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Super Mega Ultra Photography Contest (Photos only)


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This is the best place to be... I mean it! Why? Because you get to show off your talents, skills, likes, dislikes, freedom of speech, stand up for something, sit down for something, make the skies the limit!!!!! How? By submiting a photo!!!!!


How?! How do I submit a photo!!!!!?!???????


It's easy! You grab a camera, take a picture of something that inspires you, makes you frown, makes you laugh, makes you sad, makes you glad, anything! Then what you do is upload it onto here! Oh! I almost forgot! You can also draw a picture on paper or on the computer! It's so easy..and it's so fun!!


WWWHHAT?! It that all?! WOW! I think I am going to go take a picture right now!


Hey, not so soon my skippy picture friend!




Don't forget this is a contest! There are rules..rules rules rules. Yes...always rules. But guess what?! There also prizes! And you love prizes, don't you?????


BOY! Do I ever!!


Okay! Guess what the prizes are?! Okay! Stop guessing! I will just tell you! The prizes are many and few! If you win the contest, you are named "THE HAMPSTERDANCE NUMBER ONE PHOTOGRAPHER FOR LIFE"! Now doesnt that sound awesome?!?!?


Yeah! Hey! Oh...wait a second! What if I don't win first??


That's easy! You are dubbed 2nd best photographer for life! And so on....


You mentioned rules also, didn't you???


OF course I did! Thanks for reminding me! I almost forgot!! The rules are easy and simple! EVEN A CAVEMAN COULD UNDERSTAND THEM!!!


ROfl! Caveman!!!.......Hey wait a second ri-


Now for the rules!!!!

Any age may take part(y)

Take/draw a picture of anything. Human, plant, animal.

HAve fun with it! Be creative!

Do not steal a picture off the net...I will know ;P

Last and not least...you MUST include your name, picture, why you took/drew it. It must be in this format. Any not in this style and without name and reasons for pic will not be included!






That seems like a lot...I think I could do it. Are there any other rules I need?


Yes..The contest begins the moment you hear me! Also..it will last a month long. That means on the 15 of the next month it is over! Thats a whole month!!!








Now for the serious part. This may sound..rude and mean but its my topic. I want absolutely no replies in this topic. The only thing I want in this topic is pictures. No talking whatsoever may be allowed! Please respect my decision! I WILL CREATE A PLACE WHERE YOU CAN TALK! THAT IS THE ONLY PLACE YOU MAY TALK CONCERNING THIS TOPIC!

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name: RUE

reason: I get bored easily.

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  • 2 weeks later...

my camera on my phone takes photos with auto focus, but with a 2megapixal camera, and my regular camera takes pics with up to about 10 megapixals but doesn't have auto focus, weird isn't it:erz

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  • 3 weeks later...


Name: Wildcat

Reason: I like to take pictures :D and i finally found out a way to upload them to my computer without messing up my memory card or crashing my computer!



I really like this picture, its of my back yard, but its still pretty



This is after a huge rainstorm. I'm in my canoe taking pictures. Those trees aren't usually part of the river, that's somebody's backyard!

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Name: Wildcat

Titled: Clover Weeds

Reason: Aren't weeds just amazing?



Title: Hibiscus

Reason: I want it to hurry up and be summer (2 more days of school!) and I want to go to Hawaii!



Title: Grass

Why: My life is as bleak and uninspiring as my lawn...just kidding!


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