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Back At last!

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So here is my story, Back at last. I'm reposting it after a long time.


Back At last

Sammy picked up his cell phone while his friends continue to argue.


“Hey Sammy” said the sweet voice of his sister, Serena.

“Serena! Is that really you?” Sammy replied.

“Yeah, it’s me. I was just calling to see how you were.” She said.

“I’m great! Just a minute...” Sammy paused to tell his friends to stop fighting. “I’m a junior in high school now. The two people you probably hear are Dustin and Anika. You remember them don’t you? Anyway, how are you?” He finished and had to get up because his friends would not stop their argument so he could talk, as a matter of fact; they grew louder instead of softer.

“Yeah, I remember them. But weren’t they quieter the last time I saw them!”

“Yes they were.” Sammy walked a little faster in getting away from the sound his friends made.

Changing the subject, Serena started again. “I’m fine Sammy! That’s great to hear that you’re in high school now. Get good grades ok or I’ll skin you alive! Get it!”

“I know. I know.” Sammy said annoyed, but he was laughing just the same. His sister had changed. He could hear it in her voice. Smiling Sammy could tell that big sis had matured. “Mom will be happy to hear you called. So will Dad. Serena, I know I’ve said this before. But you should call or write more than you do. Everyone misses you. I do mean everyone too, like your friends and Darien. Every time I see him, he asks how you are and if you said anything about him or the girls. Maybe you should call them. I’ve got their …”

“It’s ok, Sammy. I know how to get a hold of them. Besides their not my friends anymore. They made that clear the last time I saw them.” Serena interrupter. Her voice was hard.

“I know but…”


Sighing, Sammy tried a different method. “So, where are you?” He asked hopefully. For the past ten years Serena has been gone, Sammy and his family never knew where in the world she was. She would send back gifts like postcards from New Zealand, Canada, China, and Austria. She even sent back a copy of her report cards and diplomas to show that she was though with school. The girl that hated school and did poorly had graduated with top honors and top of her classes.

“Sammy you know I can’t tell you. But I can say I’m near.”

Sammy could tell that she was going to say good-bye. She always said she was near when she said good-bye. Hurrying Sammy said “Wait Serena, I … I just want you to know that I love you and miss you. Please visit soon. Please!”

“Thanks kid that means a lot coming from you. Look, tell mom and pop that I send lots of love and hugs. I got to go!” Hesitating she said “Sammy?”


“I love you too”

The phone went dead.

Ending the call, Sammy bowed his head and willed himself not to cry. His sister would be back! He knew it! He just hated to wait. “Bye sis. I’m proud of you.”

Down the street, a blonde haired girl smiled and turned away. She walked down the side-walk and was lost in the crowd.

Serena Tsukino was back in Tokyo and this time she was here to stay.

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Here is chapter one. Like always ask if something doesn't make sense.


Chapter 1

Tokyo. This one word describes a lot. People hear this word and what do they think? Beauty, Wonder, and the occasional fork. Tourists flock to this city and for some money get to see the sights. But for Serena Tsukino, Tokyo wasn’t just a great place to get away from the boring, faceless, days of work back home. It was her home. The only people that mattered came from this crazy, beautiful town. With them were a handful of memories that was a part of her home. ‘I just wish I could be happy.’ She thought, ‘ I should be happy. Why then am I not? I’m home. But it doesn’t feel like home. I…’ Her thoughts were interrupted by her cell phone ringing. Getting it out of her pocket, she hit on.

“Serena?” A man’s voice asked.

“The one and only. What up? J.” Serena responded.

“Well, For one thing I got you a pad.” He said.

“Cool! Where?”

“K. You aren’t going to freak, right?” J asked worriedly.

“That depends. You didn’t get me an apartment with nosy upstairs neighbors, did you?” Serena asked sternly.

“No” J replied, “But before I’m in the all clear. You know where 12416 Cody Dr. is don’t you?”

“Yeah, I know where that is.” Serena said. That was her Ex-boyfriend’s apartment building!

“Great. I wasn’t sure. Well, you’re the new resident there.” J said with a sigh of relief.

Serena froze. She didn’t move, blink and she didn’t think she was breathing. ‘She was going to live in the same apartment building as Darien!’ It took five seconds for Serena to figure out that stopping in the middle of the sidewalk isn’t a good idea. It took her another twenty to find her voice again. So Serena tired again “What?”

“What do you mean ‘What’? You’re going to live there. Is that a problem?” J asked.

“Yes! That is a huge problem!” Serena yelled into the phone, as she continued down the sidewalk.

“Sorry, but it was the only place I could find.” He said.

“What do you mean it was the only one you could find?” Serena said angrily.

“It’s the only available apartment room that I could find close to the headquarters and to your old neighborhood, that I might say you ordered me to find for you. You did give me some tight borders, you know?”

“But I didn’t mean right there. I mean...” Serena clamed down a bit and started again, “Okay, well, he doesn’t expect me back now. So, I’ll just role with it.” Serena said more to herself then to J.

“Who doesn’t expect you back now?” J asked confused.

“No one.”


“So what’s the number of the apartment?” Serena asked in order to change the subject.

“Apartment 22 B” J answered.

“Alright. Anything else?”

“Yeah, you need to log in to headquarters at thirteen hundred hours.” J said moving from friend to boss mode.

“K. See you later!” Serena answered dutifully.

Putting her phone away, Serena made her way to her new home. Turning at the intersection, she headed down the street and made two lefts. Soon she was on the opposite side of the street from her apartment building. Sighing, Serena crossed the street, entered the building, and made her way to the front desk. At the desk was a fiftyish year old woman that smiled as Serena came towards her.

“Hello. Can I help you?” the woman asked.

“Yes. I’m Serena Tsukino and I’m the new resident here.” Serena answered politely. She already liked this woman a lot.

Thinking much along the same lines as Serena, Maggie stated “Oh. It’s nice to meet you, Serena. I am Maggie Jones and I own this building.”

“Cool. Nice to meet you too. Can I have my keys? I want to unpack and officially move in.” Serena finished and waited for Maggie to hand her the keys to her new apartment.

“Of course.” Maggie answered while she handed the keys to Serena. “Your stuff is already in your apartment. Hope you like it here. Oh. And if you need anything just ask, ok?”

“Will do.” Serena called over her shoulder as she walked up the stairs. At the top she followed the signs. Soon she found her apartment. ‘Strange, isn’t Darien’s place right over there? Isn’t his place, 22 A? I’m sure it is. Oh well, I’ll think about it later.’ Serena opened her door and stepped in. Putting her keys on the table next to the door, Serena closed it and stood in her new hallway. “Well, I’m home.” She said. ‘Funny. It doesn’t feel like home.’

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  • 2 months later...

Here is the first part of Chapter 2! This is Darien Shields, Serena's ex boyfriend, who still loves her.

Chapter 2

Humming, Darien Shields walked to the Crown Arcade were his best friend, Andrew both worked and owned. Darien’s day was like it always had been. Get up, play “their” song, shower, dress, check messages, go to work, and go to the arcade. He did this every day and every day it was the same. Nothing new, no monsters to fight except his own, and no one to talk to. Not even her. Sure he had friends but he never got messages, letters or calls from “her”. Darien smirked at himself. ‘The reason she doesn’t call is because you gave her no reason to’ He thought, he had to agree there. Darien had chased his one and only love out of his life as her best friends had done. She was gone and from what her brother said may not be coming back. ‘Even if she did, why would she want to see you? What reason does she have to get hurt more then she already is? You didn’t even try to get her back.’ Now that was wrong! Darien didn’t try to get her back till after a month of kicking himself for what he did. When he had heard “Austin”. He did the same thing. He changed his answering machine message almost every week and he always ended with “I love you”. With hope he could go on every day still thinking ‘Just one more day. She’ll call today!’ But she never did. Serena Tsukino never called him. Never. She might never call him. But he still hoped she would. ‘Serena probably doesn’t even have your number, Idiot.’ Darien walked into the Arcade hoping Andrew could cheer him up.

Little did he know that Serena had called, had listen to message, and never responded to it because she didn’t know if it was true or not. And that the girl in question had just moved into the apartment across the hall from the one man that would hold her heart. Forever.

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This is part 2 of Chapter 2. This chapter is pretty long. Sorry about that.

Serena was cleaning. She hated cleaning! But her mother, Irena Tsukino, was a born house wife. With her apron on and her spatula in hand, Irena could rule the Tsukino household like Queen Serenity had ruled the Moon Kingdom. Fair, strict, awarding good deeds with candy and punishing bad deeds with more chores. With a mother like that Serena and her little brother, Sammy, learned to like cleaning or else. So Serena learned to clean and cook though she liked cooking better. She loved to eat! She could eat anything. She had thirds, fourths and sometimes fifths. But because of her metabolism, she never gained a pound. Now Serena wasn’t as good of a cook as her mother or Lita but she was good. She was no where near Lita. Lita was a martial arts, sailor suited, and girl version of Wolfgang Puck. Lita was… Lita was one of them. And she would remain that way until she apologized or Serena grew stronger.

Frowning Serena shook her head and got back to the task at hand. Her new apartment was clean, spotless, and her things were stunned around the place like someone lived there. Serena’s apartment had a small hallway with cupboards connected to a bar like table on one side and a newly decorated wall with pictures of Serena and her family on the other side. The hallway led to the living room. The living room was a spacious room with an entire wall of windows. On one side of the living room was an archway leading to the kitchen. The wall on the opposite side of the kitchen had two doors. One was leading to Serena’s bedroom and the other was the bathroom. Serena’s tan leather coach was in the middle of the living room. A red rug was under a cherry coffee table in front if the crouch. Two matching tan leather chairs were on the other side of the table. Near the kitchen doorway was a desk with Serena’s Dell laptop on top so she could continue her job.

Serena had put her little favorite touches around her apartment too. Between the doors leading to the bathroom and bedroom was a table. On the table was a crystal vase with pink roses inside. On her bar table in the hallway was a rose quartz bowl that held her room keys and her motorcycle keys. The bowl, vase, and bike were gifts from J and the team at HQ for doing what Serena did best. Protecting people. Even the people that deserve what she was saving them from. Death.

‘Well.’ Serena thought ‘I need to just hang this coat rack in the hall and I’ll be done. I’m so glad.’ Serena looked around her living room. ‘It looks like home. But what do I have to do to make me feel at home here?’ Not wanting to dwell on that any longer. Serena set to work. She measured, marked, nailed it in and at the foot of the wall beneath she put a foot rug for shoes. Stepping back, Serena admired her work. When she was satisfied that it was perfect, she looked at her watch. It was 3:30pm. ‘Huh, Just the time that I would go to the arcade. Maybe I should go.’ But that was out of the question. She could think of a million reasons not to go. One, Darien was probably there. Two, Her friends … ex-friends, she corrected herself, would be there. Three, she didn’t belong there. Not anymore. But Serena was never good at following rules, except her own. ‘Maybe that was why I got so many detentions in school.’

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  • 3 weeks later...
I was on Kat computer! I am sneaky!

Yeah! Get on HampsterDance anyway you can!!!

*distracts - Kat - with some pin tac, correction... lots and lots of pin tac*

Oho, but I must be on the board to get to the pin tac! :o

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here is the last part! Chapter 3 is next!

Turning around, Serena head for her bathroom where she would clean up and change. She would go to the arcade she decided. Even though her ex-boyfriend and friends might be there. She had to see them soon or later. ‘I can’t go though life avoiding people that can and might hurt me. Beside I would look weird trying to avoid them all over Tokyo.’ Serena was almost to her bathroom when she saw it.

It was a box labeled “Memories”, she stopped. Her heart was racing. Her palms were sweating. She was breathing in short gasps of air. ‘What should I do? Should I open it or not? Should I just stuff it in the closet and wait till I have the courage to look at it again? No. I need to be brave. I mean, it’s just a box. No harm ever came from a box.’

But memories did. Serena closed her eyes and forced them back. That dreaded box had caused them too. It was stupid, she knew. But when her friends had abandoned her, Serena had packed up all the things that reminded her of them. And with the rest of her things in tow, she hopped a plane to New York City.

At 14, she had hoped that it was just a joke. A cruel joke, but a joke just the same. She still had hope Serena realized with a jolt. Hope that after 10 years, her friends would say “I’m sorry. Please forgive us.” ‘Then what would I say? Oh. Sorry, but I’ve moved on. I need real friends not you. Yeah right like they would say that in the first place anyway.’

Shaking her head, gathering her courage, and dashing unwanted tears from her eyes, Serena walked over to the memory box. Kneeling down, she placed her hand on it. She was about to open it when she heard Raye’s harsh words in her mind.

“Man, Serena can you be any later.” Raye blocked Serena’s way though the door, “No. You can’t come in. We voted. We’re sick of you. You’re lazy, a pig, and worse, you stink as a leader. Get out and never come back.”

Serena looked over Raye’s shoulder for help. But none of her friends bothered to help her. Not even Amy. Sweet, sensible Amy, who always stopped Raye when she went too far But Amy and the rest of the gang didn’t help her. They just sat and read books. None of them even bothered to look at her.

“And don’t even think of trying to talk to us anymore. Whether here, at school, or on the battle field, because we won’t answer you.” Raye finished her speech while she was glaring at Serena.

Serena was taken back. She tried to reason with her. “But.. But Raye, I…” Serena tried.

“No buts. Now go.” Raye commanded. Serena couldn’t find her voice. She turned around and ran. With her shaking hand she tried to wipe the tears out of her eyes while blindly running down the temple steps. She ran away so Serena didn’t see Amy raise her head, her eyes filled with regret.

Flashing back to the present, Serena moved her hand back and walked past the box to get changed. Ten minutes later, Serena was clean, changed, and adding a fresh coat of lip gloss to her lips. With her hand on the door, Serena gathered her willpower and sighed. She said “Well, Here I go.” As she left her apartment. With that she headed towards the arcade. Her memory box lay on the floor forgotten. For now.

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I was on Kat computer! I am sneaky!

Yeah! Get on HampsterDance anyway you can!!!

*distracts - Kat - with some pin tac, correction... lots and lots of pin tac*

Oho, but I must be on the board to get to the pin tac! :o

Not only do you need to be on the boards for pin tac, you need to be here

to read more of this outstanding story!!!!!

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yeah i notice you fix this some how. didn't i have two pg in this thing? I'm not complaining but yeah.

[ I am trying to clean up some of the stories, by removing posts that aren't part of the story, so that the story has continuity. I hope this is okay with you. ]

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Great! Just wondering! Okay readers, Here is the beginning of Chapter 3. It is in Andrew's point of vein, Andrew is Darien's best friend and one of the members of his court. You'll understand when I get to that part. I left it in a chif hanger because I'm lazy.

Chapter 3

“Yes, Molly look I have to go. Ok.” Smiling, Andrew shifted the phone to his other ear so he could fill another order. “I know, I know. No, I don’t think it was stupid. Molly… Oh… I see. Well, if you feel that might work. But baby, I don’t want to postpone the wedding.” Andrew handed the order to his customer and set to work on his a strawberry milkshake. “I love you too. Bye.” Putting the phone up, Andrew had to laugh. ‘To think, I’m getting married and I just might get to see my ‘sister’ too.’ His ‘sister’ was Serena Tsukino, his close friend. But because of his best friend, Darien Shields, she was gone from his life. ‘But hopefully’, he grinned, ‘Molly’s plan will work. Lord knows that those two need to be locked in a room till they yell their problems out at each other.’ Finishing the milkshake, Andrew turned to see his best friend walk in, sit down, and glare at absolutely nothing… well, almost nothing considering that he was looking at the counter top. Fearing that a hole may appear in his counter top because of the force of it, Andrew decided to risk fate and ask “Uh. Hi, Darien”. No response. ‘Ok.’ He thought. “What’s wrong?” He continued.

The 27 year old raised his head and said one word. “Her”.

‘Of course’ Andrew replied with, “Oh. Well, did she call or not?”

Well, there you go! Oh, Andrew's last name will be made up because i can't remember what the real one is.

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Here's the rest of chapter three!

“No. But I’m giving up hope of ever talking or seeing her again.” Darien replied.

“Now Dare, you can’t give up. She might come back.” Andrew replied.

Darien sighed “Drew, I came in here to be cheered up not to hear the may be and the may nots.

“Darien, you didn’t let me finish. If you give up then Serena is really gone. But if you keep trying then you might get her back.” Andrew replied.

“But what if I try and she doesn’t want me back.” Darien said hopelessly.

“Darien, do you think that if the scouts, the generals, or you were in trouble then Serena would just give up. Even if things were hopeless! Besides, she wouldn’t of have left if she didn’t mean to come back.” Andrew paused to take a breath. “Sure the cry baby in her might not have left but she’s changed. You can’t denie that. Didn’t you notice that she was growing up or did you just assume that she would be like that forever? People change Dare but I can’t blame her if she doesn’t come back. Especially, if you and the others acted like that to her!” Andrew pleaded. He knew that it was mean of him to say but how can someone be so pigheaded? ‘I mean come on! He saw it. Molly saw it. Why didn’t everyone else?’

Darien was silent. Andrew was right. He knew it but that didn’t stop the pain he felt when his best friend said that. The scouts had turn on her and he was unfeeling to it. He just nodded his head and tore her heart out at the same time. He should have been there for her but he was not. He could not explain but whenever Serena was near him he always felt that those dreams he had were true. That she didn’t love him.

Andrew left Darien to his thoughts. He was mad and disappointed at him. He would have thought that Darien would have notice that his girlfriend had changed. ‘But that did not happen, I guess’ Andrew thought as he went to the back room for a moment.

As Andrew went to the back room and Darien was in his thoughts. A blonde girl came though the automatic door. She was tall, slender, and had her hair in a ponytail. She was dressed in a pink blouse and white short skirt. She had matching pink and white flip-flops on. She was none other then Serena Tsukino, but for right now she was a stranger.

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