written is not true. But this is much better than if you had said them to her in an argument. Of course, even though your words may not have been true, this was exactly how you felt at the time and that is important. It may have been good for your mother to see that paper. Adults quite often forget that young people have feelings and can be impacted greatly by the adults actions. Please let me know what her reaction to this was. Journals and diaries are excellent places to vent and should be private to the writer.

She was sad.

That's okay. You need not feel bad about expressing your feelings. Perhaps this is what you mother needed to hear.

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*heeds the call*


Well, sometimes it takes something big, such as the discovery of the note to bring about any sort of change. Has she done anything differently lately?

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Was 'The Herb' something you see in a Coffeehouse while in Amsterdam?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Was 'The Herb' something you see in a Coffeehouse while in Amsterdam?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

More like something if you decide to grow, will give you a new home... one room with bars. :lol:

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now. :P

*is also here*


Sorry, I tend to only pay attention to a few topics at once. So yeah. Your dream. Well first off, Freud was on a lot of drugs, and most modern psychology people think that lots of what he said is a bit off. Anyways, your dream looks like and expression of what you want, which I can venture to guess is to be in the company of people who you love and who love you, in an environment where you feel comfortable. The bunny thing probably represents some obstacle you need to deal with, even if it scares you and hurts. That's all I've got on that for now.

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now. :P

Swoot. One of my wishes have been answered =O


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*heeds the call*


Well, sometimes it takes something big, such as the discovery of the note to bring about any sort of change. Has she done anything differently lately?

Hurrah! Someone else I want here has indeed posted ;D Yay!


Considering she found it 2 days ago, and I do a week on/week off thing, I'll find out soon.

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now. :P

*is also here*


Sorry, I tend to only pay attention to a few topics at once. So yeah. Your dream. Well first off, Freud was on a lot of drugs, and most modern psychology people think that lots of what he said is a bit off. Anyways, your dream looks like and expression of what you want, which I can venture to guess is to be in the company of people who you love and who love you, in an environment where you feel comfortable. The bunny thing probably represents some obstacle you need to deal with, even if it scares you and hurts. That's all I've got on that for now.

Haww. You're twice the psychologist Freud ever was. :lol:


I love that xD I may just put that in a word doc with the dream and save it =O

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now. :P

*is also here*


Sorry, I tend to only pay attention to a few topics at once. So yeah. Your dream. Well first off, Freud was on a lot of drugs, and most modern psychology people think that lots of what he said is a bit off. Anyways, your dream looks like and expression of what you want, which I can venture to guess is to be in the company of people who you love and who love you, in an environment where you feel comfortable. The bunny thing probably represents some obstacle you need to deal with, even if it scares you and hurts. That's all I've got on that for now.

Haww. You're twice the psychologist Freud ever was. :lol:


I love that xD I may just put that in a word doc with the dream and save it =O

Aw, thanks! ^_^ I'm in an intro to psych class now, which is why I know about Freud. I'm actually considering taking a third major in biopsych, since the bio requirements overlap with my current bio major.

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Aw, thanks! ^_^ I'm in an intro to psych class now, which is why I know about Freud. I'm actually considering taking a third major in biopsych, since the bio requirements overlap with my current bio major.

3 majors?! I didn't even know that's possible! Phew... Well, have fun, I guess. :unsure:^_^

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now. :P

*is also here*


Sorry, I tend to only pay attention to a few topics at once. So yeah. Your dream. Well first off, Freud was on a lot of drugs, and most modern psychology people think that lots of what he said is a bit off. Anyways, your dream looks like and expression of what you want, which I can venture to guess is to be in the company of people who you love and who love you, in an environment where you feel comfortable. The bunny thing probably represents some obstacle you need to deal with, even if it scares you and hurts. That's all I've got on that for now.

Haww. You're twice the psychologist Freud ever was. :lol:


I love that xD I may just put that in a word doc with the dream and save it =O

Aw, thanks! ^_^ I'm in an intro to psych class now, which is why I know about Freud. I'm actually considering taking a third major in biopsych, since the bio requirements overlap with my current bio major.

Ha, I thought you did psych. Lmao, both my parents and my friend's mum all did psych, and one is a psychologist. Funny funny.


And I had another dream. It was strange. I remember only a couple parts though. I remember a part where someone was lying about his 'girlfriend' who was actually his wife. And yeah. She came and he admitted that she was his wife. The other part I remember, I was given a trombone by someone. And I was getting ready to play it, by like, wetting my lips and practising my blowing. And right before I put my lips on the mouthpiece (I was so close too, like, a cm or something away), I woke up.

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Aw, thanks! ^_^ I'm in an intro to psych class now, which is why I know about Freud. I'm actually considering taking a third major in biopsych, since the bio requirements overlap with my current bio major.

3 majors?! I didn't even know that's possible! Phew... Well, have fun, I guess. :unsure:^_^

Yep, but because the bio credits overlap, it's really like just having the double major I have now and a phsych minor, only like plus two more classes. It's not as bad as it sounds.

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now. :P

*is also here*


Sorry, I tend to only pay attention to a few topics at once. So yeah. Your dream. Well first off, Freud was on a lot of drugs, and most modern psychology people think that lots of what he said is a bit off. Anyways, your dream looks like and expression of what you want, which I can venture to guess is to be in the company of people who you love and who love you, in an environment where you feel comfortable. The bunny thing probably represents some obstacle you need to deal with, even if it scares you and hurts. That's all I've got on that for now.

Haww. You're twice the psychologist Freud ever was. :lol:


I love that xD I may just put that in a word doc with the dream and save it =O

Aw, thanks! ^_^ I'm in an intro to psych class now, which is why I know about Freud. I'm actually considering taking a third major in biopsych, since the bio requirements overlap with my current bio major.

Ha, I thought you did psych. Lmao, both my parents and my friend's mum all did psych, and one is a psychologist. Funny funny.


And I had another dream. It was strange. I remember only a couple parts though. I remember a part where someone was lying about his 'girlfriend' who was actually his wife. And yeah. She came and he admitted that she was his wife. The other part I remember, I was given a trombone by someone. And I was getting ready to play it, by like, wetting my lips and practising my blowing. And right before I put my lips on the mouthpiece (I was so close too, like, a cm or something away), I woke up.

Intro to psych is required for all education majors. Freud would have a lot to say about your second dream, but I'm not going there. :rolleyes:

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now. :P

*is also here*


Sorry, I tend to only pay attention to a few topics at once. So yeah. Your dream. Well first off, Freud was on a lot of drugs, and most modern psychology people think that lots of what he said is a bit off. Anyways, your dream looks like and expression of what you want, which I can venture to guess is to be in the company of people who you love and who love you, in an environment where you feel comfortable. The bunny thing probably represents some obstacle you need to deal with, even if it scares you and hurts. That's all I've got on that for now.

Haww. You're twice the psychologist Freud ever was. :lol:


I love that xD I may just put that in a word doc with the dream and save it =O

Aw, thanks! ^_^ I'm in an intro to psych class now, which is why I know about Freud. I'm actually considering taking a third major in biopsych, since the bio requirements overlap with my current bio major.

Ha, I thought you did psych. Lmao, both my parents and my friend's mum all did psych, and one is a psychologist. Funny funny.


And I had another dream. It was strange. I remember only a couple parts though. I remember a part where someone was lying about his 'girlfriend' who was actually his wife. And yeah. She came and he admitted that she was his wife. The other part I remember, I was given a trombone by someone. And I was getting ready to play it, by like, wetting my lips and practising my blowing. And right before I put my lips on the mouthpiece (I was so close too, like, a cm or something away), I woke up.

Intro to psych is required for all education majors. Freud would have a lot to say about your second dream, but I'm not going there. :rolleyes:

Ohhhhh..... no guts, no glory. :lol:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Was 'The Herb' something you see in a Coffeehouse while in Amsterdam?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*



I still can't get over the fact that it's legal to have one plant here. ._.

*~*The Grande Illusion*~*TRhe Final Cut*~*


Bob Marley's favorite drug! XD


....That's mean. 'Cause he's dead.


Holy collection of great dance songs, I typed 'dead' just as Don Henley said 'Dead' in the song i'm listening to right now...


*~*Thje Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now. :P

*is also here*


Sorry, I tend to only pay attention to a few topics at once. So yeah. Your dream. Well first off, Freud was on a lot of drugs, and most modern psychology people think that lots of what he said is a bit off. Anyways, your dream looks like and expression of what you want, which I can venture to guess is to be in the company of people who you love and who love you, in an environment where you feel comfortable. The bunny thing probably represents some obstacle you need to deal with, even if it scares you and hurts. That's all I've got on that for now.

Haww. You're twice the psychologist Freud ever was. :lol:


I love that xD I may just put that in a word doc with the dream and save it =O

Aw, thanks! ^_^ I'm in an intro to psych class now, which is why I know about Freud. I'm actually considering taking a third major in biopsych, since the bio requirements overlap with my current bio major.

Ha, I thought you did psych. Lmao, both my parents and my friend's mum all did psych, and one is a psychologist. Funny funny.


And I had another dream. It was strange. I remember only a couple parts though. I remember a part where someone was lying about his 'girlfriend' who was actually his wife. And yeah. She came and he admitted that she was his wife. The other part I remember, I was given a trombone by someone. And I was getting ready to play it, by like, wetting my lips and practising my blowing. And right before I put my lips on the mouthpiece (I was so close too, like, a cm or something away), I woke up.

Intro to psych is required for all education majors. Freud would have a lot to say about your second dream, but I'm not going there. :rolleyes:

Ohhhhh..... no guts, no glory. :lol:

Well, this is Freud we're talking about here. I probably wouldn't be allowed to post a lot of what he says, because they aren't exactly...um...kid friendly? :rolleyes:

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now. :P

*is also here*


Sorry, I tend to only pay attention to a few topics at once. So yeah. Your dream. Well first off, Freud was on a lot of drugs, and most modern psychology people think that lots of what he said is a bit off. Anyways, your dream looks like and expression of what you want, which I can venture to guess is to be in the company of people who you love and who love you, in an environment where you feel comfortable. The bunny thing probably represents some obstacle you need to deal with, even if it scares you and hurts. That's all I've got on that for now.

Haww. You're twice the psychologist Freud ever was. :lol:


I love that xD I may just put that in a word doc with the dream and save it =O

Aw, thanks! ^_^ I'm in an intro to psych class now, which is why I know about Freud. I'm actually considering taking a third major in biopsych, since the bio requirements overlap with my current bio major.

Ha, I thought you did psych. Lmao, both my parents and my friend's mum all did psych, and one is a psychologist. Funny funny.


And I had another dream. It was strange. I remember only a couple parts though. I remember a part where someone was lying about his 'girlfriend' who was actually his wife. And yeah. She came and he admitted that she was his wife. The other part I remember, I was given a trombone by someone. And I was getting ready to play it, by like, wetting my lips and practising my blowing. And right before I put my lips on the mouthpiece (I was so close too, like, a cm or something away), I woke up.

Intro to psych is required for all education majors. Freud would have a lot to say about your second dream, but I'm not going there. :rolleyes:

Ohhhhh..... no guts, no glory. :lol:

Well, this is Freud we're talking about here. I probably wouldn't be allowed to post a lot of what he says, because they aren't exactly...um...kid friendly? :rolleyes:

I know. I was just joking around with you.

Everything Freud wrote was almost unprintable here. :lol:

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now. :P

*is also here*


Sorry, I tend to only pay attention to a few topics at once. So yeah. Your dream. Well first off, Freud was on a lot of drugs, and most modern psychology people think that lots of what he said is a bit off. Anyways, your dream looks like and expression of what you want, which I can venture to guess is to be in the company of people who you love and who love you, in an environment where you feel comfortable. The bunny thing probably represents some obstacle you need to deal with, even if it scares you and hurts. That's all I've got on that for now.

Haww. You're twice the psychologist Freud ever was. :lol:


I love that xD I may just put that in a word doc with the dream and save it =O

Aw, thanks! ^_^ I'm in an intro to psych class now, which is why I know about Freud. I'm actually considering taking a third major in biopsych, since the bio requirements overlap with my current bio major.

Ha, I thought you did psych. Lmao, both my parents and my friend's mum all did psych, and one is a psychologist. Funny funny.


And I had another dream. It was strange. I remember only a couple parts though. I remember a part where someone was lying about his 'girlfriend' who was actually his wife. And yeah. She came and he admitted that she was his wife. The other part I remember, I was given a trombone by someone. And I was getting ready to play it, by like, wetting my lips and practising my blowing. And right before I put my lips on the mouthpiece (I was so close too, like, a cm or something away), I woke up.

Intro to psych is required for all education majors. Freud would have a lot to say about your second dream, but I'm not going there. :rolleyes:

Ohhhhh..... no guts, no glory. :lol:

Well, this is Freud we're talking about here. I probably wouldn't be allowed to post a lot of what he says, because they aren't exactly...um...kid friendly? :rolleyes:

I know. I was just joking around with you.

Everything Freud wrote was almost unprintable here. :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


In a webcomic I read, one character's body was drop-kicked out of existence, and when he tries to imagine it back into being, he ends up with a cow's body. The character's friend says, "Whatd would Freud say?" and he replies, "He would probably say 'Shut up boy with Cash Register-shaped head!'"


*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now. :P

*is also here*


Sorry, I tend to only pay attention to a few topics at once. So yeah. Your dream. Well first off, Freud was on a lot of drugs, and most modern psychology people think that lots of what he said is a bit off. Anyways, your dream looks like and expression of what you want, which I can venture to guess is to be in the company of people who you love and who love you, in an environment where you feel comfortable. The bunny thing probably represents some obstacle you need to deal with, even if it scares you and hurts. That's all I've got on that for now.

Haww. You're twice the psychologist Freud ever was. :lol:


I love that xD I may just put that in a word doc with the dream and save it =O

Aw, thanks! ^_^ I'm in an intro to psych class now, which is why I know about Freud. I'm actually considering taking a third major in biopsych, since the bio requirements overlap with my current bio major.

Ha, I thought you did psych. Lmao, both my parents and my friend's mum all did psych, and one is a psychologist. Funny funny.


And I had another dream. It was strange. I remember only a couple parts though. I remember a part where someone was lying about his 'girlfriend' who was actually his wife. And yeah. She came and he admitted that she was his wife. The other part I remember, I was given a trombone by someone. And I was getting ready to play it, by like, wetting my lips and practising my blowing. And right before I put my lips on the mouthpiece (I was so close too, like, a cm or something away), I woke up.

Intro to psych is required for all education majors. Freud would have a lot to say about your second dream, but I'm not going there. :rolleyes:

Ohhhhh..... no guts, no glory. :lol:

Well, this is Freud we're talking about here. I probably wouldn't be allowed to post a lot of what he says, because they aren't exactly...um...kid friendly? :rolleyes:

I know. I was just joking around with you.

Everything Freud wrote was almost unprintable here. :lol:

Hahaha yeah, pretty much. I'm sure you can imagine the class discussions in our intro to psych class involving his theories... :rolleyes:

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now. :P

*is also here*


Sorry, I tend to only pay attention to a few topics at once. So yeah. Your dream. Well first off, Freud was on a lot of drugs, and most modern psychology people think that lots of what he said is a bit off. Anyways, your dream looks like and expression of what you want, which I can venture to guess is to be in the company of people who you love and who love you, in an environment where you feel comfortable. The bunny thing probably represents some obstacle you need to deal with, even if it scares you and hurts. That's all I've got on that for now.

Haww. You're twice the psychologist Freud ever was. :lol:


I love that xD I may just put that in a word doc with the dream and save it =O

Aw, thanks! ^_^ I'm in an intro to psych class now, which is why I know about Freud. I'm actually considering taking a third major in biopsych, since the bio requirements overlap with my current bio major.

Ha, I thought you did psych. Lmao, both my parents and my friend's mum all did psych, and one is a psychologist. Funny funny.


And I had another dream. It was strange. I remember only a couple parts though. I remember a part where someone was lying about his 'girlfriend' who was actually his wife. And yeah. She came and he admitted that she was his wife. The other part I remember, I was given a trombone by someone. And I was getting ready to play it, by like, wetting my lips and practising my blowing. And right before I put my lips on the mouthpiece (I was so close too, like, a cm or something away), I woke up.

Intro to psych is required for all education majors. Freud would have a lot to say about your second dream, but I'm not going there. :rolleyes:

Now what's that supposed to mean?

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now. :P

*is also here*


Sorry, I tend to only pay attention to a few topics at once. So yeah. Your dream. Well first off, Freud was on a lot of drugs, and most modern psychology people think that lots of what he said is a bit off. Anyways, your dream looks like and expression of what you want, which I can venture to guess is to be in the company of people who you love and who love you, in an environment where you feel comfortable. The bunny thing probably represents some obstacle you need to deal with, even if it scares you and hurts. That's all I've got on that for now.

Haww. You're twice the psychologist Freud ever was. :lol:


I love that xD I may just put that in a word doc with the dream and save it =O

Aw, thanks! ^_^ I'm in an intro to psych class now, which is why I know about Freud. I'm actually considering taking a third major in biopsych, since the bio requirements overlap with my current bio major.

Ha, I thought you did psych. Lmao, both my parents and my friend's mum all did psych, and one is a psychologist. Funny funny.


And I had another dream. It was strange. I remember only a couple parts though. I remember a part where someone was lying about his 'girlfriend' who was actually his wife. And yeah. She came and he admitted that she was his wife. The other part I remember, I was given a trombone by someone. And I was getting ready to play it, by like, wetting my lips and practising my blowing. And right before I put my lips on the mouthpiece (I was so close too, like, a cm or something away), I woke up.

Intro to psych is required for all education majors. Freud would have a lot to say about your second dream, but I'm not going there. :rolleyes:

Ohhhhh..... no guts, no glory. :lol:

Well, this is Freud we're talking about here. I probably wouldn't be allowed to post a lot of what he says, because they aren't exactly...um...kid friendly? :rolleyes:

I know. I was just joking around with you.

Everything Freud wrote was almost unprintable here. :lol:

Hahaha yeah, pretty much. I'm sure you can imagine the class discussions in our intro to psych class involving his theories... :rolleyes:

Now that must be a class you don't want as your 08H00 class. :lol:

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now.

*is also here*


Sorry, I tend to only pay attention to a few topics at once. So yeah. Your dream. Well first off, Freud was on a lot of drugs, and most modern psychology people think that lots of what he said is a bit off. Anyways, your dream looks like and expression of what you want, which I can venture to guess is to be in the company of people who you love and who love you, in an environment where you feel comfortable. The bunny thing probably represents some obstacle you need to deal with, even if it scares you and hurts. That's all I've got on that for now.

Haww. You're twice the psychologist Freud ever was.


I love that xD I may just put that in a word doc with the dream and save it =O

Aw, thanks! ^_^ I'm in an intro to psych class now, which is why I know about Freud. I'm actually considering taking a third major in biopsych, since the bio requirements overlap with my current bio major.

Ha, I thought you did psych. Lmao, both my parents and my friend's mum all did psych, and one is a psychologist. Funny funny.


And I had another dream. It was strange. I remember only a couple parts though. I remember a part where someone was lying about his 'girlfriend' who was actually his wife. And yeah. She came and he admitted that she was his wife. The other part I remember, I was given a trombone by someone. And I was getting ready to play it, by like, wetting my lips and practising my blowing. And right before I put my lips on the mouthpiece (I was so close too, like, a cm or something away), I woke up.

Intro to psych is required for all education majors. Freud would have a lot to say about your second dream, but I'm not going there. :rolleyes:

Ohhhhh..... no guts, no glory. :lol:

Well, this is Freud we're talking about here. I probably wouldn't be allowed to post a lot of what he says, because they aren't exactly...um...kid friendly? :rolleyes:

I know. I was just joking around with you.

Everything Freud wrote was almost unprintable here. :lol:

Hahaha yeah, pretty much. I'm sure you can imagine the class discussions in our intro to psych class involving his theories... :rolleyes:

Now that must be a class you don't want as your 08H00 class. :lol:

Hahaha actually, if I had my choice of what 8am class I wanted (aside from not having class at 8am), psych would probably be up there, because it's interesting, and I'm less likely to fall asleep during it. :P


As for what that's supposed to mean: two things: 1. Probably not postable, as discussed before. 2. You'd probably be embarassed. :rolleyes: If you're interested about Freud, you can google him.

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now.

*is also here*


Sorry, I tend to only pay attention to a few topics at once. So yeah. Your dream. Well first off, Freud was on a lot of drugs, and most modern psychology people think that lots of what he said is a bit off. Anyways, your dream looks like and expression of what you want, which I can venture to guess is to be in the company of people who you love and who love you, in an environment where you feel comfortable. The bunny thing probably represents some obstacle you need to deal with, even if it scares you and hurts. That's all I've got on that for now.

Haww. You're twice the psychologist Freud ever was.


I love that xD I may just put that in a word doc with the dream and save it =O

Aw, thanks! ^_^ I'm in an intro to psych class now, which is why I know about Freud. I'm actually considering taking a third major in biopsych, since the bio requirements overlap with my current bio major.

Ha, I thought you did psych. Lmao, both my parents and my friend's mum all did psych, and one is a psychologist. Funny funny.


And I had another dream. It was strange. I remember only a couple parts though. I remember a part where someone was lying about his 'girlfriend' who was actually his wife. And yeah. She came and he admitted that she was his wife. The other part I remember, I was given a trombone by someone. And I was getting ready to play it, by like, wetting my lips and practising my blowing. And right before I put my lips on the mouthpiece (I was so close too, like, a cm or something away), I woke up.

Intro to psych is required for all education majors. Freud would have a lot to say about your second dream, but I'm not going there. :rolleyes:

Ohhhhh..... no guts, no glory. :lol:

Well, this is Freud we're talking about here. I probably wouldn't be allowed to post a lot of what he says, because they aren't exactly...um...kid friendly? :rolleyes:

I know. I was just joking around with you.

Everything Freud wrote was almost unprintable here. :lol:

Hahaha yeah, pretty much. I'm sure you can imagine the class discussions in our intro to psych class involving his theories... :rolleyes:

Now that must be a class you don't want as your 08H00 class. :lol:

Hahaha actually, if I had my choice of what 8am class I wanted (aside from not having class at 8am), psych would probably be up there, because it's interesting, and I'm less likely to fall asleep during it. :P


As for what that's supposed to mean: two things: 1. Probably not postable, as discussed before. 2. You'd probably be embarassed. :rolleyes: If you're interested about Freud, you can google him.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I recently found four old textbooks of my brother's that I've decided to read, and among them was a Psychology textbook. It's really interesting and makes me think about a lot of stuff.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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As for what that's supposed to mean: two things: 1. Probably not postable, as discussed before. 2. You'd probably be embarassed. :rolleyes: If you're interested about Freud, you can google him.

Haha. I'll take your word for it.


And I googled Freud.


And yeah.





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As for what that's supposed to mean: two things: 1. Probably not postable, as discussed before. 2. You'd probably be embarassed. :rolleyes: If you're interested about Freud, you can google him.

Haha. I'll take your word for it.


And I googled Freud.


And yeah.





Told ya. :rolleyes:

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As for what that's supposed to mean: two things: 1. Probably not postable, as discussed before. 2. You'd probably be embarassed. :rolleyes: If you're interested about Freud, you can google him.

Haha. I'll take your word for it.


And I googled Freud.


And yeah.





Told ya. :rolleyes:

I gotta admit, it was an awesome read. :lol:

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


*is not on the list but shows up anyways.*


I didn't know that type of plant was permitted anywhere in Australia. You crazy SA peoples :P



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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


*is not on the list but shows up anyways.*


I didn't know that type of plant was permitted anywhere in Australia. You crazy SA peoples :P



Glowurm will be so happy to see you!!!!

*is really excited and wishes Li would show up in the Horatio topic too*

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


*is not on the list but shows up anyways.*


I didn't know that type of plant was permitted anywhere in Australia. You crazy SA peoples :P



Yayyy! Leeeeeeeeeeeeee! I knew I forgot at least someone =D


Yeah. And one of my friends in sydeny now wants to live here xD


I haven't looked in your avatar thread since I commented. So I'll check it now =D

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


*is not on the list but shows up anyways.*


I didn't know that type of plant was permitted anywhere in Australia. You crazy SA peoples :P



Yayyy! Leeeeeeeeeeeeee! I knew I forgot at least someone =D


Yeah. And one of my friends in sydeny now wants to live here xD


I haven't looked in your avatar thread since I commented. So I'll check it now =D

*thinks about that statement*

Wants to live here on HampsterDance? :lol: Yeah!!!

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


*is not on the list but shows up anyways.*


I didn't know that type of plant was permitted anywhere in Australia. You crazy SA peoples :P



Yayyy! Leeeeeeeeeeeeee! I knew I forgot at least someone =D


Yeah. And one of my friends in sydeny now wants to live here xD


I haven't looked in your avatar thread since I commented. So I'll check it now =D

*thinks about that statement*

Wants to live here on HampsterDance? :lol: Yeah!!!

Here in SA.


I know I'm allowed to say state =P

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


*is not on the list but shows up anyways.*


I didn't know that type of plant was permitted anywhere in Australia. You crazy SA peoples :P



Yayyy! Leeeeeeeeeeeeee! I knew I forgot at least someone =D


Yeah. And one of my friends in sydeny now wants to live here xD


I haven't looked in your avatar thread since I commented. So I'll check it now =D

*thinks about that statement*

Wants to live here on HampsterDance? :lol: Yeah!!!

Here in SA.


I know I'm allowed to say state =P

The state, just not the city.

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


*is not on the list but shows up anyways.*


I didn't know that type of plant was permitted anywhere in Australia. You crazy SA peoples :P



Yayyy! Leeeeeeeeeeeeee! I knew I forgot at least someone =D


Yeah. And one of my friends in sydeny now wants to live here xD


I haven't looked in your avatar thread since I commented. So I'll check it now =D

*thinks about that statement*

Wants to live here on HampsterDance? :lol: Yeah!!!

Here in SA.


I know I'm allowed to say state =P

The state, just not the city.

Oh goodness. I remember on the old old old HD boards (somewhere around 2001) we were allowed to say last names and not only the city we lived in but the suburb too!

No harm came out of that but I can see why the rules have become stricter since then.



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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


*is not on the list but shows up anyways.*


I didn't know that type of plant was permitted anywhere in Australia. You crazy SA peoples :P



Yayyy! Leeeeeeeeeeeeee! I knew I forgot at least someone =D


Yeah. And one of my friends in sydeny now wants to live here xD


I haven't looked in your avatar thread since I commented. So I'll check it now =D

*thinks about that statement*

Wants to live here on HampsterDance? :lol: Yeah!!!

Here in SA.


I know I'm allowed to say state =P

The state, just not the city.

That's the one.


I'm entering the art contest so yeah. I'll be away a while.

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


*is not on the list but shows up anyways.*


I didn't know that type of plant was permitted anywhere in Australia. You crazy SA peoples :P



Yayyy! Leeeeeeeeeeeeee! I knew I forgot at least someone =D


Yeah. And one of my friends in sydeny now wants to live here xD


I haven't looked in your avatar thread since I commented. So I'll check it now =D

*thinks about that statement*

Wants to live here on HampsterDance? :lol: Yeah!!!

Here in SA.


I know I'm allowed to say state =P

The state, just not the city.

Oh goodness. I remember on the old old old HD boards (somewhere around 2001) we were allowed to say last names and not only the city we lived in but the suburb too!

No harm came out of that but I can see why the rules have become stricter since then.



That was bad when only young people knew how to wander around the internet.

Now, it is so easy and bad guy can find you without being savvy.

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


*is not on the list but shows up anyways.*


I didn't know that type of plant was permitted anywhere in Australia. You crazy SA peoples :P



Yayyy! Leeeeeeeeeeeeee! I knew I forgot at least someone =D


Yeah. And one of my friends in sydeny now wants to live here xD


I haven't looked in your avatar thread since I commented. So I'll check it now =D

*thinks about that statement*

Wants to live here on HampsterDance? :lol: Yeah!!!

Here in SA.


I know I'm allowed to say state =P

The state, just not the city.

That's the one.


I'm entering the art contest so yeah. I'll be away a while.

Update: Have the in-progress version.




Body © Bodybuilders Magazine


But I still drew the face.


And started colouring.

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


*is not on the list but shows up anyways.*


I didn't know that type of plant was permitted anywhere in Australia. You crazy SA peoples :P



Yayyy! Leeeeeeeeeeeeee! I knew I forgot at least someone =D


Yeah. And one of my friends in sydeny now wants to live here xD


I haven't looked in your avatar thread since I commented. So I'll check it now =D

*thinks about that statement*

Wants to live here on HampsterDance? :lol: Yeah!!!

Here in SA.


I know I'm allowed to say state =P

The state, just not the city.

That's the one.


I'm entering the art contest so yeah. I'll be away a while.

Update: Have the in-progress version.




Body © Bodybuilders Magazine


But I still drew the face.


And started colouring.


You just earned another award today!

The Gold Star Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!!!!!!

That is superb!!!!!!!!!!!

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People I really want to show up in my topic sometime soon:

Mega Wolf






The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy


*is not on the list but shows up anyways.*


I didn't know that type of plant was permitted anywhere in Australia. You crazy SA peoples :P



Yayyy! Leeeeeeeeeeeeee! I knew I forgot at least someone =D


Yeah. And one of my friends in sydeny now wants to live here xD


I haven't looked in your avatar thread since I commented. So I'll check it now =D

*thinks about that statement*

Wants to live here on HampsterDance? :lol: Yeah!!!

Here in SA.


I know I'm allowed to say state =P

The state, just not the city.

That's the one.


I'm entering the art contest so yeah. I'll be away a while.

Update: Have the in-progress version.




Body © Bodybuilders Magazine


But I still drew the face.


And started colouring.


You just earned another award today!

The Gold Star Platinum Moon Award!!!!!!!!!!!

That is superb!!!!!!!!!!!

Hurrah for a sense of humour!


And thanks for the award(s?)!



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I'm tired and still in school but I won't be for long.


I'm not replying in any topic other then topics in the art forum, or the Kat's Mafia.


Or this topic.


So yeah. That's why I'm sorta inactive. I think.



Well, just don't completely dissapear.

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I'm tired and still in school but I won't be for long.


I'm not replying in any topic other then topics in the art forum, or the Kat's Mafia.


Or this topic.


So yeah. That's why I'm sorta inactive. I think.


Well, just don't completely dissapear.

Glowurm is such a bright light in HampsterDance.

The boards would dim without him.

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I'm tired and still in school but I won't be for long.


I'm not replying in any topic other then topics in the art forum, or the Kat's Mafia.


Or this topic.


So yeah. That's why I'm sorta inactive. I think.


Well, just don't completely dissapear.

Glowurm is such a bright light in HampsterDance.

The boards would dim without him.


I hope he gets the not-so-subtle hints. xD

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I'm tired and still in school but I won't be for long.


I'm not replying in any topic other then topics in the art forum, or the Kat's Mafia.


Or this topic.


So yeah. That's why I'm sorta inactive. I think.


Well, just don't completely dissapear.

Glowurm is such a bright light in HampsterDance.

The boards would dim without him.


I hope he gets the not-so-subtle hints. xD

Me too.

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I'm tired and still in school but I won't be for long.


I'm not replying in any topic other then topics in the art forum, or the Kat's Mafia.


Or this topic.


So yeah. That's why I'm sorta inactive. I think.


Well, just don't completely dissapear.

Glowurm is such a bright light in HampsterDance.

The boards would dim without him.


I hope he gets the not-so-subtle hints. xD

Me too.

They weren't hints at all. Hints are actually half-subtle.

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I'm tired and still in school but I won't be for long.


I'm not replying in any topic other then topics in the art forum, or the Kat's Mafia.


Or this topic.


So yeah. That's why I'm sorta inactive. I think.


Well, just don't completely dissapear.

Glowurm is such a bright light in HampsterDance.

The boards would dim without him.


I hope he gets the not-so-subtle hints. xD

Me too.

They weren't hints at all. Hints are actually half-subtle.


*looks for a better word*

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I'm tired and still in school but I won't be for long.


I'm not replying in any topic other then topics in the art forum, or the Kat's Mafia.


Or this topic.


So yeah. That's why I'm sorta inactive. I think.


Well, just don't completely dissapear.

Glowurm is such a bright light in HampsterDance.

The boards would dim without him.


I hope he gets the not-so-subtle hints. xD

Me too.

They weren't hints at all. Hints are actually half-subtle.


*looks for a better word*

'Compliment' might work, because you did manage to sneak one in there xD


Thanks =D

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I'm tired and still in school but I won't be for long.


I'm not replying in any topic other then topics in the art forum, or the Kat's Mafia.


Or this topic.


So yeah. That's why I'm sorta inactive. I think.


Well, just don't completely dissapear.

Glowurm is such a bright light in HampsterDance.

The boards would dim without him.


I hope he gets the not-so-subtle hints. xD

Me too.

They weren't hints at all. Hints are actually half-subtle.


*looks for a better word*

'Compliment' might work, because you did manage to sneak one in there xD


Thanks =D

:lol: It seems that I am unable to sneak anything past you! :lol:

You're welcome!

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'Raishey, c'mon. The better word is so obvious.

I could give you a suggestion as to what to use in "hint"'s stead.

D'you want it?

Sorry, not at the moment... I am eating pancakes! :)


I already gave you the word. xD It just went over your head.

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'Raishey, c'mon. The better word is so obvious.

I could give you a suggestion as to what to use in "hint"'s stead.

D'you want it?

Sorry, not at the moment... I am eating pancakes! :)


I already gave you the word. xD It just went over your head.

*sleeps off a sugar rush*

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'Raishey, c'mon. The better word is so obvious.

I could give you a suggestion as to what to use in "hint"'s stead.

D'you want it?

Sorry, not at the moment... I am eating pancakes! :)

I. want. pancakes. e_e



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'Raishey, c'mon. The better word is so obvious.

I could give you a suggestion as to what to use in "hint"'s stead.

D'you want it?

Sorry, not at the moment... I am eating pancakes! :)

I. want. pancakes. e_e



*gives some pancakes piping hot from the griddle*

If you would like, here is butter and some 'straight-from-the-tree' maple syrup!

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Straight from the tree? Pure sap?

Pure sap. :)



I didn't realize that pure sap was edible, and I wouldn't think It would be good, either. xD

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Straight from the tree? Pure sap?

Pure sap. :)


I didn't realize that pure sap was edible, and I wouldn't think It would be good, either. xD

You tap a hole in two species of maple tree, collect your sap in a bucket, boil the collected sap, finally, strain the sap and pour it over your pancakes.

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Straight from the tree? Pure sap?

Pure sap. :)


I didn't realize that pure sap was edible, and I wouldn't think It would be good, either. xD

You tap a hole in two species of maple tree, collect your sap in a bucket, boil the collected sap, finally, strain the sap and pour it over your pancakes.

And that is how you make maple syrup. Y'see, it's not edible unless it's boiled a certain amount, from there on it's maple syrup. Pure as it can be. Still warm from the tree... Oh god, it's heaven...




I love canada so much.

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Straight from the tree? Pure sap?

Pure sap. :)


I didn't realize that pure sap was edible, and I wouldn't think It would be good, either. xD

You tap a hole in two species of maple tree, collect your sap in a bucket, boil the collected sap, finally, strain the sap and pour it over your pancakes.

And that is how you make maple syrup. Y'see, it's not edible unless it's boiled a certain amount, from there on it's maple syrup. Pure as it can be. Still warm from the tree... Oh god, it's heaven...



I love canada so much.

Arkcher is planning on moving to Canada. You could always go and visit him. :lol:

As for the syrup, I just love maple syrup, maple sugar candies and maple walnut ice cream. *gets hungry for pancakes*

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Straight from the tree? Pure sap?

Pure sap. :)


I didn't realize that pure sap was edible, and I wouldn't think It would be good, either. xD

You tap a hole in two species of maple tree, collect your sap in a bucket, boil the collected sap, finally, strain the sap and pour it over your pancakes.

And that is how you make maple syrup. Y'see, it's not edible unless it's boiled a certain amount, from there on it's maple syrup. Pure as it can be. Still warm from the tree... Oh god, it's heaven...



I love canada so much.

Arkcher is planning on moving to Canada. You could always go and visit him. :lol:

As for the syrup, I just love maple syrup, maple sugar candies and maple walnut ice cream. *gets hungry for pancakes*


I love all thing maple except for maple syrup, really...

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Straight from the tree? Pure sap?

Pure sap. :)


I didn't realize that pure sap was edible, and I wouldn't think It would be good, either. xD

You tap a hole in two species of maple tree, collect your sap in a bucket, boil the collected sap, finally, strain the sap and pour it over your pancakes.

And that is how you make maple syrup. Y'see, it's not edible unless it's boiled a certain amount, from there on it's maple syrup. Pure as it can be. Still warm from the tree... Oh god, it's heaven...



I love canada so much.

Arkcher is planning on moving to Canada. You could always go and visit him. :lol:

As for the syrup, I just love maple syrup, maple sugar candies and maple walnut ice cream. *gets hungry for pancakes*


I love all thing maple except for maple syrup, really...

Sugarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! :D

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Straight from the tree? Pure sap?

Pure sap. :)


I didn't realize that pure sap was edible, and I wouldn't think It would be good, either. xD

You tap a hole in two species of maple tree, collect your sap in a bucket, boil the collected sap, finally, strain the sap and pour it over your pancakes.

And that is how you make maple syrup. Y'see, it's not edible unless it's boiled a certain amount, from there on it's maple syrup. Pure as it can be. Still warm from the tree... Oh god, it's heaven...



I love canada so much.

Arkcher is planning on moving to Canada. You could always go and visit him. :lol:

As for the syrup, I just love maple syrup, maple sugar candies and maple walnut ice cream. *gets hungry for pancakes*


I love all thing maple except for maple syrup, really...

Sugarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! :D


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Helllllllllllloooooooooo Glowurm! :D




Sorry, I'm currently AFB.




Away From Brain.


I am always AFB.


I am really happy to see you!!!!!

Well I'm afraid you won't be happy for long, because I'm gonna go now.






And so the sun sets once again. As one day ends, another begins, and life goes full circle.


Flowers hide in the winter air

The weather is very fair

I start to chew on a pear

The spring time is the best time

Too bad it's still winter.

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Helllllllllllloooooooooo Glowurm! :D




Sorry, I'm currently AFB.




Away From Brain.


I am always AFB.


I am really happy to see you!!!!!

Well I'm afraid you won't be happy for long, because I'm gonna go now.






And so the sun sets once again. As one day ends, another begins, and life goes full circle.


Flowers hide in the winter air

The weather is very fair

I start to chew on a pear

The spring time is the best time

Too bad it's still winter.

You wrote a beautiful poem.

And yes... I am sad you are going for the day. Perhaps tomorrow. Sleep tight my little wurm.

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  • 2 weeks later...




I wrote a little random thing and I found it funny. Here, you can have it! <3







Captain! Will to live is operating at only 32%! Intelligence is down 17% and we are losing sleep as we speak! We must try something now or self-loathing may affect the whole of the person!


Alright, re-route all power to body to keep it operating. Only allow the minimum power possible to brain - we need him alive and operating at maximum capacity.


Insults have been fired! Mental shields are holding but he's being broken down slowly!


Fire retorts.......NOW!






Enemy shields are holding! They are returning fire!


Captain, we have detected breaches in deck 3 and 7, prepare for boarding!


Watch out crew, this is gonna be a bumpy life.

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I wrote a little random thing and I found it funny. Here, you can have it!







Captain! Will to live is operating at only 32%! Intelligence is down 17% and we are losing sleep as we speak! We must try something now or self-loathing may affect the whole of the person!


Alright, re-route all power to body to keep it operating. Only allow the minimum power possible to brain - we need him alive and operating at maximum capacity.


Insults have been fired! Mental shields are holding but he's being broken down slowly!


Fire retorts.......NOW!






Enemy shields are holding! They are returning fire!


Captain, we have detected breaches in deck 3 and 7, prepare for boarding!


Watch out crew, this is gonna be a bumpy life.


You are on a roll! This is great!!

*hands Glowurm The Gold Star Award*

Please write more!!!! You're good!

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Another thought, people of today are so obessed with words like "gay", "lesbian" and "bi". I don't think theres anything wrong with being any of those, but it's also really annoying how immature people call evrything and everyone "gay". Sometime I wish i could go back to a time when no one was so concered about all of this. What is so wrong about loving someone whos the same sex as you? Its still love right? Sheesh.



Seriously. Why are people raised to hate different people? Tell me anywhere in the bible it says that God hates gays. In fact, I learned on a website about religious tolerance that there are gay references in the bible, it's just that things were mistranslated or people couldn't handle the truth. Segregation is segregation. If people didn't hate people who were different from them, perhaps this world would be a much more peaceful place. But no, stubborn human minds will always find it right to say that one is wrong to be someone else.


God doesn't hate anyone. You've heard it, and I'll tell you again. He loves everyone. In the bible it says that you should not be gay, and some other stuff. But nothing against them.


It's the people that are for God and against gays that make me mad. It makes those people out there think that God hates them if they're gay. That's not true. I have nothing against the people that like the same sex, but some people do.


My brother uses the word "gay" a lot. Long story short, he kept on using that word at a store. The guy that rung our clothes up ended up being gay.


...Oh. And how'd we end up on this subject?

I know God doesn't hate gays. It gets on my nerves as well when people believe gays are evil people who shouldn't exist. As far as gays are concerned, we have similar opinions.









See the date on that? 2005. Some things never change...

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Another thought, people of today are so obessed with words like "gay", "lesbian" and "bi". I don't think theres anything wrong with being any of those, but it's also really annoying how immature people call evrything and everyone "gay". Sometime I wish i could go back to a time when no one was so concered about all of this. What is so wrong about loving someone whos the same sex as you? Its still love right? Sheesh.



Seriously. Why are people raised to hate different people? Tell me anywhere in the bible it says that God hates gays. In fact, I learned on a website about religious tolerance that there are gay references in the bible, it's just that things were mistranslated or people couldn't handle the truth. Segregation is segregation. If people didn't hate people who were different from them, perhaps this world would be a much more peaceful place. But no, stubborn human minds will always find it right to say that one is wrong to be someone else.


God doesn't hate anyone. You've heard it, and I'll tell you again. He loves everyone. In the bible it says that you should not be gay, and some other stuff. But nothing against them.


It's the people that are for God and against gays that make me mad. It makes those people out there think that God hates them if they're gay. That's not true. I have nothing against the people that like the same sex, but some people do.


My brother uses the word "gay" a lot. Long story short, he kept on using that word at a store. The guy that rung our clothes up ended up being gay.


...Oh. And how'd we end up on this subject?

I know God doesn't hate gays. It gets on my nerves as well when people believe gays are evil people who shouldn't exist. As far as gays are concerned, we have similar opinions.









See the date on that? 2005. Some things never change...

Yes, as it should be. =D

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Another thought, people of today are so obessed with words like "gay", "lesbian" and "bi". I don't think theres anything wrong with being any of those, but it's also really annoying how immature people call evrything and everyone "gay". Sometime I wish i could go back to a time when no one was so concered about all of this. What is so wrong about loving someone whos the same sex as you? Its still love right? Sheesh.



Seriously. Why are people raised to hate different people? Tell me anywhere in the bible it says that God hates gays. In fact, I learned on a website about religious tolerance that there are gay references in the bible, it's just that things were mistranslated or people couldn't handle the truth. Segregation is segregation. If people didn't hate people who were different from them, perhaps this world would be a much more peaceful place. But no, stubborn human minds will always find it right to say that one is wrong to be someone else.


God doesn't hate anyone. You've heard it, and I'll tell you again. He loves everyone. In the bible it says that you should not be gay, and some other stuff. But nothing against them.


It's the people that are for God and against gays that make me mad. It makes those people out there think that God hates them if they're gay. That's not true. I have nothing against the people that like the same sex, but some people do.


My brother uses the word "gay" a lot. Long story short, he kept on using that word at a store. The guy that rung our clothes up ended up being gay.


...Oh. And how'd we end up on this subject?

I know God doesn't hate gays. It gets on my nerves as well when people believe gays are evil people who shouldn't exist. As far as gays are concerned, we have similar opinions.









See the date on that? 2005. Some things never change...

Yes, as it should be. =D

On the downside, that's mostly because people keep attacking gay people. In more then just the physical sense.




Haha. I just thought of something. Almost everyone is slightly racist and slightly sexist, because if someone was honestly not racist, they wouldn't even label people different races, let alone care about whether they're one race or another... And I have no idea if anyone's like that...

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Another thought, people of today are so obessed with words like "gay", "lesbian" and "bi". I don't think theres anything wrong with being any of those, but it's also really annoying how immature people call evrything and everyone "gay". Sometime I wish i could go back to a time when no one was so concered about all of this. What is so wrong about loving someone whos the same sex as you? Its still love right? Sheesh.



Seriously. Why are people raised to hate different people? Tell me anywhere in the bible it says that God hates gays. In fact, I learned on a website about religious tolerance that there are gay references in the bible, it's just that things were mistranslated or people couldn't handle the truth. Segregation is segregation. If people didn't hate people who were different from them, perhaps this world would be a much more peaceful place. But no, stubborn human minds will always find it right to say that one is wrong to be someone else.


God doesn't hate anyone. You've heard it, and I'll tell you again. He loves everyone. In the bible it says that you should not be gay, and some other stuff. But nothing against them.


It's the people that are for God and against gays that make me mad. It makes those people out there think that God hates them if they're gay. That's not true. I have nothing against the people that like the same sex, but some people do.


My brother uses the word "gay" a lot. Long story short, he kept on using that word at a store. The guy that rung our clothes up ended up being gay.


...Oh. And how'd we end up on this subject?

I know God doesn't hate gays. It gets on my nerves as well when people believe gays are evil people who shouldn't exist. As far as gays are concerned, we have similar opinions.









See the date on that? 2005. Some things never change...

Yes, as it should be. =D

On the downside, that's mostly because people keep attacking gay people. In more then just the physical sense.




Haha. I just thought of something. Almost everyone is slightly racist and slightly sexist, because if someone was honestly not racist, they wouldn't even label people different races, let alone care about whether they're one race or another... And I have no idea if anyone's like that...

Actually I am like that. I do not see colour, heritage, religion or sexual preference. I look at who is on the inside.


As a baby hammie, my mother taught me to accept everyone exactly as they are and to look at their differences

as you would the colours of the rainbow. It takes many colours to make a beautiful rainbow.


Peace through tolerance, compassion and understanding.

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Another thought, people of today are so obessed with words like "gay", "lesbian" and "bi". I don't think theres anything wrong with being any of those, but it's also really annoying how immature people call evrything and everyone "gay". Sometime I wish i could go back to a time when no one was so concered about all of this. What is so wrong about loving someone whos the same sex as you? Its still love right? Sheesh.



Seriously. Why are people raised to hate different people? Tell me anywhere in the bible it says that God hates gays. In fact, I learned on a website about religious tolerance that there are gay references in the bible, it's just that things were mistranslated or people couldn't handle the truth. Segregation is segregation. If people didn't hate people who were different from them, perhaps this world would be a much more peaceful place. But no, stubborn human minds will always find it right to say that one is wrong to be someone else.


God doesn't hate anyone. You've heard it, and I'll tell you again. He loves everyone. In the bible it says that you should not be gay, and some other stuff. But nothing against them.


It's the people that are for God and against gays that make me mad. It makes those people out there think that God hates them if they're gay. That's not true. I have nothing against the people that like the same sex, but some people do.


My brother uses the word "gay" a lot. Long story short, he kept on using that word at a store. The guy that rung our clothes up ended up being gay.


...Oh. And how'd we end up on this subject?

I know God doesn't hate gays. It gets on my nerves as well when people believe gays are evil people who shouldn't exist. As far as gays are concerned, we have similar opinions.









See the date on that? 2005. Some things never change...

Yes, as it should be. =D

On the downside, that's mostly because people keep attacking gay people. In more then just the physical sense.




Haha. I just thought of something. Almost everyone is slightly racist and slightly sexist, because if someone was honestly not racist, they wouldn't even label people different races, let alone care about whether they're one race or another... And I have no idea if anyone's like that...

Actually I am like that. I do not see colour, heritage, religion or sexual preference. I look at who is on the inside.


As a baby hammie, my mother taught me to accept everyone exactly as they are and to look at their differences

as you would the colours of the rainbow. It takes many colours to make a beautiful rainbow.


Peace through tolerance, compassion and understanding.

I think he means like. Not even knowing what a race is, not even understanding what someone means by one race or another. It's a trippy concept. XD

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Another thought, people of today are so obessed with words like "gay", "lesbian" and "bi". I don't think theres anything wrong with being any of those, but it's also really annoying how immature people call evrything and everyone "gay". Sometime I wish i could go back to a time when no one was so concered about all of this. What is so wrong about loving someone whos the same sex as you? Its still love right? Sheesh.



Seriously. Why are people raised to hate different people? Tell me anywhere in the bible it says that God hates gays. In fact, I learned on a website about religious tolerance that there are gay references in the bible, it's just that things were mistranslated or people couldn't handle the truth. Segregation is segregation. If people didn't hate people who were different from them, perhaps this world would be a much more peaceful place. But no, stubborn human minds will always find it right to say that one is wrong to be someone else.


God doesn't hate anyone. You've heard it, and I'll tell you again. He loves everyone. In the bible it says that you should not be gay, and some other stuff. But nothing against them.


It's the people that are for God and against gays that make me mad. It makes those people out there think that God hates them if they're gay. That's not true. I have nothing against the people that like the same sex, but some people do.


My brother uses the word "gay" a lot. Long story short, he kept on using that word at a store. The guy that rung our clothes up ended up being gay.


...Oh. And how'd we end up on this subject?

I know God doesn't hate gays. It gets on my nerves as well when people believe gays are evil people who shouldn't exist. As far as gays are concerned, we have similar opinions.









See the date on that? 2005. Some things never change...

Yes, as it should be. =D

On the downside, that's mostly because people keep attacking gay people. In more then just the physical sense.




Haha. I just thought of something. Almost everyone is slightly racist and slightly sexist, because if someone was honestly not racist, they wouldn't even label people different races, let alone care about whether they're one race or another... And I have no idea if anyone's like that...

Actually I am like that. I do not see colour, heritage, religion or sexual preference. I look at who is on the inside.


As a baby hammie, my mother taught me to accept everyone exactly as they are and to look at their differences

as you would the colours of the rainbow. It takes many colours to make a beautiful rainbow.


Peace through tolerance, compassion and understanding.

I think he means like. Not even knowing what a race is, not even understanding what someone means by one race or another. It's a trippy concept. XD

Outstanding concept.

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Just so everyone knows, in case they want to get in contact with me:


My address is [number] [something] [st/rd/ave/blvd/pde/tce/ln/crs/drv/cl/crt/rw] [suburb], . I live in [city], [state], [country] if you didn't know already. My email is [something]@[websitename].[com/net/edu/co.uk/tk/gov/ca/sg/dk/com.au/nl/co.za/info/org/nz].



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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I agree with Horatio, I don't see race, sexuality, style of dress, or anything else.

Why do people raise their children to think that people who are different are bad?


Racism and Sexism is a mental illness.

Do racists REALLY think that their skin colour is their defining charecteristic? They must lead pitiful lives.

(Quoted from the book Sticker Nation. Go buy it. Decorate you guitar or skateboard or compy or SOMEthing. The stickers are awesome.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*TheAstronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I agree with Horatio, I don't see race, sexuality, style of dress, or anything else.

Why do people raise their children to think that people who are different are bad?


Racism and Sexism is a mental illness.

Do racists REALLY think that their skin colour is their defining charecteristic? They must lead pitiful lives.

(Quoted from the book Sticker Nation. Go buy it. Decorate you guitar or skateboard or compy or SOMEthing. The stickers are awesome.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*TheAstronomy Domine*~*

Peace Through Understanding.


I find it very interesting that the very same people who are racists, will go to the beach to get a suntan, to make their skin darker.

Now why would they do that? :rolleyes:

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I agree with Horatio, I don't see race, sexuality, style of dress, or anything else.

Why do people raise their children to think that people who are different are bad?


Racism and Sexism is a mental illness.

Do racists REALLY think that their skin colour is their defining charecteristic? They must lead pitiful lives.

(Quoted from the book Sticker Nation. Go buy it. Decorate you guitar or skateboard or compy or SOMEthing. The stickers are awesome.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*TheAstronomy Domine*~*

Peace Through Understanding.


I find it very interesting that the very same people who are racists, will go to the beach to get a suntan, to make their skin darker.

Now why would they do that? :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I hypnotized them to do that so they'll get skin cancer and die.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I agree with Horatio, I don't see race, sexuality, style of dress, or anything else.

Why do people raise their children to think that people who are different are bad?


Racism and Sexism is a mental illness.

Do racists REALLY think that their skin colour is their defining charecteristic? They must lead pitiful lives.

(Quoted from the book Sticker Nation. Go buy it. Decorate you guitar or skateboard or compy or SOMEthing. The stickers are awesome.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*TheAstronomy Domine*~*

Peace Through Understanding.


I find it very interesting that the very same people who are racists, will go to the beach to get a suntan, to make their skin darker.

Now why would they do that? :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I hypnotized them to do that so they'll get skin cancer and die.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

:blink: :blink: :blink:

Oh my.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I agree with Horatio, I don't see race, sexuality, style of dress, or anything else.

Why do people raise their children to think that people who are different are bad?


Racism and Sexism is a mental illness.

Do racists REALLY think that their skin colour is their defining charecteristic? They must lead pitiful lives.

(Quoted from the book Sticker Nation. Go buy it. Decorate you guitar or skateboard or compy or SOMEthing. The stickers are awesome.)


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*TheAstronomy Domine*~*

Peace Through Understanding.


I find it very interesting that the very same people who are racists, will go to the beach to get a suntan, to make their skin darker.

Now why would they do that? :rolleyes:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I hypnotized them to do that so they'll get skin cancer and die.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

:blink: :blink: :blink:

Oh my.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*



By the way i brought back Toto's Tawpeek from two years ago (try saying that 3 times fast!) about pop music being awful.

Even though I feel the need to delete every post I made in that TAWPEEK.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Here's a bomb of an update:




I'm doing year 11 Psychology.


I'm in year eight.





WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!!

Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term.


It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't.

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Here's a bomb of an update:




I'm doing year 11 Psychology.


I'm in year eight.





WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!!

Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term.


It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't.

You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart.

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Here's a bomb of an update:




I'm doing year 11 Psychology.


I'm in year eight.





WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!!

Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term.


It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't.

You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart.

I don't have the experience.

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Here's a bomb of an update:




I'm doing year 11 Psychology.


I'm in year eight.





WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!!

Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term.


It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't.

You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart.

I don't have the experience.

Experience does not always mean as much as you think. Some people have experience, but they have not learned a thing from it.

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Please, tell me what you think of my signature.

I was looking at your siggy, before you asked, and was at a total loss for words.


People can be so cruel. They have no problem attacking other human beings for no reason.

If I could give you a hug and tell you all those horrible, negative words are not true, I would

do it immediately. These words are from insecure, hollow people who make themselves feel

better by attacking others. You should not give these people power over how you feel inside.

Of course, this is easier said than done, but you have so many great qualities... superb sense

of humor, intellect, ability to make friends, terrific personality... and I could go on and on. You

see, here at HampsterDance, we look at who you are on the inside, not what is on the outside,

but who you really are, and we like the person you are. We miss you when you are not here

and eagerly await your next post.


Many years ago, people made friends that were called "Pen Pals". These friendships were

developed through letters. There is not much difference withmaking friends over the internet,

except that it is instantaneous. Before, people would be checking their mailbox and it might be

months before they received a response to their letter. Now, it is seconds at best, to however

long it might be for their cyber pal to respond. All I can say is that we really care about you

and like you for the person you are. We will be here for you anytime you need us and will try

and talk about whatever it is you want, if we can help you to get through the situation at hand.

We are your friends and we like you exactly as you are.


*gives Glowurm a really big hug*

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Here's a bomb of an update:




I'm doing year 11 Psychology.


I'm in year eight.





WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!!

Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term.


It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't.

You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart.

I don't have the experience.

Experience does not always mean as much as you think. Some people have experience, but they have not learned a thing from it.

Yes it is true. I've learned never annoy your friend across the street by always talking about hamsters, and hamsterdance. She finally stopped getting annoyed, and said she may start coming on here. She MAY, she is not sure. :wacko:

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Here's a bomb of an update:




I'm doing year 11 Psychology.


I'm in year eight.





WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!!

Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term.


It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't.

You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart.

I don't have the experience.

Experience does not always mean as much as you think. Some people have experience, but they have not learned a thing from it.

Yes it is true. I've learned never annoy your friend across the street by always talking about hamsters, and hamsterdance. She finally stopped getting annoyed, and said she may start coming on here. She MAY, she is not sure. :wacko:

That would be great if she does come, but we are really happy you are here!!! :D

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Please, tell me what you think of my signature.

I was looking at your siggy, before you asked, and was at a total loss for words.


People can be so cruel. They have no problem attacking other human beings for no reason.

If I could give you a hug and tell you all those horrible, negative words are not true, I would

do it immediately. These words are from insecure, hollow people who make themselves feel

better by attacking others. You should not give these people power over how you feel inside.

Of course, this is easier said than done, but you have so many great qualities... superb sense

of humor, intellect, ability to make friends, terrific personality... and I could go on and on. You

see, here at HampsterDance, we look at who you are on the inside, not what is on the outside,

but who you really are, and we like the person you are. We miss you when you are not here

and eagerly await your next post.


Many years ago, people made friends that were called "Pen Pals". These friendships were

developed through letters. There is not much difference withmaking friends over the internet,

except that it is instantaneous. Before, people would be checking their mailbox and it might be

months before they received a response to their letter. Now, it is seconds at best, to however

long it might be for their cyber pal to respond. All I can say is that we really care about you

and like you for the person you are. We will be here for you anytime you need us and will try

and talk about whatever it is you want, if we can help you to get through the situation at hand.

We are your friends and we like you exactly as you are.


*gives Glowurm a really big hug*

I've learned to never believe you when you say you're at a loss for words.

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Here's a bomb of an update:




I'm doing year 11 Psychology.


I'm in year eight.





WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!!

Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term.


It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't.

You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart.

I don't have the experience.

Experience does not always mean as much as you think. Some people have experience, but they have not learned a thing from it.

In schooling, experience means so much.

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Please, tell me what you think of my signature.

I was looking at your siggy, before you asked, and was at a total loss for words.


People can be so cruel. They have no problem attacking other human beings for no reason.

If I could give you a hug and tell you all those horrible, negative words are not true, I would

do it immediately. These words are from insecure, hollow people who make themselves feel

better by attacking others. You should not give these people power over how you feel inside.

Of course, this is easier said than done, but you have so many great qualities... superb sense

of humor, intellect, ability to make friends, terrific personality... and I could go on and on. You

see, here at HampsterDance, we look at who you are on the inside, not what is on the outside,

but who you really are, and we like the person you are. We miss you when you are not here

and eagerly await your next post.


Many years ago, people made friends that were called "Pen Pals". These friendships were

developed through letters. There is not much difference withmaking friends over the internet,

except that it is instantaneous. Before, people would be checking their mailbox and it might be

months before they received a response to their letter. Now, it is seconds at best, to however

long it might be for their cyber pal to respond. All I can say is that we really care about you

and like you for the person you are. We will be here for you anytime you need us and will try

and talk about whatever it is you want, if we can help you to get through the situation at hand.

We are your friends and we like you exactly as you are.


*gives Glowurm a really big hug*

I've learned to never believe you when you say you're at a loss for words.

:blink: :blink: :blink:

I thought you never believed me when my evil wild side was emerging. :lol:

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Here's a bomb of an update:




I'm doing year 11 Psychology.


I'm in year eight.





WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!!

Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term.


It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't.

You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart.

I don't have the experience.

Experience does not always mean as much as you think. Some people have experience, but they have not learned a thing from it.

In schooling, experience means so much.

Experience means an enormous amount if you learn from it. There are some people who never learn.


There are job applications that allow the exchange of life experience for education. This exchange opens the door to the interview.

Once in the interview, it is up to you to show that you have learned from the life experience. You on the other hand, have the

education and can always intern with a company that will give you that experience.

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Here's a bomb of an update:




I'm doing year 11 Psychology.


I'm in year eight.





WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!!

Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term.


It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't.

You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart.

I don't have the experience.

Experience does not always mean as much as you think. Some people have experience, but they have not learned a thing from it.

In schooling, experience means so much.

Experience means an enormous amount if you learn from it. There are some people who never learn.


There are job applications that allow the exchange of life experience for education. This exchange opens the door to the interview.

Once in the interview, it is up to you to show that you have learned from the life experience. You on the other hand, have the

education and can always intern with a company that will give you that experience.

And those people are held back years.


Being smart amounts for little, even just skipping one year can cause so many problems. Although it does open doors even faster, but what's the use of opening a door if you don't know how to go through it?

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Here's a bomb of an update:




I'm doing year 11 Psychology.


I'm in year eight.





WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!!

Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term.


It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't.

You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart.

I don't have the experience.

Experience does not always mean as much as you think. Some people have experience, but they have not learned a thing from it.

In schooling, experience means so much.

Experience means an enormous amount if you learn from it. There are some people who never learn.


There are job applications that allow the exchange of life experience for education. This exchange opens the door to the interview.

Once in the interview, it is up to you to show that you have learned from the life experience. You on the other hand, have the

education and can always intern with a company that will give you that experience.

And those people are held back years.


Being smart amounts for little, even just skipping one year can cause so many problems. Although it does open doors even faster, but what's the use of opening a door if you don't know how to go through it?

Sort of true. If I was smart enough to skip a year, I would take a year off after university to travel. While traveling, I would learn a couple languages and really enjoy myself before starting a career.

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Here's a bomb of an update:




I'm doing year 11 Psychology.


I'm in year eight.





WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!!

Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term.


It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't.

You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart.

I don't have the experience.

Experience does not always mean as much as you think. Some people have experience, but they have not learned a thing from it.

In schooling, experience means so much.

Experience means an enormous amount if you learn from it. There are some people who never learn.


There are job applications that allow the exchange of life experience for education. This exchange opens the door to the interview.

Once in the interview, it is up to you to show that you have learned from the life experience. You on the other hand, have the

education and can always intern with a company that will give you that experience.

And those people are held back years.


Being smart amounts for little, even just skipping one year can cause so many problems. Although it does open doors even faster, but what's the use of opening a door if you don't know how to go through it?

I just realized how much that sounds like Johnny Howard's politics. The lame duck.


What's the use of a target if we might miss it? :lol:

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Here's a bomb of an update:




I'm doing year 11 Psychology.


I'm in year eight.





WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!!

Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term.


It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't.

You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart.

I don't have the experience.

Experience does not always mean as much as you think. Some people have experience, but they have not learned a thing from it.

In schooling, experience means so much.

Experience means an enormous amount if you learn from it. There are some people who never learn.


There are job applications that allow the exchange of life experience for education. This exchange opens the door to the interview.

Once in the interview, it is up to you to show that you have learned from the life experience. You on the other hand, have the

education and can always intern with a company that will give you that experience.

And those people are held back years.


Being smart amounts for little, even just skipping one year can cause so many problems. Although it does open doors even faster, but what's the use of opening a door if you don't know how to go through it?

Sort of true. If I was smart enough to skip a year, I would take a year off after university to travel. While traveling, I would learn a couple languages and really enjoy myself before starting a career.

Learning a whole language in a year is hard, let alone a few.

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Here's a bomb of an update:




I'm doing year 11 Psychology.


I'm in year eight.





WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!!

Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term.


It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't.

You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart.

I don't have the experience.

Experience does not always mean as much as you think. Some people have experience, but they have not learned a thing from it.

In schooling, experience means so much.

Experience means an enormous amount if you learn from it. There are some people who never learn.


There are job applications that allow the exchange of life experience for education. This exchange opens the door to the interview.

Once in the interview, it is up to you to show that you have learned from the life experience. You on the other hand, have the

education and can always intern with a company that will give you that experience.

And those people are held back years.


Being smart amounts for little, even just skipping one year can cause so many problems. Although it does open doors even faster, but what's the use of opening a door if you don't know how to go through it?

Sort of true. If I was smart enough to skip a year, I would take a year off after university to travel. While traveling, I would learn a couple languages and really enjoy myself before starting a career.

Learning a whole language in a year is hard, let alone a few.

The problem with learning a language is school is that you only practice it in class and do not live it.


Actually you could very well learn a language and be totally fluent in six months. Many countries, such as Germany and France, hire young people to teach English in their language courses. They particularly like people who do not speak their language. The idea of the course is total immersion. You can do this for a few months, six months, up to a couple years. In the meantime, you are learning their language. Another way to learn is being an au pair in a European country. A friend of mine has the greatest success story. He went to an exclusive private school, and then on to an Ivy league university. His parents had spent lots of money and took out many, many loans. I talked him into going to Europe for a year before he started his work career. He stayed two years, much to his parents dismay. He worked as an English teacher and an au pair. When he returned home, he was fluent in German, French, Italian and Spanish. About six weeks of his return home, he had job offers from some very prestigious firms and took a job making more money than he ever imagined. When he inquired why... they told him it was because of his language skills. My new thought would be Chinese. Mandarin to be exact. There are so many dialects, but if you could master Chinese, I think you would have head hunters searching for you.

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Here's a bomb of an update:




I'm doing year 11 Psychology.


I'm in year eight.





WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!!

Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term.


It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't.

You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart.

I don't have the experience.

Experience does not always mean as much as you think. Some people have experience, but they have not learned a thing from it.

In schooling, experience means so much.

Experience means an enormous amount if you learn from it. There are some people who never learn.


There are job applications that allow the exchange of life experience for education. This exchange opens the door to the interview.

Once in the interview, it is up to you to show that you have learned from the life experience. You on the other hand, have the

education and can always intern with a company that will give you that experience.

And those people are held back years.


Being smart amounts for little, even just skipping one year can cause so many problems. Although it does open doors even faster, but what's the use of opening a door if you don't know how to go through it?

I just realized how much that sounds like Johnny Howard's politics. The lame duck.


What's the use of a target if we might miss it? :lol:

Ummm... as a point of reference? :rolleyes:

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Here's a bomb of an update:




I'm doing year 11 Psychology.


I'm in year eight.





WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!!

Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term.


It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't.

You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart.

I don't have the experience.

Experience does not always mean as much as you think. Some people have experience, but they have not learned a thing from it.

In schooling, experience means so much.

Experience means an enormous amount if you learn from it. There are some people who never learn.


There are job applications that allow the exchange of life experience for education. This exchange opens the door to the interview.

Once in the interview, it is up to you to show that you have learned from the life experience. You on the other hand, have the

education and can always intern with a company that will give you that experience.

And those people are held back years.


Being smart amounts for little, even just skipping one year can cause so many problems. Although it does open doors even faster, but what's the use of opening a door if you don't know how to go through it?

I just realized how much that sounds like Johnny Howard's politics. The lame duck.


What's the use of a target if we might miss it? :lol:

Ummm... as a point of reference? :rolleyes:

That's not his train of thought.

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Here's a bomb of an update:




I'm doing year 11 Psychology.


I'm in year eight.





WOW!!! You are sooooooooo smart!!!

Thanks, but I'm probably going to opt out of doing it next term.


It's year 11 psychology because it's meant for people who work at a year 11 level. I don't.

You probably could work at year 11 level... you are that smart.

I don't have the experience.

Experience does not always mean as much as you think. Some people have experience, but they have not learned a thing from it.

In schooling, experience means so much.

Experience means an enormous amount if you learn from it. There are some people who never learn.


There are job applications that allow the exchange of life experience for education. This exchange opens the door to the interview.

Once in the interview, it is up to you to show that you have learned from the life experience. You on the other hand, have the

education and can always intern with a company that will give you that experience.

And those people are held back years.


Being smart amounts for little, even just skipping one year can cause so many problems. Although it does open doors even faster, but what's the use of opening a door if you don't know how to go through it?

I just realized how much that sounds like Johnny Howard's politics. The lame duck.


What's the use of a target if we might miss it? :lol:

Ummm... as a point of reference? :rolleyes:

That's not his train of thought.

Johnny Howard is certainly entertaining. I am glad that he is yours! :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Did someone mention that racist, white supremacist John Howard?

Perhaps I did, perhaps I didn't, perhaps Horatio did, and perhaps Horatio didn't. Whatever the case, some (it could be many, it could be few) Indigenous Australians who know a thing or two about Australian history and also what all of those words mean would agree that he is.


That reminds me, I've got a debate I must attend on the 31st of July, in which I will be third speaker (tsk, I like being able to raise points) for the affirmative side with the topic 'We are failing Indigenous Australians'.






By the way, I left for Canada on the fifth or sixth (I don't remember which) of July and arrived back here yesterday morning.


Just so you know where I've been.

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Did someone mention that racist, white supremacist John Howard?

Perhaps I did, perhaps I didn't, perhaps Horatio did, and perhaps Horatio didn't. Whatever the case, some (it could be many, it could be few) Indigenous Australians who know a thing or two about Australian history and also what all of those words mean would agree that he is.


That reminds me, I've got a debate I must attend on the 31st of July, in which I will be third speaker (tsk, I like being able to raise points) for the affirmative side with the topic 'We are failing Indigenous Australians'.






By the way, I left for Canada on the fifth or sixth (I don't remember which) of July and arrived back here yesterday morning.


Just so you know where I've been.

We missed you soooooooo much!!!

I am so very happy you have returned.

How was Canada? Did you have a great time? Where in Canada did you go?

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Did someone mention that racist, white supremacist John Howard?

Perhaps I did, perhaps I didn't, perhaps Horatio did, and perhaps Horatio didn't. Whatever the case, some (it could be many, it could be few) Indigenous Australians who know a thing or two about Australian history and also what all of those words mean would agree that he is.


That reminds me, I've got a debate I must attend on the 31st of July, in which I will be third speaker (tsk, I like being able to raise points) for the affirmative side with the topic 'We are failing Indigenous Australians'.






By the way, I left for Canada on the fifth or sixth (I don't remember which) of July and arrived back here yesterday morning.


Just so you know where I've been.

We missed you soooooooo much!!!

I am so very happy you have returned.

How was Canada? Did you have a great time? Where in Canada did you go?

Canada was fun. We flew to Halifax then drove to a house on the beach of Grand Lake. It was close to Fredericton.


Considering those are places I am not in anymore I'm assuming it is allowed to mention those cities.

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Did someone mention that racist, white supremacist John Howard?

Perhaps I did, perhaps I didn't, perhaps Horatio did, and perhaps Horatio didn't. Whatever the case, some (it could be many, it could be few) Indigenous Australians who know a thing or two about Australian history and also what all of those words mean would agree that he is.


That reminds me, I've got a debate I must attend on the 31st of July, in which I will be third speaker (tsk, I like being able to raise points) for the affirmative side with the topic 'We are failing Indigenous Australians'.






By the way, I left for Canada on the fifth or sixth (I don't remember which) of July and arrived back here yesterday morning.


Just so you know where I've been.

We missed you soooooooo much!!!

I am so very happy you have returned.

How was Canada? Did you have a great time? Where in Canada did you go?

Canada was fun. We flew to Halifax then drove to a house on the beach of Grand Lake. It was close to Fredericton.


Considering those are places I am not in anymore I'm assuming it is allowed to mention those cities.

How wonderful!!!

Oh my goodness, what a great holiday! The house must have been phenomenal!

Next time, you just must take me with you!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!

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Did someone mention that racist, white supremacist John Howard?

Perhaps I did, perhaps I didn't, perhaps Horatio did, and perhaps Horatio didn't. Whatever the case, some (it could be many, it could be few) Indigenous Australians who know a thing or two about Australian history and also what all of those words mean would agree that he is.


That reminds me, I've got a debate I must attend on the 31st of July, in which I will be third speaker (tsk, I like being able to raise points) for the affirmative side with the topic 'We are failing Indigenous Australians'.






By the way, I left for Canada on the fifth or sixth (I don't remember which) of July and arrived back here yesterday morning.


Just so you know where I've been.

We missed you soooooooo much!!!

I am so very happy you have returned.

How was Canada? Did you have a great time? Where in Canada did you go?

Canada was fun. We flew to Halifax then drove to a house on the beach of Grand Lake. It was close to Fredericton.


Considering those are places I am not in anymore I'm assuming it is allowed to mention those cities.

How wonderful!!!

Oh my goodness, what a great holiday! The house must have been phenomenal!

Next time, you just must take me with you!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!


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Did someone mention that racist, white supremacist John Howard?

Perhaps I did, perhaps I didn't, perhaps Horatio did, and perhaps Horatio didn't. Whatever the case, some (it could be many, it could be few) Indigenous Australians who know a thing or two about Australian history and also what all of those words mean would agree that he is.


That reminds me, I've got a debate I must attend on the 31st of July, in which I will be third speaker (tsk, I like being able to raise points) for the affirmative side with the topic 'We are failing Indigenous Australians'.






By the way, I left for Canada on the fifth or sixth (I don't remember which) of July and arrived back here yesterday morning.


Just so you know where I've been.

We missed you soooooooo much!!!

I am so very happy you have returned.

How was Canada? Did you have a great time? Where in Canada did you go?

Canada was fun. We flew to Halifax then drove to a house on the beach of Grand Lake. It was close to Fredericton.


Considering those are places I am not in anymore I'm assuming it is allowed to mention those cities.

How wonderful!!!

Oh my goodness, what a great holiday! The house must have been phenomenal!

Next time, you just must take me with you!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!


*is crossing my paws until then*

Thank you in advance!

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