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My heroes(the show) story

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yeah based on the show, with the powers and aaaa(unintelligible babble sounds) you know what i mean, it is an inter twining story between two brothers, (but they don't know they're brothers) they both have powers and stuff, and is a wee bit violent.


okay here we go:


Name: Xeno Phynx

Gender: male

Age: 22

Height: 5, 6

Weight: 150

Hair: black

Eyes: icy blue (turn black when he is out of body)

Hometown: not sure

Job: programmer

Ethnicity: not sure

Power: can have out of body experiences where he sees things through his 'mind's eye', he can see what is happening half way around the world, and move things that he sees. can also move through time as well as space (well in his out of body expieriances)


(xeno after my favorite element xenon)



i wake up.

roll over.

slam on my alarm clock.

I get up and get dresse.

I hate my dreary life, always the same.

I get into my car, a crappy old car that probably shouldn't still work, but i don't want to spend the money to get a new one.

When i get to work my boss is waiting in my cubicle,

"you're late again" Boss says

'screw off I think in my mind.

Then say "Sorry john, i forgot about daylights saving time"

"that's three times this month, you better step it up"

'go ahead,' i think,

'fire me, and i will sit at home watching the news after your whole compony crashes because you fired the only one who knew about the bug in the system and is constantly fixing it. Quite frankly without me you fail.'

"i'm sorry it won't happen again" I said

"it better not"

He stormed off and the woman in the cubicle next to me name Carla said,

"you really know how to piss him off, Xeno"

"well you think i try to?"

"no but i hope you keep it up, it really brightens up my mornings"

i slide into my chair.

I work for Initech. A software company that once made a whole bunch of money by doing a project for microsoft, now the only thing we do is small oddjobs for major and minor computer companies.

If i wanted i could just work at Macintosh/Apple or Microsoft but i don't want to have to move.


I pretty much spent a good portion of the morning spacing out and fixing that bug i talked about earlier.


It was about lunch time.


"So, Xeno, what are you doing for lunch?" It was Carla again, and Craig from the cubicle to the left." You want to join me and craig for a bite to eat?"


"I don't think so, i might just grab a cup-a-soup from the vending machine, and heat it up." I said.


Craig asked, "Oh why? you got a lot of work to do?"


"yeah." I lied.


Let me explain Craig to you. He was that annoying little mosquito that buzzed around your ear while you were trying to sleep. That scratch on the roof of your mouth that would heal if you could just stop tounging it.


Then Carla said "OK i just don't want you to feel too lonely"


"yeah bye" i said.


After they left i started to space out, then i pretty much blacked out.

I saw Carla on her cell phone, then my phone rang.

I answered it and it was carla, but i could see her at McDonalds and as i heard her on the phone i saw here lips moving.

"You sure you don't want anything?" It was if there was two CDs playing, one right behind the other. First i heard her as if i were at McDonalds with them, then i heard her on my cell.

It was as if i was there and i tried to poke her with what should be my hand.


She said "whoah who just bumped into me? That was weird, ok so you sure?"


as soon as i said "yeah" I snapped out of it.


The rest of the day crawled by, but eventually i got home.


I focussed on Carla, and other things to see if i could see anything again, but it didn't work.







...for now!

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